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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

Why Social Media?Social Media information is already ranking better than

websites information.

It’s a simple as search engines such as Google and Yahoo rank dynamic or changing content such as information (posts), videos, articles very well

Social Media is full of dynamic content

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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

Why Social Media? Previous to Social Media sites, Blogs and Forums were very

good tools to rank well on Google due to their dynamic content. Same applies to Social Media sites

Posts on social media sites with links back to your website is an easy way to create backlinks to generate more traffic to our website.

Also broadcasting or syndicating information such as a blog posts from your website to all social media sites increases chances to be found by users searching on those media sites.

Also social media sites generate free content by allowing people to post comments and information.

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Why Social Media?

Increase Sales/Profits Getting new clients

Selling more products/services to existing clients

Creating new products/services to sell to existing and new clients

by Increasing their brand awareness

(get more people to know and talk about them)

Increasing their Traffic

Increasing their users database (clients and potential clients)

Increasing their Ranking and SEO

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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

I compare SEO with losing weight and dieting!


Because unfortunately there are no magic pills!

It’s a combination of actions and tools which must be done and then be maintained otherwise your ranking will drop

It’s usually a cooperation between the business content manager and the SEO service provider or order to have the best possible ranking with the content generated.

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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

Most common mistake related to SEO

No SEO at all

No clear keywords for their products or services

Wrong keywords used

Wrong keywords strategies used

Not updating your keywords strategy to follow the market demands

How to have the best possible SEO to increase your online traffic and brand awareness then?

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SEO - Where does it start?

Market research What’s hot? What’s selling at this time?

What are your potential clients looking for?

Traffic Analysis How are your existing clients and potential clients searching?

What traffic are you current experiencing?

Keywords One of the most important aspect for SEO

Keywords are used on websites, social media sites, article sites, video sites and more.

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Need to use a combination of tactics

Typical Website SEO strategies

Combining keywords with:

Domain name/Title


Keywords on pages/content (most common mistake)

Descriptions of Images

Site map – uploaded to Google/Webmaster Tools

Backlinks (links on other websites/social media sites linking back to your website

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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

Social Media StrategiesFacebook pages (not Profile page)

Generate as many likes as possible (build a users list) Do targeted advertising (good value for money)

Region Sex (Male or Female) Interest


845M+ users globally 10.7M+ users in Australia 10M+ comments every 20 minutes 1.9M friends requests accepted every 20 mins 2.7M uploaded photos every 20 mins 1.8 status updates every 20 mins

Trimax Facebook Strategy has 20+ steps to use the full potential of Facebook

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Social Media StrategiesGoogle +

Google’s competitor to Facebook Google owns Google+

Do you think Google+ will rank very well?

Twitter To promote information and news with backlinks to your website Not necessarily for tweeting

YouTube channels (Future on Internet Marketing)

Information videos (slideshow / PowerPoint presentations) Training videos Updates videos


Youtube has 11 times more searches than Google Google owns Youtube – This is why videos ranks very well.

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Social Media Facts Social media – dominate front pages of Google

Google likes recent and dynamic information and therefore loves Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube and linked In

(especially Youtube and Google+ as Google owns them)

All those social media strategies provide back linking to your website

SMO – social media optimisation (free)

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Need to use a combination of tacticsBuild your user databases/Lists

Opt-in (website / Facebook) Give something free in exchange (eBook)

Facebook Likes Like our page and get an eBook or a chance to get a product

Sales Strategies Affiliates ( multiple sellers for you – can be quite the sales force!)

Inform and educate your clients and potential clients Blogs Articles eBooks Webinars

PowerPoint slides or live screen demo’s Put on your website and upload to your Youtube channel (backlinks to your site)

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SEO PackageSocial Media Marketing Services

In SummarySEO optimisation is a combination of actions and steps done both on your website and social media sites to increase your website ranking and brand awareness

A very good strategy is to link your website to your different social media sites to then have backlinks from all those social media sites to your websiteEg:

1. Blog information about a new product/service you are now offering on your website blog2. Post a summary of the blog post on the social media sites with a link (backlink) to your

blog post on your website.3. Blog some more…

Therefore inform your clients and potential clients to create trust and credibility while increasing your search engine optimisation, traffic and brand awareness.


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You must Blog & Post Post you knowledge on Social site to promote your

products and services


Information (education)

New products or services

Events for people to attend

Current events

Eg: Introduction video for you website can be done in less than 10 minutes

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Conclusion It’s as simple as you must use Social Media as it is now the key to increase your

ranking (SEO) and therefore your brand awareness and sales. If you are not using Social Media right now, you are probably already losing out potential clients and sales

Social Media is easy to use, START USING IT!

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Contact Trimax Solutions to get startedAt Trimax Solutions, we can get you started with social media in creating the right

strategy for your business to optimise the use of social media.

Our SEO product combined with our Social Media product are the perfect combination to get the best ranking/traffic as well brand awareness for your business

Visit us at and don’t hesitate to contact us for a free no commitment consultation.

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