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Truth and Falsehood

A Two-Round High-Rank SHADOWLANDS Adventure for Heroes of Rokugan (Champions of the Sapphire


Round Two: Essence of Jigoku by Stephen Bongner and Andy Budnick

Edit/Rewrite by Rob Hobart

For hundreds of years Otosan Uchi has been quiet, under the protection of the Yotsu family, but now it may not be enough. LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS is a registered trademark of Alderac Entertainment Group. Scenario detail copyright 2010 by the authors and Alderac Entertainment Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without permission.

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A four-hour time block has been allocated for playing this game. The actual playing time should be about three and a half hours. It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag in front of him or her. The tag should have the player's name at the bottom, and the character's name, race, and gender at the top. This makes it easier for the players to keep track of who is playing which character. The players are free to use the game rules to learn about equipment and weapons their characters are carrying. Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you may present it as written to the players, while other text is for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in bold italics. It is strongly recommended that you paraphrase the player text, instead of reading it aloud, as some of the text is general and must be adapted to the specific situation or to actions of the player characters.

GM's Information THIS SCENARIO SHOULD NOT BE RUN COLD! Please read the scenario thoroughly before attempting to run it. All bulleted information is just that, pure information. Feed it to the players through an NPC when appropriate. Sometimes, reading it straight just doesn’t sound right. Remember that family names come before personal names. Akodo Toturi is from the Akodo family and his personal name is Toturi. A note on commerce in Rokugan: Samurai are not supposed to care about worldly possessions, especially money. A samurai pays a commoner as if the money is meaningless, a concession to the commoner’s silly needs. Between samurai, the exchange of money and merchandise is an exchange of “gifts.” Glory and Honor Awards and Penalties This adventure contains suggested Glory and Honor awards (and penalties) for dealing with the challenges presented herein. However, at times the players may take extra actions which the GM judges worthy of additional reward – or punishment. The following may be considered as guidelines: • Performing an act of selfless, sacrificial loyalty to

one’s daimyo or clan: +1 point of Honor.

• Abiding by the tenets of bushido when there is no gain in doing so and one could gain an obvious advantage by breaking them: +1 point of Honor.

• Betraying or disobeying your duty, Clan, or family: lose 1-10 points of Honor and Glory, and possibly Status, depending on the severity of the failure. Gain the same amount of Infamy.

• Crying out in pain when injured: lose one point each of Honor and Glory.

• Using sneaky, underhanded, or treacherous methods when at an Honor rank higher than zero: lose 1-5 points of Honor. If caught, also gain 1-5 points of Infamy.

• Using Low skills: lose a number of points of Honor equal to the Rank of the skill. Note that there are exceptions to this rule, and the GM can lower the penalty for members of inherently dishonorable Clans such as Scorpions.

• Performing a socially acceptable public act of extreme courage and skill: +1 point of Glory.

• Drunk, insulting, or otherwise ill-mannered in public: lose 1-5 points of Glory. For extreme abuses, also gain an equivalent amount of Infamy.

• Playing entire adventure without doing anything of note: lose 1 point of Glory.

• Made ronin: Status removed. Adjusting for Party Strength This is a High-Rank adventure, and thus can involve parties of widely varying capabilities. The encounters have been optimized for a party of average Rank 4. Although most of the challenges here are role-play oriented and thus not terribly dependent on party strength, a few changes can be made to adjust the adventure difficulty for low-end and high-end parties, as follows: Low End Party (most/all characters Rank Three or Lower): • Skill Roll TNs may be selectively lowered by 5 at

the GM’s option. • The number of Tiger bushi guarding the portal is

one less than the number of bushi in the party. For exceptionally weak parties, the Tiger bushi are only Insight Rank 3 and have Stealth of 4.

• The TN to resist Hiruma Kyojitsu’s control during the final combat is 15 instead of 20.

• Hiruma Kyojitsu has Kenjutsu 4 and Agility 4, making his attack roll 8k4+12.

• Hoshi Haitoku has Defense 4 (TN to be Hit 28) and Jiujutsu 4.

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High End Party (most/all characters Rank Five or higher): • The GM may choose to place one extra Tiger bushi

at the portal. • Hoshi Haitoku has Earth 5 (10 Wounds per Rank),

Agility 4, and Jiujutsu 7 (adds +0k1 to unarmed damage).

• Hiruma Kyojitsu has Earth 5 (10 Wounds per Rank).

Adventure Summary and Background

Many years ago, during the Dark Lord Daigotsu’s reign over the Shadowlands, a Tainted samurai named Hiruma Kyojitsu became a follower of Shourido, the dark counterpoint to Bushido. He built a temple dedicated to Shourido and gathered many followers in secret, even as his own Taint slowly grew and consumed him. Eventually, however, Kyojitsu’s evil was exposed to the Crab and he was executed for his betrayal. His existence was expunged from the Crab records, and the Fortune of Death condemned his Tainted soul to Jigoku for eternal punishment. Despite hundreds of years of torture by the oni of Jigoku, Kyojitsu’s will was never broken, and finally his spirit was able to escape his torturers and find a haven on an edge of the Realm of Evil. From there he was able to influence the mortal realm, corrupting the minds of samurai who were vulnerable to the appeal of Shourido. His most notable conversion was Hoshi Haitoku, a Dragon Clan monk who had lost his faith in Bushido and was looking for a true form of enlightenment. Kyojitsu convinced Haitoku that Shourido was the path that he was searching for, and with Haitoku’s help he was able to corrupt many other samurai, especially those who were likewise questioning their beliefs in Bushido. With each corrupted soul Kyojitsu’s power continued to grow until now he is able to completely control those he possesses. Kyojitsu and Haitoku believe they have found a way to return his soul to Ningen-do, not only regaining physical form but also escaping the oni which is searching for him in Jigoku. Once freed to roam the mortal world, he will continue spreading his influence and the teachings of Shourido, unleashing a new age of Dark Virtue… or so he believes, at any rate.

Haitoku has chosen the ruins of Otosan Uchi to unleash this plot, since the ancient city is home to many powerful spirit portals. In particular, portals to Jigoku have been opened within the ruined city more than once, and Haitoku intends to do so again in order to free his master. Normally the Tiger Clan watches over such sites, but Kyojitsu has managed to corrupt and possess a great many Tiger Clan bushi in recent weeks. He intends to use his corrupted soldiers not only to aid his escape but also to wipe out the Yotsu family and make Otosan Uchi into his own base of operations. In Round One of this adventure, the PCs found themselves drawn into Kyojitsu’s plot when they visited Otosan Uchi to assist in their Clans’ trade negotiations. They had the opportunity to save the Tiger daimyo’s daughter from possession by Kyojitsu. Now, they will have the chance to enter Jigoku and defeat Kyojitsu forever… saving an already troubled Empire from yet another evil plot. Important Note: Possessed Certs Some PCs may have acquired the cert “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” from the adventure “Nemesis of Justice.” There are several points in this adventure where characters may have the opportunity to increase their level of corruption by Kyojitsu. This will become highly relevant at the climax of this Round when the PCs face Kyojitsu directly. During this half of “Truth and Falsehood,” the GM should keep carefully track of which PCs have the cert and how many Corruption Points those PCs have (a chart, GM’s Aid #1, is provided to assist this). Even if a PC already has a full 5 Corruption Points, the GM should still require them to make the roll any time they do something that calls for it (or during the special times during this module when they must make it). During this Round, it will be possible for a PC to actually acquire 6 or more Corruption Points, but until the encounter with Hiruma Kyojitsu at the end of the adventure the PCs will still function as though they only have 5 Corruption Points.

Player’s Introduction Unless the PCs completely failed in the first Round of this adventure, they will begin this Round by staying the night at Shiro Giri, a Tiger castle in Otosan Uchi. For the rest of the evening they are free to roam the castle. If the NPC Kasuga Kouji from Round One is still alive, she will be spending this same night in a prison cell below the castle, waiting to be questioned by the Tiger about her unexpectedly lethal duel with

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Yotsu Jinsoku. The PCs can go visit her if they wish, but she will not be in a very conversational mood. The inside of Shiro Giri is well-kept and solid, with only a modest amount of artistry in its design despite the wealth of the Tiger Clan. There is a well-tended (if somewhat pallid) garden on an upper balcony, the interior is kept scrupulously clean, and servants are available to attend to any needs the PCs may have. The castle’s most interesting feature is its library, and PCs who roll Intelligence/Lore: History at TN 20 have heard of this facility. (In fact, PCs who played the adventure “Stolen Relics” may have had opportunity to consult its records.) The Tiger have recovered many old records and scrolls from Otosan Uchi over the years, storing and re-copying them here. The library contains much history about the Imperial families before the destruction of the city. Many records of the Tiger clan itself are also stored here, including accounts of the Yotsu before and leading up to the Tiger Clan’s foundation. For more curious readers, the library contains accounts of skirmishes with maho-tsukai and Shadowlands creatures in and around Otosan Uchi, from small goblins to ferocious oni. PCs with a strong appreciation for history or Shadowlands lore will find the library an excellent source of knowledge for their interest. Presumably the PCs will eventually turn in for the night. They have private rooms in the guest wing of the castle and can sleep comfortably. It is during their sleep that this adventure truly begins.

Part 1: Danger at Shiro Giri

The night in the Tiger castle will not go without incident for the PCs. As they sleep, Hiruma Kyojitsu makes his move, sending every samurai he has possessed near Otosan Uchi to attack the Tiger castle. He is very close to escaping Jigoku through the portal in the city’s inner ruins, and plans to use Shiro Giri as his base of operations, assuming control of the entire Tiger Clan. Fortunately, thanks to the PCs’ discovery of the portal in Round One, the daimyo Yotsu Araki has sent out his last remaining scouts to watch the portal. As a result, they detect the strange army approaching the castle and warn Araki before it is too late. The PCs will not directly experience this attack, since Araki will initially try to handle the problem with solely his own resources. However, the PCs can

become aware that something is wrong. All PCs who do not have the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert can roll Raw Perception at TN 15. Success means their sleep is interrupted by noises from outside their quarters in the castle. They can hear the sounds of running footsteps and soldiers barking orders. If any PCs leave their room to find out more of what is going on, servants will intercept them with Yotsu Araki’s request that they remain in their quarters. “Lord Araki takes your safety as his duty and would not wish anything to occur. Please do not worry yourselves.” • If any of the PCs are themselves Tiger bushi, a

courier will arrive and ask them to stand guard over the guest quarters. Their night passes uneventfully but they can hear the noise of soldiers marching out of the castle to some unknown destination.

A Dream Visitation Hiruma Kyojitsu will pay a visit to all those sleeping PCs who have the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert. Take those PCs aside for the following scene: You look around and find yourself inside of what appears to be a dojo. Trainees are practicing their swordplay, sparring with wooden swords. There are plaques on the wall but you are unable to read them; your sight is somewhat hazy. You realize you must be in a dream. Then a voice near you says, “I’ve been waiting for you, my disciple.” Presumably the PC turns to see who is speaking. It is Hiruma Kyojitsu – the PC will recognize him from previous dreams, most notably the original “recruitment” dream from the adventure Nemesis of Justice. He addresses the PCs by name and welcomes them to the dojo: “This is the dojo I trained at when I was just a boy, before my gempukku. I always called it home. I learned the ways of samurai honor here, grew in strength and knowledge and power. I wish to do the same for future generations, teach students the true path of the samurai, lend my insight to these determined young men and women seeking to perfect themselves. All of Rokugan could benefit from my experience, don’t you agree?” If the PCs try to reply, they cannot hear their own words. Kyojitsu smiles and says, “I am glad you agree with me.” Kyojitsu is attempting to force his will on the PC. Each PC who experiences the entire dream must make the roll described on the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert as though they had performed an action adhering to Shourido. Failure means gaining a

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Corruption point. The PCs wake up in a cold sweat, feeling disoriented and confused. PCs who have great enmity or disdain for Hiruma Kyojitsu may try to attack him in the dream, or try to force themselves awake. They may make a Void/Meditation roll at TN 25 to break out of the dream and wake up on their own. This means they do not have to make a corruption roll. A Request from Yotsu Araki The next morning, the PCs are again invited to join the daimyo for breakfast. However, this time the meal is not held in the garden where it was previously. Instead, it is served in an interior side room which has been hastily set up with a table and a few decorations. Yotsu Araki is already seated by the time the PCs arrive, but this time he is alone, his wife and children nowhere to be seen. Servants quickly bring out food and drink. The meal is simple, rice and natto with tea. The daimyo eats hastily and makes only a little small talk with the PCs, inquiring into their comfort during the night. Even if things did not go smoothly in Round One, Araki will be gracious and waits for all of the PCs to finish eating before he makes his request to them. • If any PC brings up the noises and commotion

from the night before, Araki says, “It is a matter we are dealing with. For the moment let us enjoy our meal. I’ll tell you all about it afterward.”

After the meal Yotsu Araki waits for the servants to clean up the table, then asks the PCs to stay and speak with him. Assuming the PCs accept (they can choose to refuse and end the adventure), he claps his hands and another servant ushers in a bedraggled and tired-looking Kasuga Kouji, fresh from questioning about the incident from the day before. (If Kouji died in Round One, she will not appear here, naturally.) She is seated at the table with the PCs. The daimyo clears his throat and begins. “As some of you are no doubt aware, last night was… an active time. It appears you discovered the activities within Otosan Uchi not a moment too soon. I sent out the last of my scouts to investigate the portal you discovered, and they returned after midnight with very distressing news. Soldiers had gathered around the portal and were marching toward this castle.” He hesitates a moment and then continues in a strained voice. “You may have heard… rumors… of Tiger

bushi going missing recently. It appears they have been located.” • If the PCs ask what is happening now, Araki

explains, “Their goal seems to be this castle. I sent out messages to my other castles and garrisons last night – I apologize if that woke any of you – and my combined forces are now meeting them in battle. I await reports as we speak.”

• If the PCs ask whether the entire attacking force is

composed of Tiger bushi, he shakes his head. “The scouts reported seeing some men in other Clan colors, as well as apparent ronin.”

• If the PCs ask whether he has sought help

elsewhere, Araki nods. “I have sent messengers to the Tortoise Clan and also to the Imperial capital requesting aid. Unfortunately it will like several days at a minimum for help to arrive.”

• Regardless of what questions they ask, any PCs

who watch Araki can roll Awareness/Investigation at TN 20 to sense a tone of desperation in him.

It is likely the PCs will offer their help. Araki will clearly be relieved by this since it releases him from the burden of having to request it on his own. Otherwise, he will steel himself to ask their assistance: “It brings a great deal of shame on me to admit that I require outside help, samurai-sans. It shames me because the security of Otosan Uchi is the duty of the Tiger Clan, and we are in danger of failing that duty.” Regardless, he goes on to make the request: “The attacking army has forced me to commit all of my remaining soldiers to confront it. This leaves nothing with which to actually deal with the portal you found yesterday. I must humbly ask you to investigate it in our stead. Whatever is on the other side of that portal needs to be stopped and the portal closed. Not just for the good of the Tiger clan, but for the Empire itself.” After the daimyo’s request, the PCs can choose to accept this duty or ignore it. Refusing will, of course, mean the end of the adventure. If they have questions the daimyo will answer as well as he can: • He is unsure where the portal leads. He can say

that most portals opened in Otosan Uchi have been of a dangerous and malignant nature, and some of them have spread the Taint. His men have reported signs of the Taint among the enemy soldiers.

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• There are several different ways to open and

maintain a spirit portal. Araki has studied incidents of portals opened by shugenja, of portals created by unusual spiritual events or catastrophes, and of instances where someone binds their own life force to a portal in order to create it. Most portals close themselves within a short time unless someone is actively maintaining them in some way – this is what he believes is probably happening in this case. In such cases the only way to close such a portal is to either persuade the person to close it, or kill them to force it shut.

• If the PCs mention the Dragon monk Hoshi

Haitoku from Round One in the last round, Araki will agree the monk is a plausible candidate for the portal’s origin.

• If the PCs ask how the battle is going, the daimyo

will avoid telling them very much, but tries to suggest the situation is under control. He is actually quite alarmed at the invaders due to the surprising number of them and the fact that most of them are Tiger. Also, he does not want to admit that at this point he is no longer sure which of his men can be trusted. Clever PCs may be able to get him to hint at this fact, but he will never outright say it.

If the PCs accept the daimyo’s request, he seems relieved – a little of the tension goes out of his posture. He thanks the PCs for offering their honorable service to a shamed daimyo and promises to help in any way he can. Kouji’s Fate If Kasuga Kouji is still alive, Araki will now turn to speak with her. She has remained silent and humbly attentive throughout the conversation up to now. “Kasuga-san, I have completed my business with these samurai, so it is time to discuss your fate. I am yet unsure what to do with you, and given the matter at hand I don’t have much time to make a decision.” He turns back to the PCs. “You witnessed the incident, samurai-sans. What do you believe to be the honorable course in this situation?” The PCs can answer as they see fit. If they suggest punishment or other severe measures, Araki will nod sadly and reluctantly agree. “Under the circumstances, seppuku seems the most appropriate punishment,” he says. In this case Kouji will accept her fate quietly and will be out of the adventure (and

her life). Conversely, if the PCs speak for mercy or suggest she be allowed the chance to regain her honor, the daimyo will agree and propose that she accompany the PCs and seek redemption by assisting them. • The PCs are free to refuse Kouji’s company if they

do not trust her. In this case she will remain at Shiro Giri.

• If the PCs form an unusually weak party (few

effective combatants, low Insight Ranks, etc) the GM can opt to have Araki send Kouji along regardless of the PCs’ wishes.

• If Kouji does accompany the PCs, she will bring

not only her sword and armor but also her other weapons, including a bow and arrows and a knife of obsidian. She will keep the knife concealed for as long as possible – it was given into her care many years ago by the Imperial families, before her reputation was damaged, and she is reluctant to let anyone know she still has it.

Equipment and Support Once Kouji’s fate is decided, Yotsu Araki will arrange for the PCs to each receive 2 days’ worth of preserved food and a finger of jade (unless they already have one). He will also replenish any depleted medicine kits the PCs might have.

Part 2: Back to the Portal Due to the battle underway between the Tiger and Kyojitsu’s forces, the PCs will have to take a different route to the portal than they did in Round One. This means navigating through broken-down ruins to reach their destination. The PCs must roll Perception/Hunting (Trailblazing) at TN 35 to successfully navigate without getting lost. Only one PC can make the roll for the party, but up to 2 other PCs can assist. (Note that Kasuga Kouji can also attempt this roll if no PC is skilled enough to do so.) If the PCs fail the roll, they face a specific encounter from the list of five below (rolled randomly) and must then try the Hunting roll again. The encounters will not repeat (if a duplicate is rolled, the GM should switch to the next encounter on the list). If the PCs go through all five encounters (five failed Hunting rolls) they will finally reach the portal regardless on their sixth attempt.

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The Encounters 1-2: A samurai in Tiger colors is wandering the ruins. Whether the Tiger is one of the attackers or defenders is normally impossible to tell from observation, but a PC who can see spirits can roll Perception/Investigation (Notice) at TN 25 to spot the shadowy form of Kyojitsu hovering near him. If the PCs want to avoid the Tiger’s notice, they must make a Combined Roll of Agility/Stealth (Sneaking) at TN 15 to escape his attention. Conversely, if they approach or attack the Tiger will immediately flee, trying to escape into the ruins. The PCs can get one Round of ranged attacks/spells before he escapes. (This is his native environment so the PCs will not be able to track him down.) If he spots the PCs and escapes, add one bushi to the encounter at the portal later on. 3: One of the PCs missteps and bumps into a particularly weak and crumbling ruin. The ancient stone wall falls over and starts a chain reaction of crumbling rubble on every side. All PCs must roll Agility/Defense at TN 20 to avoid being crushed under rubble for 6k3 damage.

4-5: The PCs quickly realize they are lost and can retrace their steps and try again without incident.

6-8: The PCs encounter a wounded man in Tiger colors lying alongside their path. His leg has been severed and he is in danger of bleeding to death. He appears to be in his late thirties, with streaks of gray in his hair. This man was actually possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu, but the malignant spirit released him when he suffered his seemingly fatal wound. Unfortunately his experience under the direct control of a yokai has left him somewhat Tainted and quite insane. He does not even realize that he is bleeding to death when the PCs encounter him. When he sees the PCs, the Tiger will babble, “Don’t take me back! I don’t want to go back! Wait for him to come here! He’ll kill me! He doesn’t need me anymore! I don’t want him anymore! Ah my head! It hurts! Tell him to go away!” Some PCs might just ignore this man spouting nonsensical babble, but others may try to talk to him. Unfortunately, he will always respond with similar ranting and nonsense. The PCs can get a small amount of useful information by making an Awareness/Investigation (Interrogation) roll at TN 25. The PCs will gather that he was controlled by a voice from a place “where no living man should ever go,” though the exact meaning of this can’t be determined. He says the voice was always telling him what to do.

The Tiger is fatally wounded, but a high-ranking shugenja can save him with the spell Peace of the Kami. Otherwise he will die within a minute or two. If a PC does heal him, or conversely chooses to put him out of his misery, that PC gains 1 Point of Honor. 9-10: The PCs are on the right track, but a large ruin has fallen recently and blocked the path. The PCs can choose to go around the block (with a successful Perception/Hunting (Trailblazing) roll at TN 25) and find a different way, or the PCs can climb over the rubble. Climbing requires an Agility/Athletics (Climbing) roll at TN 20 from each PC. Using tools such as rope or climbing claws will give a Free Raise on the roll. A PC who fails the roll falls fifteen feet and takes 3k2 damage. Observing the Battle If the PCs wish, they can observe the battle from a distance. Since both sides are primarily Tiger, the battle is a befuddling sight. On one side, squads of Tiger bushi attack ferociously, while on the other side a smaller number of Tiger are defending in orderly formations to the best of their ability. They are clearly having difficulty fighting all-out against their former comrades. PCs who roll Perception/Battle (Mass Combat) at TN 20 will see the attacking side also shows other Clan colors in the mix: the black and red of the Scorpion, the greens of the Mantis, even at least one samurai in Unicorn purple can be spotted, scimitar slicing through the air. Ambush at the Gate Eventually the PCs will find their way back to the wreckage of the Imperial Palace where they discovered the portal the previous day. Assuming they approach with caution, they will see that the portal appears to be unguarded. Though yesterday the spirit portal looked weak and was only about the size of a single person, today it is much larger, though you still cannot see what lies beyond it. You estimate that at least five armored bushi could fit through it side by side with room to spare. However, it appears to be unguarded – the rubble-strewn clearing in the middle of the ruins is completely empty. If the PCs left bodies here yesterday, they are also gone, though blood-stains and drag-marks show where they once lay.

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Clever PCs may realize this is a trap. They can try to hang back and scout the area, or use magic such as By the Light of the Moon to detect the presence of others in the area. Tiger bushi are very stealthy and hard to detect by simply looking around, especially since they are familiar with the layout of Otosan Uchi, so the PCs will have to roll Perception/Investigation (Notice) at TN 30. A successful roll, or casting an appropriate spell, means the PCs spot the Tiger waiting in ambush around the portal. Approaching the gate without detecting the ambush party will be dangerous. PCs must roll Contested Perception/Battle (Ambush) against the Tigers’ Agility/Stealth (Ambush) or be taken by surprise, incurring a -20 penalty on their Initiative rolls. The Tiger will be considered to have surprise for purposes of their Rank Two school technique, but due to the fight taking place in full daylight, they will not actually be able to treat the PCs as unaware targets. The number of Tiger ambushers is equal to the number of bushi in the party, plus a possible extra generated by a failed Hunting roll previously. The ambush party is composed of some of the strongest bushi under the control of Hiruma Kyojitsu – they speak in unison and fighting with absolutely no sense of self-preservation. They will not retreat or give up no matter how badly they are losing the fight. Their goal is to prevent the PCs from entering the portal, but if any PCs do get past them into the portal they will not pursue – instead, they will wait outside and renew their attack if anyone comes back out. After the Fight If the PCs stay and defeat the possessed Tiger, they will have to decide what to do next. There is no way for the PCs to tell where the portal goes – though the presence of Taint may suggest the possibility of either Jigoku or Gaki-do. Although it may seem obvious that the PCs should go through the portal and look for Hoshi Haitoku, there is nothing forcing the PCs to do so. Indeed, the presence of Taint may well be a source of concern to the PCs, and if they check the dead/unconscious Tiger, they are also showing evidence of mild Tainting. There is no other evidence or clues available – the Tiger are carrying nothing beyond the normal gear of samurai.

Part 3: Into the Gate When the PCs pass through the portal, they enter Jigoku, the Realm of Evil: Otosan Uchi was a wasteland, but nothing like this. The sky is a dark gray, roiling clouds interspersed with faint ominous flickers of red. There is no visible sun or moon. The ground is stony and harsh, a bare landscape of cracked earth and broken stone. Your vision seems hazy, and within about thirty feet everything becomes gray and indistinct. The air is thick and heavy, smelling of dust and ashes with a faint tang of putrefaction. No wind can be felt. You have only a moment to take in the surroundings when you are hit with a sick, twisting feeling that coils through your stomach, a profound sense that everything around you is wrong. A foul sensation seems to be crawling up and down your body and into your lungs with every breath. Any PCs who do not have some form of jade on them must now roll Simple Earth at TN 10 or gain 1 point of Taint (they will not automatically be aware of this, since the foul sensations are the same regardless). They are in the Realm of Evil and everything around them is suffused with the primal essence of Taint. Additional rolls, as noted in the text, will be needed as the PCs proceed through Jigoku toward their goal. Once a PC fails one of these rolls, all subsequent rolls will automatically fail, although the PC can still roll for additional Taint exposure from other causes. Leaving the portal and returning will not “reset” this effect. If any of the PCs have jade (such as the jade fingers Araki offered them before they left Shiro Giri), the jade almost instantly turns dead black and flows away as a foul greasy sludge. (This spares the PCs from the first Taint exposure roll, of course, but does not prevent them from having to make other rolls later.) This will not only include jade fingers but also any and all jade the PCs may have – including jade weapons, jade-studded Demon Armor, jade powder, and so forth. The GM should collect any certed jade items that are destroyed, and make a note and initial any certs for items that are partially jade (such as Demon Armor) and have lost their jade properties. Regardless of whether or not they lose any jade, the PCs will also notice a rotting smell coming from their travel packs. All of their preserved food and drink has become spoiled, rotten, and Tainted.

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Effects of the Realm of Evil The PCs are in Jigoku, though they may not realize it yet. Thankfully, they are on the outer edges of this malign spirit realm, but even here the effects of the Taint are much stronger than they can ever be in the mortal realm. The PCs can roll Intelligence/Lore: Spirit Realms at TN 25, or Lore: Shadowlands at TN 35, to deduce where they are – otherwise they will have figure it out for themselves. Regardless, as long as the PCs remain here they face the following restrictions and effects: • Wood, cloth, and other flammables will not burn

properly, emitting only a weak, sputtering blue or green flame which offers little or no heat. Dead bodies will not burn.

• Wounds will not heal naturally. The Medicine skill, curative magic (such as Path to Inner Peace), kihos, and nemurenai (such as Crane fetishes or Dragon Clan potions) will work normally, however. Also, each time a PC is injured, s/he must roll Simple Earth at TN 10 or gain 1 point of Taint.

• All spellcasting rolls (except for maho spells) are at a +20 TN due to the unfriendly nature of the local spirits. If a PC misses the spellcasting roll due to the +20 penalty, a kansen (evil spirit) will contact the PC and offer to produce the spell. A PC who agrees to this will indeed cast the spell successfully, but will gain a number of points of Taint equal to the Mastery Level of the spell.

• Any Commune spell cast in Jigoku will automatically contact a dangerous kansen which will try to bargain with the PC, offering information in exchange for a small gift of Taint (1 point for each question answered.)

• Void Points and spell slots do not recover naturally (e.g. through rest). The Meditation skill will still work for recovering both Void and spell rings, but the extremely hostile nature of Jigoku means that all Meditation rolls are at +10 TN. Needless to say, it is impossible to perform a Tea Ceremony inside of Jigoku.

• Spending the night in Jigoku is a dangerous endeavor. Every 24 hours spent in Jigoku automatically earns the PCs 1 point of Taint (no Earth roll to resist).

• Food and water instantly become Tainted and diseased in Jigoku, even if well sealed or preserved. Anything the PCs eat in Jigoku carries the Taint. Eating Tainted food or drinking Tainted liquids will instantly earn that PC 1 point of Taint.

• Dying inside the Realm of Evil is a very bad idea.

If any of the PCs die, or if the PCs kill any mortal NPCs such as Hoshi Haitoku, their souls will be visible hovering over their bodies, grimaces of horror and pain on their faces. They are trapped here, waiting for an oni to come and collect them for torment.

The Crow Tattoo If any PC goes into Jigoku with an active Crow tattoo, or turns on a Crow tattoo at any point while inside Jigoku, there will be a searing and horrible pain as the tattoo begins to overload from the massive Taint pouring into it. If the PC immediately turns off the tattoo, nothing will happen, the pain will fade, and the tattoo will function normally after the PCs returns to Ningen-do. If the PC leaves the tattoo active, however, it will burn away and vanish within a few moments, inflicting 3k3 damage on the PC. The tattoo is permanently gone and cannot be restored. The Curious Oni After the PCs have been given a few moments to collect themselves, they see a large humanoid creature emerge from the gray haze. It has two large pincers in place of hands, and its head is horned and adorned with a pair of red eyes that are faceted like gems. This is a nameless Oni, one of the myriad inhabitants of Jigoku who sole task is to torture the souls of the wicked yokai condemned to the Realm of Evil. This particular Oni has noticed the open portal and came to look. The PCs will quickly enough realize this is an Oni, but may be surprised when it does not immediately attack them. Rather, it is curious about these new visitors to Jigoku. It will not be aggressive toward the PCs, though if attacked it will defend itself to the best of its ability. If the PCs do not initiate hostilities, the Oni just stares at them for a few moments, then it speaks in a snarling yet bewildered tone. “Are you living humans? How you get here? No living ever comes here, nor want to.” The PCs will likely be confused by an Oni talking to them, but if they respond in kind the Oni will actually be conversational.

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• If the PCs ask where they are, the Oni responds with harsh laughter. “Foolish humans! You walk into Jigoku and not even know it? Hahahahaha!” The Oni will laugh loudly for a long time and then finally collect itself.

• If the PCs ask about the portal, the Oni will explain that it was just wandering nearby and noticed the portal. It tried to poke its head through but couldn’t, so it was leaving when the PCs came through. The Oni otherwise knows nothing about the portal.

• If the PCs ask the Oni why it doesn’t attack them,

the Oni will respond with a growl. “Keeping visitors out of Jigoku is duty of the Gatekeepers. I not doing job of those high and mighty Gatekeepers. They mess up, not my problem. Besides, you stay here, you ours soon enough.”

When the PCs are finished speaking with the Oni, it will lose interest and walk away. Alternatively, if they attack it at any time, it will fight back as hard as it can, but if it is losing the fight it will retreat into the haze and escape. Either way, once the PCs are done with the Oni they will have to figure out what to do next. If they examine the ground on this side of the portal, they can roll Perception/Hunting (Tracking) at TN 20 to spot the tracks of several human-sized persons wearing sandals. Following the tracks through the hazy gray landscape will require another such roll – failure means the PCs must retrace their path and try again. This takes time, so each roll made to follow the trail (whether successful or failed) also requires a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 to avoid gaining 1 point of Taint. Leaving Jigoku? Some PCs may decide that being in Jigoku is more trouble than it is worth. They didn’t sign up for a trip to the Realm of Evil, after all. This is in fact a viable option and the PCs can retreat at any time during the module. If they leave now, they have effectively ended the adventure – however, in most cases this should not entail an Honor loss, since the PCs are in a situation beyond what they expected to deal with. (Retreating from a hopeless battle is not intrinsically dishonorable.) If the PCs retreat at this point and report back to Yotsu Araki, he will thank them for their efforts, expressing full understanding for their decision to retreat. He dispatches word to the Jade Champion for help. The PCs earn a maximum of 3 Experience Points.

If some of the PCs retreat and others do not, the PCs who retreat should lose a number of points of Honor equal to their current Honor Rank for abandoning other samurai in the Realm of Evil. Furthermore, those PCs still share in the failure at the end of the adventure if the other PCs are unable to complete the mission. (They do not share the rewards for success.)

Part 4: The Gambling Oni The PCs will be able to follow the footprints for about two hours without incident. However, one should not expect to travel in Jigoku without trouble. As the PCs travel through the Realm of Evil, they will quickly grow parched, as the stifling air overheats them even as their bodies refuse to sweat. The PCs will feel a very strong need to drink something, although not so strong that they need to make a roll to refuse. If they (wisely) do not drink anything, they will need to roll Stamina/Meditation (Fasting) at TN 20 or become so parched that it impacts their body and judgment, inflicting a +5 TN penalty on all actions until they drink something. Of course, drinking something will cause them to gain Taint. After two hours, the tracks which the PCs are following come to an abrupt end. No matter how hard they search they will be unable to find any clue as to why the tracks suddenly stop. The tracks have been magically erased by Bakuto no Oni, a cunning and manipulative creature which will reveal itself to the PCs after a short time. The PCs’ first warning of the Oni’s presence will be a voice emerging from the haze somewhere to the right of the vanished trail. “Hail, visitors to the realm. Seldom do the living step foot in Jigoku.” If the PCs react with immediate violence/attack, Bakuto will retreat into the haze, then speak again from another direction after a few minutes. If the PCs do not attempt to continue without the trail, they will eventually have to listen. “I call myself Bakuto. I apologize for not revealing myself to you. You see, I wish to be sure I am not in any danger. After all, the arrival of living humans is somewhat… intimidating. I am used to the local yokai spirits. Much less... unpredictable.” Bakuto is an Oni, but not an especially powerful or dangerous one (which is why is dwelling out here at the edge of Jigoku). It is not sure how powerful the PCs are and does not wish to reveal itself to them unless absolutely necessary. However, it is hoping the PCs may represent an opportunity as well. Bakuto will

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behave in a friendly and curious manner, trying to win the PCs’ trust (or at least their interest). If they seem to be ignoring it, it will hint that it knows why they are here. “Following someone, eh? Yes, there have been a number of mortals through here lately. Most unusual. Though the others seemed more… at home, in this place.” Bakuto can reveal the following information if the PCs continue speaking to it. • Bakuto claims to make its home in the area and is

well-versed in the goings-on of this deserted piece of Jigoku. It knows about the monk and samurai who have passed through, and claims it also knows where they were going. It will not just hand over that location for free, though. See the next section for obtaining the location of Hiruma Kyojitsu’s hideout from the Oni.

• Bakuto can provide information about Hiruma Kyojitsu if the PCs think to ask. It knows Kyojitsu is a yokai spirit (a mortal soul condemned to Jigoku) that somehow managed to escape from the Oni who were torturing him. “An anomaly that one, willful, powerful for a yokai. That one needs to learn its place in this realm.” Bakuto growls with annoyance. “I’d love to show that yokai a thing or two, but I am afraid that is not a task for me. I am but a simple wanderer of the realm, taking my business with me.”

• If the PCs ask about the tracks, Bakuto will feign

ignorance, claiming to have no idea why the tracks disappear. This is a lie, which can be detected by rolling Awareness/Investigation against the Oni’s Awareness/Deceit (Lying), but even if the PCs do call it out for lying it will not tell the truth. It intends to try to barter with the PCs for the location of Hiruma Kyojitsu’s hideout.

Bakuto’s Sales Pitch Bakuto is Jigoku’s equivalent of a businessman and a professional gambler. Its voice, while inhuman, also sounds oily, refined, and vaguely snobbish, like a duplicitous courtier. Although it is used to doing business with other Oni, it sees the arrival of living humans (who are not possessed by Kyojitsu) as an entertaining business opportunity. It will make it clear to the PCs that it knows where to find Kyojitsu, but it will also make it clear it will not give them the information they need for free. The PCs will be unable to get the information out of Bakuto using brute force – it will simply retreat from a confrontation, and the unnatural environment of Jigoku will make it

impossible to catch. Likewise it will not succumb to intimidation (or seduction). The Oni will propose a game to the PCs. “I will reveal the location of Hiruma Kyojitsu’s… lair, shall we say? All you need do is defeat me at a simple game of dice. However, if you lose, you must give me something. Shall we say… a name? Yes, a name would do, I think.” • If the PCs ask the Oni why it just wants a name, it

will sound amused and pedantic at the same time. “Well, you see, Oni such as myself are normally bound to Jigoku. Many of my brethren resent that they are unable to leave. But if they are given a mortal’s name, they can enter the mortal world, an excellent place for them to enjoy themselves. Now most Oni receive their names by striking a deal with a mortal, a service for a name. But if I have a few extra names available, why, I can offer those to my fellows for suitable compensation. Quite the opportunity, don’t you think?”

• If the PCs accuse it of wanting to enter the mortal realm itself, Bakuto will sound wounded. “Why would I do that? The mortal realm is not a suitable place for an Oni like myself, I am small and weak compared to my brethren.” This is not entirely true, which can be detected by rolling Awareness/Investigation (Interrogation) against the Oni’s Awareness/Deceit (Lying). However, the PCs will know only that it is not telling the entire truth, not that it is actively lying.

Bakuto will try to further interest the PCs by mentioning it is carrying some very useful items. “If you plan to take on a yokai spirit your swords will be useless,” it advises in its friendly voice. “I may have exactly what you need, though. A pair of Oni claws would give you precisely the edge you require.” If the PCs accuse it of trying to graft claws onto their flesh, it will sound wounded by their lack of trust. “Not at all, not at all! These are weapons fashioned from Oni claws. So if you wanted to play for more than just information, I could wager these as well. As long as you have names to give, I don’t mind playing until you can beat me,” the Oni says with an obnoxiously confident and mildly sinister tone. If the PCs seem to be leaning away from playing Bakuto’s game, it will try to persuade them by claiming it is the only one who can guide them, and claiming its price is cheap. “Most of my brethren would kill you on sight, especially the Gatekeepers. You should see the

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kinds of ways a Gatekeeper can kill its prey!” Again, this is deceptive – the Oni knows if the PCs search hard enough they can probably find the trail again on their own, so it wants them to think that isn’t an option. Playing Bakuto’s Game If the PCs agree to play the Oni’s game, they will need to select one PC to actually play and risk his or her name (or the name of another PC who is a good friend or relative – they don’t have to give it yet so it doesn’t matter at this point). The Oni will ask the PC to step away from the party. If the PC refuses, the Oni will insist it wants to avoid violence, and will volunteer to allow another PC to accompany the one who is gambling. If the PCs absolutely insist that they must all be present for the game, Bakuto will heave a theatrical sigh and agree… but only if the PCs swear on their honor as samurai not to attack it. If the PCs swear, it will approach. • Note that if Kasuga Kouji if in the party, she will

not play a game with the Oni under any circumstances. She will not stop or criticize other PCs for doing so – she does not now feel herself worthy of passing judgment on others – but she will not risk further damnation of herself.

Bakuto reveals itself to be a smooth-skinned humanoid creature, man-sized, with a short and rather nicely polished horn sticking out of its bare forehead. It has claws on its hands and feet but they are short and might even be thought to give the impression of being manicured. Playing the Oni’s game is risky, but surprisingly fair. Bakuto has a set of dice – they are fair and unweighted, as a PC can determine with a Raw Perception roll at TN 20. If a PC has a set of dice to use, Bakuto will readily accept if the dice are fair. If a PC tries to use weighted dice, Bakuto will toss them in its claws and then smile broadly. “I think we’ll use my dice, my friends.” To win the game, the PCs must make a Contested Roll of Awareness/Games: Fortunes and Winds with Bakuto. (Note that Bakuto has a Rank of Luck.) Whether the PCs win or lose, after the game is over Bakuto will say, “A deal made with an Oni is a binding one,” then either claim or give any prizes. If the PCs win the location of Kyojitsu’s lair, Bakuto will try to entice them with the offer of the Oni’s claw weapon. If they refuse, or if they win both location and claw without losing a single name, Bakuto will clearly

be somewhat disappointed but will keep its word, giving them detailed directions and telling them that Kyojitsu keeps guards and will likely be waiting for them. If the PCs win a game for the Oni claw, Bakuto snaps its fingers and a large purple-colored glove materializes in its hand. The glove’s fingers all end in nails that extend into a sharp wicked curve. The glove can be worn by any normal-sized or Large PC (Small PCs find the glove is too big for them to wear). It can be used as a weapon in combat, employing the Jiujutsu skill, and has a DR of 3k2. Of course, since the glove is made from an Oni’s hand it is Tainted, and each time a PC hits with it, the PC must roll Simple Earth at a TN equal to half the damage rolled (rounded down) or gain 1 point of Taint. The Oni claw is treated as a nemurenai for the purposes of harming supernatural creatures. If Bakuto beats a PC at the game, it will expect the PC to give his or her name, or the name of a fellow PC who agrees to the deal. If the defeated PC refuses despite losing the game, Bakuto will warn that a deal with an Oni cannot be broken, and smiles in a greasy and sinister manner. The next time the PC says his/her name anywhere, in Jigoku or not, Bakuto will hear it. • If a PC tries to give Bakuto a fake name, or the

name of someone who is not here in the adventure, the Oni will laugh. “I’m afraid that name is inadequate. I’ll warn you – a deal with an Oni cannot be broken, no matter how much you think it can be.” If the PC has the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert, trying to give a false name is an exercise in Control and triggers a corruption roll. If the PC does not back off and give a correct name, the deal is considered broken and the effects listed above apply.

• If a PC tries to give the name of a fellow PC

without permission, Bakuto will smirk and ask the other PC whether or not s/he agrees to the deal. If the other PC refuses, Bakuto turns back to the PC who lost the game and demands a proper name. Again, PCs with the “Possessed” cert must make a corruption roll for such an act.

If any PCs give up their names to Bakuto, the GM should report this information to the Campaign Admin at <[email protected]>.

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Proceeding without Bakuto’s Help The PCs may decide to ignore Bakuto’s “help” and try to proceed on their own. They have a couple of different options. If there is a shugenja in the party, the PCs can try to get directions by casting Commune. This will of course summon a Kansen, but the Kansen will be willing to help the PCs find their way in exchange for a gift of 3 points of Taint for the PC. Another option is to try to detect the hidden tracks. Casting By the Light of the Moon will not work – the Moon does not exist in Jigoku! However, a PC who casts Sense or who can otherwise detect spirits will be able to perceive many Air Kansen congregating along the surface of the ground. Bakuto’s deception can be broken by casting Counterspell against the equivalent of a rank 3 Air spell. If this is successful, the tracks will reveal themselves and the PCs will be able to continue following them. As before, following the tracks will be a roll of Perception/Hunting (Tracking) at TN 20 – failure means the PCs must retrace their path and try again, and each roll made (whether successful or failed) also requires a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 to avoid gaining 1 point of Taint. If there are no shugenja in the party, the PCs have one other option: they can attempt to deduce the correct direction of the tracks by extrapolating a straight line from where the trail ended. This will be difficult because the alien landscape and hazy light makes it very difficult to project and follow a straight line. The PCs must roll Perception/Hunting (Tracking) at TN 40 to maintain a straight line until they get beyond the range of Bakuto’s magic and find the trail again. Failure means finding their way back to the end of the tracks and starting over, and each roll (as usual) also entails a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 to avoid gaining 1 point of Taint. Using Bakuto’s Directions If the PCs defeated Bakuto they will have the directions they need to get to Kyojitsu’s hideout. The Oni waves goodbye, unctuously thanking them for their business, and goes on its way. In this case no die-roll will be needed, since Bakuto’s directions are both accurate and easy to follow. However, they will still need to make a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 to avoid gaining 1 point of Taint during the march. Escaping the Realm of Evil If the PCs are unable to find the trail and unable/unwilling to gamble with the Oni, they may

decide to turn back, return to the mortal world, and report to Yotsu Araki. As before, this means the adventure is over for them and they earn a maximum of 3 XP. The GM should remember that turning back in these circumstances is an acceptable course of action, and not inherently cowardly or dishonorable. If the GM believes the PCs are not strong enough to defeat Kyojitsu and Haitoku, it may be a good idea to remind them that they can turn back – however, the ultimate decision must always be made by the PCs. The GM should not try to push them one way or the other. Because the PCs have advanced far into Jigoku at this point, if they turn back, they must now make an Intelligence/Hunting (Trailblazing) roll at TN 20 to find their way back to the portal. Each time they make this roll they must also make a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 or gain 1 point of Taint. If the PCs fail to find their way back to the portal after 5 Hunting rolls, they are lost in Jigoku, unable to return to the mortal realm. These PCs will reappear at GenCon 2010. If a single PC tries to return to the portal alone, and succeeds, the GM should roll a single die. If the result is 1, 2, or 3, the PC is found by powerful Oni and devoured, his/her spirit trapped in Jigoku forever.

Part 5: The Dojo of Dreams

The PCs should have the idea that they have been in Jigoku for many hours now, perhaps as long as a day or more. In reality, it has only been a few hours, but the lack of a Sun or Moon in Jigoku makes it difficult to tell. Have the PCs roll Raw Willpower at TN 20 – those who fail will have a gut-wrenching feeling that if they do not leave Jigoku now they might never escape. It is up to those PCs how they roll-play this sudden onset of fear and uncertainty. • If Kasuga Kouji is with the group, she will go

where the group goes. However, if they are having doubts, she will quietly push them to continue, reminding them of their duty to protect the Empire.

The Entrance to the Dojo Slowly emerging from the gray haze is what appears to be a Rokugani building, albeit with walls of stone instead of wood. As you get closer you can see the building is adorned in banners with the gray, blue, and rust-red colors of the Crab Clan, though you

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cannot make out what mons are featured at this distance. This is Hiruma Kyojitsu’s hideout, a near-exact reconstruction of the dojo he called home during his adult lifetime. The PCs will be unable to make out much about the building right now but they will be able to explore it (and even recognize it) once they are inside. Inside the Dojo If the PCs decide to enter the gates and explore, any PC with the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert will find entering this place difficult – Kyojitsu is trying his best to keep them from entering. These PCs will be visibly pained as Kyojitsu tries to will them to do his bidding, and must make a corruption roll. Whether or not they fail the roll, they will ultimately still be able to enter the dojo – however, if they failed the roll, they experience actual physical pain (equivalent to 1k1 non-exploding in Wounds) as they enter the building. Inside the gate is what appears to be a fairly normal Rokugani dojo, with a central building surrounded by several smaller buildings, interspersed with training fields, a couple of rock gardens (no koi ponds, though), and the whole thing bordered by a high wall. The PCs are free to explore the area as they see fit. The various training halls have blunted practice weapons and wooden bokken on display, and the gardens contain meditation stones where students can clear their minds. The outward appearances the place seems very much like a traditional Rokugani dojo, aside from the prevalence of stone construction. The biggest difference between a real Rokugani dojo and this place is that the plaques and banners within do not carry words of wisdom about honor, purity, or tenets of Bushido, but rather offer passages about power and self-gain, referencing the Dark Virtues of Shourido (which the PCs can identify with an Intelligence/Lore: Bushido roll at TN 20 or by having one or more Ranks of Lore: Shourido). Examples would be passages like, “Strive for perfection. Trust only your master and yourself,” and, “The power of strength and force of will defy the fallacy of Bushido.” • PCs who have seen Hiruma Kyojitsu in their

dreams will recognize this dojo as the one where Kyojitsu appears in each dream. These PCs should be able to deduce that if their dreams are accurate, he will be inside the main building.

If the PCs examine the banners or the mons on any of the objects in the dojo, they will note that all of it is in the colors of the Crab clan, but the mons are not Crab mons. They instead feature the kanji for two words, “Truth” and “Falsehood.” Confronting Hiruma Kyojitsu If the PCs want to confront Kyojitsu and his chief minion Haitoku, they will have to enter the main training hall, which only has one door, a heavy double shoji. Inside is a wide hard-packed dirt floor, stone walls lined with plaques (the names of the masters and students of the dojo and the tenets of Shourido), and at the end of the room a slightly raised platform where the master would sit to watch his disciples train. At the end of the room you see the familiar figure and face of the Dragon monk Hoshi Haitoku, seated cross-legged and apparently deep in meditation. At his side stands a man wearing Crab colors whose skin is white as a skeleton. He seems slightly translucent to your sight. All PCs who have seen Kyojitsu in their dreams will immediately recognize him. He speaks to the PCs even as they finish sliding open the door. “I’ve been waiting for your arrival for some time now. You’ve been through many trials to reach me. Look, Haitoku-san.” The monk opens his eyelids, showing cold dark eyes that seem to strip the light out of anything they look at. “These samurai are strong, full of determination and will. If you samurai were to follow me, I could teach you how to hone these flowering abilities of yours. All I ask is that you call me, Hiruma Kyojitsu, your semsei.” At this point, before the PCs can react or attack, the GM should check how many corruption points they have (if any). If any PC with a “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert has accumulated 6 or more Corruption Points, that PC now comes under the full control of Hiruma Kyojitsu. Those PCs step forward and kneel to their new master, as they experience the following: You feel your mind being ripped from you, as though you are being pushed out of your own body. You can still hear, feel, and smell, but you cannot speak or control your movements. You feel yourself kneel down on the ground, and you hear yourself saying, “I have come to join you, Kyojitsu-sama. Please take me, however unworthy, as your disciple.” PCs who are not possessed will very likely attack right away. However, if they hesitate (especially if some of

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their comrades are possessed) Kyojitsu will be very happy to speak with them. He would much rather convert the PCs than fight them, but if the PCs seem to be stalling he will eventually lose patience and begin the fight. • Kyojitsu will claim to the PCs that he was the son

of the Hiruma daimyo and was destined to lead his family and Clan to greatness by adopting the tenants of Shourido, eventually spreading them all through Rokugan. He will not say who his father was or what year he was born in, claiming that such details are no longer important.

• Kyojitsu will be happy to discuss Shourido and Bushido with the party, extolling the superiority of the Dark Virtues: Strength, Will, Control, Knowledge, Insight, Determination, and Perfection. He will not hesitate to argue cruelly and unfairly, pointing out every possible flaw and inconsistency with Bushido while avoiding any of its strengths. PCs who defend Bushido well and skillfully, with heartfelt sincerity, should be awarded 1 to 3 points of Honor.

• Kyojitsu intends to use the portal to return to the

mortal realm, where he can spread the word of Shourido to all of Rokugan. “The chaos already loose in the Empire will become my tool, and I will clean out the weak and place Rokugan under the control of the strong.” He dismisses the idea that anyone else in Rokugan could thwart his plans.

• Kyojitsu genuinely believes it was his destiny in

life to carry out his mission. His death only affirmed this belief; for he has escaped his Oni captors and by sheer determination created another chance to fulfill his destiny. He believes his time in Jigoku was merely a test of his determination, strength, and will.

• Kyojitsu will freely admit to possessing others but

does not admit to any wrongdoing thereby. He is merely exercising the Virtue of Shourido he believes is most important: Control. “Always be able to watch and guide your most important tools and you will achieve victory.” He believes he is no different than a shepherd guiding lost animals.

• Kyojitsu is aware of the major events in Rokugan

but interprets them all through the lens of his own madness. He has no knowledge or understanding of Celestial beings or events, and will laughingly dismiss any suggestion that he is a minion of the

Obsidian Dragon. “I am my own master, not controlled by another!”

Battling the Master of Shourido Kyojitsu is more difficult to fight than might first appear. Because he is a yokai spirit and not a physical being, he cannot be hurt by mundane weapons. He can be harmed by magic spells, though the difficulty of casting spells in Jigoku will make this difficult for the PCs. Jade can harm him, but Jigoku’s defilement makes jade unavailable to the PCs. Other options include crystal and obsidian weapons, both of which are quite rare but the PCs could potentially have acquired during the campaign. Spells which grant a weapon a temporary enhancement (such as Biting Steel) will allow those weapons to harm him. Ironically, the gaijin silver knife from Round One can also harm him, if the PCs brought it with them. • Remember the spellcasting penalties imposed by

Jigoku apply to PC shugenja. All spells except Maho are at a +20 penalty to cast.

• Note that Kasuga Kouji, if she is in the party,

carries an obsidian dagger. If none of the PCs have weapons or magic that can harm Kyojitsu, she will remember the dagger, pull it out, and wield it against Kyojitsu.

There is a flip side to this restriction, however: because Kyojitsu is an insubstantial spirit, he finds it difficult to directly harm the living. However, he can spend a Void Point in order to materialize just long enough to attack for a single turn. As a yokai he does not have a Void Ring of his own, but he is able to siphon off and use any remaining Void Points from Hoshi Haitoku, as well as from any PC who has the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” cert (whether or not he fully controls them). He cannot spend these stolen Void Points for any other purpose, however. • Any PC with the “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu”

cert will have a difficult time attacking him. For each Corruption Point they have, they must declare a Raise for no benefit on any action meant to harm Kyojitsu, including attacking or casting a spell.

Hoshi Haitoku will spend the fight protecting his master. He will attack any PC who appears to threaten Kyojitsu – this includes shugenja, PCs with weapons that can harm Kyojitsu, and Kasuga Kouji. He ignores PCs who cannot harm his master unless there is no other choice of who to attack.

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If Kyojitsu dies before Haitoku, and Haitoku is not Out, Haitoku will spend his next action shouting, “My master will live!” and taking his own life, literally ripping his own throat out with his bare hands. This resurrects Kyojitsu at the +15 Wound Rank. If Haitoku dies first, Kyojitsu will howl with fury and redouble his attacks. • Note that Haitoku is the one maintaining the portal.

When he dies it will begin to close. See “Return to Ningen-do” below for details.

If the PCs are able to defeat Kyojitsu, his yokai spirit will be destroyed. He leaves no trace behind, as his very existence disappears from reality. The instant he is destroyed for good, the PCs fully possessed by him regain their self-control completely, and all PCs with “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” certs immediately lose those certs and all effects from them. Possessed PCs PCs who are fully possessed by Kyojitsu will normally attack their fellows to the best of their ability. However, each Round they may attempt to resist Kyojitsu’s control by making a Raw Willpower roll at TN 20, adding their Honor Rank to each die. Success means they are able to resist him enough to stand in place and do nothing. Failure means they spend this Round attacking their comrades as he desires. Total Party Possession? If the entire party is controlled by Hiruma Kyojitsu (unlikely but possible), and Kasuga Kouji is in the party, she will stand alone against Kyojitsu. She draws her obsidian dagger, shouts, “Courage before Determination, Compassion before Strength, Duty before Will, and the Empire before myself,” and lunges at Kyojitsu. Hoshi Haitoku, if still alive, will try to intercept her, and Kyojitsu will bellow with rage and orders the PC to kill her. Kouji will be the Empire’s only hope against Hiruma Kyojitsu. She will never attack a PC, only Haitoku and Kyojitsu, and she will fight until dead. Kyojitsu will do everything in his power to kill her also, with the possessed PCs as his tools. Defeat? If all PCs and Kasuga Koiji are fully possessed or defeated, the adventure is over. The PCs are all trapped in Jigoku as possessed servants of Kyojitsu. They are lost forever.

Flight? It is possible that the PCs will be unable to harm Kyojitsu, due to lack of equipment and/or shugenja. If this is the case, it should soon become apparent to them that their only hope for survival is retreat back to the portal. As before, the GM should make sure the PCs realize there is no shame or Honor Loss in retreating from a hopeless battle. Neither Kyojitsu nor his minions will give chase. If the PCs start retreating and Kouji is in the party, she will retreat with them. As before, because the PCs have advanced far into Jigoku at this point, if they turn back, they must now make an Intelligence/Hunting (Trailblazing) roll at TN 20 to find their way back to the portal. Each time they make this roll they must also make a Simple Earth roll at TN 10 or gain 1 point of Taint. If the PCs fail to find their way back to the portal after 5 Hunting rolls, they are lost in Jigoku, unable to return to the mortal realm. These PCs will reappear at GenCon 2010. If a single PC tries to return to the portal alone, and succeeds, the GM should roll a single die. If the result is 1, 2, or 3, the PC is found by powerful Oni and devoured, his/her spirit trapped in Jigoku forever. Arrival of the Gatekeeper If the PCs are able to destroy Hiruma Kyojitsu, one more incident will happen before they are able to return to the now-closing portal: As you are beginning to collect yourselves after the battle, you hear a very loud rumble and then an even louder crash as the building around you begins to collapse. Let the PCs decide how they will escape, but ultimately no rolls will be necessary. The important thing is that all the PCs leave the dojo. Outside the dojo the PCs will face their final test of the adventure. One of the Oni responsible for ensuring Jigoku is running as normal has been attracted by the PCs’ presence – and this Oni has been searching for Hiruma Kyojitsu’s yokai spirit for some time. Looking back, you see that the remains of the dojo are beginning to disappear. It seems its very existence was tied to the will of Hiruma Kyojitsu’s spirit. Looming over the vanishing ruin, however, is a monstrous sight. A huge Oni looms there, thirty feet high and covered in sharp spikes, with a mouth that could clearly fit an entire human body whole inside it. The Oni speaks in a booming voice that echoes over the

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empty gray wastes. “MORTALS. YOU ARE TRESPESSING IN MY REALM. YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE. EXPLAIN YOUR BUSINESS IN MY DOMAIN.” Hopefully, the PCs are smart enough not to attack this Oni – although there are probably a few parties that can defeat it, it represents a dire challenge indeed, especially after what they have just been through. Luckily for them, it is an intelligent monster and is still deciding what it should do about the PCs, since mortal visitors to Jigoku almost never occur. It is not especially interested in a fight, and if the PCs do attack it, the Gatekeeper Oni will seem both surprised and rather bored. It completely ignores anyone who can’t hurt it, and systematically kills those who do harm it in a rather businesslike and irritable fashion. If the PCs break off the fight it will do so as well, resuming its questioning. In general, it should give the impression of being Jigoku’s equivalent of a world-weary but highly capable beat cop. The Gatekeeper Oni wants to confirm Kyojitsu’s whereabouts, find and close the open portal to Ningen-do, and assess why the PCs are in Jigoku. Once it has gotten satisfactory answers to these questions, it will demand the PCs take it to the portal so it can monitor the gateway until it closes. The Oni is pleased that the rogue yokai spirit of Hiruma Kyojitsu was stopped, but it will not directly express this to the PCs. With the Gatekeeper Oni motivating them, the PCs will not need to make any Hunting rolls to return to the portal, though they will still need to make two Simple Earth rolls at TN 10 to avoid gaining 1 point of Taint each time. Remember that if a PC already failed one of these rolls earlier, that PC automatically gains both possible points of Taint with no roll. Fate of the Claw If any of the PCs are carrying the Oni claw they won from Bakuto the Gambling Oni, the Gatekeeper will take notice of this. Even if the PC tries to conceal it the Gatekeeper will smell the weapon and demand the PC hand it over. “THAT IS A RELIC OF JIGOKU. YOU MAY NOT KEEP IT. HAND IT OVER NOW.” If the PCs try to refuse the Oni will Intimidate the PC, rolling 10k10+6 against the PC’s Willpower/Etiquette. If the Oni somehow fails to Intimidate the PC, it will simply take the claw from the PC. If the PC is keeping it in a traveling pack, the Oni snaps the pack off of the PC’s back and takes it. If the PC is wearing it on his/her hand, the Oni rips the PC’s arm off – the PC must make a Contested Strength roll against the Oni’s roll of 8k8.

If the PC wins, the Oni takes the claw but the PC is unharmed. If the Oni wins, it takes both the claw and the PC’s arm (6k4 damage). In the unlikely event that the PCs fought and won against the Gatekeeper Oni, they can keep the oni’s claw. Return to Ningen-do Once the PCs reach the portal they can clearly see it is unstable and shrinking, already half the size it was when they entered Jigoku. The Gatekeeper Oni will want them to leave immediately. “IT CLOSES SOON. LEAVE NOW.” Presumably the PCs will not wish to hang around Jigoku any longer than they must.

Conclusions Two conclusions are possible, depending on whether the PCs were able to defeat Hiruma Kyojitsu or were forced to retreat, unable to reach or defeat him. Completion: Kyojitsu Defeated When the PCs exit the portal and return to the Tiger castle, they will pass by the battle site. There are no sounds of clashing steel or shouting men. Some dead bodies are being tended by eta, collecting the bodies for cremation, but otherwise the conflict is over. The PCs have saved many lives by putting an end to Hiruma Kyojitsu’s power. The PCs arrive at the castle to a cheering welcome from the Tiger Clan. Yotsu Araki holds a feast, both to honor the PCs and to welcome home his missing samurai. Servants bustle about delivering food and drink and the PCs are the center of attention. Later, the daimyo calls for a moment of silence and meditation to remember the losses sustained during the brief conflict. After the dinner winds down, Araki will ask the PCs to meet him privately in his garden. There he thanks the PCs personally for the deed they have done. “You have done the Tiger a great favor in protecting the Empire from this threat. Normally, news of such a deed would soon be the talk of the Empire, but with all the war and chaos afflicting Rokugan I fear your bravery may go largely unheard and unrewarded. So I’ve prepared a personal gift for you.” Araki takes a katana off of a rack against the wall and unsheathes it, revealing a beautiful blade that glows a soft jade green. “This katana was recovered from the ruins by my ancestors many years ago. It is a beautiful and powerful artifact, but no Clan or family has ever claimed it. Please accept this gift on behalf of the Tiger Clan.” The

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daimyo will expect the usual formalities for accepting gifts, and a PC who fails to follow protocol in such special circumstances will lose 1 point each of Glory and Honor. It is up to the players who among them should receive this gift – Araki will abide by their decision. If Kasuga Kouji accompanied the PCs into Jigoku, she does not receive the katana. She receives a simpler reward: her actions in Round One are forgiven. Failure If the PCs did not defeat Hiruma Kyojitsu, they will not be able to release any of the possessed soldiers or PCs. They will return to the mortal world to find that the battle is still going on and has nearly reached Shiro Giri itself. Whether the PCs wish to join the battle or not the outcome will be the same. The Tiger manage to turn back Kyojitsu’s army but at great loss. Afterward, Yotsu Araki sends for help from the Jade Champion, who arrives several weeks later and manages to close the portal. In the meantime, Hiruma Kyojitsu has made his escape into the mortal realm. If the PCs were forced to retreat under honorable circumstances, e.g. they were too weak for the module, or they fought Kyojitsu but could not defeat him, no loss is imposed on their Honor. However, if the PCs retreated solely out of fear and self-preservation when they were strong enough to have pushed through and succeeded, they lose a number of points of Honor equal to their current Honor Rank + 1 as they observe the loss they could have prevented. If any PC asks about the fate of Kasuga Kouji, they will learn she returned to her Clan bearing the shame of her duel in Round One and was made a Ronin.

Rewards for Completing the Adventure

Unlike most adventures, PCs will not need to make an Earth roll to avoid gaining a point of Taint at the end of this adventure. Any Taint the PCs can gain is already described in the module. Experience Points Playing through the adventure: 1 XP Good role-playing: +1 XP PCs avoid giving a name to the Gambling Oni: +1 XP PCs defeat Hiruma Kyojitsu +1 XP PCs make it back alive +1 XP

Total Possible Experience: 5 XP Other Awards/Penalties If the PCs were able to successfully defeat Kyojitsu and return to the Tiger castle, one PC (chosen by the players) will receive the “Rewarded by the Tiger Clan” cert, and all surviving PCs earn +5 points of Glory. Tiger PCs (only) earn a half-rank (5 points) of Status. If Kyujitsu was killed, all “Possessed by Hiruma Kyojitsu” certs are voided and destroyed.

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GM Help and Critical Events Sheet

Name of PC Corruption Points 1 2 3 4 5 6+

Premier Only (April 2010): Did any PCs give a name to the Gambling Oni? If so please record the name of the PC who gave the name and the name given. Report these results to the Campaign Admin at <[email protected]>. What happened to Kasuga Kouji? (Made Ronin, died, or forgiven.)

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Appendix of NPC’s Kasuga Kouji, Tortoise Samurai of Ill Repute

FIRE 2 AIR 3 Agility 3

Reflexes 4

EARTH 3 WATER 3 Perception 4

VOID 3 TN to be Hit: 26 (31 Armored) School/Rank: Minor Clans Tracker 1/Kasuga Bushi 2 Woodland Tracker 1: Roll additional dice equal to Insight Rank on all stealth and hunting rolls. Kasuga Bushi 1: Add Reflexes + Insight rank to the result of all Agility rolls. Free Raises equal to

insight rank on all Commerce and Underworld rolls. Kasuga Bushi 2: Add 2x your Awareness to all Navigation rolls. Honor/Glory/Status/Infamy: 0.7/0.0/0.5/1.0 Skills: Athletics 2, Battle 2, Commerce 1, Craft: Sailing 2, Deceit 1, Defense 3, Hunting 3, Iaijutsu 5, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 5, Knives 1, Know the School: Mantis (Yoritomo) 3, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Bushido 2, Navigation (Sea) 1, Peasant Weapons 1, Staves 1, Stealth 2, Underworld 1 Mastery Abilities: May declare Full Defense when Initiative is rolled. May focus an extra time in an iaijutsu duel. Free Raise with all skills at Rank 5 and may subtract Kenjutsu ranks from Wound penalties. Advantages/Disadvantages: Bland, Fleet, Read Lips/ Ascetic, Bad Reputation (Betrays Comrades), Fascination: Boats, Small Equipment: Katana, wakizashi, Light Armor, Traveling clothes, Traveling Pack, Obsidian Knife, 3 Koku Possessed Tiger Bushi at the Portal

FIRE 3 AIR 2 Agility 4

Reflexes 4


VOID 3 Taint Rank: 0.8 TN to be Hit: 35 (40 with light armor) School/Rank: Tiger Bushi 3 (Insight Rank 4) Tiger Bushi Rank 1: Add Stealth skill to TN to be hit and Initiative rolls. Gain a free raise on all

opposed Stealth rolls. Tiger Bushi Rank 2: If attacking by surprise, gain a number of free raises to attack rolls to be used for

damage or lowering TN equal to School Rank. If not attacking by surprise but has Initiative, gain half the number of free raises, rounded down.

Tiger Bushi Rank 3: Can attack twice per round, adds Fire to damage rolls. Honor/Glory: 0/0/0.5 Skills: Battle 3, Commerce 1, Courtier 1, Hunting 4, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 4, Kyujutsu 2, Defense 5, Lore (Gaijin) 2, Stealth (Sneaking) 5 Mastery Abilities: May declare Full Defense when Initiative is rolled. Free Raise with all Skills at Rank 5. Equipment: Light Armor, Katana, Wakizashi

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Nameless Oni Loitering at the Portal FIRE 3 AIR 3


TN to be Hit: 25 Attacks: 8k3 (claws) Damage: 4k3 Carapace Armor: 3 Wounds: 24: +5; 48: +10; 72: Dead Special Abilities: Fear 2, Partially Invulnerable (half damage from mundane weapons) Bakuto, the Gambling Oni

FIRE 3 AIR 4 Intelligence 5

Awareness 5

EARTH 3 WATER 2 Perception 5

TN to be Hit: 30 Attacks: 5k3 (claws) Damage: 2k2 Carapace Armor: 4 Wounds: 32: +10; 64: Dead. Skills: Games: Fortunes and Winds 4 Special Abilities: Concealment (can conceal physical objects, tracks, and other inanimate things with Air kansen), Invisibility (can go incorporeal but cannot attack in that form), Invulnerable (only harmed by magic, jade, obsidian, or crystal), Luck (one rank), Name Broker (can “hold” names and pass them on to other oni). Outfit: Pair of dice (not loaded). Hoshi Haitoku, Corrupt Dragon Monk

FIRE 3 AIR 3 Intelligence 4

Reflexes 4

EARTH 4 WATER 3 Strength 4

VOID 5 TN to be Hit: 32 School/Rank: Three Orders Monk 3/Path of the Heretic (can activate each Tattoo 3 times) Tattoo, Crow: Immune to the Taint (unless gaining it voluntarily) but attracts the attention of all

Shadowlands creatures. Tattoo, Full Moon: Complex Action: Make an opposed Willpower roll with an opponent to make

them lose one Void point. In sunlight you must spend a Void point to use this tattoo. Tattoo, Sun: While in the sun, may gain Free Raises equal to Insight Rank on one roll. Tattoo, Blaze: When you make an unarmed strike against an opponent and deal damage, activate this

tattoo to create a burst of flame that deals 4k4 damage to your opponent. The damage is separate from but in addition to normal unarmed damage. You take 4 wounds.

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Path of the Heretic: Hoshi Haitoku has abandoned Bushido; he knowingly and willingly accepts Shourido as the true path of the Samurai. When risking his life to defend his faith, he adds his Lore: Shourido skill ranks to the total of his attack and damage rolls.

Honor/Glory/Status/Infamy: 1.5/2.0/1.0/2.0 Skills: Artisan: Tattoos 1, Athletics 2, Calligraphy 2, Courtier 2, Defense 6, Etiquette 2, Hunting 2, Investigation 3, Jiujutsu 6, Lore: Ancestors 2, Lore: Bushido 3, Lore: History 2, Lore: Law 2, Lore: Myth and Legend 2, Lore: Shadowlands 1, Lore: Shourido 5, Lore: Spirit Realms 2, Meditation (Void Recovery) 4, Stealth 2, Storytelling 2, Theology (Fortunes) 3 Mastery Abilities: May declare Full Defense when Initiative is rolled. Free Raise with all skills at Rank 5 or higher. Adds +1k0 to unarmed damage and may subtract Jiujutsu skill ranks from Wound penalties. Advantages/Disadvantages: Forbidden Knowledge (Shourido), Great Potential (Meditation), Sage/Bad Reputation (Heretic), Dark Fate Equipment: Clothing and Sandals, Straw hat, Traveling Pack, 1 Koku Hiruma Kyojitsu, Insane Yokai Spirit

FIRE 4 AIR 4 Agility 5

Reflexes 5

EARTH 4 WATER 4 Perception 5

Taint Rank: 4.5 TN to be Hit: 43 (35 without School Technique) Attack Roll (Katana): 10k5+13+Free Raise Damage (Katana): 7k2+8 Wounds: 8 Wounds per Rank (human-type Wound Ranks, but treats Down Rank as another +20 Rank,

and has no Out Rank – goes from +20 to Dead) Skills: Athletics 5, Battle (Mass Battle) 3, Defense 5, Hunting 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Kyujutsu 3, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Lore: Shourido 10, Stealth 5, Storytelling (Oratory) 4, Theology 2. Mastery Abilities: Free Raise with all skills at Rank 5. May declare Full Defense when Initiative is rolled. Subtracts Kenjutsu skill ranks from Wound penalties. School/Rank: Ancestral Hiruma Bushi 4 Rank One: While not in Full Attack, adds Fire to TN to be Hit and to total of all attack, damage, and Bugei rolls. Rank Two: May make Raises on attacks to increase your TN to be Hit. Each Raise for this purpose increases TN by 5 + Athletics Rank. Rank Three: Unusable due to lack of Void points.

Rank Four: Additional attack per round. Bonus from Rank 1 is now Fire x2. Special Abilities: Invulnerable (only harmed by magic, jade, crystal, or obsidian), Void Siphoning (may steal 1 Void Point per Round from Hoshi Haitoku or someone who is possessed by him, but can only use that Void to manifest physically), Yokai Spirit (must spend a Void Point in order to manifest physically long enough to attack). Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, clothing. The Gatekeeper Oni

FIRE 7 AIR 6 Agility 8

Reflexes 8

EARTH 8 WATER 6 Strength 8

TN to be Hit: 50 Attacks: Claws 10k10+3 Free Raises

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Damage: 10k6 Carapace Armor: 9 Wounds: 360: Dead. Skills: Defense 5, Deceit (Intimidation) 6, Investigation 5, Jiujutsu 6 Special Abilities: Fear 5, Regeneration (heals 10 Wounds per Round), Superior Invulnerability (immune to mundane weapons, jade, and spells of Mastery Level 3 or less – only harmed by crystal, obsidian, and spells of Mastery 4 or higher).

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