
theKbuzz is SO great



About Likeable Company was formed when its founders were married on a ball field, in a sponsored wedding that garnered $100,000 in sponsorships and $20,000 for charity attracting national and international press.

Social Media and Word of Mouth Marketing Firm dedicated to authentically amplifying the conversation around our clients.

Provide strategy and execution for clients entering the social media space

Winner, 2008 & 2009 WOMMIE, from the

Word of Mouth Marketing Association

-Have built and managed over 250 Facebook Fan Pages

-1 of 48 global Facebook Preferred Developer Consultants*



The Shocking TruthAs many people use social media as use email!Email and Text Messaging data source 2008 MRIGoogle data source to ComScoreSocial media data source 2008 Cone Institute Study

This number will only grow!*






Series 1


Series 1




Social Media60

To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.

In September 2008, a study on social media was completed by The Cone Institute. It found:

184,000,000 Americans use social media.

93% of those Americans believe that companies should have a presence on those social mediums

85% believe that companies should not only be present, but should regularly interact with their customers on social media.


What this means for youWord of Mouth will always be the best form of advertising for your organization.

Friends will always take advice from friends


But with Social Media, the definition of Friends has changed drastically*


There are over 450 million users of Facebook, many of whom spend time over 2 hours per day on the site.Its not just for kids anymore! The most rapidly growing demos on the most rapidly growing social network are adults 55+!Ad targeting opportunities are unparalleled! You can target by: age, town, interests, job title, company, and hundreds of other keyword categories.Facebooks natural virality allows users to endorse your center with the click of a button to hundreds of their friends.




The Top 25 Client Fan Pages on Facebook as voted by Likeable

Disclosure: These are all current or former clients of Likeable. We didnt allow clients to be eligible for our Top 40, but we wanted to showcase some of our favorites.Introducing* fan interaction!* rich welcome tab places value on becoming a fan.* content builds relationships with concerned fans.*

We love their interactive welcome tab and their graphics! We also like the consistency of their content and the integration of the* fan-only deals and engaging content. Also, you can shop right on the page!*

* responsive fans and steady growth. Great use of social media to raise awareness as well. initiative, use of video and valuable stream!* organic growth driven by interactive content.*, fun and engaging! (Word of Mouth Marketing Association award winner 2009)* of fan feedback leading to valuable business- consumer relationships.* share photos of their kids in stride rite shoes and each week, a fan pic is included in the profile pic.* cause, great page, great stream.* content supporting engaging campaign. Great use of video!* topics in stream lead to high fan feedback rates.* informative and interactive. Great way to address controversial topic.* interactive series of localized pages.* use of social stream to support reader connections.* use of book content in stream to interact with fans.*, shareable travel resource for visitors and residents.* way for kids to get on social media with parents for a good cause.* share great articles and information which leads to a steady incline in fan count and brand awareness.* use of social media for religious community building. Includes live-streamed services.*

* to action and highlighted value in optimized profile image contributes to fan growth. welcome tab with high value for consumer. Stream contains engaging content, not just about the brand.* videos show engagement and valuable relationships being formed between the brand and the end-user.*

The Top 40 Fan Pages on Facebook as voted by theKbuzzIntroducingCriteria:Brand ResponsivenessInteractivityCreativityOverall Design/GraphicsFan Count**

**While we are in no way obsessed with fan numbers, it would be remiss of us to pretend that they dont matter at all. That being said, we only take fan number counts into considerationin so much as they are proportionate to the reach of the business. In other words, we do not expect a small, local boutique to have anywhere near as many fans as a national brand a few hundred fans for your neighborhood dentist is likely a great number! But we do expect well-known chains, franchises, and brand names alike to have an appropriately large fan base if they are included in our Top 40.* We love how this page has 62,000 fans who are all extremely interactive and responsive!* page has an AWESOME use of promos and Facebook events. Love the fan of the week!* store integration is ahead of its time. * application is awesome! * love how Gatorade integrates Ustream! * call to action page along with fans who post pictures and engage!* page updates engaging multimedia. Great profile picture and call to action tab.* has very consistent, engaging content and a great call-to-action to become a fan. * page is a unique brand/fan-run page that features unmatched Facebook creativity!* love the integration of the Twitter and Blog underneath the profile picture. Great photos too!*

* call to action tab for fans and engaging content. * Secret Pinks unparalleled use of graphics comes as no surprise.* playfulness and responsiveness of this brand is unmatched!*

We love CNNs great use of livechat and constant interactive content.* love Boston Celtics 3-point landing tab. It is really creative and interactive.* page has engaging content, great pictures and we like the call-to-action to become a fan. * love the integration of this fun iPhone app and the interaction with fans sharing videos.* Air NY shares engaging content and is responsive to fans.* love the great design of this page and the call to action of their Search Properties Tab.* profile picture, Great design, Great call-to-action to Become a Fan!* has great creative content in their stream on a daily basis.* Media Examiner has very consistent, engaging content and a great call-to-action to become a fan.* like that Cafe Brazil integrates Twitter and Yelp.* like that Good 2 Go Taco updates wall with photos of daily specials board.* love their profile picture, their responsiveness and their route map.* love their graphics, their relevant engaging content and their great call-to-action to become a fan.* page is really fan-orientated! We like the Medieval Joke Contest and their promotions for fans. Great call-to-action to Become a Fan. *

Your Future at Deloitte(New Zealand)We love their Live and Interactive tab. We also like the consistency and responsiveness of this page. * like that Go Ahead Tours focuses on building a community of travelers with their ConnectTab. This results in lots of pictures and comments shared.* love how they dedicate a tab to Foursquare!* content, trivias and contests make this page very welcoming and friendly!*

We love the integration of YouTube and Social RSS. This page has really engaging and consistent content using polls, videos and*

We liked their diversified and fun content. The Join the Team tab shows how this page is fan page name (something people would really become a fan of) Integrate Blog, Twitter, and Youtube, This page has beautiful tabs.Really branded by sticking to a theme (respond to fan comments by saying Queen[name of the person who commented)*

Center On Media And Child HealthWe really like the consistency of this pages content, their great use of videos and the integration of similar non-profit pages!*

We love Motorolas Tabs! Really Fun and creative! The content is engaging and generates lots of comments from the* like ESPNs very engaging content, stimulating fans comments, integration of You Tube and free iPhone app.* Bauer Hockey utilizes multimedia content to engage, specifically videos.* love VeriSigns integration of their Blog and YouTube. * love Scholastic Book Clubs consistent & engaging content and their responsiveness.*

The Question is

How can you make your Facebook Fan Page an award-winning quality page?*

Make your public profile a place filled with valuable content. Give your fans a reason to become fans.Use updates to ask questions and elicit response, not deliver press releasesEngage fans through creative contentThink of your page in terms of being for your fans, not being for your brandHypertarget with Social Ads and with UpdatesGive fans reasons to post content on your profile pageWorry less about developing a custom good application, and worry more about creating good conversationMonitor conversationThank and respond to the positiveRespond even more diligently to the negative

Facebook Best Practices*

Hypertarget Your Perfect Customers
using Facebook AdsCreation of hyper-targeted Facebook ads, building your audienceTarget: Real Estate agentsTarget: Real Estate brokersTarget: Specific agencies looking to target for upcoming eventsExample Ad: *

Creation of hyper-targeted Facebook ads, building your fan (and customer) baseTarget: Women age 20 40 in New York, NYTarget: Upper West SidersTarget: Students from key New York colleges/universitiesTarget: Men and Women 20 40 in New York, NYExample Ad: *Hypertarget Your Perfect Customers
using Facebook Ads

Ways Likeable Can Help You:

Free resources from Likeable: Visit our blog or our Facebook Page for constant tips on your entrance into the social media space.

Small Business: For Seamless strategy and execution Likeable Local:

Larger business? Looking for a complete social media strategy, plan & execution? Try Social Ideation! Email [email protected] or call 212.660.2458


Engage with us @likeablemedia on Twitter

Ask us questions @

Or, call us anytime @718.416.2899

***ReTweet this presentation for a chance to win a FREE month of consultation, and gift cards from our clients! ($8,000 value). Well draw from all eligible entries using twitRand on May 17th, 2010. Well update this slideshow with the winner shortly thereafter.

Thank You!








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