
UP-COMING EVENTS - 2016 January 7 Grand Opening of GOP Headquarters Keynote Speaker: Frm. MD Gov. Bob Ehrlich 5:00pm-7:00pm - See inside for details January 8 WRC Monthly Luncheon Guest Speaker: Dena S. DeCamp, FFRW President January 14 Presidential Primary Debate Sydney’s Pub - Tiburon Golf Club (see inside for details) January 18 MLK Jr. Parade & Celebration January 21 WRC’s “Sip on the RIGHT Side” The Wine Loft at The Mercato 5:00pm - 7:30pm January 23-25 FFRW Spring Conference Hilton Hotel Altamonte Springs, FL February 12 WRC Luncheon Meeting Guest Speaker - Todd Wilcox US Senate Candidate


Our next luncheon meeting is Friday, January 8, 2016 at TIBURON GOLF CLUB. Our guest speaker will be Dena Stebbins DeCamp, Presi-

dent of the FFRW. She will also be installing WRC’s new officers.

Our menu this month will be Chicken Saltimbocca, Prosciutto, Wild Mushrooms & Fried Sage. For dessert, we will have Vanilla Ice-Cream

and Chocolate Chunk Brownie. A gluten-free vegetarian plate will

also be available. A Cash Bar with wine, beer and well drinks are available. If you have dietary restrictions, please notify Pat Wagner

when making your reservations.

The Social Hour begins at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon program begins at noon. The cost is $30 for WRC Members and $35 for non-

members and guests.


Please make your reservations ASAP, but no later than noon on Tuesday, January 5th,

with Pat Wagner at 598-9833 or [email protected]. See you on January 8th!


A reservation made is a reservation paid!!

Letter from WRC - President

Dear WRC Members, Happy New Year! I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday!!

Now that the Christmas decorations are packed away for another year and the champagne bottles have been discretely deposited in the trash, I hope that each one of you is ready to get to work to turn Florida RED in this election year!

As I listen to the DemoRat candidates, I realize just how very important the upcoming elections are to Florida and to America. The DemoRat mes-sage is more of the Obama Administration’s progressive, socialist agenda. (See, 8 Levels of Controls on pg 6.) However, it sounds appealing to the low-information voter - free this and free that. No matter which Republican presidential candidate you are supporting, there is no question that any one of them would do a better job as president than the pathetic DemoRat can-didates.

Still, Republicans have a great deal of hard work ahead. For this reason, WRC has established 6 outreach teams: Millennials, Hispanics, Jewish, Vet-erans, Faith-Based and African-Americans. This issue of The Trunkline summarizes all of the goals & objectives for these teams and highlights the Veterans Outreach Team. Future newsletters will highlight the other Out-reach Teams. These teams cannot do it alone. and will be looking for work-ers to assist them in attaining their goals and objectives. Are you willing to reach out?

With the end of an old year and the start of a new year, there are always changes. One of the major changes is the turnover of WRC Board of Di-rectors. I would like to thank Kay Andrews, Cynthia Miles, Randy Burke, Pat Wagner and Rose Parapiglia for their endless hours of work to make WRC so successful. I have been blessed to have them on my team. Fortu-nately, none of them are going away and have agreed to help in any way they can! Pat will still help with reservations and Rose will be Treasurer Emeritus. I want to welcome my new team - Michelle Morgenstern, Melva Wagner, Dayna Meserve, Judy Sharp, Cindy Lyster and Jean Hahm. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the Membership Committee Chair and members for their hard work in growing our numbers. Also, thanks to Kay Andrews and her Christmas Party Team who made our December luncheon so fabulous. I owe thanks to those members, who month after month, faith-fully help set up, clean up and sell raffle tickets. Finally, thank you to each WRC member for placing your trust, faith and support in me. I look for-ward to serving you in the next two years. Together, we can accomplish anything!! Here’s to an absolutely outstanding 2016!!!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!! Priscilla


Priscilla W. Grannis - President - [email protected] Cindy Lyster - Corresponding Secretary - [email protected]

Michelle Morgenstern - 1st VP - [email protected] Jean Hahm - Recording Secretary - [email protected]

Melva Wagner - 2nd VP - [email protected] Judy Sharp - Treasurer - [email protected]

Dayna Meserve - 3rd VP - [email protected] Rose Parapiglia—Treasurer Emeritus - [email protected]


THETHE Trunkline January 2016


FFRW President

Dena Stebbins DeCamp was born in Chicago, IL and

moved with her family to Polk County, FL when she was 6 years

old. A life-long Republican, Dena became more involved with

politics after hearing Rush Limbaugh on the radio talking about

getting more involved.

In 2008, Dena served on the board of Republican

Women’s Club of Lakeland, Federated as 2nd

Vice President and

became campaign headquarters volunteer coordinator. Dena’s efforts for the Presidential election

that year won her the “Volunteer of the Year Award” from the Republican Women’s Club of Lake-

land Federated. In 2009, Dena became President and served the club for 5 years, finally terming

out in 2013.

In addition to serving the RWC Lakeland, Dena became 1st

Vice Chairman of the Republican

Party of Polk County and served from 2008 to 2010. Staying active in Polk County, she sponsored 3

Tea Party rallies 2009-2011, was Team Leader for Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate, became chair for the

Republican Party of Polk County Campaign Headquarters in 2010. In 2009, Dena was elected as a

District Representative for the Florida Federation of Republican Women. She was a members of

FFRW Nominating Committee Chair in 2011, and a FFRW Member-at-Large in 2012 before being

promoted to 2nd

Vice President. In 2013, Dena was elected to 1st

VP of the FFRW. Dena was

elected FFRW President at the October 2015 Convention in Orlando.

In 2010, Dena was hired by the RPOF to manage the campaign HQ for “Romney for Presi-

dent.” She not only managed the main HQ, but also 3 satellite offices throughout Polk County. This

office was always one of the top 3 producing offices in phone calls and precinct walks in the state

throughout the campaign, with Polk County voting for Gov. Romney on election day.

Dena worked her way through Polk Community College and Florida Southern College while

running 3 uniform stores in Lakeland from 1986 until closing the business in 2004. Thereafter, she

opened a successful custom embroidery shop.

She loves to read and sail and is married to Dr. O. Nelson DeCamp, Jr.


WRC-Naples Members raised $10,000 for Fisher House in Tampa!!!

On December 21, 2015, Pamela Collins and Priscilla Grannis drove to Tampa and hand-delivered all the donations

received from WRC-Naples members to Paula Welenc at the Fisher House. Your donations were received with

heartfelt thanks and will be used specifically for the families residing at Fisher House in Tampa.

Fisher House Communal Kitchen

Fisher House Family Members

Fisher House Living Room for

quiet times with family members.

Fisher House Communal Dining Room

Fisher House Founders

Zachary & Elizabeth Fisher


You can pay your memberships due on-line through PayPal at

Full Membership $45.00

Associate Membership $30.00

(spouse/significant other of Full Members, members of another federated club)

Sustaining Membership $50.00

Patroness $100.00

If you joined WRC in October, November or December 2015, those membership dues

will cover your 2016 membership!

In order to update WRC’s membership records for FFRW

and NFRW, we ask that every member complete a member-

ship application and bio. It can be completed and submit-

ted on-line at


WRC Bylaws

Article VII - Dues

Section 1. Dues shall be payable on application for membership and thereafter annually on or before January 1


Section 2. Dues received on or after October 1st for a new member shall carry over the

balance of the current year (i.e., through December 31st) as well as for the fol

lowing fiscal year (January - December).

Section 3. The fiscal year of this Club shall be January 1st to and including December 31


Section 4. Membership dues become delinquent February 1st.

2016 Membership Dues

According to our most recent membership records, the following WRC Members have not yet re-

newed their membership dues for 2016. Please make sure you pay your dues as soon as possible

as WRC must submit its 1st Quarterly Membership Report on February 1, 2016.

Luncheon Price Increase

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Tiburon has been so gracious in keeping the cost of WRC’s luncheons as

low as possible. However, Tiburon’s costs have increased and in turn, it has had to increase the cost of our lunch-

eons. Effective with the January 8, 2016 luncheon, the prices for lunches will be as follows:

$30.00 WRC Members

$35.00 Non-Members and Guests

Please note that if you have not renewed your WRC 2016 membership dues by the February 12th luncheon meet-

ing, you will be charged the non-member price of $35.00.

We are encouraging all members to make reservations and pay on-line at However, if you

do not wish to pay on-line, please send in your check payable to WRC to the WRC Treasurer at 28285 Insular Way,

Bonita Springs, 34135. Your check must be received no later than the Tuesday before each Friday luncheon. Ef-

fective with the February 12th luncheon, if you do not pay on-line and you fail to send in your check timely, the

“at the door” price for the luncheon will be $35.00 per person.

8 Levels of Control Saul Alinsky died over 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today. Recall that Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on his writings and President Obama writes about him in his books.

Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA Education: University of Chicago Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals

All eight rules are currently in play.

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most impor-tant.

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take Taxes from the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like it is happening in the United States? Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule.

Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." The “Useful Idiots” have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S. If people can read this and still say everything is just fine, then they are “useful idiots.” It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.? You have to be living under a rock if you don’t see it.


The WRC Membership Committee has created 6 Outreach Teams with the charge of engaging with as many people

to not only encouraging them to vote Republican in 2016 and also to join the WRC/GOP. Please join us as we roll

up our sleeves and work on these initiatives. Lots to do to help turn Florida Red in November. We need you!

1. Contemporary Outreach-dedicated to reaching out to the millennials and recruiting young voters both to the

Republican Party and WRC. Christine Davidow [email protected]

2. Faith Based Outreach- reaching out to churches and synagogues encouraging voter registration and getting out

the vote and join WRC. April Hoover- [email protected]

3. Veteran Outreach- reaching out to the Veteran Community to encourage voting Red this year and joining

WRC. David Zammit- [email protected]

4. Hispanic Outreach- engaging in the Hispanic community to educate on Republican conservative values, encour-

aging voter registration and getting out the vote and joining WRC. Susana Rogers [email protected]

5. Jewish Outreach- connecting with and engaging with Jewish Republicans and the Jewish Community at large and

joining WRC. Linda Blackman - [email protected]

6. African American Outreach- reaching out to the black community to connect and engage African Americans with

conservative values and options to vote Red this year and joining WRC. Melva Wagner [email protected]

If you would like to be a part of these teams and help turn Florida RED, please contact Pamela Collins, Membership

Chair, at [email protected]

WRC– Naples Veteran Outreach Team

Looking for a few good…Veterans!!!

In an effort to have a Republican election outcome, it is extremely important for us to engage with many people

encouraging them to vote Republican. One area of concentration to achieve a successful outcome is to develop an

organized method of approaching the veteran population in the area.

We would like your help!

As a sub-committee of the WRC-Naples Membership Committee, it is the mission of the WRC Veterans Outreach

Team to connect with and engage veterans, creating an alignment that meets the goals of the WRC and Republican


To accomplish this mission, we have identified a number of objectives that we believe will assist us in achieving out

goals. Some of the objectives we think are significant to accomplishing our goals are:

• Allow other community members the opportunity to have a positive relationship experience with current WRC


• Ultimately encourage them to join the WRC as member or associate.

• Encourage and provide proper education on conservative thought; engage other intelligent people discussing

important issues of the party.

• Make sure each individual is registered and Votes!

• Network with like-minded people for the purpose of electing like-minded candidates.

• Support for veteran issues and show appreciation for veterans in our community.

Ultimately, we think accomplishing the following goals will help us in meeting our mission:

I want to thank CC LeBlanc, Anne Brown, Sandy Doyle and Diane Powell for agreeing to serve on the this Team.

But we need more!

Please consider joining us in this cause. Send me a quick note and we will include you in our next meeting.

David Zammit

WRC Veteran Membership Committee

[email protected]

Goals: Tar-




1. Participate in community events 2 10/31

2. Present at one veteran group per month 7 10/31

3. Recruit veterans and secure membership in WRC 24 10/31

4. Present a list of factual concerns that individuals have about VA services

to present to VA reps

5 06/30

Collier County Republicans finally have a new home!!

You don’t want to miss out on the fun!!

Disclaimer: The CCREC does not have a favorite candidate nor is it promoting any specific candidate. The candidates are ar-

ranged alphabetically below. During the primary season, the CCREC wants you to support passionately your personal favorite

candidate, but without denigrating the other Republican candidates or their supporters. Remember, once the primary battles

are over, there will be a single Republican candidate, and as Republicans, we must unite behind that candidate!!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!!

New WRC Members New WRC Members New WRC Members New WRC Members ---- January 2016January 2016January 2016January 2016

WRC - Getting Connected in the 21st Century

When was the last time you checked out WRC’s website at It is full of information, including an archive of The Trunkline, links to various resources, WRC directory, WRC Bylaws and events.

WRC also has an active Facebook page at Women’s Republican Club of Naples. Be sure to visit, “share” and “like” it often!!


8224 Ibis Cove Circle

Naples, FL 34119


[email protected]


6449 Costa Cir

Naples, FL 34113


[email protected]


229 Palm Drive, #1

Naples, FL 34112


[email protected]

KLUG Mary D.

9218 Corfu Ct., #204

Naples, FL 34114


[email protected]


151A Bristol Lane

Naples, FL 34112


[email protected]

McCABE, Debra

13264 White Marsh Lane, #27

Ft. Myers, FL 33912


[email protected]


2317 Butterfly Palm Drive

Naples, FL 34119


[email protected]


2027 Duke Drive

Naples, FL 34110


[email protected]


4340 Beechwood Lake Dr.

Naples, FL 34112


[email protected]


462 12th Ave. S

Naples, FL 34102


[email protected]

YOUNG, Linda

8529 Via Lungomare, #101

Estero, FL 33928


[email protected]


140 6th Street North

Naples, FL 34102


[email protected]


7426 Byron's Way

Naples, FL 34113


[email protected]


8524 Via Lungomare Circle, #101

Estero, FL 33928


[email protected]


9081 Shenendoah Circle

Naples, FL 34113


[email protected]


We work very hard to get outstanding speakers for our meetings. As a courtesy to our speakers and fellow members, please refrain from speaking during their presentations!!

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