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Travels in the Old South I, II, III: 1607-1860Author Index


Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. South and north; or, Impressions received during atrip to Cuba and the south.New York, Abbey & Abbot. 1860 Fiche: 17652-17655a

Abdy, Edward Strutt. Journal of a residence and tour in the UnitedStates of North America.London, J. Murray. 18353 v. Fiche: 80874-80904

An account of the Spanish settlements in America.Edinburgh, Printed by A. Donaldson and J. Reid forthe author [etc.]. 1762In four which is annexed, a succinct accountof the climate, produce, trade, manufactures, &c. ofold Spain. Illustrated with a map of America. Fiche: 80906-80918

Achenwall, Gottfried. Einige anmerkungen uber Nord-Amerika und uberdasige grosbrittanische colonien.Helmstedt, J.H. Kuhnlin. 1777 Fiche: 15326-15326b

Adair, James. History of American Indians.London, printed for E. and C. Dilly. 1775 Fiche: 80919-80931

Adams, Herbert Baxter. The life and writings of Jared Sparks.Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin andcompany. 18922v. Fiche: 16558-16572

Adams, Nehemiah. A South-side View of Slavery.Boston, T.R. Marvin. 1854 Fiche: 17075-17077a

Alexander, James Edward, Sir. Transatlantic sketches, comprising visits to themost interesting scenes in North and South America,and the West Indies.London, R. Bentley. 1833With notes on Negro slavery and Canadianemigration; 2 v. Fiche: 15819-15827a

Alexander, James Waddel. Forty years' Familiar Letters.New York, C. Scribner; London Sampson Low, Son& Company. 18602 v. Fiche: 16909-16917A

Allardice, Robert Barclay. Agricultural tour in the United States and UpperCanada.Edinburgh, etc., W. Blackwood & Sons. 1842 Fiche: 15940-15942a

Allemagne, d'. Nouvelles du Scotio, ou Relation.A Paris: Chez Lenoir et Leboucher, imprimeurs. 1790 Fiche: 7704-7704a

Almbert, Alfred d'. Flanerie parisienne aux Etats-Unis.Paris, Librairie theatrale. 1856 Fiche: 16573-16576a

Alsop, George. A character of the province of Maryland.London, printed by T.J. for P. Dring. 1666Also a small treatise on the wilde and naked Indians(or Susquehanokes) of Mary-land. Fiche: 7906-7907b

Alvarez, Francisco. Noticia del establecimiento y problacion de lascolonias inglesas en la America Septentrional.Madrid, Antonio Fernandez. 1778 Fiche: 15327-15329a

Alvord, Clarence Walworth. The New Regime, 1765-1767, ed.Springfield, Ill., Illinois State Historical Library.1916With introduction and notes by Clarence WalworthAlvord, and Clarence Edwin Carter. Fiche: 7677-7685a

American Coast Pilot, containing, the courses anddistance from Boston to all the principal harbours,capes and headlands included between Passamaquadyand the capes of Virginia.Newburyport printed by Blunt and March. 1796 Fiche: 7711-7712a

The American Gazetteer, containing a distinctaccount of all the parts of the new world.London, printed for A. Millar. 17623 v. Fiche: 80947-80972

Amerika, in alle zyne byzonderheden beschouwd, terverkryging eener naauwkeurige kennis van dat thanszo veel gerucht maakend waerelddeel.Amsterdam, P. Meijer. 1780-17824 v. Fiche: 8872-8890

Ampere, Jean J.A. Promenade en Amerique; Etats-Unis, Cuba-Mexique.Paris, Michel Levy Freres. 18552 v. Fiche: 17095-17104

Amphlett, William. The Emigrant's Directory to the Western States ofNorth America.London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.1819 Fiche: 15437-15439a

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Travels in the Old South I, II, III: 1607-1860Author Index


Anburey, Thomas. Travels Through the Interior Parts of America.London, printed for W. Lane. 17892 v. Fiche: 80989-81013

Andree, Karl Theodor. Geographische wanderungen.Dresden, Rudolf Kuntze. 18592 v. Fiche: 16050-16058a

Andree, Karl Theodor. Nord-Amerika in geographischen undgeschichtlichen umrissen.... Kartenwerk zu dr. KarlAndree's Nord-Amerika. Nach den neuestenmaterialien, mit besonderer rucksicht aufphysikalische verhaltnisse und genauer angabe dercounty-eintheilung, der eisenbahnen, canale,poststrassen und dampfschifffahrt, in 18 blattern miterlauterndem texte, hrsg von Henry lange.Braunschweig, G. Westermann. 18542 v. Fiche: 16342-16351d

Andrew, James Osgood. Miscellanies, comprising letters, essays, andaddresses, to which is added a biographical sketch ofMrs. Ann Amelia Andrew.Louisville, Morton & Griswold. 1854 Fiche: 16210-16214a

Andrews, Ethan Allen. Slavery and the Domestic Slave-trade.Boston, Light & Stearns. 1836 Fiche: 17280-17282a

Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourgignon d'. Memoire sur la carte intitulee Canada, Louisiane,et terres angloises.Paris. 1755 Fiche: 15735-15735a

Archdale, John. A new description of that fertile and pleasantprovince of Carolina.London--printed in 1707. Charleston, S.C., reprintedand sold by A.E. Miller. 1822 Fiche: 9759-9759a

Arfwedson, Carl David. The United States and Canada, in 1832, 1833, and1834.London, Richard Bentley. 18342 v. Fiche: 81017-81036

Arredondo, Antonio de. Arredondo's Historical Proof of Spain's Title toGeorgia, a contribution to the history of one of theSpanish borderlands.Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press. 1925edited by Herbert E. Bolton. Fiche: 7853-7857b

Arricivita, Juan Domingo. Cronica serafica y apostolica del colegia depropaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro en laNueva Espana.Mexico, Don Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros. 1792Segunda parte. Fiche: 12563-12570

Asbury, Francis. The journal of the Rev. Francis Asbury, Bishop ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church, 1771-1815.New York, N. Bangs and T. Mason, 1821. 18213 v. Fiche: 9140-9154a

Ashe, Thomas. Carolina; or, A description of the present state ofthat country.London, printed fyr W.C., and to be sold by Mrs.Grover in Pelican court in Little Britain. 1682 Fiche: 9760-9760a

Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America, performed in 1806, for thepurpose of exploring the rivers Alleghany,Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi.London, printed, Newburyport, Mass., re-printed forW. Sawyer & Co., by E.M. Blunt. 1808 Fiche: 1447-1451

Ashworth, Henry. A tour in the United States, Cuba, and Canada.London, A.W. Bennett; [etc., etc.]. [1861]A Course of lectures delivered before the members ofthe Bolton mechanics' institution. Fiche: 17656-17657b

Assollant, Alfred. Scenes de la vie des Etats-Unis.Paris, Hachette. 1859 Fiche: 17806-17809a

Aston, Anthony. The Fool's Opera; or, The taste of the age.London, T. Payne. 1731Written by Mat. Medley and performed by hiscompany in Oxford. Fiche: 7908-7908a

Attmore, William. Journal of a tour to North Carolina, 1787.Chapel Hill, The University. 1922 Fiche: 12491-12491b

Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien,thence to Washington city, in 1829. See Writings of.1829 Fiche: 80854-80861

Atwater, Caleb. Writings of Caleb Atwater.Columbus, O., the author, printed by Scott andWright. 1833 Fiche: 81073-81083

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Travels in the Old South I, II, III: 1607-1860Author Index


Audubon, John James. Journal of.Cambridge, The Business historical society. 1929made while obtaining subscriptions to his "Birds ofAmerica," 1840-43, edited by Howard Corning,foreword by Francis H. Herrick. Fiche: 8732-8734

Audubon, John James. Letters of, 1826-1840.Boston, The Club of Odd Volumes. 1930edited by Howard Corning; 2 v. Fiche: 15728-15734a

Audubon, John Woodhouse. Audubon's Western Journal, 1849-1850, being thems. Record of a trip from New York to Texas, and anoverland journey through Mexico and Arizona to thegold fields of California.Cleveland, The A.H. Clark Company. 1906 Fiche: 17176-17178b

Auszuge aus briefen aus Nord-Amerika, geschriebenvon zweien aus Ulm an der Donau geburtigen, nunim staate Louisiana ansassigen gesehwistern.Ulm, E. Nubling. 1833 Fiche: 16577-16579a

Bacon, Lydia B. (Stetson), Mrs. Biography of.Boston, Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. 1856Written for the Massachusetts Sabbeth SchoolSociety. Fiche: 8978-8982

Bacourt, Adolphe fourier de. ... Souvenirs d'un diplomate; lettres intimes surl'Amerique.Paris, Calmann Levy. 1882 Fiche: 16723-16727b

Badin, Stephen Theodore. Origine et progres de la mission du Kentucky, parun temoin oculaire.Paris, A. Le Clere. 1821 Fiche: 81092-81094

Baily, Francis. Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of NorthAmerica, in 1796 & 1797.London, Baily Brothers. 1856 Fiche: 9211-9216

Baird, Robert. Impressions and Experiences of the West Indiesand North America in 1849.Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard. 1850 Fiche: 81095-81103

Baird, Robert. View of the Valley of the Mississippi, or, Theemigrant's and traveller's guide to the West.Philadelphia, H.S. Tanner. 1832 Fiche: 7228-7235

Baker, William Mumford. The Life and Labours of the Rev. Daniel Baker.Philadelphia, W.W. & A. Martien. 1858Prepared by his son. Fiche: 16059-16065a

Baldwin, Joseph G. The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi.New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1853 Fiche: 81104-81112

Ball, Charles. Slavery in the United States.Pittsburgh, J.T. Shryock. 18543d ed. Fiche: 16843-16847b

Ballentine, George. Autobiography of an English soldier in the UnitedStates Army.New York, Stringer & Townsend. 1853Comprising observations and adventures in the Statesand Mexico. Fiche: 15943-15946a

Banvard, John. Description of Banvard's panorama of theMississippi River, painted on three miles of canvas,exhibiting a view of country 1200 miles in length,extending from the mouth of the Missouri River tothe city of New Orleans.Boston, J. Putnam, printer. 1847 Fiche: 16215-16215b

Barinetti, Carlo. A Voyage to Mexico and Havanna, includingsome general observations on the United States.New York, printed for the author by C. Vinton. 1841By an Italian. Fiche: 15947-15948b

Barr, James. A correct and authentic narrative of the Indian warin Florida, with a description of Maj. Dade'smassacre.New York, J. Narine, printer. 1836 Fiche: 16701-16701a

Barry, Thomas. Narrative of the singular adventures and captivityof Thos. Barry, among the Monsipi Indians.London, A. Neil. 1802 Fiche: 7705-7705b

Bartlett, John Russell. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents inTexas, new Mexico, California, Sonora, andChihuahua.New York & London, D. Appleton & Company.18542 v. Fiche: 12829-12841

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Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina,Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee country,the extensive territories of the Muscogulges, or Creekconfederacy, and the country of the Chactaws.Philadelphia, printed by James & Johnson. 1741 Fiche: 8468-8473a

Baudry des Lozieres, Louis Narcisse. Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le continent del'Amerique septentrionale, fait dans les annes 1794 a1798; contenant un tableau historique de laLouisiana.Paris, Dentu, an XI. 1802Par B.D. Orne d'une belle carte. Fiche: 15487-15491a

Baumbach, Ludwig Carl Wilhelm von. Neue briefe aus den vereinigten Staaten von Nord-amerika in die heimath.Cassel, T. Fischer. 1856 Fiche: 4618-4625

Baxter, William Edward. America and the Americans.London, New York, G. Routledge & co. 1855 Fiche: 17658-17660a

Bayard, Ferdinand Marie. Voyage dans l'interieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath,Winchester, dans la vallee de Shenandoha! Etc., etc.,pendant l'ete de 1791.Paris, Chez Cocheris. 1797 Fiche: 9239-9242b

Beaujour, Louis Auguste Felix, baron de. Apercu des Etats-Unis, au commencement du XIXdiecle.Paris, L.G. Michaud, imprimeur. 1814 Fiche: 8998-9001b

Beaumont de La Bonniniere, G.A. de. Marie; ou, L'esclavage aux Etats-Unis.Bruxelles, Louis Hauman et compie, 1835. 18352 v. Fiche: 16865-16873

Beauvallet, Leon. Rachel and the New World.New York, Dix, Edwards & Co. 1856A trip to the United States and Cuba. Fiche: 17110-17114a

Beknopte en zakelyke beschryving der voornaamsteengelsche volkplantingen, in Noord-America.Amsterdam, Petrus Conradi. 17762 v. Fiche: 9900-9905

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Remarques sur la carte de l'AmeriqueSeptentrionale, comprise entre le 28e et le 72e degrede latitude, avec une description geographique de cesparties.A Paris, De l'impr. De Didot, M.DCC.LV. 1755 Fiche: 17780-17781a

Beltrami, Giocomo Costantino. A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading tothe discovery of the sources of the Mississippi andBloody River.London, Hunt and Clarke. 18282 v. Fiche: 8735-8746

Benavides, Alonso de. Memorial qve fray Ivan de Santander, de la ordende San Francisco, comissario general de Indias,presenta a la magestad catolica del rey Don FelipeZvarto nuestro senor.En Madrid, en la Imprenta real, ano. 1630 Fiche: 83941-83944

Benson, Henry Clark. Life among the Choctaw Indians, and sketches ofthe Southwest.Cincinnati, Pub. By L. Swormstedt & A. Poe, for theMethodist Episcopal church. 1860 Fiche: 81266-81274

Benwell, J. An Englishman's travels in America: hisobservations of life and manners in the free and slavestates.London, Binna and Woodwin; [etc., etc.]. [1853] Fiche: 17817-17819b

Bernard, Jean Frederic. Relations de la Louisiane, et du fleuveMississippi.Amsterdam, J.F. Bernard. 1720 Fiche: 9838-9842b

Bernard, John. Retrospections of America, 1797-1811.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1887 Fiche: 9157-9161a

Bernhard, Karl, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Reise sr. Hoheit des herzogs Bernard zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach durch Nord-Amerika in den jahren1825 und 1826.Weimar, W. Hoffmann. 1828Hrsg. Von Heinrich Luden; 2 v. Fiche: 15828-15837

Berquin-Duvallon. Vue de la colonie espagnole du Mississipi ou desprovinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale.Paris, Imprimerie expeditive, an xi. 1803 Fiche: 83932-83940

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Besancon's annual register of the state of Mississippi,for the year 1838.Natchez, L.A. Besancon. 1838Compiled from original documents and actualsurveys...v. 1. Fiche: 16747-16750a

Beschryving der colonien van Groot-Britanje inNoord-Amerika. In De naauwkeurige hollandschealmanach, 1779.1779 Fiche: 15407-15407a

Beste, John Richard Digby. The Wabash; or, Adventures of an Englishgentleman's family in the interior of America.London, Hurst and Blackett. 18552 v. Fiche: 83913-83929

Beyer, Edward. Edward Beyer's cyclomara, malerische Reise vonBremen nach New York und durch die VereinigtenStaaten von Nordamerika, zuruck nach Hamburg.Navch der Natur gemalt und erlautert.Dresden, C.C. Meinhold & Sohne. [1867]2d ed. Fiche: 17374-17374b

Beyer, Moritz. Das Auswanderungsbuch; oder, Fuhrer andRathgeber bei der Auswanderung nachNordamerika...und Texas.Leipzig, Baumgartner. 1846[2 ed.]. Fiche: 17371-17373a

Bilder aus dem gesellschaftlichen leben der Nord-Amerikaner.Reutlingen, M. MacKen. 1835Von einer Deutschen. Fiche: 16580-16582b

Bingley, William. Travels in North America, From Modern Writers.London, printed for Harvey and Darton. 1821 Fiche: 8747-8751

Birkbeck, Morris. Notes on a journey in America, from the coast ofVirginia to the territory of Illinois.Dublin, reprinted for Thomas Larkin. 1818 Fiche: 83953-83957

[Biron, Armand Louis de Gontaut duc deLauzun]. Memoires de m. le duc de Lauzun.Paris, Chez Barrois l'aine. 1822 Fiche: 15482-15486a

[Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird)]. The Englishwoman in America.London, J. Murray. 1856 Fiche: 17661-17665b

Blanchard, Claude. The journal of Claude Blanchard, commissary ofthe French Auxiliary Army sent to the United Statesduring the American Revolution, 1780-1783.Albany, J. Munsell. 1876 Fiche: 15342-15344a

Blanchard, P. San Juan de Ulua, ou Relation de l'expeditionfrancaise au Mexique.Paris, Gide. 1839Suive de notes et documents, et d'un apercu generalsur l'etat actuel du Texas, par m. E. Maissin. Fiche: 16358-16365a

Blane, William Newnham. Travels through the United States and Canada.London, Baldwin and Co. 1828 Fiche: 1521-1533

Blowe, Daniel. A geographical, historical, commercial, andagricultural view of the United States of America.London, Edwards & Knibb; Liverpool, W. Grapel.1829 Fiche: 8752-8759a

Bonnell, George William. Topographical description of Texas.Austin, Clark, Wing, & Brown. 1810To which is added an account of the Indian tribes. Fiche: 16352-16353b

Bonrepos, Chevalier de. Description du Mississippi.Imprime a Rouen: se vend a Paris, chez berthelemyGyrin. 1720 Fiche: 7911-7911b

Booty, James Horatio. Three months in Canada and the United States.London, Printed by the author at his privateresidence. 1862 Fiche: 16378-16379a

Borden, William. An address to the inhabitants of North Carolina,occasioned by the difficult circumstances theGovernment seems to labour under, for want of amedium, or something to answer in lieu of money.Williamsburg, Va., printed by William Parks. 1746 Fiche: 7601-7601c

Bosshard, Heinrich. Anachauungen und erfahrungen in Nordamerika.Zurich, Druck von Zurcher und Furrer. 1853-1855Eine monatsschrift. Herauagegeben von HeinrichBosshard...[1.3 jahrgang]; 3 v. Fiche: 17666-17677

Bossu, Jean Barnard. Neuveau voyage aux Indes occidentales.Paris, Le Jay. 17682 v. Fiche: 8566-8571a

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Bowen, Eli. Rambles in the Path of the Steam horse.Philadelphia, W. Bromwell and W.W. Smith;Baltimore, S.B. Hickcox, agent. 1855 Fiche: 17139-17143b

Bownas, Samuel. An Account of the Life.London, printed by L. Hinde. 1756 Fiche: 9761-9763a

Bracht, Viktor. Texas im jahre 1848.Elberfeld u. Iserlohn J. Badeker. 1849Nach mehrjahrigen Beobachtungen dargestellt vonViktor Bracht...Mit verschiedenartigen zugaben,auszugen aus briefen. Fiche: 16354-16357b

Brackenridge, Henry Marie. Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of avoyage up the Missouri River, in 1811.Pittsburgh, printed and published by Carmer, Spearand Eichbaum, Franklin Head Office. 1814 Fiche: 9355-9358a

Bradbury, John. Travels in the interior of America, in the years1809, 1810, and 1811, including a description ofupper Louisiana, together with the states of Ohio,Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinoisand western territories.Liverpool, printed for the author, by Smith andGalway, and pub. By Sherwood, Neely, and Jones,London. 1817 Fiche: 9359-9363a

Bray, Thomas. Apostolick charity, its nature and excellenceconsider'd.London, printed by W. Downing for W. Hawes. 1698In a the ordination of some Protestantmissionaries to be sent into the plantations. To whichis prefixt, a general view of the English colonies inAmerica with respect to religion. Fiche: 9765-9765a

Bray, Thomas. A memorial representing the present state ofreligion on the continent of North America.London, printed by William Downing, 1700,reprinted for the Thomas Bray Club. 1916 Fiche: 9764-9764a

Bremer, Fredrika. The Homes of the New World, impressions ofAmerica.New York, Harper & Brothers. 18532 v. Fiche: 17115-17129a

Brickell, John. The Natural History of North Carolina.Dublin. 1737With an account of the trade, manners, and customsof the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Fiche: 9766-9770b

Brion de la Tour, Louis. Almanach interessant dans les circonstancespresentes.Paris, Desnos. 1780Description abregee des Etats Unis de l'Amerique;des posessions angloises; et des pays qui y sontcontigus, dans des Indes Orientales. Fiche: 7979-7979b

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis del'Amerique septentrionale, fait en 1788.Paris, Buisson. 17913 v. Fiche: 9304-9320

Brockway, Thomas. The European Traveller in America.Hartford, printed by Hudson & Goodwin. 1785 Fiche: 7706-7706a

Bromme, Traugott. Reisen durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Ober-Canada.Baltimore, Md., C. Scheld & co.; [etc., etc.]. 1834-18353 v. Fiche: 16583-16597

Bronson, Francis S. Bronson's travelers' directory, from New York toNew Orleans.La Grange, Ga., Printed at the American star office.1845with a condensed outline of the country throughwhich they pass. Fiche: 16380-16380a

Brookes, Richard. The General Gazetteer; or, Compendiousgeographical dictionary.London, J. Newbery. 1762 Fiche: 15345-15353b

Brooks, John. The Life and Times of the Rev. John Brooks, inwhich are contained a history of the great revival inTennessee.Nashville, Nashville Christian Advocate Office. 1848 Fiche: 9028-9030

Brown, David. The Planter; or, Thirteen years in the south.Philadelphia, H. Hooker. 1853By a northern man. Fiche: 17283-17286

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Brown, Samuel R. The Western Gazetteer; or, emigrant's directory,containing a geographical description of the westernstates and territories.Auburn, N.Y., printed by H.C. Southwick. 1817 Fiche: 9255-9259

Brown, Tarleton. Memoirs of Tarleton Brown, a captain of therevolutionary army.New York, priv. Print. 1862 Fiche: 9908-9908b

Brown, William Wells. Narrative of William W. Brown, a fugitive slave.Boston, The Anti-slavery Office. 1847Written by himself. Fiche: 15838-15839a

Bruce, Peter Henry. Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, esq.London, Printed for the author's widow, and sold byT. Payne and son. 1782A military officer in the services of Prussia, Russia,and Great Britain. Containing an account of histravels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, theWest Indies, &c., as also very interesting privateanecdotes of the Czar, Peter I, of Russia. Fiche: 16813-16818

Bryant, William Cullen. Letters of a Traveller.New York, G.P. Putnam. 18502d ed. Fiche: 17271-17275b

Buckingham, James S. The Slave States of America.London, Paris, Fisher, Son & Co. 18422 v. Fiche: 4765-4792

Buechler, Johann Ulrich. Land- und seereisen eines st. gallischen Kantons-burgers nach Nordamerika und Westindien.St. Gallen, Gedruckt bey Zollikofer und Zuhlin. 1819 Fiche: 8983-8985a

Bullitt, Alexander Clark. Rambles in the Mammouth Cave, during the year1844.1844 Fiche: 300-302a

Bullock, William. Sketch of a journey through the western states ofNorth 1827.London, J. Miller. 1827With a description of...Cincinnati, by Messrs. B.Drake and E.D. Mansfield. Fiche: 7257-7261

Bullock, William. Virginia Impartially Examined.London, printed by John Hammond. 1649 Fiche: 7912-7912c

Bulow, Dietrich, i.e. Adam Heinrich Dietrich,freiherr von. Der freistaat von Nordamerika in seinem neuestenzustand.Berlin, J.F. Unger. 17972 v. Fiche: 8620-8627

Burke, Edmond. An Account of the European Settlements inAmerica.London, R. and J. Dodsley. 17572 v. Fiche: 15354-15361

Burke, Emily P. Reminiscences of Georgia.Oberlin, O., J.M. Fitch. 1850 Fiche: 17221-17223b

Burke, William. The Mineral Springs of Western Virginia.New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1842 Fiche: 17515-17518a

Burlend, Rebecca, Mrs. A True Picture of Emigration; or, Fourteen yearsin the interior of North America, in the year 1831.London, G. Berger. 1848 Fiche: 15840-15840b

Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in NorthAmerica, in the years 1759 and 1760; withobservations upon the state of the colonies.London, T. Payne. 1798edition the 3d; rev., cor., and greatly enl., by theauthor. Fiche: 16810-16812b

Burns, Jabez. Notes of a tour in the United States and Canada, inthe summer and autumn of 1847.London, Houlston and Stoneman. 1848 Fiche: 17369-17371

Burnyeat, John. The truth exalted in the writings of.London, T. Northcott. 1691 Fiche: 7913-7916a

Busch, Moritz. Wanderungen zwischen Hudson and Mississippi1851 und 1852.Stuttgart und Tubingen. J.G. Cotta. 18542 v. Fiche: 16066-16075

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Butel-Dumont, Georges Marie. Histoire et commerce des colonies angloises, dansl'Amerique septentrionale.A Londres, et se vend a Paris, chez Le Breton. 1755 Fiche: 8474-8478

Buttner, Johann Carl. Narrative of Johann Carl Buettner I the AmericanRevolution.New York, printed for C.F. Heartman. 1815 Fiche: 15501-15501b

Buttner, Johann Gottfried. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.Hamburg, M. Geber. 1844Mein aufenthalt und meine reisen in denselben, vomjahre 1834 bis 1841; 2 v. Fiche: 16366-16377

Byrd, William. The Westover Manuscripts, containing the historyof the dividing line betwixt Virginia and NorthCarolina.Petersburg, Va., printed by E. and J.C. Ruffin. 1841Written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published. Fiche: 7917-7918b

Cadogan, George. The Spanish Hireling Detected, being a refutationof the several calumnies and falsehoods in a latepamphlet, entitled An Impartial Account of the LateExpedition Against St. Augustine Under GeneralOglethorpe.London, printed for J. Roberts. 1743 Fiche: 15300-15300b

Caldwell, John Edwards. A Tour Through Part of Virginia, 1808.New York, printed for the author H.C. Southwick,printer, No. 2. Wall Street. 1809 Fiche: 15465-14565b

Candler, Isaac. A Summary View of America, comprising adescription of the face of the country, and of severalprincipal cities.London, T. Cadell. 1824 Fiche: 9249-9254a

Carew, Bampfylde-Moore. The Life and Adventures of Bampfylde MooreCarew, the noted Devonshire stroller and dogstealer,as related by himself, during his passage to theplantations in America.Vignette Exon, printed by Farley's, for Joseph Drew,bookseller, opposite Castlelane. 1845 Fiche: 15476-15478

Carey, Mathew. Carey's American Pocket Atlas, containingnineteen maps.Philadelphia, printed by H. Sweitzer for M. Carey.1801With a brief description of each state. 2d ed. Greatlyimpr. and enl. Fiche: 12492-12494a

Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard. Travels in America.New York, G.P. Putnam. 1851The poetry of Pope. Two lectures, 1850. Fiche: 15949-15950a

Carolina described more fully than heretofore.Dublin. 1684 Fiche: 9771-9771b

Cartwright, Peter. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, theBackwoods Preacher.New York and Cincinnati, The Methodist BookConcern.Edited by William Peter Strickland. Fiche: 8048-8053b

Carver, Jonathan. The New Universal Traveller.London, printed for G. Robinson in Paternoster-row.1779 Fiche: 8479-8487a

Casey, Charles. Two Years on the Farm of Uncle Sam.London, R. Bentley. 1852With sketches of his location, nephews and prospects. Fiche: 16224-16227a

Castelnau, Francis. Vues et souvenirs de l'Amerique du Nord.Paris, A. Bertrand. 1842 Fiche: 16411-16414

Castiglioni, Luigi, conte. Viaggio negli Stati Uniti dell'AmericaSettentrionale, 1785, 1786, e 1787.Milano, Stamperia di G. Marelli. 17902 v. Fiche: 8003-8012a

Castro, Henry. Le Texas.[Anvers]. [1845] Fiche: 16415-16415a

Caswall, Henry. America, and the American Church.London, printed for J.G. & F. Rivington. 1839 Fiche: 16295-16299a

Caswall, Henry. The western world revisited.Oxford and London, J.H. Parker. 1854 Fiche: 17194-17198

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Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and theBahamas Islands.London, printed at the expense of the authors. 1731-17432 v. Fiche: 15740-15757a

Catlin, George. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, andconditions of the North American Indians.London, pub. By the author, printed by Tosswill andMyers, $5.95 each. 18412 v. Fiche: 17061-17070a

Cazneau, William L., Mrs. The Queen of Islands and the King of Rivers.New York, C. Wood. 1850 Fiche: 16286-16286b

Chaffin, William Ladd. History of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts.Cambridge, J. Wilson and Son. 1886 Fiche: 9827-9837a

Chalkley, Thomas. The Journal of Thomas Chalkley.New York, printed and sold by Samuel Wood, No.362, Pearl Street, sold also, by Abraham Shearman,Jr., New Bedford, and by Kimber and Conrad,Philadelphia. 1808To which is annexed, a collection of his works. Fiche: 9772-9778a

Chalmers, Lionel. An Account of the Weather and Diseases of SouthCarolina.London, printed for E. and C. Dilly. 17762 v. Fiche: 8488-8493

Chambers, William. American Slavery and Colour.London, W. & R. Chambers; New York, Dix andEdwards. 1857 Fiche: 17089-17091a

Chambers, William. Things as They are in America.London and Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers1. 1854 Fiche: 17084-17088

Champigny, Jean, chevalier de. La Louisiane ensanglantee, avec toutes lesparticularites de cette horrible catastrophe, redigeessur le serment de temoins dignes de foi.Londres, Aux depens de l'editeur: chez FleuryMesplet. 1773 Fiche: 7919-7921b

Champigny, Jean, chevalier de. The Present State of the Country and Inhabitants,Europeans and Indians, of Louisiana, on the NorthContinent of America.London, printed for J. Millan. 1744 Fiche: 12547-12547b

Champlin, James. Early biography, travels and adventures of Rev.James Champlin.Columbus, O., C. Scott's Power Press. 18422d ed. Rev. Fiche: 16978-16980a

Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de. Histoire et description generale de la NouvelleFrance, avec le Journal historique d'un voyage faitpar ordre du roi dans l'Amerique septentrionale.Paris, Nyon fils. 17443 v. Fiche: 7602-7623b

Chase, Philander. Bishop Chase's Reminiscences, an autobiography.Boston, J.B. Dow. 18482 v. Fiche: 15502-15514

Chastellux, Francois Jean, marquis de. Travels in North America, in the Years 1780,1781, and 1782.Dublin, printed for Colles, Moncrieffe, White, H.Whitestone, Syrne, Cash, Marchbank, Henry, andMoore. 17872 v. Fiche: 15515-15525a

Chester, Anthony. Scheeps-togt van Anthony Chester, na Virginia,gedaan in het jaar 1620.Leyden, Pieter Vander Aa. 1707 Fiche: 15500-15500a

Chetwood, William Rufus. The Voyages and Adventures of Captain RobertBoyle, in several parts of the world.London, printed for J. Watts. 1728To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, andmiraculous preservation of Richard Castleman, gent.With a description of the city of Philadelphia, and thecountry of Pennsylvania, and the country ofPennsylvania. Fiche: 12575-12579a

Chetwood, William Rufus. The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures andImminent Escapes of Captain Richard Falconer.London, W. Chetwood. 1720 Fiche: 7922-7926a

Chevalier, Michel. Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord.Paris, C. Gosselin et ce. 18362 v. Fiche: 16958-16969a

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Christie, Thomas. A Description of Georgia, by a gentleman whohas resided there upwards of seven years and was oneof the first settlers.London, printed for C. Corbett. 1741 Fiche: 7624-7624a

Church, Jeremiah. Journal of travels, adventures, and remarks, ofJerry Church.Harrisburg. 1845 Fiche: 17649-17649b

Churchman, John. An account of the gospel labours, and Christianexperiences of a faithful minister of Christ, JohnChurchman, late of Nottingham in Pennsylvania,deceased.Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Crukshank, on thenorth side of Market Street, between Second andThird Streets. 1779 Fiche: 7927-7930

Claiborne, John Francis Hamtramck. Life and Times of Gen. Sam Dale, the MississippiPartisan.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1860Illustrated by John M'Lenan. Fiche: 9221-9223a

Clapp, Theodore. Autobiographical sketches and recollections,during a thirty-five years' residence in New Orleans.Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Company. 18594th ed. Fiche: 16076-16080b

Clark, John Alonzo. Gleanings by the Way.Philadelphia, W.J. & J.K. Simon; New York, R.Carter. 1842 Fiche: 4509-4516a

Clark, Lewis Garrard. Narratives of the sufferings of Lewis and MiltonClarke, sons of a soldier of the Revolution, during acaptivity of more than twenty years among theslaveholders of Kentucky, one of the so calledChristian states of North America.Boston, B. Marsh. 1846Dictated by themselves. Fiche: 23980-23983

Clarke, George. Voyage of George Clarke, esq., to America, 1703.Albany, J. Munsell. 1867 Fiche: 7931-7933a

Clarkson, Matthew. Diary West of the Alleghanies, in 1766.In Henry Schoolcraft, information respecting thehistory, condition, and prospects of the Indian tribesof the United States. 1852-1857v. 4, p. 265-278. Fiche: 15758-15758a

[Clinton, Charles A., supposed author]. A winter from home.New York, J.F. Trow, printer. 1852 Fiche: 17678-17678b

(Cluny, Alexander). The American traveller; or, Observations on thepresent state, culture and commerce of the Britishcolonies in America.London, Printed for E. and C. Dilly (etc.). 1769By an old and experienced trader. Fiche: 16803-16804b

Cobb, Joseph Beckham. Mississippi scenes; or, Sketches of southern andwestern life and adventure, humorous, satirical, anddescriptive, including The Legend of Black Creek.Philadelphia, A. Hart. 1851 Fiche: 64303-64309

Cobbett, William. A Year's Residence in the United States ofAmerica.London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones. 18192d ed; 3 pt. in 1 v. Fiche: 7994-8000b

Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputedpresident of the Underground railroad.Cincinnati, Western Tract Society. 1876 Fiche: 9170-9177b

Cohen, Myer M. Notices of Florida and the Campaigns.Charleston, S.C., Burges & Honour; New York, B.B.Hussey. 1836 Fiche: 15951-15954

Cohen, Myer M. Sketch of the Seminole War, and sketches duringa campaign.Charleston, Dan J. Dowling. 1836By a lieutenant, of the left wing. Fiche: 17024-17027a

Coke, Edward Thomas. A Subaltern's Furlough, descriptive of scenes invarious parts of the United States, upper and lowerCanada, new Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, of 1832.New York, J. & J. Harper. 18332 v. Fiche: 15841-15846

Coke, Henry John. A ride Over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon andCalifornia.London, R. Bentley. 1852With a glance at some of the tropical islands,including the West Indies and Sandwich Isles. Fiche: 16315-16319a

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Coke, Thomas. Extracts of the journals of the late Rev. ThomasCoke, LL.D., comprising several visits to NorthAmerica and the West Indies.Dublin, printed by R. Napper for the Methodist BookRoom. 1816 Fiche: 7707-7709b

Coleraine, George Hanger, 4th Baron. The Life, Adventures, and opinions of Col.George Hanger.London, J. Debrett. 18012 v. Fiche: 8494-8503

Collins, S.H. The emigrant's guide to and depression of theUnited States of America.Hull, J. Noble. 18304th ed. Fiche: 15557-15559a

Collyer, Robert H. Lights and shadows of American life.Boston, Brainard & co. [1838?] Fiche: 17350-17350a

Colton, Joseph Hutchins. Colton's traveler and tourist's guide book throughthe United States of America and the Canadas:containing the routes and distances on the great linesof travel by railroads, canals, stageroads, andsteamboats; together with a description of the severalstates.New York, J.H. Colton & co. 1856 Fiche: 16598-16601b

Combe, George. Notes on the United States of North Americaduring a phrenoloical visit in 1838-9-40.Philadelphia, Carey & Hart. 18412 v. Fiche: 15955-15964

Comettant, Jean Pierre Oscar. Trois ans aux Etats-Unis; etude des moeurs etcoutumes ma americaines.Paris, Pagnerre. 1857 Fiche: 17679-17682a

A compendious description of the thirteen colonies,in British-America.London, printed for Herman, Strong and Co. 1777 Fiche: 7636-7636a

A concise historical account of all the Britishcolonies in North America, particularly of theMassachusetts-Bay (the seat of the present civil war),together with the other provinces of New England.London, printed for J. Bew. 1775 Fiche: 8504-8506a

Conder, Josiah. United States of America and Canada.London, J. Duncan. 18302 v. Fiche: 16885-16893a

Connor, Jeannette M. (Thurber), Mrs. Colonial Records of Spanish Florida, letters andreports of governors and secular persons.The Florida State Historical Society. 1925 Fiche: 15781-15785a

Considerant, Victor Prosper. Au Texas.Bruxelles, Societe de colonisation; [etc., etc.]. 18552. ed. Contenant 1 degree Rapport a mes amis; 2degree Bases et statuts de la Societe de colonisationeuropeo-Americaine au Texas; 3 degree ...Les basesd'un premier establishment societaire. Fiche: 16602-16606

Cooke, John Henry. A narrative of events in the south of France, andof the attack on New Orleans, in 1814 and 1815.London, T. & W. Boone. 1835 Fiche: 15466-15469a

Cooke, Philip St. George. Scenes and Adventures in the Army.Philadelphia, Linsay & Blakiston. 1857 Fiche: 15847-15851b

Cooper, James Fenimore. Notions of the Americans, picked up by atravelling bachelor.Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey. 18282 v. Fiche: 15852-15860a

Cooper, Thomas. Some Information Respecting America.London, printed for J. Johnson. 1794 Fiche: 9264-9266b

Cornelius, Elias. Tour in Virginia, Tennessee, &c.1820(In Sansom, Joseph. Travels in Lower Canada, 1820.)Modern Voyages and Travels, vol. III, No. 1, March15, 1820. Fiche: 15727-15727a

Cornwallis, Kinahan. Royalty in the New world; or, The Prince ofWales in America.New York, M. Doolady. 1860 Fiche: 17683-17685b

Cortambert, Louis Richard. Voyage au pays des Osages.Paris. A Bertrand. 1837Un tour en Sicile. Fiche: 16632-16633a

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The cousins' journey; or Sketches of Americanscenery.Boston, L.C. Bowles. 1833 Fiche: 16634-16635a

Coxe, Daniel. A description of the English province of Carolana,by the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the French LaLouisiane.London, printed for B. Cowse. 1722As also of the great and famous river Meschacebe orMissisipi. Fiche: 15301-15303a

Crafford, John. A new and most exact account of the fertile andfamous colony of Carolina.Dublin, printed for Nathan Tarrant. 1683 Fiche: 7625-7625a

Crawford, William. Penintentiaries (United States).[London]. [1834]Report...on the penitentiaries of the UnitedStates...Ordered by the House of commons, to beprinted, 11 August 1834. Fiche: 16607-16611a

Cresswell, Nicholas. The journal of, 1774-1777.New York, L. MacVeagh, The Dial Press. 1924 Fiche: 9909-9912a

Creuzbaur, Robert. Route from the Gulf of Mexico and the lowerMississippi valley to California and the Pacificocean, illustrated with a general map and sectionalmaps; with directions to travellers.New York, H. Long & brother; Austin, Tex., RobertCreuzbaur. 1849 Fiche: 13986-13988

Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de, calledSaint John de Crevecoeur. Letters from an American Farmer.London, printed for Thomas Davies. 1782Written for the information of a friend in England, byJ. Hector St. John. Fiche: 9913-9916a

Croghan, George. Journal of Col. George Croghan, who was sent,after the peace of 1763, by the government, toexplore the country adjacent to the Ohio River, and toconciliate the Indian nations who had hitherto actedwith the French.Burlington, N.J., New Jersey Enterprise Book andJob Printing Establishment. 1875 Fiche: 7671-7671a

Crowe, Eyre. With Thackeray in America.New York, C. Scribner's Sons. 1893 Fiche: 17092-17094a

Cuming, Fortescue. Sketches of a tour to the western country, throughthe states of Ohio and Kentucky, a voyage down theOhio and Mississippi Rivers, and a trip through theMississippi territory, and part of West Florida.Pittsburgh, printed and pub. By Cramer, Spear &Eichbaum. 1810 Fiche: 8586-8591a

Cumings, Samuel. The Western Pilot, containing charts of the OhioRiver, and of the Mississippi from the mouth of theMissouri to the Gulf of Mexico.Cincinnati, Morgan, Lodge and Fisher, printers. 1825 Fiche: 12514-12516a

Cunyngname, Arthur, Sir. A glimpse at the great western republic.London, R. Bentley. 1851 Fiche: 17686-17689b

Cushing, S.W. Wild oats sowings; or, The autobiography of anadventurer.New York, D. Fanshaw. 1857 Fiche: 16612-16617a

Cutler, Jervis. A topographical description of the state of Oho,Indiana territory, and Louisiana.Boston, published by Charles Williams. J. Belcher,printer. 1812 Fiche: 9396-9398b

Dana, Edmund. Geographical sketches on the western country,designed for emigrants and settlers.Cincinnati, Looker, Reynolds & Co., printers. 1819 Fiche: 9321-9324a

Darby, William. The Emigrant's Guide to the Western andSouthwestern States and Territories.New York, Kir & Mercein. 1818 Fiche: 9285-9288b

Darby, William. A Geographical description of the State ofLouisiana.Philadelphia. J. Bioren, printer. 1816Printed for the author, and published by John Melish. Fiche: 12517-12520a

Darby, William. A Geographical Description of the state ofLouisiana, the southern part of the state ofMississippi, and the territory of Alabama.New York, published by James Olmstead, sold alsoby B. Levy & Co., booksellers, New Orleans. J.Seymour, printer. 1817 Fiche: 15470-15474

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Darby, William. Memoir on the Geography, and Natural and CivilHistory of Florida.Philadelphia, printed by T.H. Palmer. 1821 Fiche: 8760-8761a

Darby, William. A New Gazetteer of the United States of America.Hartford, E. Hopkins. 1833 Fiche: 8762-8768b

Darby, William. View of the United States.Philadelphia, H.S. Tanner. 1828 Fiche: 9277-9284b

D'Arusmont, Frances (Wright), Mme. Views of Society and Manners in America.New York, E. Bliss and E. White. 1821 Fiche: 4475-4484

Daubeny, Charles Giles. Journal of a tour through the United States, and inCanada made during the years 1837-38.Oxford, Printed by T. Combe. 1843 Fiche: 16381-16383b

Davenport, Bishop. A New Gazetteer, or geographical dictionary.Philadelphia, B. Davenport & Co. 1836 Fiche: 17395-17400b

Davidson, Robert. An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave and theBarrens of Kentucky.Lexington, Ky., A.T. Skillman & Son. 1840With some notices of the early settlement of the state. Fiche: 15965-15966b

Davies, Ebenezer. American Scenes and Christian Slavery.London, J. Snow. 1849 Fiche: 16228-16231b

Davis, John. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the UnitedStates of America, During 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801,and 1802.London, sold by T. Ostell and H. Caritat; New York,for R. Edwards, printer, Bristol. 1803 Fiche: 9231-9236

Davis, Stephen. Notes of a tour in America, in 1832 and 1833.Edinburgh, Waugh & Innes; [etc., etc.]. 1833 Fiche: 16618-16619b

De Brahm, John Gerar William. History of the province of Georgia; with maps oforiginal surveys.Wormsloe (Ga.). 1849 Fiche: 17778-17779a

De Cordova, Jacob. Lecture on Texas delivered by Mr. J. De Cordova.Philadelphia, Printed by E. Crozet. 1858Also, a paper read by him before the New Yorkgeographical society, April 15th, 1858. Fiche: 17690-17690a

De La Warr, Thomas West, 3d Lord. The Relation of the Right Honourable the LordDe-La-Warre, Lord Governour and CaptaineGenerall of the Colonie.London, printed by William Hall for the Signe of the Swan. 1611 Fiche: 7934-7934a

Dearborn, Henry. Revolutionary War Journals of Henry Dearborn,1775-1783.Chicago, The Caxton Club. 1939 Fiche: 8507-8510a

[Delius, Eduard]. Wanderungen eines jungen norddeutschen durchPortugal. Spanien und Nord-Amerika. In den jahren1827-1831.Hamburg, Herold. 1827-1831Hrsg. Von Georg Lotz; 4 v. Fiche: 17375-17382a

Demetz, Frederic Auguste. Rapports a m. le comte de Montalivet...sur lespenitenciers des Etats-Unis.Paris, Imprimerie royale. 1837par m. par m. Abel Blouet. Fiche: 16707-16711b

Denny, Ebenezer. Military Journal of Major Ebenezer Deny, anofficer in the Revolutionary and Indian Wars.Philadelphia, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.1859 Fiche: 12471-12474a

Descourtilz, Michel Etienne. Voyages d'un naturaliste.Paris, Dufart, pere. 18093 v. Fiche: 9002-9014c

Descrizione geografica di parte dell'Americasettentrionale.Amsterdam, Venezia, Bassiglia. 1758 Fiche: 7637-7637a

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A detail of some particular services performed inAmerica, during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, and1779.New York. 1835Compiled from journals and original papers,supposed to be chiefly taken from the journal kept onboard of the ship Rainbow, commanded by SirGeorge Collier, while on the American station duringthat period. Printed for Ithiel Town, from amanuscript obtained by him while in London, in thesummer of 1830. Fiche: 8511-8512a

Deux-Ponts, Guillaume, comte de. My Campaigns in America, a journal kept byCount William de Deux-Ponts, 1780-81.Boston, J.W. Wiggin & W.P. Lunt. 1868 Fiche: 15362-15364a

Devol, George H. Forty years a Gambler on the Mississippi.Cincinnati, Devol & Haines. 1887 Fiche: 7773-7776a

Dewees, William B. Letters From an Early Settler of Texas.Louisville, Kentucky, New Albany Tribune print.1858Comp. by Cara Cardelle. 2d ed. Fiche: 16081-16084a

Dickens, Charles. American notes for general circulation.London, Chapman and Hall. 18422 v. Fiche: 16416-16423a

Dickinson, James. A Journal.London, printed and sold by T.S. Raylton and L.Hinde. 1745 Fiche: 15738-15739b

Dickinson, Jonathan. God's Protecting Providence, in times of thegreatest difficulty, and most eminent danger.Philadelphia, printed, London, reprinted, and sold byT. Sowele. 1700Evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of RobertBarrow, with divers other persons, from thedevouring waves of the sea...and also, from the cruel,devouring jaws of the inhuman canibals of Florida. Fiche: 9781-9782

Diehl, Louis. Meine schicksale und erlebnisse in Nordamerika,nebst einem anhang: Die licht- und schattenseit derNeuen welt.Darmstadt, Gedruckt bei C.F. Will. 1851 Fiche: 16620-16620c

Disturnell, John. Disturnell's American and European railway andsteamship guide, giving the arrangements on all thegreat lines of travel through the United States andCanada, across the Atlantic ocean, and throughoutcentral Europe.New York, J. Disturnell. 1853 Fiche: 16621-16624a

Disturnell, John. Springs, Water-falls, Sea-bathing Resorts, andMountain Scenery of the United States and Canada.New York, J. Disturnell. 1855 Fiche: 16232-16234b

[Dix, John]. Transatlantic tracings: or, Sketches of persons andscenes in America.London, W. Tweedie. 1853By the author of "Lions: living and dead". Fiche: 16625-16628b

Dixon, James. Personal Narrative of a Tour Through a Part of theUnited States and Canada, with notices of the historyand institutions of Methodism in America.New York, Lane & Scott. 18492d ed. Fiche: 16235-16239b

Dohla, Johann Conrad. Tagebuch eines Bayreuther soldaten, des JohannConrad Dohla aus dem nordamerikanischen freiheit skriege von 1777 bis 1783.Bayreuth, Druck von I., Ellwanger vorm. T. Burger.1913 Fiche: 8894-8896b

Domenech, Emmanuel. Journal d'un missionaire au Texas et au Mexique.Paris, Gaume freres. 1857par l'abbe E. Domenech, 1846-1852. Fiche: 17424-17429a

Domenech, Emmanuel. Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts ofNorth America.London, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.1860Illustrated with fifty-eight woodcuts by A. Joliet,three plates of ancient Indian music, and a mapshowing the actual situation of the Indian tribes Andthe country described; 2 v. Fiche: 16085-16097a

Dornberg, Karl Ludwig, freiherr von. Tagebuchblatter eines hessischen offiziers aus derzeit des nordamerikanischen unabhangigkeitskrieges,von Gotthold Marseille.Pyritz, Backe'sche buchdruckerei. 1899-19002 v. Fiche: 8897-8897b

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Douglass, William. A summary, historical and political, of the firstplanting, progressive improvements, and present stateof the British settlements in North America, withsome transient accounts of the bordering French andSpanish settlements.Boston, printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle inQueen Street, next to the prison. 1747-17522 v. Fiche: 8898-8909a

Dow, Lorenzo. History of Cosmopolite; or, The writings of Rev.Lorenzo Dow, containing his experience and travels,in Europe and America.Philadelphia, S.B. Smith & Co. 1859 Fiche: 9031-9039

Dow, Peggy, Mrs. Vicissitudes Exemplified.New York, printed by J.C. Totten. 1814 Fiche: 12501-12502a

Drayton, John. A View of South-Carolina.Charleston, printed by W.P. Young, No. 41, BroadStreet. 1802 Fiche: 9015-9018a

Du Roi, August Wilhelm. Journal of Du roi the Elder, Lieutenant andAdjutant, in the service of the Duke of Brunswick1776-1778.Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania; New York,D. Appleton & Co., agents. 1911 Fiche: 8513-8515a

Du Ru, Paul. Journal of Paul du Ru, February 1 to May 8, 1700,missionary priest to Louisiana.Chicago, printed for the Caxton Club. 1934 Fiche: 7951-7952

Duden, Gottfried. Bericht uber eine reise nach den westlichenstaaten Nordamerika's und einem mehrjahrigenAufenthalt am Misosuri.Elberfeld, Gedruckt bei S. Lucas. 1829 Fiche: 7672-7676

Duffield, George. Travels in the two hemispheres.Detroit, Doughty. Straw & co., and Raymond andSelleck. 1858Second edition. Fiche: 17795-17801a

Dumas, Mathieu, comte. Memoirs of His Own Time, including therevolution, the empire, and the restoration.Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard. 18392 v. Fiche: 9917-9924

Dumont de Montigny, Lieutenant. Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane.Paris, C.J.B. Bauche. 17532 v. Fiche: 15614-15621a

Duncan, Mary, Mrs. America as I Found It.New York, R. Carter & Brothers. 1852 Fiche: 16098-16103

Durand, of Daughine. Voyages d'un Francois, exile pour la religion, avecune description de la Virginie & Marilan.La Haye, Impr. Pour l'auteur. 1687 Fiche: 8863-8864b

Dureau, B. Les Etats-Unis en 1850, notes et souvenirs.Paris, Chez l'auteur. 1891 Fiche: 16104-16110

Durell, Edward Henry. New Orleans as I Found It.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1845 Fiche: 16970-16971a

Eddis, William. Letters from America, historical and descriptive,comprising occurrences 1769, 1777.London, printed for the author. 1792 Fiche: 15365-15370a

Edmundson, William. A Journal.London, printed and sold by M. Hinde. 1774 Fiche: 9783-9788a

Edward, David B. The history of Texas; or, The emigrant's, farmer's,and politician's guide to the character, climate, soiland productions of that country.Cincinnati, J.A. James & co. 1836 Fiche: 16636-16639b

Edwards, Bela Bates. Memoir of the Rev. Elias Cornelius.Boston, Perkins & Marvin; Philadelphia, H. Perkins.1833 Fiche: 12510-12513a

Edwards, Richard, ed. Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia,embracing important topographical and historicalinformation...together with the results of the lastcensus population, in most cases, to 1854.Richmond, For the proprietor. 1855Edited by Richard Edwards. Fiche: 16838-16842b

Ehrenberg, Hermann. Texas und seine revolution.Leipzig, O. Wigan. 1843 Fiche: 16640-16642b

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Ellet, Elizabeth Fries, Mrs. Rambles About the Country.New York, Harper. 1847 Fiche: 15967-15969b

Ellet, Elizabeth Fries, Mrs. Summer Rambles in the West.New York, J.C. Riker. 1853 Fiche: 4559-4565

Ellicott, Andrew. The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late commissioneron behalf of the United States during part of the year1796, the years 1797, 1798, 1799, and part of theyear 1800; for determining the boundary between theUnited States and the possessions of his CatholicMajesty in America.Philadelphia, printed by Budd & Bertram, forThomas Dobson. 1803 Fiche: 4573-4585

The Emigrant's Guide, or pocket geography of thewestern states and territories, containing a descriptionof the several cities and towns, rivers, antiquities.Cincinnati, published by Phillips & Speer,Booksellers, Main Street, near Front; Morgan, Lodge& Co., printers. 1818 Fiche: 9083-9086

Engleheart, John Gardner, Sir. Journal of the progress of H.R.H. the Prince ofWales through British North America; and his visit tothe United States, 10th July to 15th November, 1860.[London, Priv. Print.]. [1860] Fiche: 17524-17525b

English, William Hayden. Conquest of the Country Northwest of the RiverOhio, 1778-1783, and life of George Rogers Clark.Indianapolis, Ind., and Kansas City, Mo., TheBowen-Merrill Company. 18692 v. Fiche: 8572-8585a

Entick, John. The Present State of the British Empire.London, B. Law. 1774Containing a description of the kingdoms; 4 v. Fiche: 8910-8936

Escalante Fontaneda, Hernando d'. Memoir of Do d'Escalente Fontaneda respectingFlorida.Washington, 1854; reprinted with revisions, Miami,Fla. 1944Written in Spain, about the year 1575. Translatedfrom the Spanish with notes by Buckingham Smith. Fiche: 15475-15475b

Espy, Josiah Murdoch. Memorandums of a tour made by Josiah Espy inthe States of Ohio and Kentucky and Indiana territoryin 1805.Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co. 1870 Fiche: 9999-9999a

Esquisse interessant du Tableau fidele des causes quiont occasione les revolutions actuelles de l'AmeriqueSeptentrionale.Philadelphia. 1783Revu & corrige a Versailles. Fiche: 8937-8938a

Etourneau. Livret-guide de l'emigrant, du negociant et dutouriste dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et au Canada,contenant les renseignements les plus exacts, pris surles leiux memos, sur ces contrees.Paris, A. Petit-Pierre. 1855 Fiche: 16629-16631a

Evans, Estwick. A Pedestrious Tour, of Four Thousand MilesThrough the Western States and Territories, 1818.Concord, N.H., printed by Joseph C. Spear. 1819 Fiche: 8769-8771b

Evans, Lewis. Geographical, historical, political, philosophicaland mechanical essays.Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall.1755The first, containing An analysis of A general map ofthe middle British colonies in America. Fiche: 17782-17782d

Everest, Robert. A Journey Through the United States and Part ofCanada.London, John Chapman. 1855 Fiche: 17072-17074a

Ewbank, Thomas. Life in Brazil.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1856 Fiche: 16986-16991

Ewell, John D. Life of Rev. William Keele, a noted preacher ofthe Baptist Church for fifty-five years.Noah, Tenn., W.J. Stephenson. 1884 Fiche: 9040-9042b

The expedition of Major General Braddock toVirginia, with the two regiments of Hacket andDunbar.London, printed for H. Carpenter. 1755 Fiche: 15371-15371a

Extrait du journal d'un officer de la marine del'escadre de M. le comte d'Estaing, 1782.1782 Fiche: 8516-8517a

Eyma, Louis Xavier. Les deux Ameriques; histoire, moeurs et voyagespar Xavier Eyma.Paris, D. Giraud. 1853 Fiche: 17391-17394a

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Eyma, Louis Xavier. La vie aux Etats-unis, notes de voyage.Paris, E. Plon et cie. 1876 Fiche: 16240-16243a

Fanning, David. The narrative of Colonel David Fanning, (a Toryin the revolutionary war with Great Britain) giving anaccount of his adventures in North Carolina, from1775 to 1783.Richmond, Va., printed for private distribution only,in the first year of the independence of theConfederate States of America. 1861 Fiche: 9925-9926a

Faux, William. Memorable Days in America.London, W. Simpkin and R. Marshall. 1823 Fiche: 9293-9298a

Fawcett, Joseph W. Journal of Jos. W. Fawcett.Chillicothe, Ohio, D.K. Webb, private press. 1944Diary of his trip in 1840 down the Ohio andMississippi Rivers to Gulf of Mexico and up theAtlantic Coast to Boston. Fiche: 15970-15970b

Fearon, Henry Bradshaw. Sketches of America.London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme,and Brown. 1818 Fiche: 15440-15445

Featherstonhaugh, George William. A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Stoor, with anaccount of the lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin.London, R. Bentley. 18472 v. Fiche: 16918-16927a

Featherstonhaugh, George William. Excursion Through the Slave States, FromWashington.London, J. Murray. 18442 v. Fiche: 17184-17193a

Feltman, William. The journal of Lieut. William Feltman, of the FirstPennsylvania Regiment, 1781-82.Philadelphia, published for the Historical Society ofPennsylvania, by H.C. Baird. 1853Including the march into Virginia and the siege ofYorktown. Fiche: 9927-9927b

Fenning, Daniel. A New System of Geography; or, A generaldescription of the world.London, printed for S. Crowder, and sold by Mr.Jackson. 1764-1765By D. Fenning, J. Collyer, and others; 2 v. Fiche: 8518-8534

Ferguson, William. America by river and rail; or, Notes by the way onthe New world and its people.London, J. Risbet and co. 1856 Fiche: 17844-17850

Field, Joseph E. Three years in Texas.Greenfield, Mass., J. Jones; Boston, A. Tompkins.1838Including a view of the Texan revolution, and anaccount of the principal battles, together withdescriptions of the soil commercial and agriculturaladvantages, &c. Fiche: 16702-16702b

Filson, John. The Discovery, Settlement and Present State ofKentucke.Wilmington, Del., printed by James Adams. 1784 Fiche: 9155-9156a

Finch, John. Travels in the United States of America andCanada, containing some account of their scientificinstitutions, and a few notices of the geology andmineralogy of those countries.London, Longman, Reese, Orme, Brown, Green, andLongman. 1833 Fiche: 15861-15866

Finch, Marianne. An Englishwoman's experience in America.London, R. Bentley. 1853 Fiche: 16643-16647a

Finlay, Hugh. Journal kept by Hugh Finlay, surveyor of the postroads on the continent of North America, begun,1773 and ended 1774.Brooklyn, F.H. Norton. 1867 Fiche: 15648-15649b

Fithian, Philip Vickers. Journal and letters, 1767-1774, student atPrinceton College, 1770-72, tutor at Nomini Hall inVirginia, 1773-74.Princeton, N.J., The University Library. 1900-1934edited for the Princeton Historical Association byJohn Rogers Williams; 2 v. Fiche: 15546-15554

Flack, Capt. A hunter's experiences in the southern states ofAmerica; being an account of the natural history ofthe various quadrupeds and birds which are theobjects of chase in those countries.London, Longmans, Green and co. 1866 Fiche: 16677-16681

Flagg, Edmund. The Far West.New York, Harper & Brothers. 18382 v. Fiche: 16972-16977a

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Flint, James. Letters from America, containing observations onthe western states, the manners of the people, theprospects of emigrants, &c.Edinburgh, W. & C. Tait. 1822 Fiche: 9260-9263b

Flint, Timothy. Journal of the Rev. Timothy Flint, from the Redriver, to the Ouachitta or Washita, in Louisiana, in1835.[Alexandria? La.]. [1835?] Fiche: 16682-16682a

Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the Last Ten Years, passed inoccasional residences and journeyings in the valley ofthe Mississippi, from Pittsburgh and the Missouri tothe Gulf of Mexico, and from Florida to the Spanishfrontier.Boston, Cummings, Hilliard, and Company. 1826 Fiche: 8592-8596a

Flower, George. History of the English Settlement in EdwardsCounty, Illinois, founded in 1817 and 1818, byMorris Birkbeck and George Flower.Chicago, Fergus Printing Company. 1882 Fiche: 12475-12479a

Flower, Richard. Letters from Lexington and the Illinois.London, J. Ridgway. 1819 Fiche: 4527-4527a

Foley, Daniel. The people and institutions of the United States ofAmerica; a summer vacation tour.Dublin, George Herbert. London, James Nisbet &company. 1858 Fiche: 17748-17748b

Fontaine, Jacques. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.New York, G.P. Putnam & Co. 1853tr. and comp. from the original autobiography of Rev.James Fontaine, and other family manuscripts,comprising an original journal of travels in Virginia,New York, etc. in 1715 and 1716. By Ann Maury. Fiche: 12580-12585a

Forbes, James Grant. Sketches, historical and topographical, of theFloridas, more particularly of East Florida.New York, C.S. Van Winkle. 1821 Fiche: 9330-9332b

Forman, Samuel S. Narrative of a journey down the Ohio andMississippi in 1789-90.Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co. 1888 Fiche: 8597-8597b

Forrest, Michael. Travels Through America.Philadelphia, printed by Johnston & Justice, atFranklin's Head, No. 41, Chestnut Street. 1793A poem. Fiche: 7710-7710a

Foster, Lillian. Way-side Glimpses, North and South.New York, Rudd & Carleton. 1860 Fiche: 17081-17083b

Fothergill, John. An account of the life and travels in the work ofthe ministry, of John Fothergill.London, printed and sold by Mary Hinde. 1773To which are added, divers epistles to friends inGreat Britain and America. The 2d ed. Fiche: 15650-15654a

Fournel, Henri Jerome Marie. Coup d'oeil historique et statistique sur le Texas.Paris, Delloye. 1841 Fiche: 15971-15971b

Fowler, Reginald. Hither and thither; or, sketches of travels on bothsides of the Atlantic.London, F.R. Daldy. 1854 Fiche: 17333-17334c

Fox, George. A Journal.London, printed for Thomas Northcot, in Georgeyard, in Lombard Street. 1694The first volume. Fiche: 15304-15312b

Franklin, James. The Philosophical & Political History of theThirteen United States of America.London, J. Hinton & W. Adams. 1784 Fiche: 8535-8536b

French, Benjamin Franklin. Historical Collections of Louisiana.New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1846-18757 v. Fiche: 7862-7887

Freytas, Nicolas de. The Expedition of Don Diego Dionisio dePenalosa, from Santa Fe to the River Mischipi andQuivira in 1662, as described by Father Nicolas deFreytas, O.S.F.New York, J.G. Shea. 1882 Fiche: 7888-7889a

Frobel, Julius. Aus Amerika.Leipzig, J.J. Weber. 1857-1858Erfahrungen, reisen und studien; 2 v. Fiche: 9631-9640a

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A full and impartial account of the Company ofMississippi, otherwise call'd the French East-India-Company, projected and settled by Mr. Law.London, printed for R. Francklin. 1720 Fiche: 15314-15314c

Gaddis, Maxwell Pierson. Foot-prints of an Itinerant.Cincinnati, printed at the Methodist Book Concern,for the author. 1855 Fiche: 16111-16117

Gaillardet, Frederic. L'aristocratie en Amerique.Paris, E. Dentu. 1883 Fiche: 16751-16755a

Gall, Ludwig. Meine auswanderung nach den Vereinigten-Staaten in Nord-Amerika 1819, 1820.Trier, F.A. Gall. 18222 v. Fiche: 8598-8607a

Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company. Address to the reader of the documents relatingthe Galveston Bay & Texas land company, which arecontained in the appendix.New York, Printed by G.F. Hopkins & son. 1831 Fiche: 16683-16684a

Gano, John. Biographical Memoirs of the Late Rev. JohnGano, of Frankfort, (Kentucky).New York, printed by Southwick & Hardcastle forJohn Tiebout. 1806Formerly of the city of New York. Writtenprincipally by himself. Fiche: 8537-8537d

Garrettson, Freeborn. The experience and travels of, minister of theMethodist-Episcopal Church in North America.Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Crukshank, and soldby John Dickins. 1791 Fiche: 9928-9930a

Gauld, George. Observations on the Florida Keys, Reef and Gulf,with directions for sailing along the keys, fromJamaica by the Grand Cayman and west end of Cuba,also, a description, with sailing instructions, of thecoast of west Florida, between the bay of SpirituSanto and Cape Sable.London, W. Faden. 1796 Fiche: 15625-15625a

A geographical view of the United States.Boston, A.K. White. 1827 Fiche: 16685-16686a

Gerstacker, Friedrich. Wild sports in the far West.London, New York, G. Routledge & co. 1854Tr. from the German. With tinted illustrations byHarrison Weir. Fiche: 16756-16760b

Gerstner, Clara von. Beschreibung einer reise durch die VereinigtenStaaten von Nord-Amerika.Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs. 1842 Fiche: 4690-4700

Gerstner, Franz Anton, ritter von. Die innern communicationen der VereinigtenStaaten von Nord-Amerika.Wien, L. Forster's artistische anstalt. 1842-1843Von Franz Anton ritter von Gerstner...Nach dessentode aufgesetzt, redigirt und hrsg. Von L. Klein; 2 v. Fiche: 16712-16722

Geschichte und handlung der franzosischenpflanzstadte in Nordamerika, nebst einerzuverlassigen nachricht von deren bevolkerung, ihreneinwohnern...wie auch einer kurzen einleitung in diejezige strittigkeiten der Englander und Franzosenwegen Akadien; und den an spruchen der erstern aufeinen grossen theil von Canada und Louisiana.Stutgart, J.B. Mezler. 1756Mit einer landcharte. Fiche: 7980-7984a

Gilman, Caroline, Mrs. The Poetry of Traveling in the United States.New York, S. Colman. 1838With additional sketches, by a few friends; and aweek among autographs, by Rev. S. Gilman. Fiche: 15972-15976b

Gilpin, Thomas. Exiles in Virginia, with observations on theconduct of the Society of Friends during therevolutionary war, comprising the official papers ofthe government relating to that period, 1777-1778.Philadelphia, pub. For the subscribers, C. Sherman,printer. 1848 Fiche: 9931-9934a

Gist, Christopher. Christopher Gist's journals with historical,geographical and ethnological notes and biographiesof his contemporaries, by William M. Darlington.Pittsburgh, J.R. Weldon & Co. 1893 Fiche: 12480-12483a

Gleig, George Robert. A narrative of the campaigns of the British armyat Washington and New Orleans, under GeneralsRoss, Pakenham, and Lambert, in the years 1814 and1815.London, John Murray. 1821 Fiche: 15534-15538a

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Glen, James. A Description of South Carolina.London, printed for R. and J. Dodsley. 1761 Fiche: 9935-9936a

Glover, Thomas. An Account of Virginia.Oxford, reprinted from the PhilosophicalTransactions of the royal Society, June 20, 1676 byH. Hart, printer to the University, and sold by B.H.Blackwell. 1904 Fiche: 9789-9789a

Godley, John Robert. Letters from America.London, J. Murray. 18442 v. Fiche: 15977-15983a

Goodmane, W.F. Seven years in America; or, A contrast of BritishAmerica, namely, Canada, New Brunswick, PrinceEdward Island, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, andNewfoundland, with the United States and Texas.London, R. Jones. 1845 Fiche: 16761-16761a

Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Les Etats Unis d'Amerique.Paris, Guillaumin et cie. 1852 Fiche: 17409-17413a

Gordon, Harry. Journal of an expedition from Philadelphia to theIllinois and down the Mississippi to New Orleans.Springfield, Ill. 1916 Fiche: 15716-15716a

Gosse, Philip Henry. Letters from Alabama (U.S.), chiefly relating tonatural history.London, Morgan and Chase. 1859 Fiche: 15984-15987a

Graham, Samuel. Memoir of, with notices of the campaigns inwhich he was engaged from 1779 to 1801.Edinburgh, priv. Printed by R. & R. Clark. 1862Ed. by his son, Colonel James J. Graham. Fiche: 8538-8541b

Grandfort, Marie (Fontenay) de, "Mme Manoelde Grandfort.". L'autre monde.Paris, Librairie nouvelle. 18572 ed. Fiche: 16300-16303

Grantham, Thomas, Sir. An historical account of some memorable actions,particularly in Virginia.London, printed for J. Roberts, 1716; Richmond, Va.,reprinted by C. McCarthy & Co. 1882 Fiche: 12586-12586b

Grattan, Thomas Colley. Civilized America.London, Bradbury and Evans. 18592d ed; 2 v. Fiche: 17526-17537a

Gravier, Jacques. Lettre du Pere Jacques Gravier, de la Compagniede Jesus, 1708, sur les affaires de la Louisiane.Nouvelle-York, De la presse Cramoisy de Jean-MarieShea. 1865 Fiche: 8430-8430a

Gravier, Jacques. Relation ou Journal du voyage du r.p. JacquesGravier, de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1700, depuisle pays des Illinois jusqu'a l'embouchure duMississippi.Nouvelle-York, Isle de Manate, De la presseCramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea. 1859 Fiche: 8431-8431b

Gray, John W. The Life of Joseph Bishop, the celebrated oldpioneer in the first settlements of middle Tennessee.Nashville, Tenn., the author. 1858 Fiche: 8678-8680a

Gray, William F. From Virginia to Texas, 1835.Houston, Tex., Gray, Dillaye & co., printers. 1909Diary of Col. William F. Gray giving details of hisjourney to Texas and return in 1835-36 and secondjourney to Texas in 1837. Fiche: 17483-17485b

Green, William. The Sufferings of, being a sorrowful account ofhis seven years transportation.London, printed by J. Long. 1774 Fiche: 7638-7638a

Griesinger, Theodor. Freiheit und Sclaverei unter dem Sternenbanner;oder, Land und Leute in Amerika.Stuttgart, A. Kroner. 18622 pts. in 1 v. Fiche: 17430-17439b

Griffith, Barton. The diary of Barton Griffith, Covington, Indiana,1832-1834, now edited and published for the firsttime by permission of his great great nephew, J.Barton Griffith, M.D.Crawfordsville, Ind., R.E. Batna. 1932 Fiche: 17747-17747a

Griffith, John. A Journal.London, printed and sold by James Phillips, inGeorgeyard, Lombard Street. 1779 Fiche: 8432-8436b

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Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus. Flora virginica, exhibens plantas quas v.c.Johannes Clayton in Virginia observavit atquecollegit.Lugduni Batavorum, apud Cornelium Haak. 1739-17432 v. Fiche: 8437-8439a

Grund, Francis Joseph. The Americans in Their Moral, Social, andPolitical Relations.London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green &Longman. 18372 v. Fiche: 17826-17835a

Guide des emigrans francais dans les etats deKentucky et d'Indiana, sur les etats de Kentuckyet d'Indiana en particulier.Paris, A. Bertrand. 1835 Fiche: 16648-16648b

Gurney, Joseph John. A Journey in North America, described in familiarletters to Amelia Opie.Norwich, Eng., printed for private circulation, by J.Fletcher. 1841 Fiche: 16001-16005a

Gurowski, Adam. America and Europe.New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1857 Fiche: 17105-17109a

Guthrie, William. A New Geographical, Historical, and CommercialGrammar, and present state of the several kingdomsof the world.London, J. Knox. 1770With a table of the coins of all nations, and theirvalue in English money. Fiche: 7985-7993b

Hachard, Marie Madeleine, in religion, SisterSaint Stanislas. Relation du voyage des dames religieusesUrsulines de Rouen a la Nouvelle-Orleans.Paris, Maisonneuve et cie. 1872 Fiche: 15700-15702

Hager, Heinrich. Warhaffte Nachricht, von einer HochteutschenEvangelischen Colonie, zu Germantown, in Nord-Virginien in America.(In Historical notes relating to the PennsylvaniaReformed Church). Fiche: 8865-8865a

Hall, Abraham Oakey. The Manhattaner in New Orleans; or, Phases of"Crescent city" life.New York, J. G. Redfield; New Orleans, J.C.Morgan. 1851 Fiche: 16118-16120a

Hall, Basil. Forty etchings, from sketches made with thecamera lucida, in North America, in 1827 and 1828.Edinburgh, Cadell & Co. 1829 Fiche: 15867-15867b

Hall, Basil. Travels in North America.Edinburgh, printed for Cadell and Co. London,Simpkin and Marshall. 18293 v. Fiche: 16894-16908a

Hall, Clayton Colman. Narratives of early Maryland, 1633-1684.New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. 1910 Fiche: 81241-81252

Hall, F. The Importance of the British Plantations inAmerica to this Kingdom with the State of theirTrade, and methods for improving.London, printed for J. Peele. 1731 Fiche: 7953-7954a

Hall, Francis. Travels in Canada, and in the United States, in1816 and 1817.London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown.1818 Fiche: 8772-8778

Hall, Frederick. Letters from the East and from the West.Washington City, F. Taylor and W.M. Morrison;Baltimore, F. Lucas, Jr. 1840 Fiche: 7426-7430

Hall, James. A Brief History of the Mississippi Territory, towhich is prefixed, a summary view of the countrybetween the settlements on Cumberland River andthe territory.Salisbury, N.C., printed by Francis Coupee. 1801 Fiche: 12495-12495b

Hall, James. Statistics of the West.Cincinnati, J.A. James & Co. 1836 Fiche: 15054-15057a

Hall, Marshall. The two-fold slavery of the United States; with aproject of self-emancipation.London, A. Scott. 1854 Fiche: 17538-17540

Hamilton, Henry. Account of the Expedition of Lieut. Gov.Hamilton.Lansing. 1908 Fiche: 7686-7686a

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Hamilton, Thomas. Men and Manners in America.Edinburgh, W. Blackwood. 18332 v. Fiche: 15869-15878

Hammett, Samuel Adams. Piney Woods Tavern; or, Sam Slick in Texas.Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson and Brothers. 1858 Fiche: 17490-17493a

[Hammett, Samuel Adams]. A stray Yankee in Texas.New York, Redfield. 1853By Philip Paxton [pseud.]. Fiche: 17898-17902

Hammond, John. Hammond Versus Heamans; or, An answer to anaudacious pamphlet published by an impudent andridiculous fellow, named Roger Heamans.Printed at London for the use of the author, and are tobe sold at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill. 1655 Fiche: 7626-7626c

Hamor, Ralph. A True Discourse of the Present Estate ofVirginia.London, printed by John Beale for W. Welby. 1615 Fiche: 9790-9790c

Hare, Joseph Thompson. The Dying Confession of Joseph Hare.Baltimore, printed for the publisher. 1818 Fiche: 8054-8054a

Harriott, John. Struggles Through Life, exemplified in thevarious travels and adventures in Europe, Asia,Africa, and America.London, printed for the author by C. and W. Galabin,Ingram Court and pub. by J. Hatchard. 18072 v. Fiche: 9019-9027a

Harris, Lewis Birdsall. Journal of Lewis Birdsall Harris, 1836-1842.1836-1842A personal history for my self in Southwesternhistorical quarterly. Fiche: 17871-17871a

Harris, Thaddeus Mason. The Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwestof the Alleghany Mountains.Boston, printed by Manning & Loring, No. 2,Cornhill. 1805 Fiche: 9224-9227a

Harris, William Tell. Remarks made during a tour through the UnitedStates of America.London, Sherwood, Neely, & Jones. 1831 Fiche: 7687-7689a

Harrison, Samuel Alexander. Memoir of Lieut. Col. Tench Tighman, Secretaryand Aid to Washington.Albany, J. Munsell. 1876 Fiche: 8542-8543b

Hartwell, Henry. The Present State of Virginia, and the College.London, printed for J. Wyat. 1727 Fiche: 9791-9792a

Haskel, Daniel. A Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteerof the United States.New York, Sherman & Smith. 1848By Daniel Haskel and J. Calvin Smith. Fiche: 17028-17036

Hayward, John. A view of the United States: historical,geographical and statistical.New York, J. & W. Day. 1832November, 1832. Fiche: 16649-16649a

Hecke, J. Valentin. Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.Berlin, In Commission bei H.P. Petri. 1820-18212 v. Fiche: 8779-8785a

Helm, Mary (Sherwood). Scraps of early Texas history.Austin, The author. 1884by… who, with her first husband, Elias R.Wightman, founded the city of Matagorda, in 1828-9. Fiche: 16650-16652a

Hennepin, Louis. Description dela Louisiane.A Paris, Chez la veuve Sebastien Hure. 1683 Fiche: 9793-9797b

Herz, Henri. Mes voyages en Amerique.Paris, Achille Faure. 1866 Fiche: 17228-17231b

Hewatt, Alexander. An historical account of the rise and progress ofthe colonies of South Carolina and Georgia.London, A. Donaldson. 17792 v. Fiche: 7639-7644b

Hewett, Daniel. The American Traveller; or, National directory,containing an account of all the great post roads, andthe most important cross roads in the United States.Washington, printed by Davis & Force. 1825 Fiche: 8786-8791

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Hilton, William. A relation of a discovery lately made on the coastof Florida.London, printed by J.C. for S. Miller. 1664 Fiche: 7955-7955b

The History of North America.London, sold by Miller. 1776Containing an exact account of their first settlements. Fiche: 8939-8941b

Hodgson, Adam. Letters from North America, written during a tourin the United States and Canada.London, Hurst, Robinson & Co. 18242 v. Fiche: 9344-9354

Hodgson, Adam. Remarks during a journey through North America.New York, J. Seymour, printer. 1823 Fiche: 9289-9292b

Hoffman, Charles Fenno. A Winter in the West.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1835By a New Yorker; 2 v. Fiche: 16857-16864a

Holcombe, Henry. The First Fruits.Philadelphia, printed for the author by Ann Cochran.1812 Fiche: 8681-8683a

Holley, Mary Austin. Texas, Observations, historical, geographical anddescriptive, in a series of letters, theautumn of 1831.Baltimore, Armstrong & Plakitt. 1833 Fiche: 17859-17860b

Holme, Benjamin. A Collection of the Epistles and Works ofBenjamin Holme.London, Luke Hinde. 1753 Fiche: 9798-9799b

Holmes, Isaac. An Account of the United States of America.London, printed at the Caxton Press, by H. Fisher.1823 Fiche: 9271-9276a

Hooton, Charles. St. Louis' isle, or Texiana; with additionalobservations made in the United States and inCanada.London, Simmonds and Ward. 1847 Fiche: 17401-17403b

Hoskens, Jane Fenn. The life and spiritual sufferings of that faithfulservant of Christ, Jane Hoskens, a public preacheramong the people called Quakers.Philadelphia, printed and sold by William Evitt. 1771Never before printed. Fiche: 15807-15807a

Hoskin, James. Narrative of a voyage from England to the UnitedStates of North America.Printed for the author, by T. Vigurs. 1813 Fiche: 9043-9043b

Houstoun, (Matilda Charlotte ) Mrs. Hesperus; or, Travels in the West.London, J.W. Parker. 18502 v. Fiche: 16304-16311

Houstoun, (Matilda Charlotte ) Mrs. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or, Yachting in theNew world.London, J. Murray. 18443 v. Fiche: 16762-16770

Howell, Peter. The life and travels of.Newbern, N.C., W.H. Mahew. [1849] Fiche: 17440-17443b

Hull, John Simpson. Remarks on the United States of America.Dublin, printed by W. M'Kenzie. 1801 Fiche: 15737-15737b

Hundley, Daniel Robinson. Social Relations in Our Southern States.New York, H.B. Price. 1860 Fiche: 17135-17138b

Hunt, Richard S. Guide to the Republic of Texas, consisting of abrief outline of the history of its settlement.New York, J.H. Colton. 1839 Fiche: 16006-16006b

Hussey, H. The Australian colonies; together with notes of avoyage from Australia to Panama, in the "Goldenage.".London, Blackburn & Burt; Adelaide, D.B. Wigg.[1855]Descriptions of Tahiti and other islands in the Pacificand a tour through some of the states of America, in1854. Fiche: 17650-17651b

Hutchins, Thomas. An historical narrative and topographicaldescription of Louisiana and West Florida.Philadelphia, printed for the author. 1784 Fiche: 8544-8545a

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Hutchins, Thomas. A topographical description of Virginia,Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina.London, printed for the author, and sold by J. Almon.1778 Fiche: 15372-15372c

Ikin, Arthur. Texas: its history, topography, agriculture,commerce, and general statistics.London, Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper. 1841To which is added a copy of the treaty of commerceentered into by the republic of Texas and GreatBritain. Fiche: 16424-16425a

Imlay, Gilbert. A topographical description of the westernterritory of North America.London, J. Debrett. 1792 Fiche: 9093-9096

An impartial account of the late expedition against St.Augustine under General Oglethorpe.Printed for J. Huggonson. 1742 Fiche: 15655-15655b

An impartial enquiry into the right of the FrenchKing to the territory west of the great riverMississippi.London, W. Nicoll. 1762 Fiche: 9943-9943b

Information for emigrants: in three parts.London, Kent and Richards. 1848I.--North America. II.--New South Waltes. PortPhilip, Cooksland, south Australia, and New Zealand,III.--The Cape of Good Hope, Algoa Bay, and PortNatal; also a view of Canada. Fiche: 17804-17805a

Ingraham, Joseph Holt. The south-West.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1835By a Yankee; 2 v. Fiche: 61063-61077

Irving, John Beaufain. A day on Cooper river.Charleston [S.C.] Printed by A.E. Miller. 1842 Fiche: 16435-16436

Irving, Washington. A Tour of the Prairies.Philadelphia, Carey, lea & Blanchard. 1835 Fiche: 15879-15882

[James, Joshua]. A journal of a tour in Texas; with observations,&c., by the agents of the Wilmington emigratingsociety.[Wilmington N.C.] printed by T. Loring. 1835 Fiche: 16695-16695a

[James, Thomas Horton]. Rambles in the United States and Canada duringthe year 1845, with a short account of Oregon.London, J. Olliver. 1846By Rubio [pseud.]. Fiche: 16407-16410

Janson, Charles William. The Stranger in America.London, printed for J. Cundee. 1807 Fiche: 9178-9184

Jaquith, James. The History of.Pub. by the author. 1830 Fiche: 9044-9044a

Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia.Paris. 1784-85 Fiche: 9948-9952a

Jefferys, Thomas. The natural and civil history of the Frenchdominions in North and South America.London, Printed for T. Jefferys. 1760 Fiche: 17751-17763

Jewell, Henry. Life and writings of Rev. Enoch M. Pingree, whodied in Louisville, Kentucky, January 6, 1849, aged32 years.Cincinnati, Longley & Brother. 1850 Fiche: 16337-16341a

Jobson, Frederick James. America and American Methodism.New York, Virtue, Emmins, & Co. 1857 Fiche: 17130-17134a

(Johnson, Robert), supposed author. The New Life of Virginea.London, imprinted by F. Kyngston for W. Welby.1612 Fiche: 12587-12587b

(Johnson, Robert), supposed author. Nova Britannia.London, printed for S. Macham. 1609 Fiche: 15313-15313b

Johnston, Elizabeth (Lichtenstein), Mrs. Recollections of a Georgia Loyalist.New York and London, M.F. Mansfield & Company.1901 Fiche: 9953-9955b

Johnston, Gideon. Carolina Chronicle.Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of CaliforniaPress. 1946 Fiche: 7956-7958a

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Johnston, James Finlay Weir. Notes on North America.Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons.18512 v. Fiche: 17232-17242

Jonathan, pseud. Brieven uit en over de Vereenigde Staten vanNoord-Amerika.Met platen en eene kaart. Sokconhoven, S.E. VanNootan. 1853Uitgegeven met sene inleiding en bijschrift, door Dr.E.B. Swalue, predikant te Amsterdam. Fiche: 17452-17455b

Jones, Calvin. A Description of Wier's Cave, in Augusta County,Virginia.Printed and sold by Henry C. Southwick. Albany.1815 Fiche: 8055-8055a

Jones, Hugh. The Present State of Virginia.London, printed for J. Clarke. 1724 Fiche: 9800-9801b

[Jorg, Eduard]. Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.Leipzig, J.J. Weber. 18532 v. Fiche: 17444-17451a

Journal of the Siege of York-town.Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1931Unpublished, 1781, as recorded in the land ofGaspard de Gallatin and translated by the FrenchDepartment of the College of William and Mary. Fiche: 15675-15675c

Joutel, Henri. Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu la Sale fit dans le golfe de Mexicque.Paris, Chez E. Robinet. 1713 Fiche: 7890-7894c

Judson, Edward. The life of Adoniram Judson.New York, A.D.F. Randolph & company. (ca. 1883)by his son, Edward Judson. Fiche: 17788-17794b

Julius, Nicolaus. Nordamerikas sittliche zustande.Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus. 1839Nach eigenen anschauungen in den jahren 1834,1835 und 1836; 2 v. Fiche: 16653-16667

Keith, George. A Journal of Travels From New Hampshire toCaratuck.London, printed by J. Downing for B. Aylmer. 1706 Fiche: 12588-12589a

Kelland, Philip. Transatlantic sketches.Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black. 1858 Fiche: 17456-17457

Kellogg, Louise Phelps. Early narratives of the Norhtwest, 1634-1699.New York, C. Scribner's Sons. 1917 Fiche: 9754-9758a

Kelly, Samuel. Samuel Kelly, an Eighteenth Century Seaman,whose days have been few and evil.New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company. 1925 Fiche: 8013-8017

Kemble, Frances Anne. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation in1838-1839.London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, &Green. 1863 Fiche: 16402-16406b

Kendall, George Wilkins. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition.New York, Harper. 18442 v. Fiche: 16992-17001

Kennedy, Philip Pendleton. The Backwater Chronicle, a narrative of anexpedition into the land of Canaan, in Randolphcounty, Virginia.New York, Redfield. 1853By "the Clerke of Oxenforde". Fiche: 16320-16322a

Kennedy, William. Texas, the Rise, Progress, and Prospects of theRepublic of Texas.London, R. Hastings. 18412 v. Fiche: 16007-16019a

Ker, Henry. Travels Through the Western Interior of theUnited States.Elizabethtown, N.J., printed for the author. 1816 Fiche: 9299-9303a

Kimber, Edward. A Relation, or Journal of a late expedition to thegates of St. Augustine, on Florida.London, T. Astley. 1744 Fiche: 7959-7959b

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Kingdom, William, Jr. America and the British Colonies.London, printed for G. and W.B. Whittaker. 1820 Fiche: 8792-8796

Kingsford, William. Impressions of the West and South During a SixWeeks Holiday.Toronto, A.H. Armour & Co. 1858 Fiche: 17071-17071b

Kirsten, A Skizzen aus den Vereinigten Staaten onNordamerka.Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus. 1851 Fiche: 17458-17462a

Knight, Henry Cogswell. Letters from the South and West.Boston, pub. by Richardson and Lord, J.H.A. Forst,printer. 1824 Fiche: 5045-5049

Koch, Albrecht Karl. Reise durch einen theil der Vereinigten Staatenvon Nord-Amerika.Dresden und Leipzig, C. Arnold. 1847 Fiche: 4606-4610

La Harpe, Bernard de. Journal historique de l'etablissement des Francaisa la Louisiane.Nouvelle-Orleans. A.L. Boinare. 1831 Fiche: 7895-7899a

La Rochefoucauld Liancourt, Francois AlexandreFrederic, duc de. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, fait en1795, 1796, et 1797.Paris, Du Pont (etc.) L'an vii de la Republique. 17998 v. Fiche: 9104-9139

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbertdu Motier, marquis de. The Memoirs, correspondence and manuscripts of.London, Saunders and Otley. 18373 v. Fiche: 7645-7657a

Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, baronde. Nouveaux voyages.La Haye, Chez les freres l'Honore. 17032 v. Fiche: 9812-9819a

Lamb, Roger. An Original and Authentic Journal of OccurrencesDuring the Late American War.Dublin, printed by Wilkinson & Courtney. 1809 Fiche: 15373-15378

Lambert, John. Travels Through Lower Canada, and the UnitedStates of America.London, printed for Richard Phillips. 18103 v. Fiche: 8684-8699a

Landolphe, Jean Francois. Memoires, contenant l'historie de ses voyagespendant trente-six ans, aux cotes d' Afrique et auxdeux Ameriques.Paris, A. Bertrand. 18232 v. Fiche: 7713-7719a

Lang, John D. Report of a visit to some of the tribes of Indians,located west of the Mississippi River.Providence, Printed by Knowles and Vose. 1843By John D. Lang and Samuel Taylor, jr. Fiche: 16734-16734b

Lang, John Dunmore. Religion and education in America; with noticesof the state and prospects of American Unitarianism,popery, and African colonization.London, T. Ward and co. 1840 Fiche: 16771-16776a

Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the Wilds of the United States andBritish American Provinces.Philadelphia, J.W. Moore. 18562 v. Fiche: 16121-16133a

Lanman, Charles. Haw-ho-noo; or, Records of a tourist.Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo and co. 1850 Fiche: 17906-17913

Lardner, Dionysius. Railway Economy.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1850 Fiche: 16981-16985b

Latour, Arsene Lacarriere. Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida andLouisiana in 1814-15.Philadelphia, published by John Conrad and Co., J.Maxwell, printer. 1816 Fiche: 15539-15544a

Latrobe, Charles Joseph. The Rambler in North America.London, R.B. Seeley and W. Burnside. 18352 v. Fiche: 13110-13115a

Laudonniere, Rene Goulaine de. L'histoire notable de la Floride sitvee es IndesOccidentales.Paris, G. Auuray. 1586 Fiche: 9748-9751

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Laval, Antoine Francois. Voyage de la Louisiane.Paris, J. Mariette. 1728 Fiche: 8440-8444h

Lawson, John. A New Voyage to Carolina.London. 1709 Fiche: 12601-12601D-a

Le Page du Pratz, Antoine Simon. Histoire de la Louisiane.Paris, De Bure, l'aine. 17583 v. Fiche: 7935-7950a

Lear, Tobias. Observations of the River Potomack, the CountryAdjacent, and the City of Washington.New York. Printed by London and Brower, in WaterStreet. 1794 Fiche: 15686-15686a

Leclerc, Frederic. Le Texas et sa revolution.Paris, H. Fournier. 1840 Fiche: 17383-17384a

Lederer, John. The Discoveries of, in several marches fromVirginia, to the west of Carolina.London, printed by J.C. for S. Heyrick. 1672 Fiche: 12601-12601E-a

Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Departmentof the United States.Philadelphia, published by Bradford and Inskeep, andInskeep and Bradford; New York, Fry andKammerer, printers. 18122 v. Fiche: 15379-15389

Leiste, Christian. Beschreibung des Brittischen Amerika zurersparung der englischen karten.Gedruckt mit Bindseilschen schriften. 1778 Fiche: 15390-15396b

Lesquereux, Leo. Lettres ecrites d'Amerique.Neuchatel, De Henri Wolfrath. 1853 Fiche: 17463-17466a

Letters on Emigration.London, printed for C. and G. Kearsley, Fleet Street.1794 Fiche: 8018-8019

Letters on the Condition of Kentucky in 1825.New York City, printed for C.F. Heartman. 1916 Fiche: 9103-9103b

Levasseur, Auguste. Lafayette en Amerique.Paris, Baudouin. 18292 v. Fiche: 12521-12533a

Levinge, Richard. Echoes from the backwoods; or Sketches oftransatlantic life.London, H. Colburn. 18462 v. Fiche: 16777-16783a

Lewis, George, of Ormiston. Impressions of America and the Americanchurches, from journal of the Rev. G. Lewis.Edinburgh, W.P. Kennedy. 1845 Fiche: 16020-16024b

Lewis, Henry. Das illustrirte Mississippithal (Deutsch undenglisch.).Dusseldorf Arnz & Comp. (1857)Von George R. Douglas. Fiche: 20298-20306a

Lewis, John Delaware. Across the Atlantic.London, G. Earle. 1851By the author of "Sketches of Cantabs". Fiche: 17224-17227a

[Ligeret de Chazey, Madame Elenore]. Les Creoles.[New Orleans, imp. De H. Merider]. [1855?]Response a Madame de Grandfort. Fiche: 17467-17467a

Linn, John Joseph. Reminiscences of fifty years in Texas.New York, D. & J. Sadlier & co. 1883 Fiche: 16696-16700a

Logan, James. Notes of a journey through Canada, the UnitedStates of America, and the West Indies.Edinburgh, Fraser and Co. 1838 Fiche: 16025-16028a

Loher, Franz von. Aussichten fur gebildete Deutsche inNordamerika.Berlin, Julius Springer. 1853 Fiche: 17802-17803a

Loher, Franz von. Geschichte und zustande der Deutschen inAmerika.Cincinnati, Eggers and Wulkop; etc., etc. 1847 Fiche: 16260-16266

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Loher, Franz von. Land und Leute, in der Alten und Neuen Welt.Gottingen, George H. Wigand, 1858. New York,I.W. Schmidt, 1855. 1855, 1858Reisekizzen; 3 v. Fiche: 17468-17479

Lorain, John. Hints to Emigrants; or, A comparative estimate ofthe advantages of Pennsylvania, and of the westernterritory.Philadelphia, published by Littell & Henry, A.Waldie, printer. 1819 Fiche: 12534-12535a

Lowenstern, Isidor. Les Etats-Unis et la Havane; souvenirs d'unvoyageur.Paris [etc.] A Bertrand [etc.]. 1842 Fiche: 16784-16788a

Lowig, Gustav. Die Freistaaten von Nord-Amerika.Heidelberg und Leipzig, K. Groos. 1833Beobachtungen und praktische bemerkungen furauswandernde Deutsche. Fiche: 16668-16671a

Ludecus, Eduard. Reise durch die mexikanischen provinzenTumalipas, Cohahuila und Texas I jahre 1834.Leipzig, J.F. Hartknoch. 1837 Fiche: 16672-16676a

Ludwigh, Samuel Gottlieb. Licht und schattenbilder republikanischerzustande Skizzirt von Samuel Ludvigh wahrendseiner reise in den Vereinigen Staaten von Nord-Amerika 1846/47.Leipzig, W. Jurany; New York, Helmich und co.1848 Fiche: 17414-17418

Lundy, Benjamin. The Life, Travels, and Opinions of, including hisjourneys to Texas and Mexico.Philadelphia, W.D. Parrish. 1847 Fiche: 16881-16884a

Lyell, Charles, Sir. A Second Visit to the United States of NorthAmerica.London, J. Murray. 18492 v. Fiche: 16267-16274

Lyell, Charles, Sir. Travels in North America, with geologicalobservations on the United States, Canada, and NovaScotia.London, J. Murray. 18452 v. Fiche: 17836-17843

Lyford, William G. The Western Address Directory, containing thecards of merchants, manufacturers, and otherbusiness men, in Pittsburgh, (Pa.), Wheeling, (Va.),Zanesville, (O.), Portsmouth, (O.), Dayton, (O.),Cincinnati, (O.), Madison, (Ind.), Louisville, (Ky.),and St. Louis, (Mo.).Baltimore, printed by J. Robinson. 1837 Fiche: 16167-16172a

Mackay, Alexander. The Western World; or, Travels in the UnitedStates in 1847-47.London, R. Bentley. 18493 v. Fiche: 16323-16336

Mackay, Charles. Life and liberty in America; or, Sketches of a tourin the United States and Canada, in 1857-58.London, Smith, Elder and co. 18592 v. Fiche: 17850-17858a

Mackay, Robert. Letters to his wife, written from ports in Americaand England, 1795-1816.Athens, University of Georgia Press. 1949 Fiche: 12503-12506b

Mackenzie, Eneas. An historical, topographical, and descriptive viewof the United States of America, and of Upper andLower Canada.Newcastle upon Tyne, Mackenzie and Dent. 1819 Fiche: 8854-8862

Makemie, Francis. A Plain and Friendly Perswasive to the Inhabitantsof Virginia and Maryland for Promoting Towns andCohabitation.London, J. Humfreys. 1705By a well-wisher to both governments. Fiche: 7627-7627a

Manford, Erasmus. Twenty-fiveYears in the West.Chicago, E. Manford. 1867 Fiche: 4489-4497

Marjoribanks, Alexander. Travels in South and North America.London, Simpkin, Marshall, and Company; NewYork, D. Appleton and Co. 1853 Fiche: 16134-16139a

Marmier, Xavier. Lettres sur l'Amerique.Paris, A Bertrand. [1851]par X. Marmier. Canada--Etats-Unis--Havane, Rio dela Plata; 2 v. Fiche: 17570-17581

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Marquette, Jacques. Voyage et decouverte de quelques pays et nationsde l'Amerique Septentrionale, par le p. Marquette etsr. Joliet.Paris, E. Michallet, 1681. Impr. De Maulde etRenou. 1845 Fiche: 7628-7628a

Marrant, John. A narrative of the Lord's wonderful dealings withJohn Marrant, a black, (now going to preach thegospel in Nova Scotia) born in New York, in NorthAmerica.London, printed by Gilbert and Plummer. 1785 Fiche: 8942-8942a

Marryat, Frederick. A Diary in America, with remarks on itsinstitutions.London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green &Longmans. 18393 v. Fiche: 16043-16043v

Marryat, Frederick. A Diary in America, with remarks on itsinstitutions. Part second.London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green &Longman. 18393 v. Fiche: 16030-16041a

Martin, Horace. Pictorial Guide to the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.New York, Stringer & Townsend. 1851 Fiche: 7732-7733a

Martin, Joseph. A New and Comprehensive Gazetter of Virginia,and the District of Columbia.Charlottesville, J. Martin. 1835To which is added a History of Virginia from its firstsettlement to the year 1754. Fiche: 15883-15890

Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of Western Travel.London, Saunders and Otley; New York, sold byHarper & Brothers. 18382 v. Fiche: 16173-16178a

Martinez Caro, Ramon. Verdadera idea de la primera campana de Tejas ysucesos occurridos despues de la accion de SanJacinto.Mexico, Impr. De Santiago Perez a cargo de A. Sojo.1837 Fiche: 16440-16442

Martyn, Benjamin. An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility ofthe Province of Georgia.London, printed for W. Meadows. 1741 Fiche: 9820-9821a

Mason, Jonathan. Extracts from a diary of a journey from Boston toSavannah in the year 1804.Cambridge, Mass., John Wilson and Son, UniversityPress. 1885 Fiche: 8628-8628a

Massey, Stephen L. James's traveler's companion.Cincinnati, J.A. & U.P. James. 1851Being a complete guide through the western states, tothe gulf of Mexico and the Pacific via the Greatlakes, rivers, canals, etc. Fiche: 16835-16837b

Mather, James. Two lectures, delivered at Newcastle-upon-Tyne,on the constitutions and republican institutions of theUnited States...from data procured on a visit to thatcountry.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, H. Gibb. 1840 Fiche: 16400-16401a

Maury, Sarah Mytton. An Englishwoman in America.London, T. Richardson and son; [etc., etc.]. 1848 Fiche: 17861-17866a

Maury, Sarah Mytton. The Statesmen of America in 1846.London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.1847 Fiche: 16275-16281

Maxwell, Archibald Montgomery. A Run Through the United States, During theAutumn of 1840.London, H. Colburn. 18412 v. Fiche: 16179-16185a

May, John. Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston,relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788and '89.Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., for the Historical andPhilosophical Society of Ohio. 1873 Fiche: 9162-9163b

Mazzei, Filippo. Memorie della vita e delle peregrinazione delFiorentina Filippo Mazzei.Lugano, Tip. Della Svizzera italiana. 1845-18462 v. Fiche: 15397-15406a

McCall, George Archibald. Letters from the frontiers.Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott & co. 1868Written during a period of thirty years' service in thearmy of the United States. Fiche: 16689-16694b

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McCalla, William Latta. Adventures in Texas.Philadelphia, printed for the autor. 1841 Fiche: 16437-16439a

McCoy, Isaac. History of Baptist Indian Missions.Washington, W.M. Morrison; New York, H. and S.Raynor. 1840 Fiche: 16874-16880a

McKenney, Thomas Lorraine. Memoirs, official and personal, with sketches oftravels among northern and southern Indians.New York, Paine and Burgess. 18462 v. in 1. Fiche: 15891-15897a

Mead, Charles. Mississippian Scenery.W. Fry, printer. 1819 Fiche: 12536-12537a

Melish, John. A Description of the Roads in the United States.Philadelphia. 1815 Fiche: 8797-8797b

Melish, John. A Geographical Description of the United States,with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions.Philadelphia, the author. 1816 Fiche: 8798-8800a

Melish, John. Information and Advice to Emigrants to theUnited States, and from the Eastern to the WesternStates.Philadelphia, printed for and published by JohnMelish, No. 121, Chestnut Street. 1819 Fiche: 8801-8802a

Melish, John. A Statistical Account of the United States, withtopographical tables of the countries, towns,population, etc.Philadelphia, printed by G. Palmer. 1813From the census of 1810. Fiche: 12562-12562a

Melish, John. The Traveller's Directory Through the UnitedStates.Philadelphia, T. & G. Palmer. 1816 Fiche: 9087-9088a

Melish, John. Travels in the United States of America, in theyears 1806, 1807, 1809, 1810 and 1811.T. & G. Palmer, printers.2 v. Fiche: 8700-8711a

Mendell, Miss. Notes of Travel and Life.New York, for the authors. 1854By two ladies--Misses Mendell and Hosmer. Fiche: 16282-16285a

Menzel, Gottfried. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika mitbesonderer rucksicht auf deutsche auswanderungdahin; nach eigener anschauung beschrieben vonGottfried Menzel.Berlin, G. Reimer. 1853 Fiche: 17582-17586a

Merlin, Maria de la Mercedes (Jaruco). La Havane.Paris, Librarie d'Amyot. 18443 v. Fiche: 16384-16399

Michaux, Andrew. Portions of the journal of Andre Michaex,botanist, written during his travels in the UnitedStates and Canada, 1785 to 1796.Philadelphia. 1889(In American Philosophical Society. Proceedings,1889). Fiche: 15703-15704b

Michaux, Francois Andre. Voyage a l'ouest des monts Alleghanys, dans lesetats de l'Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tennessee, etretour a Charleston par les hautes-Carolinas.Paris, Levrault, Schoell et cie. 1804 Fiche: 8629-8632b

Middleton, Charles Theodore. A New and Complete System of Geography.London, printed for J. Cooke. 1777-17782 v. Fiche: 8943-8958a

Mifflin, Benjamin. Journal of Benjamin Mifflin, the record of a tourfrom Philadelphia to Delaware and Maryland, July 26to August 14, 1762.The New York Public Library. 1935ed. by Victor Hugo Paltsits. Fiche: 9956-9956a

Miller, Andrew. New States and Territories; or, The Ohio, Indiana,Illinois, Michigan, Northwestern, Missouri,Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama in their realcharacters, in 1818.Keene, N.H. 1819 Fiche: 8608-8608a

Milligen, George. A Short Description of the Province of SouthCarolina, with an account of the air, weather, anddiseases, at Charles-town.London, printed for J. Hinton. 1770 Fiche: 9957-9958a

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Milliroux, J.F. Apercus sur les institutions et les moeurs desAmericains.Paris, E. Dentu. 1862 Fiche: 17218-17220

Mills, Samuel John. Report of a missionary tour through that part ofthe United States which lies west of the AlleghanyMountains.Andover, Flagg and Gould. 1815 Fiche: 8712-8712b

Mitchell, David W. Ten Years in the United States, being anEnglishman's view of men and things in the Northand South.London, Smith, Elder and Co. 1862 Fiche: 17164-17167b

Mitchell, Elisha. Diary of a Geological 1827 and 1828.Chapel Hill, N.C., The University. 1905with introduction and notes by Dr. Kemp B.P. Battle. Fiche: 15898-15899

Mitchell, John. The Present State of Great Britain and NorthAmerica, with regard to agriculture, population,trade, and manufactures.London, T. Becket. 1767 Fiche: 15315-15319a

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. An accompaniment to Mitchell's reference anddistance map of the United States, containing anindex of all the counties, districts, townships, towns,&c.Philadelphia, Mitchell and Hinman. 1834 Fiche: 16853-16856a

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. A general view of the United States; comprising,also, a description of each individual state andterritory in the Union.Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell. 1846 Fiche: 16687-16688a

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. Mitchell's traveller's guide through the UnitedStates, containing the principal cities, towns &c.,together with the stage, steamboat, canal, and railroadroutes.Philadelphia, Thomas, Coperthwait, & Co. 1842 Fiche: 16944-16945a

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. The principal stage, steam-boat, and canal routesin the United States; with the population of each stateand other statistical information: being anaccompaniment to Mitchell's traveller's guide.Philadelphia, Mitchell & Hinman. 1834 Fiche: 16426-16427a

Moelling, Peter August. Reise-skizzen in poesie und prosa.Galveston, Tex., Gedruckt in der office des"Apologeten". [1857?]Gesammelt auf einer siebenmonatlichen tour durchdis Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Fiche: 17541-17545a

Montlezun, baron de. Voyage fait dans les annees 1816 et 1817, deNew-Yorck a la Nouvelles Orleans, et de L'Orenoqueau Mississippi; par les Petites et les Grandes Antilles.Paris, Gide fils. 18182 v. Fiche: 8803-8812

Montule, Edouard de. Voyage en Amerique, en Italie, en Sicile et enEgypte, pendant les annees, 1816, 1817, 1818 et1819.Paris, Dalaunay. 18312 v. Fiche: 12549-12561a

Moore, Francis. Map and description of Texas, containing sketchesof its history, geology, geography and statistics...andsome brief remarks upon the character and customsof its inhabitants.Philadelphia, H. Tanner junr.; New York, Tanner &D [I] sturnell. 1840 Fiche: 16443-16445

Moore, Francis. Voyage to Georgia, begun in the year 1735.London, printed for J. Robinson. 1744Containing, an account of the settling the town ofFrederica, in the southern part of the province. Fiche: 12601-12601G-a

Moore, George. Journal of a voyage across the Atlantic: with noteson Canada & the United States; and return to GreatBritain, in 1844.London, Printed for private circulation. 1845 Fiche: 16433-16434a

More, Charles Albert, chevalier de Pontgibaud,comte de. Memoires du comte de More (1758-1837).Paris, A. Picard et fils. 1898 Fiche: 9959-9963

Moreau de Saint Mery, Mederic Louis Elie. Voyage aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, 1793-1798.New Haven, Yale University Press. 1913 Fiche: 9164-9169a

[Morgan, Henry James]. The tour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales throughBritish America and the United States.Montreal, Printed by J. Lovell. 1860By a British Canadian. Fiche: 17546-17549

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Morineau, Auguste de. Essai statistique et politique sur les Etats-Unisd'Amerique, d'apres des documents recueillis sur leslieux, comprenant 27 tableaux synoptiques etanalytiques de la constitution federale et de celles desetats particuliers, avec le portrait en pied deWashington.Paris, G. Thorel; Blaye, Chatenet. 1848 Fiche: 17607-17608a

Morris, Eastin. The Tennessee Gazetteer; or topographicaldictionary.Nashville, W.H. Hunt & Co. 1834 Fiche: 16703-16706a

Morris, Thomas Asbury. Miscellany: consisting of essays, biographicalsketches, and notes of travel.Cincinnati, L. Swormstedt 7 J.H. Power. 1852 Fiche: 16446-16450a

Morse, Jedidiah. The American Geography.Elizabeth Town, printed by Shepard Kollock, for theauthor. 1789 Fiche: 15458-15464a

Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior. Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg: Patriarch derLutherischen Kirche Nordamerikas:Selbstbiographie, 1711-1743.Allentown, Pa., Brobst, Diehl & Co.; Halle A.S.;Waisenhausbuchhandlung. 1881aus den Missionsarchive der Franckischen [!]Stiftungen zu Halle; mit Zusatzen und Erlauterungenvon … W. German. Fiche: 7960-7963

Murat, Achille. Esquisse morale et politique des Etats-Unis del'Amerique du Nord.Paris, Crochard. 1832 Fiche: 15900-15904a

Murray, Amelia Matilda. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada.New York, G.P. Putnam & Company. 1856 Fiche: 17179-17183a

Murray, Charles Augustus, Sir. Travels in North America During the Years 1834,1835, & 1836.London, R. Bentley. 1839Including a summer residence with the Pawnee tribeof Indians, in the remote prairies of the Missouri; 2 v. Fiche: 35632-35652

Murray, Henry Anthony. Lands of the slave and the free: or, Cuba, theUnited States, and Canada.London, New York, G. Routledge & co. 1857 Fiche: 17550-17556a

Murray, James. Letters of James Murray, loyalist.Boston, printed, not published. 1901 Fiche: 9822-9826

Myers, J.C. Sketches on a tour through the northern andeastern states, the Canadas & Nova Scotia.Harrisonburg, Va., J.H. Wartmann and Brothers, prs.1849 Fiche: 16287-16292a

Naaukeurige beschryving van Noord-Amerika,waarin dat waerelddeel aangeweezen word, debezittingen der Spanjaarden, Franschen, Engelschen,Hollandschen. Door J.C.N.Amsterdam, C. Gorenwoud. 1783 Fiche: 8959-8961a

Nairne, Thomas. A Letter From South Carolina.London, printed for A. Baldwin. 1710Written by a Swiss gentleman, to his friend at Berne. Fiche: 15555-15555b

[Nason, Daniel]. A journal of a tour from Boston to Savannah,thence to Havanna, in the island of Cuba...thence toNew Orleans and several western cities.Cambridge, printed for the author. 1849by a citizen of Cambridgeport. Fiche: 17587-17588a

Neilson, Peter. Recollections of a Six Years' Residence in theUnited States of America.Glasgow, D. Robertson. 1830 Fiche: 8813-8816a

A New Voyage to Georgia.London, J. Wilford. 1737By a young gentleman. Giving an account of histravels to South Carolina, and part of North Carolina.To which is added, a curious account of the Indians. Fiche: 8866-8866b

New York Infantry. 2d Regt., 1776-1783, Orderly books of the FourthNew York Regiment, 1778-1780, the Second NewYork Regiment, 1780-1783.Albany, The University of the State of New York.1932by Samuel Tallmadge and others. Fiche: 7660-7670b

Newell, Chester. History of the revolution in Texas, particularly ofthe war of 1835 and '36; together with the latestgeographical, topographical, and statistical accountsof the country.New York, Wiley & Putnam. 1838 Fiche: 16451-16453a

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Nichols, Thomas Low. Forty Years of American Life.London, Longmans, Green & Co. 18742d ed. Fiche: 17265-17270a

Nicklin, Philip Holbrook. Letters descriptive of the Virginia springs, theroads leading thereto, and the doings thereat.Philadelphia, H.S. Tanner. 1835 Fiche: 16938-16939a

Nolte, Vincent Otto. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres.New York, Redfield. 1854 Fiche: 9097-9102

The North American Tourist.New York, A.T. Goodrich. 1839 Fiche: 17006-17012

North-American and West-Indian Gazetteer.London, G. Robinson. 1776Containing an authentic description of the coloniesand islands in that part of the globe. Fiche: 8551-8554

Northrup, Solomon. ...Twelve years a slave.Auburn, Derby and Miller; Buffalo, Derby, Ortonand Mulligan; [etc., etc.]. 1853Narrative of...a citizen of New-York, kidnapped inWashington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, froma cotton plantation near the Red river, in Louisiana. Fiche: 16454-16457b

Norwood, Henry. A Voyage to Virginia.London. 1732 Fiche: 15808-15808a

Nouvelle relation de la Caroline.Chez Meyndert Uytweff marchand libraire deMeurant dans le Gorstraet. 1686 Fiche: 8867-8867a

Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, andhis companions from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536, together with the port of Father Marcos ofNizza and a letter from the viceroy Mendoza.A.S. Barnes & Company. 1905 Fiche: 7858-7861

Nuttall, Thomas. A Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory,During the Year 1819.Philadelphia, T.H. Palmer. 1821 Fiche: 9217-9220a

[O'Connor, John]. Wanderings of a vagabond.New York, The author. [1873]An autobiography. Edited by John Morris [pseud]. Fiche: 17589-17594a

Odds and ends of travel; or Adventures, rambles, andrecollections, of a trip from Sydney; via SouthAmerica, Panama, the West Indies, the United States,and Niagara.London, Dean and son. 1851 Fiche: 17314-17317b

Oehler, Andrew. The Life, Advantures, and UnparalleledSufferings of Andrew Oehler.Trenton, N.J. Fiche: 9228-9230a

O'Ferrall, Simon Ansley. A ramble of six thousand miles through the UnitedStates of America.London, E. Wilson. 1832 Fiche: 16428-16432a

Ogden, George W. Letters From the West, comprising a tour throughthe western country and a residence of two summersin the states of Ohio and Kentucky, originally writtenin a letter to a brother.New Bedford, Mass., Melcher & Rogers. 1823 Fiche: 8817-8818a

O'Kelly, Patrick. Advice and guide to emigrants, going to theUnited States of America.Dublin, Printed by W. Folds. 1834 Fiche: 16458-16459a

Oldmixon, (John), Mr. Das brittische reich in America sammt deneroberten Canada mit denen wichtigen inselnGadaloupe, Martinque und anderen see-platzen, oder.Sorau, Bey Gottlob Hebold. 1761-17622 v. in 1. Fiche: 9906-9907a

Oldmixon, John W. Transatlantic wanderings; or, A last look at theUnited States.London, New York, G. Routledge & co. 1855 Fiche: 17557-17559a

Olin, Stephen. The Life and Letters of, late president of theWesleyan University.New York, Harper & Brothers. 18542 v. Fiche: 8819-8829

Oliver, William. Eight months in Illinois; with information toemigrants.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Printed by W.A. Mitchell, andsold by E. & T. Bruce [etc.]. 1843 Fiche: 16467-16468b

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Olliffe, Charles. Scenes americannes.Paris, Amyot. 18532d ed. Fiche: 17404-17408

Olmsted, Frederick Law. A Journey in the Back Country.New York, Mason Brothers. 1860 Fiche: 17204-17209a

Olmsted, Frederick Law. A Journey in the Seaboard Salve States.New York, Dix & Edwards. 1856 Fiche: 17247-17254b

[Olshausen, Theodor]. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika imJahre 1852.Kiel, Akademische Buchhandlung. 1853Eine statistische uebersicht mit besonderer rucksichtauf deutsche auswanderer zusammengestellt. Fiche: 17595-17596

The Operations of the French Fleet Under the Countof de Grasse in 1781-2.New York. 1864 Fiche: 9964-9966a

An original memoir, on the Floridas.Baltimore, printed for Edward J. Coale, by Richard J.Martchett, March. 1821 Fiche: 15533-15533a

Orr, John Amaziah. A trip from Houston to Jackson, Miss. in 1845.In Mississippi historical society publications. 1906v. 9. Fiche: 17810-17810a

Orr, Lucinda (Lee), Mrs. Journal of a Young Lady of Virginia, 1782.Baltimore, J. Murphy and Company. 1871 Fiche: 15532-15532b

Osborn, Charles. Journal of That Faithful Servant of Christ.Cincinnati, printed by A. Pugh. 1854 Fiche: 9185-9190a

Owen, William. Diary of William Owen, 1824-1825.Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1906 Fiche: 15676-15677a

[Page, Frederic Benjamin]. Prairiedom; rambles and scrambles in Texas orNew Estremadura.New York, Paine & Burgess. 1845By a suthron. Fiche: 16469-16470b

Page, Karl Gottfried. Darstellung der burgerlichen verhaltnisse in denfreistaaten von Nordamerika.Bautzen, Gedruckt bei J.G. Lehmann. 183-? Fiche: 8986-8987a

Pages, Pierre Marie Francois, vicomte de. Voyages autour du monde.Paris, Moutard. 17822 v. Fiche: 8555-8564

Paine, Robert. Life and Times of William M'Kendree.Nashville, Tenn., Publishing House of the MethodistEpiscopal Church, south. 18702 v. Fiche: 8056-8063a

Pairpoint, Alfred J. Uncle Sam and His Country.London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1857 Fiche: 17147-17150b

Palairet, Jean. A Concise Description of the English and FrenchPossessions in North America.London, printed by J. Haberkom, and sold by Nourse.1775 Fiche: 8962-8962c

Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie FrancoisJoseph. Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amerique.Paris, Impr. De Fain et compagnie. 1805 Fiche: 8020-8026

Palliser, John. Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter inthe Prairies.London, J. Murray. 1853 Fiche: 9584-9588

Palmer, John, of Lynn, Eng. Journal of Travels in the United States of NorthAmerica, and in Lower Canada.London, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones. 1818 Fiche: 8830-8834a

Parker, Amos Andrew. Trip to the West and Texas.Concord, N.H., White & fisher. 1835Comprising a journey of eight thousand miles,through New York, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri,Louisiana and Texas, in the autumn and winter of1834-5. Fiche: 16471-16474a

Parkinson, Richard. The Experienced Farmer's tour in America.London, printed for the author, by T. Davison,Whitefriars, and sold by G. and J. Robinson,Paternoster-Row. 18052 v. Fiche: 15492-15499a

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Parsons, Charles Grandison. Inside View of Slavery, with an introductory noteby Mrs. H.B. Stowe.Boston, J.P. Jewett and Company; Cleveland, O.,Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. 1855 Fiche: 17154-17157a

Patten, Edmund. A Glimpse of the United States and the NorthernStates of America, with the Canadas.London, E. Wilson. 1853 Fiche: 16293-16294a

Pattie, James O. The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie ofKentucky.Cincinnati, E.H. Flint. 1833 Fiche: 12781-12783b

Paul Wilhelm, duke of Wurttemberg. Erste reise nach dem nordlichen Amerika in denJahren 1822 bis 1824.Stuttgart und Tubingen, J.G. Cotta. 1835 Fiche: 12486-12490a

Paulding, James Kirke. Letters From the South, written during anexcursion in the summer of 1816.New York, published by James Eastburn & Co., atthe Literary Rooms, Broadway, corner of Pine Street.Abraham Paul, printer. 18172 v. Fiche: 15526-15531a

Pavie, Theodore Marie. Souvenirs atlantiques.Angers, Impr. De L. Pavie. 1833Voyage aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Fiche: 16460-16466a

Pearse, James. A Narrative of the Life of Rutland, Vt.Printed by W. Fray, for the author. 1825 Fiche: 8609-8610b

Peck, John Mason. Forty years of pioneer life.Philadelphia, American Baptist publications society.[1864]Memoir of John Mason Peck...ed. from his journalsand correspondence. By Rufus Babcock. Fiche: 16479-16483

Peck, John Mason. A guide for emigrants, containing sketches ofIllinois, Missouri, and the adjacent parts.Boston, Lincoln and Edmands. 1831 Fiche: 16475-16478b

Pena y Reyes, Juan Antonio de la. Derrotero de la expedicion en la provincia de losTexas.Mexico, Juan Francisco de Ortega Bonilla. 1722 Fiche: 7598-7598b

Pencil, Mark. White Sulphur Papers; or, Life at the springs ofwestern Virginia.New York, S. Colman. 1839 Fiche: 16186-16188

Perrin du Lac, Francois Marie. Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, et chez lesnations sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis,l'ohio et les provinces que le bordent.Paris, Capelle et Renand. 1805 Fiche: 12867-12872a

Persat, Maurice. Memories du commandant Persat, 1806 a 1844;publies avec une introduction et des notes parGustave Schlumberger.Paris, Plon-Nouritt & Cie. 1910 Fiche: 17419-17423a

Peyton, John Lewis. Over the Allegthanies and Across the Prairies.London, Simpkin, Marshall and Co. 1869 Fiche: 16140-16144a

Phelp's travellers' guide through the United States;containing upwards of seven hundred rail-road, canal,and stage and steam-boat routes.New York, Ensigns & Thayer. 1848 Fiche: 17746-17746b

Phelps, Matthew. Memoirs of and Adventures of Captain MatthewPhelps.From the Press of Anthony Haswell, of Bennington,in Vermont. 1802 Fiche: 15408-15411a

Phillippo, James Mursell. The United States and Cuba.London, Pewtress & co.; New York, Sheldon,Blakeman, & co. 1857 Fiche: 17560-17565a

Pickering, Joseph. Emigration, or No Emigration, being the narrativeof the author (an English farmer), 1824 or 1830,during which time he traversed the United States ofAmerica, and the British province of Canada.London, Longmans, Reese, Orme, Brown, andGreene. 1830 Fiche: 12538-12539b

Pierce, George Foster. Incidents of Western Travel.Nashville, Tenn., Southern Methodist PublishingHouse. 1859 Fiche: 17151-17153b

Pike, Albert. Prose Sketches and Poems, written in the westerncountry.Boston, Light & Horton. 1834 Fiche: 61110-61115

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Pinckney, Eliza (Lucas), Mrs. Journal and Letters of Eliza Lucas.Wormsloe, Ga. 1850 Fiche: 7964-7964b

[Playfair, Hugo] R.N., pseud.?. The Playfair papers, or; Brother Jonathan, thesmartest nation in all creation.London, Saunders and Otley. 18413 v. Fiche: 16484-16495a

Playfair, Robert. Recollections of a Visit to the United States andBritish Provinces of North America.Edinburgh, T. Constable and Co. 1856 Fiche: 4566-4572

Pollard, Edward Alfred. Black Diamonds Gathered in the Darkey Homesof the south.New York, Pudney & Russell. 1859 Fiche: 17158-17159a

Pope, John. A tour through the southern and western territoriesof the United States of North America, the Spanishdominions on the river Mississippi, and the Floridas,the countries of the Creek nations, and manyuninhabited parts.Richmond, printed by J. Dixon, for the author, 1792.New York, C.L. Woodward. 1888 Fiche: 9237-9238a

Pope, William F. Early Days in Arkansas, being for the most partthe personal recollections of an old settler.Little Rock, Ark., F.W. Allsopp. 1895Arranged and ed. by his son Dunbar H. Pope. Fiche: 15905-15909

Popp, Stephan. Popp's Journal, 1777-1783, by Joseph G.Rosengarten.Philadelphia. 1902 Fiche: 7658-7658a

The portfolio; or, A view of the manners and customsof various countries, interspersed with anecdotes offormer times, in letters to a friend.Printed by Dean and Schulze, for T. Egerton,Whitehall. 18122 v. Fiche: 9944-9947a

Potter, Eliza. A hairdresser's Experience in High Life.Cincinnati, the author. 1859 Fiche: 16250-16253a

Potter, Woodburne. The War in Florida, being an exposition of itscauses, and an accurate history of the campaigns ofGenerals Clinch, Gaines, and Scott.Baltimore, Lewis and Coleman. 1836 Fiche: 16188-16190a

Power, Tyrone. Impressions of America.Philadelphia, Carey, lea & Blanchard. 1836Second American edition; 2 v. Fiche: 17335-17340

Pownall, Thomas. A topographical description of such parts of NorthAmerica as are contained in the (annexed) map of themiddle British colonies, &c. in North America.London, J. Almon. 1776 Fiche: 17775-17776b

Prentice, Archibald. A Tour in the United States.London, C. Gilpin. 1848 Fiche: 16254-16255b

The Present State of the British Empire in America.London, printed for W. Griffin. 1768 Fiche: 9937-9942b

Prevost, Antoine Francois. Voyages du Capitaine Robert Lade en differentesparties de l'Afrique, de l'Asie, et de l'Amerique.Paris, Didot. 17442 v. Fiche: 9802-9811

Priest, William. Travels in the United States of America, 1793,1797.London, printed for J. Johnson. 1802 Fiche: 8633-8635a

Priestley, Herbert Ingram. The Luna Papers, documents relating to theexpedition of don Tristan de Luna y Arellano for theconquest of La Florida in 1559, 1561.Deland, The Florida State Historical Society. 19282 v. Fiche: 15797-15806

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. Boardof Missions. Domestic Committee. Journal of a tour on the "Indian territory,"performed by order of the Domestic committee...inthe spring of 1844.New York, Published for the Domestic committee ofthe Board of missions by Daniel Dana, jr. 1844 Fiche: 16732-16733a

Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius. White, Red, Black.London, Trubner and Co. 1853Sketches of society in the United States during thevisit of their guest, Louis Kossuth; 3 v. Fiche: 16145-16156

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Purviance, Levi. The Biography of Elder David Purviance, hismemoirs, written by himself, with an appendix.Dayton, pub. for the author by B.F. & G.W. Ells.1848Together with a historical sketch of the greatKentucky revival. Fiche: 8064-8067a

[Putnam, George W.]. Four months with Charles Dickens.(1870)During his first visit to America (in 1842). By hissecretary. In Atlantic Monthly, vol. XXVI. Fiche: 17870-17870a

Quentin, Karl. Reisebilder und studien aus dem norden derVereinigten Staaten von Amerika.Arnsberg, H.F. Grote; Boston, Cummings, Hilliard,& Company. 1851 Fiche: 17597-17601a

Quincy, Josiah. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr., ofMassachusetts.Boston, Cummings, Hilliard, & Company. 1825 Fiche: 15662-15667a

Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. Ichthyologia Chiensis; or, Natural history of thefishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributarystreams.Lexington, Ky., printed for the author by W.G. Hunt.1820 Fiche: 15446-15447

Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. A life of travels and researches in North Americaand south Europe.Philadelphia, Printed for the author by F. Turner.1836 Fiche: 16496-16497b

The Rambler; or A tour through Virginia, Tennessee,Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.Annapolis, printed by J. Green. 1828By a citizen of Maryland. Fiche: 8835-8835a

Ramsay, David. A Sketch of the Soil, Climate, Weather andDiseases of South Carolina.Charleston, printed by W.P. Young, Franklin's Head,No. 43. Broad Street. 1796 Fiche: 8636-8636a

Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von. America and the American People.New York, I. & H.G. Langley. 1846Tr. from the German by William W. Turner. Fiche: 16044-16049b

Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois. Histoire philosophique et politique, desestablissemens & du commerce des europeens dansles deux Indes.Amsterdam. 17706 v. and 4 v. Fiche: 15560-15613a

Reck, Philipp Georg Friedrich von. An extract of the journals of Mr. Commissary VonReck, who conducted the first transport ofSaltzburgers to Georgia.London, printed by M. Downing. 1734 Fiche: 12574-12574c

Redpath, James. The roving editor; or, Talks with slaves in thesouthern states.New York, A.B. Burdick. 1859 Fiche: 17602-17606a

Reed, Andrew. A Narrative of the visit to the American churches,by the deputation from the Congressional Union ofEngland and Wales.London, Jackson and Walford. 1835By Andrew Reed, D.D.E. and James Matheson, D.D;2 v. Fiche: 17327-17332

Regan, John. The emigrant's guide to the western states ofAmerica; or, Blackwoods and prairies.Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd; [etc., etc.]. [1852]2d ed. rev. and enl. Fiche: 16501-16505b

Reid, John Coleman. Reid's Tramp.Selma, Ala., printed at the Book and Job Office ofJohn Hardy & Co. 1858 Fiche: 17144-17146a

Reid, Hugo. Sketches in North America; with some account ofCongress and of the slavery question.London, Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts.1861 Fiche: 17566-17569a

Reid, Samuel Chester. The Scouting Expeditions of McCulloch's TexasRangers; or, The summer and fall campaign of thearmy of the United States in Mexico--1846.Philadelphia, G.B. Zieber and Co. 1847 Fiche: 16256-16259

Reise von Hamburg nach Philadelphia.Hannover, Ritschersche Buchhandlung. 1800 Fiche: 8027-8028a

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A Relation of Maryland, together, with a map of thecountrey, the conditions of plantation, His Majestiescharter to the Lord.Baltemore, translated into English. 1635 Fiche: 7633-7633c

A relation of the successful beginnings of the LordBaltemore's plantation in Maryland. Anno Domini,1634.Albany, N.Y., reprinted by J. Munsell. 1865 Fiche: 9843-9843a

Revel, (Gabriel) Joachim du Perron, comte de. Journal particulier d'une campaigne aux Indesoccidentales (1781-1782).Paris, H. Charles-Lavauzelle. 1898 Fiche: 9967-9970a

Revel, James. The poor unhappy transported felon's sorrowfulaccount of his fourteen years transportation inVirginia, in America.London, printed by J. Marshall. Fiche: 7629-7629a

Revoil, Benedict Henry. The hunter and trapper in North America; orRomantic adventures in field and forest.London, New York [etc.,] T. Nelson and sons. 1874From the French of Benedict Revoil. By W.H.Davenport Adams. Fiche: 17718-17722a

Revoil, Benedict Henry. Peches dans l'Amerique du Nord.Paris, L. Hachette et cie. 1863 Fiche: 17723-17726

Rewolucya teraznieysza Ameryki polnocney wdwunastu zkonfederowanych osadach.Poznan, w drukarni J.K. Mci y Rzpitey. Fiche: 15622-15624a

Rey, William. L'Amerique protestane; notes et observations d'unvoyageur.Paris [etc.] J. Cherbuliez. 18572 v. Fiche: 17609-17617b

[Reynal, Rafael]. Viage por los Estados Unidos del Norte, dedicadoa los jovenes mexicanos de ambos secsos.Cincinnati, Impreso por E. Deming. 1834 Fiche: 16521-16523a

Reynolds, John. My Own Times.Belleville, Ill., printed by B.H. Perrymen and H.L.Davison. 1855 Fiche: 8611-8617b

Rich, Obadiah. A general view of the United States of America.London, O. Rich. 1833With an appendix containing the Constitution. Thetariff of duties. The laws of patents and copyrights,&c. Fiche: 16506-16509a

Rich, R. Nevves From Virginia.London, printed by Edw. Allde, and are to be soldeby Iohn Wright at Christ-Church dore. 1610The lost flocke triumphant. Fiche: 8868-8868b

Richards, Thomas Addison. Tallulah and Jocassee; or, Romances of southernlandscape, and other tales.Charleston [S.C.] Walker, Richards & co. 1852 Fiche: 16498-16500b

Richards, William Carey. Georgia illustrated in a series of views embracingnatural scenery and public edifices engraved on steel.Penfield, Ga., W. & W.C. Richards. 1842Stereotype ed. Fiche: 16833-16834a

Richardson, John. An Account of the Life of.Reprinted, and sold by William Dunlap, at theNewest Printing Office, in Market Street. 1759 Fiche: 7965-7967b

Riedesel, Friederike Charlotte Luise (vonMassow), freifrau von. Auszuge aus den briefen und papieren desgenerals freyherrn von Riedesel und seiner gemalinn,gebornen von Massow.Berlin, Gedruckt als manuscript fur die familie. 1800 Fiche: 8963-8967a

Ries, Julius. Schilderungen des treibens im leben und handel inden Vereinigten Staaten und Havana, gesammelt aufreisen in den jahren 1838 und 1839.Berlin, Selbatverlag des verfassers. 1840 Fiche: 16524-16526b

Ritchie, Anna Cora (P.). Autobiography of an Actress.Boston, Ticknor, Reed, and Fields. 1854 Fiche: 17385-17389a

Ritson, Anne, Mrs. A Poetical Picture of America, during a residenceof several years, at Alexandria, and Norfolk, inVirginia.London, printed for the author by W. Wilson. 1809By a lady. Fiche: 8637-8638c

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Rivera y Villalon, Pedro de. Diario y derrotero de lo caminado, visto yobservado en el discurso de la visita general deprecidios, situados en las provincias ynternas deNueva Espana.Guathemala, S. de Arebalo. 1736 Fiche: 9752-9753

Roberts, William. An account of the first discovery, and naturalhistory of Florida.London, Printed for T. Jefferys. 1763Collected from the best authorities by WilliamRoberts. Fiche: 17783-17784b

Robertson, James, of Manchester, Eng. A few months in America: containing remarks onsome of its industrial and commercial interests.London, Longman & co.; [etc., etc.]. [1855] Fiche: 17618-17620b

[Robertson, John Blount]. Reminiscences of a campaign in Mexico; by amember of "the Bloody-First.".Nashville, J. York & co. 1849Preceded by a short sketch of the history andcondition of Mexico from her revolution down to thewar with the United States. Fiche: 17813-17816a

Robertson, William Parish. A visit to Mexico, by the West India island,Yucatan and United States, with observations andadventures on the way.London, Simpkin, Marshall & co. 18532 v. Fiche: 17872-17881

Robin, Claude C. (abbe). Nouveau voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale,en l'annee 1781; et campagne de l'armee de m. lecomte de Rochambeau.Chez Moutard imprimeur Librarie de la Reine, demadame, & de madame comtesse d'Artois, rue desMathurins, Hotel de Cluni. 1782 Fiche: 15412-15414a

Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur,comte de. Memoires militaires, historiques et politiques deRochambeau, ancien marechal de France, et grandofficier de la Legion d'honneur.Paris, Fain. 18092 v. Fiche: 9971-9981

Rochefort, Charles. Histoire naturelle et morale des iles Antilles del'Amerique, enrichie d'un grand ombre de bellesfigures en taille douce.Rotterdam, R. Leers. 1681 Fiche: 12540-12546b

Rogers, Carlton H. Incidents of travel in the southern states and Cuba.New York, R. Craighead, printer. 1862kWith a description of the Mammoth Cave. Fiche: 4641-4647a

[Rogers, George]. Memoranda of the experience, labors, and travelsof a Universalist preacher.Cincinnati, J.A. Gurley. 1845 Fiche: 16534-16538a

Rogers, Robert. A Concise Account of North America, containinga description of the several British colonies on thatcontinent, including the islands of Newfoundland,Cape Breton, &c.London, printed for the author, and sold by J. Millan.1765 Fiche: 15415-15417b

Rogers, Robert. Journals of Major Robert Rogers.London, printed for the author, and sold by J. Millan.1765 Fiche: 15448-15450b

Romans, Bernard. A Concise Natural History of East and WestFlorida.New York, printed for the author. 1775Vol. 1. Fiche: 15418-15423a

Rosenberg, Charles G. Jenny Lind in America.New York, Stringer & Townsend. 1851 Fiche: 17210-17212a

Ross, George M. von. Des auswanderers handbuch.Elberfeld u. Iserlohn J. Badeker. 1851Getreue schilderung der Vereinigten Staaten vonNordamerika und zuverlassiger rathgeber fur dahinauswandernde jeden standes. Fiche: 17727-17731b

Ross, George M. von. Der nordamerikanische freistaat Texas, nacheigener anschauung und nach den neuesten undbesten quellen fur deutsche auswanderer, geschildert.Rudolstadt, G. Forebel. 1851 Fiche: 17811-17812a

Routledge's American handbook and tourist's guidethrough the United States.London, New York, G. Routledge & co. 1854 Fiche: 17621-17623b

Roy, Just Jean Etienne. The adventures of a French captain, at present aplanter in Texas, formerly a refugee of CampAsylum.New York, Cincinnati, Benziger Brothers. 1878 Fiche: 17216-17218

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Royall, Anne (Newport), Mrs. The Black Book; or, A continuation of travels inthe United States.Washington City, D.C., printed for the author. 1828-18293 v. Fiche: 16946-16957

Royall, Anne (Newport), Mrs. Letters from Alabama on various subjects; towhich is added an appendix, containing remarks onsundry members of the 20th and 21st congress, andother high characters, &c. &c. at the seat ofgovernment.Washington. 1830 Fiche: 16510-16512

Royall, Anne (Newport), Mrs. Mrs. Royal's Southern Tour.Washington. 1830-18313 v. Fiche: 17341-17349a

Royall, Anne (Newport), Mrs. Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in theUnited States.New Haven, printed for the author. 1826 Fiche: 15910-15914a

Ruffin, Edmund. Agricultural, geological, and descriptive sketchesof lower North Carolina, and the similar adjacentlands.Raleigh, printed at the Institution for the Deaf &Dumb, & the Blind. 1861 Fiche: 17243-17246a

Russell, Robert. North America, its agriculture and climate,containing observations on the agriculture andclimate of Canada, the United States, and the islandof Cuba.Edinburgh, A. and C. Black. 1857 Fiche: 17494-17498a

Russell, Robert W. America Compared With England.London, Effingham Wilson. 1848 Fiche: 17020-17023a

Salmon, Thomas. A New Geographical and Historical Grammar,and the present state of the several kingdoms of theworld.Edinburgh, Murray and Cochran. 1780 Fiche: 15762-15769a

Salmon, Thomas. The Universal Traveller; or, A completedescription of the several nations of the world.London, printed for R. Baldwin. 1752-17532 v. Fiche: 12448-12470

Salzbacher, Joseph. Meine reise nach Nord-Amerika im jahre 1842.Wien, In commission bei Wimmer, Schmidt & Leo.1845Mit statistischen bemerkungen uber die zustande derkatholischen kirche bis auf die neueste zeit. Fiche: 16539-16544

Sargent, Winthrop. The history of an expedition against Fort DuQuesne, in 1755, under Major-General EdwardBraddock.Philadelphia, for the Historical Society ofPennsylvania. 1855 Fiche: 9982-9987a

Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino, Pres. ArgentineRepublic, 1811-1888. Viajes en Europa, Africa I America.Santiago, Impr. De J. Belin. 1849-1851[1.....]2. Entrega; 2 v. Fiche: 17734-17745

Saugrain de Vigni, Antoine Francois. L'odyssee americaine d'une famille francaise (par)le docteur Antoine Saugrain.Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press. 1936 Fiche: 12484-12485b

Savardan, Augustin. Un naufrage au Texas; observations etimpressions recueillies pendant deux ans et deini auTexas et a travers les Etats-Unis d'Amerique.Paris, Garnier freres. 1858 Fiche: 17691-17694a

Savery, William. A journal of the life, travels, and religious laborsof William Savery, a minister...of the Society ofFriends.Philadelphia, for sale at Friends' Book Store. 1873 Fiche: 15710-15715a

Sayer, Robert. The American military pocket atlas; being anapproved collection of correct maps, both general andparticular, of the British colonies; especially thosewhich now are, or probably may be the theatre ofwar.London, Printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennet. [1776] Fiche: 17749-17750a

Schaw, Janet. Journal of a Lady of Quality, being the narrativeof a journey from Scotland to the West Indies, NorthCarolina, and Portugal, in the years 1774 to 1776.New Haven, Yale University Press. 1922 Fiche: 15705-15709

Schermerhorn, John Freeman. A correct view of that part of the United Stateswhich lies west of the Alleghany Mountains, withregard to religion and morals.Hartford, P.B. Gleason and Co., printers. 1814 Fiche: 9045-9045b

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Schlatter, Michael. Getrouw verhaal van den waren toestant der meestherderloze gemeentens in Pennsylvanien enaangrensende provintien.Amsterdam, Jacobus Loveringh. 1751 Fiche: 12548-12548b

Schmidt, Friedrich (Stuttgart). Versuch uber den politischen zustand derVereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.Stuttgart und Tubingen, J.G. Cotta. 18222 v. Fiche: 7690-7699c

Schmolder, B. Neuer praktischer wegweiser fur auswanderernach Nord-Amerika, in drei abteilungen.Mainz, Le roux. 1849-18511. Abtheilung. Fiche: 13997-13999b

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. The Indian in His Wigwam; or, Characteristics ofthe red race of America.New York, W.H. Graham. 1848 Fiche: 7700-7703b

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Journal of a tour into the interior of Missouri andArkansaw.London, printed for Sir. R. Phillips and Co. 1821 Fiche: 8618-8619

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Journal of a tour into the interior of Missouri andArkansaw.London, printed for Sir. R. Phillips and Co. 1821 Fiche: 9443-9444a

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Travels in the Central Portions of the MississippiValley.New York, Collins and Hannay. 1825 Fiche: 8988-8993a

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. A view of the lead mines of Missouri.New York, Charles Wiley & Co. 1819 Fiche: 9267-9270a

Schopf, Johann David. Reise durch einige der, mittlern und sudlichenVereinigten nordamerikanischen staaten nach Ost-Florida.Erlangen, J.J. Palm. 17882 v. Fiche: 8639-8653

Schultz, Christian. Travels on an inland voyage through the states ofNew York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentuckyand Tennessee, and through the territories of Indiana,Louisiana, Mississippi and New Orleans.New York, printed by Isaac Riley. 18102 v. in 1. Fiche: 9243-9248a

Scott, Job. Journal of the Life.New York, printed and sold by Isaac Colins, No. 189,pearl Street. 1798 Fiche: 8029-8033a

Scott, Joseph. The United States Gazetteer.Philadelphia, F. and R. Bailey. 1795 Fiche: 9206-9210

Scotus Americanus. Informations concerning the province of NorthCarolina, addressed to emigrants from the highlandsand western isles of Scotland.Glasgow, printed for James Knox. 1773By an impartial hand. Fiche: 7659-7659a

Scull, Gideon Delaplaine. The Montresor Journals.New York, printed for the Society. 1882ed. and annotated by G.D. Scull. Fiche: 15668-15674b

Sealsfield, Charles. The Americans As They Are, described in a tourthrough the valley of the Mississippi.London, Hurst, Chance, and Co. 1828 Fiche: 15915-15917b

Sears, Robert. A Pictorial Description of the United States.New York, R. Sears. 1857New ed., rev. and enl. Fiche: 17168-17175

Seward, William. Journal of a voyage from Savannah toPhiladelphia, and from Philadelphia to England.London, J. Oswald. 1740 Fiche: 8445-8446a

Seymour, William. A journal of the southern expedition, 1780-1783.Wilmington, The Historical Society of Delaware.1896 Fiche: 8565-8565a

Sharan, James. The Adventures of.Baltimore, printed by G. Dobbin & Murphy, 10Baltimore Street, for James Sharan. 1808 Fiche: 8654-8656a

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Shaw, John, M.D. A ramble through the United States, Canada, andthe West Indies.London, J. F. Hope. 1856 Fiche: 17695-17699

Shaw, Joshua. United States Directory for the Use of Travel andMerchants.Philadelphia, printed by J. Maxwell. 1822 Fiche: 9089-9092b

Sherwood, Adiel. A Gazetteer of the State of Georgia.Philadelphia, printed by J.W. Martin and W.K.Bodlen. 1829Second edition. Fiche: 16940-16943a

Shillitoe, Thomas. Journal of the life, labours, and travels of ThomasShillitoe, in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.London, Harvey and Darton. 18392 v. Fiche: 17318-17326a

Short, Rich. Travels in the United States of America, throughthe states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio,Michigan territory, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland,Columbia, North Carolina, Rhode Island andMassachusetts.London, R. Lambert. [183-?]2d ed. Fiche: 16545-16545a

Silliman, Augustus Ely. A Gallop Among American Scenery.New York, D. Appleton & Co.; Philadelphia, G.S.Appleton. 1843 Fiche: 17016-17019

Simcoe, John Graves. A journal of the operations of the Queen's rangersfrom the end of the year 1777, to the conclusion ofthe late American war.Exeter (Eng.) Printed for the author. (1787) Fiche: 16806-16809a

Simms, William Gilmore. The Geography of South Carolina, being acompanion to the history of the state.Charleston, Babcock & Co. 1843 Fiche: 16312-16314a

Sims, James Marion. The Story of My Life.New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1885Ed. by his son, H. Marion Sims, M.D. Fiche: 16157-16162a

Sketch of Western Virginia, for the use of Britishsettlers in that country.London, Edward Bull. 1837 Fiche: 17059-17060b

Smet, Pierre Jean de. Life, Letters and Travels of Father Pierre-Jean deSmet.New York, F.P. Harper. 19054 v. Fiche: 17287-17306a

Smith, Daniel. The Journal of.Nashville. 1915 Fiche: 8968-8968a

Smith, Edward. Account of a journey through north-eastern Texas,undertaken in 1849.London, Hamilton, Adams & co.; [etc., etc.]. 1849 Fiche: 17785-17787

Smith, J. Gray. A brief historical, statistical, and descriptivereview of East Tennessee, developing its immenseagricultural, mining, and manufacturing advantages.London, J. Leath. 1842 Fiche: 16191-16192a

[Smith, James]. Some considerations on the consequences of theFrench settling colonies on the Mississippi, withrespect to the trader and safety of the Englishplantations in America and the West Indies.London, printed for F. Roberts. 1720 Fiche: 9846-9846b

Smith, James Edward, Sir. The natural history of the rarer lepidopterousinsects of George.London, Printed by T. Bensley, for J. Edwards [etc.].1797Collected from the observation of Mr. John Abbot,many years resident in that country, by JamesEdward Smith; 2 v. Fiche: 17764-17774a

Smith, John. A Map of Virginia.At Oxford, printed by Joseph Barnes. 1612With a description of the country. Fiche: 7968-7969c

Smith, John. A True Relation of Virginia.Boston, Wiggin and Lunt. 1866 Fiche: 9844-9845b

Smith, John Calvin. The illustrated handbook, a new guide fortravelers through the United States of America.New York, Sherman & Smith. 1847 Fiche: 17903-17905a

Smith, Richard Penn. Col. Crockett's Exploits and Adventures in Texas.Philadelphia, T.K. and P.G. Collins. 1836 Fiche: 17480-17482a

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Smith, Samuel. Memoirs of the life of, 1776 to 1786.Middleborough, Mass. 1853 Fiche: 9988-9988b

Smith, Sidney. The settler's new home: or, The emigrant'slocation, being a guide to emigrants in the selectionof a settlement, and the preliminary details of thevoyage.London, J. Kendrick. 1849 Fiche: 17820-17821a

Smith, Solomon Franklin. The Theatrical Journey, work and anecdotalrecollections of Sol. Smith.Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson. 1854 Fiche: 17013-17015b

Smith, Solomon Franklin. Theatrical Management in the West and South forThirty Years.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1868 Fiche: 17276-17279

Smith, William Loughton. Journal of, 1790-1791.Cambridge, The University Press. 1917 Fiche: 12496-12496b

Smithwick, Noah. The Evolution of a State; or, Recollections of oldTexas days.Austin, Tex., Gammel Book Co. 1900Compiled by his daughter Nanna SmithwickDonaldson. Fiche: 15918-15922

Smyth, John. A Tour of the United States of America.Dublin, Price, Moncrieffe. 1784No. 50, 2 v. Fiche: 4528-4541

Solis de Meras, Gonzalo. Pedro Menendez de Aviles, adelantado, governorand captain-general of Florida, memorial.Deland, The Florida State Historical Society. 1923 Fiche: 15777-15780a

Spalding, Martin John. Sketches of the life, times, and character of the Rt.Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, first bishop ofLouisville.Louisville, Ky., Webb & Levering. 1852 Fiche: 410-419

Spelman, Henry. Relation of Virginia, 1609.London, printed for J.F. Hunnewell at the ChiswickPress. 1872 Fiche: 9848-9848b

Spring, Gardiner. Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, latemissionary to the south western section of the UnitedStates, and agent of the American colonizationsociety, deputed to explore the coast of Africa.New York, New York Evangelical MissionarySociety, J. Seymour, printer. 1820 Fiche: 8891-8893b

Stanton, Daniel. A journal of the life, travels, and gospel labours,of a faithful minister of Jesus Christ, Daniel Stanton.Philadelphia, printed; London, reprinted and sold byJames Phillips & Son. 1799 Fiche: 7630-7631b

Steele, Eliza R., Mrs. A Summer Journey in the West.New York, J.S. Taylor and Co. 1841 Fiche: 4592-4598

Steiner, Bernard Christian. Early Maryland Poetry, the works of EbenezerCook, gent: laureat of Maryland.Baltimore. 1900 Fiche: 9779-9780a

Stephens, Thomas. A brief account of the causes that have retardedthe progress of the colony of Georgia, in America,attested upon oath.London. 1743 Fiche: 9849-9850a

Stephens, William. A state of the province of Georgia, attested uponoath in the court of Savannah, November 10, 1740.London, printed for W. Meadows. 1742 Fiche: 9851-9851a

Stewart, Catherine. New Homes in the West.Nashville, Cameron and Fall. 1843 Fiche: 16735-16737a

Stewart, Robert, A.M. ...The United States of America: their climate,soil, productions, population, manufacturers, religion,arts, government, &c., &c.London, W. Tweedie. 1853 Fiche: 17521-17523c

Stirling, James. Letters From the Slave States.London, J.W. Parker and Son. 1857 Fiche: 17255-17259a

Stoddard, Amos. Sketches, historical and descriptive, of Louisiana.Philadelphia, published by Mathew Carey. A. Small,printer. 1812 Fiche: 9200-9205a

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Stone, Barton W. (Barton Warren). The biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone.Cincinnati: Published for the author by J.A. & U.P.James. 1847written by himself; with additions and reflections byElder John Rogers. Fiche: 377-386

Stone, William Leete. Letters of Brunswick and Hessian officers duringthe American revolution.Albany, N.Y., J. Munsell's Sons. 1891 Fiche: 15424-15427

Stork, William. An Account of East Florida, with a journal, keptby John Bartram of Philadelphia, a botanist to HisMajesty for the Floridas, upon a journey from St.Augustine up the river St. John's.London, sold by W. Nicoll, at No. 51, St. Paul'sChurch-yard and G. Woodfall, Charing-cross. 1766 Fiche: 15479-15481

Story, Thomas. A Journal of the Life of Thomas Story, containing,an account of his remarkable convincement of, andembracing the principle of truth, as held by thepeople called Quakers.Newcastle upon Tyne, printed by Isaac Thompsonand Company at the New Printing Office on the Side.1747 Fiche: 15626-15639b

Strachey, William. The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia;expressing the cosmographie and comodies of thecountry, together with the manners and customes ofthe people.London, printed for the Hakluyt Society. 1849New first ed. from the original manuscript, in theBritish Museum, by R.H. Major. Fiche: 9852-9855

Strange news from Virginia, being a full and trueaccount of the life and death of Nathanael Bacon,Esquire, who was the only cause and original of allthe late troubles in that country.London, printed for William Harris. 1677 Fiche: 7632-7632a

Stranger, traveller, and merchant's guide through theUnited States.Philadelphia. 1825Illus. With a map. Fiche: 8836-8838

Strong, Leonard. Babylon's Fall in Maryland, a fair warning to LordBaltimore.London, printed for the author. 1655 Fiche: 15736-15736a

Stuart, James. Three years in North America.Edinburgh, Printed for R. Cadell; [etc., etc.]. 18332 v. Fiche: 16790-16802

Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline C.F.B. (M.). Travels in the United States.New York, Harper & Brothers. 1851 Fiche: 17260-17264b

Stuff, Edward. The Texan emigrant: being a narrative of theadventures of the author in Texas, and a descriptionof the soil climate, productions, minerals...togetherwith the principal incidents of fifteen years revolutionin Mexico.Cincinnati, G. Conclin. 1840 Fiche: 16742-16746a

Sturge, Joseph. A visit to the United States in 1841.Boston, D.S. King. 1842 Fiche: 16193-16196a

Sullivan, Edward Robert, Sir. Rambles and Scrambles in North and SouthAmerica.London, R. Bentley. 1852 Fiche: 9579-9583b

The Summer-land, a southern story.New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1855By a child of the sun. Fiche: 17213-17215b

Surtees, William Edward. Recollections of North America, in 1849-50-51.[London? Chapman and Hall]. [1852?] Fiche: 17822-17822b

Sutcliff, Robert. Travels in some parts of North America, in theyears 1804, 1805, & 1806.York, Eng., printed by C. Peacock for W. Alexander.1811 Fiche: 12497-12500b

Sutherland, Patrick. ...An account of the late invasion of Georgia,drawn out by Lieutenant Patrick Sutherland, ofGeneral Oglethorpe's regiment, who lately arrived inEngland, and was sent express on that occasion, butbeing taken by the Spaniards off the Lizard, wasobliged to throw the said express and other papersover-board.(London). (1743) Fiche: 17777-17777a

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Tailfer, Patrick. A true and historical narrative of the colony ofGeorgia, in America, from the first settlement thereofuntil this present period.Charles Town, South Carolina, printed by P.Timothy, for the others. 1741 Fiche: 8447-8448a

Tallack, William. Friendly sketches in America.London, A.W. Bennett. 1861 Fiche: 17700-17702b

Tanner, Henry Schenck. The American Traveller; or, Guide through theUnited States.Philadelphia, the author. 1836With tables of distances. 2d ed. Fiche: 15923-15925

Tanner, Henry Schenck. A Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of theUnited States.New York, T.R. Tanner & J. Disturnell. 1840 Fiche: 17002-17005b

Tanner, Henry Schenck. A geographical, historical and statistical view ofthe central or middle United States.Philadelphia, H. Tanner, jr.; New York, T.R. Tanner.1841 Fiche: 16546-16552a

Tanner, Henry Schenck. Memoir on the recent surveys, observations, andinternal improvements, in the United States, withbrief notices of the new counties, towns, villages.Philadelphia, the author. 1829 Fiche: 15926-15927a

Tarleton, Banastre, Sir. A history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, inthe southern provinces of North America.London, printed for T. Cadell. 1787 Fiche: 15640-15647a

Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald. Random Shots and Southern Breezes, containingcritical remarks on the southern states and southerninstitutions.New York, Harper & Brothers. 18422 v. Fiche: 16197-16203

Tatham, William. An historical and practical essay on the cultureand commerce of tobacco.London, printed for Vernor & Hood. 1800 Fiche: 8713-8716b

Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado; or, Adventures in the path of empire.New York, George P. Putnam; London, RichardBentley. 19502 v. Fiche: 17307-17313a

Texan Emigration and Land Company. Emigration to Texas.London, Richardson. [1843]Texas:--being a prospectus of the advantages offeredto emigrants by the Texas emigration and landcompany. Fiche: 17390-17390a

Texas Catholic Historical Society. Preliminary studies of the Texas Catholichistorical society...distributed under the auspices ofthe Texas Knights of Columbus historicalCommission.(Austin, Tex.). (ca. 1932, 1939)3 v. Fiche: 15809-15818a

Texas in 1840, or The emigrant's guide to the newrepublic; being the result of observations, enquiry,and travel.New York, W.W. Allen. 1840 Fiche: 16513-16516

Thacher, James. A military journal during the Americanrevolutionary war, from 1775 to 1783.Boston, Richardson & Lord. 1823 Fiche: 15428-15434a

Thomas, David. Travel Through the Western Country in theSummer of 1816.Auburn, N.Y., printed by David Rumsey. 1819With a map of the Wabash country, now settling. Fiche: 9340-9343a

Thomas, Joseph. The Life of the Pilgrim Joseph Thomas.Winchester, Va., J. Foster, printer. 1819 Fiche: 4437-4445

Thomas, Joseph. Poems, religious, moral and satirical.Lebanon, Ohio, office of the Western Star. 1892 Fiche: 12571-12573a

Thomassy, Raymond. Geologie pratique de la Louisiane.Nouvelle-Orleans, Chez l'auteur; Paris, Lacrois etBaudry. 1860 Fiche: 17502-17505b

Thomson, William. A Tradesman's Travels, in the United States andCanada, in the years 1840, 41, & 42.Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd. 1842 Fiche: 16204-16206b

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Thornbury, George Walter. Criss-cross journeys.London, Hurst and Blackett. 18732 v. Fiche: 17624-17631a

Timberlake, Henry. The memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake.London, printed for the author. 1765 Fiche: 15435-15436b

Tobler, Johannes. Alter und verbesserter schreib-kalender, auf dasG.G. Gnadenreiche Christ-Jahr MDCCLV...Nebenandern nuz-ergozlichen erforderlichkeiten mit einermerckwurdigen beschreibung von Sud-Carolinaversehen.St. Gallen, Hans Jacob Hochreutiner. 1754 Fiche: 7634-7635a

Toca Velasco, Jose Ignacio de. Triaca producida de un veneno. Naufragio deespanola flota. Peoma.Madrid, Impr. De J. Sanchez. 1734 Fiche: 7970-7970b

Tocqueville, Alexis. De la democratie en Amerique.Paris, Charles Gosselin. 1835-18404 v. Fiche: 17351-17368a

Tolmer, J. Scenes de l'Amerique du Nord en 1849.Leipzig, Avenarius & Mendelssohn. 1850 Fiche: 4485-4488a

Tonti, Henri de. Relation of Henri de Tonty concerning theexplorations of La Salle from 1678 to 1683.Chicago, The Caxton Club. 1898 Fiche: 7599-7600a

Tower, Philo. Slavery Unmasked, being a truthful narrative of athree years' residence and journeying in elevensouthern states, to which is added the invasion ofKansas.Rochester, E. Darrow & Brother. 1856 Fiche: 7159-7167a

Tracy, Ebenezer Carter. Memoir of the life of Jeremiah Evarts.Boston, Crocker and Brewster. 1845 Fiche: 8717-8721a

Tranchepain de St. Augustin, Marie. Relation du voyage des premieres Ursulines a laNouvelle Orleans et de leur etablissement en cetteville.Nouvelle York, isle de Manate, De la PresseCramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea. 1859 Fiche: 8449-8449c

Transatlantic rambles; or, A record of twelve months'travel in the United States, Cuba, & the Brazils.London [etc.] G. Bell [etc.]. 1851By a Rugbaean. Fiche: 17732-17733b

Travels in North America.Dublin, printed by C. Bentham. 1822 Fiche: 15717-15719a

Tremenheere, Hugh. Notes on public subjects, made during a tour inthe United States and in Canada.London, J. Murray. 1852 Fiche: 17703-17706a

Trollope, Frances M. Domestic Manners of the Americans.London, printed for Whittaker, Treacher & Co. 18322 v. Fiche: 16163-16166b

[Trotter, Isabella (Strange)]. First impressions of the New world on twotravellers from the Old, in the autumn of 1858.London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, &Roberts. 1859 Fiche: 17632-17635b

True relation of the hardships suffered by GovernorFernando de Soto & certain Portuguese gentlemenduring the discovery of the province of Florida.Deland, The Florida State Historical Society. 1932-19332 v. Fiche: 15786-15796a

Tucker, George. Letters from Virginia, translated from the French.Baltimore, published by Fielding Lucas, Jr., J.Robinson, printer. 1816 Fiche: 5184-5189

Tudor, Henry. Narrative of a tour in North America, comprisingMexico, the mines of Real de Monte, the UnitedStates, and the British colonies, with an excursion tothe island of Cuba.London, J. Duncan. 18342 v. Fiche: 15928-15939a

Turnbull, Jane M.E. American photographs.London, T.C. Newby. 1859By Jane M.E. Turnbull and Marion Turnbull; 2 v. Fiche: 17636-17643b

Twining, Thomas. Travels, hundred years ago, with a visit to theUnited States.London, J.L. Osgood, McIlwaine & Co. 1893 Fiche: 8034-8039

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Uhlendorf, Bernhard Alexander. The Siege of Charleston, with an account of theprovince of South Carolina, diaries and letters ofHessian officers from the von Jungkenn papers in theWilliam I., Clements library, translated and edited byBernard A. Uhlendorf.Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press. 1938 Fiche: 9989-9994a

United States. War Department. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in theyear 1852, by Randolph B. Marcy.Washington, R. Armstrong, public printer. 1853 Fiche: 16244-16249b

Uring, Nathaniel. A History of the Voyages and Travels of Capt.Nathaniel Uring.London, J. Peele. 1726With new draughts of the bay of Honduras and theCaribbee Islands, and particularly of St. Lucia, andthe harbour of Petite Carenage. Fiche: 9856-9862b

Vallette Laudun, de. Journal d'un voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720.Chez Musier, fils, & Fournier. 1768 Fiche: 8869-8871b

Van Buren, A. De Puy. Jottings of a year's Sojourn in the South.Battle Creek, Mich. Review and Herald Print. 1859 Fiche: 15131-15134a

Vandenhoff, George. Leaves From an Actor's Note-book.England and America, New York, D. Appleton andCompany. 1860 Fiche: 17160-17163b

Varlo, Charles. Nature Display'd, a new work.London, printed for the editor. 1793A twelve-months' tour of observations throughAmerica. Fiche: 8040-8042b

Vigne, Godfrey Thomas. Six Months in America.London, Whittaker, Treacher & Co. 19322 v. Fiche: 9333-9339a

Vignoles, Charles Blacker. Observations Upon the Floridas.New York, published by E. Bliss & E. White. 1823 Fiche: 15759-15761a

A visit to Texas: being the journal of a travellerthrough those parts most interesting to Americansettlers.New York, Goodrich & Wiley. 1834With descriptions of scenery, habits, &c. &c. Fiche: 16517-16520a

Volney, Constantin Francois Chasseboeuf, comtede. Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats-Unisd'Amerique. Suivi d'-eclaircissemens sur la Floride,sur la colonie francaise au Scioto, sur quelquescolonies canadiennes, et sur les sauvages.Paris, Courcier. 18032 v. Fiche: 15451-15457a

Wagner, Moritz. Reisen in Nordamerika in den jahren 1852 und1853.Leipzig, Arnold. 1854von dr. Meritz Wagner und dr. Carl Scherzer; 3 v. Fiche: 17882-17897a

Walcot, James. The New Pilgrim's Progress; or, The pious Indianconvert.London, printed for M. Cooper. 1748 Fiche: 8450-8453a

Waldo, Samuel Putnam. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, major-general in thearmy of the United States, and commander in chief ofthe division of the south.Hartford, published by Silas Andrus. 1818 Fiche: 8722-8725

Walker, Thomas. Journal of an exploration in the spring of the year1750.Boston, Little, Brown, and Company. 1888 Fiche: 8454-8454b

Warden, David Baillie. A statistical, political, and historical account ofthe United States of North America.Edinburgh, printed for A. Constable and Co.;Philadelphia, T. Wardle. 18193 v. Fiche: 8839-8853a

Washington, George, Pres. U.S. The Diaries of George Washington, 1748-1799.Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company.1925Published for the Mount Vernon Ladies Associationof the Union; 4 v. Fiche: 8657-8677a

Washington, George, Pres. U.S. Journal of My Journey Over the Mountains, whilesurveying for Lord Thomas Fairfax, in the northernneck of Virginia, beyond the Blue Ridge, in 1747-8.Albany, N.Y., Munsell's Sons. 1892 Fiche: 9863-9864b

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Washington, George, Pres. U.S. Journal sent by the Hon Robert Dinwiddie, esq.His Majesty's Lieutenant-Governor, and Commanderin Chief of Virginia, to the Commandant of theFrench forces on Ohio.Williamsburg, printed; London, reprinted for T.Jefferys. 1754 Fiche: 8969-8969a

Waterhouse, Edward. A declaration of the state of the colony and stateof affairs in Virginia.London, imprinted by G. Eld, for R. Mylbourne.1622 Fiche: 9865-9865c

Watson, Elkanah. Men and Times of the Revolution.New York, Dana and Company. 1865 Fiche: 15656-15661a

Waylen, Edward. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States.New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1846 Fiche: 17053-17058a

Weichardt, Karl, ed. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika undderen teritorien, nebst einem blick auf Kanada.Leipzig, A. Weichardt. 1848 Fiche: 17707-17711b

Weld, Charles Richard. A vacation tour in the United States and Canada.London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.1855 Fiche: 17644-17648b

Weld, Isaac. Travels Through the States of North America, andthe Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.London, J. Stockdale. 1799 Fiche: 15720-15726b

Wesley, Charles. The Journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley.London, Wesleyan Methodist Book-room. 18492 v. Fiche: 12590-12601

Wesley, John. An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journalfrom his embarking for Georgia to his return toLondon.Bristol, printed by S. and F. Farley. 1739 Fiche: 7971-7972a

Wette, Ludwig de. Reise in den Vereinigten Staaten und Canada imjahr 1837.Leipzig, Weidmann. 1838 Fiche: 16553-16557a

Whitaker, Alexander. Good News From Virginia.At London, imprinted by Felix Kyngston for WilliamWelby, and are to be sold at his shop in PaulsChurchyard at the signe of the Swanne. 1613 Fiche: 7973-7973b

Whitefield, George. The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield.London, E. and C. Dilly. 1771-17726 v. Fiche: 9866-9894a

Wied-Neuwied, Maximilian A.P., prinz von. Travels in the Interior of North America.London, Ackermann and Co. 1843Translated from the German, by H. Evans Lloyd. Fiche: 16827-16832b

Wild, Ebenezer. The Journal of Ebenezer Wild (1776-1781).Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Historical Society.1891 Fiche: 9995-9996

William, Father, pseud. Recollections of Rambles in the South.New York, Carlton & Porter. 1856 Fiche: 17078-17080a

Williams, Edward. Virgo triumphans; or, Virginia richly and trulyvalued, more especially the south part thereof, viz.The fertile Carolana.London, printed by T. Harper, for J. Stephenson.1650 Fiche: 15556-15556c

Williams, James. Narrative of James Williams.New York, The American Anti-slavery Society;Boston, Isaac Knapp. 1838An American slave. Fiche: 16825-16826

Williams, John Lee. The territory of Florida; or, Sketches of thetopography, civil and natural history, of the country,the climate, and the Indian tribes, from the firstdiscovery to the present time.New York, A.T. Goodrich. 1837 Fiche: 16527-16530b

Williams, Samuel Cole. Early Travels in the Tennessee Country, 1540-1800.Johnson City, Tenn., The Watauga Press. 1928 Fiche: 15770-15776a

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Williams, Wellington. Appleton's railroad and steamboat companion.New York, D. Appleton & co.; Philadelphia, G. S.Appleton. 1847Being a traveller's guide through New England andthe middle states, with routes in the southern andwestern states, and also in Canada... Illustrated withnumerous maps and engravings. Fiche: 17712-17714b

Williams, Wellington. Appleton's southern and western travellers' guide.New York, D. Appleton & co. 1854with new and authentic maps, illustrating thosedivisions of the country; and containing sectionalmaps of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; with plansof cities, views, etc. Fiche: 17823-17825a

Williams, Wellington. The traveller's and tourist's guide through theUnited States of America, Canada, etc., containingthe routes of travel by railroad, steamboat, stage andcanal.Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co. 1851Accompanied by an entirely new and authentic mapof the United States...and a map of the island ofCuba. Fiche: 17867-17869b

Williams, William. Journal of, a minister of the Society of Friends,late of White-Water, Indiana.Cincinnati, Lodge, L'Hommedieu, and Hammond.1828 Fiche: 12507-12509a

Willis, Nathaniel Parker. American Scenery; or, Land, lake, and riverillustrations.London, George Virtue. 18402 v. Fiche: 17506-17514

Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Health Trip to the Tropics.New York, C. Scribner. 1853 Fiche: 311-317

Wilson, Alexander. American Ornithology.Philadelphia, Bradford and Inskeep. 1808-18149 v. Fiche: 9046-9082a

Wilson, Samuel. An Account of the Province of Carolina inAmerica.London, printed by G. Larkin for F. Smith. 1682 Fiche: 7974-7974b

Wilson, Thomas. A Brief Journal.Dublin, printed by and for S. Fuller. 1728 Fiche: 7975-7976b

A Winter in the West Indies and Florida, containinggeneral observations...with a particular description ofSt. Croix, Trinidad de Cuba, Havana, Key West, andSt. Augustine. By an invalid.New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1839 Fiche: 16207-16209a

Wislizenus, Adolphus. Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico, connectedwith Col. Doniphan's expedition, in 1846 and 1847.Washington, Tippin & Streeper. 1848 Fiche: 9554-9556a

Witlenborger, J. Der rathgeber und wegweiser fur auswanderernach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika undTexas.Heilbronn, C. Dreschler. 1848 Fiche: 17519-17520a

Wood, S. Letters from the United States.[London, Printed by G. Smallfield]. [1837] Fiche: 16789-16789a

Woodman, David, Jr. Guide to Texas emigrants.Boston, Printed by M. Hawes. 1835 Fiche: 16531-16533a

Woods, John. Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on theEnglish Prairie, in the Illinois Country, United States.London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.1822 Fiche: 8994-8997a

Woolman, John. The Works of.Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Crukshank in MarketStreet, between Second and Third Streets. 1774 Fiche: 9895-9899b

Wrede, Friedrich W. von. Lebensbilder aus den Vereinigten Staaten vonNord-Amerika und der fortsetzung nachtagebuchern und mundlichen mittheilungenbearbeitet von E.D. Cassel.Selbstverlag. 1844 Fiche: 16738-16741b

Wynne, John Huddlestone. A General History of the British Empire in NorthAmerica.London, W. Richardson and L. Urquhart. 17702 v. Fiche: 15687-15699a

Wyse, Francis. America, its realities and resources.London, T.C. Newby. 18463 v. Fiche: 17037-17052a

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Yonge, Francis. A narrative of the proceedings of the people ofSouth Carolina, in the year 1719.London, printed in the year. 1726 Fiche: 7977-7977b

Yonge, Francis. A View of the Trade of South Carolina.London. 1722 Fiche: 7978-7978a

Young, Arthur. Observations on the present state of the wastelands of Great Britain.London, printed for W. Nicoll. 1773Published on the occasion of the establishment of anew colony on the Ohio. By the author of the Toursthrough England. Fiche: 9997-9998

Young, Jacob. Autobiography of a Pioneer.Cincinnati, L. Swormstedt & A. Poe. 1857 Fiche: 8726-8731

Young, W.A. The History of North and South America.London, printed for J. Whitaker. 17762 v. Fiche: 8970-8977

Zavala, Lorenzo de. Viage a los Estados-Unidos del Norte de America.Paris, Impr. De Decourchant. 1834 Fiche: 16848-16852a

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