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When we face problems, where do we look for solutions?

Do we look around and sideways with the same limited perspective that created the problem inthe f irst place?

What if we could view the entire problem from a top angle and with multiple outside perspectives?Get inputs and suggestions from different lenses?

We will not only have a better understanding of the obstacles but also solve it eff iciently.

Albert Einstein once quoted, “The signif icant problem we face cannot be changed by the same level of thinking that created them.”

When we look for solutions at the same level, we are just expanding within the problem. By doing so we are not only wasting our valuable time and vital energy but also our great talent.

What we need, is to level up to our True North!

But what is Our True North?

True North is our internal compass, unique to ourselves, representing who we are at our deepestlevel.

True North is using our natural gifts and abilities to make an impact. Remember while doing a task when we feel intensely active, conf ident and dynamic, that is being in sync with our True North.

While using Google maps when we take a wrong turn, we are redirected to the correct path. Similarly the universe guides using our true north, to where our destiny lies.

Dedicating ourselves to discovering our True North will not only take us closer to fulf illing our dreams but also make us an authentic leader who makes a positive difference to the world.

Lets’s rise to our True Self.

Transcend and Transform.

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‘From Chasing to Attracting’

Does life seem like an endless chase…..

to have deserving income and lifestyle?

to have satisfying and fulf illing work?

to have healthy and energetic body?

to have long lasting meaningful and fulf illing relationships?

to have eternal joy and peace?

or to overcome fear, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, rejection, anger, trauma, loneliness, suffering?

Have you tried everything possible with little or no results to eitherAchieve your Dreams or Overcome an Adversity?

Roman Poet Horace once quoted - “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant”.

Instead of chasing what you want, how about developing qualities and talent required to attract what you want, in the interval of your life’s movie.

Be the writer of your own movie by joining the most powerful 28 days residential transformation program to do intense inner-work, to start the process

From Chasing Attracting the life of your dreams.

Nothing is off limits. No dream too big. No situation so far gone that cannot be bettered.Check out how you can benef it from this unique and most effective program.

So you can start living the second half of your life’s movie...Energized, Enriched, Enlightened and Empowered to live the life of your dreams

Transcend and Transform.

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‘From Chasing to Attracting’

‘From Chasing to Attracting’, A Transformation Program is the fastest way to attract resources, fulf il goals

and live your life’s purpose.

Did you Know we all have 4 unique intellects that can give us access to unlimited potential? • A physical body that runs completely automated, performing multiple thousand functions on its own • A logical and creative mind that has the potential to f ind solutions to any problem. • A heart centre that connects to others in compassion, kindness and empathy • A soul to guide us and connect us to -higher guidance and a power to create.

So why can’t we access the intellects and its unlimited potential?Because we fail to nourish and develop them.

When intellectual assets are under-nourished, they under-perform • The body succumbs to unhealthy lifestyle and it becomes lethargic & undisciplined. • The mind starts over-thinking, worried and f illed with self-limiting thoughts, it becomes unproductive. • The heart is hurt and full of pain, regrets, fears and anxiety, it loses its true quality of love and faith. • The Soul gets distracted and disconnected and loses its power to guide life’s purpose

That’s why our life seems like a never ending chase!

Here’s the fastest way to convert our Under-performing intellectual assets into performing assets?

‘From Chasing to Attracting’ A 28 days Residential Transformation and Wellness Program has uniquely brought together SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY to nourish and develop

your 4 unique intellectual assets Body, Mind, Heart, Soulthrough the integration of its 4 unique services – Healing, Coaching, Training and Spirituality.

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COACHING• Bring to light – self-limiting beliefs, ineffective habits & paradigms• Make peace with yourself, your situations, and people and free you from your past baggage• Identify patterns in life’s decision making• Generates new insights and gain clarity on life’s purpose• Set goals & strategies for achieving your life’s purpose

HEALING • Cleanses your aura and removes Blockages at all levels • Energizes with fresh prana (life-force) • Bring in the renewed energy at a physical level,• Makes you active and receptive at mental level • Helps you be calm and peaceful at emotional level. • Makes you more aware at a soul level.

TRAININGIntroduces you to scientific tools and techniques to• Develop self-serving beliefs and effective habits • Creatively use your mind• Increase awareness and improve thinking• Learn and master the art and science of healing and coaching • Develop skills required to be effective in our daily life.

SPIRITUALITYThrough the knowledge of hidden esoteric secrets and spiritual technology you • Learn to Align with your higher self • Become Intuitive, Innovative and Inventive • Learn to stay Calm and Peaceful in any situation• Get access to higher powers

When you transform your non-performing assets to performing assets, you attract and create; not chase. You fulf il your life’s purpose fearlessly and effortlessly.

When ower blossoms, bees will come.

Transcend and Transform.

‘From Chasing to Attracting’

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The 5P Formula - Stage I - Pre-Program PreparationStage II - 1st Week – Understand the PhilosophyStage III - 2nd Week – Learn Practical Application of the PhilosophyStage IV - 3rd and 4th Week – Do Personalized Practice to master the art.Stage V - Followed by 6 Weeks of Post-Program Nurturing.

5P is The Most Effective Process of Learning to attract whatever your need to fulf il your life’s purpose.

Experience 28 days of Intense Inner work to • Purify Yourself • Help Assimilate new information.• Join the dots and make sense out of life’s journey • Introspect and reflect to bring about new insights• Use New insights to creatively transform life• Develop intuition and become innovative and inventive

Experience 28 days - 24x7 Access to Coaches, Healers, Facilitators, Spiritual Mentors to• Move beyond information and f ind wisdom• Move beyond intellectualizing and start internalizing• Master the new skills through daily practice• Make you independent and equip you withhealing skills• Make you aware and capable to self-coach

Experience 28 days of reboot with • 224 hours of sound sleep - to renew and restore• 100 Hours of intense inner work – to purify and recharge• 100 Hours of self-Introspection – to bring clarity and new insights• 100 Hours of Fun and Leisure in the lap of nature - to rejuvenate and revitalize • 50 Hours of Learning knowledge and Wisdom to gain higher truths• 50 hours of Group Activities – to build new skills and competencies• 50 Hours of One-On-One Session –Healers, Coaches, Facilitators, Spiritual Mentors – to navigate your inner journey

Experience 28 days of different living• Stay in the lap of Nature to experience peace, serenity, fresh energy, positive vibrations, • Distance yourself from the World of Reality to focus on the World of Possibility• Bond and learn from co-participants with different perspectives• Be in a Supporting and nurturing environment to strengthen the new learning.• Eat the Right food at the right time required for Inner Work

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Albert Einstein stated - “Doing the same things over and over again to expect different results as INSANITY”.

Would you want to spend 28 days of your life differently?

Welcome to The True North’s Signature Program ‘From Chasing to Attracting’A unique 28 days residential self-transformation and wellness program.

Transcend and Transform.

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“The Intellect is the highest return producing asset which no f inancial asset can ever match”.

What is the Investment?The Investment for Nurturing and Developing Your Intellectual Assets is

• IRS 300,000/- for Indian Participants• USD 5,000/- for International Participants

What is the return on Investment?1 Month of Intense Inner Work = 10 Years of Progress

3 Lakh of Investment = 10 times Increase in Your Earning Potential

Just imagine how your life can change when you make the transition From Your Current Level of Thinking to an Improved level of thinking

From Confusion to having Clarity of PurposeFrom Working More to Working Less, yet be more effective

From feeling Helpless to being self-reliant in any life situation From being a slave to the unwholesome qualities to mastering the wholesome qualities

From Constant Chasing to attracting resources to fulf il your life’s purpose.

When our self-worth goes up, our net-worth goes up.When we invest our money in the Financial Assets,

We feel Financially Secured But

When we invest in our Intellectual Assets,We Live fearlessly, Live to the fullest, Live with freedom and Live fantastically.

Transcend and Transform.

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‘From Chasing to Attracting’

This program is Open to all who are ready and receptive to learn and apply the universal principles of life in their daily living and attract what’s wholesome for them.

Open to all those who are Ready & Receptive to Learn & Apply the Universal Principles...To Attract a Wholesome Life.

This program is for anyone who:• Is 21 plus & understands English• Has tired everything with little or no results to the problem• Is feeling uncomfortable enough to make a change• Is solution Focused• Is Coachable & Open to new information• Feels connection to our beliefs• Is ready to put in time for intense inner work

Well, this is not for people who,• Want a quick f ix, shortcut or short-term gain.• are not committed to the desired hours of intense inner work • are not ready to take accountability • are Problem Focused • are only looking for get away vacation • are or have being diagnosed of serious physical or mental illness.

How can you subscribe to the Program?

Step 1 - Fill the Application Form OnlineStep 2 - Receive Program Details and Conditions within 48 Hours Step 3 - Email Your Acceptance to the conditionsStep 4 - Receive approval of application with payment linkStep 5 - On completion of payment, receive the Prep-Kit by email

No matterWhich country you belong to,

Which religion you come from, What profession you are in, What stage of life you are,

What challenge you want to overcome,How big your goals are!

Transcend and Transform.

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