Page 1: Top tips for intranet search

Top tips for intranet search

Page 2: Top tips for intranet search

Search engine optimisation is not a dark art

A poor search function doesn’t just mean users can’t find the content they want; it reduces user confidence in the whole intranet.

It‟s one of the most useful features on an intranet

When it works, it’s great – helping people to quickly find what they’re looking for.

But also one of the most complained-about.

Pages and pages of badly-titled, irrelevant results annoy and frustrate users, leading many to ask…

“Why can‟t it be more like Google?”

Users have grown used to search engines ‘just working’. So when yours doesn’t, they’re even more disappointed.

Good content + Good pages = WIN

Problem is, a lot of intranet content just doesn’t meet these basic criteria.


A world-leading intranet blog written by four amazing UK practitioners.

Interaction Intranet


Exclusively intranets. Learn all you need to know about the hottest intranet topics of 2012.


That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Page 3: Top tips for intranet search

Optimise your content

Ensure your content is designed to be found by search engines


The title is what shoes up on the results page. Can someone tell what the page is about just from reading the title?


The introduction should clearly summarise the content. It’s the bit that shows up in results.


Search engines scan the page for keywords. Make sure your content contains the right keywords so it can be found. Simples!


You can set up enterprise search to more heavily weight this and ensure important content is found.


A work of staggering genius. About intranets.


That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Interaction Intranet


Exclusively intranets. Learn all you need to know about the hottest intranet topics of 2012.

Page 4: Top tips for intranet search

Optimise your content

Ensure your content is designed to be found by search engines


The title is what shoes up on the results page. Can someone tell what the page is about just from reading the title?


The introduction should clearly summarise the content. It’s the bit that shows up in results.


Search engines scan the page for keywords. Make sure your content contains the right keywords so it can be found. Simples!


You can set up enterprise search to more heavily weight this and ensure important content is found.

Page 5: Top tips for intranet search

Before you let them loose on your CMS

You wouldn’t give someone your car keys if they haven’t got a licence.

Give them a little training on the basicshttp://a

Some basic training on the key elements of content SEO

And help them understand

Understand how they can make their content perform better in search

How to make their content findable

Using those key elements – title, headers, keywords

Train your contributors

Make sure the people who write the content understand SEO

Sharon O‟Dea

That’s my blog that I hardly ever update

James Robertson

has a book out

He probably won’t mention it though.


That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Page 6: Top tips for intranet search

Because Google has much more money than you

Search giant Google has a turnover of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of staff across the world

And they‟ve spent the last fourteen years stalking you

They have hundreds of people who analyse search behaviour

They read your emails

They scan every single one of your mails to make sure adverts – and paid search – is as closely targeted as it can be.

They‟ve driven a little car down your street

You live in the terraced house with the blue door. You drive a grey VW Polo. You should trim the hedge out the front.

They know your search history

All of it. Even the bit you don’t tell your wife about.

“Why can‟t it be more like Google?”

Yeah, we’ve all heard this. A lot.#IIC12

That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Follow the liveblog

Exclusively intranets. Learn all you need to know about the hottest intranet topics of 2012.


That’s me. Tweet me up; I’ll read it after.

Page 7: Top tips for intranet search

It‟s not Google

Page 8: Top tips for intranet search

Don‟t leave it all to „that bloke in IT‟

The one with the Marillion t-shirt who lives with his mum

Get access to the back endhttp://a

Persuade the bloke in IT to give you access.

And learn how to use it

Ask your supplier for training and documentation. There’s tons of information about most common search engines on the interwebs

Take control of your tools

Spend some time working out how to configure your search engine. Like Marx said, he who controls the means of production holds the power.

Understand your toolshttp://make-search-work.netLearn how to use your admin interface

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Tweak me

Page 10: Top tips for intranet search
Page 11: Top tips for intranet search

lunch menu



leave form



sick leave form

phone book

new starter

IT helpdesk

Page 12: Top tips for intranet search

Focus on popular searches

Page 13: Top tips for intranet search

Think: what do people use the intranet for?

Think back to when your rolled out the intranet; what’s it supposed to do for your organisation?

Focus on key tasks

What are the key things people in your organisation need to do to get their jobs done

And key searches

What do they need to look for in order to do those tasks?

Test them out

What happens when you search for those things? What do you get? Are you disappointed with the results?

Understand what users are looking for

Focus on the basics first.#IIC12

That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Martin White

He has a book too. It’s not bad.


The finest intranet blog on the planet, if we do say so ourselves

Page 14: Top tips for intranet search

Play scheme

Transport disruption

Page 15: Top tips for intranet search

Your search top tips for intranet search did not match

any documents


• Review your failed searches regularly


All intranet, all the time. On your internets.

J Boye Aarhus

Enjoyed this conference? Come to Denmark! In November! And run with the Vikings!


That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Page 16: Top tips for intranet search
Page 17: Top tips for intranet search

Acme refrigerator – design specificationshttp://intranet/departments/design/fridges/acme

Acme is the largest and quietest domestic refrigerator in its price bracket

Acme refrigerator - New models for 2013http://intranet/departments/design/fridges/acme

2013 models are the most energy-efficient yet. This new range is also available in a range of colours

Acme refrigerator – older modelshttp://intranet/departments/design/fridges/acme

Full design specifications for pre-2012 models

Personalise results

Acme refrigerator – what they‟re all aboothttp://intranet/departments/customer-service/brands/acme

Troubleshooting and home fixes on installation and other common concerns, eh.

Acme fridges – Maple Syrup storage tipshttp://intranet/departments/customer-service/brands/acme

Best Acme range fridges for storage of maple-based syrups in small to medium quantities

Acme refrigerator – Moose damage, eh?http://intranet/departments/customer-service/brands/acme

Details of how to book home engineer visits for Acme products

Page 18: Top tips for intranet search

Keep it simple

SearchFor exact phrase

For at least one of these words

Without these wordsBetween these datesData source Meaningless DatabaseName

run query


File type web pages (.html)

canteen menu


Page 19: Top tips for intranet search




Created by: Deborah Smith Uploaded by: Deborah SmithLast modified: 29/03/2010 Size: 46kb




Created by: Deborah Smith Uploaded by: Deborah SmithLast modified: 26/03/2010 Size: 1.91MB



Created by: Deborah Smith Uploaded by: Deborah SmithLast modified: 17/10/2010 Size: 1.91MB

Sales targets DRAFT 2012-13


Created by: Deborah Smith Uploaded by: Deborah SmithLast modified: 04/04/2012 Size: 4.64MB

Sales leaderboard Q4 2011.docx


Created by: Deborah Smith Uploaded by: Deborah SmithLast modified: 02/01/2012 Size: 1.1MB

Improve look and feel

Strip out unnecessary detail on the results page

Page 20: Top tips for intranet search

People equate Google with quality

It’s seen as the ‘gold standard’ of search engines

Even if you leave everything else the same

And don’t change any of your search setup at all.

Just make your results page more like Google‟s

Using familiar layouts, colours and fonts

And satisfaction with search will go up

Call it a quick win.

Make it look more like Google

Research shows this makes a huge difference#IIC12

That’s today’s hashtag. Join the conversation online now, and after the event.

Follow the liveblog

Exclusively intranets. Learn all you need to know about the hottest intranet topics of 2012.


That’s us. Follow us on Twitter for weekly(ish) intranet news and views

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