Page 1: Thoughts of a Young Boy

Thoughts of a Young Boy By: Dylan Harris

Page 2: Thoughts of a Young Boy

Thoughts of a

Young Boy 2012-2013

Huntsville Middle School


Dylan Harris

Johnson Publishing Company

Huntsville, Arkansas

Page 3: Thoughts of a Young Boy

Table of Contents

General Introduction viii

Acknowledgements x

Part 1: Poetry

Biographical Sketch Part 1 1

Jabber Jay 2

All about Dylan 3

The Mean Dog 4

Deer 5

Crazy Night 6

Part 2: Information

Biographical Sketch Part 2 8

Best Day 9

When Spring Comes 10

Boston Tea Party 11

Around the U.S. 12

Part 3: Narrative

Biographical Sketch Part 3 13

The Beautiful Girl 14

The Storm 15

Survivor 16

Crazy Day 17

Tommy the Giant 18

Page 4: Thoughts of a Young Boy

Acknowledgments Thank you to all of my crazy dreams that I have when I’m sleeping, to

nature, and to all my classmates who inspired me to write more and


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Biographical sketch part 1: poetry

This collection of essays is all about poetry. I like to write poetry

because I can be creative. It helps me express my feelings. When I

write about poetry, the world stops.

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Jabber Jay Beware the creature my son.

The Jaws that bite and the claws that catch. Beware the jub jub bird

and don’t look into the face of the furious bandersnatch.

He took the vorpal sword in his hand. He waited on the creature and

then decided to rest on a tree. He sat there a long time in thought

And as in selfish thought he stood, the creature with red eyes came

down flying through the thick wood and bubbling as it came.

Four seconds went by. The blade went right into the beast. He left it

all except the head. He went galloping back

And, you have killed the Jabberwack. Come hug me, my bright boy. O a

fabulous day. Hooray, he snorted in joy.


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All About Dylan Dylan

Is funny, lazy, athlete.

Son of Lisa and Travis .

Lover of

food, football, baseball.

Who feels

lazy, awesome, cool.

Who gives

respect, trust, honesty.

Who fears

homework, robbers, kidnappers.

Who would like to see

Million dollars, Colorado, Grand Canyon

Who lives

In Hindsville, AR



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The Mean dog There was a very mean dog, but you wouldn’t think so because he

looked like a frog.

One day he found a snake, tangled in a rake.

When the dog let it go, he did not know, he had just made a friend.

They did everything together.

This and that, they even bought each other a hat.

When the snake had the dog over at its place, the dog broke a one

hundred dollar vase.

After that they broke up and Johnny woke up from his crazy dream.


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Deer I fill my heart beat,

beat against my chest.

My chest is making a clamor and its hurting.

It’s hurting at the sight.

The sight of the animal eating,

eating the poisoned grass.

The poisoned grass will kill it.

It will never walk again.


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Crazy Night

There once was a guy named Jack

His cousin was named Mack.

They both lived in the same house with Willie the mouse.

Willie’s last name was weaver. Did I mention his dad was a beaver?

Anyway, in the house there was a bunny, whose house was made of


One day there was a huge shake, they knew it was an earthquake, so

they ran under a big table.

A picture of a clown, that had a frown, fell down and broke.

The pieces went everywhere and every way, some landed in willies

bed and his hay.

Jack and Mack thought it was okay, they moved the pieces away.

Jack went outside after the quake and met a girl named Jill.

Jill is a girl who works at a mill.

At the mill, there is a bear named Bill.

Every time he goes to the mall, he has to get a bright new pink ball.

One day he bought some very special cars.

These cars, when someone got in, would take them to Mars.

He was too big to get in; in fact no one could except a rooster and a


When the rooster and hen passed the moon it was about noon.

They could jump and hop, but when they got started they could not


On Mars there was an owl too but all he could say was who who.

But other than that there was nothing in fact.

When they looked at the cars all the fuel was gone, if you want to

know what happens next you will have to read on.

Since all the fuel was gone, they had to found a new way to Earth.

And that’s how the Mars Rover had its birth.

Out of parts from the rocket, nuts and a socket, they built a spring.


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The spring was a magical thing.

When they got on the spring it launched them to the Universe.

When they hit the ground they landed on a pitching mound

It was in the middle of the game, as so they claimed.

The Reds lost the game two to zip, but the rooster made a new and pip

friend whose name was Pip.

When the rooster and pip got a cup that was when Jack woke up


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Biographical sketch part: 2 Information

This collection of essays is all about Information. I wrote the

information section to tell you about things. This section tells about

me and the world. This helps me tell about what I know. I wrote this

section for many reasons.


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The Best Day I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Here I was cheering on the

colts. What a better way can you spend an afternoon?

I was rooting on the Colts, with their new quarterback, Andrew Luck.

They were playing against the Vikings for the championship. After a

hour and thirty minutes, the colts won by three points. It was a great

game to watch and I hope they play like that the next time they play.

Andrew Luck throwing to Reggie Wayne ended up with many TDs.


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When Spring Comes With spring comes spring break. I needed to take a break, this year,

from going to bed at eleven and waking up a six. I wanted to be able to

stay up all night and sleep all day. I also needed a break from

homework every night.


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Boston Tea Party Before 1776, colonists, in what is now America, were ruled by Britain.

Patrick Henry told people that this was not right. He did not like British

laws and wanted to start an army to fight for freedom. In a speech, he

said he was not afraid of dying. Henry’s favorite quote was “Give me

liberty or give me death!” his words made others believe they should

start a war. In 1775, the American Revolution began.


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Around the U.S. I have travelled only to a few states troubling Missouri, Oklahoma,

Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. I didn’t meet anyone new

at any of these places. I didn’t learn anything that was different from

Arkansas. I don’t have advice at all for anyone that wants to learn

about other places other than Arkansas.


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Biographical sketch part: 3 Narrative

The last collection of essays is all about narrative stories. This section

is the main one that I can release my thought onto paper. I can write

about anything and everything in this section. This section helps me

release my dreams. This section makes me go through a different



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The beautiful girl The boys had heard about the most beautiful girl who was locked in a

castle until someone was to come save her. All the boys set out on the

journey to save the women. They had to go through all kinds of terrain.

When they finally made it to the castle, they found out that it was

guarded by a dragon. All of the boys, except one, ran off after seeing

the dragon. The one boy who stayed ran up to the castle to slay the

beast. When he got to the castle, instead of slaying the beast, he ran

up to the top of the castle. When he found the door that was keeping

the beautiful girl, he ran as hard as he could into it and knocked the

door down. He ran inside the room to find that they girl was lying down

with flowers in her hand, her eyes shut. He went to pick her up when

the dragon roared. He ran down stairs, found a sword and then cut the

dragons head off. Then he ran back upstairs. He picked up the girl and

carried her all the way back from where all the boys came from. When

the boy showed the other boys the girl, they got really jealous. After

that the girl told the rescuer that her dad had locked her up in the

castle for good reasons.


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The storm Storms were coming and everyone knew but didn’t listen when they

were told to evacuate. Some did leave but many did stay. One the

night the hurricane hit it was very late. Many people tried to get higher

than the waves, but the waves got bigger too. Homes were flooded,

electricity went out, and there was no way to call for help. Amusement

parks, homes and cars were all tossed into the ocean. No one will

forget those days when Mother Nature strikes.


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Survivor On March 29 1722, a man named Robin Hunt was rescued off a

deserted island. In 1702 he was on a boat going from England to South

America. When he was on the boat, it was invaded and token over from

many people. When he saw them coming he put a knife inside his shirt.

When they got on they tied him down with rope. Then they through him

over board near an island. After making it to the island and the boat

was out of sight, he cut himself free of the rope. With the knife, rope

and palm leaves he made himself a hut. When robin was in the forest

looking for food, he noticed that here were wild hogs living on the

island. He went back to the hut and made a spear out of a stick. He

was going to try to get a hog so he would have some meat to eat. He

was very skilled with a spear had killed many hogs with it too. He

knew that if he rubbed two sticks together he could have fire. After

being on the island for twenty years, he saw a boat coming in his

direction. He ran into the forest cut down a green tree and put it on

the fire. He was ending a smoke signal to the boat. When the ship saw

the smoke, it came over to Robin and let him on the ship. After being

on the ship for four days he was back in England.


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Crazy Day I didn’t know exactly where the train was going. After paying my fare, I

simply stood on the platform waiting for it to whisk me away to

somewhere, anywhere but here. That’s when it happened. A huge

tornado came down right on top of me. I was sucked up but no one

else was. I closed my eyes not knowing what would happen next. Then

it stopped. When I opened my eyes there were only five girls, four boys

and myself. We were standing on flat land. There was nothing on all

sides of us. We were in a circle In the middle of the circle the ground

started to shake. A huge whale busted out of the Earth. When it hit the

ground, it opened its mouth. Zombies ran out of the mouth a staring

chasing all of us. After defeating all twenty zombies, the whale grew

teeth, like sharks, legs and arms. It started chasing us. It caught one

boy and swallowed him whole. Then it caught and swallowed me.

When inside the whale, I punched it in the lungs. It almost spit us back

up. I reached in my pocket and there was only one thing. A knife. I cut

a hole in the whale and jumped out. After defeating the whale I woke

up for school.


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Timmy the giant One day Timmy started a new school. On Timmy’s first day of school

people didn’t like him very much. Timmy had emotional problems. He

couldn’t handle his anger. One day he got so mad he grew six times

and turned green. He was the HULK. He went crazy throwing cars and

trucks. The army brought in a tank and he swallowed it whole. After he

swallowed the tank, he went back down to normal size. After going

back to normal size he passed out. When he woke up, he thought that

what happened last night was a dream. He looked around and saw the

damage. He realized it wasn’t a dream and ran to the bus station. He

moved to the next town. Every time he got mad he turned into the

hulk. Every time he destroyed a town he would move. After moving

twenty times, Timmy disappeared. No one ever saw Timmy again.


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