
Dear Birth Parent,

We very much appreciate you taking the time to get to know us! We’re an active, outdoorsy couple that are so excited to grow our family through adoption again. We look forward to sharing our lives with our children and creating long-lasting memories as a family.


Excited to adopt again!call or text us • message online

Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •

We met at a middle school football game, but we didn’t start dating until high school. We’ve been inseparable ever since and married for 7 years. We truly enjoy doing anything together, especially if it’s outside or with our families.

We have gone on many adventures and can’t wait to share more memories as a family with your child! After going through infertility and two miscarriages we came to the decision that adoption is meant for us! We are so grateful to go through this experience together.

Our Faith: We are very active in our Church and attend Mass every week. We’re both involved in programs at church, like Knights of Columbus, baptism informational classes, and church retreats. We plan to raise our children in the Catholic faith and give them the opportunity to develop their own relationship with God.





We live in a beautiful, quiet part of town that is close to schools, parks, and community events. Our ranch style home has 3 bedrooms and a large, fenced in backyard. There’s so much room for children to run around and explore! We love that fun celebrations are walking distance away like football games at the high school, the 4th of July parade, and our local carnival.


Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •

We also have a 5 year old dog, Abbie. Abbie and our son, Ben, are great buddies. Abbie loves to try to take Ben’s toys and Ben giggles and runs his hand through her fur as she runs away with it. We love to go on walks as a family when the weather is nice.

Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •


Jessica is such a wonderful person. She’s loving to everyone she meets, has a friendly personality, and is always making me and our family laugh. I have loved watching her become a mother to our son, Ben, and I know she will be the best mother to your child, as well.

Jessica works as a Realtor, which allows her to be very flexible in her schedule. You can find her planting flowers around the house, tending to the garden in our backyard, coaching volleyball to the local middle school girls, and swimming.


Yellow Christmas Mexican food Volleyball Romantic movies Peanut Butter Party ice cream Country Music

Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •


Travis is the most selfless person I have ever met. He has a gentle soul and is always helping those in need. He’s very committed and always true to his word. Family, friends, and God are his number one priority.

He’s a hard worker and enjoys his career in the insurance industry. Travis enjoys wood-working projects (like bird houses and bird feeders) and fishing. Basketball is one of his favorite activities and he participates in a local basketball league that plays every week! Travis is a very loving and involved dad and I know he will be a wonderful father to your child.

TRAVIS’ FAVORITES: Blue Christmas Pasta dishes Basketball Comedy movies Salted Caramel Craze ice cream All kinds of music!

Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •

Family is truly important to us. They’re all so supportive of our hopes to adopt again and we’re looking forward to sharing all of our family traditions with him or her. We make sure to spend all the holidays with our families, especially Christmas. We love to open presents in our pajamas on Christmas Eve while sharing some of the Christmas treats we have made together. Every year we plan a big camping trip with Travis’ side of the family to spend quality time with each other in nature with no distractions.

We love being so connected to our parents and siblings. Jessica has an older sister and Travis has 2 half-sisters. There are lots of nieces and nephews in the bunch.






Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •


TO CONTACT US:Call or Text Lifetime: 1-800-923-6784

View our video or send a message:

We promise to love your child unconditionally and provide a safe and stable home. We promise to give your child a strong education with all the tools to succeed in life. We promise to give your child a life full of laughter, faith, fun, and joy!

We are open to letters, pictures, and visits if you wish and we are looking forward to hearing from you.

If you would like to learn more about us, please contact Lifetime at 1-800-923-6784.

Thoughtfully,Travis & Jessica


Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •

My sister Jessi is an intelligent, hard-working and faith-filled woman with a wonderful sense of humor. She’s outgoing, fun, and understands how important it is to enjoy time with family and friends. She has been an amazing Aunt to my two children. I have trusted her many times to care for them or give them advice.

Travis is a gentle and kind man. He has a quiet and calm demeanor, as well as a fun side. He is the perfect complement to my sister.

Jessi and Travis have a strong marriage and are committed to their life together. They honor their responsibilities, but also love to enjoy life. They would provide your child with a well-rounded household full of fun, some discipline, and most importantly love.

I know first-hand the kind of people they are, and know that they would give your child a loving home centered on faith and family.

— Carol (Jessica’s sister)

Thank you so much for considering my daughter, Jessica and her husband Travis, as potential adoptive parents for your baby. I’ve watched Travis and Jess grow up together and become mature adults set up for success as parents. Your child will have a life that is stable and secure in every sense.

Jess has great common sense and confidence. She is smart, funny, and always exudes joy and love to everyone she meets. Travis is one of the kindest and gentlest men I have ever known and I couldn’t love him more if I was his own mother!

If you choose Jessica and Travis you can be assured that your child will be welcomed with open arms into a family that has an abundant amount of love and care to give. We thank God for you. I am so excited to welcome a new grandchild into our family. — Susie (Grammie)

What makes Travis and Jessica different from a lot of couples is that they find joy just in being with each other. They also extend their love for others in many ways. I know Travis and Jessi would take great care of my children, love them, nurture them, and always remind them how wonderful they are. This is why I have confidence in them as parents.

Our family is so fun and we all love with such compassion. You can be sure that your child will be completely loved and accepted by our entire family. There are grandparents ready to share adventures in camping and motorcycles. We have lots of cousins ready to play too!

Travis and Jessi both love to travel so your child would get to see the world and experience new things. They both believe in education, working hard, and having fun along the way. They will provide security, faith, love, and joy. — Aunt Angie (Travis’ sister)


I have been beyond blessed to call Jessica and Travis my best friends for the better part of my life! Since the day they got married they wanted to raise a family. It’s been a long journey for them and they are thrilled that it led them to adoption. They are so grateful about this opportunity.

Trav and Jess are so accepting of everyone they meet and the love they have for everyone is a sight to see. Your child would be welcomed, with open arms and hearts, into their loving and supportive home. I have no doubts about their ability to parent your child and I can’t wait to be Aunt Kendra and shower your child with the same love!

— Kendra, family friend

Thank you so much for considering our son and daughter-in-law, Travis and Jessica. The two of them have always been very responsible, even when they were younger. They seemed wise beyond their years. We’ve watched them struggle to have children and we are so excited that they have been called to adopt. It is so clear to us that this is what was meant for their family.

Travis and Jessi are great with children. They have a special relationship with their nieces and nephews, as well as other kids in the family. Travis and Jessi have a loving, stable relationship with a strong faith that has carried them through their lives. They will make wonderful parents to any child blessed to have them. We can’t wait to be a new Nana and Papa.

— Vern and Jo (Nana and Papa)

Travis & Jessica: 1-800-923-6784 •

Travis and Jessi have always been a huge part of my life and are two people I look up to most. I have watched them interact with other children and I know they will be amazing parents and role-models to your child.

Travis and Jessi are some of the most compassionate people I know and have gone to the ends of the earth to help me when I need it most. I have always been able to count on them for advice, support, and unconditional love. There is no doubt in my mind that they will do the same and more for your child.

Travis and Jessi are joyful parents. If you choose them to adopt your baby, he or she will grow up in one of the most loving households with support, joy, and faith. I can’t wait to help welcome a new cousin into our family! — Ashley, niece


We love being parents and are excited to adopt again!

We look forward to becoming parents through adoption and to sharing our lives with a child.

To speak with us call or text Lifetime Adoption or send a message through our website:

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