Page 1: UB Officially Have an Educational Forest

UB Officially Have an Educational Forest

Submit by Oky_dian on September 19, 2016 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 5565

UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS planted Mojo tree at UB Forest opening

University of Brawijaya officially has 554 hectares of educational forest in the slopes of Arjuno Mountain, precisely in Sumbersari Village, Tawang Argo, Karangploso, Malang Regency.

UB Forest Management Director Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, SE, M.Com-Hons, CSRS, PhD mentioned that UB Forest will become a living laboratory in producing excel researchers who able to produce international publication.

"By the existing of this educational forest, could be born doctorate, national and international publication," he said.

Meanwhile the Regent of Malang Rendra Kresna expressed his appreciation with the declaration of UB's educational forest.

Hopefully UB can identify any plants in the forest and so when there are other countries that will use them from the forest could obtain royalties.

Recently, there are various types of plants that have grown in UB Forest such as coffee, P. Falcataria, mahogany and pine. [Oky Dian/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

The Rector along with Vice Rector IV walked around UB

Forest area

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