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Towards automated service-oriented lifecyclemanagement for 5G networks

Rafia Inam, Athanasios Karapantelakis, Konstantinos Vandikas, Leonid Mokrushin, Aneta Vulgarakis Feljan, Elena FersmanEricsson Research, Sweden

Email: {firstname.lastname}

Abstract—5G networks will be a key enabler for the Internet ofThings by providing a platform to connect a massive number ofdevices with heterogeneous sets of network quality requirements.In this environment, 5G network operators will have to solvethe complex challenge of managing network services for diversecustomer sectors (such as automotive, health or energy) withdifferent requirements throughout their lifecycle.

In this paper, we present current state of our work onautomating part of the network service lifecycle managementusing knowledge management- and decision support techniques.We also present our ongoing implementation steps for suchmanagement function in 5G networks.

Keywords-5G, service management lifecycle, Internet of Things,network slicing, knowledge management, cloud computing.


The Fifth Generation Mobile networks (5G) are seen as thenetwork platform to support operation of reliable connectivityservices for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, whereinbillions of heterogeneous devices will be interconnected andconnected towards the Internet [1]. IoT will cover a broadrange of industry segments, from transportation networks andlogistics, healthcare, energy and utilities to industrial automa-tion, with different requirements, such as network coverage,latency and throughput [2].

In this environment, 5G network operators will have to dealwith an unprecedented level of complexity to manage networkservices for multiple customer segments with different require-ments. In order to achieve economies of scale, 5G networkswill need to be designed with a greater degree of automation,because human involvement in network operator’s Operationand Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) continues to de-crease [3]. A paradigm shift from vertical mobile networkstowards the horizontal implementation has been observed in5G, as shown in Figure 1. It involves virtual slicing of thenetwork and partitioning of network resources, as comparedto previous and current generation networks. Network slicemeans a dedicated virtualized mobile network containing aset of network resources and providing a guaranteed quality ofservice. A slice can be allocated to a service layer application,for example, a logistics task involving a number of connectedtrucks, trailers and containers.

Driven by the IoT vision, 5G system will be able to supportlogical network slices and provide services. By service wemean a logical system of software, IT and telecom components

organized to fulfil a given business objective that has specifiedrequirements and outcome. Flexibility is a prerequisite forcommunication systems in IoT applications. The QoS require-ments coming from the application domains are importantto manage the network structure, its functionality, and thedynamic behaviour of such systems. This paper presents anapproach for flexible (re)configuration in 5G network servicelifecycle management to address these QoS issues.

Flexibility of 5G network management can be achievedby use of knowledge management techniques to generateand then assign/manage the network slices/resources to ser-vices. Knowledge management assumes a machine process-able model (knowledge base) describing various concepts,their relations and behaviors combined with a set of meth-ods such as logical inference [4], simulation [5] and veri-fication [6]. Generally, the knowledge base contains digitalrepresentation of the domain of interest, i.e. generic- anddomain specific models provided by experts and/or obtainedautomatically (e.g. using machine learning techniques). Theanalysis that knowledge management enables is done byautomatically picking up relevant knowledge w.r.t. mattersunder investigation from the knowledge base, and applyingthe aforementioned methods to it.

This position paper contributes in addressing the challengeof automating the service creation and deployment parts of thenetwork service lifecycle management as a first step towardsautomated management of the complete service lifecycle.Specifically, we focus on the following:

• Capturing of the customer network requirements in aformally-described Service Level Agreement (SLA). If theavailable network resources are not sufficient to fulfillthe specified requirements, a negotiation process may beinvolved to refine the requirements.

• Creation of the network slice deployment instructions forthe captured SLA in the 5G network in the form of asequence of steps for network resource orchestration (aworkflow).

Paper Outline: Section II identifies the challenges of the nextgeneration mobile network management, and Section III givesan overview of the 5G networks as compared to the currentnetworks. Our idea for automating network service lifecy-cle management using knowledge management techniques ispresented in Section IV. Section V presents an example andfinally, Section VI concludes the paper with a description ofongoing and future work.978-1-4673-7929-8/15/$31.00 c© 2015 IEEE

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A. Differentiated quality of service

The mobile networks of today are not capable of support-ing applications with varying criticality and requirements onlatency and bandwidth in a differentiated fashion. As an ex-ample, consider a case of a big event such as music concert orsport competition. During such an event there is a need in highbandwidth in the mobile network as the audience is typicallyactively using social media and video streaming. In the currentgeneration mobile networks, performing a remote surgery in anambulance passing by such an event would not be feasible asthe network performance may not guarantee sufficient safety.Note that in this case there is a mix of criticality of twoapplications and there needs to be a mechanism to give higherpriority to the data stream of the more critical application.

B. Changes in the mobile network affect the application

In some situations, especially when moving vehicles areinvolved, quality of service in the mobile network may heavilyimpact the application. An example of such service is a livevideo feed from the front camera of a long vehicle to thedriver of a vehicle behind it to make overtaking safer. Suchapplication requires high bandwidth and low latency of datatransmission. When a vehicle is moving out of the area wherethe high bandwidth and the low latency can be guaranteed,the network layer should be able to notify the application sothat it could switch to a simpler mode when only an assistingmessage is displayed to a driver in the rear vehicle to helpovertaking. This application mode only requires low latencyfrom the mobile network, and not the high bandwidth as thevideo stream is skipped.

C. Lifecycle management of the network slices

Service layer application, for example, a logistics taskinvolving a number of connected trucks, trailers and con-tainers, will have a network slice allocated to it. Similarlyto allocating virtual machines in a cloud environment, thevirtualized network functions that form a network slice need tobe provisioned, monitored, possibly modified, and decommis-sioned along with the lifecycle of the corresponding servicelayer application.

Below we describe different approaches and technologieswe intend to develop to meet the aforementioned challenges.We present 5G virtualization to achieve dynamic managementof the network resources and better QoS control, and Serviceorchestration to allocate computational resources and enableautomated provisioning of the services. We use knowledgemanagement techniques to perform provisioning and lifecycleanalysis of network slices.


This section provides an overview on the next generationmobile networks, how they differ from the current traditionalnetworks, and then briefly describes the concept of networkslicing.

5G is the network for the next generation ultra-high broad-band infrastructure that will support a fast, secure, and reliableservices to billions of smart devices and cyber physical sys-tems, such as automotive, robots and drones [7]. It aims toprovide new services at low cost with a focus on providinga seamless and efficient communication capability. It willintegrate the wireless access systems and IoT together, providea seamless cooperation among them, and aims to fulfil verystringent requirements like high data rates, capturing and send-ing signals from a larger number of IoT devices, coverage area,latency, energy consumption, reliable communication, etc.Thus, it will create a universal communication environmentand will address wider societal systems. An example could beconnecting multiple systems like automotive, transport, safety,environment, and energy consumption in a bigger system ofsystems.

5G networks will need adaptation with intelligent computingand storage for IoT devices, efficient and controllable sharingof network infrastructure, better performance through support-ing QoS aspects for diverse-natured services, and dynamicuploading/removal of services (also called service commis-sioning/decommissioning respectively) through the concept ofvirtualization of network slices and resources [8].

The paradigm shift from vertical implementations of currentgeneration of mobile networks to 5G is shown in Figure 1.The current vertically implemented network architecture ispresented in Figure 1(a), and the envisioned 5G horizon-tal implementation network architecture in Figure 1(b). Thecurrent structure supports year-long service lifecycle, while5G aims to support both long- and short-term service life-cycle. Additionally, it aims to greatly reduce the servicecommissioning and decommissioning duration, e.g. reducingit from current 90-days for commissioning a new service to 90minutes in future using 5G [8]. This is possible by automatingthe service lifecycle management process. Moreover, servicesand requirements will vary in their nature to much largerextent in 5G as compared to the current traditional networkstructure. This aspect puts more focus on SLA negotiation witha customer (before the start of a particular service) to guaranteecertain levels of QoS requirements related to that service, andSLA renegotiation to change QoS requirements in case therequired QoS could not be satisfied. For example, a servicemay require a particular bandwidth with a particular latency.The bandwidth and latency properties need QoS guarantees,and need to be a part of the SLA.

Virtualization is a known technique within the operating sys-tem (OS) and real-time communities. It provides a method toconsolidate multiple, diverse-natured applications on a sharedhardware platform (e.g. a computer) [9], [10]. Virtualizationis a resource-management technique that partitions the systemresources, such as processor, memory or network, in a way thatprovides the illusion of a full resource but with a fractionalcapacity [11], [12]. Its main advantages are providing isolationamong services by partitioning resources among services, andfulfilling QoS requirements associated with these services.Multiple hierarchical Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

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(a) Traditional Mobile Telecom Network Structure

(b) Envisioned 5G Network Structure

Fig. 1: The paradigm shift from vertical implementations ofcurrent generation of mobile networks to 5G.

based reconfigurable WiFi slots are applied on network re-sources to achieve run-time temporal isolation and betterresource utilization [13], [14].

Virtualization can be used to partition multiple networkresources into customized network slices depending on theservice requirements [8]. Thus, many parts of the backbonenetwork can be virtualized, including network connections(software defined networks - SDN) as well as parts of thetraffic management (“switching”), which previously requiredphysical hardware (e.g. IP Multimedia Subsystem [15] - IMScore nodes such as the x-CSCF nodes and HSS). Virtual-

ization will support isolation among independently developedservices/applications, enforce fault containment within the ser-vices/applications, and provide better quality control for eachservice/application [16]. Thus, virtualization will facilitatethe dynamic addition, removal, or updating of services, anddynamic mapping of different network resources to services.Creation of network slices, and partitioning and allocationof resources to these slices is an ongoing work at EricssonAB. In this paper, our main focus is on automation ofservice lifecycle management process and guaranteeing QoSrequirements using virtual network slices.


A high-level, conceptual view of the 5G network architec-ture is presented is Figure 2. It mainly consists of the followingdistinct, but interconnected layers:

1) User layer: presents different types of the users andprovides an interface between the users of the networkand the rest of the network system.

2) 5G Service Lifecycle Management layer: captures cus-tomer requirements, negotiates, and creates SLAs.

3) Orchestration and Control layers: orchestrates the SLAagreements depending on the customer and the nature ofthe requested service. It then transforms this informationto the control layer which is responsible for controlling(allocating, monitoring, deallocating, etc) the physicalresources.

4) Radio Access and Core Network layer: contains theradio access infrastructure (e.g. base stations, WiFiaccess points, capillary gateways, etc.) and core net-work functions (e.g. charging and billing, authentication,switching, etc.) of the system.

5) Devices layer: comprises all physical devices of systemusers that can range from long range (e.g. devicesequipped with HSPA, LTE, GSM modems) to low-powershort-range devices (e.g. 802.15-powered personal areanetworks such as 802.15.4-enabled devices using 6Low-Pan, Xbee or 802.15.1 - Bluetooth network stack [17]).

The rest of this section describes the layers of Figure 2 ingreater detail, with an emphasis on the 5G service lifecyclemanagement layer, namely the customer SLA negotiation,creation or the network slice description that meets the re-quirements of this SLA, and transfer of this description to theorchestration layer for deployment. Since the main focus ofthe paper is on the management and orchestration of servicesin the 5G network, detailed description and management ofthe Radio Access and Core Network and the Devices layersis out of the scope of this paper.

A. User Layer

Here we define a set of user roles to interface with theservice lifecycle management layer. We consider the followingthree roles:

1) 5G network operators own the 5G service lifecyclemanagement, orchestration and control components of

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Fig. 2: A high-level, conceptual view of the architecture of a5G network, including a service lifecycle management func-tion. The reader should note that in this paper we specificallyfocus on the service deployment part of the lifecycle manage-ment (i.e. the components filled with white colour) and weexpect to address the service operation and decommissioningparts of the lifecycle in upcoming work.

the network. They operate the network and are respon-sible for the creation, deployment and management ofcostumers’ network services.

2) Network resource vendors own and maintain networkresources in the network, such as radio equipment and/ornetwork core equipment. They can be current mobilenetwork operators (e.g. WiFi access providers, cloudplatform providers), or software vendors. To use theirnetwork resources, the vendors can register resources inthe network using the 5G Lifecycle Management layer.

3) Customers order services along with the service-requirements specifications from 5G network operators.The orchestration of the network slice and functionalityof lifecycle management functions depends on the natureof the ordered service(s) and the role of the user ac-cessing it. For instance, consider that a big organization(i.e. a customer) needs a service to interconnect itsemployees’ mobile devices in a large corporate network.The requirements could be a combination of an indoorwireless access (from a WiFi access provider) and anoutdoor cellular connectivity (e.g. using a set of HSPAcapable base stations from a network operator), andsome standard switching software (by a cloud provider).The network slice will include the configuration ofradio- and cloud assets that interoperate in order toseamlessly serve the customer requirements.

B. 5G Service Lifecycle Management Layer

We propose two different choices for the 5G lifecyclemanagement system to interface with customers.

• The Service Order API that exposes a customer interfacefor creating Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Theseagreements are subsequently analyzed in order to create anetwork slice. The Service Order API can for example bea RESTful API [18] that uses secure authentication andJSON [19] representations for the customer requirements.Third party providers can call this API from their ownsystems.

• A generic web portal that uses the Service Order APIdescribed above and a Graphical User Interface (GUI)to showcase an idealized process of capturing customerrequirements, negotiating, and creating an SLA. The GUIincludes a self-service web portal where customers canspecify a set of network requirements, such as the numberof devices to be supported, latency and throughput of thenetwork traffic, coverage and network access protocol(s),value added services based on analysis of their device’straffic (e.g. relative levels of device activity), as well as fi-nancial parameters (e.g. pricing model and budget). Oncethe customer is satisfied with the service specification, theSLA creation and network slice deployment processesstart to deploy the service.

Fig. 3: Information flow in the 5G Network Lifecycle Man-agement component for creating and deploying network slices.

Figure 3 illustrates the “5G Service Lifecycle Management”layer in more detail, and in particular the process of networkservice deployment, from capturing customer requirements inan SLA to deploying a new network slice for this SLA.

The SLA creation process is assisted by a knowledgemanagement and decision support system integrated to the5G Service Lifecycle Management layer. The application ofknowledge management in context of 5G networks is twofold.(A) It helps in automating the process of capturing highlevel user requirements of the system and translating them

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to network requirements. For example, assuming a networkservice of connected vehicles, the high level requirementswould relate to number of vehicles that will be connectedthrough this service, area of coverage, etc., while the networklevel requirements would be the throughput/latency of thenetwork connections, number of radio base stations that haveto be configured to cover the desired area, etc. (B) It offersa white label optimization toolbox, a set of managementfunctions that can be reused by different services. For example,a service routing buses (people logistics) and a service routingtrucks (goods logistic) may have overlapping problem-solvingapproach, which leads to reuse same components from thistoolbox.

The customer provides a set of requirements and then thedecision support system checks whether the status of the avail-able resources in the network can satisfy these requirements. Ifthe requirements cannot be satisfied, then the system suggestsan alternative set of requirements to the customer, as closeto the original requirements as possible. For example, if acustomer requests onboarding of 2000 devices with throughputof 1000 Mbps and the analyser within the 5G Service LifecycleManagement layer shows that it can only guarantee 1000 Mbpsfor 800 of these devices, it proposes this to the customer.Each device gets an access token, i.e. an encrypted stringthat identifies the device to the 5G network and lets it accessnetwork connectivity services under the requirements specifiedby the SLA. An example of such a service ordering interfaceis shown in Section V.

For monitoring purpose, the status of the network is con-tinuously reported by the orchestration layer to the knowledgebase, and is stored in a relational database.

Once an SLA has been created, it is stored in a database,and the deployment process can begin. The algorithm used forthe deployment process, uses the SLA requirements (i.e. cus-tomer requirements) and Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)definitions as input and produces a network slice deploymentinstructions (see Section V).

C. Orchestration and Control layers

The orchestration and control layer receives network slicedeployment instructions and executes them, i.e. deploys theslice on the physical resources. The network slices will mainlyconsist of VNFs. Additionally, a part of a network slice mayalso execute on a “bare metal”, i.e. use physically deployedinfrastructure instead of virtual environment (e.g. to accom-modate the legacy network functions).

A VNF is a self-contained functional component of thenetwork infrastructure (for example core network nodes,policy control functions, load balancers, firewalls, etc.). Inaddition to pure network functional components, VNFs canprovide common computing functionality such as storage (e.g.databases, filesystems), authentication, software developmentkits (SDKs), etc. Deployment of VNFs can span multiplenodes.

An important aspect of VNFs is “chaining”, wherein VNFscan be instantiated and topologically interconnected to form a

service (chaining is explained in Section V) [20]. VNFs can beconceptualized as pieces of software executed in one or morevirtual machines or containers, replacing the functionality thathistorically has been implemented as specific dedicated hard-ware components in the core network. We consider them as thebuilding blocks of a network slice. VNF deployments can becomplemented by Software Defined Networks (SDNs), whichcan be seen as analogy of physical network connections, butimplemented in software and thus defining logical networksthat can potentially share physical resources. The combinationof these two virtualization technologies has numerous costbenefits, as it removes dependencies on specific hardware,reduces deployment time and the operations cost. A wellknown example, is the replacement of physical routers withphysical network connections, with virtual router networkfunctions and SDN connections [21].

The VNF descriptions are stored in the knowledge base andare used for reference when generating new network slicedeployment instructions. A service description contains thefollowing components:

• Deployment instructions: a dependency graph of VNFsthe service depends on, each with a corresponding set ofresource requirements and deployment instructions.

• Network configuration: a configuration of the networksthat the service intends to use.

• Service parameters: an optional set of service specificfunctional and non-functional requirements.

An example of 3GPP (e.g. HSPA or LTE) mobile net-work service is shown in Figure 4. The real topology, withnodes representing different physical entities is illustrated inFigure 4(a). The virtual description of the topology Figure4(b) consists of two VNFs, one for an IMS Core Service(networkCoreService type) and one for a 3GPP Radio AccessService (radioService type). Each of the aforementioned VNFsis chained to a set of other VNFs. In case of IMS, three VNFsencompassing the IMS core network (HSS, P-CSCF and S-CSCF nodes) and in case of Radio Access, one VNF repre-senting the network controller (RNC), two VNFs representingbase stations (Node-Bs) and two VNFs representing SGSNand GGSN nodes.

Both IMS Core and Radio Access services depend ona set of VNFs to be deployed for each, as well as anetwork configuration defining the networking between theVNFs. Nodes can coexist in a single container (or virtualmachine), or can be spread over multiple containers, asdictated by the network configuration. We are consideringto use Topology and Orchestration Specification for CloudApplications (TOSCA) [22] as the language for expressingservice deployments in the cloud and investigating differentorchestrators such as Cloudify [23], Openstack Heat [24],Docker Compose [25], Canonical JUJU [26].

In the radio access case as illustrated in Figure 4, when theIMS Core Service is deployed, the orchestration creates a newinstance in a virtual environment for each VNF. The boxes inthe figure denote different components of IMS system. Notethat the focus is on describing properties of IMS components,

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(a) Real Topology of a 3GPP radio access service.

(b) Virtual Description of a 3GPP radio access service.

Fig. 4: This figure illustrates a real topology of a 3GPPradio access service, consisting of radio access and IMS corenetwork (top) and how this service can be virtualized as a setof VNFs, SDNs and Service descriptions. Moving bottom-up,the SGSN node routes packets from the RNC node towardsthe SGSN, which converts the packets to an IP format. Thepackets are then routed to P-CSCF node, which is a signalling(SIP) proxy and the first point of contact in the core network.The P-CSCF routes the packets to the S-CSCF which controlsuser sessions from registration to routing, policy enforcement,etc. The HSS node is used from S-CSCF as a registrar.

not the functionality of the components. For the 3GPP Ra-dio Access Service based on its deployment description, theorchestration reserves resources of the radio assets. In thiscase, the Node-B 1 and Node-B 2 VNF instances are notcreated anew, but instead the physical radio resources areused (one instance represents for example one Node-B). Thenetwork configuration description of the IMS Core Serviceexplains how various VNFs (i.e. HSS, S-CSCF and P-SCSF)are interconnected and communicate. The 3GPP Radio AccessService network configuration describes how the radio networkis configured. The 3GPP service network configuration links

the above two configurations together.


A. Prototype Implementation

Fig. 5: The functional view of the architecture of our prototype5G system.

In this section, we present our implementation of thearchitecture suggested in Section IV. Figure 5 illustrates thefunctional view of the implemented architecture. We describethe three parts of the user interface at the top layer. The servicecreation interface allows for creation of new services, andstorage of these services in the service description database.A service consists of a textual description together witha set of requirements (for example numerical values or arange of values). The service description is currently storedin a relational database, but we will be transitioning to amore sophisticated description format such as XML-basedUSDL [27] or business TOSCA.

The customer interface allows for negotiation of SLAs andsubsequent deployment of services as virtual resources in thecloud infrastructure. The cloud infrastructure consists of a setof servers forming a cluster controlled by Openstack [28], aninfrastructure as a service provider, while Cloudily is set up ontop as a platform provider. Cloudify accepts the descriptions oftopologies as input, e.g. a number of servers and their networkconnections and interfaces with Openstack to deploy thesetopologies. The topologies are described in TOSCA language,as mentioned previously.

The service monitoring and decommissioning interface al-lows to monitor the service throughout its lifetime and de-commission it upon request. The monitoring aspect of theservice utilizes Ceilometer [29] which is part of Openstack.

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Fig. 6: Conceptual user interface presented to a customer of the example “traffic priority” service.

Ceilometer collects metering information about CPU, Mem-ory, Disk and Network utilization of both physical and virtualresources. The information is later on stored and processedby the ELK [30] stack. The decommissioning allows fordecommissioning of services by interfacing with cloudify API.

Note that the prototype implementation includes a stub forradio assets (i.e. GGSN, SGSN, RNC and Node-B as presentedin the previous section), where these assets are virtualized,using the NS-3 network simulator [31]. This allows for testingof the implementation without using real Node-Bs which areexpensive and difficult to procure (due to licensed spectrumissues). The authors plan to extend the prototype system tousing real Node-Bs in a controlled test site in the suburb ofKista, Stockholm, Sweden in the future.

B. End-to-end service provisoning

This section describes the process of service deploymentfrom capturing high-level user requirements, to matching thoserequirements to an NFV topology in the 5G Service LifecycleManagement layer and eventually sending a description of thistopology to be deployed as a network slice in the underlyingorchestrator. The purpose is to illustrate currently ongoingwork and ideas on how service deployment may look likefrom an end-user perspective on the architecture described inthe previous sections.

As an example use case, we are considering a radio accessservice which can be parametrized by different traffic priorityclasses. Instead of specifying network-level QoS requirements,customers use a web portal to specify expected quality ofexperience (QoE), which includes a high level indicator ofthe intended use of the service (e.g. high-definition videostreaming, best effort web browsing, etc.), coverage, as well asvalue added services such as basic data analytics (starting fromsimple storage of data to identification of peak data transferhours, most active devices per day, etc.).

Figure 6 illustrates a conceptual interface, currently underimplementation, presented to customers of this service. Themap illustrated on the right hand side of the figure can beused as canvas for users to designate the desired area ofradio coverage, while on the left hand side, the users candescribe the quality desired from the network using highlevel requirements. Additionally, basic data analytics servicescan be orchestrated and deployed in the corresponding cloudinfrastructure. Finally, a slider can be used from the usersto indicate the scale of the deployment. The service canthus support users of different size and requirements, fromprivate individuals, to small and medium enterprises up tolarge corporations. Table I illustrates potential users of theservice that may have different requirements.

TABLE I: Potential users of the traffic priority service.

Customer Type Description of Service RequirementsPrivate Individual Basic connectivity for

personal, mobile deviceswhile roaming in the area.

One traffic class, Best Ef-fort, no additional ser-vices, 2 devices.

City bus transportauthority

Scheduling of 50 busesbased on demand of pas-sengers waiting in busstops rather than fixedschedules.

One traffic class, missioncritical data, includingsubscriber mobilityanalytics and storageof critical data fortroubleshooting, 50devices.

Mining Company Mining company wouldlike to automate vehi-cles carrying mined orefrom the mining site toa nearby depot. The net-work to support these ve-hicles includes both pri-oritized traffic (missioncritical data and mediastreams of cameras at-tached to vehicles formonitoring purposes).

Two traffic classes, me-dia streaming and missioncritical data, including ba-sic data storage of criticaldata for troubleshooting ifneeded, 100 devices.

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The 5G networks will connect billions of devices andwill provide connectivity services to Internet of Things (IoT)applications from different industry segments with varyingcriticality and heterogeneous sets of network quality require-ments (i.e. latency and bandwidth). As such, 5G networkoperators will need to address the problem of simultaneouslymanaging network services for diverse customer segmentswith different requirements throughout their lifecycle.

In this position paper, we have presented current state of ourwork on automating the network service lifecycle managementfor such networks using knowledge management- and decisionsupport techniques. This automation will provide flexibility inservice deployment and decommissioning, reduce deploymenttime from months and weeks to minutes and seconds, andsupport better QoS control. Specifically, we have focused onthe part of the management process that includes: capturing ofservice driven network requirements by establishing ServiceLevel Agreements (SLAs). This includes SLA negotiations,handled by a knowledge management system, when the cos-tumer requirements can not be fulfilled due to insufficientnetwork resources. Further, it includes the creation of networkslice deployment instructions for a given SLA in the 5Gnetwork in the form of a workflow, i.e. a sequence of stepsfor the network resource orchestration.

Currently, we are implementing our ideas using orches-trators (such as Cloudify [23], Openstack Heat [24]), anda language to express the network slice descriptions (e.g.TOSCA [22]). In the future, we plan to develop the knowledgemanagement by translating service description and require-ments specified by a user into exact configuration of resourcesand service chains of VNFs. We also intend to evaluate thecomplete implementation on a real network in the context ofa real use case. Once the implementation is completed andthe basic functionality is evaluated for correctness, the nextstep will be to extend the work towards other layers of thelifecycle management, such as network operations monitoringand assurance of SLA fulfilment. Adding support for moreuser roles can form another direction of the future work.


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[23] Cloudify: A cloud application orchestrator.[24] Heat: Openstack orchestration service.[25] Docker Compose: a tool for defining and running complex applications

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[28] Openstack IaaS.[29] OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).[30] Elasticsearch, Openstack and Kibana product download page.[31] ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems.

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