
DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections



Thursday, October 11, 2012

6:30 p.m.

Rye Town Hall

Selectmen Present: Chairman Priscilla Jenness, Vice-Chair Joseph Mills and Selectman

Craig Musselman.

Others Present: Town Administrator Michael Magnant and Asst. Town

Administrator/Finance Director Cynthia Gillespie.


Chairman Jenness called the meeting to order at 6:40p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Lee Arthur, Recreation Director, introduced Victoria Loring as the new Recreation

Administration and Programs Assistant. She is pleased to have Ms. Loring as part of the


The Selectmen welcomed Ms. Loring.

Chief William Sullivan sent an announcement that there will be a Fire Department Open House

on Sunday, October 14th

, from noon to 3 p.m. They are pleased to have Exeter’s Steamer the

Eagle present at the open house. This is an 1873 Amoskeag Steamer that was fully restored and

will be on display on the 14th.

Selectman Mills expressed his concerns on the revaluations that were completed by KRT

Appraisals for the Town. He feels there are significant errors in the assessments and are “way out

of whack”. He does not accept and support the work done by KRT Appraisals. KRT is holding

hearings with the property owners who are disputing their values.

William Jones spoke on the increase in his assessment of 30%.

Marian Mullaly, 237 Locke Road, spoke on the increase to her value of $80,000.

James Raynes, 24 Fairhill Avenue, expressed his concerns on the increase in his tax bill.

Town Assessor Norm LeBlond explained the revaluations are fluid at this time and hearings are

being held with the property owners who are disputing their values. Some changes will be made

to some of the property values once the hearings are completed. This will be done before the tax

bills come out. He continued that they are going through the process that needs to be gone

through and this is jumping ahead. The statistical update was necessary because of recent sales in

the Town not aligning with valuations. He has seen some discrepancies with a sales price of a

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


property versus the assessed value. The sale price of homes helps to establish the value in a

neighborhood. He pointed out that he has seen sale prices coming in higher than what was

assessed in 2010. Those changes are being made and bringing the values into line.

There was discussion on the assessed values that have decreased.

Selectman Musselman stated that anyone that has questions about their appraisals should make an

appointment with KRT Appraisals. Once the tax bills come out they also have the right to appeal.

That is a simple process and the Town has a track record of taking that process very seriously.

The reason why this was being done this year is because the sales prices in Rye diverged to much

from appraised value. The N.H. Department of Revenue Administration (NH DRA) looks at

every sales price and compares it to its appraised value. If the Town is beyond a certain range it

has to be fixed. The Town has been ordered by DRA to fix this.

Mr. LeBlond also explained that this was a “statistical update”. A statistical update is based on

property sales over the past two years. Appraisers will focus on the properties for sale and try to

enter those homes when possible. For the other properties a drive-by review is conducted. He

encourages everyone who may have a question to come in for a hearing with KRT. For anyone

who is not able to come in to the Town Hall, they may call the Tax Assessor’s Office, and he will

be happy to assist them.


A. Meeting, Monday, September 24, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Town Hall

Chairman Jenness noted the following correction:

Page 4, 1st paragraph it reads: However, it is recommend that precautionary measures be taken by

any one handling seal carcasses to eliminate exposure. Should read: However, it is

recommended that precautionary measures be taken by any one handling seal carcasses to

eliminate exposure.

Motion by Craig Musselman to approve the minutes of September 24, 2012 as amended. Seconded

by Joseph Mills. All in favor.

A-1. Non-Public Session, Monday, September 24,, 2012, 8:08 p.m., Town Hall

Per RSA 91-A:3,II (c) Reputation (Sealed)

Motion by Craig Musselman to approve the minutes of the Non-Public Session of September 24,

2012 as presented. Seconded by Joseph Mills. All in favor.


A. Earl Dunlap – Assistance

Cancelled as Mr. Dunlap did not attend the meeting.

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


B. Southeast Regional Refuse Disposal contract with Waste Management

Everett “Bud” Jordan stated that there are several members who want to come into Southeast Regional.

This was being held off because there was not a way to accept them as Waste Management rules the

division. A committee has been formed to seek the advice of a professional as to what the options are and

where this will go. The report will be provided to the Selectmen for their review and any questions may

be asked. He pointed out that June 1, 2015 the contract with Southeast ends.

Selectman Musselman stated it is his view in the current market that they should post for competing

disposal services. The tipping fee is currently $72. The Town of Salem took bids for disposal in May of

this year and this tipping fees from the three firms were; $64.50 from Waste Management, $60.00 from

another vendor and $56.00 from a third. There will be keen competition that will be below what has been

being paid. He suggests they consider a competitive process to get the lowest price net for transport and

disposal. He pointed out there are other disposal facilities that are “hungry” for waste right now, closer

than Rochester.

Mr. Jordan stated the report from the committee will be back to Southeast Regional by the 12th of


C. Mike Magnant – Union Sidebar Agreements, change to BC/BS Comp 2500 Plan

Town Administrator Michael Magnant spoke to the Selectmen on the change to the Blue Cross/Blue

Shield 2500 Deductible Plan, from the 500 deductible. The Unions are agreeable and the change can take

place on January 1, 2013. The Town should see a savings of $50,000 to $70,000.

Motion by Craig Musselman to authorize the change from Blue Cross/Blue Shield 500 deductible to

the 2500 deductible plan with the Town paying down the deductible for the employee. Seconded by

Joseph Mills.

Vice-Chair Mills asked if this is for union and non-union employees.

Mr. Magnant explained it will be for town wide employees. There can only be one Comp Plan. The

employees have been provided the opportunity to meet with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and this is

management right. He pointed out that some employees did come to the meeting. There is really no

change in process to the employee. He has not heard any complaints on the plan from employees.

Finance Director Cynthia Gillespie explained there have been questions on the plan. Once the employee

received the information they were fine with the change.

Mr. Magnant pointed out there is also a premium savings for the employee, as well as, the Town.

Mrs. Gillespie further explained the Town is not taking away the Blue Choice Three Tier Plan that is

offered. It is not a comp deductible plan. There are a few individuals that are on that plan. Some of

those employees are thinking of changing to the new 2500 Comp Plan because there is so much of a


Chairman Jenness called for a vote.

All in favor.

Motion passed.

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


D. The Parsons Creek 319 Grant – Award of contract for Stormwater Management, Water

Qualify Protection and Septic System Improvements: Parsons Creek Watershed, for the

NHDES 319 Grant (Motion required)

Mr. Magnant explained this is the grant that was put together to identify some of the bacteria load in

Parsons Creek. NH DES has helped in putting together the grant. The State has finally received the

Federal approval and this will start in the spring of 2013. A Request for Proposal was developed with NH

DES. Two bids have been received and have been reviewed. The recommendation is for the project to be

awarded to FB Environmental.

Selectman Musselman commented that he reviewed the proposals. FB Environmental had an excellent


Motion by Craig Musselman to authorize the Town Administrator to negotiate a contract with FB

Environmental; with the Chairman of the Board executing the contract. Seconded by Joseph Mills.

All in favor.

E. Chief Walsh – Event Permit Applications:

Seacoast Half Marathon, Sunday, November 11, 2012, 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.,

running/walking race to benefit Families First. (Motion required)

Police Chief Kevin Walsh explained that this is a yearly event. The funds raised pay for the race

expenses then the remainder is to benefit Families First of Portsmouth. All of the paperwork is in order.

He reviewed the map with the Selectmen.

Motion by Joseph Mills to approve the Seacoast Half Marathon for Sunday, November 11th


Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.

F. Dennis McCarthy, DPW Director – Request for removal of three hazardous trees.

(Motion required, written permission required)

DPW Director, Dennis McCarthy, spoke to the Selectmen regarding the removal of hazardous trees

within the Town. He has identified three trees that warrant immediate removal.

1. Corner of Grove Road and Garland Road – A large maple;

2. 691 Washington Road – A mature ash; and

3. 326 Brackett Road – A white pine.

He explained that by designating these trees as hazardous, representing a threat to safety or property,

consent or prior public hearing of the Planning Board is not required. However, in accordance with RSA

231:158, II, written permission of the Selectmen is required. This is required because the roads in Rye

have the “Scenic Road” Designation. It is also required to notify the property owners.

Motion by Joseph Mills to authorize the DPW Director, Dennis McCarthy, to remove the three

questionable trees. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


G. Dennis McCarthy, DPW Director Bid Results: Concrete Sidewalk Replacement

DPW Director, Dennis McCarthy, spoke to the Selectmen regarding the bids for Parsonage sidewalk


Patandy Construction $6,500.00

PO Box 142

Rochester, NH 03866

RD Concrete Works $7,600.00

PO Box 113

North Berwick, ME 03906

Turcotte $8,128.00

PO Box 67

Berwick, ME 03901

All Phase Paving & Excavating $9,788.00

40 Long Hill Road

Raymond, NH

Sturgis Concrete Floors $9,850.00

27 Gary Lane

Exeter, NH 03833

Mr. McCarthy would like to award the bid to Patandy Construction but will be adding $400 to that price

to cover some requirements of ADA, which will bring the sidewalks into compliance.

A motion is not needed from the Selectmen as the low bidder was chosen.


A. Letter dated 10/4/12 from Jim Raynes, Conservation Commission regarding Goss Farm


Please see attached letters; to the Board of Selectmen from Conservation Commission, 10/4/12;

Letter to Mr. Everett Jordan from Conservation Commission, 9/28/12.

James Raynes, Conservation Commission Chair, spoke to the Selectmen in regards to the Goss Farm

Wagon. Everett Jordan generously donated his time and materials in restoring the wagon for the Town.

The wagon was a part of the acquisition of Goss Farm and belongs to the Town of Rye Conservation

Commission. The Commission discussed the wagon at their September meeting and agreed that the

wagon belonged to the Town and should be returned to Goss Farm to be put on display. The Commission

is grateful to Mr. Jordan for his work and time in restoring the wagon. They look forward to the wagon

being on display at the farm for many generations to enjoy. As soon as more restoration is completed on

the barn the wagon may safely be stored at the farm.

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


B. Letter dated 10/1/12 from Chief Walsh, requesting acceptance of five portable radios and

approval of purchase order for programming radios. (Public Hearing Needed)

A public hearing will be posted for the October 22nd

Selectmen’s Meeting.

C. Letter dated 10/2/12 from Chief Walsh: The Safety Committee recommends a yield sign

at Central Road spur and Central Road. (Motion required)

Chief Walsh spoke to the Board regarding the recommendation by the Safety Committee for a yield sign

at Central Road spur and Central Road.

Motion by Joseph Mills to approve the yield sign at the spur on Central Road. Seconded by Craig

Musselman. All in favor.

D. Letter rec’d 10/5/12 from Diane Bitter, Rye Republican Town Committee, Requesting

permission to have a table with cider and donuts for the purpose of introducing

Republican Candidates to the public at the Recycling Center on 10/20, 1:00-3:00p.m.

(Motion required)

Selectman Musselman stated he would rather grant approval to the candidates rather than a political party.

Motion by Craig Musselman to approve candidates to have a table with cider and donuts at the

Recycling Center on October 20th

from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Seconded by Joseph Mills.

There was discussion on the group being located near the fence.

Chairman Jenness called for a vote.

All in favor.

Motion passed.

E. Letter rec’d 9/24/12 from Thresher Memorial Project Group, re: Requesting Selectmen’s

endorsement with their Memorial project and a ling on the Town Website

(Motion required)

Please see attached letter to; Michael Magnant, Town Administrator, from Thresher Memorial

Project Group, 9/19/12

Motion by Craig Musselman to send a $200 contribution to the Thresher Memorial Project Group,

with a letter, and add them to the Town website as a link. Seconded by Joseph Mills. All in favor.

F. Letter rec’d 8/28/12 from Eric Spear, Mayor of Portsmouth, thanking the Board of

Selectmen for their contribution to the Coalition Communities.

Please see attached letter to; Board of Selectmen from Mayor of Portsmouth, Eric Spear, 8/28/12

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections



Selectman Musselman spoke on having signs on private roads with PVT at the bottom of sign.

OLD BUSINESS – (continued)

A. Dennis McCarthy, DPW Director – Photos of beach signs questioned at meeting on


Mr. McCarthy submitted photos to the Selectmen showing the signs that are currently still posted at the

beaches. The signs are usually taken down after Labor Day. This year it was decided to leave them up

until October 1st. They are still posted to date.

The Selectmen agreed the signs should be left up year round and replaced as needed.




Chairman Jenness read a letter from Jack Driscoll to DPW Director, Dennis McCarthy, thanking

him for his work on the drainage issue along Ocean Boulevard.

Please see attached letter from Jack Driscoll, 22 Breakers Road to DPW Director, Dennis

McCarthy, 10/4/12


Motion by Craig Musselman to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Seconded by Joseph Mills. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dyana F. Ledger

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections



CONSERVATION COMMISSION 10 Central Road, Rye, New Hampshire 03870-2522

Tele: (603)964-5523 Fax: (603)964-1516

James Raynes, Chairman

September 28, 2012

Mr. Everett Jordan

590 South Rd

Rye, NH 03870

Dear Mr. Jordan;

On behalf of the Town of Rye Conservation Commission, I would like to thank you for your

very kind and generous efforts in restoring the wagon, which was part of the acquisition of the

Goss Farm and belongs to the Town of Rye Conservation Commission.

The Conservation Commission is looking forward to having the wagon returned to the Goss

Farm so it may be put on display to be enjoyed by the Town for many future generations to


The Conservation Commission is pleased to work with dedicated people as you, in preserving

the integrity of the Towns’ valuable assets. We would be happy to provide you with a statement

in regards to your donation of time and materials, which may be used for tax purposes.

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to view the farm and

improvements at your convenience.


James Raynes


Conservation Commission

Town of Rye, NH

DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


DRAFT MINUTES of the Rye Selectmen’s Meeting 10/11/12

See next meeting for approvals/corrections


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