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    - I think you let yourself be led by your selfishness above!

    Mike's voice resounded with unusual hardness, and Natasha looked at

    him sadly.

    A chasm is widening between them, she feared an abyss of never fill.


    sitting close to her, he had abruptly dismissed, as if proximity repugnant


    suddenly, and he considered stiffly outstretched traits.

    - It's not selfish, she protested. Your idea just seems inconceivable.

    Everything would be different if your mother loved me.

    - But she loves you!

    The young man's face was inflamed. His eyes, usually so warm, so

    sparkling with life, now evoked coldness, the hardness of the stone.

    - And it is you who do not love, I understand now! he went on. Last

    night, precisely,

    she told me believing guess your hostility towards him, and I was

    foolish enough to disabuse!

    Distraught, she put on her blue eyes incredulously, shaking his head.

    - It never succeeded in a young couple to live with her in-laws, she said.

  • - Do not seek excuses! if he won.

    They never had a fight before, and she had the painful impression of

    face to a stranger.

    They knew each other for four months. To their amazement, they had


    realized they were in love with each other. The days passed, each


    than others.

    Some of the depth of their commitment, Natasha was not surprised at

    his request

    in marriage.

    - Why wait? he said. We are sure of each other, is not it?

    - Yes, we are, she replied jumping to her neck, happy to see if


    - When my mother will return from Australia, we will take care of the

    formalities, he decided.

    Not for a moment Natasha had doubted she would like Mike's mother.

    He had him

    described with such love that she felt ready to give her tenderness.

    Mrs. Porter had just spent six months at Kenneth, his other son, who

    had married the daughter

    a farmer from Queensland. The old lady showed such eagerness to

    enjoy some

  • his grandchildren that they eventually invite.

    When Natasha went to Mrs. Porter for the first time, not the least

    afterthought did touched. But from the moment she entered the living

    room of her stepmother, she

    realized she had an enemy. Certainly, his hostess proved very

    courteous and smiling;

    Yet as soon as his son's back was turned, she glared her future daughter

    an ice look, leaving

    clear that it was not welcome.

    Shocked and incredulous, Natasha was looking in the eyes of Mike the

    same surprise that the

    knocked herself. But obviously, the young man noticed nothing.

    When they left, he asked him innocently in the world:

    - So what do you think of her? It's great, is not it? You know, my

    father died

    when I was four, and she raised us alone, my brother and I, working


    that we lacked nothing. She never complained about his lot, and I only


    growing up how she was devoted to us. She sacrificed herself for her

    son ...

    Is not exceptional?

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    - Exceptional indeed mechanically Natasha nodded with a forced smile.

    - I knew you would. It is essential that the two women in my life


    The girl winced.

    - You ... you think I liked it? she ventured after a hesitation.

    It was hard to conceive such blindness from Mike, but it seemed

    really sincere.

    - Of course! if he cried.

    And he kissed her with an enthusiasm that nothing could begin. This

    first interview

    the forward-knows ... Natasha renounced let him see the truth. She

    even came to doubt


    The hope of having deceived the reinvigorated. Perhaps Ms. Porter was

    she just tired

    a hard day? Perhaps the news of this unexpected marriage had she

    taken aback


    Alas, in short the following weeks, his first impression was verified.

    Not only

    Ms. Porter did not like him, but she deliberately showed hostile. All the

    efforts of the young

  • daughter ended in failure. She brought her chocolates: Mrs. Porter


    chocolates, they were fattening. She offered her flowers: Mrs Porter did

    not like flowers,

    she was allergi-that pollen ...

    If Natasha proposed a date for their wedding, her stepmother interrupted

    systematically and changed the conversation. If they were to talk about

    Kenneth's wife, she

    not dried up more criticism on his stepdaughter on his way of raising

    her children or to take her home.

    Natasha never understood then that Mike's mother would not accept any

    woman between her and her son.

    Ms. Porter was immod-rately possessive and jealous.

    On the one hand, this excessive attitude was pitiful, but she was

    beginning to cast a shadow

    on the relationship between young people. Natasha felt unable to

    enlighten her fiance that evoked

    naively their future life in the house of his mother, was it not his duty to

    watch over

    it? ...

    - She has done so much for me, honey.

    Sitting each at the end of a park bench, they were not looking.

    - I owe him so much, you understand? he continued.

  • You decided to continue to work for now, but suppose we wanted a

    baby right away. Having my mother at home would be ideal, right?

    - Do not see it that way, Mike!

    - You do not like him, he accused.

    Natasha gave him a bewildered look.

    - It's not that ...

    - She suspected it, and I thought she was wrong, she was carried away

    by his

    imagination. Still, she was right: you do not love.

    - It was she who does not love me! exploded the girl, trembling

    because she hated


    Unlike Mike, it was neither expansive nor confident but shy, sweet and


    This quarrel plunged into the deepest distress.

    - She hates me, she uttered an almost inaudible voice.

    This reality terrified; she hoped to convince even her fianc.

    - What nonsense! he shouted. Do proffers more such nonsense! My

    mother hate you! ...

    - She hates me, she does not want this marriage.

    - Why would she offered us to live with her if she did not want? he



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    Natasha opened her mouth to answer, but the words died on his lips.


    could she tell him: "Your mother is jealous, it does not intend to lose

    you, she thinks I'm going

    tear you from her and she tries to stop me?

    - Then he pressed. Listen, he went without being moved by the

    desperate look

    his fiance.

    Forget all that, okay? I have a very high opinion mom and I will not


    that such relations are established between us. Say no more about this


    Natasha grew pale. She could not believe her ears.

    The wedding day was planned in a few weeks, she had chosen her

    dress, her parents

    had dealt with everything ...

    Mike stared at the road ahead, his jaw.

    - It's over, he said.

    - Finished? she repeated in a voice she did not recognize.

    She struggled in the nets of a horrible nightmare, because it could not be

    that of a

  • nightmare ...

    - I should congratulate myself for having taken this decision before it's

    too late! said he.

    The girl shuddered. She took off her engagement ring with trembling

    fingers. They had

    chosen together, and she gazed every day, drunk with happiness ...

    - Well, she whispered, handing him the ring.

    - I beg you, he said.

    He pushed his hand and rolled the jewel in the grass.

    The wind tousled brown hair Natasha remained motionless, his eyes

    fixed on a

    not lost in the distance of the park when the young man left and did not

    return. All

    Suddenly she stood up and began to run. Tears streamed down her


    Why adversity she was bent against her when she discovered a

    happiness so valuable?

    She no longer thought of nothing but this painful rupture that had

    annihilated. When

    she realized that passersby looked back on it, it slows the pace. Then

    she tried

    to swallow her tears. She worked two minutes from the park, so she

    borrowed a path more

  • Long to take time to calm down.

    Natasha then regained the modern building that housed the agency. She

    stopped where the toilet

    it refreshes his face, restored order in his headdress and remaquilla.

    Besides her pallor,

    dark circles under his eyes, nothing was reflected in his inner distress.

    Nigel Herries, his boss, was too preoccupied with himself to notice a


    of this nature to his secretary. Handsome, pleased with himself, he

    attached great importance to its

    own person he neglected no detail. Her salary barely managed to cover


    vestimentai-res expenditures and maintenance of its beautiful red sports


    When Natasha entered the office a bit later, he took care to aim


    the basket where he threw crumpled paper balls.

    - Did you eat breakfast? he asked, smiling at the girl.

    Without waiting for a reply, he lingered to contemplate. As his car,


    women he surrounded himself had to "go it well," he thought, that is to

    say, be pretty, elegant,

    attract the attention of other men.

  • - You are very smart, he said, detailing the raw dress that gracefully

    floated around

    Natasha long legs.

    - Thank you, 'she said, putting a pile of leaflets in front of her.

    Accustomed to his compliments, she did not give them more

    importance than they

    deserved. Nigel collected the adventures. His connections in general

    lasted a little more

    week. He loved the variety.

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    - What are you doing tonight? himself he asked.

    It was not his first invitation, but she had always declined. This time

    Yet, to the surprise of the young man, she replied:

    - I do not know why?

    - I'm invited to a party at customers, charming people, Fortt, you

    remember? Those who loved dogs so much. Why accom-gneriez you

    not me? Us

    dcrocherons perhaps a new contract?

    Natasha vaguely recalled Dave Fortt.

    The advertising agency had organized a cocktail in his honor six months

    earlier. To this

  • occasion, Nigel had deployed his talent to put his ideas into value and

    get noticed

    by this man in sight. If he willingly showed fanciful and frivolous, head

    of the girl had

    also a brain. He worked in spurts suddenly pushed by flashes of genius

    who succeeded in

    long time to Oisi Vete-and this "method" was succeeding.

    - Okay, she agreed. What time should we be there?

    - At eight o'clock. I'll go get you home.

    These evenings were displayed hypocrisy and superficial reports

    generally bored


    But tonight, after her breakup with Mike, she dreaded so much to find


    apartment where she inevitably broierait black she would have accepted

    any invitation.

    She lived in a small studio in the Chelsea neighborhood. Its windows

    overlooked the

    roofs. Some days when the season permitted, she could see the green

    foliage of a tree

    pointing between two houses. But in general, she mostly saw the sky

    She lived in this apartment for a year and a half, and in that time, its


  • bearing had succeeded many times. We do not attar-Dait in this place

    where there was

    the total anonymity.

    Natasha had felt some difficulty in accoutu overseas in London, she had

    grown up in a

    Dorset village where her parents still lived and sister. No doubt she

    would have stayed there

    if she had not fallen in love with the husband of the latter. Oh sure, it

    was only

    a passing attraction she took care to keep secret in the depths of his

    heart. But to

    the age of passions and follies, next day without feelings sometimes

    take an importance

    disproportionate. So she decided to leave to settle in London to forget

    Jack and relieve

    guilt which undermined; a deep attachment between her and Linda, his


    Indeed, his dreams of teen-lescente did not resist the pulsing life of the

    capital. His

    work, new knowledge helped him considerably, and when she met

    Mike, the

    Remember his brother was banished to the depths of his memory.

  • While dressing for the evening, Natasha wondered how she would

    announce her

    Parents her breakup with fiance they worshiped. Only Linda had shown

    more reserved ...

    Much less that erased his junior, she had always been accustomed to

    direct, act according to his

    goodwill. Her husband, for example, generally bent to his wishes.


    be it simply guessed that Mike had too strong character to let


    Anxious at the thought of having to face the dismay of his family,

    Natasha watched his

    livid face in the mirror, her eyes dark with grief.

    Although her fiance regretted their quarrel, nothing would change.

    How could

    marry her when the mother of the young man hated? He and Mrs.

    Porter were so close ... A

    Such a situation would inevitably suffer. Kenneth had solved the

    problem by starting

    settle in around the world, but his brother would not follow his example.

    He will never understand

    the view of Natasha, even if it required him to look reality in the face.

  • The girl chose her favorite dress. She liked to wear it, to feel on her


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    smooth coral silk jersey. The neckline discovered his throat until the

    birth of the chest,

    the right skirt and forced to walk the narrow slowly. Without being

    provocative, this outfit

    showed off her feminine charms. Mike and she had chosen together;

    the young man

    insisted she buys it. "It makes my heart beat! "He claimed. Natasha

    often subjected to his will, she liked to please him. Shy, frail, graceful

    and very fine,

    she inspired the men protective desires, offering a seemingly easy prey.


    frightened her a bit and she quickly hid before their attempts at

    seduction, unaware that

    This attitude caused them to insist on the contrary.

    - The more you get and the more they fear will hasten, Linda told him

    one day. Viewing dogs ...

    - Dogs? repeated the young girl, without understanding.

    - Yes, the more you tremble before them, the more they pursue you ...

    How can you be so

  • naive, Natasha?

    - I do not know, she answered in the distressed look of its predecessor.

    A resounding horn startled her and impatient.

    Through the window, she saw the red sports car Nigel roof open for the

    occasion. It

    hastened to take his bag and pulled out slightly perfumed. A curious

    presentiment touched

    suddenly, just for a moment ... She found herself regretting having

    agreed to go to that

    evening ... But this apprehension flew when she spoke of her little

    empty studio, only haunted

    by shadows Mike and M Porter . And then she would be too busy to

    repel the advances of

    Nigel to indulge his melancholy. Despite her shyness, she felt strong

    enough to keep the young

    Man remotely. Not too proud to recognize when it became unwelcome,


    never crossed certain limits.

    Nevertheless, he did not give to much and always believed in

    tomorrows more

    promising ...

    Nigel came to open the door for her.

    - Um ... I like your perfume!

  • She smiled at him, settling in the car. Mike had given him the day of

    this perfume

    their engagement ... An expensive gift she could never afford itself.

    Even his

    apartment represented an excessive expense for his meager salary, but

    its location in heart

    London-com thought this disadvantage. Natasha liked the Thames, and

    she enjoyed every day

    contemplating the calm waters of the river to leave her. They evoked

    for her escape,

    freedom after closed and stifling horizons of city streets. His tireless

    movement, its

    different colors depending on the time, offered an ever-changing vision,


    continued his silent way towards the sea.

    - You are delicious, 'said Nigel Demar-rant. Your dress suits you ... I

    feel delight

    we will spend a memorable evening!

    The car turned into the heavy traffic of the city. The wind lifted the hair

    blond young man who gave him a romantic profile.

    - You look very elegant you, Natasha noticed.

    He gave a smile of satisfaction.

    - This is a new suit, 'he told.

  • - I thought so! she joked.

    - We are a beautiful couple ...

    He considered in fact a pretty woman next to him put him in value; no


    he believed that the pink of her dress formed with the blue of full

    harmony particularly

    pleasing to the eye ...

    The party was in full swing when they arrived. He took the hand of

    Natasha and dragged through

    the crowd in search of a glass of Champagne. When they were served,

    he examined the assembly to

    looking for a familiar face.

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    - That Sonia! he launched soon after.

    Sonia Warren handled public relations for a large company, and

    sometimes treated

    with the advertising agency. Despite his playful air and smiles, it had

    failed to attract

    sympathy Natasha. Sonia soon joined them, kissed Nigel, and both


    once in a conversation which excluded completely the girl.

  • After a moment, it noticed that the glass was empty and his boss offered


    him to go get another one.

    - Thank you, he said, handing him immediately imitated by Sonia.

    Natasha stood for a moment in front of such prohibited casually, but she

    went with the

    three cuts. When he returned, his companions were still talking, and

    she stood there, listening to the


    A waiter passed several times with a tray, and Natasha took some cuts

    Champagne, surprised to see her empty glass as fast. "The Champagne

    must give thirsty"

    she thought. It also found that he was a wonderful remedy against the

    bitterness ...

    She suddenly discovered that looked ... Everyone looked at her, she

    who believed

    not attract anyone's attention. Then she smiled at these strange faces,

    happy to no longer feel

    alone. Even Nigel suddenly appeared to remember his presence.

    - Where were you hiding, charming creature, so that our paths will not


    yet crossed? inquired the sweet voice of one of the guests, close to his


  • - Mademoiselle is with me, Nigel intervened immediately, taking her by

    the waist.

    Let the Rover.

    - Excuse me, I'm sorry! murmured the man wobbled slightly.

    Without really knowing why, Natasha laughed. A sudden and

    irrepressible cheerfulness the

    transpor-silent. It felt like soap bubbles fluttered in his head. If


    detached a group close to her; a large brown shape vaguely wavered

    before her.

    She realized then that gray eyes were watching, gray eyes where a smile

    and danced

    a certain languor perhaps due champagne ...

    - We have not been presented, insisted Rover with the girl.

    - And you do not be! Nigel intervened again.

    Laughter greeted his repartee. There was a stampede; groups broke up,

    other re-formed. Newcomers arrived.

    Natasha leaned slightly against Nigel and continued to listen in silence.

    - And your car, someone said. It goes fast, right? How much does it


    - Twenty liters per hundred.

    - What? You're kidding! How can you maintain such a device? Mine

    already consumes five liters!

  • - But what do you drive? A baby carriage? Nigel laughed, causing

    general hilarity.

    Natasha gaze swept the circle that had formed around them, and she

    recognized the man

    with gray eyes.

    Standing in front of her, he observed. A slight smile played on his lips


    On joyful and carefree mood, she smiled back.

    - I'm sure mine reaches a top speed to yours, affirmed

    Nigel someone who shook his head in disbelief. I bet all you want!



    - We will have to check one of these days ...

    - Why not now?

    - Do not be stupid! protested another.

    - Just find a straight road, and we will see, insisted the paris launcher.

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    - Alright! Nigel adds enthusiastically.

    Laughter mingled with marks of impatience.

    The girl, fascinated by the gray eyes of the unknown, and noticed his

    black lashes. His

  • insolent way to fix it ran into a strange thrill. Despite the agitation

    room, it was

    it also remained silent, although he was often taken to task.

    It surpassed other men at least a head.

    Dressed elegantly, he moved with ease showing great confidence.

    Natasha was not the only one to be sensitive to its charm. Sonia was

    trying to get his

    attention by fiery glances, and other women smiling at him at the first

    opportunity. He

    belonged to that category of people who do not go unnoticed in society


    having to be particularly talkative or exuberant. It emanated from him a


    calm and clear, inherent sensuality to his person. His lips firm and clear


    evoked the promise of intoxicating kisses ...

    Natasha had certainly never seen before because it would not have

    forgotten. When

    he plunged as now his eyes in his, a gentle warmth slid down the back

    the girl.

    - Let's go! Nigel said suddenly, taking her spoke size, brutally tearing


    the spell that the unknown exerted on it.

  • Pardon? she asked.

    - We'll make a run, he explained by pushing the output.

    Without understanding, she let herself gently but firmly carry through

    the crowd


    - But what happens? she finally asked when they met outside under the


    Black London.

    - We'll have a race! repeated the young man definitely excited for this


    Natasha looked at him in bewilderment:

    - Oh, Nigel, I do not think it's a good idea ...

    - Do not play spoilsport! he retorted by opening the passenger door.

    Get in!

    - No, she decided resolutely shook his head.

    The others already settled in cars, doors banging, laughter rang out, the

    engine began to purr.

    - Hurry! Nigel grew impatient, red with excitement at the idea of

    measure to another

    conductor. I can not leave without you.

    - I take her in my car, intervened a cold and determined voice.

    Nigel looked up at the man who stood behind Natasha and considered


  • amenity.

    - Who are you? he asked.

    Sonia suddenly brightened. His face lit up with a flirtatious smile.

    - But it was Lee Farrell, my dear! You do not know? ... How are you,


    You remember me, Sonia ...

    - I remember, curtly cut the newcomer before turning to Natasha. You

    come with me? he asked the latter. I guess you do not want to

    participate in this kind of entertainment?

    - No, indeed.

    - I remind you that this young woman is with me! Nigel intervened

    suddenly furious.

    Some cars are already moving away, much to the exasperation of the

    young man who

    Page 9

    more contained his impatience.

    - Come, Natasha, he added, grasping his arm.

    - She will be safe with me, said Lee Farrell releasing it from the grip of


    The latter was speechless for a moment, and then he let out an

    expletive, climbed into his car and

    started with a bang.

  • Natasha sighed. She gave herself up lazily to the embrace of the

    unknown that had

    surrounded by her arms as if to protect it. Sonia on it darted a piercing


    - Have fun! she launched with an evil smile before walking away.

    - What are we doing? Lee Farrell then inquired with great gentleness.

    - What you want, she replied in a slightly sleepy voice.

    A sly gleam sparkled in the gray eyes of man.

    - You rely on me, is not it?

    - Apparently! she confessed, carefree. We could for example take a

    walk in

    Car in the countryside? You got inside all night ...

    - This is not exactly how I was planning to spend the night ... he said,


    - But I love the country! The birds, the trees, the rivers ... I love it!


    particularly by such a peaceful night that it ...

    - Okay for the campaign. I even know a place that meets your


    - Wonderful! exclaimed Natasha.

    She sank lead to a big black car, and he helped take place. Where

    moved to his side and started the engine, she leaned her head against the

    comfortable seat and smiled to

  • angels.

    - Where are we going? she asked when they had started.

    - We just decided to go to the countryside.

    - Well, she sighed softly.

    Natasha was vaguely aware of behaving like a brainless, but this time

    almost magic where time no longer existed delighted her.

    A rural and quiet landscape soon replaced the outskirts of London. The


    is Apau-truth gradually. The girl had no idea where they were, but she

    did not care.

    It would admi-blue sky where the blinking thousands ETOI them. Lee

    Farrell turned on the radio, and

    Soft jazz music arose. Charmed by the melody of the clarinet, Natasha

    began to sing.

    - You husky voice, he said, laughing.

    - Excuse me ...

    - But I love your voice! Besides, I like everything about you Natasha,

    especially your

    eyes. Your first name pleases me too, it is not common.

    - At the time I was born, my mother was devouring Russian literature.

    She called Natasha

    in memory of the heroine in War and Peace.

    - It is a wise choice, that you very well.

  • - Thank you, 'she murmured, smiling.

    His head was still resting against the backrest. The wind rushed

    through the open window,

    raised her silky hair in a dancing halo around her face.

    - You remind me of a mermaid ... a creature half-human, half-magical,

    almost ...

    almost unreal.

    - I do have the impression of swimming in a dream.

    Actually, I'm not here ... but I fly in a bubble, there ... she replied,

    Page 10

    pointing to the sky.

    He laughed and then frowned.

    - Attention, the bubbles burst!

    - Not mine, not this night. And to hell with tomorrow!

    Lee held the steering wheel with one hand and stroked the other cheek

    and satin rose suddenly

    the girl.

    - To hell with tomorrow! he repeated.

    Page 11


  • Gradually the moon made his way behind dark clouds, and the

    distinguished Natasha

    moving surface of a rough sea. Surprised, she sat up.

    - The sea! if she exclaimed, much to the amusement of his companion.

    - Yes, the sea, he nodded.

    - But where are we?

    - In Kent.

    Hills with rounded curves harbored mysterious and dark wood.


    short grass meadows, chalky white floor and offered a cameo of strange


    - Wonderful ... whispered the girl snuggling back into his seat.

    - Do not you cold? inquired Farrell.

    Under the warm caress of the wind of this very sweet night, his

    passenger slipped into a languorous


    - I'm good, really good, she said.

    He smiles.

    - I hope the champagne is not solely responsible for your welfare.

    - Do not blame the champagne, it is a divine drink.

    The car turned onto a steep road to the assault of a steep hill. Woodland

    thick formed around them a leafy canopy where the moonlight crept

    with difficulty,

  • like water from a brook whose course would require it to be hampered


    - Where do we go now? he asked, peering elie darkness.

    - Towards an unknown and mysterious destination ...

    The road curves describing growing. She eventually shrink to the point

    just allow the passage of a car. They passed a few houses sleeping, a


    barked somewhere.

    - It seems that we are the only ones awake, Natasha noticed.

    That night, for her, arose out of time. Lee looked at her, then reached

    out to

    push a lock of long hair girl fluttering over his face.

    - Happy?

    - Yes, she whispered.

    She was floating languidly in a joy that enveloped him like a golden


    Carefree, she did not know who she was or where she was going,

    Natasha Blairy whose life was

    broken that morning in the park of London, this shy young girl who

    cleared and never had

    dared to commit any folly no longer existed. The one who was now

    sitting alongside

  • Lee Farrell was sailing to his fancy, felt able to say whatever came to


    Never before had she savored the sweet taste of freedom ...

    - It's amazing, 'she whispered.

    - Yes, is not it? he nodded as if he understood exactly what she wanted


    It slows reaching the top of the hill. The car turned cautiously on a

    narrow road then stopped. Natasha then discovered a small white


    - We arrived, he announced leaving him to open the door.

    She followed him to the entrance. There, he slid his hand along the lintel

    overlooking the

    door and pulled out a key. The hinges creaked when opened.

    - This is a haunted house ... whispered the girl.

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    - Of course, he replied, standing aside to let her pass.

    He turned and led Natasha in a small room on the right. She was


    furnished, yet he gave off this inherent coldness in uninhabited places.

    She shuddered


    - Cold? is he worried immediately taking the waist.

  • Without any fear, she bowed her head against the man's shoulder and let

    him touch

    his hair with his hand.

    - Hmmm ... that's nice, 'she confessed.

    - It's strange, but I also ... Hungry?

    - Yes, she admitted, surprised.

    - I was sure ... You see, we feel the same things.

    - But ... there has he anything to eat here?

    He lowered his head and kissed just behind the ear.

    - Of course, he replied.

    - Of course, she repeated.

    Cpnment could she doubt it otherwise, since that night saw them achieve

    least of his desires?

    - Come, you will help me.

    They went to a small kitchen where they prepared fried eggs, ham and


    When they were restored Natasha yawned, and his companion watched a

    moment. His

    gray eyes had darkened almost imperceptibly ...

    - In bed, he said softly.

    Natasha smiled and dropped passively lead to the first floor. The warmth

    of her arms

  • around her filled with joy. She was struggling to keep his eyes open as

    his eyelids

    grew heavy. It ushered in a room with exposed beams, lined with paper

    ornate, where stood a large bed covered with rose.

    - I'm so tired, he she confided.

    He then went down the zipper of coral dress and gently stroked the back

    of the


    - Mmmm ... she murmured, closing his eyes.

    He bent a little, and his lips came to pick a kiss on those of Natasha.

    - You are wonderful, 'he whispered.

    - You, too, she said gravely.

    - Thank you, 'he said, taking up the task he had begun, still kissing him.

    Soon, the dress slipped at their feet. He looked for a moment the

    graceful curves and

    Women then let out a long sigh. All this was new to Natasha; she never

    Mike was allowed to take such liberties. But his shyness and inhibitions


    were gone.

    She shuddered with pleasure ... Lee then said:

    - You're cold, put yourself to bed

    She slipped between the cool sheets. His eyes closed intermittently, but

    she saw

  • vaguely undress. Just as he unbuttoned his shirt, he contemplated her

    with a


    - I would offer you an unusual sight by chance?

    - Yes, she confessed frankly.

    Never, in fact, no man had undressed in front of her. A week earlier, she

    would run away without wasting time, but freedom had exquisite taste,

    she thought now. It

    Page 13

    was exactly as his desire of the moment, without worrying about the


    Lee was muscular and slightly tanned. Fascinated by the manhood that

    emanated from its

    every move, she looked at the tall figure approaching the bed, slipping

    his side and off

    the light. Dry throat, she trembled with desire when she felt his body

    against Lee

    Farrell and her hot mouth on her shoulder.

    - When I saw you tonight, for the first time, he murmured, as if it was a


    electric current had covered me. I felt something uncontrollable ... In he


  • even for you?

    Mesmerized by pleasure in those powerful arms, Natasha, absorbed the

    delights she felt

    caress the man's chest, said nothing.

    He took possession again of her lips, and this time she put her arms

    around her

    neck, returning his kiss with fervor. This warmth that spread throughout

    her being was

    threatened a moment ... A little voice - the reason, no doubt -

    tried to warn her, but she silenced. Nothing was to begin his

    carefree happiness. She moaned weakly when Lee fingers wandered

    along its

    hips. Eyes closed, she swam in a dream and stubbornly refused to think,

    to let the

    reality penetrate this fluffy cloud when it floated in the rapture.

    Soon she slipped completely into the world of oblivion. Their embrace

    became more pressing,

    more violent, more demanding. Natasha knew unsuspected pleasures.

    Trapped in this body too

    powerful, she could not discuss, but she really wanted? A wind of

    madness had the

    swept both ...

  • - Why did not you tell me? he asked, when the wave that had

    overwhelmed the


    I would never have imagined that this was the first time ...

    His voice was warm, soft; he seemed surprised and amazed. He kissed


    face of the girl and held her against him, as if he was afraid she escapes

    him. The fruits

    defended had never exercised any attraction on Natasha. She previously


    that duty, propriety to act. She had left her hometown to avoid the risk of

    shake the fundamental principles of morality. Before his fight with

    Mike, she behaved

    as a submissive woman.

    This break was brutally revealed to him the reality.

    She liked Mike, but she knew she could never marry him. If she


    despite the jealousy and hostility MmePorter, his life would quickly

    become hell. This evidence

    had destroyed all hope of happiness with her fiance ...

    "To hell with reality! "She thought suddenly, leaving his lips brush the


    Lee naked groaning with pleasure.

  • His life so far was only a perpetual flight, she continued to think ... and


    conciliatory, it was mainly in the interest of others in defiance of its own

    requirements. The

    day before she would prudently kept away from Lee Farrell or would

    have behaved

    like a little girl frightened. In any case, she would not have responded to

    the passion of this man

    with such fever ...

    - This can not be true ... he whispered a little later in a changed voice,

    his face buried

    Natasha's hair.

    - God thank you, it is ... she replied, provoking laughter amazed at his


    - I'm not sure to be very proud of me, 'he admitted.

    The girl, who quietly slipped into the abyss of sleep, does not grasp the

    meaning of his


    - What did you said? she asked.

    Page 14

    He stopped this time, and she fell asleep tenderly tight in protective


  • When she opened her eyes the next morning, she did not recognize

    immediately where

    she was. Astonished, she looked for a moment the ceiling beams before

    meeting a

    gray eyes that stared ...

    - Oh! if she cried.

    - Hello, he said in his deep voice.

    Leaning on one elbow, he smiled. His body brushed against the girl.

    They were his

    caresses that had awakened. He continued indeed to let run his hand over

    her skin.

    - No! if she suddenly exclaimed in the repulsive.

    She tried to sit up, but a migraine as sudden as the violent forced to

    lie down again.

    Lee laughed.

    - The "hangover", is not it?

    - Oh, my head ... she complained. It looks like it will explode.

    - This is just a difficult day, he joked, stroking it again.

    She blushed and pushed it again. A shudder ran through ... Images

    the day before flashed through his mind, images that she would rather

    forget ... Those memories

    aroused in her the desire to die. What had she done? What had happened

    to him? The nightmare

  • suddenly assailed relentlessly. But what devil had possessed so?

    - Intimidated? he asked, frowning.

    Well, I'll make coffee down, then we'll talk.

    He bent over her and kissed her lightly, much as he would have kissed a


    - And do not begin to brood before my return, 'he said. Never in my life


    have lived at night as beautiful as ours, you hear me? We have a number


    things to discuss now.

    Natasha kept her eyes firmly closed. Seeing persist in his silence, he

    went out

    of bed and dressed hurriedly. The always closed eyelids, she waited

    impatiently for it to leave.

    Only loneliness allow her to cope.

    - Be back in five minutes, he announced before leaving.

    She heard him go down the steps two at whistling. If remorse was

    eating, Lee

    Farrell himself was a cheerful mood!

    She blinked when she tried to open them, as daylight the assaulting.

    What would she say? she wondered desperately.

    Natasha always knew when he returned with a tray. She met his gaze but

    away immediately, but not before noticed her perplexed.

  • He sat down, put the tray on the bed and took the hand of the girl.

    - Why you looking at me like that? he said softly. I know, it all happened

    too fast, but

    it was beautiful, right? Maybe I still drive me do you think that way ...

    That night was

    different for me too, very special, magical ...

    Natasha swallowed hard.

    - I'm engaged, she said in a small voice.

    He dropped his hand and stood up. A heavy silence fell.

    - In your last night mate? This wacky to the sports car that found nothing

    better to do than this stupid race?

    She shook her head, multiplying the pain pounded his skull. A nagging

    him nausea

    took away all his strength.

    - I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday morning, so I went out with

    Nigel. I followed

    a silly impulse ... I was not mistress of my actions, I was not myself at



    Page 15

    She wanted to disappear underground. Natasha the day before, which

    had entered it

  • bed so eagerly no more, and she would never see the day.

    Lee Farrell observed an alarming silence. She dared not look at him.

    - I see, he threw last, without going further.

    - I was not in my normal state and ...

    - Indeed, he cut sharply.

    - I never ...

    - I went into account he interrupted again with the same abruptness.

    She trembled, her face was burning. How could he not notice? ...

    - I take you back to London, he said. Drink your coffee is hot, I will

    preparing a more substantial breakfast.

    - No, I could not swallow anything ...

    - Well, he said, rising. The bathroom is right out, remember?

    - Yes ...

    She was not about to forget the disposition of this cottage nor the events

    that were it

    place ...

    When she had finished her coffee, she jumped out of bed and went to

    wash. While she

    dressed she heard Lee walk outside. She discreetly approached the

    window and saw,

    standing in the morning sun, his dark hair slightly raised by the wind. It

    emanated from

    himself a sovereign tranquility, but the anger seemed to smolder in him.

  • Natasha turned away, biting her lip and went down. Lee Farrell closed

    the house, handed

    the key in place and they walked to the car.

    - This cottage belongs to you? she asked, while the vehicle was entering

    the small


    Concentrate on driving, he just is nodding his head. The many ruts do it

    not made it easy.

    - Do not be furious, she sighed.

    - I'm not, 'he retorted.

    But his clenched and hard features belied his words.

    - I despise me, 'she whispered.

    He turned his head toward her; his gray eyes were cold as steel.

    - Why? he raised. To be seduced by me or for committing a

    infidelity to the man you love?

    He had to speak with a rage that startled ...

    - For both reasons at once, she confessed in a whisper, suddenly livid.

    - Thank you! It's very nice to hear that one just to spend the night with

    despises you to have done! The day begins well!

    Both hands on his knees, Natasha bullied nervously hem of her dress


    his fingers.

    - I'm just trying to explain ...

  • - You're welcome! Does the cut. I understood perfectly.

    - No, you have not understood ... she Att miserably. I ...

    - My dear, you are very eloquent, believe me.

    They arrived on a wider road, and he stepped on the gas. Natasha


    - Please, do not drive so fast ...

    He did not seem to hear, he does not bother to look; however, it slows


    little. The girl desperately looking for a way to apologize, but how to tell

    him the

    Page 16

    truth without hurting him more?

    If last night they had crossed person, traffic in the morning was dense.


    took an hour to reach the center of London, one hour during which Lee

    Farrell says

    do not say a word.

    Natasha eagerly awaiting the moment when she would be freed from his

    presence, as this

    horrible day finally would finish ...

    - Where can I drop you? he asked at last.

    - A Chelsea, please.

  • If she went to the office in the same dress as last night, Nigel would


    not to draw the necessary conclusions.

    - Where, in Chelsea? he insisted, annoyed.

    She told him the name of his street and began to explain to him the way,

    but he interrupted

    curtly saying he did not need his help.

    When he finally stopped in front of her, she bit her lip:

    - I ... 'she began.

    - If you have the misfortune to tell me you're sorry, I do not know what I


    do! To hell thundered tomorrow I 2.

    Does he- He leaned toward her, fury vibrating and continued:

    - You've used me tonight, and I hate that they're used to me! I have

    Never allow anyone to behave that way! You may be trying to justify


    driving imagining that champagne or melancholy have led you to make a


    not ... But let me tell you, my young friend, that person never acts

    without wanting a little.

    He leaned more and suddenly opened the door:

    - Bye, he threw.

  • Natasha slipped out of the vehicle. Hardly she found herself standing on

    the sidewalk that

    car started with a bang.

    Once home, she donned a black pleated skirt and a white crepe blouse.


    is watched carefully in the mirror, almost surprised that she had not

    changed. TO

    share a certain pallor and a slightly less proud head carriage, perhaps,

    nothing revealed his

    internal distress.

    When she entered her office, Nigel was sitting with his head in his

    hands. He winced in

    pain when she closed the door.

    - Do not make noise, I beg you, he said.

    I spent a terrible night.

    He raised his eyes and looked enfini the girl.

    - And what happened to you? You have me indeed dropped ...

    - I'll get coffee and aspirins.

    - I especially need a nurse, he whispered.

    Natasha walked to the door, but suddenly mischievous voice pierced her


    like a sword:

    - How was it finally? he asked.

  • Despite the nausea that came over, she did not turn around. Nigel

    laughed, but in this

    feigned cheerfulness pierced all his resentment.

    - You're thinner than I thought, he added. You fell on the right number,

    it is very rich!

    The door slammed behind the girl who felt bad to hear his satisfaction

    boss moan:

    Page 17

    - Oh, my poor head ...

    Page 18


    It remained to Natasha a week of vacation to take, but when she

    demanded his due,

    Nigel was angry:

    - You take it to the last minute, it seems to me, he remarked.

    - I have family problems, she explained truthfully altogether, I have to


    promptly with my parents.

    He still resented for having abandoned this evening; However, he

    managed to silence

    his resentment.

  • - I guess it is urgent and you do not have a choice, but how am I

    manage without you, me?

    - Sara replace me, I've already talked to him.

    The sulky Nigel turned back to the window. He gazed complacently at

    his reflection

    in the window darkened by the pale glow of the setting sun, and took

    care to put in place a


    - Okay, he sighed. I just hope you tell me true, is that Lee Farrell

    not the real reason for your approach ... If ever I learned that you have a

    good party

    time in Capri or Tahiti with him, I would look immediately another


    Natasha looked at him with a certain coldness.

    - I'll leave you my phone number, so you can reach me whenever

    you seem ...

    - Good, very good! No need to take the fly!

    if he exclaimed.

    But the girl was fuming with indignation when the door closed behind

    her the


    Every time he would be in a bad mood, Nigel would not fail to evoke


  • Farrell ... He was not about to forget his disappointment. Perceptive,

    inquisitive and talkative, he would not lose

    an opportunity to relate to all the winds of adventure Natasha in Kent, if

    he ever came

    learn it. This sort of anecdotes spiced existence, he said.

    In the train that brought her home the next morning, Natasha was

    desperately trying to

    find how she would announce to his family that his marriage was

    canceled. All he had

    imagine the incredulous face and upset his mother for words and phrases

    that she had

    eva-nouissent be prepared in smoke.

    The task is hard! She would begin by informing his mother alone

    together, it would be

    easier than to explain to all his relatives gathered.

    The girl chooses a time when his father, Linda and Jack were busy

    admiring the

    roses in the garden. Ms. Blairy preparing tea in the kitchen:

    - Oh, you're here, darling, 'she said, turning around. Would you take out

    the cups, if you


    No blue everyday, those Chinese porcelain.

    Dry lips, Natasha mechanically opened the cupboard.

  • - Mom ... she began.

    - Mike is not going to join you in the week?


    Why hath he not accompanied? He has so much work? He could not

    break free ... What

    Page 19


    We were planning precisely with your father the other day, to go to

    London for the

    knowledge of Ms. Porter. We could invite here. What's your opinion?

    Do you think she

    willing to come?

    - Mom ... Natasha repeated in a hushed voice.

    - And the cups? I take you there daydreaming ... You've always been a

    dreamer!; even small

    daughter thou vadais in your little world for a yes or a no. It was

    enough for me to watch you

    that you were in your secret country ... Linda instead, always kept his

    feet on the ground, nothing

    escaped him. You were the sweetest, but you let yourself be led by your

    elder too. Never

    let dictated to by anyone.

  • Ms. Blairy applied to butter toast with quick and precise movements.

    Natasha, who

    had the cups in saucers, looked at her mother her big blue eyes:

    - I'm not going to marry Mike, Mom.

    - What, dear? Hey, will you cut it into very thin slices cucumber?

    - Mom ...!

    Ms. Blairy finally put his knife on the table with a sudden gesture and

    turned to his daughter.

    - What are you saying? she asked, prohibited.

    Distraught Natasha looked at her, his lips trembling.

    - You're not going to marry Mike? repeated her mother, growing pale.

    What is it

    mean? ...

    We chose the church, the town hall, the room, the meals, musicians and


    She paused, opened his mouth again without any sound went not out by

    then stared

    her daughter.

    - You can not change your mind now that everything is organized ...

    - It's over, whispered Natasha.

    - Finished?

    - Forever.

    Ms. Blairy pulled a chair to it and it sat down heavily.

  • - My God, how is he your father react?

    Last Friday, he spent his day trying his suit, do you realize you?

    - I'm sorry, Mom ...

    Ms. Blairy stared at the hands of his daughter, clutching the back of a


    - What happened, dear? An argument? You know, lovers' quarrels are


    that your couran-needless to dramatize! Everything will work out, you'll

    see ...

    - No! Natasha cried warmly. It is impossible.

    Tears flowed down her cheeks now.

    - Natasha, my child! cried his mother bypassing the table to come for the


    daughter in his arms. What's happening? What does all this mean?

    Maybe your imagination

    it darkens the situation?

    - I would love that to be the case! But you see, Mrs. Porter hates me. It


    considers a rival who will take away his son, Mike, blinded by his love

    to him,

    refuses to open his eyes. He prefers breaking because I will never accept

    living with her ...

    New sobs interrupted him.

  • - Oh, dear, this story does not like very much, Ms. lamented with a


    sigh so heartbreaking that her daughter smiled through her tears. Now,

    now, calm down,

    she added, suddenly concerned that Natasha in such a state.

    Indeed, she did not know if she was laughing or if she was crying now ...

    Page 20

    - Listen, 'she said, you're going to rest up a bit with a nice cup of tea and


    aspirins. I undertake to prevent your father, Linda and Jack.

    - Mom, you're so nice ...

    Ms. Blairy helped him up the stairs, and then she pulled the curtains in

    the room that Natasha

    immediately crawled under the quilt.

    - I'm sorry for all the trouble I cause you, Dad, and you ...

    - Do not worry about it. Take your tea and your pills, then you will sleep

    a little.

    Since last night with Lee Farrell, the girl was very little and slept badly.

    The anguish of having to entrust the terrible news to her mother had

    been right about her. Exhausted, she

    fell asleep without even realizing it.

    When she awoke, a gray dawn began to break. She stood on tip

  • feet, drew the curtains and looked at the first light that adorned the

    horizon of a veil

    pink and light.

    Going down into the kitchen, she heard the clatter of cups clashed,


    the kettle ... It was his father, only in pajamas and robe, her hair in


    Natasha looked at him anxious eyes, but he smiled.

    - Come in, come on! if he cried. And do not look so devastated air, it

    looks like you

    committed a crime!

    - I'm so sorry you create so much anxiety ... You had everything

    organized and ...

    - Forget it. It is better to take time to engage in a doomed union

    to failure.

    - But I wanted this marriage with all my heart ... But when Mike was so

    insisted that we lived with his mother, I realized that we were running to


    - Undoubtedly, his father nodded. But he must have known she was so



    Natasha shrugged.

  • - He accused me of letting myself be carried away by my dreams. He

    even dared to say that

    it was I who hated her!

    Mr. Blairy carefully watched the pale face of his daughter.

    - ... And to be frank, my dear, you had no reason to hate, a priori, is not


    - But no! Instead, I was quite willing to accept it, but how can we

    love someone who looks at you with such hatred? And you know, she is

    not possessive

    only in respect Mike, if you had heard of Kenneth's wife! The poor girl

    all the faults of the Earth! Besides, it is not by chance that they went to

    live in Australia ...

    - Poor Mike ... If he really does not realize anything, it should be really


    this moment ...

    The girl looked at him, frowning.

    - Yes, but I'm not the least ... Worst of all is that it will never accept any

    beautiful girl.

    - Except when he meets a woman more stubborn as her mother ... I do

    not see Linda

    abandon a marriage that she would truly desired, for example!

    Natasha sighed.

    - Me neither, but I'm no match for Mrs. Porter.

  • At the bottom of herself, Natasha thought that if that night she had acted

    with more common sense,

    courage and determination, she would not have embarked on this path

    without return. Instead of listening

    the voice of recklessness, she should go back to Mike, tell him exactly

    what she thought of

    Ms. Porter, ask him the ultimatum to choose between his fiance and her


    However, after that brief moment of rebellion, would she have the

    strength to endure

    Page 21

    persistent malice of this woman, the war that would inevitably have led

    him? How

    his marriage could he survive such a hostile climate?

    Mr. Blairy patted the cheek of the girl:

    - No, that's not your style, indeed, he said. You took the wisest decision.

    Later, Natasha realized that the whole family did not share this opinion.


    perspective of his sister was much less conciliatory

    - You should have to get rid of that woman!

    if she cried angrily. That's what I would have done in any case. How can

    you confess

  • defeated so quickly, without even fight, Natty?

    - Do not call me Natty!

    - If you loved Mike, you would not give up so quickly, Linda continued,

    imperturbable. This selfish dirty ...

    - Linda! interjected his father.

    But she faced him.

    - Well, have I not right? If the poor fellow only had one ounce

    intelligence, he would have seen for a long time what was going on

    under his nose, and he would have sent his

    mother to hell!

    - It is not so simple: she sacrificed herself for him, Natasha explained.

    - And she wants to make sure he will never forget! Linda punctuated

    dryly. It is

    not crazy, she will not be alone! You see, if his son marries, she will be

    forced to

    start a new life ...

    This subject was beginning to tire the girl.

    - I do not want to hear about it, I decided to forget, she said.

    - You're right, dear, Mrs. Blairy slipped, it is a wise resolution. I for my


    the feeling that you got fired narrowly a bad step.

    Linda would speak again when his mother reduced her to silence with a

    stern look.

  • - Enough, now! Needless to chat for hours!

    Ms. Blairy not easily out of joint, as its chips they wearing more

    when this was happening.

    The week went by too quickly to suit Natasha; return to London only



    Jack accompanied her to the station. Before leaving, he looked with

    some anxiety.

    - You are very pale, he remarked. Are you sure want to go?

    - Of course, she lied.

    She had no choice now.

    - Take care of yourself ...

    The girl noticed with a sinking heart that the temples of his brother

    already beginning to turn gray ... She remembered the brief and painful

    period in which it

    had thought herself in love with him.

    Life, emotions are like the sand that is held in the hand. From which is

    removed the

    fingers, it irretrievably vanished to the last grain ... As she was correct

    away from Jack, and as she had been wrong not to flee Lee Farrell in the

    same way ... The

    remorse does not rongeraient currently.

  • When she entered her apartment, she noticed that one had slipped a note

    under the


    She immediately recognized the handwriting of Mike ...

    His first reaction was not to open the envelope, but curiosity was quickly

    due to its

    Page 22


    He said to have called many times, coming home, to no avail. Its


    Professional sent him to Manchester for a quin-fortnight of days, but he

    would see his

    back: he was keen to talk to him.

    Natasha crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash. Whatever he may

    say, the situation

    remain unchanged.

    A week passed, routinely and morose. Moreover, a secret anxiety

    became gradually

    companion of the girl. Unable to concentrate on his work, she came to

    lose your appetite,

    then sleep Natasha was afraid of being pregnant ...

    - Whether he arrives? Nigel impatiently a day. You are in love? Do you

  • give me a few minutes of attention?

    She kept smiling as she wanted to scream. What other stance to take?

    She dared neither to trust nor ask anyone's advice. In the office, she had

    no pretty close friend. She ended up buying a test. His fears were

    confirmed: she was waiting

    a child ...

    She had not considered the possibility. The pain of his broken

    engagement, the

    shame, contempt of itself after that night spent with a stranger had so

    filled his

    spirit she had not thought about the consequences of his folly.

    After this sudden revelation, she found herself in her quiet apartment as


    trapped animal.

    What would she do now? He had to face the situation; it could

    indefinitely shut up.

    It should be resolved sooner or later to tell his parents, his boss ...

    The girl took her head in her hands trembling. Mr. and Mrs. Blairy

    granted a

    great importance to morality, respectability. They would be outraged by

    learning such

    ... If the new baby was Mike, maybe they would have forgiven since

    young people

  • were to be married.

    But the idea of their reaction when they announce that she knew nothing

    of the father,

    only his name, she had never met before that fateful evening, she wanted

    disappear into a black hole.

    She spent the whole night sitting in his chair, looking for a way out. His


    loomed as well auspices dark and she could only blame herself. No

    Atte-nuante circumstance, no excuse could soften his sentence.

    Pale, with sunken eyes, she saw the day getting up on this dreary

    Sunday. A noise

    bottles in the street pointed his way slag. He was late.

    His neighbor lit his radio: he listened to pop music all day. The shouting

    an argument somewhere in the building also reached him. Natasha

    stopped his ears.

    Lack of sleep added to his distress even louder dismay. The space of a

    moment she saw him walking toward the river and plunge without

    hesitation, without looking back More ...

    that vision will not appeased; she would not escape his fate in this way,

    she knew.

    How would she get through the coming months? The contemplation of

    London brought him roofs

    not the answer to this question.

  • She started violently when someone knocked at the door. She jumped up


    hesitated ...

    But the blows redoubled against the door, as if she resigned herself to go

    and open. The heart

    Natasha was torn when she came face to Mike ... Like her, he was pale,

    his eyes

    were identified.

    - Hello ... he said in an uncertain tone.

    Page 23

    The girl held the door instead of opening wide.

    - It is useless, Mike, she replied wearily.

    - I want to talk to you.

    - It's not worth it.

    Although he announced he was giving up his mother for her, it would be

    useless now.

    His foolish behavior had irretrievably ruined their future.

    - My darling ... began the young man.

    Tears shone in Natasha's eyes.

    When he took her in his arms, she laid her head against his shoulder,

    trying vainly

    stop crying.

  • He gently stroked her hair and whispered her name against her ear.

    - Do not cry, do not cry like that, honey ... I'm sorry ... Natasha, I'm in

    Please ...

    She managed to swallow her sobs and push him away.

    - The regrets are useless, Mike, it's all over ...

    - I love you, 'he replied gravely. Perhaps we will require a little more

    time? You do not

    not know my mother, if only you tried ...

    Natasha tried to muster all his courage to tell him the awful truth. The

    price of a

    huge effort, because the words refused to cross the barrier of her lips,

    she managed to say:

    - I am pregnant.

    A long silence followed.

    - What did you just say? Mike inquired, suddenly the traits defeated by a

    deadly pallor.

    - The night you broke our engagement, I went to a party, I drank too

    much and I spent

    night with someone, she said with a stroke, as if reciting a text repeated

    a thousand times.

    During his long hours of reflection, she decided not to coat its history

    useless excuses. His parents would be entitled to the same direct


  • Forbidden, Mike gazed with parted lips. A deep crimson flushed


    his face.

    - Who is it? he exploded a MECON-nizable voice.

    - I can not answer you.

    Considering that Lee Farrell was not wearing the responsibility of their

    adventure, she would not

    the impli-quer.

    Mike suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake

    violently. Rabies distorted

    his face.

    - Who is it? Tell me! Who is it?

    - I can not, 'she whispered, stunned by the brutal treatment he inflicted


    - I want to know! How could you do such a thing? My God, how? ...

    - I'm sorry, I was not in my normal state ... Oh, do not look at me, I'm in


    - Herries! if he suddenly cried. Herries! He is is not it? He always tried

    to you

    seduce, this is it!

    - Not if she exclaimed, horrified. This is not it!

    In an angry and contemptuous gesture, he pushed her away bluntly.

  • - When I will lay hands on him, I can assure you that I will undertake

    her pretty little

    little face ...

    Terrified, she ran after him.

    - Oh, no, Mike! Do not tell Nigel, I beg you!

    Mike, please ...

    He pushed the girl out of his way and slammed the door behind him.

    Appalled, Natasha

    Page 24

    remained motionless, helpless. It would turn out to Nigel, and she ... She

    should resign

    shuddered, imagining the reaction of his boss as the rosary of

    accusations that Mike would surely

    no bludgeon him. She could see the amusement in his eyes, the disbelief,

    the flood of questions

    follow, eyebrow raising ... His pitiful adventure did not shock, relishing

    in it.

    Scandals exerted on him a fascinating power ... But she had not the

    slightest desire to be

    the object of his curiosity ...

    Natasha did not dare to take refuge with his parents, afraid to inflict

    embarrassment too

  • profound.

    She could not return to the office, because everyone would be aware of


    mishap. He would have to find a new apartment, a new job, a solution


    raise her baby alone, without help from anyone. Unfortunately, she did

    not see how there

    reach ...

    She dropped into a chair and remembered that night, his exaltation, that

    sense of freedom that had transported under the effect of c .. hampagne .

    The small bubble had burst,

    and landing was painful ... confident, liberated, full of going, she thought



    Alcohol had dissipated miraculously depression due to its rupture.

    Would she be strong enough to take care of her child alone? The night of

    his meeting with Lee

    Farrell, his fate had turned a corner. The dice were thrown, and it

    measured poorly

    the magnitude of loss. She did not know how it would come out, but she

    had to get out ...

    Page 25


    Natasha decided to regroup; it would still not sit there all day,

    to soften his misfortune! She put on jeans and a blue shirt, then went out


    along the river. The wind lifted the small ripples on the surface of the

    Thames which pursued

    slowly making its inexorable course, tossed some moored barges, bent

    trees whose

    battered branches creaked occasionally. The girl frowned; the noise it

    remembered that the door of the cottage Lee Farrell ...

    Of course! "He replied when asked if he was haunted ... It was this

    Remember that always haunt, now ...

    When she returned to her apartment, the air had restored color to his


    volume to her hair, and the future seemed less sinister him.

    Climbing the stairs, she met her neighbor, an Irish nurse. They


    some small talk about the time when Natasha heard someone climb the

    steps behind them.

    She turned mechanically, and his heart stopped beating losqu'elle

    recognized Lee

    Farrell ... She walked hurriedly toward his door and thrust his key into

    the lock. It

  • was to show off by driving the intruder to the nurse who was watching

    them with interest

    growing. Neither did she react when he followed her inside.

    The mouth suddenly dry with apprehension, she put on her big blue eyes


    He considered with a wild air ...

    - I just had a visit! he threw.

    - Visit? she repeated blankly.

    - No need to play the innocent, that does not mar-chera!

    Puzzled, Natasha was speechless for a moment.

    - But what are you talking about? Finally she managed to articulate. And

    first, what are you doing here?

    I do not want ...

    - What you want is a bargain, he severely cut.

    This time she looked at him with great amazement.

    - I thought I was too old to let myself be fooled by a girl candid, he


    teeth clenched. But it is a lesson ...

    Natasha had the feeling of being missed out on the essential, in this

    conversation. This was

    as if she was trying to reconstitute a play she would have missed the first


  • - Maybe that 'he would help if you resume from the beginning ... she

    said slowly. That

    are you doing here, Mr. Farrell?

    - You do not know, of course, he quipped.

    It seemed hardly contain his anger.

    - I have no idea, indeed.

    A bad and unpleasant laugh greeted his words.

    She shuddered when the gray eyes, cold as steel, scoured the top down.


    was furious in the morning where they had parted, but not with this

    hateful resentment which she

    not understand the cause.

    He shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.

    - All right, if you like fun, well let's have fun! You claim not

    know what I mean, but you know as well as I do, is not it?

    The irritation was beginning to win.

    - If it is you who say it, she muttered.

    Page 26

    - What? he exploded in approaching her, the body laid by an

    indescribable rage.

    She looked up at him his face drawn features, once more pale.

    - Listen, just trying to expose me the reason for your visit before you go,

  • Mr. Farrell.

    Natasha wondered if she could stand long. Merely watching

    filled him with great weakness. The man's voice had lost its warmth,

    softness but

    it evoked in her the painful memory of that fateful night.

    - I received a called Porter, he declared finally.

    - Oh ... is she exclaimed, appalled by impli cation of this revelation.

    Mike How had he found? Nigel, of course ... Nigel had told him ... How

    there had not she thought of it before? No doubt she was too

    preoccupied to imagine the reaction of his

    boss speech of his fianc.

    - I see that we are beginning to understand us, he remarked.

    Natasha blushed suddenly he knew, the baby ... At the height of

    embarrassment, she

    would rather go underground instead of meeting his gaze. She turned

    away and walked

    in the room as if to escape the grip of these ice eyes.

    - I was asleep when your fianc rang. I come from the United States, and

    I tried to

    recover some, it is a tiring journey.

    Mike How could he do that? if she asked miserably. Her delicate

    usual ...

  • - When I was able to emerge from sleep, he continued, I went down and


    opened the door.

    An individual then broke into me like a cannonball. I was not very

    woke up and before I had time to react ground, he killed me a good


    She suddenly dropped into the nearby chair and took her face in his


    hands. The voice of his visitor, who continued his story, the froze like a

    winter wind.

    - He then overwhelmed me a rosary of insults without bothering to show

    up or

    even to explain what he was doing at home. I was mad, a prey to


    any ...

    - I'm sorry, Natasha whispered.

    - I do not doubt he retorted tit for tat.

    - I had not told her anything, she clarified, looking up.

    Tears shone in her eyes.

    - You really think I'm an idiot!

    - Not at all!

    - Ah ... maybe he has learned my existence in a crystal ball?

    - No, but Nigel was informed ...

  • The long silky hair of the girl swept her shoulders to her every


    - Nigel? he repeated, frowning. He who accompanied you to the party?

    The fool in the sports car?

    She just nodded.

    Lee Farrell began nervously pacing the room back and forth along. She

    was not looking,

    but she guessed that the struggle going on within him: uncertainties,

    doubts, anger attempting

    Always check ...

    - Look, I do not know how he found out, but he would not have tried to

    blackmail me if ...

    - Get sing? Does the cut, abasour-die.

    He stopped before her and squinted while staring at her.

    - Yes, a very nasty expression, is not it?

    Page 27

    he quipped with an ominous smile. And a good project also low.

    - What do you mean by that? she asked in a flat voice. What are you


    tell me?

    - This is not true! You keep playing the innocent? It is you who have


  • Porter find me ...

    - No! she screamed in horror.

    - Yes! He did not act on his own. I have never met as talented actress


    You are very clever ... I do not know man abusing me to let me as a kid.

    You have organized your plan, both ... But I'm not that naive. I demand

    that you

    might encounter a blood test I have to know if I'm the father, before

    anything else.

    - A ... a blood test? she stammered, overcome with amazement.

    - I want proof that this baby is mine.

    His mouth was an unpleasant trick.

    - Although ..., 'he continued, I'm sure he is.

    You would not have taken the risk to mount such machination if it were

    that of another.

    However, I will not pay anything until you have proof.

    Natasha jumped up. A splitting headache pounding his temples suddenly


    - But I do not want ...

    - My dear, what you want does not matter to me. From now on, it is I


    gives instructions. When it is born, you will disappear forever, and I will

    keep the child.

  • - Listen! exploded the girl who believed crazy.

    The whole story seemed totally implausible him. Mike, extort money,

    blackmail! It was unthinkable. Perhaps they were victims of a


    Lee Farrell interrupted in turn.

    - I understand Porter, thank you, he sliced. Further explanations are

    unnecessary. He has

    at least the quality to go straight to him. If this child is mine, I will

    repay. Certainly tonight

    has cost me dearly, but I can bear to know that my child is raised by a


    also false, as hypocritical as you! You are despicable.

    She turned pale under the insult.

    - From now on, we will do things legally. My lawyers will prepare a


    when you have undergone exams. You sign, you will get the money only

    after, and if

    you dare try to meet again, the baby and me, you'll be in serious trouble.

    Be sure

    you will have no recourse, everything will be provided for this purpose.

    After a long look full of all his hatred, he turned and walked out, leaving

    the girl


  • She jumped when the door slammed violently, and, trembling, she ran

    after him. But

    he descended the stairs four at without looking back.

    Natasha tried to catch however; once in the street, she came face to face

    with Mike

    coming out of his car. The young man kissed the scene of a glance; he

    fell into step

    Lee Farrell and strongly stood in front of him to force him to stop. They

    fought for a moment

    silence, like two beasts before the fight. The girl stumbled towards them

    stammering words

    intended to prevent the altercation. Farrell turned to her with a caustic

    air, then he went up

    his car and drove off in a squeal of tires.

    - So he came, 'said Mike. I should have guessed ... What did he want?

    - Come on, she said, heading toward the building.

    Page 28

    He followed her. Once on the landing, Natasha heard the door of the

    nurse to close

    softly. These events seemed decidedly inte-resser ...

    - Why did you go home? she asked her fianc when they were immune


  • eavesdroppers. How could you, Mike?

    - Why I went to him? he raised a scathing voice. You ask me a question

    like, after what he did? But I would have been able to kill him!

    Natasha shuddered.

    - You have no right.

    - No right? While we were going to marry?

    He looked now as if he had never seen before.

    - You came to break our engagement him she remembered.

    - Oh, Natasha ...

    The young man turned away and lowered his head like a child caught.

    But he

    ... suffered the verge of tears, she approached him and placed a calming

    hand on his shoulder.

    - Mike, I beg you ...

    - You can not imagine how I feel ...

    How could you take you so? How to ...

    She could not see her face, but she felt the pain in his voice.

    - You have never allowed to venture beyond a few kisses me, I accepted

    of atten-dre ... and suddenly you give yourself to a stranger?

    - You're still not believe that I acted on purpose? I had too much to

    drink, I've told you ...

    A shudder ran through him.

  • - It was he, this bad guy ... He is known for his female success, as

    Herries. When

    a girl he likes, he does not waste his time ...

    She thought he was not wrong! All he had to remember how Lee Farrell


    distant from Nigel, that night ... His head was spinning ...

    - Yet I was sure it was Herries ...

    Natasha listened, ashamed and miserable. How dare look his boss in the



    - Farrell This is only a playboy, women jostling at his door, he


    Moreover, while I was talking to him, a girl came out of the bedroom

    wearing only a red and ...

    without embarrassment! He lives in a real palace ...

    He paused and put his haggard eyes on her companion.

    - Oh, you really chose your man for revenge ...

    - But I ...

    - Needless to deny you resented me to death because I refused to give up

    my mother


    - You are mistaken, Mike! I have absolutely not acted deliberately. I

    drank too much

  • champagne ...

    He gave a mocking laugh, and Natasha felt overcome with sudden anger.

    - After all, said she, what does it importe- you? We are no longer

    engaged. You

    blame myself because your mother can not stand me, but it does not

    support the woman

    Kenneth, is not it? She will never accept that anyone who comes

    between her son and herself,

    she wants to keep you both for itself that's the problem ...

    She paused at the sight of defeated young man's face.

    - This is not true! if he exclaimed.

    - Really? Have you ever bothered to talk to Kenneth? she asked a

    Page 29

    voice suddenly softened to the distress of the young man.

    - How can you emit such suppositions when you do not even know my


    - Your mother told me about him and his wife in a sufficiently eloquent.

    Mike, it

    left me no chance. If you had not pushed so hard for her to live with us,

    if you had deigned to listen to me ... but it's too late now.

    - Natasha, why have you done this?

    He seemed totally hopeless now also afflicted herself.

  • - I repeat ... I was unhappy, I lost my head.

    - And you met this lout. I should wring his neck!

    The girl hesitated a moment before asking:

    - He says you wanted to extort money ...?

    Taken aback, Mike opened his eyes.

    - What?

    - It seems you tried to exert blackmail on him.

    - Such a liar! Blackmail? But why ...

    It suddenly seemed to remember one important detail:

    - Ah ... I ... I told him he was going to pay us, but that's it. I have never



    - I suspected that it was a misunderstanding, she sighed, relieved.

    - That's why he came to see you? he asked, frowning.

    She nodded.

    - He thought you wanted to extort a sum ...

    - Oh, I'd be able to kill him! muttered between his teeth.

    - That's enough, Mike.

    The impulsiveness of youth had caused enough damage yet.

    - You never see it again, and you will not see me more.

    He turned quickly to put on her a pained look.

    - Natasha ..., 'he began, taking a step toward her.

    - No, she said, stepping back. It's all over.

  • He seemed distraught, but he knew it as a gulf separated them forever,


    - How will you deal with this situation?

    he asked in a faltering voice.

    - One way or another, he'll have.

    - If you need anything ...

    She shook her head.

    - Thanks anyway, she smiles.

    He looked down for a moment.

    - It is also the Farrell problem, he whispered.

    - No, she once declared in a firm and determined voice. This is mine and

    only the


    - You do not realize, Natasha, it will be very hard!

    - I'll come through.

    - You're going back with your parents?

    She would not answer, but she continued:

    - Perhaps, she said.

    Page 30

    He seemed relieved, and she was happy.

    - That would be the best solution, he estimated.

    She wanted him to leave now. Some time ago, they envisioned a future

  • happy with optimistic confidence. Today, their projects were reduced to


    Only loomed before her claims tomorrow.

    - You better leave me, Mike, she asked, seeing that he could not bring

    himself to do it


    But he remained motionless, plagued by confused emotions.

    - Natasha, I ...

    - Please, there is nothing more to say now.

    He closed his eyes a moment, then finally resigned himself to kiss her

    briefly on the cheek.

    - Good luck, 'he whispered.

    She waited until he was out to let the tears stream down her cheeks.

    Page 31


    That night, she listened quietly to the radio when someone knocked on

    his door. Natasha

    parted and carefully flushed recognizing Nigel. He held the door with

    one hand as

    it was expected that the girl slams in his face ...

    - I want to talk, he said.

  • - Please, let me ... she stammered in a voice trembling while her


    and distress.

    - You should listen to me, however, he insisted, pushing the door


    Natasha stepped back, and the young man entered.

    - You know that Mike Porter came to see me? he continued.

    - Yes, she nodded, wondering why Nigel was there.

    Maybe he burned to discover other piquant details about his

    misadventure? She had

    never felt great sympathy for him, but at that moment she hated him.

    With its

    unhealthy mentality, he would not fail to peddle the news of his sad

    story and embellish

    in its own way ...

    - You have not had any luck, he remarked, apparently seriously.

    She looked at him and saw, surprise, he watched with attention devoid



    - I understand that you have no desire to talk about it, but I wanted to

    make sure that

    it changes nothing between us ... or regarding your employment, he

    added, lingering on the

  • pale face of the girl. These are things that happen, you know, we make

    errors. I suspected that you would be embarrassed, but I do not want to

    lose you. You are a

    excellent secretary. I wish your leave to your ... you come to work


    To his amazement, Natasha noticed that Nigel was embarrassed. His

    face was colored, and


    - Thank you, 'she muttered under his breath.

    - That must have caused a terrible shock ...

    She just nodded and looked away.

    - I just wanted to save you an additional concern about your future

    professional, he continued, already heading for the door.

    You need to know more where to turn, I guess. I can not imagine facing


    this situation without a ...

    He stopped abruptly but soon resumed,

    - Anyway, do not worry unnecessarily.

    No one in the office will not judge you, we are all very broadminded.

    You have had bad luck, but that could have happened to anyone.

    Natasha reproached himself for having misjudged Nigel. Touched by

    this unpredictable meekness, she

    held him when he was going out. He looked hesitantly.

  • - I have not told anyone, thought it good to clarify before engaging in the



    The girl no longer doubted his sincerity. A slight smile played on his

    lips. It

    should learn not to wear too hasty judgments, and not condemn people


    appearances ...

    That night she

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