
Top 4 Fitness and Health Tips for Office Workers

If do you feel like your day job is causing problems for your health and fitness goals then you are not alone. After all, work takes up a big portion of our daily lives so it is going to have a big impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. There are lots of fitness and health tips you can do at your office hours.

Meditation is the best exercise to handle the stress. It turns out that many of the ailments we experience from stomach pains to skin rashes can be traced back to stress and the inflammation that it causes. Much of that tension builds up at work due to personal conflicts or heavy workloads. Find relaxation practices that work for you like meditation or massage.

Manage stress

Intake healthy foods

Try to skip the office cafeteria food. Keep your own nutritious treats in your desk or the office refrigerator like carrot sticks, yogurt and unsweetened cereal. Ask for a smaller slice of cake. It makes you healthy and and feel fresh throughout the day.

Up to 8 hours to sit on chair like a statue increase your belly. Browse online for exercises you can do in your office chair. Take the stairs whenever possible. Walk to your co-worker’s office to talk instead of sending them a text.

Get moving

If you are tired of catching colds that are going around the office then wash your hands and keeping your hands off your face is the best defense. This is a good activity along with healthy environment.If you are healthy and fit then you can enjoy your life and also can do a lots of work during the office. Review your employee manual for possible benefits like discounted gym memberships. Learn more about your corporate wellness program or ask your HR department if they would like to start one.

Reduce infections

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