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Cranberry Catholic Collaborative

(508) 947-0444

Saints Martha & Mary


Sacred Heart


St. Rose of Lima



Adoration will be held Sunday of this weekend!

Saints Martha & Mary on October 25th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Please come and join us and spend some time with Jesus in the Most Holy

Eucharist. We will have Benediction, a five-minute reflection,

followed by silent prayer and adoration. Confessions will be

available during adoration. We hope to see you there!


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Eucharistic Adoration with Mass

& Divine Mercy Chaplet

Every Friday 6:00 p.m. -7:30 p.m.

Intention for the week of October 30th

For the success of the merger of the CCC Parishes, and for a

smooth transition to the new St. Joseph the Worker Parish

Weekly Bible Study With Father JT

Thursday, October 29th

at Saints Martha & Mary Parish Hall

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Matt 27:45-54 Power in the Blood!

Worship & Meditation

For some reason, it is easier to genuflect in reverence to the

presence of Christ in the tabernacle of a church, than to

genuflect in reverence to the same presence of Christ in

another person’s soul. We wrongly believe that God divides

himself, placing himself in one place in preference to another.

It doesn’t work that way. Love of God and love of neighbor

are intimately and inseparably connected because the essence

and spark of God’s very presence is in all creation. God’s

presence is just as real in the one who is good, as in the one

who is bad, and the one who is just, and the one who is


Our brains get in the way of truly contemplating the

awesomeness of this truth. We like to separate things into

boxes, the sheep from the goats and the deserving from the

undeserving. But, with God there are no distinctions such as

this. Our human classifications, subdivisions, and definitions

hold no power or have any weight in God’s eyes. Sadly, we

relate to God and to each other as if they do.

We cannot be deaf to the world’s pain. It is not about having,

hording, accumulating, acquiring, securing, storing,

protecting, owning, claiming, or any of the other human

terms we use to distinguish mine from yours. We put so much

power in these words and that power, even though we may

not always realize it, can cause those words and the

distinctions they carry to wound and hurt others. We have the

whole order of things wrong, but we are so set on preserving

this order that we are absolutely afraid to do it any other way.

We go through hoops trying to convince ourselves why the

perils of the person seeking a new place to call home are not

our perils that we turn our back and justify closing our doors.

It makes perfect sense to us. Yet, it makes no sense in terms of

our faith. It doesn’t square with any of the words found in

Sacred Scripture or in any time-tested teaching of the church.

We have it all reversed. We know that we do because when

Jesus speaks about such things and the words of the Old

Testament prophets ring out again, we start to feel

uncomfortable and anxious. What we do, directly or by

omission, to one of the least of these little ones we do to God.

It is quite possible that some of what we are doing personally,

economically, politically, globally, and even religiously is

doing more harm than good. Let’s ponder that a bit.

Faith Formation Update

This past week we ventured into new territory as we began our Faith Formation programs

in this pandemic environment. Our formation programs, Living Our Faith for grades 1-8,

First Eucharist prep, and Confirmation prep, were offered remotely through the Google

Classroom platform. I’m very happy to report that attendance and participation were

excellent. Several parents reached out to let us know how much their children learned

from our sessions. As Faith Formation leaders and catechists, we know there is no

substitute for gathering in person as a faith community to grow in faith together. However,

we are extremely pleased at how responsive and adaptable our families have been in this

unprecedented situation. Please continue to pray for our faith formation families as we

look forward to eventually meeting together in person as the pandemic subsides.

Michelle Sylvia, Director, Faith Formation


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Responding to the Call

Have you ever Googled the word “love”? If you did you may have come across something called the Love Calculator. It is a

website where you can supply two names, and the percentage chance of a successful relationship is calculated. Curious, I

entered my name and my wife’s. Twenty percent! I hope my wife doesn’t read this!

I then decided to add my name and God. A whopping thirteen percent! Then for the last attempt, I put in my name and

Jesus. A very disappointing zero percent! Am I that unlovable? Of course, then I read the small print at the bottom of the

page: “Please note that this site has no serious intention whatsoever.” Shocking!

The truth is, the modern world increasingly seems to have no real idea what love is or how to determine when love is real.

That makes the seemingly simple words of Jesus about loving God and your neighbor very complex indeed. How can you love

God with your all your heart, soul, and mind when you have no idea what the act of loving means? And then, what

constitutes loving a neighbor? To make it more complicated, Jesus commands you to love them like you love yourself. I bet

you can agree with me that there are a lot of people out there who do not even come close to loving themselves. Knowing

what love is in modern times is just not that easy. How is a well-meaning person able to find out the true meaning of love?

— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS


Know that nothing in the plan is written on stone. Adjustments/tweaking

may happen if real need arises, especially within the pandemic environment.

Sunday, October 24/25 (4th Sun):

Saturday 10am: Formed - Real Presence Series & Witness Video

Sunday Homily topic: Eucharist as Sacrifice, Thanksgiving & Family Meal

Sunday, November 21/22 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist and Community Building

Sunday Evening 5-6pm: Teaching Holy Mass (Eucharistic Celebration) for Adults (SH)

Sunday, December 26/27 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist in Sacred Scripture & Life of Saints (no other activity for December)

Sunday, January 23/24 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist: Token & Symbol of Love (no other activity for January)

Sunday, February 27/28 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist: Our Catholic Identity

Sunday 11am-12pm: Eucharist - Real Presence, for Youth & Young Adults (M&M)

Sunday, March 27/28 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist: Renewal & Transformation

Sunday 12-1pm: Teaching Holy Mass, for Youth & Young Adults (SH)

Sunday, April 24/25 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic: Eucharistic Devotions

Sunday 11am-12pm: Teaching Adoration, for Youth & Young Adults (M&M)

Sunday, May 22/23 (4th Sun):

Homily Topic - Eucharist & Priesthood

Monday, May 31, 5-6pm: Outdoor Rosary Procession- Bible Rosary of Luminous Mysteries (RoL)

Sunday, June 19/20 (3rd Sun) - Corpus Christi:

Closing Mass of YoE 9.30am (M&M) or 11am (SH), Followed by Parish Luncheon & Socials.




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Mass Intentions—Saints Martha & Mary Parish

Saturday, October 24th

5:30 p.m. Mary Theresa Graney, Memorial and Philip

Paulson, Memorial

Sunday, October 25th

9:30 a.m. Francis M. Sullivan, Sr., 12th Anniversary and

Joseph Hojlo, Birthday Memorial

Monday, October 26th

8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, October 27th

8:00 a.m. The Russell Family, Memorial

Wednesday, October 28th

8:00 a.m. Normand Vadenais, Memorial

Thursday, October 29th

8:00 a.m.

Friday, October 30th

6:00 p.m. Dawn Costa, 4 Month Anniversary

Mass Intentions—Sacred Heart

Saturday, October 24th

4:00 p.m. Harold Priest, Jr., Memorial

Sunday, October 25th

11:00 a.m. Joseph Tougas, Memorial and James DeLuca,

Birthday Memorial

Mass Intentions—St. Rose of Lima

Sunday, October 25th

8:00 a.m.

Financial Blessings 10-18-2020�

Saints Martha & Mary�


Sacred Heart Total�







Our Collaborative is grateful for your

continued support at this time.

Thank you!

This week I would encourage you to watch,

“Hope in Mercy with Fr. Michael Gaitley”.

(This can be found in the recently added column.) Father

Gaitley gives a talk on our problems in this world today, with

the pandemic and all the crazy things going on. He answers

questions: Was Vatican II a mistake? Has Pope Francis

departed from the teaching of his predecessors? Does the

Holy Spirit have something to say about the troubles in the

Church and the world today? Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC,

answers these questions and more.

Hi Kids, this week lets watch Lukas

Storyteller. Lukas is a fish that lives in

the sea of Galilee, who, along with his

friends tell us about different saints

they have met, and about Jesus. This

week let’s watch,


In this inspiring episode, Lukas helps his friends discover the

meaning of their names as they learn about their patron

saints, while Lukas recalls his own encounter with Jesus and

how it changed his life forever.

Did you know?

Do we wear religious medals for good luck?

NO, a Catholic does not wear a medal for luck. We wear medals to remind ourselves either of the saint that the medal

represents or of Jesus and His mother, Mary. Many religions have signs of devotion that are worn. Jewish and Muslim men

wear skull caps. Muslim women veil themselves in public. Catholics wear medals, crucifixes, and scapulars.

When a Catholic wear a medal we are not looking for luck, but for God’s blessing through the intercession of the saint. One

medal that many Catholics are familiar with is, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Our Lady appeared to Sister Catherine

Labore, a French Visitation Cloister Nun in Paris, and asked her to construct a medal with Mary’s image on it with the words

on the back, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

A scapular is another familiar sacramental. Two pieces of cloth attached to a string and placed over the scapular bone. The

most famous being the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Finally, and most famous, the Crucifix that reminds us daily of the price of our salvation and how much God loves us.

Again, we don’t wear sacramentals for luck, we wear them for prayer, blessing, and intercession from those who represent the

sacramental we wear. It is an exterior sign of an interior love and devotion.


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Remember In Your Prayers

Fr. Francis Daley, Bill Dow, Regina R. Perez, Ruth Santos,

Jim Medas, Jacob Layman, Wanda Daglis, Bill Eaton,

Joyce Parenteau, Elaine Tomlinson, Christopher Perry,

Marie LaFrance, Marissa-Lynn, Janet Macedo, Sue Kinney,

Melissa Hatfield, Aidan Dougherty, Joseph Drolette,

Rebecca & Steven Cummings, Katie Westhaver,

Bernard Moisan, Jessica Morrison, Alan Douillette,

Walter and Marilyn Campbell, Maryann Wilson,

Kechy Ikejiofor, Nathan Ware, William Hedlund, Jr.,

Kathaleen Arruda, Marianne Cokely, Boaz Rene Asfar,

Kevin and Sharon O’Hara

To be added to the prayer list please call the

parish office. Names will remain on the list for

one month and will only be listed as requested by

family members please.

Live the Liturgy—Inspiration for the Week

Do we really understand how important our relationships

with our brothers and sisters throughout the world truly are?

Many give God’s commandment to love your neighbor and

yourself a congenial glance of approval and agreement

without really thinking about the implications. Sometimes it

is easier to kneel in reverence before the tabernacle in a

church than to kneel in reverence before the tabernacle of

another person’s soul. Witnessing and being consumed by

the Divine Power alive in the heart of every living being

transforms not only how we see our brothers and sisters but

how we see God Himself. The cries of the poor and those

who are hurting must echo in our hearts. We can no longer

be deaf to the world’s pain. It is no longer acceptable to

judge others, unduly criticize, or marginalize, neglect, abuse,

manipulate, or participate in the exploitation of anyone! We

are asked to become hypersensitive to not only what we are

doing, but why we are doing, it. This holds true not only

with regard to the daily conduct of our lives but our

economic and corporate relationships and policies as well.

Setting Our Hearts Aflame

The Eucharist

Last month we welcomed our young folk to the Table of the

Lord for the first time. These are among my favorite

celebrations in the Church! To see the children light up

when they receive the Eucharist for the first time fills me with

joy. I am also remembering Fr. Daniel Moran who would

make every child feel special to Jesus and to him. He put a

hand on each child’s face and tell him/her “Jesus loves you,

and so do I!” Then I would see the face of Jesus in theirs's!

What joy!

The Eucharist is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation,

the other two being Baptism and Confirmation. In the early

Church, Baptism was followed by Confirmation and then

First Holy Communion. The Eucharist is the source and

summit of our faith and is the culmination of Christian

initiation. You may be asking yourselves, if this is true, why is

Confirmation now after Eucharist? In the early Church, the

faithful would get their children baptized and then would

wait for the Bishop to come around to confirm their

children. This could be months or perhaps years between

visits to the parish. The end result was that fewer and fewer

persons were confirmed because parents couldn’t always get

their children to the bishop and thus very few Catholics were

receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Eventually, it

was decided that to get more people to the Lord’s table that

parish priests could allow the Sacrament of the Eucharist to

precede Confirmation. This is where we are at today in most

parishes. But at the Second Vatican Council, the bishops

restored the original order of Baptism, Confirmation and

Eucharist in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. There

is a movement in some parts of the world to restore the

Sacraments into their proper order to mirror the intentions

of the early Church.

This week I would like you all to reflect back to your First

Communion. What did it mean to you to receive Jesus for

the very first time? What was it like for you when you first

experienced the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist?

Today, in memory of Fr. Moran, who so loved celebrating the

Eucharist with children, let us remember: “Jesus loves you…

and so do I.” Peace, Holly

Bottle and Can Drive to assist a family affected by Hurricane Laura

When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation. Proverbs 10:25

With Hurricane Laura over, the devastation will have to be faced.

Let us work together to help our brothers and sisters in need. I will again be collecting

redeemable bottles and cans to assist a family from the Lake Charles, LA area that received major

damage to their family farm. All proceeds collected will be donated directly to the family to help

them with day to day items. “Helping people affected by Hurricane Laura 5 cents at a time.”

If you have clean bottles and cans to donate, please call 508-944-4577. Dante Alessandro



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Readings for the Week of 10-25-20

Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 [2]/1 Thes 1:5c-

10/Mt 22:34-40

Monday: Eph 4:32—5:8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [cf. Eph 5:1]/Lk


Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [1a]/Lk 13:18-21

Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5a]/Lk 6:12-16

Thursday: Eph 6:10-20/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1b]/Lk 13:31-35

Friday: Phil 1:1-11/Ps 111:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [2]/Lk 14:1-6

Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26/Ps 42:2, 3 5cdef/Lk 14:1, 7-11

Next Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 6]/1

Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a

Observances for the week of October 25, 2020

Sunday: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time



Wednesday: Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles



Saturday: All Hallow’s Eve

Next Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; Nation-

al Vocation Awareness Week

Al-Anon and A.A.

Al-Anon: Meets at Saints Martha & Mary downstairs in

the Parish Hall every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous: At Sacred Heart Church on

Saturdays in the Parish Hall from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

At United Church of Christ in Lakeville on Sundays.

The beginners’ meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. and

the regular meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.

Collaborative Information

Temporary Administrator Rev. Jude Thaddeus Osunkwo

[email protected]

Senior Deacon George M. Gabriel

[email protected]

Deacon Alan Amaral

[email protected]

Pastoral Associate Holly Clark

[email protected]

Finance & Operations Donna Roderiques

[email protected]

Administrative Associates Lisa Bossé

[email protected]

Director Faith Formation Michelle Sylvia

(Lakeville/Rochester/Middleboro 947-0072)

[email protected]

First Eucharist Eleanor Hurley

(Lakeville/Rochester/Middleboro 947-0444)

[email protected]

Confirmation Lori Handerhan (Middleboro 923-0151)

[email protected]

Music Ministry

Directors Henry Rondelli (Lakeville)

[email protected]

Stacy Dawson (Middleboro)

[email protected]

Jack Roussell (Rochester)

[email protected]

Organists Tom Roussell (Middleboro)

Accompanist Rita Rondelli (Lakeville)

Jimmy Dolan (Lakeville)

Jack Roussell (Rochester)


John Dunham (Lakeville and Rochester)

Jean Leveque (Middleboro)


Saturday Vigil

4:00 p.m. Middleboro

5:30 p.m. Lakeville


8:00 a.m. Rochester

9:30 a.m. Lakeville

11:00 a.m. Middleboro


Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m. Lakeville

Friday 6:00 p.m. Lakeville with Eucharistic Adoration & Divine

Mercy Chaplet

Holy Days - As Announced

Drive Thru Confessions

Mondays and Thursdays 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Lakeville

For the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and Anointing of the Sick,

please contact the Parish Office

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