Page 1: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Theology in SoundOrthodox Hymn Study ~ Introduction to the Eight Tones Page 1

Page 2: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Theology in SoundOrthodox Hymn Study ~ Introduction to the Eight Tones Page 2

Page 3: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

A great saint was born in Syria in the year 676 AD and it was this holy man, St. John of Damascus, who systemized the music forms of the Orthodox Church.

St. John gave us what we know as the Octoechos, the eight-tone mode of music that forms the melodic framework of the hymnology of the Orthodox Church. Our

venerable and God-bearing Father John of Damascus fell asleep in the Lord in the year 749 AD. The Orthodox Church celebrates his memory on December 4.

Study Notes:We begin our simple introduction to the Eight Tones by learning the Sunday Resurrection Troparia, familiar hymns chanted each Sunday in the Divine Liturgy. It’s important to note that this study guide teaches the hymns in Greek Chant. This style is an easy starting place, especially to the western ear. It will be most familiar to families who worship in the Orthodox Church in America.

In this guide you will find a suggested schedule of study as well as links to audio recordings and sheet music. Simply click the “Listen” and “Sheet Music” links to take you to the appropriate audio files and PDFs. It is suggested that you spend some time every day singing the selected hymn together. Use the audio recording to help you practice. You may want to use the text of the hymns for additional copywork and dictation exercises. The study guides ends with suggestions for end of year exams.

Below you will find introductory notes on the Octoechos (Eight Tones) which include podcasts on the musical system of the Orthodox Church as well as an article on St. John of Damasus. As you begin your study, ask your children to add St. John to their Book of Centuries. Don’t forget to look up Damascus, the second largest city of Syria, on a map.

(Icon of St. John of Damascus)

Spend some time exploring these links:

The Eight Tones podcast from Our Life in Christ Glory to Thee podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio Octoechos article on the musical system of the eight tones St. John of Damascus article on the originator of the Octoechos

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Page 4: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Hymn Study Rotation:

Week Tone

Weeks 1-4 Tone 1

Weeks 5-8 Tone 2

Weeks 9-12 Tone 3

Week 13 Review Tones 1-3

Weeks 14-17 Tone 4

Weeks 18-21 Tone 5

Weeks 22-25 Tone 6

Week 26 Review Tones 1-3

Week 27 Review Tones 4-6

Weeks 28-31 Tone 7

Weeks 32-35 Tone 8

Week 36 Review Tones 1-8/Exams

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Page 5: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 1}

When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thine Immaculate Body, Thou didst rise on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. The Powers of Heaven therefore cried to Thee, O Giver of life: glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ; glory to thy Kingdom; glory to Thy dispensation, O only Lover of man.

Sheet Music

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 2}

When Thou didst descend to death, O Life immortal, Thou didst slay hell with the lightening-flash of Thy Divinity. And when from the nether regions Thou didst raise the dead, all the powers of Heaven cried out: O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to Thee.

Sheet Music

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 3}

Let those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty act with His arm. He hath trampled down death by death; He is become the first-born of the dead. From the bosom of hell hath He delivered us, and hath granted unto the world great mercy.

Sheet Music

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Page 6: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 4}

Having learned the radiant proclamation from the angel, the women disciples of the Lord cast off the ancestral curse. And boasting they told the Apostles, Death hath been despoiled; Christ God is risen, granting unto the world great mercy.

Sheet Music

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 5}

The Word who with the Father and the Spirit hath no beginning, and for our salvation was born of a Virgin, let us faithful believers hymn and worship, for He was pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, and to endure death, and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.

Sheet Music

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 6}

The angelic Powers were at Thy tomb and the guards became as dead men. Mary stood by Thy grave, seeking Thine Immaculate Body. Thou didst despoil hell, not being tempted by it. Thou didst go to meet the Virgin granting life. O Lord, who didst rise from the dead, glory to Thee.

Sheet Music

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Page 7: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 7}

By Thy Cross, Thou didst destroy death; to the thief Thou didst open Paradise. For the myrrh-bearers Thou didst change their lamentation into joy; and Thou didst command Thine apostles, O Christ God,to proclaim that Thou art risen, granting unto the world great mercy.

Sheet Music

Listen to the Resurrection Troparion {Octoechos: Tone 8}

Thou didst ascend from on high, O tender-hearted One. Thou didst accept the three-day burial to free us from our passions. O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to Thee.

Sheet Music

A special note of thanks to Gabrielle Bronzich and Elaine King who so generously shared the gift of their voices, making the audio recording of these hymns available to families using Ages of Grace.

Translation of the Resurrection Hymns copyright ©2002 St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral, All Rights Reserved. Translated by the Most Revered DMITRI, Archbishop of Dallas and the South (retired), OCA.

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Page 8: Theology in Sound - Illumination those in Heaven be glad, let those on Earth rejoice, for the Lord hath wrought a mighty

Hymn Study Exams:By the end of 36 weeks your children should be able to sing the Sunday Resurrection Troparia in each of the 8 tones. Spend the last week reviewing each hymn and consider the following suggestions for exams.

Level AChoose one or two Resurrection troparia and prompt your child by singing the first few words. Allow your child to finish the hymn on his or her own.

Level BChoose two or three Resurrection troparia and ask your child to sing them from memory. You may begin by saying, Sing for me the Sunday Resurrection troparion in Tone 4.

Level CChoose four Resurrection troparia and ask your child to sing them from memory. You may begin by saying, Sing for me the Sunday Resurrection troparion in Tone 2. Ask your child to write from memory the words of the remaining four troparia.

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