
Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 3: Faith – Visualization of, and Belief in Attainment of DesireThe Second Step Toward Riches

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

I have faith. I have a clear vision of the object of my desire. I believe I can and will

attain it.

As I blend my faith with the vibration of thought, my subconscious mind instantly

picks up the vibration and then translates it into its spiritual equivalent and transmits it

to Infinite Intelligence.

I blend the emotions of faith, hope, and love with the vibration of what I desire.

I have an open, direct line of communication with God.

Faith is a state of mind that I create through repeated suggestions to my

subconscious mind.

I now have the ability to transmute my intangible thoughts of desire into money

and other physical possessions.

I believe that I receive that for which I ask.

My subconscious mind acts on my belief and provides me with definite plans for

procuring the object of my desire.

When I receive plans from my subconscious mind, I act on those plans


Faith is a positive state of mind. I have the ability to create the state of mind of faith at

any time.

I create faith by repeatedly giving orders to my subconscious mind in the form of

positive affirmations.

Any impulse of thought that I repeatedly pass to my subconscious mind is eventually accepted by my subconscious mind without


My subconscious mind translates my BURNING desire into its physical

equivalent by the most practical procedure available.

All of my thoughts which I mix with the emotion of faith begin immediately to

translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart.

My emotions are the factors that give my thoughts vitality, life, and action.

I add power to my thoughts by mixing them with faith, hope, and love.

I guard my subconscious mind by focusing my thoughts on only positive emotions.

By maintaining a positive mental attitude, I create my own good fortune and luck.

I maintain a positive mental attitude at all times.

I have the ability to pass on to my subconscious mind ANY desire which I

wish translated into its physical or monetary equivalent.

I fully expect that the transmutation of my desires will take place.

My belief determines the action of my subconscious mind.

I give instructions to my subconscious mind through autosuggestion.

When I call upon my subconscious mind, I act as if I am already in possession of the

material thing which I am demanding.

My subconscious mind is transmuting my desires into their physical equivalent by the most direct and practical media available.

I give orders to my subconscious mind in a spirit of absolute faith and belief.

Through experiment and practice, I am acquiring the ability to mix the emotion of

faith with any order that I give to my subconscious mind. I am perfecting my

faith by actively applying my faith.

I am voluntarily developing the emotion of faith by suggesting to my subconscious

mind that I have faith.

The positive emotions of faith, hope, and love are the dominating forces of my mind.

Because faith, hope, and love are the dominating emotions of my mind, I can

give instructions to my subconscious mind which it accepts and acts upon


I am using the principle of autosuggestion to induce the state of mind known as faith.

I believe in God and I believe in myself.

My faith and belief gives life, power, and action to my thought impulses.

I am turning my faith into riches.

I mix my prayers with faith.

Through my faith, I am in direct communication with God.

By my faith I transform the ordinary vibration of my thoughts into their spiritual


By my faith, I am releasing the power of God to meet my every need and righteous


I have a clear understanding of the relationship between faith and


I am what I am because of the dominating thoughts of my mind.

I deliberately place in my own mind thoughts of faith, hope, and love and I

encourage those thoughts with sympathy.

My positive thoughts of faith, hope, and love constitute a magnetic force which

attracts from the vibrations of the ether other similar or related thoughts.

As I magnetize my thoughts with positive emotions, they multiply themselves over

and over again.

I concentrate my thoughts on prosperity, health, success, and happiness.

Any thought, idea, plan, or purpose that I hold in my mind attracts from the ether similar thoughts. I add my own thought power to those thoughts until they fully

dominate my mind.

I can place any idea, plan, or purpose in my mind through repetition of thought.

I write out a clear statement of my definite goals, commit them to memory and repeat

them out loud until these vibrations of sound reach my subconscious mind.

I now take complete control of my environment. I am building my own life to


I use the principle of autosuggestion every day to increase my self-confidence.

I build my virtues by stating them in writing, memorizing them and repeating

them out loud until they become part of the working equipment of my subconscious


I know I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Major Purpose in life.

I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward the attainment of my

Definite Major Purpose in life and I here and now promise to render such action.

I concentrate my thoughts for 30 minutes daily upon the task of thinking of the

person I intend to become thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that


Any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression

through some practical means of attaining the object back of it.

I devote 10 minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of self-confidence.

I have clearly written down a description of my Definite Chief Aim in life.

I will persist until I have developed sufficient self-confidence for the

attainment of my Definite Major Purpose.

I will only engage in transactions which benefit all whom it affects.

I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use and the cooperation of

other people.

I will induce others to cooperate with me because of my willingness to serve others.

I will develop love for all humanity because I know that only a positive attitude toward

others will bring me success.

I repeat my affirmations at least once each day with full faith that they will gradually

influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become a self-reliant and successful


I am making positive use of the principle of autosuggestion every day.

My thoughts have a tendency to clothe themselves in their physical equivalent.

I am combining my thought impulses in my subconscious mind in order to translate

them into their physical equivalent.

My subconscious mind is translating into reality all of my emotionalized thoughts.

I am feeding positive thoughts and emotions to my subconscious mind every


I am using the law of autosuggestion to create a life of peace and prosperity.

I am filling my mind with the courage, faith, and belief in my ability to connect

with and use the forces of Infinite Intelligence.

The law of autosuggestion is using my spirit of faith and belief as a pattern by which my

subconscious mind is translating my burning desire into its physical equivalent.

The law of autosuggestion is lifting me up because I choose to think positive thoughts.

I am consciously using the law of autosuggestion to rise to altitudes of

achievement that stagger the imaginations of other people.

I am a winner.

I am waking up, arousing, and putting into action the seed of achievement that lies

within my brain.

I believe I can and will achieve my goals.

I am filled with faith, hope, and love. These combined emotions translate my thought impulses into their spiritual equivalent.

Because I am filled with the emotions of faith, hope, and love, I am surrounded by a field of magnetic attraction which causes an

influx of the higher and finer vibrations which are afloat in the ether.

I am a person of faith. I have a clear understanding of the state of mind known

as faith.

I am demonstrating the power of faith in my own life.

I create personal power out of my understanding of the principle of faith and my ability to transplant my faith into the

minds of millions of people.

I now have the ability to positively influence the minds of other people to

coalesce and move in unison, as a single mind, towards a common goal.

I inspire other people to believe that they can achieve noble goals.

I encourage both management and labor to render useful service with a positive mental attitude so that both groups can fairly share

the profits of the business.

I am helping to create widespread faith in worthy businesses.

I am a business leader who helps other business leaders achieve their goals.

I am helping to create faith and cooperation with other people.

I am helping management and labor to believe and cooperate with each other for

the common good.

I inspire FULL harmonious cooperation with other people.

I help other people attain human happiness and contentment.

I help other people be more productive doing what they love to do.

I help people mix faith and individual interest with their labor.

I give before I try to get.

I am converting my ideas into huge fortunes.

I create new, useful, and profitable businesses in my imagination.

I mix faith with my business ideas.

I form plans to transform my ideas into physical and financial reality and I

immediately put my plans into action.

I follow through on my plans with persistence until they are fully carried out.

I prepare the way for success by my burning desire for success.

I have a clear understanding of how great fortunes are accumulated.

I exercise my personal initiative to implement my plans.

My passionate belief in my ideas allows me to effectively influence other people.

I clearly communicate my vision to the minds of other people in such a way that

they take positive action.

I create sound plans with achievable goals.

I have a pleasing personality based on sound character. People believe in my

plans because they believe in me.

I create new ideas that create new and ever expanding markets for valuable goods and


I offer my goods and services for a fair price.

I keep prices as low as possible in order to create larger markets and serve more


When I create plans, I do my homework and I work with people who are experts in

their field.

I am transmuting my desires into their physical equivalent.

My faith, desire, imagination, and persistence are the ingredients I use to

create businesses and organizations designed to achieve my goals.

There is tangible, monetary value in my ideas.

My riches begin in the form of my thoughts.

My faith is removing my limitations.

My ideas are lifting me to a position of power, fame, and riches.

I am eliminating the limitations which I have set up in my own mind. I am realizing

my FULL potential.

1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at [email protected].

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