
What are the health benefits of Guava?

Guava is tops the chart of tropical fruit with high nutrients. Along with unique taste and affordable cost, the health benefits of Guava, is another reason why people prefer to eat it.

Filled with a myriad of tiny hard seeds, Guavas are commonly known as amrood, are seasonal, fruits that are extensively sold in Indian markets.

On top of its distinctive flavor and lovely intense aroma, Guavas are also well-known for its nutrition and numerous health benefits.

Health benefits of Guava

Benefits of Guava for Healthy Heart

Guavas increase the potassium and sodium balance in the body, thus regulates blood pressure in individuals suffering from hypertension.

Also, Guavas assist in lowering the triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, which contribute to heart disease.

This amazing mouth-watering fruit improves good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

Benefits of Guava during pregnancy

Pregnant women are recommended to intake folic acid, and vitamin B-9, as it helps in developing baby’s nervous system &shield the newborn baby from other neurological disorders.

Benefits of Guava for weight loss

Want to lose weight? Guava is the best remedy to lose weight easily and simply. Without negotiating the intake of vitamins, proteins & fiber, Guava fruit assist individuals in losing their weight by regulating the metabolism.

Guava is a filling snack that satisfies human appetite easily. Also, raw Guava has less sugar when compared to oranges, apples, grapes, and other fruits.

Boosts Immunity

Guavas are rich sources of vitamin C. They contain four times of vitamin C content available in oranges. Vitamin C also helps in improve immunity &keeps you away from common pathogens and infections.

Minimizes the Risk of Cancer According to the sources, Lycopene, vitamin C,

quercetin& other polyphenols acts as strong

antioxidants that counteract free radicals produced in

the body and prevents the development of cancer cells.

Guavas are considered to be successful in minimizing

prostate cancer risk &moreover inhibit the growth of

breast cancer cells as it is rich in lycopene.

Cancer cells


Guavas are rich in fiber content & low glycemic index, and they

prevent diabetes. When the low glycemic index inhibits an unexpected

rise in sugar levels, the fiber content ensures the regulation of sugar


Constipation can be treated

Guava is the best source of nutritional fiber when

compared to other fruits & just one Guava

accomplishes around 12% of daily recommended

consumption of fiber that makes it very helpful

for digestive health.

The seeds of Guava, if swallowed whole or

chewed, help as exceptional laxatives too,

assisting the formation of healthy bowel

movements. This is also one of the health benefits

of guava


Eyesight Improvement

Vitamin ‘A’ present in Guava is known for improving eye vision. It not only prevents of deprivation eyesight but also improves vision. It helps in delaying the cataracts appearance & macular degeneration.

Benefits of Guava leaves Combats Toothache

The strong anti-inflammatory action present in the Guava leaves shows a robust antibacterial capability that battles with

infection & kills germs.

Therefore, intake of Guava leaves works as an eccentric home remedy for a toothache.

Guava leaves juice is known for curing toothaches, oral ulcers, and swollen gums.

Stress-BusterThe magnesium present in Guavas helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body. So after a hard workout or a long day at the office, a Guava is certainly what you need to relax your muscles, combat stress and give your system a good energy boost

Good for Your Brain

Cough and Cold

Anti-Ageing Properti


These are the health

benefits of guava and

follow them.

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