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Reed Overfelt, CEO – FullQuota



Master Your TOFU: Get Found Online

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Google is your new business card.

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Prepared by FullQuota on behalf of Microsoft SOURCE: COMSCORE, AUGUST 2010

17 billion

searches are conducted every month.

12b 2.75b 2.25b

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46% of daily searches are for

info on products or services.



and Services

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70% of the links search users

click on are

25% PAID


organic – not paid.

“Which search result link

did you click on first?”

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of all organic clicks go

to the

organic search results. 27%



10% 9%

7% 5%

3% 4%


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

top three

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First Page …and done!

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If Google can’t find you,

neither will anyone else.

Bottom Line:

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HOW do you get found?

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Optimize Content

Promote Content




Give Great

Directions 4

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Creating Content


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Creating exceptional and unique content is the foundation of getting found online. Great content is rewarded by users and search engines alike.

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Let’s for a second…

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thinking like a

marketer or


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…START thinking

like a

publisher and


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Identify your

target buyer



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What business problems are they trying to solve?

What are their

biggest concerns?

What do they need


What do they want?

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What kinds of information are they typically searching for?

Top-notch blog


New market data?

Industry research,

reports & studies?

Educational content?

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Where are they hanging out online?

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Map your

content to your

target buyer



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Conduct an audit of your existing content.

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Things to look for…

2. Tip Sheet: Create a tip sheet that outlines how people could use your product or service to help them with their problem or need. For example, if you're a plumber you could create a tip sheet on “How to Troubleshoot a Clogged Drain.” 3. Top 10 Industry Trends: Document the 10 latest trends impacting your industry this year. Write a short summary on 10 new industry developments or write what you think will be the 10 biggest changes to your industry during the next year.

5. Checklist: Create a checklist of steps people could take to solve the problem that your product/service solves. For example, if you’re a moving service, create a packing checklist visitors can download. 6. Common Questions: Write down the 10 or 20 most common questions and create a tip sheet or guide that answers each question.

8. LinkedIn Question and Answers: Go to LinkedIn Answers and find every question and answer that relates to your industry. Compile them in an eBook format. 9. Kits of Material: Compile some of your related eBooks, guides, tip sheets and blog articles into a compelling Downloadable Kit offer.

11. Case Studies: Show off your leading customers and share their successes with future customers. Video record their testimonials for even more content and to build credibility. Offer the case studies as free downloads.

1. Whitepaper or eBook: Compile three to five blog posts that discuss similar topics and combine them into a whitepaper or eBook. You can also write a whitepaper or eBook based on a previous research study or data set.

10. Sales Team Materials: If you have a sales team, ask them what material they send to prospects that convinces them to convert. Package this material into a toolkit visitors can download.

7. Product Demo Videos: Create a video that shows off all of your product’s features and benefits. At the end of the video, give the lead an option to download a product use case document.

4. How-To Guides: Create simple guides for your prospects to download that will help them with a problem. For example, if you’re selling mortgages, create a guide on picking the right mortgage for you.

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of the Buying Cycle

Prospect knows there’s a

problem that needs to be


• Free whitepapers

• Free guides & tip sheets

• Free eBooks

• Free checklists

• Free videos

• Free kits (a combination

of any of the above)

Top of the Buying Cycle

Prospect recognizes a need

for a solution like yours

• Free webinars

• Case studies

• Free sample

• FAQ sheets

• Product spec sheets

Middle of the Buying Cycle

Prospect seeks solution to

their need; ready to buy

• Free trials

• Demos

• Free consultations

• Estimates or quotes


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Create an editorial calendar


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Start creating AWESOME content


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Content DOs

1. Focus on your target buyer! Create content that speaks directly to their needs, wants and desires.

2. Find the right SME (it’s harder than you think). The right SME understands your market and your buyer. Use the SME to guide your content with value-added commentary and feedback.

3. Hire a professional writer. While it’s tempting as a marketers to create your own content — don’t! Hire trained writers who understand how to ask the right questions, summarize and create the content your target buyers want to read.

4. Know your competition. Who are your biggest competitors? Decide if you’ll use articles that mention them. What about reviews or market comparisons? Will you use those?

5. Know your keywords. Use these keywords to guide your content selection.

6. Use the right tools. A curation tool like Trapit will help you more quickly and easily source content. Look for other tools that can make this process easier and more successful.

7. Show your unique point of view. You’re an expert. You have an answer for your buyers’ business challenges. Share it!

8. Write simply and plainly.

9. Stay away from overly technical jargon.

10. Set deadlines, but be flexible. Creating awesome content takes longer than you think. Set deadlines for SMEs to give you articles, for writers to write them and then leave yourself some time to review them before you put them online.

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1. Don’t be boring.

2. Don’t forget about grammar. It matters. A lot!

3. Don’t pick a SME who travels or is just too busy to put time and effort into the project.

4. Don’t forget to schedule time with your SME each week.

5. Don’t let the SME decide what kind of content to give you. Be clear – you need at least 5 articles a week on a variety of topics.

6. Don’t just wing it – follow your plan! Set clear expectations with all your key stakeholders at the beginning of the process.

7. Don’t use content from the same one or two sources. Mix it up! It’s more interesting for your readers.

8. Don’t just call your documents “Blog #1” or “Cloud Blog #4.” Set up a naming convention that is straightforward and easy for everyone to understand and use.

9. Don’t just start the process and then never critique it again. You have to continually tweak it.

10. Don’t be afraid to try new things. A new headline style or newsletter category will keep things interesting and fresh.

Content DON’Ts

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Optimize Your



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Understand what motivates Google (as well as bing and Yahoo)

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f(n) = Authority + Relevance

Ranking Algorithm

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The process of optimizing

your website and your

content around your target


= On-Page SEO

Let’s talk about relevance

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Do #1: Optimize the top SEO elements.

http://www. URL(s): Search engines look at URLs as

the most important source of


Headings: Search engines view H1, H2,

H3 HTML tags as more important than

other text on the page.

Page Title & Description: Page title

and description will show up when they

are listed in search engine results.

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Do #1: Optimize the top SEO elements.

Image Tags:

All Image Tags need to include short

and simple image descriptions and

links (when appropriate) to external

customer sites.

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Do #2: Choose a primary keyword for each


1. Start by selecting a few keywords that

are relevant to the content of this


2. Don’t be afraid of keywords with a

lower monthly search volume,

especially when you’re first starting


3. Choose one of these keywords to be

your primary keyword for this page.

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Do #3: Incorporate your keyword into page


1. Use your primary keyword a few

times throughout the page’s


2. Don’t overthink keyword density

or placement; mention them


3. Try to bold the keyword at least


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Do #4: Create internal links.

1. If you mention the primary keyword

of this page on a second page within

your site, link that keyword on the

second page to this page.

For example, you should link to a

page about inbound marketing

software using the anchor text

“inbound marketing software” on

another website page.

EX: data on the cloud

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1. Don’t copy content from other websites and use it on your

own site (Search engines hates this).

2. Don’t build links using unethical means (Search Engines will

penalize your website).

3. Don’t focus on short term results. If it’s quick and easy – it’s

probably bad!

4. Don’t stuff your pages and meta data with keywords (that is

so ‘90s).

5. Don’t syndicate your content across many other sites.

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The process of getting other

websites to link back to you.

= Off-Page SEO

Now let’s focus on Authority

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Authority Is Determined By

Inbound Links

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Creating meaningful and

relevant content is the best

way to improve the authority of

your website and content.

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AWESOME Content Gets Shared!


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SHARED content gets MORE links…

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More AWESOME Content = More Links

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1. Target sites linking to your competitors.

2. Submit your site to relevant directories.

3. Add your site to local search sites.

4. Ask your contacts for a link.

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Promote Your



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Your buyer have changed.

Disclaimer: Use of social media company icons is for instructional purposes only and in no

way implies an association or partnership with any of the individual companies, or approval,

sponsorship, or endorsement by any of the individual companies.

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In fact, your buyer now spends

3x as many minutes on blogs and social networks as on email.



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Pick the right channels.


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Channel #1: Blogging

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Blog, and blog often.

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Channel #2: LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is a must

for B2B marketers.

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Channel #3: Facebook

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Facebook is an effective

B2B marketing tool. It’s

just not as good as some

of the others (yet!).

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Channel #4: Twitter

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Twitter = influence. Start tweeting relevant, original

content you want to be shared!

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Channel #5: Paid Search

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Paid Search is great way to get your content found fast.

Organic is still best long term!

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Channel #6, 7, 8: Google+ Pinterest Instagram

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Participate in

channels with

about your target

buyers and their


awesome content 3b

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Make it easy to share Blogs • eBooks • Webinars • Demos • Newsletters • Everything!


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Encourage users share content

Example: Avanade ERP for

Construction Micro Website

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Encourage users share content

Example: Avanade ERP for

Construction Micro Website

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Encourage users share content

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Give Great



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Create: • Relevant websites

• Clear calls to action

• Compelling offers


Give Great Directions

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Creating clear, relevant websites

Example: Avanade ERP for

Construction Micro Website




Customer Proof

Primary CTA

Secondary CTAs

Success Indicators

Features Content Offer

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Clear Calls-To-Action

Example: Avanade ERP for

Construction Micro Website

• Offer CTAs that

provide value

• Make them bigger and


• Consider Color –

Orange, Red, and Pink

• Make the CTA look


• Less is more. Keep it

simple and clear

• Test when possible.

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Compelling offers…

Clear Headline


CTA Form

Example: Avanade ERP for

Construction Micro Website

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Create AWESOME Content

Optimize Content

Promote Content




Give Great Directions 4

Let’s recap

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Visit .com or

Email [email protected]




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• Slide 3 - Courtesy of Stéfan

• Slide 4 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 5 - Courtesy of

• Slide 7 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 8 - Screenshot taken by YMKM Agency, LLC

• Slide 13 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 14 - Courtesy of free-desktop-backgrounds


• Slide 15 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slides 16-18 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 19 - Social icon graphic created by YMKM Agency, LLC; Mouse image courtesy of Microsoft clipart

• Slide 20 - Courtesy of FullQuota

• Slide 22 - Purchased from ShutterStock

• Slide 24 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slides 25-27, 58 - Courtesy of Microsoft clipart + YMKM Agency LLC illustration

• Slide 29 - Screenshot taken by YMKM Agency, LLC

• Slide 41 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 50 - Social icon graphic created by YMKM Agency, LLC; Hand image purchased from iStockphoto

• Slides 52, 59, 62 – Courtesy of Social Icon Studio

• Slides 63, 68 - Courtesy of IconFinder

• Slides 69, 76 - Courtesy of IconArchive

• Slide 77 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 79 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 82 - Purchased from iStockphoto

• Slide 86 - Courtesy of Stéfan

• Slide 98 - Courtesy of wallygrom

• Slide 99 - Courtesy of miniOnion

Image Sources

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