
Understanding Personal Budgets.

The challenge to end of life care providers and their ability to

drive personalisation •  Tracy Meyerhoff •  Assistant Head of Adult Social Care •  Hull City Council

•  April 2015

Personal Budgets

•  In Social Care:- Allocation of funding available to people with

eligible social care needs after an assessment.

•  In Health:- Allocation of funding by the NHS to someone

with an identified health need so that they can buy what they need to improve their health and wellbeing.

Are they here to stay?

Many people who are receiving social care will now be working with a personal budget (either directly or through a managed arrangement).

People�s expectations are different. Social care�s expectations are different.

What do personal budgets offer?




Important to/for

Personalisation 10 years on what have we learned? •  Social Care culture has shifted •  Importance of leadership •  Whole systems change is necessary •  It�s hard to relinquish control! •  Personalisation needs to be embedded. •  Celebrate •  We are working with �people�

What still needs to happen?

•  Health need to �catch up� •  We need to talk the same language •  We need to stop �fixing� people •  Challenge the assumptions that End of Life Care

is difficult •  More creativity, challenge and risk •  Remove targets and think about outcomes •  Change public perceptions

Challenge for EOLC providers •  Look and understand what�s changing/

happening re social care/health commissioning •  Really focus on personalisation/personal

budgets •  Find out what people really want/asking for •  Fill the gap •  Prepare your workforce •  Support people to live the life they want right up

to the very end

Seize the opportunities

•  CQC – thematic review of EOLC

•  Care Act

•  Integrated health and social care budgets

•  Better Care Fund

•  Integrated personal commissioning

What Personal Budgets can achieve?

Where it worked well •  District Nurse Senior Sister, Dove House Hospice Cancer nurse specialist

Social Worker Consultant, Dove House

Hospice Family Dietician

Consultant- Ear, nose & GP throat

Stephen Mencap Day therapy staff Continuing Health Team Learning Disability

Community Nurse Acute Liaison nurse Speech & Language

•  Health •  Social Care •  Other professionals Specialist palliative care team •  Family

What made it happen?

•  Changing the conversation •  Strong leadership •  A real motivation for change •  Getting it right for Stephen •  Pushing the boundaries •  Asking the �Why not� questions •  Personalisation as the �golden thread� •  Challenging the �norm�

Our ambition should be to help you achieve your ambition

•  That more people who want should have the opportunity to have a personal health budget and in the future an integrated personal budget that gives them the freedom to use health and social care resources to support them in achieving their priorities in their life. Steve Dewar April 2015

�I hope my death is half as good as Stephen�s� David (Stephen�s brother)

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