  • rriiliiib ly loc iil' «1io' toiiijiuruitiro. '

    . iiUiiii iciiipcnitiii Miixliniiiii iiiiil nilnliiiiliDiir-iiorloil rmlliiK iil .............iicHiltiy wofu cr. atxl ;ll tlusmiir-

    A Regional I ocr.Sorving S ix I r r ig a te d Couutiea in Id a h o ■

    VOL. XV. NO: 45— 5 CENTS.

    G.O.P.FOft̂ PROilTIONPUNPo litic a l D elega tions ■ Descend

    Upon W h ito House Aa :• C onvention’N ears

    Big Plane Carries Trio On Search for Missing , Aviator, Mission Worker


    •Poatraaslcr G e n e ra l ' . Prcdictij P a r ty 's Plnnfc W ill t i

    ‘S a tis rac to ry to AH’

    nOSTON, (UP) — A lil(; Mllvt! iionoiilftud' - ic ti licro mxm iiflu i!n*ui« (ockg*. tarrylHK tlirco yoiiln

    IluMiou uvlatoni nil a iwo-miii 1.1(iu-iiiil« riir ui>rtli»riNiiwttiUiiUliiiia to niiiifu lui aorlii

    u;trvU to r A. U ro iird l iiiiroiliii w orker a n a an :iir iiiiill iillui, iiiliuing Hliiiio MuiiKiriil Day. .

    AtiourU (ho iioiihii)ii-(.'vcii dlu-* cIuKCkl. A l hmuL iiufio’' tinu liciic* m m nl UiroliBli 't lio thick foR of iiitic w lildi cnclrX-lu» tlio pmlilbl- lloii Ijmiic I jo rc .. Ho In Itcllcvu;! t» li'u'*yiii|iiUt>cilc to It ruHUbiiitif iilou |iro|U)ui\l; jsbuplcil 'Witli ti rc- niiuiirliiK oxiirciiHluii fo r lliu ilry VOlff.).

    .nm iy VI»ll«rN ; i ’o lllk ’ur IciKlui'H mill (It0o(r.>-

    • IIUUK lire fllliiK III iinil out of ilic Wliiiu illuiiHO Ukc II tjiio or IIIIU IIS coiivonllon ilma. upiirouclicu. They Ko liiiililu. iiii-J H|>enk lUuIr •jilecfH. Thu InL'xpcrlenecil wviU lioi'c liill)’ fn r I’ruHlili'iiL Hoover ty loy- ii« In cfCocl. ••how Mr. Prtaldcnl.I-«lon’L I «ny ;h u t I ililrik you niigh i to Icnow--' linil 110 on.■'.Mr. lloovcrV ; ch ief |)ullllc:il

    iiiiiniiKer. 1'ontniuHtcr Ueiiunil W:il- lo r K. Iirowu. Iuh uiutiiiinccil (hut Ihu IleiKibllc-.iii convrmloM .^slll uKroo to I t prCilill>liIKilliifuot6rx lo l«tli

    - (ildeti hn l Ilrow ii hi'juptnilnlh;.Comiiremlxo Foriiiulu Mki'ly

    . . . . . I ’rw lilen l. J loovo r .hirtl tho nii|)* v o n - of' iiru c ilc a lly utl or[?ii|li!u

    ...Uuanu f ro m . J a rso caiHorn alalcs liko N ov VArk im d Kcw' Jomoy lire itiisirluK Uow« ‘hurd fo r ttomo hUIU. ilffUlng- la Food iluii 'lUu i(e|iithllcim p lfv ttom curiiL'utern w lli.k lo tlio lr l)cht lo eoiiHtrnct u

    "■cotiiproinlso' fonm iitt" t l a l will i-o- MBnIzu hotli ihcso «llvorne vie- inontH—iiomethluK tu iho ^uniiriil

    Dismissal of Remaining . Indictments Brings Oil

    Scandal Case to CloseA t l e e . P o m e r e n e , ' S p e c ia l P r o s e c u to r , a n d

    S u p r e m e C o u r t J u s t i c e R e a c h A g r e e m e n t

    W ASHINGTON (U P) — Tho leng thy rocord of crim inal roceodings g row ing out o f the T eapo t Dorfle oil scandals w as

    irought to an end today when th e th ree ram nining ind ictm cnfs w ere di-smisQcd in tho D istric t o f C olum bia suprem o.court. .

    T h e Incllcimenin were in llie'" men ur A lhcn It. Kail. Kilwunl 1..

    Uohony «ind 1C. 1oheny in now

    tlcniJ. ̂ ' 'The inilli'inientH wcro iIlKinlHifd

    ■by nKreonieiii.betw een fcirniur Sena to r AtICQ I’oniorcne, wi'eehil oil pruKceiitor. iiml Jiinliee Jainen .M.I'roetor. I’on ifreno Inforniciil 1’ronl* den t J to o v u r b r IiIk InteiitUiiis befo re KolnK lo I'oiirl. ___

    ICacli of the Inillctnienin. ih« iln a of which wiiH T ctiinied elKlii yeurn iiKO tlilK nionih. cliiirKeil w»miili it{nhiKl the . l-nlled .SKitcti kovi

    (Oonilrineil on Seven)

    3 0 0 D e s c c j^ 'd a n ts o f B r ig h a m Y o u n g H o ld

    S a l t t a k e M e e t in g

    «A1/lVi^iiivij,;r y. Jury n t, 4 prT .rr;ton tty r-

    ISifpcclcd. conclunlou or thn dcr tr ia l yoHtorddy. fulled (o maior- Inllro. TJio Btaio prOBonlcd .lU flnu n rB itm en fti) 't lio Ju ry In tho^tjorn .tnc nti’d tha-dcfoiitb i^ lll v /lnd.uu in

    —< l i o n t i c n io o n .~ ^ r * v ~ '-------—̂ .'' KIdcr In chargod w ith tlio Aiurder

    of Jiinio* BovorldRO, his nolRlrbor' nnd llto nsnorlcd .vltutdiwiliio anti l i l l^ l lovor of M n .-m d o r .

    l^H t Morelt- 3 1 . - tlio . olcclrlcnl «»mi)a«y Jnnnnso r- wolkcd uctw ji (ho u trfo t nnd -« lit) i B ovcrl«U e-^r ilciAth AA (ho im te r lay tn tfi'd^'Oira

    . 'h tiildt'-abio vronndod Mrs.- Bovo* /Idee in (ho s b d O m u n . ': -E W « - lu u i frM ly^^adm U led 'tho flhootl^K b u t claim ed h e w u bo up^ net iby.hiB ' ^ « 'n in fid e lltr .an d til^ -frloDd'8 iporriQy. UiaI he 'tf im iw rarllr



    1 'pllniM .̂ •ĉ w KnK-, us p lli j; iinil K dwunl T. oole, ni). nil niedianle. f ie r iiTfuellnK Mnpx n( Cliiir- s.sirm i.f ilu- l i l tb - iin u iii il iiH- li.ueH, |>olntlm: io«•m W y Ilf f»c(npr. Hr. ,, , ,,Kerr’s Tiilwi rhift-Hi hml bill 2110...... .. ........ Iii' ii-.Miiiied tin- !, WlilU- cur.-fully|Mi,liiriUc. Todny ilieri- ii're IinillJ ........ any jui-ilhil.mM i.f 'b l«b .-rm nnhers, oni> i>( ihe Iar«e»l In jiirlu-.'K. tlm ilcpariim nit i.uhiin ou t

    ____________ I'nipliin iiro'.ltifinK ci>iinirln. ' “ I In Iho i*W L.iliiy ........ ..\ \ ................... mill lax iilll "li.lli*

    iiiniy llulit flared ‘"itlu- ml.- ih.c


    I I'aj;.-

    A.MKKICAN J.KAUliK Klrnt «umu— K. l l . l i

    W iHblni;ton ....UH 012 (H»— 0 II :IJodton .--......... no:riUMMiD--I - 7 •

    Jlattorlw i: W etwer,-W «rhurry uni licrK. Spencur; Mucb^iyden ' und Ttite. • ^

    Second Kimiu—■WnidihiKton ...... — ..........: i i i;ji ilii- filUoHion ...... ......r............... 0011 uuo— '■. Ilatlerieii: Ilnrko am i Spuncui D nrliuni nnd Connolly.

    ....iiii:i niit.

    17—IINew -York ; .......I’hlludrlpbhi ................

    • JVitierlim: (ioniex und |}|ekny; Culn. ICruiimiu. Itow mau anil Coeh- ru n t. . ■------

    ■ H

    dill“ And 1 oliiill ho Ki'elilly e

    oKuil In llilH niulliiro r Knvlni: inom 'When ‘MUliR u( on r iioni:r

    . SA.’I'IOXAI. I-KA«JI!K i ’lrn t Kumo— - .. 11. il.H .BBlon ....ouu lnoiniiJ— l c 1

    D ix)okiyn-....... 0uoO30'3U0- - c a cinaltorlcn: Sclbold and Spoh re r:

    Vquro,-Quinn und Plclnich.Second flam o— It-

    •Boston • .......................... S02 I't'l 0— CH ro o k ly n '........................ oouoiioo— 0

    ..... J03UUIIDJ1— Q J2U atlnrlcii: ,floot uitd llcnuihty:

    Hponccr. (^liUKnon, Hniw n und Pud;

    C a p ( ^ e B u s y W itK T " L a u n d r y ; N o t . G o o i

    E n o u g h ' f o r T e a m

    A'PLANTA. ' On., (UP) — Al- pbouBo (Scnrlaoo) Cnpoiio dldii't jnnko UiQ A d a n ta fid ern l ponl- tonliary-.ihnaoball ieatn nn ho

    'h a d lilood. • ■ ‘ , /

    J u r y I r r e e s ^ Y p u th O n JV lu rd e r C h a r g e '

    COXkOi;. Tu*;; d l l ’) — Dnroll Komlull, vriin. i,eiiulticd today i)y :tholr. w ay (brouBU ib e -

    Mahatma .Willie.BoycottSrThe Big’ Siiow; d nc t -ni,

    UKO.IlD 'lilirhed bin liorno.Iu f ru n i o f

    ih.i i''lrnt Naibiniil Im nk', Jiorb.',' robhml Ihe institution of $11,00(1 ufld RnlloiHxl out o’r .low n ..iinild tbo revolver fire o f nn a ro u se d oliljionry. '

    t tho DATE OF I i L C H i f f i O i

    SI,0110,1)110,001) vo ie ru n n 'u p iiro p rla- by sis.uou.euo.iiiul to -orfext

    ■r navlnKH iiKureKiUInK J238,Cll5’- 000. • ■ , ■ •

    pai-.'tKrapli In the econcmy , c;nntiilnn nmKnCHitte.i invK.i- 4 l.> the Pre«iil.-nt uiiil federal |

    JndKcs. wiioso HaliirlcH eannot be I .:iit b.icaiiHo .»f eOiiiilitullonal. lin i-j ■ .. . . ' ' . ' .

    i.> p w iv o eeiitrihiitionn from u iii O rd o a l I n C o u T tro m re.lora l offlchgn wlioso pay la- p r .i-1 ’

    j Seven)

    G r a n d J u r y C a l ls U n d e r w o r l d Chiesfs

    I n L in d b e r g h C a s e

    N i:w Y oitiv . r tii’j - ... l.^a.lern -whn worn .lel.'Kaled by Cliurlirx A, l.IndberRli to xeek cun* ta c t w llh Ibe khlniiperH of bln m u . w ere a ll ie d lo.liiy before (ho Dronx poiinfj* fcniKcl Ju ry wii/..',lTa-' dell jonKen and her uulU ir.-M ention. D raper.. wo'rO loday Hparod ;Uiolr,.' ir la l ordoal fo r anotlio r w «ok."f'V ,;;

    T h o coupio, Clllu*80d ' WltU-. UlO: b rn iiit n iufdor o f.A ndrew , BJorra,-’ au ard , urom lnont ibankor a n d .U to - ' .ocu ,,,,,,; or ..uuu,

    T bo . Morris.Salval.ire Siilta lr ttiiil 'lrv .

    z. )).-teellve Ckarlen W lnler- h a lte r .iIko wan lo litillfy. .

    ' tnduy'n srsHlnn the urjiiul Jury w ill bo iidjourned ludcrinllely.

    _____ tria l Juno C. . . . .JiidRo Dllworili W ooley- liM -.Botfiii

    tho tr ia l nlioad to Ju n o 1 3 - 'roiinciil o f Uio p ro t(ocu llon ..v 'i-l’

    h jo rrcB snn l . *'8j( ■beutaa'i b i i rn c d .lo death In iiin^nqm o^ftiK phrnim liutl April 13.: D raiK --------a rro n tc d . flovcrnl d n y ii- ‘- ‘“ n fio r DivlbhKod qnontid i( narU ul ..confci^iiioh: ovIdonco-iKjranndwl f ‘ afrcHt^MrH.; J m b n .v _ , dauRiitor. a»"Drapt»'B-a

    Star’s Mother Revealsr î:- Identity, of Dempsey’sV J^ysterious CompaniV

    IlOJjLYWOOl). (UP) — J a boHfp«oy'ji Miydtorionn, a J l u r l : , fomlnlnt^ companion in Sun-V ron- Rlneo a n d Itono wan Toyuilod today I to bn 'L.hnv-DunqiioltO, o M bo (ollloii' an if o t: tlio filn« .


    Pejjper Martin Returns To Championship Form; ̂

    Wins Game with TripleRain. Cheats Slugger ' Out of'Home Run

    In Eighth• X.KW V0K1.V (C l’) — . M aiiJn. licro o( )*-iir’> >vurtil w r i r s Mn'iiK to lii‘ ro* iinlnlDirlilH rlinmiiloiiiililt) n-H.fiil iU'fi'iiM> i>r lii’r UrllMi- |»I|||II'HS u tim (Irrvixlliu: .cliiiiniilon

    lUi- iiiornlnc IS i-«riii)li-if. C'H"» " '] Miiiiii:iiiiii.'r}' ri'(|iiln.'il I:| ni:i>lii»L

    I niir :;s t» r tli.' ililn l .uliu-. .Mtmi- line MIiik W ll-nii tt-iiK-jilityltnc llic


    lu r w liou’ ttu‘7 ' limt (lelphiu. PliinioH. '( . t o -j, Ddrwiiiii:)

    .11)0 Plriltlcfl to ^cvclllU i>liup. A . ;i-riin, TflUy JM JJiw rlj;!)/)! JudIiikI „

    won fo r PlilloJclpliln.yOliiK̂k Kl.'lii ""HV"'”"', ulinlKud HP llio o tlie r riilllliv run! I •

    w lth .tr honior In lliu H«vi*nlti.'a inaW K arncrc.M w U i iIiulrT im n Sn’»:n> ............tliu aoooua wli'ori Hill T erry »inl M oij di.Uli.tnl ...........O il Wuiiwocewilvo liomti rim«, |,S arn tin .'rilo ...

    T lio/.*. w a r« .. ilto -only ............• Bdidulwt. , . - • • Ml"»l»»'i"W ‘ Aiiiprlpiui Irnttiir, llii> I ______________

    I'U U aW pliI«, AlliI.‘tlcH «»ii II : ----------------------iloB ^lo .ile to rr o v rr llio lenJInir >

    ■ »w ;yiirl4 'V nnkfC K . S tiit IiIm rlRlitccnili .lioinn nin nf tlio . ncOKOn In tlic Bcvrnici'iilli wliii one

    on t»nM (o iv /n for.fJin A':(.IVaxlilufrtini nillli-d lw «-n iiis

    In Uio fln>t Iniilnir In ilimn ilx' lu w lr Ud^tiin lU-d •_* I. hoONtlni; (lie Si-iuilnrK Iti 's c r - onit plnr« over tlio lill-lnDy niln.

    c o . t .s r

    HiiK.tirrfd/ fCfIC of H’lilrJi «;ic In iililr. iicrirliiK n :

    nil clmii>iili)nMlili>.

    Golf as the Stars Play it

    illirii'iili i« iiri-iifrlbu'iU'tl-*! |irlnriiilr-K fni- [inlIlnK. TJiitl'lnK 's.1 ..I. i \ 1 •

    lly 1‘iiiti'il I’ri'Ks Unix.' l{ni]i Hln^Icil. nccoiiiitlMK

    ir two ruuK, 111 i'IkIiI IIiiiuk iiii, ' lx>(i Culirli; iniiili- lliron kIiikIok.

    iiii: fi>r riiii5, in

    ISllillil III' l wJki iiHiiri'K îi'il nil' w lib

    IBbxinq ffiesu lts

    .'.MIUVAniCl-:i5— n illy Jonu«, l>4..i>lillB(]oliiIiln. i c c h n I on I l y knockcd ou t l)avi> Miilor, i;r. J-i'. Milwnukc'c, 10): Jack JCIIbonnir.

    - niliidlowclcbt. A nitrnlln . dcci^iliinfii '.M artin. LewunUounkl. Cnim l Ilu)i> l«t«. M idi., i.s); .Mux '.Mnkcr. Milwaukee, ilrmv J^-n MtC’Uiy,

    __L E ach F o r H olders Of

    Scasoa T ickets

    LOS ANOIOI.BS.% ^i>)-A rcliiii- linn o t miiiroslimilcly 20 'jier o fiii In llio- girlco r lickuiH lo foutbiill KuniuM'ibli* yciir wii» nnnonncttl Uiilny 'by Ibo UnlvcrHliy of Soiitticrn D ilirornla.

    Scnnon ilckotii were rodiii-oil (tve iloUarK. from SJ» lo JU . mnk* InR tlin Kcvcn lionio Rninoi cuhL np- proxlmiit’olv pncJi fo r lioMcr«,

    TIckclH for lbo>;olro Uiiino Kurno will bo iirovltlcd In two dnaBlflcn- tloIiH, eoHtInK two (inil four itollnrs nil iiKulniit tbrcD and (ivo duUurn liuit'yciir. T lcketn to Ilic Kunio ‘'vlIli Ciillforniii. will >1)0 iirlccd iit tw o and ilirce-dolliirji.

    IIAHY T in m .K h a » T T i h a i > s t iM n ri in c n . JiiuBH. (in*) — *a

    'iMito tu rtle , w itb tw o IioailH. v Poiin«l lioro by Fred Durditl, _ schoolboy. T lio frctoU,' ftllvo and ' oUiorwlnQ nornm l, wtin p u l on oxiilliitlonc a t tlio mcclocKHVlllu uclionl. • •

    AI:TKI’U Krnncp, (III’) —Jlrv. H ilrii W ills. of(•ii1Ifi.rnli» n-nd ied Jlie-flniilH of - till* Kn-nili IrrtnlK cJm m jibu. .«W|, ti«m.‘n y «l»wJw. l-'rcncU cbiui)- lilonxblgd today by. Wmc. Ilenu.Miilblfii. C-l. f i- t.r—----- .

    Mr«. Helen WIIIb Moody of « n ll- foriHii. Ifer rourlli HHo' a t nt»ko,WHH iilttcd toiliiy oBalniH tlio for- . inldiiblu Cfirmnn »U r, H ilda KriUi- 4 |wlokcl. In «io Kcinl-finnlii, -----

    T il l ) American cUnmploii ad- , viiiicuil 10 ibQ.Homl'tlnnlH ycntorday by oliniinadiiK 'MUc. lx)loUC l‘nyol • . of Swli*(yliind. fi.J, O-l).

    ■Mm. Moody won ibo hVcnch .tlllo ,.i ibrco yooTH hlralKlH. I« ISM, 1829 niuf ‘Stic not i}olciii1 ]i Just yciir.

    •Kriinlelii K rnliwlnkol advanced lo till) .ifml-flnalK il>y di'fciitlni? Ibq lirlllliinl UnBlliili 'iilayor. Mni.- Kllccn licnncli. W iltllnK siall, C*3..,',vj

    00 .SIVKDISH AL7J> fM !» S JtKKT • ' STOOICIIOUM (IJl*)—Miiro Ulun

    Ui) liramili Hociotlcii of. tlm Royals Su'odtnli AuInnK^bllo chib mot horo7 ro c c n lly ^ n d o r iho ).rc#ldoncy, o t Count f la rc n c o von TIo k d , v)io_. Iicadu llio c en tra l niiiioclflllon. -

    Hr. J . I’oKlrr. jn i i r dpjM and. Iln;* ki'iii undvr c i’iitrul iil

    I "T bo inun Avbo docun't llko t^> rnn” canKlit tlio ‘'world'K fviiitc^l buinun" niid ibcal blin to tbo tape tbo io il ie r day In n !UU-yard dnnli iliitt tnlRlii well linvc bo?n bllk-d a.i Ilio "cfn iiiry t tbo c e n tu ry .^ Tlio above Ijricttiro nliotf/t iJio rconiJs v f tlie wceUnfc'. i-'niiiU WyUoft, uccoiul from Ilia lofl. So iiJJJor/.C nJlfornJn’a i fiiincd HPrinier and ' ‘faBlMt liuniun," lout lils fim l r ac e In two yciirii, .l/olnt; dcfciiicd by Ikib I«o»ol, cxtroino

    * i rlKlit. Callfornlii'ii I'liocdy noplionioro w bo rnUii raccn bccuiimi lilii friondii nnd rclntlvos urgo lil\n. TIioSchool Tax Levy, feiitnrcil ibo foun ii nnmml Ciillforiilit ']ni«.TcollcKlnicii.'C a s t l e f o r d V o te s

    u \1^t.m ;ko c I n I] — tlHiillcford . Indciicnduiii Mirbool ■iii'U'i lii'lil no oIOL'llon Siiturdiiy T ihi) |iiiriiO!ip of voilni; on

    whi'ilicr tlnMO Hbiiiild 'l)o one mill

    . jr.u 1-2, llrooldyn.

    Cllllllll-Ull all lliiiiM.

    ' ........... .............. . M t,,r uml =1 ••.ei.I.W.' Mr. iiiid Mm. Uiiiikln lliillicvfiird 'V'l hanilK wi'll iihiMii uf tin '; |\< i-l« !it .-.IlKUlly mor.. I.

    ' |f o o i ami (bo litsiil uvi-r ibiT lniH

    ■PWAICflESm k m m n


    I’OUT SIM^V.S IXCllKA.SKS......... , •:\IAI-MO. Swi-dPli (U l') — T raf-

    dol. 221, San rran tl»cn , (C); T lm ^r.flr in iln* itiiri of Sliilnio. Su’nlon 'ii " ....... 175, .Vi!w York, won by ii tli ln l l;iri;i-Mi i;liy. «bi>woil nn In-

    OA KIA SD . C n lir.-J ln iin y Duffy. I..........................................................153, , O uklnnd. dcuitilontil Uiiliibtlum l, :’ l2.‘J!t:T i.'m* w ere nnloadi'd CbonK, ir.S. Nnw OrU-iuiM.,Ui.. Cbl- iliirlnc iJi (10). jiii:nln;it tonK In 10:il. .

    ......Tiiilii.'d at II. •JiHiIki. d inner . . .

    .Miiuiliiy pvciilni; for -Mr. imil Mrf. K id Ohocolatc W in s lu-Round\V .-J.'H iirko .'.M r. nnd atr.i. W. IMTfiE 5 ^ 0 . . >fiAyI5PS/.S)^CM)£pTPi5 H oftse

    HM> Bccfl'. Ofie UiHG, AKJDlHEREfbRlĴ ! trb ĴoRSe RA)Jv.O>iCOlli5«lS’AU)AE—̂

    NKW YOltlC, (U I*)— l^ld Clioi-o- Into o f IlAVUia, bclnjr.Rroonicil to r II' iiBiiiwfiKia iitio i ) o ia -w ii i i Cbuniplon Tony .C unioncri .In. Ju ly won a clone IC*ronnd doclidou ovor I,ow l-'cUlnian o f IJrooklya liwi niKbL nt Qnocnnboro »tadlnm.

    Cansoncri, w ho w ntclicd tbu Iwnt friim Ibc’ rluKiildc. lind nn fw rn o( lonInK Ii Ih rrow n lo tbc Oulnui pbnnioin •wiicn tbc final Kons bad clnnccd.

    O n ly 'in hrlof flHMbcx did Cboco. la(o dliiiilny tlio miintorly boxing and'HhiHbliiK a tiackx wblcb'ctmblvd lilni li> biiitiT lloniiy lliuiii alioni « I'b ltado l|iliI« 'rInB .taut July nnd inko IliC' nyntbotlc Jiinlor IIkIiI' w’oIkIiI tio w n . Tliia lltlo wa.i noi a t HtnUo lnt.1 nlRlit.



    I'hilaik-TiThTi. T 'd i in Him i ; f o - ^ ' i N.l«- York .. 02(1 l)i)iM)|i|>—C 1

    Ilaiiorii'n; Iloltoy, Mcl^iinly and V. DhvIk; W alkor. 0 'K irrc ll ,I,u i |n i land II.Kaii.

    i{. ii.i':Si. I/OUIh ........... iniHiIMM)- I | . 1O ili aai. ......... 11(111 IHIIMI-- 11- r. 1

    (Oanie nilH a( I'lid of ii.-vontli InnlnK. rain .) ,

    llatlorli'H ; Diran and ,M»ncui>o ,Malono nnd .H artn i'lt.

    .Uri'HH'A .V I,KA(JL’K .It. n . I-;,

    WaiiblnKton ..2tifl000(l00— 2 7 1•Hoiilon .......... OUOOOOUOI — I. 8 1

    IlnitorlcH: Orow-n and Sjicnccr: W elland, Mooro a tid Connolly. .

    I'lriil Knnio: lii IniilnsR—It. U.K.

    ,V. Y. I)(I2 (102 101 000 OOftl— 7 12 1 I 'lill. 010 101 030 000 000 2— 8-.11 .1

    nattcrfCH: Hnff(ns. riroivn ami D Ickry; Stnbatfcy, Grovo and Huv- i n t . Cocbixino,

    Sccond Kaiiip— It, II. K.S f w York ,..; .o n o o jo o o — ,fi i i 2 I 'bllodolpKln ..410 000 20Z— 7 10


    p c |ro H -s i, I^u lP , |K>dlpo;ifd,rnIn,

    ■ Deny. S O S Came'From This Plane

    SockinK llic totiroc o f niyiilcrlooH 0 S -ciiIIh gik-kod np 'liy.riuIUi; ■hijitJon /iJftn/f t.bu .NorUi Atlfiutli: eoasi; fedornl 'o f /l r la U u l 'f tm i lio -' llDVfd tlio inc.imiKCH I'o'liavo'bccii iiuiit from ilie sbl|Ho^Mhorc;woll iilmio! of tbc Oormnn llnor Kuropa. llu t f ly e r .ro f the 'plane, HtrlklnRly-i'bown; nbovo UB It took o ff from tbo dock.of ibc ICiiropii Kcvenil bnndrcd m iles;

    Oil. hnvo .dD»lcd-Hcndlili;Jc»lly to r nH.slKtunco. .,

    SIDE,GLANCES — — — By George C lark

    'T boto acalca to ll your cOm-ct w eight, ludy, bu t tbo .torluuo tcUIng p a r t iKti’l ^PTJ' ncenrn tc—nrPd* ndj>i"tlnft.” _ *


    A re T he Things G iven You A lw ays F ree!

    \Vi' :t Ic.ssoiis • f iv o - 1)11 liniiil i i is lru iiic iil .s p i i(•hiwL'd I'roiii ti?nii- onir to {j'vc liiosl! loHsoiis." wo |»V«l)nl»iy w m ih l liiivc to 't;liiirt;i* yoiiTJillXut) o r $Ii1.()(l nion* fo r tfio. i i ix li 'i i iu n it wild; 'W o finvo kiioU 'ti imsos tv lio ro p rin t's liiivc liecii boow tnl lii tiilce e« ro oF fi7'c i i i s ln iii tio ir


    1 ST—lIuy'niHbliiK t>ut atandanl-IniilruincalH tbal ->vu-ttri>..f.inil)ur w ill;......— ..----------------------------—|>1

    ipnyliiK I

    Q 1 lll_ j.selec t your 0 V , KOI rcBultfl.

    ^ ’r i l —D ou't try to KĈ t

    I InHtruotiir and pay an you

    icnicllilnB to r notblus.


    C has. p . Dumais M usic Co.

    E ntraoco inside W iley Drug’’ Slorp,, Dow n a PU ght W h ere . the ' P rice ia .R ig ljt .; ; :

    IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THEne;w f o r d s • .

    m akes i t possibio fo r as to ollop the .ercnm o f uscd caw a t low er prices ' ................

    1J20 J-'ord T udur Sedan .. e x tra Kood ..... ...........................................

    lailu FoldCoiipi) ...............................- ........ .................luao Mini TudorHwlan ........................ ........................- ........,ia:il Kurd Tiiilor .Srilan, f.OOO. MllvnICarlki'cn T runk, Mui-nito ..................m i Olicvruloi ijoitan. K arlkoonT runk,' l.lcfiiiio .......................... ..............lii29 CliiivruiclI toadntrr l‘l)imi(itli • -•

    • S i»:rt JtnailHtc182^-1-iiiiu* ySoilan ............ .......1025 r>umntcoooii ....... ...................................................

    • JMO F

  • TKvtrsdav.- Ju n e ’2 .'l'932 g ag e T l i t a i : :

    MONARCH O F A LL.H E SU RVEYED Iraris-Eacific Plane Dives Into Bay . Flour Disti'ibuted, ■ Statue of "Commojie]'" Near Completiop '

    I^ tnoC .ju ito ii’ hnvo jiU tr c o » ; 'lii ii 'li Isn 't iiiiiml for a li-cf to lill iitj.wliiit happened/,llioU K li:;ln .'nronlclyn. 'N. Y.. i1h> oilior

    ' (Iny. llo rc (Irciuen tiro alibw a 'cliopplnR nn-a iroo wlHcIi loiiiiloil iliirlii); , a Hiimii, rrimliluK purkcit c nr Ji) Iih iio'ivinvnnl jiuili. -


    To All Law Enfoictmeiil Oflicials, Wardens of Penal lii.slilulioiis, lilt.Rc]iroducc(] bc!ow 'w lIl b e r»- '

    yol>VOO. 4A^ ,

    "tv{^tu«t u n tlio i^ ' ctinit d incnn lo il'by -tlia Kovcriinipfic.niitl roUcctcti; from ciwlern.Boabbqjit foTlroKKqM. nro

    •. for.lltlfl picture a fte r plctjircd aboro In Oio raU road, ynrd'i df ColuiiibUK, U., cn rou te , ,■ ,s ■ ■ ,,

    m u d mill* ht W clrioii. W. Vu..'w licro ( tie r.w ill >io Bcrappcd.-liac^ snn , Incliiillii^ 'iu) Tr«cK VptBlfH,27^ tnnn. ̂ n1nr*n Mfr. r.y t̂l.tAlna Jinl\L' nr.t.Hnn* a i . m .11. . * * V * . s T V ..11 • -

    . :Mini!..A»)Orl Hi

    h c r : l i u « In .....................................................v u ..« - n .^ .......w u ..-o « .^ « p p o u ..- -a ^ ..K n n .ln c .« .» ,.K lu ..r t .c K ^ •^ .B ..» ,.^ ^ ;nBC2IJ, III Uio fnri-Krouiiil w lih Her Knuia.luiiKlitcr. : Anno Wario FrcsH. uaiinm.1 cffieinlB p lunnc l l o pKwo Mx. Konilolw. 4>ctwccn sunn io proT oni.ovcrloaainff'on^tJjiU w R /'nnlltllifnrd. In tliti r r a r iirc'J(*nn l.o firiin. n non. iin

  • Pags.l'ow':'' ' lE AHO EVENING 'TlHEg. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ' ~ Tliui^ay.'Juiie'g, 1932

    By Crano

    ■ A. W . 0 . 1. . . • (Î 'xvl

    jlB E ftR A ’K T W illiam Borah is off Uio roservuUon •ag a in und llio Dem ocrats are siniling a t the dis-

    c6rrifort-of their Repulilieari brethren, who a rc tVank- ly dism ayed a t the pro.speol th at lie really may rtiean It.thisi tim e.

    ;Tyi)ieal-," liy llio »«'ciinvlii. *,.ltiH ,rriili

    i>r l:iiii wi'i.'li. Liiik-Ik (It >1111! la iw u iuMcK.W lllluin giilllliiii won lilKli M'tiro :i»u1 Mrii. Olln .Iliilipr. oiii iivl>;o. ’I'lu' rliil> iiici-iii iiPXk wlili 'Mm. S an t I'la rit III Ilii! I-iiiii riiiK'Ii.

    •Mr. and .Mib. Ollii HiiUnr w ont to lliirloy TliiirAiliiy nlRlit._.f liiiu. week til n hrlilno illnii^or .it-M r. iitul Mrn,. l.fio ntiwJiyit. TU« ix iriy ill- icIiiIi'U tlic J' ÎkH (lance liilor.

    Ill'll lie UMi'riiiMrv-wiil I""'' h r ., Mr: « ’rt«TV II 111' iimvt'K iii



    A..... .. . A rl» „ «».|!"> : ....... ............... . .......0«c;ir Nowmiin uikI liuliy ’


    liiiJf imiindii o f .«.... '.................... ............... _____ . t i l l ............................. ............. - .............t UlnUin. iiriiiclnal o r lliiiMr. itiiil Mrii. liny Klllnnn. l>r«>vo.'i.„„„ ,.aru miil m iim io iil wool I Slionlioni! iiulillC i*rhniil;i iniiHcd IMiih'; Mr. mid .M m .-H otiry-Voyco ,,ricos ililii nii'uiii* nr ilin ri- ' 'l 'i‘« '‘Sti Momlay 'wltli tiliiatid Ciinilly/'Arm'rJaatf jrorK, UtiiU: ,ii,ouis llCHldui ihlu 1»> !ia» four;timincliidd iioodn on roy le lo ‘ liln 0;ivliV ll.ilxhl. S;il( Lain- C liy; C lirU , y p , n r i ' rrndy for iniirkiu.! rftiicli- Klm . o f. inWn lo iiKialilli)|i,-.

    You May Not Knowthat

    S ta r SoQial C lub ! “A n n o u n ces D in n e r '

    F ia lte rin g Frock fpi* L a rg e Figures

    .NcIhoii anil, f.inilly. llyy lm rn . .... niiil Mi-h. riOMH '.Vol-ion, Knlsi-; M r.. and OMrii. W. I. Tiinncr. Tw in 1-Mllii: y. v.lll .

    iM.I-illi'k III I.r Mic. i''il''ilii .liililisnil.

    .Mm. Virginia

    S lu r .I*ATTi:ilN >•«. 71)1

    .Mr.|. Oi''irKi>'MiiKliiiwji. IJiiclo. . . . mill Mrii. S. i’. Wtirililnr.imi. tli ir loy

    'm il .M ■

    ont in S enator Borah approv ing a referendum plank, f o r th a t is neither a w et n o r a. dry. m a tte r ft is jjiire-

    ,. ly a .proposal to perm it the people l o exjjress their opinion again on prohibition; regardless of what the decision-m ay he.■ ^.'Prohibition inay be tbe excuse offered,-liut-there- 'Is '’d 6 u b t;th a t it .is the reason. The plain tru th is th at .'Sdliiitbr B orah ',and P resid en t Hoover have been a t

    “■ 'loggerKeads on nearly every im portan t issue since th e p res id en t took office ttnd th at Boralt,' incon-^ s is ten t as he.ha.s been in tlie ))a.=>t, canno t lend h ist influence' to open supi)ort of, Mr. Hoover w ithout ro-j p u d iatin g his own reco rd -an d conscience. I

    Not- the^least of S en a to r Borah’s adnnral)le qualities is his moral courage. H e is not a fra id to changc

    - h is m ind. H e is not a fra id o f the tru th . * Hi', is will-.... in g :to -face-th e-w o rld •ua-it-i.i.—T h afis-w iiy - he-has

    ju an y .o f Uie'elei)U‘nt.s o f a . •B orah fought Wil.'^on in liJ2(rbecause lie hone.stly

    th ought W ilson was w rong. The Tribune er^ditsjiin\ w ith supporH ng.S rr. Ttfjovqi- in '.lO S S ^^esp ire ' piisf d isagreenients smd critieism s of m easures a d v o ca^ d by H oover— because.he honestly thought Mr. Hoover'w ould m ake a couragetjiis and capable president. H e ...........even indtdged in such exces.sive zeal .a s dec la ring j.. ..........

    ■ th a t the.lJ)28>cjrfii|»aign w ; is ''a contest j)t:tween la w d o rd er hnrl Tam m any ball a n d ‘iUi allied infJU'

    . enees."T hen cam e the disillusfonm ent. A t the urging of

    • -S e n a to r Borah the p resident called a special se.ssibn of congress to consider ta r iff revisions fo r the benef i t o f the farm er. U n d er th e leadei'ship of Joe Grun- dy^jmd o th er industrial lobbyists congres.^. then pass-

    , ed th e m ost nefanous* ta r iff bill in our history, an a c t which w as more o f an embargo than a Uiriff, whose e ffec ts are jiainfu lly apparent in this sad day o f unepiploynent, h unger an d throughout the nation . .

    S en a to r Borah i-oundly denounced th a t ta riff bill.B iit the president d id -n o t have the fortitude t»j veto it’J I t opened a breach betw en the W hite Hoiise and S enato r Borah which h as not been healed, and .wiuch succecding* clashes have widened.

    N ow , it appeal’s, S en a to r Bonih and the adm ini-| iGwiTinKp. Bti’a tio n have come to the ])arting of the wa.vs. Un- l ^ v h e ^ w eakens, the R epublicans nuisl go tiu'ough th e h azard s of the cam paign w ithout the sui)pi)j L Itirki-ti-i

    .]((- i : ic il r l r Iliitn-r.v,

    Diversified QuestionsAiiKWPP «o J*rcviiiUN P iu ilo• i to n w o x T A i/

    ,11'rrealuliiB to llTOi. iYKInd o t llnlit

    Hpcnr.SOFoiirili jiote.', l is p c r liiic j |. il2 Senior.:«.By.l ie St!V«-nlli note

    of lltP mnjnr , 'd iatonic scali>,ICY oii..,JT U nili.-,,'19To. neltnowl.

    MlCt>iS lP .- ir to fft . , aa.snnpplnc

    (Irnmii. ̂ •i£3 To nrMUBC -11 Sm all horefo.'

    clolli. C M u lo tlU c o f« S H ia » i;r j)or. .t-otJrtwy. ' .

    ^aA lrnpncf-.V............ ^ . S tlnc o t nil) JllBCCt. «

    'C J V ariant ofl

    eovcror'ot America?

    C5 mneJt httwiw . 20 Smnll •liilnnU.- V K R X IC A L B «1 ncKlon.

    IPiiW lc cnb. . , 2 2 ,2 IJurIo id an t.'-^ 21 Vnlaud.-.

    • 3T o wUat poUl- 2C JInlf;.n i-m.lent iiarfy illd U7 Sccond nole.

    .' Wi)oilro«- W n- 31 Perfcci pal- KOii be lonrJ •^ . Icnm.

    4V cry .lils li. .12 Nall m aker.* mimnlaln. ‘ , 3CI)ry Uihle-land , C H ow er nym *ro o t S. A frica.

    hollc o t - ns Larva. »/ Francp. ‘ i-IOTiimultn.-

    C Tracla of latifl 4 1 1.ow uplrltn.N / ' devoted to n g - T o vex.f Tlpiiltiin-. — ^■4snim.

    TJoke.. 03N eea(lvo; )t *

    r " IT

    L lFT" t3




    • ^la


    si?T 3S"



    to i'on^:i':il the whli::U ‘inirl of llir iv a ln l-’ilio t'liCt fiildn IkjIiiiv it tliai ruvnr H int iihHlirhily "cor-ici' line”

    and iliii o la iiilni: a k in Ke.iniii lli:>l doM ondiTii i.o Nlnnilui'irii lariti; lilpK.

    I.iii'o liiiii'riiiijiH In' llic Hli'ovnii kIvi' iJi;i» "lininl-iniidr" • liHik llinl,' (inly Mi(! ilu o n i 'l 'ri 'iirb froi'ks iiavo.] TIic'i'ii’i. n tmii'U of laoii ai. Ilin ih roat. liii>. In liloeli cri'pii witli. w'lillo Inco or hrnh'n i:rcr

  • T r u i r s 'i I i l y , ; ,T u i i e 2 . i ! ) 3 2 '■-t' -

    I D ' A H a . E V E N I N G - T I M E S , n V T N F A I J A i n A T f O TOfic Ftyai

    JU R Y lO E C IO r D A i G M E S

    Counsel. I n C o u rt' S u it Conclude A rgum en ts W ed

    nesday iaiternoon

    ‘ She's a Wizard-Qn; Crbps

    Tho ilnmnconcu imfi oft rr»rV...

    iroIJ (Con-^ (.t J1X,

    ;iipnlu(I .1(1 lie III llHf Immlii lit IliH JiirV; l»to T hiinulay nflor* 11111)11, riilloWini;'coiii|)1iMloii or tlio Iii-iirliie of o « woiimii—Mlmi Klloon Wilier. nhow n. Jioir. She.In Halii to bo , Uio o n ly Womiiii j n t t o i r luiif.'Krftlii 1 c rop rorconmor. «lie illrcctn EOOO ox p c ii cflri'oiiiionilPiiKi In tlio ctuUi , nntl ro ito ii iBuliit nnil. from tppotih rom liiK trnni tlicRc corri-sponilontu. ImHi'H hor ch>p pmllctlnnii ‘ I'xprcHxnii four for ilic houHiu wicilor ■wji.-iii rrnp . •Iiir-m I mill iiiiii-{7.'

    ,ril.‘:.';nlv>-rtl»lm: .mil kum.iIIii. ». )l»ri. lJuJiJ, ■

    li .l A.

    l i G i O f l A YKimberly, K tirtau ffh ■ and Twin

    Pnllii airlB? G r«upV Tahe y • ■ P ftrt III E xhib its

    Tlio Yoii.'ii: T-vlli>i'' MiWunf' fm-‘ lirnvnmont luiolt,;;!-

    .(\lliii OlciUii, •KlinJ)Crly, • ilrcsii ami. iim ly;'N cU ra lllKlilna, xw i".■aHp; F5iyo 'llltto r.. Tiwlii KiUIh. I.rrail: Uiiu IXivlx. I 'w hi J-':ill«. j»:i- Jiiiiiiih; AU>‘x M orroll, Kliolx'rly... ihHiililfl, . ■ • ■ ■ ; ■

    The iiroBraiii Incluilcil chorim namhcfH I& 'l>wla ono .ac t playa )>y.* M uriiiiitfk,>uud^Ciuib ly; ■ rotnlil sloclui*'' 1>y'-MiirttnMili- ;\:;!l Kliiiliorlyi niKl TlaK certciioni- •,il. Twill PallH. I/U ^r >1 ,lM>: IiiiicIk'-'iii won Horvi';t. DiirliiK >l«' i (.'rrcRlimi‘n l limir. a .five, jilcni' or-

    ' I'lioKlru, .JCiiUicr . Laulicnlielm. Al- ' Im- nuiiii. ■Mn'Iujl-.HiirnftM. m i i c r

    .loslyi'i' vuiil -.Noilrn.'. 'IlklihiH. plny- . **

    Jjfjfj'.i. • • ivorr-nlto of nlr..J;;;'N.^ndvii)M'prlrls I‘C-.i"ipiO.

    ...on calil 11,ik:^:eoii iiiiid~ noottljlcltcU onfl ■.cotnmUlt* to nclocl» l5 ^ n i -for llio .N orw cslftn UiiJi-o r iij c b n rc li of Atnorlen, waii. np- >]fm od a t today 's mchaIoh OC tbo titonulul odtn-cnUon.,, AnionK tli« iiijrtherH nppointcil Wflro Thor.wftld- 'rA ir«on. Koroiit C l& 'M ow n; TUnf. 0 ?rH i-'K i»j{on.‘ OuHjCrUon. Mohk),? nti(ljPniil Prcii#,.,Tnrklonil, Wn*li.

    . > ^ X T 2 fK K T IN a /i« SIJKUUlc4lnn of (bo 'VcllowBfolKi

    i llitr lc i ba il,

  • Six TOAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN’FALLS. fflAHO Th'ui-sday. 'June 2.'1982. ■

    ;'-S6ciety and Clolb News B O O TS AND H E R BUDDIES By M artinM a te s Oriental

    Experiences Tor Morningside Club

    jOTprnKitlomi ulcnncU «ii licr cpiii iTlp a ro iina ilio worltl. v TecouiitrO w ith nlisopbliiK . IntcrPiil

    H ltn il.A N U YIKW CI.l’H .MKKTS

    TIin^HlKtiluncl Vl.'tt-Ttiil) w.Ih m - tPiliiliicil \Vi-iltii'«iliiy iificriiDini ui Hut liotiiP of Mrx. W, C. I'i't7olM.,i.ons .-lul. will nu-.'i Hnios Biul .MfH. I'oxH wero i;u.-.. JCiu. ifuil Mr». O-

    . Atr. unil y\rti. l in y tlc lil uiid (inmll w . w uiunn.daURlitor., no fo iliy i J»nc'.- Uri'cloy.i + + +Colo., w licro tlicy bavii b(>«ii H 'acli-, c,M{U < I,CI1 JIAS iiiK Bchool fo r the piwt. w o y«!iirH.ijn;i;TiN(J' w i:i* \ j:s iiA V ,T h » s > ,l |l lo i .v o J u i .« ! 0 lo r Cin.,.

    „ , t o att«inu Kummor oeliool. A i J'r'.'-I,,. , „ .i, w r 'ih .- . . , , .■flcnl ilw y aVo of Mr. iim I ' ; ' / , , ' , , , ,.n siM hJ lr s . ■William C..Uu»btTi.,MrH.

    a m u ^ r iy ^ iig ii.K uih nn»i.-y . 'S j, ', '. "um ii .-b


    iTlaluiMl I



    -.1(1.11 liurliiK -Vpril waH iiI.oiKj .UUHJJ WO.MKS’ T t;A ('»K ».^r-r .•('III :.lmv.> iif A i.rII .r .Mi>ro tlm n ,rr. pnr com (I'f lb

    Miiil »'..>• l.olliT Ilian iiiiv:RaliifulIy vn.plnyrrl In )b ,-r Tli’o

    rirx i run . of irrU a tlon wiii111 con.hict p. da lly vacu'tlon HtWo Kcbool a fH io ItiiKiioll l.ano HMioortiouiic vacli dny, . iivxt wuoU. boRti.nine M onaay a t ID oVock. All -who wlMb to iiinkp a

    I ro v tro n t .iUuly of tlio BIIiId u ro In- Vllfd. CrtiHJclally' clillilrcm. occord- liiK to llov. UiUlowcli; TlHir^ilay and F riday >1r. Hnlltnvoll will Mpiu.k on ib« hiHnlralloR - o f tbo . llhblo.

    hllU‘l' ii..ii r .i



    ■ .Ml.;.-

    I'llli rl.-.Tcax-;„|„|

    .. ........ .'s , i.rluw ill.' i

    »iuu,-a4'.'iiidliiR 10 Ibi‘ K rdpral Of-' of Kiliioallon.-Ill tl.i- KiTonilary

    .•ltiiiiT»tar.v. luOuuilK. w onw a iiiuIiuiic.iiK 'n t.'iu'lii>r>i liy flv>> lo


    mill lii.v '+ + +

    > v i: i)m :s iia v ib>vli-i- II.a l .r.imin.llii i':.:Bui-Klti of Mr«*. A n b iir Klilr^l -u i;.,,,, „ ;;7,f,,„i.iNorili \Vr iblnuli.u. ■ l l . - . u l lu n r.i 'l jiiu n '

    l>l,i;A.SAviM-AM,i;V TO , i ; iV - l '!u ‘" ' ’ I 'liii.m i■ • JI.VVK VACATHI.N SCII(IHI.| Uili.’ vva.i moi l- Ibi.n

    PI.KASA.VT VAM.l^V. (Sporlal t'| X " ; '. " " " .,Hov. K. \V. H alli.w .dl will odii.In.-f; MilKM M;ii«-'- 1 li.-

    T i n s IS tb o pony PdRwl «enrr. n r. iliilly viii'Ullon lllbln iirbix.l < now fanlilon forccni't fo r Niin.iuprj (iiiy in'x. w.-ck i.i o'l lii.'k InOVcnlnK'Wirar. U I'm imiK.lly iiuid.v»c-liiii.. l.oi I. (ii'iii'i'Uiiiil SnlHllvlxIriM. .

    I)w d-M ii.llilbla licu.irosi! tii K. II. Don.r.iHc. $11). ’.S'-j :m i.iiilN fiN K jr. I l l s . _ [

    I-*, I 'ra iiT it.SI‘ V'I.II Iltlll to w asli t l i . 'in 'l o t lllllCH .\•oiif.s,‘| f . . .'i .lllll Vl.ll' llilVfili.iio a s ;:(1m l a Ji.h nt Imm.*.'


    Phone 6 6 •

    s '

    FOR SALEA uto D oor Olnna . ̂ . “WinU-

    sliic-ldti iiiiil AVinilo\*' GlnKS.

    Nil CliarKO’ for SotU ntt

    ..... MOON’S

    o t & i i / e r T n c e s UW E E K E N D S H O E S P E G l A J i . ,

    at McELWAIN’̂ ; ■ :attention ladies L .j|!||jgj

    S ta r t in g tom orrow nipm>, i n f , F rid ay , a t 9 o ’clock;' shftrp, w e are goihff to' p u t on sale ou r T h r if t ,

    D ep a rtm en t '


    Tliis w ill be an assortm ont o f goo^ 's lw caJH cIcc ji^o m c u r roffwlar stock—m ostly sh o rt Jo ts and ^ s c o n t in u c d num bers b u t in th is lot you w ill f in d nearly every sizo and w id th in some partic iiln r sty le .

    T hcro w ill bo m any pairs ifp r th e small foot and p len ty of narrow w idtlis fo r everybody.'

    PRICES f- . '$1.50 and $2-50

    An ExceptionKl Offering

    M c E L W A i N ' S"T ho Dependable Sboe H ouse"

    no 408 ; . ̂ " N e r t to O rpheum

    O U T

    ■ A L t v - r S i M M E R ^ '

    .................■ D 1 1 E .S $ M VC O A T S ^an^ J i A T ^

    AT LESS THAN COST PRICES ,■ • -OnUI Further'NoHce^ ' i-‘

    We need the money-;~ahd these prices, will convince you that we’ are practically giving merchandise away. , , ,

    Example: Hats 59c, formerly to $7;50.-

    t h e L E y ^ ^ j O E R INC,

    H om e. D ecoration .,g .h as m oved to

    - 131 Maiii'' Ave. E . <. Iti th . ‘ s h .r o foniii'i-ly occiipiotl .by I ’jir ro ll O pti^nl Co. \

    M rs. Lyon w ill.continuo to raoko cu rtaln« ,;drapos‘a n d ' ;* e lip .coFora


  • Thuwday, .iune'2,1932 IDAHO EVENING tiM ES; TWIN FALL3, IDAHO • Page Seveti

    WANT AD PAGE Today’s Markets and Financial News N .T . StocksTELEPHONB S8

    T IM E S WAMT AHS A !n)‘C L A SSrflE D l U T ^

    E ach Innortlon, p a r lino.____OSB vory oUior day, cach In io r-

    tio n , p e r IIdo__ i ftO no m onth, o ro ry iMue,

    each Inaonlon. owr l ln o ^ 0 4 31* lu o a th i ' coBtrace. OTCry

    t*8uor«acli losorUoD, p o r Iloo

    T woIto m o iilh i' con tract, -ovcry Issiio, each inior> tion, p e r lino .

    N ew TodayL FOR SALS—tu », TIckk from "Vcmtoll Uj .Uwlsioii, KOfHl unlit Juno 0; $8.00. ' ilarotil Jhirrott,

    » Wonilcll.

    1/)S T — One. p rey liortm. l.Sua ^ Iba., roacli' initnc, hIiuiI, onir M uck 'liOM O'l.COO IbH., :no iJixunl. nw cli , m ane. tio U ty i l i;. .AfcJ/iUrc, Jtf. . 2. lUmborly. . .

    U 'W l-SA LU ~ No. 2 •I‘(>l«U>cH. iilxo ^ c c l iioliiUjCH, ■ 1 y r. ’from w r((n « i(* ii. 154 Hif. Wiisri-

    .liiK ton Bdiool. I’liono 029U.H3. C. J. MaTAlmll.

    KENT — Unfiiriili!licie. '

    I'OR. IUi.VT—Onc.lifltf Ktiirc. 1 M ain Avo. JJnnt. Very low ren t.


    I>nlr'and upholster. Etovoo nnd tanfOB roimlrod and p a rts furn> tohed .' Pboao 5, Mooa'a P a in t &

    _^F urJjU tfr« -S < oro ,------------------ ------------ STO CK llO^il.l'ilO .V _________(U P )-rD lre c t tel-

    WAJJTED — Law n MoivcrB 'aharpon . ' W ill call fo r iiad dor

    . . tivor. M ooro's R epair Shop. Phono asDic.'WAiNfi5D_Co7uBci: k o boxes.

    W ill-'pay c jw lm r take -pomfon( School n in tr i f t Nn, 1 Ilf Twin Falla .County, Idiiho, will rncclvo WdK up to B:0n p . w . Friday, Juno 10, 11132, n t tho orficu o f tho Suiiorliitenilent ol auditorium , a ll ntnli'm lo bo killed.

    UlilderH nro"n»kud to 0 h er u>*IUrT nhr *» ffolojr

    ;; KOeiil Ki Clioird new f l In f t . 'S ;

    till !■»

    I'tH fl'I.A N t) l,IVi:.STOtK I'OUTI.AM), On-.. Jim e 2 M il') -IÎ IK-C Iiic'liulluic 2«i .llrcri.

    lliK>u;:U; miirUifl xtMil^- to r^iii. : noilihiK

    W odnitidiiy’s cl u-riilj w ith luujhH 2.'ic; 1« o f $1 for tci|i!>; over

    LEAP YEAR BPIDCn hail Unp-

    gra|ili 'bo.ird. T he conversatloD s .................. to I.,ondon ' and

    tn r pu"

    TINY HABT T lIH IV rN d TAYOirUBD.UI. Wt«. (Ul>> — A

    liiOiy, boy who twelRlieil only two pounda'and,12 cuiicen ut' b ir th Icxk Uian -u month nKO a t th e W IhcoU' flin Induatriftrm ftiio fo r W oinen. I( IhrlvlnR an d 'h a i l Kalnod n e arly t -poiind.' Ho alecpa on u Jio(. w ater Oiottle and la fed -fro m a mcdlclne drppoqi

    C L A S S I F I E Dt o l R E ^ X O R YResponsible Business -Finns and P rofessional

    ‘ Offices, of T w in F a lls A lphabelia illy A rran g ed" .''j

    APTOTOP^I>Y...y.OBj5B, to t t ' sAijs^wiNDsniEua -and^ o c r s> ua .)A Q to to p a .t^ u i cur^

    t«t& r«palr>'u°v)u:aa> 'llu ' »'l7atiK« ̂ ' Ulii;lo .olLiunis o f Uic iiioiit' p rom - ;i lavnt church laym en In tho coun- 'r trv . F red C. Siiilih o f Nfw Y ork.

    _rpSo sI I S 'S , . I S :

    Sii-udy: parkaKi. 7 lo pound hclfcw "*''>< ’ I t l« ,tU nc fo r.l lio people $1.35; few iiicilluin lUid Rood cowrf to cxiirrsw llit-niKclves—th a t'J a tho ?:t 10 J3.G0; odd inillH J2.7B li> J ll .i'.: A m eric jn wiiy of

    ShL-u|i: ttocelpiH 913. Ini'litdlnR KI fo r uinrkct. 2S1 to D enver iimr- kc l nnd r>IS lo UniiUia TimrkcU l.,iiln ycsturilny . nnd todiiy odd .lulti triirl(cd-ln liimbu (r> dow nw ard.

    IHJIIKX LlVKSTDl'K Oi:i>KN. Ju n e 2 ( i ; i ’> ~ lIoKii:

    H.'c-i-l|.i» !Ui!. Stciidy lo iill«h(ly Ii(«(u-r: loi> (.l.'Jii on bcst ifHvc-lnn;- bulk Ik h t iLud -m edium woIkIiIk M.IU lo 13.13: fl-W lotH llKht llKlllH

    Iiciivy ImichcrK 12.75 to

    t'TMCA«(» LIVKSTOCK CItlCAOO. Juno 2 (U P) ShcoD

    nT.COo:-fovr-BniPft-abourmcnd.v"w‘lth WudiK-Hday'H clone. londcn lo IJnn'n. Jlo round, her lip iTunltcd them nRtiln anil nnnln.

    "Y ou'ro an sitccl. CUerry." I whinporcd. r.itcblnK hcrcloao asali

    '- rb cn -y u -4 .in care?" • ,, "IJut didn i yuii know! Vou mus

    bi'thui M,nTu! Oh, I lierry. tlicso Iasi ihi'C you salil Fifth o r S ix th s t r e e t - ionys h a v e 'b u rn rotlcul .I'vo UcCi.

    "Afen'l you Kind ,lo seo m e r The : w orried about ynu. Kept icleption wciTilB burjit from t^litrry'fl tips Uu-; .cnutdn’t Rot atiy aallstac.-bldden. ''IM du't y o u ' c u iiic r •

    “ VVliy. yr.v Of coufso. Only ll'a '[Rlts' a aurprlftU/liwaiMo I iindur siooil you’d itoue^uasL Now Vurh or itoiuo place.'' .

    "HuU Ih al's '-V h y ' I w m e. .Dan! T hey-ililti’t ieli w;>, you 'd calied." l wolicd and wnliod ospoctlnB to hear frorii-you nud Hicro weren't any leilers a nd ' yiiu d id u 't 't e le , pliMiiiJ I t was JuAt Ibla afleruiion 1 found out they' hadn 't heen cItIuk ina your mcssaBtfs, ' S a rab -a lie 'a Ibo maid—found bui .th e y ’d lold yon. l'd sbne ow oy. • O h.,'It w»s wiekjd ,'of ;UieiU5'-. And I, waa to s fm '^ y o u 'd tbtnW-1,d idn ’t want tv lalii Tu J o u i r y o u ’dlilU’tHhlolcithBt dld.;you. Dan? ' You cou lda'tlt .'.•’WBr.1‘10 u-:doMn;ilioMi.E tc r y d a - - " • ■ > ..............“•— ■‘Shla’i

    tinn. .‘ A fter a while 1' bCRan tliliik mnybo ymi didn 't want tu ta lk to 'n io . Couldn’t really .blame you—'bu t a fiu r Iho ih lnsa youi Vafher ..

    it ih a i'.th o ' i s i l d r iv e r decided ho had. endured inouR h.-' For.cnvorul .m inu;ca .tba cab h a d been held up by traflle s i r ualn. ^ o w ih c ic d lleb t waa rIow- ,lng,-. - ..', '•Say." tiojulld In a tone not’to bo Hinored, '•whore do you noopls w ant lo-’BO?" i).. ' , '

    ?Anyw hci;e."' UaH .'Jiold lilm. -U rlvs—cr. .'(trlve oyt itirousb Jet>;

    ■fersoti Park ." - ’ ' ' •Thai cab: moved forward. C bcrry 't

    bebd ', nestled" comfortably \a t» * o it .Dbo's aboUlilei^ ,ilia arm' « u abbutjl}er.‘-K e ltb o r lm i................................p a i t ln ^ • m




    li> J2.


    ‘ ‘ leolod iiRaln»t concrcHslona! . ro»tl.ilOO: few open in g milcH duellons. . . . : . V " . fic hlRlmr th a n Wcdned- . ‘!-«Id cwoo . from Ipw-paUl,, cm- . .topi«3JiS; 210 lo 230 pounderH $a,3o l>>o> ^ -^ “ -̂'*-^ya^nt».«

  • 1% pM 2 EigHt

    l O O i T S l V E ^ROGAPim

    I B A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . T W I N . F A L L S . I D A H O

    Seven Arniiea To. Leave F o r W ashm g’toii'

    . A nd D om and Bontiu

    n> r i ii l f il J'rr»s Miriii n,«iin wiir VLlcritnii In

    III ' luiiHl i'l«Ul “ tiiinim iirmlM" iiinvcrd lowiiril WriHliluzU>ii> 1>- C.. Ii>- box iiiorc iirm lcs worn ,ru - cnilli'U uiid ox|ivuluil 10 Iciivu Tor tlin iiutlunnl ciivitui w lili nu inarcliorn Aa'Ioru lliu wcuk iindn.

    Tlin vtiioriiiiM Kulnyrrtio rlo il' • Icrh illfflculiy koIi Iiik (riiiiKi)orin(Ion tliiM i.dld.tlio-O rfenii

    — nrm y 'W lilclf Hinriod' ilie cniKUilu iiml miH tiiui'oiiiicil in Kuiiilicrn

    >>y Ik ntllruiid'H refiiHitt ii> tc t.iliu iii Ixiiinl frelKlii t'liis. I’ro- «i'CKH -wcrt I'linrki'il. liowovi'n !)>' In-

    , rrouHliiu illfrictililCN In uulduK foml. Cllloil wlilcli tiiicl iloiiiili'ii Jiro*

    vliilimfl to tUo fln it nruilcK. Hlint tliu truu food. Till) .vMiiriimi

    wcro ForccU «> tu rn jiiinliiintllL-rn. .

    F a th e rs O f B ridal — C ouple O fficia te

    A t N uptia l Rites

    (Spccliili— KrnncL'ii J.yilln Ilclinnn mid il’uiil 'L ikIIou- wt,-ro Jnurrlcd a t lilicli noon Tlmrx* iiiony.'M r. niid Mrx. Uiiillow will go

    , 10'iI^ n A necla i un a wrcldlnt; irU>■ Jiiid, .'■'vlll In lo ri n iiond *«nm inor

    bcliool III Uio IfnlvurHlty i>r Call- fornlit. tk-rkcloy. .Mr. and .MrH. I.uil-

    ' •lou'* a ro nivmliurH or tli Itu rn l lilgli tiulioul fuciilty.

    (Oiit. o f low n BUCHlH lit thii . dliitt wore; nev . and Mra. S licrinan

    hudlow . K ciinowlck. Wimli.: Mr. iintl Mrii. M arlon’Ltidlow, I 'ortlnnd. O ru '; ^ l r . and .Mni.*|jun Klltm rn,

    ,...K Jnibcr|> ;...Mr»,-CI;'T. Maiwcy mid ilanclit«r« n(id 'Mliw Ju lia MaNioy. .Vamim."

    Bright Spots In Business

    - ■ »v |'i ili,.,| I 'ri sH KUW . VOIHC. (III-J ^ A do-

    iiriMHU .III ra lln ru iIlio 'W'cok I'lidt l' Mhv yii will

    . •imriu.l liv Ilradiilroi'i'.'i Kjdny 'It l»l»l of r,'.ir,. aKuliixl. (iia III lliii liroL-cdlni; w ack. . ,

    : .O U Iti \u o — I'ViIlKlit ciirl.mdlnKH ■•t lliu Duck' Islaiirl diir>iK tlio hoeJc Viidcd S b y a i «i>lakd "I!,. 2HI' cars . uKuhiHt 21.1UI llic iirccwlliiK wuak.

    SE W YORK — AiUi.niol,ll(, |iu t (bu Xliml cwccX r Alay nvui usilm atcd by Sloln. Alntrlii & Co. a t -i7,t'27 imlln, UKalnni

    N V E S m O R S O F N .Y .iy O R I A D Y

    I I P J S S U U E P O((‘nniianr-d from I 'iiko nno)

    Ih lliiil llioy ’)>(< iil.lii III III I vidii iiiicli (•.'■voiitiilM):.I WIilliiiaii ninioved a . ]iii1dlo\viicrHblii by ibu ulClr.lal, lliu a tilr ll of tlio law bad. bi'cii Infringed. W alker’ coii*

    'lu iidi tba l H bw id of a i-oniiiuiiy HiVun blni iriiii (urnud In bln wife.

    U i l E R l lm» RELIEF PLAN

    fam tlim cd from l-nKo Oa«) '■

    I'oiuiaiHlllii'x prodiicL'd In Ibu United Sialijii."

    A h addllUiiiiiI farm rcilii^f. Hucrciary or At'.rluiiltiirti'w ould u oniro'vcrcd to ‘liorrow u niiixlaiuio o f jGU.iiOU.ouii front tliii corpHrailon fandii In rinnncii Ibc'«ix|xirliitlir f ju n ir iit l ln ti wurlt_-would

    i iiiadp iiadflr )irnvl.Hloan Tor ru- iiyincni'w H bln .flvo yeani. Tlic

    .'I'cHblvnt’ii limlHii'iiro iiixiii a ll luicli in'iijt'.;!!! bolni: "M-lf lli]iiidiilliiu!’ I» ;-niiraiiiiM'd In iliu loiiii (iirniK i:ac- I'loil la .llio bin. . -

    .Mdl'N’I'.MN tC4l.\l> UI:AI>V»A » ,Mf. (V}')~W )>ia

    li: ri'Kurduil an onu of Mil- IIiiokI nioniilain m otor 'roadw n jn In ibu w o ri f tt-lll Oji- drdl(^iti-u.»iir).

    Bmam'sTremier After'Operation

    Snffcrlni? from ii rccarrciu 'c of tliv o iu la r a ilm en t whlirli-Korurnt nionllm aco 'cani*ed lilni to lio roa-

    l» IiI.t JKMHu. PiifittU.T lUmmiy Mui:llntuild o f G rcal 'Ilrltnlii Irt H liiiw n''benr ii.-i liu ;l'IIIi;AD13UW riA. ( « ! ') ~ Ivowor

    fee* , fo r. dL-nlal aurvk-u. no- tbu nniNHiTii may roccivo iniiiini uvm - ■ inunl, Ik ltn|>oratWu, Dr. C. J . no t- llRlor. clilPf o r tlio- UenUil Tlvl- mIoiii lato Doiiartnionl o f Hoalib, lold till) alnninl o f Mii- Scbonl tir >

    J )u u ll8 lry ..o f ,T c m iiliU u lv y ^ y ^


    F b R S A L EllloHH-(;olu 1 'jnaniul Tor W alls , W oodw oric , ;ii i i i I '’iin i itii rc . K a s y to - - l i eolorsiP e r i |i i a i 't ‘~

    9 5 c' -M O O N ’S

    tlioOau or ilie nalloiial

    lilrliirm i here , From ibo world-fiiinouH d.lncolii Muniorliil,

    liciwovcr. Ibr.*. 11kwinilil III nil tt'iiy ......... . ihe Culled iS iatca « i dlitpiw.i w ar d e b u o r I .iL'iiarailiinH. I

    t ĴVIl, UAK VKT IN IHTkK CUm j mHX,\y +iHUJA(«) dU') — Tuesday.

    >.IIO on ^ ‘’IIIMMHI; . a n d o il ;i lo iin ol' +:’.l(lii. .•n4i 's a v r y o n $l!llil.lill. •

    , 'fli Id iriitcd . inodiTi w ill. K nlls. W ide o],

    'I'lii.s iiiin icy is ‘o n ly iiv n iln lilr l iiisin i'ss mill. r i 's i ili’iK-i' |ii 'o |)e ri ii ‘i'll |jn '|i i iy i iii 'i i l [iriv ili'irc .

    I ''ire liisu i-a tu 'c . Ih iil l i i s iti 'j i i rc . I'nliVi'e l .ia l) ilil 'y Insiir-' S w im r e i;a rd iu i; in t r i'lis la lliu i'i il |>a\'*

    ii'ieiit' in s i in itic e |iliin .

    Til 7}ic joM-or j«irl oT iltc T»»ci»rf.'.Mcinorbd 'Itrldue mitinii ilie 'I' llu iw u ' (vlii;i)lu 111 llic iilH taiuej. lbi'lJilii1 i A R T H U E J _ S W tM -fe X O r

    id noliiiH tbi> wav lo-ArllnKton I---------

    , -WSICACO — CliieaK n m a l 'C o , duelai

    , ilend. nr 7:. ..I'lniinmn .-iioi-;;.

    N C tt' Y O M f'T ^ ‘ Sfiivnifniii o f t’iet'lrln rcfri«i'iviior» li.v iho K d -, v ina io r ■liirlair May w ore 17 Jfcr eciit. IHBiiir'ili^iii In .May. 1!nii.

    M :n «H’A nTKitI’lH LADHlJl'IIIA — Dies

    for n now ITi eoni iMcro a re be- • InK I'reimrtHl a t Iba United S la trs

    Mint. lu re . T h e ai.w i-ola will b,..,|. Ilio .bead of- f;«irK«t WuhblnKloti' a n d . In 'lii'Ini;' iWuiid In linnor of Ibe lU-cenlvnnial i>{ ilie flr»! J’fivsl- di'iX.

    1MJ»UY.»«USK V W SK H WllHCIi m 'A A T O , Aimirbi f il l ') — a

    bii>}Iliarnc> v f ibu Uvoyear-blil , son of swIicJinian l.aailK'ri Hoc-

    • JierUi. Uifi y y ;a n s llnvcm cul. o f th e f o o t ! T iic y ’r c f o r c iic rjrc lic Hvoinca! '

    M n k c y o n rc lm ic c rro m -o tirw M c n sn o rlm c n lrn n f 't i if ;fro tii iiiu seaHon'ri HmnrU;.sl InitU to llio iiKirc cciii- Hcrvutlvc iir itilo c ra lic in ix lu ls, p r ic c d a t itiidS6.U0. Y oti n e e d n o lo n g e r b e to ld th a t y o u have a n ex |)cusivc fool., ^

    ■ B e lin e d c x jjc r lly ! W alk ill coMiforl!* ‘

    'ICmui J r t l i r h M rlofH rs ix f r Y S i in J n Y h i 'i t in j f , lUO'O P . M .-E u» t> '.rn .SVfi/id«rfi T /o ie . ot-t-r W'J'/. o itf i uiiMti iu tc J

    JV. D. C . s lu t io its . ~


    I • .FAliE’S:: >“PHYLLIS ...

    Leonard Electric Refrigerator• w r n i 'T n i ' jdiiHt iii»t!irtltirt()«? lo tliovom 'ciiinit'ltfVcr'HTi'il t ltc 'd o o r '

    KwiiiKS'widc: ■ :The NMW IjKONAUI) . w ilh it«

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