
    Three Easy Parenting

    Techniques to Implement

    Tonight That Will Transform


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    Three easy parenting

    techniques to implement

    tonight that will transform

    your parenting.


    First, let me thank you for joining Youll be

    hearing from us about once a week to share with you the best, most

    effective tools and ideas to change your family life for the better.

    Im convinced that you will use what you learn each week in to become a more confident parent and

    much sooner than you thought.

    Today, though, were going to cover three different changes that

    you can make in your routine, starting TONIGHT, to see a difference

    in the way your family operates.

    In the other words, if you apply what you discover in the next few

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    pages, you willwillwillwill see a marked improvement in how your child


    Nothing youll read here is difficult to understand or complicated to

    do. And for that reason, Im sure youll find each element I cover to

    be easily adaptable to your daily routine.

    Above all else, though - in fact, even above the potential of

    improving your childs behavior - I hope you rediscover the joy in

    everyday parenting.

    To have well-behaved children is one thing. To enjoy the process of

    parenting is - in my humble opinion - much more important. When

    you enjoy parenting, everyone wins. The whole world wins. In the

    words of Mother Teresa, peace begins in the home.


    Jeff EverageJeff EverageJeff EverageJeff Everage

    [email protected]@[email protected]@peaceinyourhome.commmm

    P.S.P.S.P.S.P.S. Dont forget that is here to help make

    parenting easier and way more fun. Be sure to comment on some of

    the articles and check out the online courses!

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    Change #1: Take Care of Yourself. First.

    OK. So the firstfirstfirstfirst thing you need to do is sort yourself out.

    On any given day, you might be taking care of your childrens meals,

    getting them dressed, driving them from this activity to the next,

    checking their homework, taking care of the house.

    Perhaps you go to work and spend 40 hours a week someplace

    outside of the home, on top of everything else...

    Ask yourself this question: Am I taking care of myself and my Am I taking care of myself and my Am I taking care of myself and my Am I taking care of myself and my


    This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you. Especially those

    of you who are used to putting other peoples needs in front of your

    own. Trust me, though. This is important.

    You might be wondering, How can taking care of How can taking care of How can taking care of How can taking care of my needsmy needsmy needsmy needs FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST

    lead to better behaved children?lead to better behaved children?lead to better behaved children?lead to better behaved children?

    Really, it comes down to brain science-- specifically, these fun things

    called mirror neurons which dictate that we naturally mirror the

    actions we observe around us.

    So when youre in a crabby mood because youve had an

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    unrelentingly hard day at the office, or because youve plowed

    straight through your morning chores without taking time to

    shower, guess who is going to mimic that crabby mood? Your kids.

    Conversely, when youre feeling relaxed, centered, and calm- so will

    your kids.

    One of my great friends, parenting expert Susie Walton, often uses

    the analogy of the flight attendant telling parents to put their

    oxygen mask on first before helping to put on a childs mask. What

    good are you to your child if you are unconscious from lack of

    oxygen? she asks.

    Think about that.

    What good are you to your child if you are tired? Or when you are

    hungry? Or overworked, unkempt, and generally not content with


    Definitely not as good as you could be.

    So figure out what you need to feel better during the most

    challenging times of the day. Is it a shower first thing in the

    morning? Is it the time to work out? Is it fifteen minutes of alone

    time? Make it a priority to figure out what you need every day, and

    then find a way to make it happen.

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    You might find that even the tiniest favor you do for yourself brings

    great rewards for your kids in terms of how you interact with each


    Youll be less likely to snap at your kids, and generally more

    prepared to deal with whatever may come up.

    I know, for many of you out there (including myself!), this seems

    easier said than done. But trust me, its not impossible to carve out

    few moments of me time.


    Okay, so this next change might rub some of you the wrong way

    Change #2: Pay Attention to Your Kids

    Im not implying that you neglect your kids, by any stretch. (Youve

    proven how devoted you are to them just by signing up to get this


    The The The The qualityqualityqualityquality of attention your kids get from you makes a difference in of attention your kids get from you makes a difference in of attention your kids get from you makes a difference in of attention your kids get from you makes a difference in

    the way they behave.the way they behave.the way they behave.the way they behave.

    In her book Your Childs Self-Esteem, Dorothy Briggs uses the term

    genuine encounter moment, or GEM, to describe the focused

    attention children need.

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    Briggs writes, Many parents are with their children physically, but

    mentally their focus is elsewhere. Togetherness without genuine

    encounter is not togetherness at all.

    Having one-on-one time with each of your children doing some sort

    of planned activity is amazing, and I encourage doing that as much

    as you can. Realistically, though, and especially day-to-day, its not

    always an option.

    The good news is that GEMs dont require planning, spending

    money, or setting aside a large chunk of your already busy day.

    It can be as simple as having a short conversation about something

    that happened at school.

    Whatever moment you choose, a true GEM needs to be two things:

    1. Focused

    2. Positive

    Im going to talk about these two criteria separately.

    Attention Needs to Be Undivided

    I know I am busy! The funny thing about kids is, the busier you get,

    the more they need to connect with you.

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    And when they feel disconnected from you, well thats when the

    trouble starts to bubble up. They start acting up to grab your

    attention, even if its negative.

    Providing genuine encounter moments removes your childs Providing genuine encounter moments removes your childs Providing genuine encounter moments removes your childs Providing genuine encounter moments removes your childs

    motivation to misbehave.motivation to misbehave.motivation to misbehave.motivation to misbehave.

    Heres the kicker for you: No multi-tasking during GEMs!

    No checking emails on the computer while you sing songs with

    your preschooler.

    No mentally going over your grocery list when your child tells

    you about her day at school.

    And if your teen is willing to make small talk with you, for

    goodness sake, put down your smart phone!

    Here are some other tips to make sure you child feels like theyre

    getting all of you in those few moments.

    Tips for GEMs

    1. Get eye to eye to your child. If

    theyre small, crouch down to their eye

    level or pick them up to yours.

    2. Touch. Hold your childs hand, rub his

    back, stroke her hair.

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    3. When your child is speaking really listen to what hes telling

    you, and wait for him to finish talking.

    Would you like to watch a video demonstrating how to do a GEM?

    Theres one on Check it out here!

    Attention Needs to Be Positive

    The National Family Institute reported that the average American

    child only receives 12.5 minutes per day communicating with their

    parents, and that 8.5 of those minutes are spent correcting,

    criticizing, or arguing.

    So when youre giving a GEM, make sure you reserve the lecturing

    and judging for a different occasion. Im sure there will be plenty of

    opportunities to give advice to your child, but dont do it now.

    Just make sure that you give your child the positive attention she

    needs-- even if that means just nodding your head and



    Change #3: Empower Your Children

    Some parents wont like this one

    Theyll say, Empowering kids? Thats the problem with children

    today! Parents have given up control of their kids! Young people

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    dont know their place! I am the parent, and I always know better,

    and I deserve all the power all the time!

    Okay, that might be a little extreme, but you get the idea.

    By definition, to empower means to give someone, in this case

    kids, power. I get why this is scarythey are just kids, after all.

    But empowering children doesnt mean giving them the run of the

    house, to the point where you lose control of your household.

    It simply means that you let your kids make some decisions for


    Think about the countless decisions that you make on behalf of

    your kids every single dayfrom the clothes that they wear, to the

    food they eat.

    If your kids are school-age, they spend several hours in a classroom

    environment where, again, they have little to no control over what

    happens next.

    Is it any wonder that some children rebel? Some will do it loudly:

    No! I do not want to do my homework now!

    Some kids rebel passively: simply ignoring any request made of


    Either way, these kids are acting up because they are frustrated.

    They feel powerless, and this is their way of communicating that to


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    You can turn this around, and you can start tonight. Here are some


    Ways to Empower Children

    1. Offer little ones choices by giving them two or three viable

    options to choose from. (Dont leave it open ended, and limit

    choices to two or three.)

    2. Let older kids decide what to have for dinner once a week.

    Then let them help prepare it. Youd be surprised how many

    kids are eager to help in the kitchen. Dont waste the


    3. Allow children to structure afternoons on their own. Let them

    tell you what order they will complete chores, homework,

    etc. (Just hold them accountable to the schedule theyve set.)

    4. How often do the kids get to decide what happens on a

    Saturday? Have your kids plan an entire Saturdaythen

    follow that plan as a family. It could

    become a fun monthly tradition! Ask

    their opinionsa lot! Show your kids you

    care what they think. From little things

    (Which sweater should I wear?) to big

    things (Where should we go on vacation

    this summer?), asking for your

    childrens input shows them that their

    views count and that they have a part in

    the decision making process.

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    The need to feel empowered never goes away. It only grows

    stronger as we age. I know that when Im empowered in my job or

    any aspect of my life, I feel independent, important, and capable.

    Independent, important, and capable. Thats exactly how I want

    my child to feel throughout his childhood, and well beyond.

    You see, empowering children isnt about relinquishing parental

    control. Its about letting kids to learn how to manage their time,

    their impulses, and their goals.

    Thats a total win-win.


    In Conclusion By now you may have noticed that the way to change your childs

    behavior is really to change your own behavior.

    1. Take care of yourself first.

    2. Pay attention to your kids.

    3. Empower your children.

    If you start with these three changes in your behavior, youre sure

    to see changes for the better in your childs behavior.

    Heres to happy children and happy homes,

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    P.S.P.S.P.S.P.S. If you havent already done so, make sure you take some time

    to head over to my website at, where

    youll find many, many more articles and resources on how to make

    parenting easier.

    And hey, if you enjoyed reading this guide and found what Ive been

    sharing with you useful, why not tell a parent friend. Itll help me

    out and Im sure your parent friend will thank you for it.

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