Page 1: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

Thought of the Day

Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their governors and provinces called? Describe their Zoroastrianism beliefs. You should have a minimum of 5 sentences.

Page 2: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

Classical Greece

-Greeks spread throughout the Mediterranean -Come in contact with the Persian Empire-490 Persians land on Marathon; Athens army defeats Persians*Pheidippides race to Marathon*

Page 3: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

Classical Greece

-486BC Persian king Xerxes seeks revenge-Form defensive league-New military policy forming navy (Xerxes had 180,000)-7000 Greeks hold off 180,000 Persians for 2 days at Thermopylae (traitor told Persians) & Athenians leave-Greek defeat Persians at Salamis then again at Plataea

Page 4: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

The Athenian Empire-Athens takes over Greek world-478 Delian League formed against Persians-Attack Persians to liberate all Greeks from Persian control-Age of Pericles (461-429) expands empire; creates direct democracy (all males participating in meetings)

-Large body of officials run government on daily basis-10 officials directed policy; could be re-elected-Ostracism- a member believed to be harmful could be kicked out if voted on by 6000 people

-Made Athens center of Greece-Rebuilt temples & statues because of war-“School of Greece”- art, philosophy, & architecture flourished

Page 5: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

Daily Life-Athens had largest population (300,000)-Economy based on farming & trade-Grapes (wines), olive trees (olive oil); 50-80% of grains were imported-Family extremely important-Women didn’t leave home (except funerals & festivals)-Had children; did housework-Couldn’t own property-Spin & weave clothing-No formal education-Didn’t work outside the home unless you were poor

Page 6: Thought of the Day Look back at your notes entitled The Assyrians & The Persian Empire. Who were the 2 kings that ruled the Persian Empire? What were their

The Great Peloponnesian War

-After defeating the Persians, war breaks out in 431BC between Sparta and Athens-Athens remained behind stone city walls (got supplies from colonies & navy)-Spartans surround Athens (stronger army)-2nd year of war, plague breaks out & kills 1/3 people including Pericles-Athenian fleet destroyed at Aegospotami on Hellespont-Athens surrendered; walls torn down & empire destroyed-**War weakened Greek states**

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