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YEAR 1957USSR launches Sputnik into space. In response, the USA creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) with the mission of becoming the leading force in science and new technologies.

YEAR 1958Mr. Bell Labs invented the modem.

YEAR 1961 Mr. Leonard Kleinrock pioneered the Packet-Switching.Paul Baran, a member of the RAND Corporation, determines a way for the Air Force to control bombers and missiles in case of a nuclear event. His results call for a decentralized network comprised of packet switches.

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YEAR 1962 J.C.R. Licklider of MIT proposes the concept of a “Galactic Network.” For the first time ideas about a global network of computers are introduced. J.C.R. Licklider is later chosen to head ARPA's research efforts

YEAR 1963 ASCII is developed from telegraphic codes. American Standard Code for Information Interchange is the meaning of ASCII.

YEAR I9681968 - ARPA contracts out work to BBN. BBN is called upon to build the first switch.


1969 – RPANET created - BBN creates the first switched network by linking four different nodes in California and Utah; one at the University of Utah, one at the University of California at Santa Barbara, one at Stanford and one at the University of California at Los Angeles.

YEAR 1970 Mr. Peter Kirstein started the European ARPAnet.

YEAR I972Ray Tomlinson working for BBN creates the first program devoted to email.ARPA officially changes its name to DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.Network Control Protocol is introduced to allow computers running on the same network to communicate with each other.

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YEAR 19741974 - Kahn and Cerf refer to the system as the Internet for the first time.

YEAR 1976Ethernet is developed by Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe at Xerox Parc. SATNET, a satellite program is developed to link the United States and Europe. AT& T Bell Labs develops UUCP and UNIX.

YEAR 1979 IBM introduces BITNET to work on emails and listserv systems.USENET, the first news group network is developed by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin.

YEAR 1981The National Science Foundation releases CSNET 56 to allow computers to network without being connected to the government networks.

YEAR 1984 DNS (Domain Name System) is introducedThe introduction of the Domain Name System (DNS) allows domain names to be assigned to IP addresses, making things much easier for internet users.

YEAR 1985The first domain,, is registered.NSFNET was created and provides high-computing power to the masses and allows speeds up to 56 Kbps. This results in increased connections to the internet, especially in universities

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YEAR 1988 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is developed by Jarkko Oikarinen. The first major internet virus shuts down 10% of the world's servers.

YEAR 1989Arpanet ceases to exist

YEAR 1990 The first search engine, Archie, is created by Mcgill UniversityARPAnet becomes extinct. The number of hosts grows to over 300,000.

YEAR 1991 Tim Berners-Lee develops the World-Wide Web (WWW)An internet browser called Gopher is released to provide a user-friendly interface to access the Internet.

YEAR 1992 Jean Armour Polly coins the term"surfing the internet."

YEAR 1993The Mosaic web browser, which later becomes Netscape, skyrockets in popularity leaving Gopher in the dust.

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YEAR 1994Businesses go onlinePizza Hut can be ordered online, and the first cyberbank opens. Yahoo! is born.

YEAR 1995 Ebay, the online garage sale, is launched- NSFNET reverts back to a research networkInternet access is provided to the public by companies such as Compuserve, America Online, and Prodigy. Domain name registration is no longer free.

YEAR 1996The Browser Wars beginNetscape and Microsoft fight to take top marketshares for internet browsers, starting what will later be called the Browser Wars. The first cellphone with internet access is released by Nokia

YEAR 1997 Blogs become a sensationThe term weblog, later shortened to blog, is coined to describe online journals kept by users.

YEAR 1998 Google's search engine is launched. Netscape browser source code goes public.

YEAR 1999 Napster is created and MySpace is launchedNapster, an application that allows users to share and trade music, is invented by a college student named Shawn Fanning. Illegal downloads become a major concern.

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YEAR 2000The dot com bubble bursts, numerically, on March 10, 2000, when the technology heavy NASDAQ composite index peaked at 5,048.62.

YEAR 2001Blackberry releases first internet cell phone in the United States.Wikipedia is launched, Wikipedia, an electronic user-edited encyclopedia similar to Vannevar's concept of the memex, is created. It becomes the go-to staple for basic knowledge on any subject

YEAR 2003Apple introduces iTunes, a store that provides download services for music and videos.Spam, or unsolicited emails, accounts for half of all emails.

YEAR 2004 Facebook is a social media site in which users can create a profile and share pictures with friends and strangers both. Profiles include a "wall" where other users can leave messages, photos, videos, and links.Facebook is created by Mark Zuckerberg

YEAR 2005 Youtube is launchedYoutube allows users to upload and share videos with other users. It becomes the most popular video sharing service, and the uploading of copyrighted videos becomes an issue.

YEAR 2006 Youtube is launched and allows users to upload and share videos with other users. It becomes the most popular video sharing service, and the uploading of copyrighted videos becomes an issue.Over 92 million websites are online

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YEAR 2007Internet2 officially retires Abilene and now refers to its new, higher capacity network as the Internet2 Network.

YEAR 2008 NASA successfully tests the first deep space communications network modeled on the Internet. Using software called Disruption-Tolerant Networking, or DTN, dozens of space images are transmitted to and from a NASA science spacecraft located about more than 32 million kilometers from Earth

YEAR 2010 Facebook announces in February that it has 400 million active users.

YEAR 2012 SOPA and other anti-piracy bills face major backlash by internet usersThe US Congress comes under fire for support of bills that aim to target illegal downloading and internet piracy such as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act. A major 24-hour protest by users concerned about the potential abuse of the bills erupts online in January, and even Wikipedia participates.

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