Download - Tips n Trick

Page 1: Tips n Trick

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

:: Computer Tips n Trick ::

Menjalankan dua account YM secara bersamaan

Hanya dengan cara sederhana Anda bisa menjalankan dua account Yahoo Messager secara bersamaan, hanya dengan sedikit mengedit registry Anda sudah bisa melakukannya, untuk itu ikutilah langka-langkah berikut ini :

1. Start ->Run lalu ketik regedit2. pilih HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/yahoo/pager/Test3. Klik kanan pilih new -> DWORD value lalu rename menjadi Plural lalu sesudah di rename klik ganda dan kasih value 1

Tutuplah registry editor lalu jalankan YM Anda sesudah login pertama lalu klik ganda icon Ym lagi untuk Login kedua dengan user yang berbeda.

..:: Ngerjain CyberCafe ::..

Sering kita ke warnet yang banyak mengunci berbagai akses seperti windows explorer tidak bisa dibuka, klik kanan di desktop tidak bisa, klik kanan di folderpun tidak bisa...betapa sedihnyakan... apalagi bagi saya yang telah terbiasa dengan shortcut windows xp, misalnya membuka windows explorer: Win +E, membuka run: Win +R, mencari file di dalam harddisk Win +F, yang mana tombol Win terletak antara tombol Ctrl dan tombol alt. ingin tahu caranya...nih silakan coba... Sebenarnya cara ini telah lama saya coba dan ternyata berhasil (praktek di komputer sendiri dan beberapa warnet yang menggunakan billing explorer) Mohon maaf kepada pembuat Billing Explorer...untuk tidak berpanjang lebar langsung aja ya...

==> Pertama Buka GPEdit.msc dulu caranya: C:\Windows\System32\GPEdit.msc <-- double Click

------------------------------------------ start. ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- GPEdit.msc ---------------------------------------

1. Jika Klik Kanan di Desktop tidak bisa Masuk Ke GPEdit.msc Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Desktop] - Disable (Hide and disable all items on the desktop)

Jika MyComputer tidak ada - Disable (Remove My Computer icon on the Desktop)

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2. Jika Ingin mengubah properties pada taskbar start menu masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Start Menu and Taskbar] - Disable (Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings)

Jika Menu Run tidak muncul - Disable (Remove Run menu from Start Menu)

Jika menu pada taskbar saat klik kanan tidak muncul - Disable (Remove access to the context menus for the taskbar) 3. Apabila Control Panel tidak bisa di akses Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Control Panel] - Disable (Prohibit access to the Control Panel)

4. Jika Command Prompt tidak bisa di akses Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System] - Disable (Prevent access to the command prompt)

Jika Registry Editor tidak bisa di akses - Disable (Prevent access to registry editing tools)

5. Jika Task Manager tidak bisa di akses Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Ctrl+Alt+Del Options] - Disable (Remove Task Manager)

6. Jika Folder Options pada Windows Explorer tidak muncul Masuk ke [User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Component/Windows Explorer] - Disable (Remove these Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu)

Jika Windows Key tidak berfungsi - Disable (Turn off Windows+X hotkeys)

GPEdit.msc ==> Setelah GPEdit.msc terbuka baru buka Registry Tools caranya: C:\Windows\System32\regedit.exe <-- double Click --- atau --- C:\Windows\regedit.exe <-- double Click


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ResearchMachines\NOATTRIB.VXD] "loadvxd"=dword:00000000

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[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoDrives"=dword:00000000 "LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo"=dword:00000000 "NoFolderOptions"=dword:00000000 "ClearRecentDocsOnExit"=dword:00000000 "NoTrayContextMenu"=dword:00000000 "EnforceShellExtensionSecurity"=dword:00000000 "NoPrinterTabs"=dword:00000000 "NoDeletePrinter"=dword:00000000 "NoAddPrinter"=dword:00000000 "NoRun"=dword:00000000 "NoSetFolders"=dword:00000000 "NoSetTaskbar"=dword:00000000 "NoClose"=dword:00000000 "NoViewContextMenu"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] "DisableRegistryTools"=dword:00000000 "NoDispScrSavPage"=dword:00000000 "NoDispAppearancePage"=dword:00000000 "NoDispSettingsPage"=dword:00000000 "NoAdminPage"=dword:00000000 "NoProfilePage"=dword:00000000 "NoDevMgrPage"=dword:00000000 "NoConfigPage"=dword:0000000 "NoFileSysPage"=dword:00000000 "NoDispCPL"=dword:00000000 "NoDispBackgroundPage"=dword:00000000 "NoVirtMemPage"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network] "NoFileSharingControl"=dword:00000000 "NoPrintSharingControl"=dword:00000000 "NoNetSetup"=dword:00000000 "NoNetSetupIDPage"=dword:00000000 "NoNetSetupSecurityPage"=dword:00000000 "NoEntireNetwork"=dword:00000000 "NoWorkgroupContents"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp] "NoRealMode"=dword:00000000 "Disable"=dword:00000000


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ActiveDesktop] "NoHTMLWallPaper"=dword:00000000 "NoChangingWallPaper"=dword:00000000 "NoCloseDragDropBands"=dword:00000000 "NoMovingBands"=dword:00000000 "NoAddingComponents"=dword:00000000 "NoDeletingComponents"=dword:00000000 "NoEditingComponents"=dword:00000000 "NoClosingComponents"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoFolderOptions"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] "DisableCMD"=dword:00000000 "DisableRegistryTools"=dword:00000000

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Advanced] "Hidden"=dword:00000000 "HideFileExt"=dword:00000000 "ShowSuperHidden"=dword:00000000

--------------------------------------- Regedit. --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------

==> Setelah regedit.exe terbuka baru ubah password administrator <-- (Ini yang di tunggu2x) caranya: C:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc <-- double Click

------------------------------------------ start. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Administrator. -------------------------------------

Pilih: - Computer Management (Local)/System Tools/Local Users and Groups/User

- Klik kanan Administrator -> Set Password

- Ketik New Password: ********** Confirm Password: **********

Selesai deh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

------------------------------------ Administrator. ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------

Jika tidak bisa sama sekali klik kanan di Windows Explorer masih ada trik tertentu caranya:

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- Masuk ke Folder misalnya: C:/Windows/System32 - Trus klik salah satu file dalam folder itu misalnya: TaskMgr.exe - Kemudian klik menu File pada Win Explorer - Run as... - Klik The following user -> Masukkan passwordnya Username: Administrator Password: ******** - Selesai NB: Cara ini dilakukan jika kita sudah mendapatkan password administrator seperti yang telah kita pelajari di atas. jika semua cara di atas masih ngga bisa jg berarti masih ada cara lain silakan anda temukan sendiri, selamat mencoba

Contoh lain2nya dibawah ini...........

1. Membuka MSConfig dari Windows Explorer Caranya: C:\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\MSConfig.exe

2. Membuka Sysedit dari Windows Explorer Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\Sysedit.exe

3. Membuka Task Manager Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe

4. Membuka Services.msc Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\services.msc

5. Membuka Disk Management System (Melihat Partisi Harddisk) Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\diskmgmt.msc

6. Membuka Computer Management Services Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc

7. Membuka Shortcut to desktop Caranya: C:\Windows\System32\Show Desktop

8. Membuka Defragment Caranya

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Pesan-pesan error ketika mengakses sebuah halaman web

Pesan-pesan Error Ketika Gagal Mengakses Situs Internet Buat halaman ini dalam format PDF Cetak halaman ini Kirim halaman ini melalui E-mailDitulis Oleh Admintelkom Wednesday, 09 September 2009Pernahkah Anda gagal dalam mengakses sebuah situs? Tentu sebagian besar dari kita pernah mengalaminya. Pesan error seperti “page not found” sering kita dapati ketika kita gagal mengakses sebuah situs.Selain pesan “page not found” ada lagi pesan-pesan error lainnya yang mungkin kita terima, dengan pesan tersebut kita bisa mengetahui sumber kesalahan dari kegagalan kita mengakses sebuah situs.

Sebelum membahas pesan-pesan error yang kita terima ketika gagal mengakses sebuah situs, kita bahas terlebih dahulu beberapa istilah yang ada dalam internet.

Sebuah situs web (website) biasanya terdiri dari halaman-halam situs yang tersusun dari kumpulan file-file di dalamnya. File-file ini bisa berupa file HTML, gambar (JPEG, GIF), audio (MP3), video dan sebagainya. File-file ini disebut data dan disimpan dalam sebuah server atau webserver.

Ketika kita mengakses sebuah situs, sebenarnya kita sedang mengakses atau mencoba “masuk” ke sebuah webserver penyimpan data-data yang ditampilkan situs tersebut. Jika kita berhasil mengaksesnya, komputer kita akan melakukan “request” atau “meminta” data dari server tersebut. Server akan menerima request dan akan mengirimkan data ke komputer kita, jika pengiriman ini berhasil maka di layar komputer kita akan tampil sebuah halaman web. Dalam proses mengakses situs ini, komputer kita disebut “client”.

Dalam kenyataannya, pengiriman data dari server ke client dapat mengalami hambatan, bahkan juga kegagalan. Karena itu muncul pesan-pesan error yang mengindikasikan sumber kegagalan atau sumber permasalahan.

Berikut ini adalah pesan-pesan error yang sering kita jumpai.

400 †Bad RequestPesan ini berarti server tidak memahami perintah yang diberikan oleh client. Hal ini biasanya terjadi jika terjadi kesalahan atau cacat pada script/programming server. Karenanya yang bisa mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah pihak webmaster situs tersebut.

401 †UnauthorizedPesan ini berarti Anda tidak memiliki ijin untuk membuka halaman tersebut. Biasanya ada halaman khusus yang memerlukan username dan password khusus untuk membukanya. Untuk membuka halaman ini, anda harus memiliki username dan passwordnya

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403 †ForbiddenPesan error ini berarti halaman web tersebut tidak bisa diakses oleh siapapun (karena memang diatur demikian dari servernya). Atau bisa jadi karena si pemilik situs belum membayar sewa hosting pada perusahaan pemilik server, sehingga server tersebut di blok oleh perusahaan pemilik server. Intinya adalah: situs ini memang tidak bisa di akses.

404 †Not FoundPesan ini bisa muncul oleh beberapa sebab:

Data yang diminta tidak ada, mungkin sebelumnya ada, tetapi sudah dihapus dari server.

Anda sedang tidak terhubung dengan internet. Bisa jadi akses internet anda terganggu atau sedang down. Cobalah untuk memeriksa akses internet Anda, jika tidak ada yang salah, coba ulangi untuk mengakses situs tersebut. Bila masih gagal juga, cobalah dilain waktu, kegagalan ini mungkin bersifat sementara. Tetapi jika anda sering mencoba akses tapi gagal, kemungkinan situs atau halaman situs tersebut memang tidak ada.

Terjadi kesalahan dalam menuliskan alamat URL. Misalnya: alamat yang benar anda tulis www. (dengan spasi antara www. dan telkom) atau anda tulis www.telkom,net (dengan tanda koma setelah telkom)

408 Request TimeoutPesan ini berarti batas waktu yang diberikan server untuk mengakses sudah habis. Setiap server biasanya memiliki batas waktu tertentu untuk mengakses data-datanya. Jika kecepatan akses kita lambat maka kegagalan ini mungkin terjadi.

500 †Internal Server ErrorPesan ini berarti terjadi kesalahan atau masalah dalam server yang sedang diakses. Sebelum permasalahan ini diselesaikan oleh webmaster, kita tidak bisa mengakses situs tersebut.

Sumber :

Tips Download Video dari YouTube

YouTube merupakan salah satu penyedia layanan video terbesar saat ini. Video yang ditampilkan pada umumnya hanya untuk dilihat melalui browser, tidak untuk di download dan dilihat secara offfline.

Formatnya adalah flash video (flv). Bagaimana jika kita ingin menyimpan video yang tampil agar bisa dilihat secara offline ?

Saat ini banyak sekali tools untuk download video dari layanan seperti youtube tersebut, mulai dari plugins browser, software, sampai web khusus untuk download dari youtube. Tetapi sepertinya berbagai software atau plugins tersebut tidak selalu berhasil, mungkin karena youtube sendiri yang mengubah sistem streaming videonya. Salah satu cara yang mudah adalah

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menggunakan YouTube Video Download Tool dari TechCrunch yang bisa dibuka .

Bagaimana Caranya ?

Buka dan cari video yang diinnginkan. Setelah video ditampilkan atau video yang dicari didapatkan, klik kanan judulnya dan pilih untuk menyimpan link tersebut. Misalnya : Kemudian paste link tersebut di URL yang disediakan di situs TechCrunch tersebut dan klik Get Video. Setelah itu akan tampil menu untuk menyimpan video tersebut, namanya biasanya get_video. Sebelum menyimpan atau setelah selesai, rename file tersebut dan beri ekstensi flv, Misalnya get_video.flv. Untuk memutarnya gunakan VLC, FLV player, Media Player Classic atau player lain yang kompatibel.

Teknik Menyimpan dari Temporary Files

Terkadang cara download seperti diatas tidak berhasil. Cara lain yang mungkin lebih baik adalah dengan mencari langsung video nya di temporary internet files. Sebelumnya, video tersebut harus dibuka di browser dan dijalankan (play) sampai selesai ( Video tetap dapat disimpan walau tidak sampai selesai ). Setelah itu, jangan ditutup windownya. Cari file video di temporary internet files ( Biasanya di C:\Documents and Settings\”NAMA_USER”\Local Settings\Temp ). Cari dengan kata kunci fla. Ketika mencari dengan fasilitas search bawaan windows, pastikan di bagian “More Advanced Options” pilihan “Search hidden files and folders” diaktifkan. Biasanya ukuran file cukup besar, diatas 1 MB.

File tersebut biasanya bernama fla.. .tmp. Misalnya fla13B.tmp, fla12.tmp dan sebagainya. File ini sebenarnya merupakan file video yang sedang dijalankan, dengan ekstensi flv. Tetapi coba di rename atau dicopy file tersebut, biasanya tidak akan bisa karena file tersebut dikunci ( lock ). Jika browser ditutup, maka file tersebut akan otomatis dihapus. Lalu bagaimana cara menyimpannya ?

Untuk menyimpan atau merename file yang dikunci seperti diatas, maka diperlukan tool unlocker. Bisa di download di dengan ukuran hanya sekitar 190 KB. Setelah di download dan di install, maka akan ada menu tambahan “Unlocker” ketika kita klik kanan sebuah file. Agar file dapat di copy, klik kanan dan pilih menu unlocker. Akan muncul keterangan file yang di unlock. Dibagian kiri bawah pilih copy, file selanjutnya dapat dicopy ke folder lain, tinggal di rename menjadi *.flv

Unlocker dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan file lain yang di kunci seperti diatas, juga dapat digunakan untuk menghapus file yang tidak bisa dengan cara standard. Untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pencarian, bisa juga menggunakan software Agent Ransack (freeware), yang bisa download

Berbagai cara lain download video dari YouTube :

Web Based

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* Kita tinggal copy paste link video youtube di Form Text yang disediakan, kemudian klik tombol Download. Akan ditampilkan link download dalam flv (low quality) dan mp4 (high quality, jika tersedia).* Clibnabber memiliki cara yang mirip dengan keepvid, dan memberikan download dalam bentuk FLV maupun MP4.

Firefox Plugin

* Video DownloadHelper Jika menggunakan Browser firefox, bisa menggunakan plugins ini, websitenya di


* Youtube DownloaderSoftware gratis ini cukup sederhana dan mudah diguakan. Pastikan untuk menggunakan versi terbaru, seiring dengan perubahan di Youtube.

Sumber :

Tips dan Trik Internet Download Manager (IDM)---------------------------------------------------

IDM adalah Software download manager yang paling banyak di gunakan oleh pengguna internet bajakan. Software yang satu ini wajib ada di pc kita.

Apalagi buat yang hobby download.karena kehandalan nya dalam menyedot bandwidth koneksi kita. Disamping itu IDM bisa juga buat dpwnload video situs seperti youtube, myspace dll. Buat yang mau download IDM bisa search di google dengan keyword IDM.

Ini ada sedikit tips dan trik tentang IDM :

1.Setting maksimal IDM* option > tab connection > pilih LAN 10MBs > default max conn number ganti ke 16.*Buat yang koneksi kenceng minimal 3G /384kbps pilihan 16 akan bener-bener memanfaatkan bandwidth koneksi yang kita punya.untuk yang memakai koneksi gprs/64kbps pilihan terbaik adalah set ke 1.agar koneksi kita tidak RTO.* Tab general >automatically start download of URL di centang.* Tab download centang start immediately while displaying.2.Memanfaatkan fitur queue dan scheduleQueue dan schedule di IDM sangat berguna sekali buat yang hobby download file sambil tidur. Karena IDM mempunyai fasilitas mematikan PC kita jika download tan kita dah finish. Cara pake nya klik tulisan scheduler di IDM. pada tulisan main download queue (kiri atas) di tab schedule centang semua option di bagian bawah :* Hang up modem when done.* Exit IDM when done.* Turn off computer when done

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* Force process to terminatepada tab kiri bawah..klik new queue..kasih nama bebas misal jav. Kembali ke tab main download >>files in queue >>drag n drop file ke new queue yang baru kita buat tadi (jav)pada tulisan jav tadi lakukan hal yang sama di bagian schedule.* Hang up modem when done.* Exit IDM when done.* Turn off computer when done* Force process to terminateDi bawah tulisan file in queue … at the same time pilih 1 atau 2 saja biar speed download maksimal klik start now…PC akan mati sendiri ketika download kita dah selesai.3.Download video youtube* Buka* Pilih salah satu video disana.* Klik tombol play lalu di mozilla atau IE* Klik kanan di mouse bukan pas di video nya pilih download last flv video with IDM..

Sumber :

Tips Mematikan Auto-update--------------------------------

Anda tentunya tidak ingin kalau pulsa anda tiba-tiba habis karena windows melakukan auto-apdate dengan mendowload berjuta-juta byte padahal anda tidak menginginkannya. 1. Dari control panel buka automatic update, lalu pilih saja "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them". Dengan demikian, koneksi yang dilakukan windows (svchost -- ini harus allowed oleh firewall) hanya akan mengecek apakah sistem kita perlu diupdate atau tidak. Kalau ternyata memang penting untuk diupdate, catat saja linknya lalu download ditempat lain.2. Matikan fitur auto update pada browser. Pda Firefox, anda bisa menemukan di tools ->options -> advanced -> update.

DEFENDING WIN XP ; Whit What Win-XP Has offer----------------------------------------------------

Today I will tell you about various ways to Securing WinXP Pro with what win-xp has to offer by default. No extra third party software to tweak things which might make your system unstable and push it into the verge of reinstalling soon often.

Note: These are just notes of the changes i made to win-xp pro using win-xp optionsafter my default install. These changes will not secure your box 100% but theymake a good couple of 1st steps. They are in no specific order other than theorder that I performed them.

1. NTFS Partition.2. Disable Error Reporting3. Disable Automatic Updates (only if your XP copy is pirated)4. Disable "Recent Documents" Viewed

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5. Setup XP Firewall6. Setup screensaver password7. Setup BIOS password8. Setup "AfterBios" login password9. Account Modifications-Rename Admin Account-Disable Guest Account-Disable Help_Assistant Account-Disable Support Account10. Install a virus scanner.11. Change Login Screen (default shows user names)12. Disable Remote Registry (and other services)13. Disable/Change Auto-Search settings in IE.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. NTFS Partition (I like being God over system users)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Be sure to install XP onto an NTFS partition so that you (the administrator) can take advantageof file permissions. You want this option so that "you" can decide who reads, writes,executes what files.

If you didn't install XP onto an NTFS partition. Convert It. To convert to NTFS followthe instructions below.

Open a command prompt and type "convert c: /FT:NTFS /v"

This command will convert your c: partition from FAT to NTFS in verbose mode.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Disable Error Reporting - we don't want microsft to know every time we fuck up.especially if we didn't pay for winxp.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

control panel >> performance and maintenance >> system >> advanced >> error reporting(disable all)

right click "my computer" >> manage >> services and applications >> services >> " stopand disable" Error Reporting.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Disable automatic updates - to update, they must know what we have. thats a NO NO!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE: DO THIS ONLY IF YOUR COPY OF XP IS PIRATED!! I suggest "auto update" if

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your copyof XP is legal. If your copy is pirated then i suggest that you stay updated withthe latest fixes and patches manually.

control panel >> performance and maintenance >> system >> automatic updates(disable updates)

right click "my computer" >> manage >> services and applications >> services >> " stopand disable" Automatic Updates.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Quit listing most recent documents opened under the start button - Don't want thegirlfriend or the parents to find that interesting things you being viewing lately.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------control panel >> appearance and themes >> task bar and start menu >> start menu >>customize >> advanced

remove the check mark next to "List my most recently opened documents".

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Block incoming traffic to your winxp box. - Before this change, i scanned my xp box andfound it to have many ports wide open. After this change, I found nothing and xp loggedthe attempts in c:\windows\pfirewall.log.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

control panel >> network connections >> right click "local area connection" >> properties>> advanced >> check the box under "Internet Connection Firewall" then choose "settings".

Services Tab - leave all unchecked unless there is a service you are running that peoplemust be able to access.

Logging Options - Log everything.

ICMP - I left all these unchecked for the time being. (allowing nothing)

(this does not protect you from "Spy Ware". This only stops traffic from coming intoyour win-xp box (not all traffic). It does not stop traffic from going out.) If youneed to stop traffic from going out and need a more secure firewall then download a realfirewall like "zone alarm or black ice".

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Setting a screensaver password in case you leave some of your sensitive documents open when you walk away.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------right click on the desktop >> properties >> screen saver >> check the box next to " OnResume, Password Protect."

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If you don't have a password set on your user account, you can do so in control panel >>user accounts >> change account.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Setting a BIOS password - We don't want anyone rebooting the computer or trying to sneakinto your system while we are away at school or work.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I can't explain to one how this is done due to the differences between all computers andhow the BIOS settings are entered. If you know what I am talking about then do it. If youdon't know what I am talking about then learn how to do it. A screensaver password is uselessunless you setup a BIOS password.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Setting up the "AfterBios" password. Sometimes bios passwords are easily cracked. Thispassword will add extra local login security in case your bios pass is cracked. I don'tknow bout you but i love having to type in 3 passwards and a username to login to my box.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Start >> run >> type "syskey" >> choose "update" >> choose "Password Startup" >> enter apassword and choose ok.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Renaming and Disabling Accounts for adminstrator, guest, help_assistant and support.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right click my_computer >> manage >> local users and groups

rename administrator accountdisable guest accountdisable help_assistant accountdisable support account

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Install Virus Protection............. (We like our uncorrupted data and trojan free system)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Install a virus scanner. Your firewall might protect your system from unwanted hackers butwhat about an unwanted virus or trojan?. I recommend installing a virus scanner such as"Nortons" or "McAfee".

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Change Default Login Screen............ (why do we want to share usernames with anyone?)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Xp uses the "welcome screen" by default. This screen has the names of all accounts on the

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system so that the user only has to click on their name and type a password. Come on now....We aren't that damn lazy. If we change this screen to the normal login, then prying eyeswill have to know a username and password to get in. Follow the instruction below to changethis.

control panel >> user accounts >> change the way users log on or off

uncheck the box next to "Use Welcome Screen" and choose "apply options".

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Disable Remote Registry..........(why would I need to edit my registry remotely anyway?)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

right click "my computer" >> manage >> services and applications >> services >> " stopand disable" Remote Registry.

NOTE: disable any services running in this area that you aren't using.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Disable/Change Auto-search in Internet Explorer. This is not really a security risk but itis important to some people that prefer to keep their internet surfing to themselves andaway from microsoft.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Open Internet Explorer >> Click the "search" button >> click the "customize" button >> click"autosearch settings" >> FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW...........

DISABLE: In the "When Searching" drop down menu, select "Do not search from the address bar".>> click "ok" >> "ok". Type an invalid address in your address bar and see if ittakes you to the msn search page or if it gives a "page not found" error. In thiscase, the "page not found" error is what we want.

CHANGE: If you wish not to disable, but you wish to change it to your favorite ""search page. Instead of following the "DISABLE" instructions, follow the instructionsbelow. Choose "Google Sites (or whatever you prefer)" from the "choose a search providerto search from address bar" drop down menu >> click "ok" >> "ok"= from =


Easter Eggs are undocumented, hidden tidbits in software, games, etc., that users accidentally stumble upon. These are fun to find, and thousands have already been documented. Easter eggs started out as a rebellion by early programmers who did not get credit for their work. That’s why some of them are as simple as a scrolling list of programmers. However, you also find some as advanced as a hidden car racing game in Excel 2000. So read on to explore the amusing world of

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Easter eggs.

Windows XP :

Unexpected shutdown:-You will be needing a software called Resource Hacker. Please refer my earlier post how-to-customise-your-start-button to know how to get Resource Hacker. Resource Hacker is a free tool to view and modify 32-bit Windows executables and resource files.

Open the msgina.dll file, located in the C:\Windows\System32 directory, in Resource Hacker. In the left pane, expand Dialog > 2210 > 1033. A dialog box opens at the bottom right hand of the screen. Notice the line just below the drop-down list entitled ‘Why did the computer shut down unexpectedly?!’

Solitare Win Win:-Force Solitare to win by a hack. Here’s how: Open sol.exe located in C:\Windows\System32\ using Resource Hacker. Expand String Table > 64 > 1033 in the left pane. Notice a line in the right pane saying 1010, “Force a win”. Use these numbers to enable the Easter Egg. Now expand Menu > 1 > 1033. Create a menu by typing the following just before the last closing brace:POPUP “&Easter Egg”{MENUITEM "&Egg 1", 1008MENUITEM "&Egg 2", 1009MENUITEM "&Egg 3", 1010}

Now, click the Compile Script button. Next, go to File > Save and save it in the original location, i.e., C:\Windows\System32\sol.exe. Also, replace sol.exe in the C:\Windows\System32\dllcache folder.

Now, a new menu Easter Egg appears with Egg 1, Egg 2 and Egg 3 as options. Click Egg 3 to force a win.

WinRAR:Works on: WinRAR 3.20, 3.30Falling Book:-WinRAR—the popular file compression utility—has a smart Easter Egg. Start WinRAR and go to Help > About. Next, click the book icon and it starts to fall. Further, if you press and hold [Shift], and click the logo, you see a small sail boat near the letter ‘R’. You may have to click a few times to see it , though.


Works on: Winamp 2.91:Full Screen Credits:- Start Winamp, go to Winamp menu, click Nullsoft Winamp and switch to the Credits tab to see an animated screen. Now, hold down [Ctrl] + [Alt] and rightclick twice on

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the animation. This changes it to full-screen mode and alters the animation a bit. Repeat the same step to get back to normal mode. This full-screen animation depends on the active visualization. Change it to spectrum and then oscilloscope and repeat the process to see the difference.

Works On: Winamp 5:Full Screen Credits:An animated logo comes up as you go to Winamp menu > Nullsoft Winamp and click the Winamp tab. Press and hold [Shift] and double-click on this logo to change it to an ASCII art.

Dancing Llamas:This is one amusing egg in Winamp 5. First play a song with fast beats and heavy bass. Now, switch to the modern skin and resize the main window. Increase its width to make the Beat Analyzer visible to the left of the Spectrum Analyzer. Now, hold down [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Alt] and click the centre of the Beat Analyzer. You’ll see two llamas striking their heads on the ground in tune with each beat.

Requires Windows XP or 2000,Winamp5Transparent Beats:- Play a song that’s akin to the one described above. Now, ensure that the main window has the focus (its title bar should be brighter than that of other windows) and type ‘NULLSOFT’. However, since pressing [L] opens the File Open dialog, you’ll have to press [Esc] after each [L]. Hence, you end up typing [N] [U] [L] [Esc] [L] [Esc] [S] [O] [F] [T]. This done, you see that the main window goes transparent at each beat and then reverts to being opaque. This Easter egg consumes a lot of system resources. If your system runs slow, type NULLSOFT again to turn it off, or just exit Winamp and restart it. In Winamp 2.91, the title bar shows a funny change when you do the same thing. Try this and see yourself.

Windows 98:Teapot:Works on: Windows 98, Windows 95

Right-click on the desktop and select Properties. Go to the Screensaver tab and choose the Pipes screensaver. Click Settings and select Pipes as Multiple, Pipe Style as Traditional, Joint Type as Mixed and Surface Style as Solid. Click OK and then click the Preview button. Watch the screensaver churn out teapots instead of joints!

Windows 98 team:Go to C:\Windows\ ApplicationData\ Microsoft\WELCOME and find the file Weldata.exe. Right-click it and select Create Shortcut. Now, rightclick the shortcut and select Properties. In the General tab, add Y o u _ a r e _ a_real_rascal to the Target text box, after the path, and choose Minimized in the Run combo box. Click OK, doubleclick the shortcut and enjoy!

Windows 98 team:Version 2Works on:Windows 98 There is another way to viewWindows 98 team credits. Double-click the clock in the system tray to bring up the Date and Time Properties. Click the Time Zone tab, hold down [Ctrl] and click and hold the mouse button

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on Cairo, Egypt. With the mouse button still pressed, drag the pointer to Baton Rouge, LA. Release the mouse button but keep [Ctrl] pressed. Click on Baton Rouge, LA again and drag it to Redmond, WA. The credits movie starts to play once you release the mouse button. You can also try doing the same thing in Regional Settings under Control Panel

WISE WORDS:Constant practice often excels even talent.

Sticked by Chan

Google calculator------------------

Google’s calculator tries to understand the problem you are attempting to solve without requiring you to use special syntax. However, it may be helpful to know the most direct way to pose a question to get the best results. Listed below are a few suggestions for the most common type of expressions (and a few more esoteric ones).

Most operators come between the two numbers they combine, such as the plus sign in the expression 1+1.

Operator Function Example+ (addition) :- 3+44- (subtraction):- 13-5* (multiplication):- 7*8/ (division):- 12/3^ (exponentiation (raise to a power of)):- 8^2% modulo (finds the remainder after division) 8%7choose X choose Y determines the number of ways of choosing a set of Y elements from a set of X elements 18 choose 4th root of calculates the nth root of a number 5th root of 32% of X % of Y computes X percent of Y 20% of 150

Some operators work on only one number and should come before that number. In these cases, it often helps to put the number in parentheses.

Operator Function Examplesqrt square root sqrt(9)sin, cos, etc. trigonometric functions (numbers are assumed to be radians) sin(pi/3)tan(45 degrees)ln logarithm base e ln(17)log logarithm base 10 log(1,000)

A few operators come after the number.

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Operator Function Example! factorial 5!

Other good things to know

You can force the calculator to try and evaluate an expression by putting an equals sign (=) after it. This only works if the expression is mathematically resolvable. For example, 1-800-555-1234= will return a result, but 1/0= will not.

Parentheses can be used to enclose the parts of your expression that you want evaluated first. For example, (1+2)*3 causes the addition to happen before the multiplication.

The in operator is used to specify what units you want used to express the answer. Put the word in followed by the name of a unit at the end of your expression. This works well for unit conversions such as: 5 kilometers in miles.

You can use hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers. Prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x, octal numbers with 0o and binary numbers with 0b. For example: 0x7f + 0b10010101.

The calculator understands many different units, as well as many physical and mathematical constants. These can be used in your expression. Many of these constants and units have both long and short names. You can use either name in most cases. For example, km and kilometer both work, as do c and the speed of light.

Feel free to experiment with the calculator as not all of its capabilities are listed here. To get you started, we’ve included a few expressions linked to their results.

1 a.u./c56*781.21 GW / 88 mphe^(i pi)+1100 miles in kilometerssine(30 degrees)G*(6e24 kg)/(4000 miles)^20x7d3 in roman numerals0b1100101*0b1001

More info on: from =


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To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name (ie charmap).

WINDOWS XP HIDDEN APPS:=======================

1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

3) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

4) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

5) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

6) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

7) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

13) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).

15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

16) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

17) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

18) Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in

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Win98! ).

20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).

21) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe

22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).

23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).

24) System configuration = msconfig.exe (can use to control starup programs)

25) gpedit.msc used to manage group policies, and permissions[a very powerful tool if you know how to use it properly;-) ]

In order to run some of the above mentioned programs, you need to have an administrator groups account. Each of this tools deserves an entire tutorial of its own. Maybe soon i will come up with some more fascinating facts and tutorials about each of them.

Till then experiment with them a bit and enjoy!= from = Posted by *-._.-2 -._.- M -._.- E -._.- * at 7:41 AM

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