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TR-3B Sightings Pictures - This UFO

sighting was caught in Paris, France Video

This UFO Sighting apparently happened in 2009, but exact date is unknown, although that is

when the video surfaced.

This UFO sighting was caught in Paris, France and some people believe this is part of the US

gov Aurora Project. You decide.

The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's (code-named Astra) first operational flight was in the early

90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top

Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus

TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program

in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded

and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The

TR-3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s

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gathered from Apollo 20 covert missions to the moon to salvage alien technology that NASA

found.Not every UFO spotted is one of theirs.

Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online

bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at

.....did i ever tell ya' , i love this subject...

....last i knew , the alienscientist at youtube had his own MIT style website and Edgar Fouche is a

moderator there and he will answer questions in the forum..

A friend said, he would never forget the sight of the alien looking TR-3B based at Papoose. The pitch

black, triangular shaped TR-3B was rarely mentioned--and then, only in hushed whispers--at the

Groom Lake facility where he worked. The craft had flown over the Groom Lake runway in complete

silence and magically stopped above Area S-4. It hovered silently in the same position, for some 10

minutes, before gently settling vertically to the tarmac. At times a corona of silver blue light glowed

around the circumference of the massive TR-3B. The operational model is 600 feet across.

The TR-3B is Code named Astra. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the

early 90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top

Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs

were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in existence.

The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded and operationally

tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is not

fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s. Not every UFO spotted is one of theirs.

The TR-3B vehicles outer coating is reactive to electrical Radar stimulation and can change

reflectiveness, radar absorptiveness, and color. This polymer skin, when used in conjunction with the

TR-3Bs Electronic Counter Measures and, ECCM, can make the vehicle look like a small aircraft, or a

flying cylinder--or even trick radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or

several aircraft at various locations. A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field

Disrupter, surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology.

Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The

government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The plasma, mercury based, is

pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin and accelerated to

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50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. The MFD

generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within

proximity, by 89 percent. Do not misunderstand. This is not antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a

repulsive force that can be used for propulsion. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth's

gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator

and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew

environmental systems, and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by 89%. This causes the effect of

making the vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet

constructed--except, of course, those UFOs we did not build.

The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you

get it up there at speed, it doesnt take much propulsion to maintain altitude. At Groom Lake their

have been whispered rumours of a new element that acts as a catalyst to the plasma. With the vehicle

mass reduced by 89%, the craft can travel at Mach 9, vertically or horizontally. My sources say the

performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really,

considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%.

The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the

triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet--

then God knows how fast it can go! The 3 multimode rocket engines mounted under each corner of

the craft use hydrogen or methane and oxygen as a propellent. In a liquid oxygen/hydrogen rocket

system, 85% of the propellent mass is oxygen. The nuclear thermal rocket engine uses a hydrogen

propellent, augmented with oxygen for additional thrust. The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and

injects liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle, so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid

oxygen afterburner. The multimode propulsion system can; operate in the atmosphere, with thrust

provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere, with hydrogen propulsion, and in orbit, with

the combined hydrogen\ oxygen propulsion.

What you have to remember is, that the 3 rocket engines only have to propel 11 percent of the mass

of the Top Secret TR-3B. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell. Many sightings of triangular

UFOs are not alien vehicles but the top secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been

playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature - creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B,

and the Teir 2, 3, and 4, with suffixes like Plus or Minus added on to confuse further the fact that each

of these designators is a different aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle. A TR-3B is as different

from a TR-3A as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles are manned and others are


Could This Be The TR-3B - Govt UFO ASTRA ?

Uploaded on Aug 2, 2008

The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's (code-named Astra) first operational flight was in the early

90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top

Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus

TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program

in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded

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and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-

3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s.Not every

UFO spotted is one of theirs

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The TRUTH About the Aurora Hypersonic Jet

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TR-3B The Governments Secret Triangle UFO

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UFO, Fighter Pilot Flies Alongside a Mystery Craft

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2009

Original video link...

COULD this footage be proof that aliens are among us?...

The startling film has been leaked on the internet and UFO watchers reckon it could be proof of a

government cover-up.

The mystery craft looks far from threatening as it flanks the supersonic F18 fighter above the

skies of the US.

UFO hunters.


Some claim the shots really do show a visit from ET, while others insist it's a new hi-tech

military gizmo, like the kind thought to be tested at America's top-secret base Area 51.

One insider said: "The configuration of craft is something I haven't seen. It's using combustible

fuel, so I bet it is a prototype."

The jet was on an exercise when it spied the twisting triangle travelling at a remarkable speed.

But rather than shooting it down the air force pilot began gracefully banking and twisting in

unison with the strange ship.

The film has sparked a debate among...

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UFO TR-3B Close up caught on camera

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The TR3B Project (Flying Triangle UFOs)

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2011

The TR3B Is a secret government craft that they are

Trying to hide from the public one of the most famous sightings were taken over belguim in


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UFO TR 3B Area 51

Uploaded on May 25, 2009

The Aurora Project 1. Government Secret Projects

2. The Aircraft's Origins

3. The Government Responds

Government Secret Projects

That the United States government conducts "Black Projects" is no secret. Black projects are

projects that are considered top secret. They are so top secret that the government will not even

acknowledge that they exist and will hide the budget details of the project or mislead the public

by providing false details on the project. The US Military/Industrial complex understandably

requires that these projects exist. One reported project is called "Aurora".

The Aurora project is a supposed project to create an ultra high-speed aircraft, possibly

unmanned, capable of speeds in excess of Mach 6. Witnesses have reported seeing the aircraft in

the state of Nevada near the infamous Area 51. Observers report seeing a large, triangular shaped

craft and have described it as "a high-speed aircraft characterized by a very loud, deep, rumbling

engine noise reminiscent of heavy-lift rockets." At takeoff the reverberation has been described

as "a sound like the sky ripping." Many have reported strange, earthquake like rumbles in the

Los Angeles area. The contrails are described as segmented or resembling "donuts on a rope"

given most the theory that this craft is powered by a new "pulse" type engine (or PED's - Pulsed

Detonation Engines). It has been reported by airborne observers as flying as high as 50,000 feet.

Some have reported the object to be triangular in shape. Others have reported it as a single bright

light with extreme acceleration abilities. Some think it may even be a extraterrestrial craft that

the government has secretly obtained and is testing. In August 1989, Chris Gibson, an oil

exploration engineer and former member of the Royal Observer Corps, was working on an oil rig

in the North Sea when he saw an unusual formation of aircraft pass overhead. It consisted of a

KC-135 tanker, two F-111s, and a fourth aircraft of a type that Gibson (an expert on aircraft

recognition) had never seen before. Seen from below, it appeared to be a perfect triangle, slightly

larger than the escorting F-111s, with a leading edge sweep angle of about 75 degrees. It was

completely black, with no visible details (unlike the F-111s), and appeared to be taking on fuel

from the KC-135.

The Aircraft's Origins

It is alleged that the Aurora craft is being designed to replace the aging SR-71 aircraft used in top

secret reconnaissance operations. They also believe the code name for this project may be

"Senior Citizen". The code name "Aurora" came from a 1985 Pentagon budget report that,

because of a censor's error, listed the Aurora Project by mistake. Subsequent to this report

(1986), large blocks of land around Area 51 were sealed off and some sort of intense

construction around Groom Lake began. It is rumored that the construction is being done by the

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legendary Lockhead Martin Skunk Works - the outfit that created the original SR-71 in addition

to the U-2 and the F-117A stealth aircraft.

The Government Responds

The Jane's Report magazine has noted that recently "Lockheed's financial figures have indicated

a continuing, large flow of income for 'classified' and 'special mission' aircraft." The government

quickly responded to these reports by pointing out that satellite reconnaissance was indeed the

wave of the future - not supersonic aircraft. When the director of the NRO was asked point-blank

about the existence of the mysterious craft, the responded: We do preliminary engineering, we do

studies, we do development. But, in the case of a hypersonic vehicle, as has been widely

speculated -- by which I mean a vehicle faster than an SR-71 -- Mach 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 -- we at NRO

have no such vehicle flying or under development. I'm not aware of any such activity, and the

Air Force has said the same.

When asked about the sightings, a public affairs officer at the Air Force, which for years denied

the existence of the plane now known as the F-117, says, "As far as the Air Force is concerned,

there is no such program, and satellites are doing all reconnaissance work."

When Los Angeles residents recently complained of several earthquake-like rumblings heard in

the Northeast, representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey concluded that some peculiar,

unreported aircraft were probably responsible. Scientists are now referring to the phenomena as


Government Secret Projects

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Advanced Stealth Top Secret Nuclear Powered Flying Triangle TR-3B

Uploaded on Dec 18, 2010

Contains Real Video Footage Of TR-3B In Action!

An advanced mercury, thallium, barium & iron ferrofluid is used. The ferrofliud is propelled in a

circular ring with pulsing magnetic coils and is rotated at 60,000 rpm under 250,000 atmospheres

of pressure creating a vortex and magnetic field around the craft. The circular ring is made from

aluminium with an internal quasicrystal layer and this is super-cooled at 150 degrees kelvin.

Hydrogen - oxygen variable vectored rocket engines are used for propulsion within a planetary

atmosphere and helicon double layer thrusters -- plasma/ion thrusters are used for space travel.

This craft can refuel the hydrogen -- oxygen tanks on any planet which has liquid or frozen water

as it can convert H2O into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis.

The rocket engines and a mini nuclear reactor are used to generate electrical power for this craft.

The control area is within a radiation capsule to protect the occupants from radiation sickness.

The capsule is in the center of the super-cooled circular ring, which helps to keep them cool too.

This craft travels further, faster, stealthier than any other type and can be used for space travel!

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