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Top 10 Things You Shouldn't Know About

the Illuminati

"Illuminati Secret Symbols Revealed" It's Here!!!

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Warning: The following information is not suitable for anyone who would like to remain blind. This article is not

for you if you're still questioning whether or not the "Illuminati" (best defined as "organized corruption") exists.

Please hit the back button if that's the case.

Moving forward, everything listed below is meant to only lightly touch upon each topic and requires further research

on the reader's behalf to really know the truth, instead of just believing what one source has to say.

If you're ready to take the red pill now, then let's explore together exactly how deep this rabbit hole goes... (update:

to see what people are doing after reading this, please check out the poll on the bottom of this post)

10. Meet the Puppets

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The following images are just a coincidence of course...

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And what's with these repeated hand signs that's got popes and presidents even joining in?

And then there's some really strange things like this...

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But then again, the best place to hid something is in plain sight.

Incredible how much influence the "Illuminati" has... and all the time we never even noticed.

One of the best resources to find "Illuminati" Symbolism specifically in the Music and Entertainment Industry

is at

Also, try listening to the lyrics of these songs to get an even better idea of the influence found in the Music

Industry: B.O.B. - "The Watchers", Lupe Fiasco - "B.M.F.", Kendrick Lamar - "Hiii Power", and K-Rino -

"Grand Deception."

To receive my understanding of these symbols, just enter your email below to receive the beginning of my new

guide, "Illuminati Secret Symbols Revealed."

Enter your

Okay, now at least it stops at some weird symbolism. Or does it...

9. Presidents' Bloodlines

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It gets even weirder than the image above. From presidents of America, to former

Kings and Queens in England, to ancient Greek and Roman rulers, and as far back as

the pharaohs of ancient Egypt they have shared a common bloodline. Doesn't sound

like much of a democracy, does it? This key bloodline originated between the famous Egyptian queen, Cleopatra (60-30 B.C.) who had three children with the famous

Roman politician and general Mark Antony, and continued on from there. Please click here to watch this video of how a 12 year old girl figured out that America's presidents

are related. (click here to watch if you live in China)

If you're loving this article, share it on Twitter by clicking here.

8. Human Self-Sacrifice

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In case you didn't see it on FOX or CNN, all of America's wealthiest and most influential people (around

2,000) meet once a year in the middle of the forest in California for a weekend, and practice a mock human

sacrifice ritual underneath a 40 foot tall stone owl called Moloch. This meeting has come to be known as the

Bohemia Grove, and as for the owl... Moloch is an ancient northern African "deity" that is associated with

"sacrificing children by fire."

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Oh wait, for some reason the news forgot to cover this one... good thing for the internet. You can watch the

whole thing by clicking here. (click here to watch if you live in China) It also appears that all of these

people gather to not only partake in rituals, but also to discuss America's future outside of the public eye in

case you were interested.

7. Copying Ancient Egypt Until Today

We all know that America's "Great Seal" features the number 13 repeatedly to represent the 13 original

colonies. But what we don't know is that the number 13 actually plays a very significant role in Ancient Egypt.

Why is that important? Well, it's not hard to see America is highly influenced by ancient Egyptian culture...

just look at our nation's capital. There's something that our history books are just not telling us, but is very well

known among certain people apparently.

Not to mention the fact that the Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 in Bavaria (a state located in the southeast

of Germany) and the United States' Continental Congress voted for Independence from Britain (giving birth to

Democracy) on July 4, 1776. Not only is it odd the years match, it's odd that someone decided to lie to

Americans and change the true date on the final edition of the Declaration of Independence that got approved.

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It wasn't the fourth of July but the second of July that this happened. (July 8th was the first time the

Declaration of Independence was read publicly and finally in August of that year it was signed, reference the

letter John Adams wrote for further proof). The number four must have held some important significance in

the mind of whoever made that change. Also, research the theory that America was meant to be a new

"utopia" similar to Atlantis by introducing Democracy. Apparently some people believe the East Coast of

America (13 original colonies) is suppose to have been the West Coast of Atlantis.

It's funny to point out that in contrast to ancient Egypt, (where 13 was considered a very lucky number)

somehow in our western world the number 13 represents bad luck. So much so, that tall buildings skip

labeling the thirteenth floor in elevators. It almost seems as if someone was trying to suppress the number 13

through misinformation and superstition. Hmm..

Onto America's Eagle... a perfect representation of bravery, nobility, and freedom. What they forgot to

mention that it was also inspired by one of the oldest and most significant "deities" in ancient Egypt,

Horus. This "deity" was represented by a falcon, usually depicted as a man with a falcon's head. Also, it's

interesting to note that both the american eagle and Horus are seen with their heads facing to their right,

exposing only their left eyes. This happens to be very significant in ancient Egyptian culture.

Finally, we all know that the Washington Monument's design being an obelisk comes from ancient Egypt, but

what's not talked about is why it sits inside of a Vesica Pisces when viewed from a satellite image. Plus the

fact that it's designed as a circle within another circle, which again are both references to ancient Egypt... more

specifically Amen Ra (sun "god").

6. Hit List

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It's time to wake up and count the amount of people that have tried to stand up against the Illuminati, but were

cut short. Plane crashes are a common cause of death for the rich and famous now, and far too many other

mysterious circumstances, unsolved murders, and assassinations surround the premature deaths of these

people. Of course we can't jump to conclusions, so make sure to decide for yourself if something may have

seemed a little off or wrong about each person's description of death. It's interesting also if you can find what

these people were talking about, that could have possibly got them killed. One thing's for sure, they all had a

very positive message to share with the rest of the world. But unfortunately, after trying to speak up about the

"Illuminati" they all died shortly after... strange coincidence huh? Not to mention the countless others whom

weren't as famous.

To hear what Micheal Jackson had to say please click here. (click here to watch if you live in China)

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(Please click here to hear the speech where former President John F. Kennedy said these words.)

5. Who Really Controls the World?

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The fact that we use the term "Illuminati" to point a finger at some "secret society" is kind of ironic. It's pretty

obvious that if anyone were responsible for all this, it would have to be the ones that controlled the majority of

the money in the world.

"He who controls the money supply of a nation, controls the nation." - James A. Garfield

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When looked at like this, it's not really a big secret or mystery who's at the top here. And while I could just list

out the last names of the "13 ruling families," it's much more important to understand that it's the idea that

continues to live on that must be overcame in people's minds to be able to ever say something like, "We

defeated the Illuminati." Not try to "overcome" any individuals, but the idea... almost identical to how

the pyramid on the back of the American dollar bill displays 13 layers of brick (representing the

foundation/vehicle) to support the floating all-seeing eye (representing the idea). Almost like saying, "the idea

is above us all."

Also, it never truly made sense how the "Illuminati" could have done all of this, and by "Illuminati" I refer to

what history tells us... that Adam Weishaupt founded a group of highly intelligent "freethinkers" that

sought to improve the world through "enlightenment" in Bavaria, Germany on May 1, 1776. "Illuminati" is

the plural of "illuminatus," which means seeker of illumination/light/enlightenment for the mind.

How could a small group that wanted to keep it's membership secret wield so much influence after all? In a

way, the history of the "Illuminati" makes it sound much more like the rebellion from "V for Vendetta." Then I

happened to stumble on this website, please click here to view it. For some reason after reading this supposed

"interview with an illuminatus," it started to make a lot more sense to me.

This website mentions over and over again about overcoming the "Old World Order," which is what got us

here in so much debt... and hopes to create a positive "New World Order." They refer to this "New World

Order" as "Meritocracy"... in which this type of society would reward you based on your "merit," or how

much work you provided to the rest of the community, opposed to today how money is what determines your

class in this world. (they go into much greater detail and length on their website, and after reading through

their site it's clear to see that whoever wrote it had to be pretty intelligent about current affairs). It is hard not to

be reminded of the "Zeitgeist" movement. If you have ever seen their films on YouTube, you know that they

are trying to do the exact same thing... dismantle the "Old World Order" class of hierarchy, and replace it with

a "New World Order," but in this instance, one without money entirely. Almost like how "Star Trek's" society

was portrayed. After studying both of these replacement systems, it's clear to see that the people that came up

with them are trying to create a positive change in this world... and then we have the current "ruling class," and

the change they are trying to put in place for their own personal benefits, instead of for the benefits of


4. Their Mission... New World Order

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A great book to read for more information is called, "The True Store of The Bilderberg Group" by Daniel Estulin.

The "New World Order" is the term coined to represent a "One World Government." It's first attempt to be assembled was after World War I (the war to end all wars) when

president Wildrow Wilson announced the League of Nations, which didn't raise enough support and failed. When the United Nations was created after World War II, the term was hardly used in fear that it would cause the United Nations to fail, like

it's predecessor the League of Nations. The next time the term was used was after the

Cold War era, when George H.W. Bush Senior made a speech September 11, 1991 in

front of the U.N. (you can view this here) (click here to watch if you live in China).

There are two main techniques they are following to make this a reality in the future as we will see next...

3. Mind Control

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The Illuminati wants a population that is distracted and unconcerned about what happens within government. They accomplish this by making us more concerned about

celebrities than our own families thanks to the news...

Why can the average American tell you more about their favorite actor or favorite

professional sports team than they can about what's going on in the country next to them? This is done by design, there is no accident. When you have the biggest news networks covering celebrity issues as if it’s the most important thing in the world, it

becomes the most important thing.

Everyday our senses are constantly being bombarded with sublimely messages found in

TV, movies, and advertisements. Distracted by the spell of sex, violence, and artificial drugs (which is the number one reason people are sent to jail today).

Laws can change magically without the public noticing... and the FDA in America can “approve” any chemical even if it gets rejected in other countries, like Europe for instance. They're not even afraid to place chemicals in our: food, body care products,

and house cleaning products, which negatively affects the growth and development of our brains. Combine that with their greatest psychological warfare weapon of all time... the Television. Whether you want to believe it or not, the CIA realizes the truth of

what this device does to the human mind. TV is set at a certain flicker rate that induces a meditative type state, making us more relaxed, passive, and agreeable with whatever we see. Studies have shown that after less than one minute of us

watching tv, our brain switches from beta level consciousness (associated with active and logical thought) to alpha level conciseness (associated with passive acceptance and suggestibility… similar to when we first wake up). This is why sometimes we feel

addicted to watching TV, and why little children become obsessed when they see the newest toy commercials.

This is why major advertising companies have no problem spending billions of dollars a year on commercials

and product placement within TV shows… they simply know the kinds of results it gets. Not to mention how

subliminal messags are still being used today. They are unrecognizable by our conscious mind, but passively

absorb and store into our subconscious mind. This is later reflected in shaping our actions, attitudes, and


Add the fact that the "Illuminati" (corporations) fund our education system... this is how our society ends up

with tons and tons of 9-5 working drones. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours play. We don't have any time to be concerned with anything else, so no one ever stops for a moment and asks, "Is this really the best I could be

doing?" until we feel it's too late because we're "too old now."

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Now you know why billions of dollars of propaganda money is spent on "dumbing down" society, controlling: food, education, etc. (I won't even get into how most of the medical schools in America are highly funded, and hence influenced, by people

with their money vested in certain big-time medicine companies... i.e. "Big Pharma") But of course, the opposite is just as true... if we educate ourselves and fill our hearts with only love for one another, we will break free. To get a really good feel for this,

please watch this amazing thought-provoking video here. (click here to watch if you live in China)

Also, research the book titled, "Propaganda" written in 1928 by Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Fraud and supporter of adding fluoride into America's water supply). This book was written following the study of group dynamics, and happens to

be the "hand-book" for controlling someone's mind, which can be seen as the start of this insanity. In it he described how it was possible to intelligently and consciously manipulate the habits and opinions of the masses within a democratic society. He even

went on to state that:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important

element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible

government, which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never

heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.” – Edward Bernays

Where does this sound familiar? Oh yes...

(We are all slaves of debt), “Born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch… a prison for your mind.” –

Morpheus (from the Matrix)

Also the book titled, "Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: the Secret War Against the American People" by Servando Gonzalez is a great read on this topic.

And now, if this wasn't bad enough... the Illuminati realizes one more thing. And that's fear is the easiest way to control someone, as we will see next...

2. Maintain Humanity Under 500 Million

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This is by far the most horrible and disturbing one on this list. This will reveal the unfortunate true nature of

today's Illuminati. To understand this, we have to ask the question .. "What is the most valuable resource on

this planet?" The answer surprisingly is "humans." Research the words, "human farming." You see, there are

so far 4 types of "slavery" that have been seen throughout history. The common thing to note, is that the more

"freedom" the "slaves" think they have, the more productive they are... and in turn, the

more prosperous their "masters" are.

1. Traditional Slaves - each slave is unable to "own" anything and is barely kept alive.

2. Farming Slaves - slaves can now have "ownership" over a specific piece of land, so that they can farm it and

be able to feed themselves. However, they would have to give as much of their yield as their local war lords

would want for free.

3. Mafia - slaves gained the freedom to choose what career they would want to start a business in, however

mafia type people would steal money from the business owners with fear of death.

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4. Federal Reserve - slaves retain the freedom to choose their career, and have the "security" of not

being immediately threaten... instead an "invisible" organization steals money from everyone through a

seemingly harmless tax, which we think goes to building new schools and rebuilding the roads, etc. When in

the reality the majority of it pays off a never ending debt nearly every government owes to the "global elites"

(this works so well because we can't point a finger to blame a specific person). Especially since the people that

control the Federal Reserve don't have to list who they are, or even what they spend the money they gain on.

They're the only "company" that is somehow magically allowed to do this... don't take my word, please watch

this video. (click here to watch if you live in China)

As if this wasn't bad enough, there is a fifth form of slavery. Zbigniew Brzezinski makes a point of this to the Illuminati at the British Council on Foreign Relations, where he was quoted for saying:

“For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and

politically interactive. There are only a few pockets of humanity let in the remotest corners of the world that are not

politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings that are so widespread today around the world.

The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity.”

“In earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than

physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million

people. It is easier to kill than to control…”

Also, you can watch him say this by clicking here. (click here to watch if you live in China)

The specific number of "500 Million" is suggested by the "Georgia Guide Stones," which is also known as

"America's Greatest Mystery." The pseudonym "R.C." was given, but it's not too hard to figure out it stands for

the Rosicrucians (another very old philosophical secret society founded in medieval Germany).

Whether that number is completely accurate or not, one thing's for sure... all of the evidence is defiantly there

that the Illuminati is reducing the world's population. Whether by reducing the fertility of women, sperm

count of men, or out right spreading deadly diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, etc. (oh and mis-diagnosed

medicine in America is actually one of the highest causes of death, not to mention chemotherapy radiation...

but you would think by now they would have found the cure for these diseases, no?). These are all at

an epidemic high today due to the fact that countless chemicals (sometimes called "preservatives") have been

added to our food, personal hygiene products, and home cleaning products. You see, the Illuminati knows that

they won't be able to efficiently control 7 billion people (estimate of world's current population). Even the

former President of the World Bank admitted his fear of Africa's growing population (click here to

watch) (click here to watch if you live in China)... which explains why every year the U.N. provides

less and less aid over there. This is the inescapable truth that we see when we begin to open our eyes...

"they" are planning the death of billions of people on our planet through the: water, soil, food, air, disease, etc.

all to keep themselves rich, while we stay poor. Again, "they" really refers to the idea of "survival of the

fittest," whereas "Ubuntu" is the only answer to this. Not familiar to this concept?... I bet you are:

"An anthropologist proposed a game to African tribe kids. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told them that

whoever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran

together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have

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had all the fruits for himself they said: UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?

UBUNTU in the Xhosa culture means: "I am because we are" (to read more about this story, please click here)

"What *Random Acts of Kindness* have you done today?" Click here to Tweet this.

Research and avoid at all costs: Aspartame, Meat Glue (click here to watch if you live in

China), Genetically Engineered Organisms (click here to watch if you live in

China), Mercury in Vaccines, Fluoride Poisoning, Chemtrails, HIV and AIDS being created by

the CIA to wipe out homosexuals and African Americans, the

company Bayer created Heroin, LSD and Crack was created by the CIA, CIA trafficking

cocaine (Gary Webb), the company Monsanto, FDA and how the companies that it regulates have direct

influences over them, and ultimately "Eugenetics".

This should help start you out with the truth, since the list is unfortunately endless. And as you learn more

about each topic, ask yourselves this question... "How on earth is this legal?!?!" (please visit this website and

sign the petition to make it mandatory for GMO food to be labeled in America at: This is why

I wrote this article here, as an initiative to battle exactly this.

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Unfortunately, if "they" don't kill ya... there's plans in place to control those that survive with fear (police

state). Now that we understand this...

Also, research: "FEMA Camps", "Fusion Centers", "Police State", "Patriot Act", "Rex-84." In truth, the

amount of laws that have been created that would help support a "New World Order" is just as large as the

amount of chemicals we find in our food.

Let's not forget in 1977 a book was published by John Holdren entitled, "EcoScience." In it, Holdren

advocated forced abortions, mass sterilization through the food and water supply, and mandatory bodily

implants to prevent pregnancies. Where do you think a guy like that would end up today? Well today, he's now

Barack Obama's Science Advisor and has called for "Planetary Regime" to enforce totalitarian population

control measures. And now the book "EcoScience" is being sold to the public as if it's a good thing.

Believe it or not, this isn't even the worst part. In the future there's a lot of speculation that they're planning one

of either two things. You see before "Marshal Law" can be enforced there has to be a large amount of

public fear first. Their plan is to either start a pandemic as an excuse by releasing a very deadly

airborne disease (this is where F.E.M.A. Camps would come into play to "control the panic and outbreak") or

use "Project Blue Beam" as their great deception. If you look up Project Blue Beam, you will see it's

basically a faked alien invasion attack. Past President Ronald Regan once said to the U.N., "Perhaps we need

some outside universal threat." (click here to watch if you live in China)

Becoming aware is the first step towards breaking free.

"Those who give up liberty for security, deserve niether and will lose both." - Thomas Jefferson

Also, America has the Federal Reserve, which is a private corporation that has hijacked

America's monetary system, bringing it to bankruptcy. It's so painstakingly obvious this corruption that exists

across the globe, that a 12 year old girl was able to uncover the scheme within her own home country

of Canada. You can see her news interview by clicking here (click here to watch if you live in

China). To watch a visualized short-film providing one of the best explanations given about the endless "credit crisis" cycle that she speaks of, you can click here (click here to watch if you live in China).

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Another very noteworthy video to watch would be "The American Dream" (click here to watch if you live in China). What's interesting is that this same video was discussed on

FOX Business Network's show called "Freedom Watch" (click here to watch if you live in

China) hosted by Judge Napolitano... along with a few other very serious

issues surrounding the government... but after a while got cancelled despite it being a top-rated show, to be replaced with re-airings of shows that ran earlier in the day. Censorship of the truth at it's finest... to see FOX announcing the cancellation for no

apparent reason, please click here (click here to watch if you live in China).

And with this inevitable economic collapse coming, it sets the stage for more fear which would provide

another excuse to establish a "One World Government" / "New World Order."

When events like 911 took place, they are known as False Flag Operations. Events like this are what enable

the "Illuminati" to start wars and do whatever they want without the public ever questioning things. (side note:

research "agent provocateurs"). Aside from the vast amount of information out there proving it was an inside

job (watch the documentary, "Loose Change 911: An American Coup") (click here to watch if you live

in China), lesser known is that in reality Osama Bin Laden was a former C.I.A. agent, named Tim Osman.

There are even photographs of him (check below) when he was in the C.I.A. seen alongside with Zbigniew

Brzezinski (Barack Obama's friendly Foreign Policy Advisor).

Even lesser known is that the FBI failed at an attempt to bring down Tower One in 1993. 30-40 years ago if

you talked about this “they” would give you a fast acting cancer, or just kill you to make it look like a suicide,

says countless individuals. This is on record today if you spend a little time to look around, since much of it

has been declassified, but since so many people had the courage to speak out… the “Illuminati” decided upon a

different approach and admitted they were growing opium (which is used to produce heroin) in Afghanistan,

and shipping cocaine into America, and shipping guns into Mexico. Whereas, before they tried to place the

blame on other people… as if they were abusing our given freedoms, such as the second amendment (the right

to bear arms). Why? Because they want the Gun Control Act enacted, and hope to sway the public’s opinion

for it… since after all, how much easier would a police state be if we couldn’t defend ourselves, and thought

we had to rely on others for protection? At that point, we would be begging for more and more police… but

when does it become too much?

The following images below are for your pleasure...

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1. The Truth behind Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet?

"Fear will continue to suppress and enslave the masses until they learn how to

rule themselves with the power of love. As long as humanity looks towards others to rule them they will be continually enslaved.

Love is the Answer!"

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There is clearly something here that they don't want you to know. Between a Goat's head, an inverted

Pentagram, the "666" hand symbol, "Devil/Beast Horns" hand symbol, and even the "All-Seeing Eye"... it's

hard to say the Illuminati doesn't know a thing or two about "Satan." This is why people always conclude the

Illuminati "worships Satan." Plus combine this with the fact they're willing to kill and "dumb down" countless

amounts of people, just so they could stay on top of everyone else. Without a doubt their plans are "satanic."

But here's one question, aside from all of the other signs/symbols (which are commonly associated with the

devil because of the bible)... why is Egypt's Eye of Horus/Ra / "All Seeing Eye" associated with "Satan"

(known as "Eye of Lucifer") as well? That seems odd doesn't it? Ra represented the Sun and Horus represented

the son of the holy trinity (Osiris + Isis = Horus). Also, if you actually study the origin you will see that the

"All Seeing Eye" originally represented "Knowledge" which is interesting, because "Satan" in his serpent

form deceived Eve into eating the apple, which represented a "Forbidden Knowledge." We also seem to fail

to ever ask why is "Satan" represented as a goat a lot of the time? What's the real origin of Baphomet?

(research "Astrological Ages," more specifically the age of Aries to begin to see why.) Also, note that a goat,

whether male or female, appears identical, both with their horns and beards. This helps explain Satan having

horns, and the androgynous nature of Baphomet, which is also called the "Goat of Mendes." If you're

interested in knowing the real truth behind this and the true meaning behind the rest of the Illuminati's Secret

Symbols (including the infamous Knight's Templar, etc.), just enter your email below

to receive the beginning of my new guide, "Illuminati Secret Symbols Revealed."

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