
To Kill a Mockingbird

Chapters 12, 13, 14To Kill a Mockingbird

Chapter 12Essential QuestionHow are Jem and Scout growing up?Mister JemDills absenceFirst Purchase ChurchCals double lifeChapter 12Scouts child mentality vs. her adult mentalityThe factfor two days.

Chapter 12How is First Purchase Church different than Scouts church?Cal and Zeebo + 2LininAtmosphere

Chapter 12Cals Double lifeZeeboHer speechCal is a person too!Chapter 13Essential QuestionWho is Aunt Alexandra and why has she come to Maycomb County?

Chapter 13To all parties present caution, and warn.Hour-glass figurePersonalityPreoccupation with heredity

Chapter 14Essential question:Who is the snake under Scouts bed and why is he in Maycomb?

Chapter 14DillParents did not pay him any attention so he ran offJem breaks the last code of his and Scouts childhoodWe-got-you-that-book-now-read-it.

Chapter 14Why do you reckon Boo Radley has never run off?Dill sighed a long sigh and turned away from me.Maybe he doesnt have anywhere to run off too.

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