Download - Theology


Preliminaries Understanding our context

Basic Premises

Law School 1. Remember OrSem?

“Why Am I Here” activity 2. Truly, you have your reasons

The ATENEO Law School

And we...

...We have our reasons

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One day those 2

reasons will intersect

Our Purpose... ...Our Mission

1. Catholic 2. Jesuit

Jesus Christ

(Good Shepherd)

When we say CATHOLIC

Kernel of Truth

Institution of the Church



Church Fathers

Hierarchical Church

History of this Church...

... Brokenness: Hit and Miss

If we go back to the Beginning

JC Event



Church Fathers

Church Hierarchy What we know


Ongoing task

Key Moments Middle Ages: “Just War Theory” Renaissance: “World and Nature” Technological Era: “Industrialization”

BUT Still...

A very closed-minded, exclusivist Church

Rise of Socialism

Rerum Novarum (1911) Pope Leo XIII

Homo Faber

Quadrogessimo Anno Pope Pius XI

Unfair Structures


Mater et Magistra

Address to a

global Church

Pope John XXIII

Pacem in Terris

shortly after the Cuban Missile


“To all people of goodwill”

Cold War Era

Gaudium et Spes


Populorum Progressio Pope Paul VI

Development = Peace Development of Persons

Laborem Exercens Pope John Paul II

“The Dignity of Labor” (Humanity’s participation

to ongoing creation)

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

Preferential Option for the Poor

Centesimus Annus Idolatry of the Market

Culture of having instead of being

Tertio Millennio Adveniente

Universal Call to

Repentance and Conversion

Pope Benedict XVI

Spe Salvi

Deus Caritas


Caritas in Veritate In an entire context of

forgiveness and apology as well as gratitude. This is in view of the scandal and failure of the church

shepherds upon the flock.

Vatican II

Window to the World Acceptance


Mission of the Church

Imago Dei


Charism: The world is beautiful and good. God is in the world, find Him!


We are at a privileged vantage point What do we fight for What do we believe in

Most Relevant

To understand the Church To understand why this is taught To understand what this means for Ateneo

What this means for Ateneans

We’ve wasted enough We’ve been in positions to make the diff and we did not!

God saves this world

This world! of today and now There is good in it then

Remember OrSem

It was not simply a cheezy idealistic wish list when we were asked to write our reasons for coming

Your Reason ALS Reason

We shall change world.

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