  1. 1. General View To be in a drivers seat means you are the driver of the car. The person driving the car is responsible for the passengers life until they reach the destination Safe & Sound. The person has to take care of the car he/she is driving, avoid accidents & damage to the car. It is his/her duty to maintain the car & keep it updated. Driver also has to abide by all the traffic rules & regulations in order to drive peacefully.
  2. 2. ACTUAL MEANING To be in a drivers seat to be in control; in charge of things.
  3. 3. IN PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT IT MEANS - The car symbolizes the life we lead. Driver is the head of the family. Passengers are the family members of the driver (head). Traffic rules & regulations represent the societal obligations a person has to face in his/her life. Taking care or maintaining the car represents the readiness to take the opportunity to improve the life & effectively dealing with the problems faced in life.
  4. 4. USE OF METAPHOR & IRONY Symbolizing car, passengers, driver as life, family, head of the family shows the effective use of metaphor in the philosophy. Irony in this situation is that the person who is in the drivers seat , who is in charge of everything , enjoys his/her powers but has to face a lot of problems or hurdles in life too.
  5. 5. The person who deals with each and every issue , whether small or big being in power has to face a lot of challenges & problems in life. The negative factors tend to affect him/her in adverse ways. The negativity of the life pulls down the leader & brings the feelings of sadness, guilt, depression, hatred, fear, anger & frustration. This is a major problem in everyones life ,which affects each one of us in one way or the other. There has to be a solution to this problem!
  6. 6. Solutions to bring tranquility in life. If you focus on the bad things alone, you will probably never ever be happy in life, so its necessary to notice & appreciate all the happy moments in our lives irrespective of its life span. Even thoroughly enjoyed short-lived moments become beautiful memories of life. Humor, Warmth, Affection , Care & Wisdom are such feelings which helps/enables us to look within the treasure of positive energy flowing within each & everyone of our hearts.
  7. 7. Conclusion Everyone in his/her life will face the situation of being in a drivers seat someday or the other. To enjoy life ,one has to be in control of things & be responsible towards the duties of life. One should never hesitate to take the first step towards shaping & moulding of life. Be determined , strong & humble. Take criticism in the right way. Focus on witticism , different aspects of life & the practical problems that will alter , modify , improve , energise our lives. Be honest & kind and start living in the true sense! The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living it now, today itself.
  8. 8. A small inspiring Video !

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