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Introduction to the Beginning

Field work for Alan Dean Openshaw

I have been doing field work in all areas of society in America i.e. Maine, Louisiana, Florida, California and various places between the states mentioned above. Over 4 decades of field work enough knowledge and information, through real life experience, to fill volumes for generations to come.

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Office of the Director – General for Development and International Economic Co-operation

11 January 1988

Dear Mr. Openshaw,The Secretary-General has asked me to respond to your letter related to

your proposal for the peaceful use of a biproduct of nuclear waste.

The issue of the safe disposal of nuclear waste is of serious concern to the United Nations and your proposal, as well as the comments of the United States Department of Energy, will be brought to the attention of the appropriate officials.

Thanking you for bring this proposal to our attention.

Yours sincerely,

James BakerDirector

Mr. Alan OpenshawP.O. Box 926

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In March of 1982, my life changed dramatically. A life and death struggle between myself and my earthly father came to an abrupt head over my drug abuse. Both of us were very strong and dynamic individuals. I was in great shape at a time I really needed to be because of my predestined, first “Surfing of a Gravity Wave”

It began with my father calling the police from our Winter Haven Florida home. The police arrived at our home and my dad told the police, “My son tried to kill me by throwing a kitchen chair at me while I was on the phone before you had arrived. His brother James got in the way of the chair, which grazed his head.”

After my dad finished talking, it began! At first at least four policemen tried to subdue me and put me in handcuffs. Their attempt failed. Then four more policemen joined the original four. The team decided at these odds, they could put a straight jacket on me. Then an even more intense struggle followed! After a good fight, approximately one hundred and thirty minutes the fine team of Blue succeeded in tying the last knots behind my back, thus accomplishing the task of putting “Alan Dean Openshaw” in arm cuffs (straight jacket).

It was a day or so later, on the fifth floor of the Hospital, when I attempted my first (with a second to come) “Body Surfing a Gravity Wave!”

I was five floors above the garden that is by the entrance of the hospital, since I needed to get beyond the fourth through the first floor window ledges, I knew I needed to get a running start.

There was a brawl going on in the lobby on the fifth floor and the orderly watched me walk towards him at the door. I then said, “Im getting out of this room!” so, he moved between me and the door and said, “Go for it!” I turned toward the beds, started running across the room, jumped on the bed next to the window and vaulted through the window so I could be a few feet from the window ledges that I would pass on the way down. But as I was passing through the window, I looked down and saw bushed just below the window I was jumping through. I also saw a cleared area of sand four feet to my left, so I kicked at the breaking window to get some momentum so I could land directly into the sand garden.

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I knew the sand would be like concrete at the conclusion of my fall. I also knew I wanted to live a complete life after I recovered from my quick stop at my finishing speed of 35 mph. I knew if I wanted to live with most of my present brain, I had to make a good landing. As I was falling, I imagined myself on a cross, and I was praying to jesus. I could not totally forget my body as Christ seemingly did as he was hanging on the cross. I did not believe in a total human spirit without including all parts of the body. So I knew I had to include my entire body so I could still live in this world. The closest to a major bone after my neck was not my collarbone but my shoulder blades. When I had deduced this, another half of a floor had passed me. In other words, I had fallen three and a half floors when I had come to the conclusion that my shoulders had to his first, followed by the rest of my body. Thus pointing my feet at the building and putting my hands down toward my feet. I was prepared for the next step.

Four feet above the ground, I saw the bushes in the garden. I knew I had to hit the ground with my shoulders at more of a right angle than they were. I decided to pull my knees close to my chest and land on my backside.

The landing was hard. First my shoulder, then my pelvis and legs hit. My legs were crossed when I hit. That positioning helped save most of my present brain. My shoulder and legs lessened the hard blow to my brain. Later on I was told my shoulder has left a dent in the sand that was eight inches deep. My pelvis left a dent in the sand that was eight and a half inches deep. The impact put me in an extended come over the next eight and a half days. I was literally blown away; mostly because after hitting the ground I had collapsed both my lungs, which had not allowed me to breathe for between two to three minutes.

The next thing I remember was my brother, Albert. When Albert finally come to visit me after eight days, he opened the door, stepped in, then he said, “Alan, if you’re here, I’m stating. If not, I’m leaving. Bye!” he turned around and started to leave. Part of my mind opened. I said to hem, “Albert!!!I’m right here.

Albert turned around and said, “Alan, is that you? Do you need anything?” I said, “Yes! I’m hungry.” Albert called for a nurse. The nurse came and asked if there was a problem. He said “Yes, my brother is hungry.” The nurse then said, “What? Is he awake?” There was a shuffle and after a brief examination the doctor decided that I could have a popsicle.

When the popsicle was approaching my mouth I lunged forward and took half of the popsicle , stick and all, in one bite.


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The next thing I remember was being in a wheelchair on a jet headed to Maine, to visit my grandmother’s camp. I was on my way to George’s Pond in Franklin, Maine. My injuries included a broken pelvis, nineteen broken vertebrae, and two collapsed lungs. The emergency room stabilized my vital signs until I was taken to the operating room to have my lungs forced back into shape. After surgery, I was taken to the recovery room and I remained in guarded condition until the day of my brother’s visit.

I was given a walker to use to get around since my legs were still weak. While I was visiting the camp I decided I wanted to ride a bicycle and water ski during my recovery period. (it has been several years since I had been on a bicycle, since I was in high school.) on my bicycle ride I was not very successful. I did manage to coast down a hill for about 45 feet. The next day, I went water skiing and my dad was driving the boat. It was difficult to stand on the skis but I still wanted to try so my dad made sure to put a ski belt on me. Somehow I managed to balance myself on the skis until my dad took a turn that I could not handle and then I was in trouble. I lost my balance, and when I hit the water, the ski vest ended up under my right arm and over my left shoulder. My dad did not notice that I had fallen so he kept going. Since I was still weak, I could hardly stay afloat. If it had not been for the ski vest I would have drowned. I looked around and saw that I was 125 yards from the shore when I started the 20 minute swim to the shore. As I was swimming towards the shore, I kept having difficulties with keeping the ski belt on. I had to swim using my left hand while my right arm held the ski belt between my arm and my body. I slowly struggled my way to the shore. Also. I had to use my legs to swim. That helped me regain strength in them.

After a summer in Maine. It was time to go back to Florida. Since my legs were stronger, I felt it had been a successful trip. Thus, when we started boarding the jet plane, I was not using a wheel chair or even a walker. I was walking on my own two feet.

Back in Florida, during my recovery with my parents, I did not have any money so they decided to give me some money to go play Bingo. I was allowed to keep all the money I won on the games. The trick to winning at Bingo was for me to use my statistical education from the University of North Carolina a Chapel Hill. The question was, how do I get a card that will enable me to win once a month, given I would be playing twice a week. The solution was to pick four numbers for each bingo card and make the eight cards have those four numbers to each of the cards as randomly as possible. Solving this allowed me to win a stipend, twenty-five dollars a month. This meant I could buy a portable stereo and listen to music again. It even gave me enough money to start playing pool again. I had to relearn how to play pool but with my stereo earphones on and the music playing, I was in my

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own little world as I played the game. I studied my opponent’s body motions and learned to use them against him. Also, I relearned how to study the reflection of light on the cue ball so I could control the friction from the table on the ball, thus winning the game.

I may not fully recover, but each day is a challenge that I meet head on.

Alan Dean “Opie” Openshaw


There are the so-called HLA genes. These genes are the set of genes related to the body’s immune system. This immune system, created with the HLA genes fight off HIV infection better than the immune system that is created by a single set of genes.

There is also a system of preventive measures that is in a baby’s umbilical cord that can and almost certainly does; prevent HIV from entering the baby’s blood from his or her infected mother. In the United States 66 percent of the babies born with his or her mother infected with HIV does not have any signs of HIV for, so far up to two years. The babies are completely free of the HIV disease because of the ION Trapping that takes place in the baby’s umbilical cord. I believe, if the mother’s part of the umbilical cord has an ION Trap, her body acts as an extra preventive measure to protect her baby.

The second solution is a manmade molecule called, for short, CPF. The manmade molecule CPF only works on the virus that the CPF Molecule has enveloped when the CPF molecule has enveloped any HIVs they are unable to attach themselves to any previously uninfected cells that HIV has used as a host before. CPF has virtually no affect on the HICV virus if it has not enveloped the HIV virus. If CPF has not enveloped the HIV virus it has virtually no effect on preventing HIV from infection the rest of the body.

My theory as to a solution to solving the death threatening disease HIV is to use the too solutions. I found in my research and apply them together in conjunction with each other. Take for example the unborn baby’s solution that he or she is given; i.e. the umbilical cord. If, like the man-made kidney machine, if man were to make an umbilical cord to strip the Aids virus from the red blood cells, then the virus would re clean out of the Aids patient’s blood and it could be able to keep the virus from being a threat to the rest of the body, like the unborn child. If the man-made CPF molecule were used in union with the man-made umbilical cord it could help prevent the spread of the Aids virus during the non use of the man-made umbilical cord.

Alan Dean Openshaw


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Bethesda, Maryland

November 30, 1992

Alan Dean Openshaw202 Union StreetApartment #6, 3rd FloorBangor, ME 04401

Dear Mr. Openshaw:

Thank you for your interest in AIDS treatment research. Outlined below are the additional data needed to review the “Two Solutions to AIDS”, referred to in your recent letter. As the Executive Secretary of the NIH AIDS Clinical Drug Development Committee (ACDDC). I am responsible for reviewing submitted information on promising agents for AODS that require further clinical development. The Committee was established by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to advise this Division of AIDS (DAIDS) regarding agents to be studies to clinical trials sponsored by the AIDS Clinical Research on AIDS (CPERA).

The ACDDC is composed of both Government and non0Government experts. Non-Government experts include ACTG and CPCRA investigators, thus providing continuity and enabling speedier movement of drugs into clinical trials. Drugs may be submitted to the Committee by sponsors in industry, academia, and/or Government. Following a thorough review of data on each drug, the Committee assigns it a rating of “Recommended” of “Not Recommended for Clinical Trials at This Time.” The criteria for evaluation include a rationale, laboratory, evidence of activity, safety information in animals and demonstrations of in vivo efficacy. The DAIDS decides which drugs will enter clinical trials it sponsors, taking into account the recommendations of the Committee.

Because of the large number of suggestions proffered by individuals and organizations regarding treatment of this disease as well as the substantial time and effort required to review the relevant data, it has become necessary to limit review of suggested therapies to those which have demonstrated scientific merit. The ACDDC has established suggested guidelines for the submission of data for review in order to analyze a potential therapeutic candidate in a rational and objective scientific manner which will assure optimal use of federal funds and national. resources.

Opie’s Brain . . .

I saw A very LARGE Hard Wood Tree on the First day of FALL;

Sept. 23, 1998; at THE PEEK of Foliage; it being the First Day of FALL;

with 99 Days remaining in 1998.

I Built my Brain to the Shape of that TREE with the BIG branches being

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Connections in my BRAIN along with Smaller Branches

Providing even more Branches in my Brain; next:

All my small BRANCHES proving all my Long term Memory LEAVES.

Jenny --- That Special Friend

Jenny You give inspirational andloving friendship

Jenny I will always and foreverhold you dear to my heart

Jenny The sound of your voice liftsmy spirits and to me yourpresence gives me a smallpiece of heaven

No matter how long or faraway you are, your friendshipbrings me peace of mindbecause when you return to

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my mind, heaven is a littlenearer.

To Jenny;My Special Friend

With LoveAlan Dean Openshaw

Amy --- Angel of My Heart

Love is the essence of the Heart

Your Spirit is true and everlasting

Take heart – Love is waiting

to fulfill your dreams

My everlasting love is here to

rescue your heart from despair

Your royal knight

with everlasting Love for

your everlasting


will have kings of nations

bow down to you.

With Love

Alan Dean Openshaw

Subject: News articleFrom: Dawn GagnonTo: [email protected]: Tues, 02 Aug 2011 17:16:11

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Man suffers head injuries in plunge from moving carDoug Kesseli of the NEWS StaffPublication Date: July 28, 1990: 9 Edition: PENOBSCOTA Bangor man was being evaluated at St. Joseph Hospital late Friday afternoon for possible head injuries after he stepped out of a car as it was traveling 50 miles an hour southbound on Interstate 95. A hospital nursing supervisor reported early Friday afternoon that X-rays were being taken to determine the extent of head injuries suffered by Alan Openshaw, 33, of Court Street. A Maine state trooper investigating the accident said Openshaw had tumbled about 30 feet along the roadway after he left the car driven by Nancy White, 39 of Bangor. White said Openshaw has asked her to stop the car but got out before she could do so.Bangor Patrolman Stephen Jordan said he arrived at the scene around 1:30 p.m. and found Openshaw lying in the breakdown late between Exits 48 and 49. The accident occurred on a section of the interstate parallel with the Oriental Jade Restaurant.State Trooper Barry Curtis, who was investigating the incident with tTrooper Barry Curtis, who was investigating the incident with Trooper Cliff Sibley and skid marks made by Openshaw’s clothing show that the man rolled about 30 feet before coming to a stop. Curtis said a large pool of blood was found where Openshaw first struck the hardtop pavement.Witnesses reported that Openshaw had received other minor cuts and scrapes. White said she and Openshaw were on the interstate heading toward the Broadway exit when Openshaw asked to get out. She said she then began to move toward the breakdown lane as she told him to wait until she could stop. “As soon as he reached over (for the door handle), I slammed on the brakes, she said, but I couldn’t completely stop the car before he got out. It happened so fast.”Openshaw apparently sat up minutes later in the breakdown lane but became agitated when an ambulance crew tried to strap on neck end elbow graces.“he doesn’t really like to be confined, ”White said outside of the hospital’s emergency room where Openshaw was being treated. She added later that physicians were concerned with Openshaw’s emotional state as well as his physical state. While normally Openshaw has a positive attitude, sh said that for the past week he seemed a little depressed. White said she has known Openshaw since April when he came into the law office where she works and asked to help with a specific case.White would not say what case had caught the man’s interest. Since that time, she said he would run errands, look up words in a dictionary, and do small chores in the office. On Friday White said she would take him to lunch at a different restaurant in the Bangor area. Being new to Bangor, this helped her to get to know the area better, she said.“I never had any inkling that this would happen,” she said.

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THOMAS Jefferson’s dream is that every man, woman,And child is entitled to “life, liberty, and the pursuit

Of happiness”. in our country it is the SupremeCourt’s job to interpret these words.

Even our highest court is not infallible. Take for example it’sDecision in the Roe vs. Wade decision,

Which it legalized abortion. One of the personsIn Jefferson’s dream is being denied the rights Jefferson stated he or she is entitled to. It seems

as if women’s rights,In the Supreme Court’s judgment are more

Important that a child’s God given right to live.

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SAVE THE OASIS CALLED PLANET EARTHOUR PLANET Earth is a tiny oasisIn the mostly barren vacuum of


So, in a sense, space is mostlySand; like a desert, our planet is

The oasis of life.

Are we going along as semi-Conscious intelligent life, aiming

To make our oasis of life, ourBeginning, a wasteland?

I do not want our greed to stampOut our existence. We must take a

Stand. Stop the destruction.

I still have a dream or co-Existence in peace with all life.

Will you, as caring people, take a’Small step forward to save our

Oasis --- Earth?

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When I see pain in my friend’s eyes it givesMe pain.

In order for my friend’s pain to be less of aburden I want to take on my friends pain.

Deception is one of the Hurting Kinds.

Deception first tells a fraction of the truthTo get it’s foot in the door of my friend’s


Once the defenses are let down the HurtingKind can further the deception.

The Hurting Kind cause pain in my friend’sLife through the open door. My friend’s deepDark secrets can be seen through the open

Door. Then the hurt begins.

The Hurting Kind cause the pain they Themselves experienced before by some other

Hurting Kind.

The innocent victim trys to get comfort fromThe Hurting Kind who they trust because theyDoo not understand who directly inflicting the]Paid. The victim confides in the Hurting Kind who opened the door and let down the

Shield.My friend needed comfort and a comforter. The innocent child needed love with a solid


My comforter needs to be stronger than theHurting Kind to stop the Hurting Kind’s

Deceit. The hurt can be fixed.


Childrenyou need to understand that life is

a journey of looking for love.all have made and are making the same journeys.

learn from the past, journeys of the otherslearn from the mistakes of your brothers and sisters

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for people have journeyed on this sameroad for centuries, looking for will have many questions along

the way.

Why does life have to end?Why is there evil?

But if you understand that we are made the Spirit of Loveand that life is journeyto return to that Spirit

life will not end.for if you search for love, it is

because you have love in your heart,,and with love in your heart

life cannot end.


The journey of life is a search for love; because the meaning ofLove is a search to find a happiness

and endless joy and you find thisendless joy when you find love

a friendship is the beginningfriendships should be always

cherished and nurtured becauseIt brings joy; the first individual stop in forming a precious

Loving andJoyful fellowship of a relationship

Loving oneself is a great kindOf love to have

careful and slowly is how a friendshipShould be a gift for youIts search for love is the

Meaning of life.

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God is all knowing knew Adam and EveWere going to eat of the tree of knowledge

Animal that said Adam and EveShould eat of the tree should crawl

On its stomach and eat dustThe New Testament says it wrongOnce dust to dust shall you return

Once fooled twice burnedTrick by devil once devil carrying

Sword of death kicked Adam and EveOur of Garden of Eden to have

Them die and turn to dust so hisAnimal could eat dust or what

death causes

New Testament says right 10 LawsIt says for women to carry pain

Of childbirth make them right with God

New Testament says be like Christ (devil’s animal)Do not let women be right with God

Do not let them have child birth pain.


Kids begin their journey at birthInfants die at birth from lack of love

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Love in infancy can be shownForm a textbooks sociology finding

Strokes are defined as touchLifting, baby mumbling, cheek blowing and burping

the finding say that if babies are not receiving attention orStrokes while they are in’

The post birth recovery roomThey will die

Strokes “love” is how we begin our journey a constant journeyOr search for love

“role playing” is one way an adolescentCan turn in the journey for loveThem because the definition ofLove to start with is attention.


It was to show AdamAbout God’s unconditional Love.

God told Adam he had sinned, that he must die for repentanceJesus died and come to life

After 3 days to show Adam that if he would die and notListen to the devil, God’s Love

Would bring Life to all the faithful.Christ died to teach Adam and his children

That being faithful leads to eternal life.

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God’s love has no end and we areThe image of God by accepting his Love;

Like him we are in him as he is in us.When we accept God’s Love, being unconditional,

We can be said to be more like Him andBeing like him we begin striving towardPerfection because his Love is Perfect.

The Greatest Love of all is theLove of oneself. As we strive for

Becoming perfect in God’s Love we can feel his presence and withOur Heart starting towards perfection

We become able to see his face.Thus Love is Life and Love is unending.

Life can then become unendingBecoming more like God, life begins to

become eternal with not having to pass through death.


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Mother, like all mothers, you have a forgiving heart that really shows itself when you need to show your children, young or old, when they do bad things.That is when you show the depth of love and the forgiveness that you have.Mother, you grew up learning of love in they way they taught you of God’s love, and God’s love is limitless, and He shows us that love through the death of his only son for all of the sins of the world; letting His life giving blood wash all of God’s children clean, as white as snow. He died on Calvary onGood Friday; they rose three days later or meaning:


With Love _________________________________________

Alan D. Openshaw


Robin, you have only passed through my life a few times; but I will always remember your beautiful smile!When we are sitting together on the shaded porch and sharing a light summer breeze, enjoying a friendly conversation, it reminds me of the lovely and precious moments God gives me to enjoy new friendships!With Love __________________

Alan D. Openshaw


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PURE HEARTSI can sit next to you in church, on a ride home from school, or even in recovery; sitting next to you is when I can feel the love releasing from your heart to heal a broken heart like mine.With all my heart to each of youThank youWith Love ___________________________Alan D. Openshaw

TO:THAT SPECIAL FRIENDJODIE (OT Specialist)You are an inspiration. Every time I needed a lift, during my 20+ years, in the process of collecting and storing information and knowledge in the reality some people call the real world. You were there for me!THANK YOU for keeping my dim light alive, to grow to an extremely brilliant light.I love you Jodie, with all my heartWith Love_________________________Alan D. Openshaw

HAZEL EYESAlison, anyone with hazel eyesHas the beauty to turnheads,Alison, your hair and hazel eyes

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Make you have the heart of a saint.Love is the Truth, the Life, and The Way.

With loveAlan Dean Openshaw

To Beth: One of my One Dearest FriendsMay the Lord’s Pure Light shine Upon your face in all times of

Trouble and Great Stress!Because the Lord give you these Promises for Your Greatest need.He will do this for you and never leave you at any point especially

when you need the help.During the deepest and darkest times of your life,He will also carry you through the most difficult of times.May He also make all of your hopes and dreams come true.Then He will have Kings of Nations bow Down to You.To BethWith Love,Alan Dean Openshaw

A COOL SUMMER BREEZEAfter a cool summer rain, sitting on the porch steps, I enjoyed a gift from a friend. Then after a few brief minutes sitting on the porch steps, I began a brief walk to my favorite coffee house.With a little light sprinkling beginning, I arrived at my favorite neighborhood coffee house located at Kenilworth Commons. I received a glass of ice water. I then stepped outside in front of the coffee house, sat at one of the small round tables and sipped my glass of ice water and smoked a few cigarettes and finished my poem while saying hello to a few of the customers as they enjoyed Friday of Easter week of two thousand and one.

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After I finished my short poem, I got an espresso from inside and returned to the outside round table to enjoy a cool summer breeze.Alan Dean Openshaw

LOREN; TO FALL IN LOVELoren Anybody with blazingRed hair and heavenly blue eyesTurns a hopeless romanticTo a spot near the endOf his journey--- Finding Love ---

Loren Anyone finding loveMust listen to yourAdvice; to stay awayUntil the proper timeLoren I know that no matter How long I might haveTo waitAll the long waitWill be worth everyMoment I haveWaited ---

To Find Love !!!!!!!Having all my lifeWaited for TRUE LOVEALAN Dean OpenshawRENEE, YOU ARE A WONDERFUL FRIENDRenee, you are only a few friendsin my life that is able to helpme heal a broken heart like mine. I try to always tryto show people in this worldmy unconditional love.I have been told that I wearmy heart on my sleevebut you are one of God’schosen few that do not judgepeople before you talk to themand learn of their love.Renee, you show me how wonderfulyou are because of your unconditionallove that overflows with happiness.I really enjoy each moment we spend

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together and talk, Renee, you bring me pure joy by letting the hopeless romanticin me that helps me thrive on closefriendships like yours.

With Love,

Alan Dean OpenshawLOVE IN ETERNITY

Angels do fall in loveAngels do fall in love evenWhen we are in our mortalState of beingWhen your angel comes forA visit and you surprise themWith a kissWhat a wonderful life youWill haveThey will even show youLike when my kissing cousinShowed me

Love Everyone Always.


When you kiss an angel and theyKiss you backYou will know your journey to findLove is only moments awayThis is one way God shows oneOf His children is a loved childWho will soon pass from EarthTo his heavenly home

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God blesses all His childrenAmen.

With All My Heart,

Alan Dean Openshaw

JESSICA; YOU ARE A DEAR FRIENDJessica, you work hard atKenilworth Commons Coffee House;my favorite in CharlotteJessica, you make a delightfulacquaintance of mine.While you share a few momentsin the shade, at the entrance,enjoying a cool breeze andsome polite conversation,you remind me of the wonderfulmoments that God gives me toenjoy close friendships.

With Love,

Alan Dean Openshaw

TIMEJUDY . . . . .


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God’s SonBelievers Endless HappinessSent Savior for SinnersComplete Joy Believers - - - Enduring chastisementLove, Alan Dean Openshaw

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