
Best Jobs for 2015Hint: Healthcare and Technology


With an unemployment rate of 0.9%, good dentists are in

high demand, and their median salary of $146,000

reflects that

Nurse Practitioners

Even less unemployment 0.7%, nurse practitioners can prescribe

medication without consent from a doctor. Their median salary is about


Software Developers

A relatively high employment rate of 2.7%, programmers can fetch high salaries but their median salary is $92,000

DoctorsSometimes lacking in work-life balance, doctors earn a median salary of $186,000 with a 0.7% unemployment


Dental Hygienist Work life balance can be great for

dental hygienists. They earn a median salary of $71,000, have low unemployment (1.7%) and some


With an unemployment

rate of 1.5%, good PTs are in high

demand, and their median salary of

$81,000 is not bad either

Physical Therapist

Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts have an unemployment rate of 3.5%, and a median salary of $81,000

Information Security Analyst

With all the recent security mishaps, job growth is the

main reason for a 3.5% unemployment rate, and

look for their median salary of $89,000 to increase over

the next few years

Registered Nurse

More Healthcare Jobs. RN’s unemployment rate is 2.0%,

and they are seemingly always in demand. Their median

salary is $66,000

Physician’s Assistant

Healthcare job with low unemployment and a high salary.1.4% unemployment rate, physician’s assistants earn a

median salary of $92,000

Web Developers

A decent median salary of $63,000, an unemployment rate

of 3.6% is complimented well by a good work-life balance

Thanks-Jason Hanold

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