Page 1: Ukrainian Canadian Legacy and Intercultural Understanding ...€¦ · Ukrainian Canadian community will include: introduction to 120 years of Ukrainian settle-ment in Canada with

The Paul Yuzyk Institute for Youth Leadership (PYI), an affiliate of the Ukrainian National Federation of

Canada (UNF) and the Ukrainian National Youth Federation of Canada (UNYF) , invites high school

and university age students to participate in an exciting five day exploration of the Ukrainian experience

in Nova Scotia in a comparative context of the First Nation, Black, and Acadian communities . This

multi-faceted educational excursion includes visits to Canada’s Immigration Museum at Pier 21 which

served as our country’s immigration gateway between 1920 and 1970 ,and the UNESCO Heritage Site

of Lunenburg. Share cultural experiences with First Nation students at a Mik’maq school, try your hand

at playing African drums, and pray in the only Ukrainian church east of Montreal. Explore the parallel

histories of the Acadians and the Ukrainians of Zakerzonnia, and the history of Cape Breton’s coal min-

ing industry in which generations of Ukrainians toiled. Gain cross-cultural perspective through a com-

parative Ukrainian-Celtic-Mik’maq workshop at Cape Breton University facilitated by leading ethnologists

in the field. The program will provide opportunities to reflect on issues such as racism, intercultural soli-

darity, challenges faced by contemporary immigrants, and the challenges different cultural communi-

ties share in maintaining their heritage. Leadership development exercises in the areas of individual

skill building, our multicultural reality and the role of Ukrainian Canadians, and the role of government in

the life of Canadians, are interwoven throughout the program. Conducted bilingually in Ukrainian and

English, the program is based on learning objectives developed by professional educators.

The excursion group will be chaperoned by responsible adults from the sponsoring organization. Partici-

pants must agree to abide by the excursion code of conduct and, in the case of participants under 18,

obtain the consent of their parent/guardian. All-inclusive registration including air/train/bus fare, pro-

gram, local transportation, food , lodging, and admissions is $750 to be paid in full by October 21, 2011.

Any out of province medical coverage or other insurance is the responsibility of the participant or her/his

family. Enrolment is limited to 20 participants, and PYI reserves the right to select successful applicants.

Participants need not be UNYF/ UNF members.

Інститут Молодих Провідників ім. Павла Юзика при Українське Національне Об’єднання Канади (УНО) і Молодь Українського Національного Об’єднання Канади (МУНО) запрошує студентів середніх шкіл та коледжів/університетів для участі у захоплюючому п’ятиденному дослідженні українського поселення у Новій Скошії у порівняльному контексті з поселеннями інших народів. Багатогранна освітня екскурсія включає відвідини Канадського Іміграційного Музею, та території під охороною ЮНЕСКО у Люненбурзі. Це нагода зустрітися з учнями, представниками Першої Нації у школі Mik’maq, випробувати свої здібності у грі на африканських барабанах і помолитися в єдиній на схід від Монреалю українській церкві. Буде Майстерня проведена етнографами щоб обговорити культурні аспекти Канадо-Українців,Акадіанів та Мік’маків. Двомовна програма базуватиметься на освітніх цілях, які опрацьовані фаховими учителями.

Екскурсійна група буде супроводжуватись дорослими представниками спонсорських організацій. Учасники зобов’язані дотримуватись правил поведінки, передбачених екскурсійним кодексом. Учасники віком до 18 років повинні отримати дозвіл на поїздку від своїх батьків/опікунів. Реєстраційна оплата – $750 включає переліт/проїзд, програму, харчування і проживання і повинна бути заплачена до 21-го жовтня 2011 р. Будь-яке медичне покриття і страхування є відповідальністю учасника/ці або його/її сімї. Кількість місць обмежена до 20 учасників і УНО залишає за собою право вибору аплікантів. Членство в МУНО не обов’язкове.

За п р о ш у є мо Мо л о д ь у Н о в у С к о ш і ю !

J o i n u s i n N o v a Sc o t i a Cana da ’s H is t o r i ca l I mmig ra t io n Ga t eway

An ex c i t i n g Ed uc at i o na l

E xc ur s i on a b ou t N o va S c o t ia ’ s U k ra i n i an C a na d ia n Le g ac y a nd

I n te rc u l tu r a l U n der s t an d i ng

P r es en te d b y

Українці Нова Скошії в

Міжкультурній Перспективі

The Ukrainian Pier 21 Experience

in Intercultural Perspective

Halifax-Sydney, Nova Scotia

October 26-30, 2011

Галіфакс-Сидней, Нова Скошія


Ms. Kristin Glover, UNYF Eastern Vice President

210.-145 Evans Avenue, Toronto, On M8Z 5X8

Phone: 416.925-2770 [email protected]

ITINERARY* (Tentative)

Wednesday October 26,2011

Late Morning Arrival

Halifax, Nоva Scotia

Guided Tour of Pier 21

Museum & Visit to Ukrainian

Immigration Memorial

Lunenburg UNESCO

Heritage Site

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lunenburg Fisheries Mu-

seum of the Atlantic & Blue-

nose II Restoration Project;

Visit to Peggy’s Cove

Shubenacadie First Nation

Mik’maq School Cultural Ex-


Halifax-Dartmouth Ukrain-

ian Community Dinner

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tour Citadel (WW I Ukrain-

ian Canadian Internment

Site), Historic Halifax &

Titanic Cemetery.

The Black Cultural Centre of

Nova Scotia ; the Black Ex-


Bus travel to Cape Breton—

Leadership development

experiences en route;

overnight in Sydney

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fortress of Louisburg National His-

toric Site: The Acadian Story & the

Ukrainians of Zakerzonnia

Cape Breton Miner’s Museum, Glace


Cross Cultural Workshop at Cape

Breton University

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Divine Liturgy Holy Ghost

Ukr. Church, Sydney

St.Phillip’s African

Orthodox Church Visit

Concluding Roundtable

The Paul Yuzyk Institute for

Youth Leadership

Інститут Молодих

Провідників ім. Павла Юзика


Освітню Екскурсію

Page 2: Ukrainian Canadian Legacy and Intercultural Understanding ...€¦ · Ukrainian Canadian community will include: introduction to 120 years of Ukrainian settle-ment in Canada with

The Ukrainian Pier 21 Experience in Intercultural Perspective

The Learning Objectives of this educational excursion are focused on three major leader-ship oriented themes: strengthening leadership abilities, understanding Canada's multicultural reality and the role of the Ukrainian Canadian community, and a greater appreciation of the role of government in the lives of Canadians.

Strengthening the leadership abilities of the participants will include: improving communica-tion and engagement through interchanges with local community leaders (Cape Breton Miners Museum); understanding roles and responsibili-ties of community organizers (communities and churches in Sydney); and exploring the tools and processes for successfully planning and organizing events (Lunenburg UNESCO Heri-tage site).

Increasing participants understanding of the multicultural reality and the role of the Ukrainian Canadian community will include: introduction to 120 years of Ukrainian settle-ment in Canada with a focus on Ukrainians in Halifax, Ukrainian Immigrant Monument); an overview of multiculturalism in Canada (the pol-icy and law, and the role of the "Father of multi-culturalism" - Senator Paul Yuzyk of Ukrainian heritage); and an overview of the current differ-ent perceptions of minority rights, communities in distress and multiculturalism ( Cape Breton University and a cross cultural workshop).

Improving the understanding of the role of government in the life of Canadians will in-clude: a review of the role of Nova Scotia and the Atlantic provinces in establishing a constitu-tion which divided powers between the govern-ment of Canada (Ottawa) and the provinces (Acadian story and the Fortress of Louisburg); the roles of Ottawa in immigration (Pier 21, Black Cultural Center) and the provinces in im-migrant settlement; and the role of governments in cultural and heritage retention (education and the Mik'maq School).

About the Paul Yuzyk Institute for Youth

Leadership (PYI) Founded in 2009 by the

Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNF)

and the Ukrainian National Youth Federation of

Canada (UNYF), PYI takes its inspiration from

the life’s work of Senator Paul Yuzyk (1913-

1986). A Canadian Parliamentarian, Academic,

Ukrainian Canadian Community Leader, and

Founder of the UNYF, he persevered through the economic hard-

ship and ethnic discrimination of his youth to pioneer the official

recognition in 1971 of Canada as a multicultural country. The goal

of PYI are to train future generations of Canadian community

leaders consistent with the vision of its founders.

About the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (UNF) The UNF was founded in

Edmonton in 1932 to unite Ukrainian Canadians on a non-sectarian basis to preserve the Ukrain-ian language and culture , promote good citizen-ship, and support the establishment of a free Ukraine.

Among the UNF’s important contributions are pioneering Ukrain-ian dance and chorals ensembles across Canada in the 1930’s; combating totalitarian communism in Canada in the pre-War pe-riod; participation of its youth members in the Canadian war effort during WWII; youth leadership and cultural educational courses in the post war era, and the promotion of the vision of Canada as a multicultural country in the 1960’s.

The UNF works together with branches of its affiliated organiza-tions the Ukrainian Womens Organization of Canada, the Ukrain-ian War Veterans Association, and the Ukrainian National Youth Federation, in Vancouver, Vernon, Edmonton, Regina, Saska-toon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Windsor, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Oshawa, Ottawa-Gatineau and Montreal. The UNF’s newest undertaking is the development of the Paul Yuzyk Institute for Youth Leadership.

About the Ukrainian National Youth

Federation of Canada (UNYF) The UNYF

is a non-sectarian and non-partisan organization

founded in Saskatoon in 1934 through the

efforts of youth, students, and young teachers

like UNYF’s first President, Paul Yuzyk. The

organization’s credo is:

Faith in Principles of Christianity, Faith in Canada, Faith in Dignity of the Individual, Faith in Cultural Traditions, Faith in Democracy, Faith in the Liberty of All Peoples, and Faith in the Liberty of Ukraine

UNYF Branches across Canada are a place for youth from ages

14-30 to share ideas, socialize, and organize activities dedicated

to preserving Ukrainian Canadian heritage, strengthening the

community, promoting good citizenship within a multicultural Ca-

nadian society, and supporting a free and democratic Ukraine.

One of the UNYF’s recent initiatives was the formation, with the

UNF, of the Paul Yuzyk Institute for Youth Leadership.

Paul Yuzyk Institute Pier 21 Educational Excursion 2011 Registration



September 27, 2011 PM

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