

At the beginning of the trailer we’ve included a short take of a track of a field in a shallow focus; this take helps set the scene as it shows quite an abandoned

location, which is quite mysterious. We edited the colour design of the scenery by darkening the whole frame, to make it seem like a dull day, and rounded the

edges of with faded black – as if the take is being seen through someone’s vision or through a certain type of camera; this effect helped make the take seem more

mysterious and dark.

To open the trailer and give an idea to the audience of the basis and plot of it we showed the actress 1 and 2 walking arm in arm down the road, laughing and

smiling at each other; to demonstrate that they’re best friends. For this shot we had the camera in deep focus as the actresses walked across the frame – instead of moving the camera with them. The lack of movement from the camera makes the take seem quite friendly and not menacing, to help confuse the audience of

the horror within the trailer.

This take is the turning point for the trailer; where the car speeds and kills actress 2, the best friend. For this take we filmed a car regularly driving down the

street but sped up the take to make it seem as if the car was going really fast. Along with this, we put a sound effect over the top of a car screeching – this sound begins in the middle of this shot and runs into the next black screen; showing the dramatic effect it has had and making the consequences self–

explanatory. Furthermore, we put a darkened colour design on this take with black faded edges around the shot to give connotations of darkness.

After the best friends death we had a close up of actress 1 crying in slow motion for a few moments; showing her emotions towards the events. This slow

motioned take makes the audience realise the events and gives them time to take in the storyline. This shot comes straight after the graveyard location;

showing their link. During this take we had a slow, soft soundtrack playing to further show the sadness within the trailer, felt by the character.

At the end of the trailer a gradual close up of actress two is given. The take starts with from a shallow focus, over the shoulder shot from actress 1 in the prop of a mirror. When she bends down we see actress 2 behind her, this is then replaced,

again, by actress 1 when she stands up. The shot of actress 2 in the mirror is gradually zoomed in, twice over to get nearer every time; this builds up dramatic impact of the trailer and shows the turning point to the plot. The improvement on the shot would be the quality of the camera; as the closer you get into the

shot, the more unclear it becomes.

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