Download - UK Grants 2007 - 08

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UK Grants 2007 - 08

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Vision: A Just world free from poverty

Mission: Positive change through the power of entertainment

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INSERT a Great Fundraising image

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• Reach people in great need

• Meet people’s needs and ambitions and promote their rights

• Enable people to live with dignity and free from fear

• Tackle some of the underlying causes of poverty and injustice

• Bring about lasting improvements in the lives of poor and disadvantaged people


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• Voluntary groups & organisations across the UK

• Usually registered charities and also constituted groups with charitable objectives

• We welcome applications from all

• Some grants will serve everyone in the community, others will target specific groups. For example:

• People who live in rural areas

• Black and minority ethnic communities

• Lesbians and gay men

• People with disabilities

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• Small grants - a fast-track application process for grants up to £5,000

• Main grants - there is no maximum grant size

Usually 1-3 years

We will make some large grants and some smaller grants between £15,000 - £40,000 per year

If you want to apply for more than £100,000 please telephone us first

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• Young People

• Older People

• Mental Health

• Refugees and Asylum Seekers

•Domestic Violence

• Disadvantaged Communities

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Young people (11-21)

Young people with mental health problems

What we will fund:

• specialist mental health workers in any young people’s services where some young people need help with mental health problems

• services providing specialist mental health support for young people

• training to equip staff with specialist mental health skills

Young people with alcohol problems

What we will fund:

• services for young people having problems with alcohol

• work with more ‘at risk’ young people, e.g. young offenders, women, etc.

• training to equip staff with specialist skills in working with young people with alcohol problems

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Young people (11-21)

Young people exploited through prostitution, trafficking and the Internet

What we will fund:

• A variety of work including:

• outreach and prevention work with vulnerable young people involved in selling sex and other risky behaviour

• centre based and other services offering a range of practical and emotional support

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Older People (priority to those over 75)

Promoting Older People’s Advocacy and Campaigning

What we will fund:

• services providing one-to-one or group advocacy for vulnerable older people to secure and exercise their rights

• older people working together to make their voices heard – e.g. through forums or campaign groups on issues such as transport, health and poverty

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Older People (priority to those over 75)

Small grants to combat isolation and loneliness

What we will fund:

• services or activities for vulnerable older people (e.g. drop-in centres)

• services that make sure that older people who cannot leave their homes have regular contact with the community

• services for older people from black & minority ethnic communities who find it hard to access such groups

• befriending schemes

Groups need to have an annual turnover no greater than £150,000

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Mental Health

Advocacy and Campaigning

What we will fund:

• independent advocacy services

• campaigning for better services at regional and national level, and work to highlight inequalities in the health system

• ‘social enterprise’ or other community-based projects run by people with mental health problems that work to include people in their local economies and communities

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Mental Health

Small grants for user-led mental health groups

(groups need to be user-led, with an annual turnover no greater than £150,000)

What we will fund:

• running or core costs

• training for organisational development, financial management or strategic planning

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Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Supporting Vulnerable Women

What we will fund:

• casework, counselling or self-help activities to help women who have experienced sexual violence or torture

• training to mainstream organisations to help them better understand the needs of vulnerable refugee and asylum seeking women

• work that raises awareness, campaigning and lobbying to ensure that women are protected and their needs are recognised in the asylum system

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Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Linking Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Local People

What we will fund:

• practical projects that enable local communities and refugees & asylum seekers to work alongside each other

• work to establish social enterprises e.g. community cafes or food co-ops run and used by local people and refugees & asylum seekers

• work that prepares local communities for the arrival of asylum seekers

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Domestic Violence

Supporting Young People (aged 11-21) affected by domestic violence

What we will fund:

• support services for young people living with, or experiencing, domestic violence

• awareness raising work with young people around healthy relationships and the prevention of domestic violence

• work that highlights the needs of young people affected by domestic violence to mainstream agencies, policy makers and planners

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Disadvantaged Communities

Local Community Groups

What we will fund:

• running costs, including core costs and project costs

•activities that help local people to be more involved in decision-making

• activities that improve the effectiveness of local groups (e.g. training in bookkeeping etc.)

Groups need to be in a small geographical area and be run by local people who are directly affected by the issues they are trying to deal with.

Groups should have an annual turnover no greater than £150,000

You can apply for a maximum of £5,000 under this programme

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Disadvantaged Communities

Community Enterprises

What we will fund:

• community employment projects

• food support schemes

• credit unions

• community furniture projects

You can apply for a maximum of £5,000 under this programme and he work should deal with issues of deprivation in local communities

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• Read the guidelines

• Complete the self assessment form (

• Consult the Monitoring & Evaluation guidance notes document

• Send in the application form before the deadline

• Initial desk-based assessment

• Assessment visit by Comic Relief staff

• Grants Advisory Panel considers application

• UK Grants Committee

• Final Decision by Trustees

Applying for a large grant

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• Read the guidelines

• Complete the self assessment form (

• Send in the application form

• Initial desk-based assessment

• Telephone assessment by Comic Relief staff

• Grants Manager considers recommendation

• Final Decision by Trustees

Applying for a small grant

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Further Information

Visit our website

Or, send an A4 stamped addressed envelope (85p postage) to:

UK Grants Team,

5th Floor, 89 Albert Embankment

London, SE1 7TP

Phone: 020 7820 5555

Email: [email protected]

Our guidelines are also available in large print, audio, braille and Welsh

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