Page 1: Timeline of Print Production


How it has developed over the years

Timeline of Print Production

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Print production has existed as early as Prehistoric times in the form of cave paintings, the earliest of which is roughly 32,000 years old.

The purpose of these paintings is not fully understood – there are many theories, some of which say may have been a way of communicating, or even a religious or ceremonial purpose.

Who knows? Maybe cave people just enjoyed painting their houses.

Cave Paintings

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A mysterious writing system used by the ancient Egyptians. They emerged from the artistic traditions of Egypt, circa 4000 BC.

Hieroglyphs represent real or illusional things – they were used as an alphabet, and as a way of depicting objects, people, etc.


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Greek Inscriptions

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The printing press originated in China in 105 AD. It was later exported to the Western world.

In 1456, the German Johannes Gutenberg adapted and perfected the existing screw press, and thus the Gutenberg press was created.

The creation of the Gutenberg press lead to the spread of the printing press all around the globe.

The Printing Revolution

Page 6: Timeline of Print Production


The mechanical device

The Typewriter

Page 7: Timeline of Print Production


Modern Technology

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History of Printing


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