
    &lFFIELD MI::MORANDUM NO . 49/61




    C.H.S. Jon ..

    "'", " .. -- .~- ....... -,-.-... ._" ... __ . .... . .. M M_M ... . .. _ M ...... ""_._~ ._-""








    G, H. S, Jones


    AI 0900 ho~l'S on 'Friday, 11 AUgUDI, 1967 I was requ.esled by Mr, A. P.R . Lambftrl, SuporlMftndonl o( LOKlulcs a.t ORES, acllng under InitructlOn8 (rom DRB/HQ. to carr y out an Inapectlon o( certain mark. In a pasturo near Duhamel, Albe rta. Local roeporta and opinions were re puted 10 ... \al .. Ih ...... marks to tho landing o( OnO Or mOl'''' UFO.

    A .. Duhamel il a Im all hamlel near Camrose, Alberta, Ihe u .. e of a .ta.U Car wo~ld havo meant th .. 1 Ihft in.pection became a weekend a((al1' , Colncldontally, an RCAF Otler aircraft ,,"'as operating On Ihat day fr om ORES alulrip, and It appeared logicalth ... r .. for .. to request that the RCAF arr ange 10 fly me to Camros ... , and subsequently rOllan me to ORES thaI lame evening. Tho ne Cll lllary c learance lOOK ralhor mal'O than two hours to arranKe , and Involvlld numerous oel



    Capt. Walker I. to obtain dlltailed report. from local reproltlnu,tlv,n, and the .drnmary 'gLve illiTe 18 m" Ihat obtained In brief,lona during th" on.h" Inspection, Due warning II thuro {or" given that the Juxtapo.itl"" o f commonta and nam.1I of Individual. mUll not be laken a • .. "ncetin, my opinion of tho vllraclty Or reUabllltyor Indlvldl1aL "wltn .... e.". My objective II m e rely to IIlv .. th., backgrOll"d al It appeared to mil during a brief vIII!.

    It appean that for .e ..... ral we ok. thore have belln reporte from lhi, arOa o f "'lranR" phonomena". One report, 10 be followed lip by Ca.p! . Walker, i, that two local glTh 'lchc.o lglrl.? llIvlnll a mile Or .0 away {rom Ih .. repllled landing .lle had actually ..... " a UFO, largllh. " rllamllh. ahlnd"rdllh, at Il rango of nOt more I han ~wo or three hu ndred yardl, bobbing up and clown near the Iround "a. If 10 anraCI a lieni Ion", (NOlo thllt thl. delcrlption c ould be u,ken from any of many previoudy publLII .. d r .. poru . )

    On Friday. 4th August. there wa. heavy ."in In the aren of Duhnmel. On So.tu.uay morn lnl. according to Mr . Edgar Schielke (who own. tho repu ted landing .he). Mr. Sehlelke went oul 10 Ihll pUIUrol 10 bring In hll COwl . He lIate .. Ihill he hild nOI boon inlo the ~a"ure In the provlous wook. ,s he only goe. thllre whlln (or 10lno roason hh COwl do nOI com II home by IhemHI!ve.. Hol im-modiiltely noticed, circular mark YOm" thirty {eel in diameter on a rellon of relatively high ground. He maintain. (Oll he does not believe In UF O, (b) the marks could not have been mad" by any of hla equipment . Ic) he Ihouiht at th" time thai Ihe marks could havo been cllusod by aOme IIrange lighlning phenomenon. Idl he thought no mOr" abOUI it. had nOI heard rumour~ of UFO, snd only com_ menled on It cafU"Uy to a ne1llhbo\l r (no l Interviewed yet) who aald. "Oh. It mult be a fly ing .aucer". Thl" nelghbon ., according to t he tale a. lold 10 rna . thon Informed a Mr. Ray Sando r • • II. local.chool : .. achel' and UFO enlhuslUI. It appoa .. Ihat Mr. Sanda r. then became the Ime _movar In Ihe growth o{ the Ilory and III distribution to the sociely In Edmonton . and In dua COUr.a 10 the C BC. D~ rlnil lh e neXI day Or two M~. Sando .. and .everal olhetll vla!Iad t he p.uluTa, and located th ..,a mare .Imllar ma~k l . Funha)", he 0)" hi. par ly removed l ampia malar!al from the marks, and Ireporladly) Ihlpped them 10 tha UFO loclety In Edmonton .

    Rap ... santatlva. o f the CAmrole Canadian vhllad t ho .lte on 8th AuguM!. itond took photographS of the trackl , onll photo bolng publlshod In 91h Augual I.aue of Iha pa.per. It II believed 10 be at thl. Itage that contact wu made 10 C FHQ. alnca Ihe Telex In"ructina CFB Namao 10 do legate an in'pector Cap!. Walker - wu dated 9th Allgult. This .. me TCllox advised Capt. Walltar to contact ORES, who would arrange Inapaction with him. Aa Indicated above ORES wa. not a dvl.od before the mornlna of Illh Auguat.


    By Ihe tlmo Iho Ins paction team vlllitad tha ",Ita. It hlld beon, literally, a ",ven day wondar. Thu. tha two p •• lure. concorned had boan vl.lted by drov". of poopla. Includlns many who drova citor. aero .. Ihe pa.lure making a variety o{ car t rack. In all dlreclions . Stranaely onough. Ihls as.ault on hll pa,tural dool not appear to hava ca"lOd Mr. Schlalke any concarn, and he maln_ lainl an attitude of nonehalanca toward. the wholo bu.lne ...


    DClplte tho paaugo of One week , Inclu.dlng he&vy rain In the early parI o f the week, and the drove a DC "hito rs , the repllted UFO landing marks r ema ined q ... ito c learly Impressed In the ground. Although I m.ul admit 10 a first impr" .. l"n of d luppolntment Ihat I had been In'ought BO far to look a.t sO HtHe . detailed study o f the mark. and re!lectlon le av" me mOr" than II UtIle pu'u.led.

    At rnea.ured I>y the Cam roe .. C anadian , the m a rk vadeB f rom n vc to Beven incho. wide, and the ,mall"l! circuh,r mark Is 31 ft. 9 Ina. In dlamate ... Thne D! the rlngB are " .... ntiaUy cI1'O:'", lar • "e ry do.ely 10 I would lay · while the largest mark h 811ghtly olllp:lc .. l . varying fr om 34 ft. 5 Ins. 1031> {t. 3In •.

    A dOlcriptlon bu t not an explanation o f thue mark. 18 to Bay Ihal they appear almo.1 ldenllc:al to tne marks one would expect by a very huavUy laden wheel wllh rubber tyre moved in an almoet complete and accurato cird ... Strangoly, each clrcular mark wal Incomplltl On the we8tern ( 7 ) .Ide, the clrel"" bll ing only approximately three - quarters comple le . There wae no ovldonc e whateoever of a single tyre trac k le aving any of the circle s. Tho madts were predominantly In the form e r crUshed and d llcololl r ed pastll r e grau, bllt whe re cow dung lay In the mar k IhI. dung (reuonably fruh appal-ently a l the tim o) waB com p reued In milch t he .ame way a s wOllld be done by a wheel paulng ov"r H. In tn" dllng ther" waa ev idence - which we were informed WIS c l"".er the previous weekend both on t he d"ng and gnu _ of tread (1), lugs (7) or similar prot". lon, on about a thrue Inch repeating paUern.

    My Impr""lon, which rnay be quite Incorrect , wa' that the mark wal madu by r olling conta ct o f lome i

  • _ 4 - UNCLASS1FlE:D

    dllcovery of throe mote mad .... and the c~u"lll air DC tha (armer whUe hi. fa rm becamll t he ICOne of milch vi, lUng, J"nd the .peed ... lth whLch the "e",. m"dl" were Informed. one mu"

  • -, - UNCLASSIFIED (Iv) Ther

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