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(Pre-Experimental Research at the tenth grade students of SMA Harapan

Bhakti Makassar)


Submitted to the faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in part Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the degree of education in English Department




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“My success can only come from Allah” (Holy Qur’an 11:88 )

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ABSTRACT IQBAL ADNAN ANUGRAH, 2019. The Use Of Animation Film To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text under the thesis of English Department the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University (guided by Hasnawati Latief and Farisha Andi Baso) This research aimed to find out whether or not the use of animation film can improve the ability of the tenth grade students in writing Narrative Text. The researcher used pre experimental research. The research had conducted with treatment, where each all consisted of six meetings. The location of this research was done at the Tenth grade students of SMA Harapan Bhakti, Makassar with 30 students. The research instrument was a test, students write a Narrative based on the film according to the teacher explanation and answer some questions based on the film. The findings indicated that the application of animation film were significant to improve the students’ writing narrative. The students’ writing achievement was

proved by the mean score in pretest and posttest. The students’ score in pre-test (37.66) which classified as a poor classification was different from the post-test (77.16) which classified as a good classification. It means that the mean score of the students’ post-test was higher than the mean score of the students’ pre-test. It also was improved significantly. From these findings, the researcher concluded that by using animation film as a media can improve the students’ ability in

writing narrative. Keyword : Animation Film, Narrative Text, Writing.

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ABSTRACT IQBAL ADNAN ANUGRAH, 2019. The Use Of Animation Film To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. (Dibimbing oleh Hasnawati Latief and Farisha Andi Baso) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan film animasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas X dalam menulis Teks Naratif. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian pra eksperimental. Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan perlakuan, di mana masing-masing terdiri dari enam pertemuan. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas X SMA Harapan Bhakti Makassar dengan 30 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes, siswa menulis Narasi berdasarkan film sesuai dengan penjelasan guru dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berdasarkan film. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengaplikasian film animasi signifikan untuk meningkatkan narasi menulis siswa. Prestasi menulis siswa dibuktikan dengan skor rata-rata dalam pretest dan posttest. Skor siswa dalam pre-test (37,66) yang diklasifikasikan sebagai klasifikasi buruk berbeda dari post-test (77,16) yang diklasifikasikan sebagai klasifikasi yang baik. Ini berarti bahwa skor rata-rata post-tes siswa lebih tinggi daripada skor rata-rata pra-tes siswa. Itu juga ditingkatkan secara signifikan. Dari temuan ini, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan film animasi sebagai media dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis narasi. Keyword : Film Animasi, Teks Narasi, Menulis.

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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’alamin, the writer expresses her sincere gratitude to

the Almighty God, Allah SWT, who has given guidance, mercy, and good health

so that she can finish writing this proposal. Salam and Sholawat are delivered to

the last chosen religious messenger our prophet Muhammad SAW.

The writer received advice and guidance from a number of people from

various participations in the process of preparation and completion of this thesis.

The writer wants to say the greatest thanks to her parents (Mr.Ando and

Mrs.Hasni Banbeng) who give the best support, prayers, and sacrifices during her

life. My greatest thanks to Dra. Hasnawati Latief M.Pd., as my first consultant

and Farisha Andi Baso, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as my second consultant who has guided me

patiently and gave valuable suggestion, encouragement, and correction for the

completeness of this paper. The writer realizes that many hands had given their

helps and useful suggestion for the completion of this paper. Without the

assistance of these people, this paper would never have existed. Therefore, the

writer would like to express her appreciation and sincere thanks to all of them


1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M., the rector of

Muhammmadiyah University of Makassar.

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2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty (FKIP).

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of English Education

Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar.

4. My heartful thank to all lectures of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the

lectures of English Department and all staff of Muhammadiyah university

of Makassar.

5. Finally, for everyone that cannot be mentioned one by one and may

Almighty Allah blesses us now and forever.

Makassar, December 2019


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TITLE OF PAGE ............................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................ ii

COUSELLING SHEET ................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................................. iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ..................................................................................... v

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... ….xi

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

A. Background............................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................. 4

C. Objective Research ................................................................. 5

D. Significance of the Research .................................................. 5

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................. 6

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CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 7

A. Previous related research findings .......................................... 7

B. Some Pertinent Ideas .............................................................. 9

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................ 23

D. Hypothesis ........................................................................... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 25

A. Research Design .............................................................. 25

B. Population and Sample .................................................... 26

C. Variable and Indicators .................................................... 27

D. Instrument of the Research .............................................. 27

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ........................................... 27

F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................ 28

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .......................................... 32

A. Findings............................................................................ 32

B. Discussion ........................................................................ 35

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 38

A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 38

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 38

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 40

APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 43

CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................. 60

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Table 3.1 Research Design.................................................................................. 25

Table 3.2 Classification in Scoring Content ....................................................... 28

Table 3.3 Classification in Scoring Organization ............................................... 29

Table 3.4 Mean Score ......................................................................................... 30

Table 4.1 The Mean Score of Students’ Writing Narrative Text ........................ 32

Table 4.2 T-test of the Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text .................. 35

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Figures 2.1 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 23

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students ‘ Writing in Content ............................ 33

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students ‘ Writing in Organization.................... 34

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APPENDIX 1 Lesson Plan ................................................................................. 44

APPENDIX 2 Pre-Test ....................................................................................... 48

APPENDIX 2 Post-Test ...................................................................................... 49

APPENDIX 3Animation Film ............................................................................ 50

APPENDIX 4 The Raw Score of Students in Pre-Test ...................................... 51

APPENDIX 5 The Raw Score of Students in Post-Test ..................................... 52

APPENDIX 6 The Result of Students’ ability to Write Narrative Text in

Pre-Test ....................................................................................... 53

APPENDIX 7 The Result of Students’ Ability to Write Narrative Text in Post-

Test .............................................................................................. 54

APPENDIX 8 The Data Analysis of the Research ............................................. 55

APPENDIX 9 Distribution of T-Table ............................................................... 58

APPENDIX 10 Documentation .......................................................................... 59

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A. Background of the research

Writing is one of the activities done by the learners of language

(English) and one of the skills in language. Writing is not an easy language

skill it is even the most difficult skill of all language skills. When we write

something, we have to gather our abilities, knowledge, and experiences to

connect between the words and our thought for expressing ourselves into

written media. The students have many problems in their English. In this

study, the writer talks about the problem in the writing skill, because

writing skill is difficult to learn. Therefore the students feel difficult to

write something that they want to do. According to Heaton cited in

Puspitasari (2007), he said writing skill are more complex and difficult to

teaching, requiring, and mastery not only a grammatical and rhetorical

devices but also conceptual and judgment because of the difficult of

writing, some efforts have been done to solve te problem. Writing is

productive skills, this skill need a clearly complex process to develop the

students’ writing skills. In the writing skills, the students should express

their feeling, idea, experiences and of course they should learn actively.

Writing is clearly a complex process, and competent writing is

frequently accepted as being the last language skill to be acquired (Nunan,

2007:91). It means that the students need a guidance to practice their

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written, because writing has some of elements (content,vocabularies,

grammar, organization, punctuation and spelling). It is one of the

difficulties in teaching writing skills, the students in Indonesia is non-native

language. The teacher must to motivate and give them the interesting

technique or media to make them easily to write. Indonesia has English

Standard Competence to teach English in Indonesia, especially for teaching

writing. English Standard Competence has some of forms that the teacher

must teach in teaching writing, there are narrative text, descriptive, spoof,

recount, procedure, report, news item, anecdote, exposition, explanation,

discussion, commentary, and review text (Depdiknas Indonesia, 2006) .

Based on this statement, the writer choose the narrative text to teach in the

classroom, because narrative text is the personal experience text, so the

students will be easy to write their own experience.

Narrative is a kind of texts that the purpose is to amuse or entertain and

to deal with actual/imaginative experiences in different ways (Sudarwati

and Grace in Merindriasari. et. al (2015)). According to Anderson and

Anderson cited in Akmala (2011) Narrative text is a piece of text which tell

a story and it aims to inform the reader and listener. There are several

examples of narrative text, such as foltake, myth, legend and etcetera. In

narrative text, the students can write by their own imagination but in

addition, the students felt difficult to write it. The students have no idea and

confused to start their write it Because, the teacher establish the topic and

sometimes the topic is strange for them, they have never imagine it earlier.

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In this case, the teacher must help their students to improve their ideas in

writing. The teacher can use the appropriate, imaginative, fun, familiar, and

effective media to teach writing in the class in order to make the students

are not bored and confused.

The media will help the students easily to write and transfer their

ideas. The use of media in the classroom is important for the teacher to

make their class interesting. It will help them to explain their material to

their students. There are many suitable media for teaching writing narrative

text, and of the media is animated film, because animated films the

combination of moving picture and sound, so this media is not about the

audio or visual only. This media is about both of the audio and visual also

so the students will be easily and fun when they learn writing skill by this

media. According to Stempleski and tomalin cite in Susanti (2011) state

that children and adults feel interest quicken when language is experienced

in lively way through television and film. Based on this technique, the

students will not feel difficult to express their narrative text about the

animated film that they watched.

The animated film can help the students to understand the language

easily, it is a fun movie because the students watch about cartoon or

animated. The duration of this movie is not too long, it is about 10 until 15

minutes. It will help the teacher for managing the time when they teach in

the class, because it does not need to use a long time to watch the movie.

Animated film is expected to use as an effective media especially for

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language teacher because animated film has an authentic and varied

language in it. It provide the students real conversation and expose the

expression in English. It can help the students to rise up their imaginative

skill in narrative text, this media will bring fun atmosphere in the class. The

teacher can search the animated film on the internet or maybe the teacher

can use the DVD then download and save it in the laptop then play it to the

students through the laptop, projector and speaker. The students need the

creative and innovative teacher.

Therefore, the writer would like to reduce the problem in the writing skill

by means of “The use of Animated Film to Improve Students Ability In

Writing Narrative Text to the Tenth Graders of SMA Harapan Bhakti”.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background above, this study is arranged to answer these

questions :

1. Does the use of animation film improve the students’ ability in writing

narrative text in term of content at the tenth grade of SMA Harapan


2. Does the use of animation film improve the students’ ability in writing

narrative text in term organization at the tenth grade of SMA Harapan


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C. Objective of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem above, this study is arranged :

1. To find out the improvement of the students’ ability in writing

narrative text by use animation film in term of content.

2. To find out the improvement of the students’ ability in writing narrative

text by use animation film in term of Organization.

D. Significance of the Research

The writer hopes that this study can be useful in the education world,

particularly for the teachers, the students and the other researchers.

For the teachers, from this study the teacher can be more creative and

have many variations to teach writing skill. Thus, the students are not

bored, felt difficult and have no idea when they study in the writing class.

This study, it can use as an effective strategy and to develop technique for

teaching writing.

For the students, the writer hopes that the animated film can improve the

students’ writing ability. So, they will not feel bored and hard to learn English,

but rather will feel interested. This study will help the students to avoid their

lack and mastering their writing skill especially in writing narrative text.

For the other researchers, the writer hopes that his study will be useful

and get the feedback from the other researchers. The other researchers can

be conducted the similar study with the different forms, respond and place.

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E. Scope of the Research

The researcher is emphasizes on learning and teaching English,

particularly in learning and teaching writing. The researcher concentrates on

the use of animation film in improving writing ability of the students in

narrative text. The researcher limited the component of writing such as content

and organization in writing narrative text.

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A. Some Previous Related Research Finding

The writer has some relevant previous research, there are:

Thesis entitled, “The Effect Of Using Folktale Movie On Students’ Ability

In Writing Narrative Text” ( An Experimental Study in the Second Grade

Student of State Islamic Senior High School In Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir

2012/2013 ) by Faridl the students of English Department at University of

Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Found that using folktale movie is effective to

improve students’ writing skill. It can be proved by the pre-test to post-test

mean of the students’ writing skill of the class which are not teach by

folktale movie (69 to 71). The students’ writing skill of the class which is

teaching by folktale movie shows significant improvement (69-87). From

the test result, it can see that the class which is teaching by folktale movie

got high scored than not teaching by folktale movie.

Thesis entitled, “The Effectiveness Use of Using Animation Movies As

Medium To Improve The Students’ Writing Skill Of Narrative Text” ( A

case of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Wanadadi in the

academic year 2012/2013) by Candra the students of English Department

at University of Semarang. Find that the student who are teach by using

animation movie get better score in writing narrative text than the students

who are teach by using conventional method. The post-test mean score of

the students who are teach by using animation movie was 62,65 while the

post-test mean score of the students who are teach using conventional

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method was 53,15.From the research we can see that the class which is

teach by animation movie get high score than not teach by animation


Thesis entitled, “The Use of Animated Film to Improve Students’

Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Akmala (2011) the students of English

Departement at Walisongo State Institute For Islamic Studies Semarang.

This study was aimed for discussing about improving the students’ writing

ability through animated film at senior high school. The purpose of this

study to atrract and grow students’ motivation in learning and mastery

English and improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text because

the students can catch the idea of the film easily. This is classroom action

research and the method of the research is descriptive quantitative study

that involved in one class the recommendation by English teacher of MAN


Based on the related research finding, there are similarities this research

writing narrative text is relevance with this research and using animation

film as media it is same with the method in the research. The differences of

this research are from the students’ creativity and using different teaching


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B. Some Pertinent Idea

1. Concept of Writing

a. Definition of writing

There are four skills in teaching learning English that should be

mastered by students. There are speaking, listening, reading and

writing. Writing is one of important skills that must to learn by the

students. Writing is productive skill, the students can express their

feeling or imagination in writing. Writing is indirectly skill that use

by people to communicate with the other people without physical

appearance. Writing is an activity that can usefully be prepared for by

work in the other skills of listening, speaking and reading (Nation,

2009:113). It means that the students will be mastered in writing if

they had strong knowledge in reading, listening and speaking.

Halliday (in Nunan, 1991:84) suggest that writing has evolved in

societies as a result of cultural changes creating communicative needs

which cannot be readily met by the spoken language. As we know

that we have a lot of kinds of student’s character in the class, there is

a student speak a lot, silent, hyperactive etc, and for the silent

students, they can express their imagination, ideas or their feeling in

the writing skill. They can create something new for their life by

written. Based on Halliday (in Nunan, 1991:84) in the modern world,

written language serves a range of functions in everyday life,

including the following :

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1. Primary for action : public signs (on roads and stations), product

labels and instructions (on food, toys etc)

2. Primary for information : newspaper and current affair magazines

(news, hobby magazines, non-fiction books, public notices etc)

3. Primary for entertainment :comic, fiction books, poetry and drama,

film subtitles etc.

According to Nunan (1991:85), there are two different kinds

complexity between written and spoken language, written language is

complex at the level of the clause, while spoken language is complex

in the way clauses are linked together. Writing and speaking are

different, the student or someone who can speak well, do not write

well also. Because, speaking and writing have different structured and

complexity. According to Heaton (in Susanti, 2011:8) writing skills

are complex and difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only

grammatical and rethorical devices but also conceptual and judgment

elements. The teacher should bring the grammatical rule and the

concept of writing in teaching learning process. The young writers

need to be exposed to a range of different types of text. They need to

be shown how the different text types are characterized by different

generic structures (Nunan, 1991:90). It means that the writers or the

students expected to understand about the generic structure of the text

because every kind of text has different generic structure. Each of

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student should be expected to use the grammar, punctuation and

spelling correctly in their writing.

Nunan (in Susanti, 2011:9) states that writing is the mental work

of inventing ideas, thinking of how to express them and organizing

them into statements and paragraphs until that is clearer to the

readers. Writing is a continue process of thinking and organizing,

rethinking and reorganizing (Boardman, 2002:11). Every writer has

an idea when they want to write something but not only the idea that

they had but they should have think how to express their ideas into

good composition so that the reader know about the idea clearly when

they read it. So, there is not going to happend misunderstanding

between the writer’s idea and the interpretation of the reader.

b. Writing process

Writing is commonly seen as a three-stage process, pre-writing,

writing and rewriting (Lyons and Heasley (in Nunan, 1991:91)).

According to Nunan (1991:92) suggested that writing is minimally a

three-stage process of pre-writing, writing and revision.

1. Pre-writing

The writer starts with select the word or phrase that is related to

the topic on his interest to write and not going to make confused.

2. Writing

The writer has to deal the ideas with detail that they have to

mention in pre-writing. In this stage, the writer makes a drafting to

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develop the outline into a good and coherent paragraph. Grammatical,

punctuation and spelling will be focus in this stage.

3. Rewriting or Revision

Rewriting is a critical part of the writing process and consists

of two separate processes, revising and editing (Boardman,

2002:27). The writer revises and edit of their writing in this stage.

The writer must to connect it into good grammar, punctuation,

spelling and mechanics. The content and organization of the text

must be clear and complete.

c. Component of Writing

According to Jacob in Fitriana (2018),suggest that the

components of writing there are 5. Such as :

1) Content

Content is unity. That means every sentence contributes one

principle, uniting the whole. Furthermore, unity is the first

effective sentence quality. The writing content is about the ability

to think creatively and develop through, except all irrelevant

information. It must be learned for the reader. Thus they can

understand what massage is saying and get information from it.

Also the contents of the writing must be good and complete

because of the characteristics of good writing.

The writing content must be clear to the reader so that the

reader can understand the massage being held and get the

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information form. In order for the content of the writing to be

good, the context must be unified and complete. This term is

usually known as unity and completeness, which characterizes

good writing.

2) Organization

Organization in writing involves coherence, order or

importance, general to specific, specific to general, chronological

order and spatial pattern and express fluent expression: ideas

clearly state/support, succinct, well-organize, logical sequence and

cohesive. In form of the writing concern with the way through

researcher arranges and organizes the ideas order massage in the

writing. There are many ways use by researcher to organizes or

arrange the writing. This form is mainly recognizes as order.

a) Chronological Order

This type or form is commonly use the narration and

exposition; it deals the events with the process that is describe

from beginning to the end.

b) Order of Importance

This type of form is a way of organizing supporting details

according to their importance. When a researcher arranges detail

in this way, how star the least important ones. Or he may start it

with the least important ones and then process to the most ones.

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c) General to Particular Order (Deductive)

This type of form is commonly use in the expository writing.

In this type, the main idea is state in the first sentence and then

moves the supporting sentence. This type is usually known as

educative order. The supporting sentences explain the general

idea of the topic sentence in the first sentence.

d) Particular to General Order (Inductive)

This type of form is usually as inductive order. Here, the

researcher will lead reader through various kinds of supporting

sentences concluding sentences. The topic sentences are place in

the end of writing.

e) General to Particular-General Order

This type of writing of form begins with a generalization and

then follows with particular statement to support that

generalization. In the final sentences, the main idea will be

restart in the topic sentences, but slightly in different words.

f) Question to Answer Order

This type of form with the question and the answer of it will

follow. The answer should be contains with enough fact and

order detail until they are acceptable to readers.

3) Grammar

Grammar has many patterns that depend on situation and

condition, generally call by tenses. Tenses are an important

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material in learning English, because it help us to compose

sentence well, especially in using verb.

4) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing the process

of writing. Vocabulary as one of the requirements of good writing

is always dependent on the effective use of the word.

5) Mechanics

Mechanics include capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

appropriately. The reader means understanding and recognizing

what the author means of course. The use of mechanical writing

will guide the reader to easily understand the ideas or messages

conveyed. Based on the definition mentioned, the researcher

decided to analyze the indicators in writing in terms of content and

organization. As we know, there are five writing indicators but

researchers only choose content and organization.

2. Concept of Narrative Text

a. The mining of narrative text

According to Sudarwati & Grace (in Merindriasari et al, 2014:2)

said that narrative is a kind of texts that the purpose is to amuse or

entertain and to deal with actual/imaginative experiences in different

ways. Narrative texts usually tell about story that actually happened or

imaginary story. For example, novel, short story, folktale, legend,

fairytale, vacation and story of our unforgettable moment.

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Narrative text is usually told by a story teller (Anderson and

Anderson in (Akmala, 2011: 17)). A narrative is a piece of text which

tells a story and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or

listener (Anderson and Anderson in (Susanti, 2011:11)). Based on the

definition, narrative text is the text that tell about some experience of

the writer and the purpose of the text is to amuse and entertaint to the

reader. The writer should convey their idea clearly to gain the readers’

perception and interest in a story. To be a good writer, we must to

understand about the component of the text, not only the definition

and the social function.

b. General structure of narrative text

The different text types are characterized by different generic

structures (Nunan, 1991:90). Narrative text has two components, the

first component is generic structure and the second component is

language features. According to Neo cited in (Akmala, 2011:18) said

that narrative text has a structure, a shape or a pattern.

There are orientation, rising action, climax, falling action and


a) The orientation, it establishes the characters and situation.

b) Rising action, it refers to a series of complication leads to the climax.

c) The climax is the critical moment when problem/conflicts demand

something to be done about them.

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d) Falling action is the moment away from the highest peak of


e) The resolution consists of the result or outcome. According to Gerot and peter cited in (Akmala, 2011:19), states

that language features of narrative text are :

a) Focus on specific and usually individualized participant

e.g. : Aladdin, Shifu

b) Use of relational processes and mental processes

e.g. : everything was so so weird, tigress was unhappy c) Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances

e.g. : a few years ago, sometimes, once upon a time

d) Use of past tense

e.g. : lived, stayed, was e) Use of verbal processes

e.g. : said, told, promised

All of this knowledge must convey to the students by the teacher,

because it’s important for the students to be a good writer in the

narrative text. So that they can express their idea and feeling in good

composition. They can send their ideas to te reader easily and the

reader can receive their idea clearly.

c. Teaching Writing Narrative Text

One of the reasons that people can operate within socio cultural

rules is because they know about different styles and recognize

different written and spoken genres (Harmer, 2007:247). We know

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that writing is complicated skill, because writing has a lot of

composition that to be mastered by the students. The spelling,

grammatical errors, vocabulary, punctuations, the generic structures

and the language features of the types of text are the big problems that

should be solved by the teacher. It is the project for the teacher to

solve their students’ problem. Giving the motivation, the interesting

media or may be giving the stimulation to the students so that it can

improve their writing skills.

According to Harmer ( 2007:261), the teacher needs to deploy

some or all of the usual roles when students are asking to write, the

ones that are especially important are as follows :

1) Motivation: One of our principal roles in writing task will be to

motivate the students, creating the right conditions for the

generation of ideas, persuading them of the usefulness of the

activity and encouraging them to make as much effort as possible

for maximum benefit. It’s mean that the teacher prompt their

students to be a creative student and encourege them by giving the

interesting media so that their students will not bored or it can be

help them when they learn writing skills.

2) Resource: Especially during more extended writing tasks, we should

be ready to supply information and language where necessary. As a

teacher giving the suggestion and supply for the students is

important. Writing class is different with the other skills, because in

this skill the teachers need a long time to make discussion with their

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students. The students need more and detail explanation from the


3) Feedback provide : Giving feedback on writing tasks demands

special care. The respond from the teacher is important, giving the

feedback for what the students have written is the last activity in

teaching writing. In this stage, teacher must be focus to give their


3. Definition of Media

A media is something we use when we want to communicate with

people indirectly, rather than in person or by face-to-face contact

(Buckingham, 2003:16). Media is important to use in teaching learning

process, it can transmit the information from the teacher to the students.

According to Heinich et al (2005:9) said that media are a means of

communication and source of information. The purpose of media is to

facilitate communication and learning. Teaching media is everything

that can use to deliver message from sender to receiver. Teacher can

create the new atmosphere and make the interesting class by using the

media. The students are not bored when teacher use the media to deliver

the material. The suitable media can stimulate the students’ ability,

interest and attention as well.

a. The Kind of Media

Media is a tool that make teacher easy to teach in the classroom.

There are many media that teacher can use in the new material to the

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students. There are six basic types of media used in learning and

instruction (Heinich et al, 2005:9) :

1. Text

Text is the most commonly medium and alphanumeric

characters that may be displayed in any format like a book, poster,

chalkboard, computer screen etc.

2. Audio

Audio is anything you can hear, it may be live or recorder

such as person’s voice, music, mechanical sounds, noise etc.

3. Visuals

Visuals are regularly used to promote learning like diagram on

a poster, drawings on a chalkboard, photographs, graphics in a

book, cartoons etc.

4. Motion media is a media that show motion, one set material often not

considered media are real objects and models. This media has a real

picture and voice. Such as video, movie, television etc.

5. Manipulative are three dimensional and can be touched a handled by

the students.

6. People

The final category of media, these may be teachers, students,

or subject matter experts etc.

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4.Concept of animated Film

Animated movie or film are distinguished from live-action ones by

the unusual kinds of work that are done at production stage. Animation

film or film do not do continously filming outdoor action in the real

time, but they create as series of images by shooting one frame at a time

(Brodwell and Thompson cited in Akmala, 2011:25). Animated film is

appropriate media to give to the students in the senior high school

because it is fun media. The students will interest to watch it, they did

not fell bored and they get stimulate to express or share their opinion in

their writing.

a. The Implementation of Animated Film in Teaching Writing Narrative


The appropriate and effective media is important in teaching

learning process. The teacher must to think the media that she/he

wants to apply for the students. One of the media is film, film is

suitable media to use in teaching writing narrative text. Films/movies

and videotapes are so flexible and motivating, they are most effective

as springboards for language production and practice (Stoller,

1988:4). The main idea of film help the students express their idea in

writing narrative text easily. According to Stoller (1988:2), there are

some activities in learning writing through the film :

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1. Pre-viewing Activity

In this activity, the students prepare to viewing the film. The

teacher giving the brainstorming to develop the students’

background knowledge about the narrative text.

2. Viewing Activity

Viewing activity is to facilitate the actual of a film. In this

activity, help the students to focus about the character, setting and

plot of the story. The film is show until the end and the teacher can

play the film twice at that time.

3. Post viewing Activity

In this activity, the students will write the narrative text based

the information that they got when they watch the film.

b. Criteria To Choose The Film That Can Use As Learning Media

The criteria as follow :

1) Can be capture by student reasoning. A good animated film give

students is simple, but have positive imagination to students.

2) Not very long and effective to telling stories

3) Use polite language.

4) Contains values that can be known by students. A good animated

film that is inside the telling can grow positive values and can

improve students love for their religion and own people. Love

towards homeland and be able to understand wisdom local

ownership of each region is one of the main factors can be display

on animated films.

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C. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual of the research illustrate as follows :

1) Input : Before apply in the class, the researcher give observation and

give test to know the students’ prior knowledge in the classroom.

2) Process : Treatment is given using animation film. The research apply

animation film as media in one group class.


Teaching writing material narrative


Teaching and learning process by

using animation film

Improve the students’ writing


Content Organization




Figure 2.1

The animated film can help the students to understand the language easily, it is a fun movie because the students watch about cartoon or animated. The duration of this movie is not too long, it is about 10 until 15 minutes. It will help the teacher for managing the time when they teach in the class, because it does not need to use a long time to watch the film.

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3) Output : The treatment that is given in he process of the research is

evaluate the students’ interest and how effective using animation film

in teaching writing o narrative text.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is :

1. H0 (Null Hypothesis ) = The use of animation film is not

effectiveness in writing narrative text.

2. H1 ( Alternative Hypothesis ) = there is an effectiveness of using

media animation film to improve students ability in writing

narrative text.

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A. Research Design

The type of the research was pre –experimental design. The kind of

pre-experimental design of this research is one group pre-test and post-

test. This design involved one group which is pre- test (O1), exposed to

a treatment (X), and post-test (O2). The design is present as follow:

Table 3.1 Research Design


O1 X O2

(Sugiyono, 2019:131)

Where :

O1 = Pre test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given pre-test to

know their achievement in writing. In this pre-test, the researcher asked

the students to write down all the ideas of the students without

animation film. The students used 2 x 5 minutes.

X = Treatment

After given the pre-test, the students were treated with different

treatment. The students treat by using animation film. The researcher

used animation film to teach writing narrative paragraphs. The steps in

teaching writing narrative paragraph are described as follows:

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First : The researcher will present and introduce the material

to the class and explain what they have to do.

Second : The researcher will explain about narrative paragraph.

Third : The researcher will watched animation film.

Fourth : The researcher will order the students to write the

narrative paragraph based on the film that have watch.

Fifth : The researcher will administer comment to students


O2 = Post test

After the treatment, the post-test conducted to find out the

students’ writing achievement. It used to check the result of treatment

it was also be useful to know writing ability of the students. The test

was same with pre-test.

B. Population and sample

1. Population

The population was the students of the first year of SMA

Harapan Bhakti that consist 6 classes and each class consisted of 30

students so the total number of the population is 180 students.

2. Sample

Among the population, the researcher took 30 students in X

MIA 1 as a sample of this research by used random sampling


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C. Variable and Indicators

1. Variables

There were 2 variables in this research, there are independent

variable and dependent variable. The variables were follows:

a. Independent variable was the use of animation film.

b. Dependent variable was students’ writing skill.

2. Indicators

The indicator of the research was known the use of animation film

to improve the students’ writing skill focused on organization and


D. Instrument of the research

The researcher used writing test to asses and examine the students’

writing ability. The tests were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is

given to asses and to examine the students’ writing ability without using

animation film in the previous treatment while post-test is given after

treatment of applying animation film as media to asses and examine the

students’ writing ability. Both pre-test and post-test was use to find out

the development of the students’ writing ability after the treatment by

using animation film.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

Mujis (2004:56) stated that data collection was done by observing a

situation, setting or interaction using the constructed instrument.

Collecting data in this experiment research as follows:

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1. Pre-test used at the first meeting to measure the students’ ability

before giving a treatment.

2. Treatment use to made students understand about material. There are

four times for treatment by using animation movies as a media in

teaching writing narrative text.

3. Post-text use after treatment to measure the students’ improvement

and understanding about the material through animation film thus,

the total meeting of this research was six times, it conclude pre-text,

treatment, and post-text.

F. Techniques of Data Analysis

The data collected through quantitative analysis. The researcher used

a procedure as follows:

1. Scoring the result of the students’ text classified as follows:

The researcher correct the students writing based on the analogies

scale for writing

a. Content

Table 3.2 Classification in Scoring Content

Score Criteria


1. Meaning is conveyed effectively. 2. Show a clear understanding of writing,

topic and main idea. 3. Contains some ideas and they are

coherence with each other.


1. Meaning is conveyed but breaks down at items.

2. Show a good understanding of writing, topic, and main idea development.

3. Contain some ideas and they are coherence with each other.

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3 1. Meaning is frequently clear. 2. Show some understanding of writing,

topic, and main idea, less development.


1. Meaning is unclear. 2. Shows little evidence of discourse

understanding. 3. Contains some ideas and they not

coherence each other.

1 1. No complete sentences are written. 2. No evidence of concept writing.

( adapted from Harmer in wahyuni, 2015:35)

b. Organization

Table 3.3 Classification in Scoring Organization

Score Criteria


1. Organization is appropriate to write assignment and contains clear introduction, developments of idea, and conclusion.

2. Transition one idea to another is smooth and provides readers with clear understanding that topic is changing.

4 1. Events are organized logically, but some

of the sample may not be fully develop. 2. Some transition of ideas evidence.


1. Organization may be extremely simple of there may be evidence of disorganization.

2. There are few transitional markers or repetitive transitional markers.

2 1. Sample is compared if only a few disjoin

sentences. 2. No transitional markers.

1 1. No complete sentences are written 2. No evidence of concepts of writing.

( adapted from Harmer in wahyuni, 2015:36 )

2. To score the students’ answer of text, the researcher use formula.

Correct answer score Scoring = X 100

Maximum score ( Sudjana in Firtriana : 34 )

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3. The mean score of the students classify into five levels as follows:

Table 3.4 Mean Score

No Classification Score 1 Excellent 85-100 2 Good 65-84 3 Fair 55-64 4 Poor 35-54 5 Very Poor 0-34

( Depdikbud, 2004 )

4. Calculating the mean score by using the following formula:

Ʃ x X =

N Where: X = Mean Score

Ʃ x = Total Score

N = The number of students

( Gay in Wahyuni, 2015 : 37 )

5. To calculate the improvement of percentage of the students’ pre-

test and post-test by using formula:

X 2-X 1 P = X 100

X 2

Notation: P :Rate Percentage

X1 :The mean score of pre-test

X2 : The mean score of post-test

(Gay, 2006 : 320 )

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6. To finding the significance difference between the pre-test and

post-test by calculating the value of the test.

D T = (∑D2) ∑D2 - N N(N – 1)

Where :

T = Test of Significance

D = The Mean Score

∑D = The sum score of difference

∑D2 = The square of sum score of diference

N = The total number of students

(Gay, 2006 : 320 )

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A. Findings

1. The Students’ Mean Score In Narrative Text

To answer the research question in the previous chapter, the

researcher administered a test, which was given twice to the students.

Firstly, pre-test was given before the treatment. Secondly, post-test was

given after the treatment. The result of the students’ ability to write

narrative text was presented in the table, below :

Table 4.1 The Mean Score Of The Students’ Writing Narrative Text

Writing Narrative


Pre Test Post Test Improvement

% 37,66 77,16 51,19%

The data in the table 4.1 shows that the students’ ability in writing

narrative text as the result calculating of the students’ pre-test and post-

test after taught by using animation film as media. The students’ score

in pre- test (37,66) and post-test (77,66). It means that the mean score

of the students’ post-test was higher than the mean score of the

students’ pre-test.

2. The Improvement of Students’ Writing in Content

The improvement of the students’ ability to write content of the

topic were presented in the table, below :

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Figure 4.1 The improvement of students’ writing in content

The data in figure 4.2 shows that the improvement in content score as

the result calculating the pre-test and post-test of the students’ ability in

writing narrative text by use animation film as media. Where the students’

score in pre-test (37.33) was different from the post-test (76,66). It means

that there were improvement (51,30%) of the students’ ability in writing

narrative after taught by using animation film as a media.

3. The Improvement of students’ writing in organization

The result of the students’ to write organization of the topic that

presented in the table, below :











Pre-test 37.33

Post-test 76.66

Improvement51,30 %

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Figure 4.2 The improvement of students’ writing in organization

The data in figure 4.3 shows that the students improvement in

organization score as the result of calculating the students’ pre-test and

post-test at the students’ ability in writing narrative text by using

animation film as a media. Where the students’ score in pretest (36) was

different from the post-test (78,33) it means that there was improvement

(54,04%) of the students’ ability in writing narrative text after taught by

using animation film as a media.

4. The significance of students’ ability in writing narrative text

To know the level of significance of the pre-test and post-test and post-

test, the researcher used t-test analysis on the level of significance (p) =

0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1, where N= number of subject

(30 students) then the value of t-table is 2.045. the t-test statistical,














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analysis for independent sample was applied the following table shows the

result of t-test calculation :

Table 4.2 T-test of the students’ ability in writing narrative text

Writing Narrative


T-Text T-Table Comparison Classification 11.99 2.045 T-Test> T-Table Significantly


The table 4.4 shows that t-test value was greater that t-table (T-

Test>T-Table), the final result showed that t-test value for the final

score of students’ writing ablity was (11.99>2.045). It means that there

was significant difference between the students’ writing ability before

and after using animation film as a media. It was also said that the null

hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is


B. Discussion

The description of previous section showed the students’ ability in

writing narrative text has improved, based on findings above in

applying the animation film as a media in the class, the data was

collected through test as explained in previous finding sections showed

that the students’ ability in writing narrative text was significantly

improve the students’ score after applying the animation film as a

media was better than before the treatment was given to the students’,

before giving treatment, the students’ ability in narrative text was

categorized as fair. After giving the treatment, their ability was

significantly improved.

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1. The students’ Improvement in Writing Narrative Text

After calculating the score, the researcher found the students’ ability

in Narrative Text had improved 51,19% from the mean score 37,66 on

pre-test to be 77,16 on post-test. It was supported by the mean score

post-test of the students’ ability in writing narrative text was higher than


The score of the students post-test was higher than the mean score

of the students’ pre-test therefore, the use of the animation film as a

media can enrich the students’ ability in Narrative Text.

It was also support by the result of the data analysis on the table 6

showed that from the level of significance (p) = 0.05 with the degree of

freedom (df) = N-1, where N= number of subject (30 students’) then the

value of t-table was 2.045, the value t-test of the students’ writing in

repost text was higher than the t-table (11.99> 2.045). Then, the

students’ ability in writing narrative text could enrich by using the

animation film as a media.

2. The improvement of the students’ writing content

After calculating the score, the researcher found the students’ ability

to write content had improved 51,30% from the mean 37,33 on pretest

to be 76,66 on posttest, it was supported by the mean score of posttest

was higher than the mean score of pretest, therefore, the use of

animation film as a media could enrich the students’ ability to write

content in narrative text.

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3. The improvement of the students’ writing organization

After calculating the score, the researcher found the students’ ability

to write organization had improved 54,04% from the mean score 36 on

pretest to be 78,33 on post-test . It was supported by the mean score of

protest was higher than the mean score of pretest, therefore, the use of

animation film as a media could enrich the students’ ability to write

organization in narrative text.

Based on the result above, hypothesis test showed that null

hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) was

accepted, so, the researcher concluded that there was significant

improvement of the students’ ability in writing narrative text by using

the animation film as media in teaching writing narrative in SMA

Harapan Bhakti, Makassar.

This study found that the students’ writing ability in narrative text

by using the animation film as media was improved. It indicates similar

with previous study by Susanti (2011), Yulianingrum (2011), Fitriana

(2011), Akmala (2011), who done this research before considered that

by using this media could improve the students’ writing proficiency in

narrative text. They could be more motived, easier to understand, while

the teacher felt easy to teach the student’ how to write a narrative.

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A. Conclusions

Based on the discussion and explanation in the previous chapter and

looked at the result of this research, the researcher put of forward some

conclusion as follows:

The use of animation film was effective to be used as a media in

teaching writing narrative because there was a significance difference

between the progresses in writing of the students when they were taught

using animation film as a media and when they were not. By using the

media, the students can express their ideas and easy to understand. The

students’ attitude of the tenth grade students of SMA Harapan Bhakti

Makassar in learning English writing was positive and more interested

to learn by using the animation film as a media. It was proved that there

was significant difference between the result of students’ pre-test and

post-test by the value of t-test was greater than the value of t-table ( Ttest

value (11,99) > Ttable value (2,045).

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion above, the researcher formulates some

suggestion in the following points :

1. The teacher and give explanation about the important of writing as

well as other language skills.

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2. The teacher should be more creative to enrich their teaching material.

They can use animation film as a media to motivate the students in

learning English especially in writing.

3. The teacher should give more chance and guidance practice to

practice as the one way to developed the students’ writing ability in

the class.

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Appendix 1


Nama Sekolah : SMA Harapan Bhakti

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X/1

. A. Kompetensi Inti

• KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai),

bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,

sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara,

kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

• KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan,

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik

sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

• KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di

sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

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B. Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan di terima dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative.

C. Indicator

1. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran :

• Siswa mampu membuat teks narrative.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Materi ajar writing :

1. Narrative teks

Narrative text tells a story from a particular point of view and can

be presented using words, images and sounds. Narrative explore

themes related to deeper human concerns, such us trust and honestly,

true love and friendship, good overcome evil, valuing people and

overcoming challenges. Narrative is the text that purpose to amuse or

entertain the reader and to tell a story and consist of orientation,

complication, and resolution.

F. Media Pembelajaran

• Animated film

• Laptop

• Infocus

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• Papan tulis dan Spidol

G. Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal :

a. Menyapa siswa

b. Menjelaskan materi yang akan di pelajari.

2. Kegiatan Inti :

a. Memberikan pengertian tentang narrative text.

b. Menjelaskan tentang generic structure narrative text.

c. Menginstruksikan siswa untuk menulis sebuah teks berbentuk


3. Kegiatan akhir :

a. Guru menyampaikan kesulitan siswa selama proses belajar


b. Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.

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J. Penilaian

Bentuk instrument : Pertanyaan tulisan

Rubric penilaian :

Menulis narrative text

No. Nama siswa

Aspek yang dinilai Nilai

Content Organization 1.





Makassar, 2019

Mahasiswa yang meneliti,

Iqbal Adnan Anugrah

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Appendix 2

1. Make a narrative paragraph.!

Name : Class :

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1. Make a narrative paragraph based on the film that have you watched and used

by your own word.!

Name : Class :

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Appendix 3 Animation Film :

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Appendix 4



S1 3 2 S2 2 2 S3 2 1 $4 3 2 S5 2 3 S6 1 1 S7 2 2 S8 4 3 S9 2 3 S10 2 1 S11 3 1 S12 1 2 S13 1 1 S14 3 3 S15 1 1 S16 1 1 S17 1 1 S18 2 4 S19 1 1 S20 1 3 S21 2 1 S22 2 1 S23 1 4 S24 2 1 S25 2 2 S26 1 1 S27 2 1 S28 1 2 S29 2 2 S30 3 1

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S1 4 3 S2 3 3 S3 3 4 S4 4 4 S5 4 4 S6 3 5 S7 5 4 S8 4 4 S9 4 3 S10 5 4 S11 3 4 S12 4 5 S13 5 5 S14 4 4 S15 5 4 S16 3 5 S17 3 5 S18 4 4 S19 5 4 S20 5 4 S21 5 3 S22 3 5 S23 4 4 S24 4 5 S25 2 4 S26 2 3 S27 1 3 S28 4 5 S29 5 4 S30 5 4

To know the final score of the student was : Score Student score = X 100 Maximum score 3 Example = X 100 = 60 5

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Code of

Content Organization Total Mean

Classification Sample score score

S 01 60 40 100 50 Fair S 02 40 40 80 40 Poor S 03 40 20 60 30 Poor S 04 60 40 100 50 Fair S 05 40 60 100 50 Poor S 06 20 20 100 50 Poor S 07 40 40 80 40 Poor S 08 80 60 140 70 Poor S 09 40 60 100 50 Poor S 10 40 20 60 30 Good S 11 60 20 80 40 Poor S 12 20 40 60 30 Fair S 13 20 20 40 20 Fair S 14 60 60 120 60 Poor S 15 20 20 40 20 Good S 16 20 20 40 20 Poor S 17 20 20 40 20 Poor S 18 40 80 120 60 Poor S 19 20 20 40 20 Good S 20 20 60 80 40 Fair S 21 40 20 60 30 Poor S 22 40 20 60 30 Poor S 23 20 80 100 50 Poor S 24 40 20 60 30 Fair S 25 40 40 80 40 Poor S 26 20 20 40 20 Poor S 27 40 20 60 30 Poor S 28 20 40 60 30 Poor S 29 40 40 80 40 Poor S 30 60 20 80 40 Poor

Total Score 1120 1080 2260 1130

(∑X) Mean

37.33 36 75.33 37.66 (X)

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Code of Content Organization

Total Mean Classification

Sample Score score S 01 80 60 140 70 very good S 02 60 60 120 60 Good S 03 60 80 140 70 Good S 04 80 80 160 80 very good S 05 80 80 160 80 Good S 06 60 100 160 80 Good S 07 100 80 180 90 Good S 08 80 80 160 80 Good S 09 80 60 140 70 Good S 10 100 80 180 90 very good S 11 60 80 140 70 Good S 12 80 100 180 90 Good S 13 100 100 200 100 very good S 14 80 80 160 80 Good S 15 100 80 160 80 Good S 16 60 100 160 80 Good S 17 60 100 160 80 Good S 18 80 80 160 80 Good S 19 100 80 180 90 Good S 20 100 80 180 90 Good S 21 100 60 160 80 Good S 22 60 100 160 80 Good S 23 80 80 160 80 Good S 24 80 10 90 45 Good S 25 40 80 120 60 Good S 26 40 60 100 50 Good S 27 20 60 80 40 Good S 28 80 100 180 90 Good S 29 100 80 180 90 Good S 30 100 80 180 90 Good

Total Score 2300 2350 4630 2315


76.66 78.33 154.33 77.16 (X)

Appendix 8

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Code of Score and Classification

Gain D2




Classification Sample Test test (D)

(X2) (X2)

S 01 50 Good 70 Very good 20 400

S 02 40 Poor 60 Good 20 400

S 03 30 Poor 70 Good 40 1600

S 04 50 Good 80 Very good 30 900

S 05 50 Fair 80 Good 30 900

S 06 50 Poor 80 Good 30 900

S 07 40 Fair 90 Good 45 2025

S 08 70 Fair 80 Good 10 100

S 09 50 Fair 70 Very good 20 400

S 10 30 Good 90 Very good 60 3600

S 11 40 Poor 70 Good 30 900

S 12 30 Good 90 Very good 60 3600

S 13 20 Good 100 Very good 80 6400

S 14 60 Poor 80 Good 20 400

S 15 20 Good 80 Very good 60 3600

S 16 20 Poor 80 Good 60 3600

S 17 20 Poor 80 Good 60 3600

S 18 60 Poor 80 Good 20 400

S 19 20 Good 90 Good 70 4900

S 20 40 Fair 90 Good 50 2500

S 21 30 Fair 80 Good 50 2500

S 22 30 Fair 80 Good 50 2500

S 23 50 Poor 80 Very good 30 900

S 24 30 Fair 45 Good 15 2250

S 25 40 Poor 60 Good 20 400

S 26 20 Poor 50 Good 30 900

S 27 30 Poor 40 Good 10 100

S 28 30 Poor 90 Very good 60 3600

S 29 40 Poor 90 Very good 50 2500

S 30 40 Poor 90 Very good 50 2500

Total 11.30 2315 1180 55810

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Total 37.66 77.16 39.33 1860.33

1. Mean score of pre-test and post test ∑x X = N 1130 X1 = = 37.66 30 2315 X2 = = 77.16 30 Where : X : Mean score ∑x : The sum of all scores

N : The number of students

2. To find out the mean score differences by using the formula : ∑D D = N

1180 D = = 39.33 30 Where : D : The mean of the differences score ∑D : The sum of the differences score N : The total number of students

3. To find out the significant differences between the score of pre-test and post-test by using the formula : D T = (∑D2) ∑D2 - N N(N – 1) 39.33 T = 1180 2

55810 - 30 30(30-1)

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39.33 T = 1180

55810 - 30 30(29) 39.33

T = 55810 – 46413.33 870


T = 9396.66 870 39.33

T = 10.80 39.33

T = = 11.99 3.28 Where : T : Test of significance D : The mean score ∑D : The sum of total score of difference D : The square of the sum score of different N : The total number of students

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Appendix 9

Distribution of t-table

df Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test

.20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001 1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.619 2 1.886 2.910 4.303 6.965 9.925 31.589 3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 12.941 4 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 8.610 5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 6.859 6 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.959 7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 5.405 8 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 5.041 9 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 4.781 10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.587 11 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.437 12 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 4.318 13 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 4.221 14 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 4.140 15 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 4.073 16 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 4.015 17 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.965 18 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.922 19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.883 20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.850 21 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.819 22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.792 23 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.767 24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.745 25 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.725 26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.707 27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.690 28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.567 2.763 3.674 29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.659 30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.646 40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.551 60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460 120 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 3.373

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Iqbal Adnan Anugrah was born on July 30th 1998 in

Wakuru, South East Sulawesi. He is the first son from

marriage of his parents Mr. Ando and Mrs. Hasni

Bambeng. He began his study at Elementary School at

SDN 9 Tongkuno, Muna regency and graduated in 2009.

In the same year, he continued his study at MTsN 1

Tongkuno and graduated in 2012. Then, he continued his study at SMAN 1

Tongkuno and graduated in 2015. In year 2015, he accepted as a student of

English Education Department, Faculty of Teachear Training and Education in

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. To finish his study, he wrote a thesis

under title “The Use of Animation Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing

Narrative Text”.

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