
Understanding your Relationship with Money

Your Relationships

Your Relationship with Money

Formula for a Healthy Relationship


• Have YOU placed a glass ceiling on your earning potential?

• What beliefs are you holding?

• Where do your beliefs come from?


“As women we consistently underestimate

ourselves. Many studies in many industries show

that women often judge their own performance as

worse than it actually is, while men judge their

performance as better.”

- Sheryl SandbergCOO, Facebook


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our

deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

talented and fabulous?”

Marianne Williamson“A Return to Love”

Writing a new money story

How do you really want to tell the story?

What do you really want to believe?

What needs to change in your language?

Tool #1 – The $100 Game

Goal: Attract more money into your experience

Obtain a $100 bill and place it in your wallet or purse, keep it with you at all times and when you’re walking about town remember that its there. As you move throughout your day, think about all the different things you could purchase with it.

Impact: Brings abundance into your life & makes you feel good

From “Ask and it is Given” Abraham Hicks

Tool #2 – The Prosperity Game

Goal: Enhance the flow of money into your experience and expand your ability to imagine

Create an imaginary savings account and track in a journal or in excel. On the first day deposit $1,000 and then imagine what you would spend it on. Either on a large item or a variety of smaller ones.- On the second day, deposit $2,000- On the third day, deposit $3,000- On day 50, deposit $50,000

Impact: shifts your energy towards abundance

From “Ask and it is Given” Abraham Hicks


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