  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    Three essays on Peoples Participation and Local Governance in

    Development discourse

    (Evidences from Pakistan)



    Zian RafiqueFor,

    Dr.Khoo Suet Leng

    rea of !tudy" Empirical !ocial !ciences#Policy $esearch

  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    Essay %" Peoples Participation in Local Governance & Decentralization in

    Development Discourse ! Surve" #ase$ Stu$"

    %he stu$" ill see' to assess the e(tent to hich citizen participation is #eing un$erta'en #"

    local government as articulate$ in Pa'istans legal frameor' an$ e(plores the e(tent to

    hich municipalities $evelopmental role is #eing conceive$ through the incorporation of

    participator" practices. !$$itionall") it ill provi$e an assessment of the *intensit" level of

    citizen participation as un$erstoo$ #" local government authorities) hile comparing these

    ansers ith the perceptions of +ivil Societ" ,rganizations -+S,.


    %he rationale for un$erta'ing this stu$" is informe$ #" numerous consi$erations.

    Firstly) in $escri#ing an$ assessing the causes for the rise to prominence of $ecentralization

    an$ citizen participation) this $issertation ill loo' at the #roa$er theoretical conte(t an$

    concepts relevant to the su#/ect0matter. %his inclu$es loo'ing at changes in $evelopment

    theories to provi$e a frameor' for $iscussion of the rationale for $ecentralization an$ citizen

    participation in $evelopment.

    Secondly,the increasing glo#al attention pai$ to participation an$ $ecentralization) statements

    in international summits an$ $eclarations) government polic" $ocuments an$ $iscourses) an$

    especiall") in Pa'istans legal an$ polic" $ocuments) suggest that these approaches ma" have

    consi$era#le potential.

    ! $evelopmental role for local government has #een un$erstoo$ as the central responsi#ilit"

    of municipalities. 1unicipalities are no man$ate$ to or' together ith local communities

    to fin$ sustaina#le a"s to meet their nee$s an$ improve the qualit" of their lives.

    1unicipalities are calle$ upon to support social an$ economic $evelopment in their

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    communities an$ the" are man$ate$ to consult an$ involve the communities in these matters)

    since the communities are e(pecte$ to *on the $evelopment processes. %he legal frameor'

    an$ polic" $ocuments place the onus for $evelopment on local authorities an$ communities

    an$ call for the esta#lishment of partnerships for local governments to or' ith the private

    an$ communit" sectors.

    Thirdly, Pa'istans citizens are increasingl" $issatisfie$ ith the qualit" an$ quantit" of

    services provi$e$ #" local government. 1oreover) hile it is important to recognise the

    potential of $ecentralization an$ citizen participation in $emocratic mo$els of local

    governance) the gap that e(ists #eteen the legal an$ polic" frameor's for $ecentralization

    to promote participation) an$ hat in fact reall" occurs) nee$s to #e #etter un$erstoo$. %his

    gap shos the nee$ to un$erstan$ the nature) $"namics) metho$s an$ relations of

    $ecentralization an$ participation in this ne conte(t. %he $ialectic #eteen theor" an$

    practice in $ecentralize$ an$ participator" $evelopment ill #e $iscusse$ in this thesis

    through an empirical & qualitative stu$". %his stu$" ill e(amine the comple( relationship

    #eteen $ecentralization an$ the role of citizen participation in $emocratic local governance.

    2t ill $evelop a general frameor' that allos local governments perspectives) pro#lems)

    vies an$ opportunities connecte$ to participator" approaches in local governance to #e

    evaluate$ an$ un$erstoo$ hile recognizing the #roa$er issues of political econom" that

    conte(tualize the possi#ilities or the potential of participator" $evelopment to #e


    $esearch 'ectives and Guidin* $esearch +uestions

    %his research see's to i$entif" 'e" features of current $evelopment theor" an$ polic"

    specificall" relate$ to the emergence of $ecentralization an$ citizen participation $iscourses)

    to $esign an$ test 3through a case stu$" in Pa'istan0 an assessment frameor' for

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    $ecentralization an$ participator" spaces in local governance an$ to ma'e a contri#ution to

    #oth theoretical interpretations an$ applie$ polic".

    4irstl") it inten$s to $iscuss the concepts of participation an$ $ecentralization) their various

    meanings) contra$ictions an$ intersections. 2t ill provi$e an overvie of these concepts #"

    revieing their $efinitions) state$ a$vantages an$ o#/ectives) an$ #" criticall" assessing #oth

    their conceptual coherence an$ their utilit" as operational an$ polic" tools. %his stu$" ill

    provi$e an operationalization of #oth concepts in or$er to #e a#le to assess the e(tent to hich

    these practices are #eing implemente$ an$ hich pro#lems an$ challenges are #eing face$

    $uring their implementation. %his ill help to #etter un$erstan$ ho) an$ un$er hat

    con$itions) citizen participation an$ $ecentralize$ local governance can contri#ute to more

    inclusive an$ $emocratic social change.

    %his or' oul$ aims to construct an anal"tical frameor' that ill facilitate the assessment

    of the $egree to hich the $ecentralization an$ participator" $iscourse is translate$ into

    practice) an$ to e(plore the causes of the implementation gap or shortfalls. %his conceptual

    frameor' for assessing citizen participation in $ecentralize$ governance ill provi$e a

    mo$el to $efine the issues that shoul$ #e consi$ere$ an$ prioritize$ in the formulation an$

    evaluation of $ecentralization an$ participator" strategies for $emocratic local governance.

    2n particular) this conceptualization ill assist in the evaluation an$ un$erstan$ing of the

    patterns of $ecentralization an$ citizen participation in local governance in the Pa'istan. %he

    research see's to assess the e(tent to hich municipalities $evelopmental role is #eing

    conceive$ through the incorporation of participator" practices. !$$itionall" it ill provi$e an

    evaluation of the *intensit" levels of citizen participation as un$erstoo$ #" local government

    authorities) hile comparing these ansers ith the perceptions of +S,s. 2t inten$s to

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    i$entif" an$ anal"ze the 'e" challenges an$ constraints restricting the incorporation of

    participator" $evelopment approaches in local governance.

    !fter esta#lishing this $iagnosis) the research ill i$entif" an$ $iscuss possi#le strategies to

    overcome the pro#lems an$ limitations that e(plain the gap #eteen theor") polic"

    formulation an$ practice. %his $issertation see's to $iscuss the suita#ilit" an$ potential of

    $ecentralization an$ citizen participation in Pa'istan) an$ to suggest polic" gui$elines in the

    light of these fin$ings.

    %he research see's an anser to the folloing #roa$ questions

    2f $ecentralization an$ citizen participation hol$ so man" promises) h" $oes there appear to #e a i$e gap

    #eteen the promise$ lan$ of participator" an$ $ecentralize$ $evelopment an$ ever"$a" realities5

    Participation is given high priorit"6 #ut hat $oes that mean for local government authorities5

    7hat are the pro#lems face$ in the implementation of participator" approaches in local


    7hat are the implementation constraints that municipalities face5

    7hat are the consequences of citizen participation in local governance in terms of changes in

    polic" an$ improve$ governance5

    2s there an" evi$ence of ne s"stems of accounta#ilit" an$ greater responsiveness of

    a$ministration an$ political organs of government to local nee$s an$ thus increase$


    8as this $iversifie$ the t"pes of voices hear$ an$ consi$ere$ in political process5

    $elated theories"

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    1o$ernization theor") the merging of evolutionar" an$ functionalist theories) serve$ as

    the #asis for the prevailing macro$evelopmental $iscourse. 1o$ernization is $efine$ as a

    gra$ual progression from primitive) or tra$itional) to more a$vance$ societies. %he goal of

    this movement is the esta#lishment of a *mo$ern) in$ustrialize$) ur#an0#ase$ societ".

    %his theor" offere$ the nel" in$epen$ent nations of the thir$ orl$ the promise of a

    gui$e$ transition to the state of a $evelope$ in$ustrial societ" -8aines) 9::;. 2n

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    Rostos stage mo$els of economic $evelopment) national groth an$ $evelopment plans

    an$ a #elief in the a#ilit" of groth centres to catal"se groth in a region) all en/o"e$

    i$esprea$ popularit". 2n general terms) this t"pe of state intervention an$ planning has

    #een referre$ to as *top0$on planning #ecause of the $egree of control e(ercise$ #" the

    central state over the entire regional $evelopment an$ planning process. %his is reffere$ as

    the traditional approach to local $evelopment an$ planning. %he emphasis on

    conventional #ureaucratic service $eliver") #ase$ on the conscientious application of rules

    an$ proce$ures) is also characteristic of this approach to local planning an$ $evelopment

    -4+R) >???.

    ,ther approaches such as 8uman or people0centere$ $evelopment -Korten) >??>)

    *$evelopment from #elo -StChr an$ %a"lor) >?> *$evelopment from ithin -%a"lor

    an$ 1ac'enzie) >??9) *en$ogenous $evelopment -7ilson) >??; an$ *#ottom up

    $evelopment are all $enominations that s"nthesize a turn to singularities) *the local)

    culture) i$entit" $iscourses an$ micro perspectives of $evelopment processes. %hese

    approaches ta'e up some of the themes of the #asic nee$s approach an$ incorporate a

    range of material from *alternative $evelopment thin'ing -gen$er) eco0$evelopment)

    participation an$ stress that groth ithout equit" an$ some form of re$istri#ution of

    ealth an$ resources) $oes not necessaril" constitute $evelopment.

    ! relate$ concept that has emerge$ is the i$ea of self0$etermination. ,ne of the 'e"

    proponents of assertive) empoering assistance for people to meet their nee$s through self

    reliance is 1anfre$ 1a(0=eef ho calls on the state to open up opportunities for $irect

    participation #" $ifferent social actors) lea$ing to a more complete an$ harmonious

    $evelopment of the s"stem of fun$amental human nee$s -1a(0=eef) >??9 an$ 1a(0=eef)

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    nee$s) on the generation of groing levels of self0reliance) an$ on the construction of

    organic articulations of people ith nature an$ technolog") of glo#al processes ith local

    activit") of the personal ith the social) of planning ith autonom") an$ of civil societ"

    ith the state -1a(0=eef) ???.

    %he *=e Ruralit" approach puts the concept of territorial $evelopment at the heart of

    rural $evelopment anal"sis. %he #ac'#one of the *ne ruralit" is the territorial character

    of rural $evelopment) an$ it hol$s sustaina#le $evelopment as a #asic polic" goal. 2t

    recognizes that in current rural spaces $iverse activities -agriculture) mining) han$icrafts)

    commerce) services) etc an$ $iverse social actors -State) pro$ucer organizations) farmers)

    native population) rural an$ ur#an communities) =G,s) etc are involve$. %he structural

    changes recognize$ in the *ne ruralit" are in$e(e$ #" the groth of non0 farming

    activities as an important source of rural income. %his approach proposes the territorial

    nature of rural $evelopment) in opposition to the sectoral -associate$ ith farming

    activities character sustaine$ #" the tra$itional approaches -see i.a. %eu#al) 9::E. =e

    ruralit" t"pes of stu$ies an$ polic" prescriptions inclu$e #ottom0up approaches for rural


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    %he =e Pu#lic 1anagement -=P1 approach has #een ver" influential in $evelopment

    planning. %he Market-based approach) as the 4+R ->??? argues) emphasizes involving

    private sector management techniques) e.g. performance management) e(pansion of line

    management autonom") re$ucing a$ministrative overhea$s) an$ outsourcing service

    $eliver" -e.g. pu#lic0private partnerships) competitive ten$ering -4+R) >???) p. >@. %his

    approach regar$s resi$ents as *customers of pu#lic services that can voice their

    preferences through mar'et mechanisms -e.g. choosing hich services the" oul$ li'e to

    pa" for -Schacter) 9:::. +ommunit" participation in planning is largel" re$un$ant.


    7hen un$erta'ing research on the relationships #eteen $ecentralization an$ citizen

    participation) a variet" of research an$ assessment criteria nee$ to #e emplo"e$ in or$er to

    ensure accurac" an$ o#/ectivit". Fase$ on a variet" of $ata collection metho$s com#ining

    #oth primar" an$ secon$ar" $ata) this stu$" com#ines an$ triangulates $iverse metho$ological

    approaches. %he stu$" oul$ #e $ivi$e$ into to parts.

    +ualitative !tudy" Pakistans Local Government Le*al and Policy Frame-ork $evie-

    Fase$ on the theoretical frameor' $evelope$ in this thesis) the research inclu$es a critical

    anal"sis of the legal frameor' an$ the relevant polic" $ocuments relate$ to $ecentralization an$

    citizen participation in local governance for the Pa'istan empirical stu$". %he research ill #riefl"

    outline an$ e(amine the Pa'istan legislation an$ polic" $ocuments on $ecentralization an$ citizen

    participation in local governance. %his revie allo the researcher) #" the act of $econstruction

    an$ critique) to provi$e some gui$elines on the 'in$ of legal an$ polic" frameor' o#stacles that

    impe$e effective $ecentralization an$ citizen participation in local governance an$ ho these

    o#stacles coul$ #e overcome to facilitate the relationship #eteen $ecentralize$ an$ more

    participator" forms of polic".

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    Empirical !tudy" !urvey on .iti/en Participation in Local Governance in the Pakistan

    %his part of the empirical stu$" ill #e carrie$ out in or$er to consi$er local government an$ local

    communit" un$erstan$ings of participation) their *intensit" levels an$ the challenges ith respect

    to integrating participator" approaches in the local governance process. %he perceptions of

    municipal $ecision ma'ers an$ +S, representatives regar$ing the causes for success an$ failure

    of $ecentralization an$ citizen participation processes oul$ #e the 'e" focus of the investigation.

    %his part of the stu$" ill also $evelop to assess the e(tent to hich $ifferent mechanisms for

    citizen participation in local governance are #eing use$ an$ hat pro#lems this practice presents.

    Primar" $ata oul$ #e get through Structure$ uestionnaires an$ open0en$e$ questions.

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    Essay 0" Political !ccounta#ilit" & Devolution at the Local Government Level

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    T1E'$2T2.L F$E3'$4

    Fefore the popularit" of glo#alization) highl" centralize$ s"stem of a$ministration as

    or'ing in the orl$ ith ea' regional governments -Pose an$ Gill) 9::9. %he a$vent of

    the 9>st centur" change$ the hole scenario an$ cause$ greater ten$encies toar$s

    $evolution -Pose an$ Gill) 9::E. +onsequentl") concern of strengthening local government

    got momentum in countries of #oth the $evelope$ an$ $eveloping orl$ -Ge$$es) 9::@6

    Devries) 9:::. Decentralization promotes accounta#ilit" through transparent $ecision

    ma'ing -=upia) 9::@. Similarl") 4aguet an$ Sanchez -9::@ argue that $ecentralize$ #o$ies

    can #e more easil" atche$) accesse$ an$ monitore$ hich facilitate hol$ing these #o$ies

    accounta#le. 8oever the practical e(periences of $ecentralize$ societies sho mi(e$ results

    regar$ing the e(tent of accounta#ilit" at local level. 1anor ->??@ reports an improve$

    information flo #eteen government an$ citizens an$ improve$ level of accounta#ilit" an$

    transparenc" -4aguet an$ Sanchez) 9::@. Similarl") Flair -9::: argues that the ma/or

    promise of $emocratic $ecentralization is the promotion of participation an$ accounta#ilit"

    an$ effective pu#lic service $eliver". 7hereas) other authors such as ="gren -9::;6

    !n$erson -9::H consi$ere$ $ecentralization much more pro#lematic an$ confusing. %he

    reason for such $eficiencies is limite$ popular participation) non0transparent $ecision ma'ing

    culture an$ non0accessi#ilit" of the general pu#lic0to0pu#lic information.

    Popular participation

    2t is i$el" agree$ that citizens participation is an essential feature of a $emocratic political

    s"stem as Ier#a an$ his colleagues insist) J+itizen Participation is at the heart of $emocrac"

    -Ier#a et al., >??;. %he $egree of equalit" in popular participation can have important equit"

    an$ efficienc" effects. 2f one $emographic group) for e(ample) is more politicall" active than

    another) parties an$ politicians are li'el" to cater to this groups interests more) an$ policies

    ill $eliver more #enefits to it than to other groups. Fiase$ participation can also create

  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    economic $istortions if politicians $ivert resources to specific groups of more active citizens

    -Fena#ou) 9:::6 Ro$riguez) >??. 2t is ell $ocumente$ that $ecentralization can facilitate

    goo$ governance through empoering people) alloing them to participate in $ecision

    ma'ing) affecting their ever" $a" life -utting et al., 9::H. %he opportunit" it provi$es for

    participation shoul$ also increase securit" an$ accounta#ilit" of pu#lic representatives in

    $elivering services an$ transparenc" in $ecision ma'ing -8erri$ge) 9::9.


    4olloing uestions have #een $evelope$ an$ ill #e teste$ in this stu$" 0

    >. %o hat e(tent) Participation) transparenc" an$ access to information significantl" e(plain

    variance in political accounta#ilit"

    9. 2n contrast to representatives) if general pu#lic report limite$ political accounta#ilit"5.

    E. 2f e(isting $isparities an$ poer relations $etermine level of popular participation5

    H. 2f Demographic #ac'groun$ of the people $etermine their level of access to information5

    $esearch ethods

    %he stu$" oul$ use surve" metho$ to collect the primar" $ata. %he target population of the

    stu$" oul$ inclu$e the registere$ voters) local representatives an$ the local government

    officers -FPS0 >M an$ a#ove of the District.

    ! questionairre oul$ #e $esigne$ on the series of statements a#out the citizens participation

    in elections) meetings) $e#ates an$ $iscussions6 transparent $ecision ma'ing process

    -oppenness an$ legitimac" an$ access to information -resources estimation) $evelopmental

    e(pen$iture) non0 $evelopmental e(pen$iture) routine matters) an$ rules & regulations. %he

    $ata#ase ill #e anal"ze$ using SPSS to run t0tests li'e multiple regression anal"ses.

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    Essay 5" 7omens Participation in Local government for goo$ governance

    2nsight from Pa'istan

    %he main purpose of this or' oul$ #e to e(plore the comple(ities involve$ in engen$ering

    local governance an$ to i$entif" strategies to encourage gen$er equita#le partnerships

    #eteen sta'ehol$ers in local governance in %hir$ 7orl$ countries. Local governance refers

    to the $"namic "et complicate$ process of interaction #eteen state an$ non0state actors

    involve$ in local level $evelopment processes. +onsi$ering the invisi#ilit" of omen in local

    governance) this stu$" oul$ focus heavil" on omenN s agenc") that is) the a" omen

    re$efine an$ reconstruct i$entities an$ interactions in engen$ering local governance $espite

    the given constraints.

    2n Pa'istan) Foth ithin an$ #e"on$ the househol$ there are constraints put on omen that

    impe$e their participation in local governance. Repro$uction of images of N goo$N an$ N#a$N

    omen is one of the most effective instruments to su#or$inate an$ control omen in Pa'istan)

    meaning that it is not eas" for omen to formulate an$ $efen$ their personal interests. 7omen

    often e(perience severe threats of ph"sical) ps"chological an$ ver#al violence hen the"

    attempt to influence formal $ecision ma'ing at the local level.

    2n recent "ears) there has #een groing interest in the role of gen$er in governance as ell as

    increasing concern a#out the marginalisation of omen in pu#lic $ecisionma'ing. 2n relation

    to goo$ governance it is sai$ that N gen$er equalit" an$ social inclusion must go han$0in0han$

    ith local $emocrac" an$ participation an$ that these goals are mutuall" reinforcing N


  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    of #ringing gen$er to the forefront in $iscussions on local governance an$ $evelopment since

    it is at this level of governance that the ma/orit" of grassroots omen interact ith

    government. !nother more important consi$eration in $iscussing local governance from a

    gen$er perspective is that it ena#les omen to emerge as active citizens ho) through their

    $ail" activities an$ strategies) continuousl" reshape structures an$ processes surroun$ing them

    in their struggle for a more equal an$ /ust re$istri#ution of $evelopment resources.

    %he main o#/ective of this research is to e(plore the interaction #eteen omen) communit"

    organisations an$ local government an$ the comple(ities of incorporating a gen$er

    perspective in local governance. Local governance is a#out a $"namic an$ complicate$

    process of interaction #eteen state an$ non0state actors involve$ in the local level

    $evelopment process.

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    managing their relationships an$ in influencing processes at the local level. 2n other or$s)

    the governance concept has shifte$ governing as the management of the societ" into

    management #" an$ ith the societ") hich provi$es a space for the emergence of omen as

    one of the various sta'ehol$ers at the local level.

    %his ill thus e(ten$ the $iscussion of gen$er in local governance #e"on$ the realm of

    omenNs involvement in local government. 7hen $iscussing the gen$ere$ nature of the state)

    feminist theor" ill #e $ran upon. %his stu$" is #ase$ primaril" on a gen$er perspective

    hich recognizes the e(istence of poer relations #eteen omen an$ men as sta'ehol$ers in

    local governance in engen$ering local governance.

    The ne*lect of a *ender perspective in local *overnance

    %he A= an$ international $onor agencies consi$er gen$er as one of the most critical

    $evelopment issues that nee$s to #e e(plore$. %he A=DP report on omenNs political

    participation stresses the urgenc" of a$$ressing gen$er equit" in governance in or$er to

    achieve equal opportunities an$ voice for omen an$ men in all spheres -Faner/ee an$

    ,quist) 9:::9. 2t states that the invisi#ilit" of omen in governance contri#utes to the

    neglect of gen$er0sensitive policies hich preserves gen$er inequit" in househol$s in the a"

    that omenNs nee$s) for e(ample ith regar$ to their health an$ securit") #ecome

    marginalize$. %his means that gen$er #alance an$ gen$er equit" shoul$ #e promote$ for goo$

    governance to occur at all levels of governance0househol$) local an$ national.

    Despite the realit" that omen activel" contri#ute to communit" $evelopment) polic" ma'ers

    an$ planners at the local level often fail to recognize omenNs specific nee$s an$ fail to

    consult them or to a$$ress their pro#lems - 1oser) >??6 Feal) >??M. Foth omenNs

    contri#utions an$ specific nee$s an$ interests in local governance ma" easil" $isappear un$er

    the um#rella of Nthe communit"N. %he gen$ere$ $"namics of local government structures an$

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    the culture of male $omination in local government -8alfor$)>??9 provi$e e(planations for

    the invisi#ilit" of #oth omenNs contri#utions an$ specific nee$s. %he neglect of omen an$

    omenNs issues $iscourages omen from getting involve$ in local governance hich then

    entrenches their invisi#ilit" in it. !$$itionall") the constructions of gen$er in societ" put some

    constraints on omen participating in local governance. 7omenN s involvement in communit"

    is $etermine$ #" the societ"N s norms an$ values concerning omenN s proper o#ligations an$

    roles -F"rne an$ Laier) > ??@6 Desai) > ??@. 7hile omenNs activities in provi$ing social

    services for communities such as in health) e$ucation) an$ housing are frequentl" consi$ere$

    culturall" accepta#le) omen often e(perience severe re/ection an$ opposition from men

    hen it comes to their involvement in governance in terms of $ecision0ma'ing processes an$

    political activities.

    Local government is frequentl" pointe$ out as an entr" point for changing the political agen$a

    to #e more gen$er sensitive -Philips) > ??@6 1aucla") > ??. %he significance of local

    government as Na strategic site for omenN s empoermentN is argue$ #" 7a"len - > ??@ > E

    @ as follos

    !s the level of government ith the most $irect influence on the $ail" lives of omen) local

    governments have a critical role to pla" in #ringing a#out gen$er equalit") an$ can #e a 'e"

    motor for change an$ $evelopment . . . 7ithin the responsi#ilities of most local governments

    lie the provision of social an$ elfare) e$ucation) health) an$ chil$0care services) all of hich

    are recognise$ as #eing important potential catal"sts for improving the living stan$ar$s an$

    status of omen.

    Despite $ifferences in cultural an$ political s"stems) anal"sis #ase$ on >; countr" reports on

    local government in !sia an$ the Pacific notes slo progress in the achievement of gen$er

    equalit" in all of these countries -A= ??. %here is clearl" a nee$ for the

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    integration of a gen$er agen$a in local governance -Fhatta an$ Gonzales 2 ll )>??6

    A= ??. 2n practice) omen have generall" #een una#le to secure a strong

    presence) or push their gen$er interests in local government -F"rne an$ Laier) > ??@ 9?0E:.

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    #alance #eteen omen an$ men #" provi$ing poer an$ opportunities con$ucive to

    #ringing transformation at the local level -8alfor$) > ??96 Philips) > ??@6 Feal) > ??M6

    1aucla") > ??6 Philips) > ??. %his argument suggests that omen are more li'el" to

    engage in politics at the local level) or more li'el" to concern themselves ith issues an$

    $ecisions that are ma$e in their local environment since the" are more relevant to omen.

    %hrough their un$erstan$ing an$ 'nole$ge of $ail" neigh#ourhoo$ affairs) omen #ecome

    effective agents of change in proposing relevant an$ useful i$eas for solving pro#lems at the

    local level -Feal) > ??M. ,n the other han$) local government0electe$ offices are assume$ to

    #e more accessi#le to omen $ue to their localit" an$ part0time characteristic -Feetham) >

    ??@. %hus) $ecentralisation as the transfer of poer from the central government to local

    government ma" provi$e more space an$ opportunities for omen to represent their nee$s

    an$ interests than $oes central government.

    $esearch 'ectives

    2n the light of the foregoing $iscussion) the o#/ectives of the stu$" oul$ #e as follos

    O %o i$entif" Pa'istan omenN s perceptions an$ aspirations concerning the role of local

    government hich then ill #e use$ to $evelop criteria as to hat constitutes gen$er0sensitive

    local governance.

    O %o i$entif" structural an$ institutional pro#lems facing local government in engen$ering

    local governance in Pa'istan an$ in #uil$ing a s"nergistic partnership ith omen an$

    communit" organizations.

    O %o e(plore patterns of relationships #eteen omen) communit" organizations an$ local

    government an$ their $iverse strategies in struggling to integrate omenNs interests an$ nee$s

    into local governance

  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    O %o i$entif" strategies an$ mechanisms on ho to foster an empoering an$ s"nergistic

    relationship #eteen omen) communit" an$ local government in engen$ering local


    $esearch +uestions

    Fase$ on the research o#/ectives) the folloing research questions are formulate$

    7h" is there a nee$ for gen$er sensitivit" in local governance5

    7hat constitutes gen$er sensitivit" in local governance5

    7hat pro#lems $o omen an$ local governments face realizing gen$er sensitivit" in local


    O 8o are omen currentl" organize$ at local levels an$ ho effective are the" in influencing

    $ecision ma'ing at the local level5

    O An$er hat circumstances an$ in hat a"s $o omen an$ communit" organizations

    colla#orate among themselves to ensure the accounta#ilit" of local government5

    O Does $ecentralization #ring local governance closer to omen5 2 f so) ho5

    O 8o can a s"nergistic relationship #eteen omen) communit" organizations an$ local

    government #e achieve$ in engen$ering local governance5

    $E!E$.1 ET1'D'L'G6

    ualitative research is most suita#le for e(ploring the comple(it" of poer struggles in

    engen$ering local governance in Pa'istan since it allos the researcher to gain insights into

    participantsN vies an$ interactions.qualitative research is suita#le in $ocumenting the a"s

    in hich meanings are constructe$ an$ negotiate$ ithin particular social conte(ts

  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


    -8ol$aa") 9::: > @@. 2t ill then also #e #eneficial in un$erstan$ing critical issues in

    engen$ering local governance an$ in provi$ing e(planations for research questions inclu$ing

    the nature of omenNs participation in local governance.


    Iarious techniques hich ere to #e use$ in con$ucting the stu$" ere as follos

    !econdary data revie-

    Data an$ information gathere$ from national an$ local official $ocuments -policies) reports

    an$ relate$ statistical figures) nespapers) #oo's) /ournals an$ research reports oul$ #e

    use$ especiall" in gathering information on the histor") structure an$ the $evelopment of local

    government) geographical an$ population characteristics of the research location) an$ the

    $evelopment of policies regar$ing omenNs issues in local governance an$ $evelopment


    Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)

    %he significance of the 4GD as a research tool is that it can allo the researcher to e(plore)

    recor$ an$ anal"ze interaction #eteen participants -,ates) 9:::>@0>M) an$ to test the

    focus of the research) $ata collection an$ the anal"sis for its representativeness an$

    generaliza#ilit" -Fernar$) 9:::>M;. Differing from the one to one intervie) poer relations

    #eteen participants an$ researchers are more equalize$ in 4GDs an$ participants ma" have

    more control over the $iscussion. 1oreover) in 4GDs interactions occur not onl" #ut also

    among participants) #eteen participants an$ researcher. 2n 4GDs the $"namics ithin the

    group is useful as the vali$it" of $ata #ecause in 4GD participants through their statements)

    questioning of the statements) clarif"ing an$ respon$ing) also function in chec'ing an$

    rechec'ing each otherNs information.

  • 8/10/2019 Three Essays on People


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