
Trending Time on Google GlassSee what everyone's buzzing about

Speaking of sequels...

● Trending Time started as a data-driven watch face

Slides | Code | App

● I enjoy expressing ideas over multiple platforms

● Teaching the “sibling rivalry” differences in Google’s wearable UX

How do we build as wearable devs?

Image credit: Android Central

Porting a wearable app

Porting a wearable app

Surfacing data is only half the equation

Problem: content without context

● Users need to review items causing a trend● Glass isn’t suited for drilling-down at the

pace of social engagement○ Can’t keep up, not real time○ Complex UIs, not microinteraction-oriented

● Existing mobile platforms do this wonderfully○ Don’t reinvent the wheel

Solution: handing-off

Image credit:

Solution: handing-off

● Display trending topics in a GDK live card○ Persistent, accessible, auto-updated, low impact

● Emulate Android Wear’s Open on Phone● View tweets on more-capable platforms

○ Paired smartphone○ Desktop browser○ Glass browser

(Most people don’t dig the Glass browser)

What makes this work?

Pushbullet API

Scenario 1: paired phone

Scenario 1: paired phone

Scenario 1: paired phone

Scenario 1: paired phone

Scenario 2: desktop Chrome

Scenario 2: desktop Chrome

Scenario 2: desktop Chrome

Scenario 3: Glass browser

Scenario 3: Glass browser

● Producing great wearable software means knowing when not to use the wearable

● The best wearable apps creatively offload processing to other platforms○ And you can do this with presentation, too!



● Format topics as a glanceable tag cloud

● User-defined trending regions

● Contextual inputs● Send to TV action

Take it for a spin!

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