


NOT Just Another Webinar, Mentorship or ‘Course’...

NOT About ‘Learning To Write’ Either... (shudder)

NOT Even About ‘Becoming A Copywriter’

(can lead to that IF you want it to)

This Is ALL About ‘Getting’ And Immediately Applying The

Very BEST of Copy......For Immediate Profits!

“De-Mystifying Copywriting Into Its Essential Components”

We’re About To Finally Break Down The WallBetween The Copywriter And The Entrepreneur...

Element #1: The Offer

It’s Not What You Think It IsIt’s The Underlying Principle Of CopyIt’s What It Ultimately Leads To (So It’s Best To Know This As You Write)NOT Just About Discounts, Etc.

Element #2: Pricing

Let’s Face It: Many Buy On Price AloneDiscover The Secrets Of Pricing Right (Essential In These Times Of Thrift)When To Go Low, When To Go High...

Element #3: Positioning

Put Yourself In A Position Where People Realize They Need YouMake Sure You Stand Out In A Crowd Of Me-Too’sYour Ideal Customers Cannot In All Honesty Be Without You

Element #4: The Flow

The Most Common Mistake That Ruins An Otherwise Well-Crafted PitchA Complete Turnoff In Hotly Competed Markets (Online, This Is Every Market)Learn The Natural Structure And Flow Of Copy That Truly Sucks The Reader In

Element #5: Triggers

The Fundamental Psychological Triggers That Make People ActThe Relationship Triggers That Create Intimacy And The Need To Please“Know, Like, Trust” - Advanced Application Of The Uber PrincipleSpecial: How To Cultivate Followership

Element #6: Visuals

THE Most Common Copy Turnoff Today (And Oddly The Easiest To Fix - Do It!)Who Are You Kidding - You Are Being Judged On Looks First!Get The 10 Principles Of Visual Persuasion (Not Taught By Anyone)

Element #7: Drama

You Need To Open Fast With Drama (See How TV Shows Do ‘Cold Open’)Pull Them Into Your World And Show The Magic Inside It... Imply Transformation, Make It Enticing... Then They’ll Follow You!

Element #8: Personality

People Buy From People -Unconsciously Respond to Like Gestures And So On...You Need To Show Up! (As Yourself)Show Them The Real You And Your Real Results... And They’ll Follow You!

Element #9: Bonding

When You Create A Bond... You’re In Like James Bond (Insert Platitude...)Stories That Make You Relatable vs. Stories That Just Make You BoringThey’ll Do Anything For You (Including Buy From You)

Sugar On Top:

Group Q&A SessionsYour Questions Answered Via Email (Weekly Quota)Instant Messaging Access For Urgent Needs (For The Duration Of E-Class)

Here’s A Clue For You.

None Of This Is Brain Surgery.

I’m Sorry About That......But See How That Works?!

What You Do NOT Need

You Don’t Need A Knack For MarketingYou Don’t Need The Talent For WritingYou Don’t Even Need Smarts...

All You Need Is...LOVE?

Well Yes, As It Happens... :)

You Need To Understand These 9 Principles Of Powerful Copywriting

You Need To Put Them Into Practice

You Need To Develop The Ability To Weave A Message So Powerful...

You WILL Stop Worrying About It.

(Rolling In Cash Tends To Do That... ;)

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next:

(Buy my stuff ;)

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