Page 1: THE TIMES RECORD, TROY I 28T , 1940. fY]£W&-, N. Y 18/Troy NY Times Record... · the first mil rf'h of christ, scientist, in boston, mass. masonic


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Church Choir Honors Miss Bishop

Members of the Trinity Methodist Church choir entertained at a ki tchen shower last evening at the home of Mrs. Wayne Koppes In Eag le Mills for Miss Ruth Bish­op, who will be married April 6 to Donald G. Snyder. Mrs. Frank H. Walker was the assist ing host­ess.

Games were played and prizes w e n t to the Misses Adelaide Wil­son, Bet ty Bannister, Janet Sharp and Dorothy Ward.

Decorat ions were in pink and whi te and refreshments were served from a table centered with a shower cake.

Other guests were Mrs. Wallace Genthner and Mrs. Donald Genth­ner and the Misses Martha. Stone, Virginia Clickner, Hilda Willetts, Mildred Garner, Norma Cooper, Dor i s Best, Lucille Mooradian, Doris Moody and Margaret Brown.

Mrs. Greenwood

Heads Daughters T h e King's Daughters of the

Uni ted Presbyterian Church had a S o'clock supper session and an­nual election at the church lecture room Tuesday. Decorations were carried out in Easter colors with flowers and tall yellow candles forming the centerpiece.

Miss Laura Fleming, Mrs. Clar­ence F . Anderson and Miss Eliza­beth Sharpe led the opening devo­t ions. Mrs. Carl Shields, treasurer, presented a financial report. Mrs. Robert L. Trotter presided and re­ce ived the report of the nominating commit tee , Mrs. M. I. Bibb, chair­m a n .

T h e following members were unamimously elected to offices: Mrs. Fred Greenwood, president; Mrs. Herman V. Goetz, vice presi­dent; Mrs. Margaret Turcotte, sec­retary; Miss Margaret Simpson, thank offering secretary; Miss Lau­ra F leming , assistant to Mrs. Tur­cot te ; Mrs. Edward McLaren, re­pair fund treasurer.

A social hour with a discussion on act ivit ies for the new year clos­ed the session.

Auxiliary Elects The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Rail­

way Mail Clerks' Association of this district held their tenth anni­versary chicken dinner last night at the Wagar Coffee Shop, Albany. A large decorated birthday cake flanked by tall green lighted can­dles with bouquets of cut spring flowers formed the centerpiece.

The favors were green and white candlestick holders with small green candles lighted as the re­past began. Mrs. H. E. Burton of Troy, president, presided over a short business meeting and elec­tion. Reports were received* from officers and committee chairmen after which the following members were selected a* new officers for the year's activities from June, at which meeting they will be in­stal led: Mrs. Alva Clark, presi­dent; Mrs. Lawrence Will iams, vice president; Mrs. Kenneth G. Tighe. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Chris J. Lape, recording sec­retary; Mrs. A. E. Mahar, treas­urer.

Cards followed, with awards go­ing to Mrs. Clarence J. Kellogg, Mrs. Edward P. Gero, Mrs. Tighe and Mrs. Clark.

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High School Card Party and Dance to In augurate New Custom

Arranging a new departure in Troy High School social activities, the committee above meets to plan a student-alumni card party and dance. Left to right, they are Misses Virginia Diehl, Emily Martin, Helen Griffin, Made­

line Bayer, Frances Oil; seated, Emily Cavanaugh, Frances Burton, Mildred Joseph, Betty Coplan, Sophie Weissblum and Betty Banister.

Alumni, Student Groups Plan JU1I11 i_^TCrit

Plans for an alumni-student dance and card party to be jointly sponsored by the Troy High School Alumni Association and the pres­ent student body of the high school were announced following a meeting of the student committee yesterday afternoon.

The event will be held at the high sche->l Friday, April 26.

Proceeds will go to a fund which it is hoped will be sufficient to provide for the entire graduat­ing class a s guests of the afiimni association at the annual alumni banquet in June.

Co-chairmen for the affair are Miss Sarah K. Flynn and W. Ken­neth Doyle, principal of the high school.

Will iam Farrell o f the high school faculty is chairman of the ticket committee and the Misses Emily Cavanaugh, Mary Foxell and Dorothy Finder of the faculty are in charge of the student com­mittees. Several other committee heads will be announced later.

It was stated that one of the features of the card party will be a contract bridge tournament for those who care to take part.

It is planned to obtain a well-known local orchestra for the dance.

Thomas V. Kenney, president of the alumni association has called a meet ing of the officers and executive committee of the associ­ation to be held next Wednesday at which, further plans will be made.

The dance and card party event Is expected to be the beginning of a new plan by the alumni associ­ation to hold two social events as reunions during the school year, one to take place during the holi­day season and one in the -pring. Heretofore the alumni have gath­ered only once a year, at the June banquet.

In Hospital George T. Russell of 893 Second

Avenue, traffic manager of the Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp of Watervliet, is confined to the Samaritan Hospital.

Visited Home Maurice J. Colbert has returned

to New York City after spending tY e week-end at his home on Harris Avenue.



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Sisterhood Notes

Purim Holiday At a recent meet ing in the ves­

try rooms of the Sharah Tepilah Synagogue the Sisterhood celebra­ted the Purim holiday. A program was presented by Miss Gloria Gage, vocalist, accompanied at the piano by Miss Sylvia Rosenberg, who al­so played several solos.

Mrs. Isaac J. Teicher sang in Yiddish and Rabbi Teicher gave a talk on the significance of the holi­day pertaining to modern times.

A social hour followed and re­freshments were served. Mrs. Max Corbat presided.

Arrangements Made For Lodge Dance

Final plans have been made by Apollo Lodge, B. F. and A. M., No. 13, for its first Easter ball to be held Saturday evening at the Ma­sonic Temple from 9; p.m. to 1 a.m.

Receiving the guests will be the master, past masters , and their wives and the chaiffrian, Robert Langlotz.

Members of the De Molay have been asked to serve at the punch table which will be decorated with cut flowers and candles. The hall wil. be decorated in blue and sil­ver.

Pirate Setting Arranged For Senior Dance

Hospital School Prepares To Show Fashions

Bride-To-Be Of Saturday Guest At Party

Miss Anne Monahan and her mother, Mrs. Thomas M. Monahan of 1810 Seventy Avenue entertained Tuesday evening at their home in honor of Miss Shirley Frances Alber whose marriage to John H. Miorin will take place Saturday morning.

The guests included classmates of Miss Monahan and Miss Alber at the College of St. Rose and friends of Mrs. Monahan. The house was decorated in Easter colors with flowers and favors. Miss Alber was presented a bou­doir chair.

The guests included Mrs. M. T. Ryan, Mrs. Emily O'Connell, Miss Jane Luddington, Mrs. Elizabeth Delaney, Mrs. Jane Gould, Mrs. Charles Alber, Mrs. Conrad B. Alber, Mrs. John Sheridan, Mrs. James Dunne, Mrs. Jane Young, Mrs. Mattie Gillespie, Miss Esther Shea, Miss Betty Ray, Mrs. Isabel Hollis, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mrs. Ann Coss, Mrs. Anna Hildred, Mrs. John Shannon, Mrs. John Caldwell, Misa Lillian Brady, Miss Harriet A. Guy, Mrs. Agnes Torpey, Mrs. Anne Burns, Mrs. William Schnapp, Mrs. John Whitney, Mrs. Patrick J. McNamara, Miss Mary I. Weav- j er and the Misses Mary Burke, Dorothy A. Marcoux, Peggy Dunn, Rose and Alice Monahan and Mar­garet McDonald.

To Be Wed Soon

Final arrangements were made this week for the annual Troy High School senior ball to be held tomorrow evening in the school auditorium. Bruce Robinson and his orchestra will play from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and the dance is informal.

Under the leadership of Miss Roberta McClellan annd James Bryce, cochairmen of the decora­tions committee, the auditorium has been turned into a picturesque "Pirate Ship." Not only the usual symbols of piracy—skulls and cross-bones, ropes, ladders, pirate flags but also attendants in pirate cos­tume, will add to the reality of '.he decorations. Those taking tickets

The annual spring card party and fashion show given by the Student-Faculty Cooperative Asso­ciation of the Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Nurses Residence.

Miss Helen Szulerowicz heads the committee on arrangements, assisted by Misses Laura Hughes, Betty Barron, Frances Pitkin and Nancy Percy.

The fol lowing models will display the latest spring fashions: Miss Rita Leahy, Miss Elizabeth Halpin, Miss Catherine Wolff and Miss Jane Ward of the Class of 1940; Miss Theora Briggs, Miss Marcia

and members of the refreshment Fisher and Miss Barbara Baker of committee will have on pirate gar a ^he Class of 1941; and Miss Joan

Caldwell, Miss Eleanor Smith and Punch will be served at intermis­sion time.

On the decoration committee arc the Misses Rose Avakian, Angelina DeBonis, Eleanor McCafferty, inaty Jane Buchanan, Magdelina Sum-mermater and Rena Surprise and j ing Committee are the advisors Victor Galle, Arthur Hess and Francis Souto.

Miss Phyllis Graham of the Class of 1942.

Miss Mary E. Brackett, principal of the school, and Mrs. Lucretfta Eckert Orth of the School of Nurs-

Sorority Meets Miss Felicia Gullie of 3 Oneida

Avenue was hostess at her home Tuesday evening to members of the Aphba Kebba Chi Sorority. Miss Maye Coyne conducted the business session and tentative plans were made for the annual spring formal to be held in May.

After the reading of the sorority paper by Miss Eileen Benson, games were enjoyed and prizes were awarded to Miss Peggy Kelly and Miss Thelma Coyne.

Refreshments were served by the hostess from a table decorated in an Easter color scheme. The next meet ing will be at the home of Miss Rita Daly, 3 Woodlawn Court.

Club Event Held A card party Friday evening,

April 5, at the rooms, 88 Congress Street, was planned by the Pietregalla Social Club Auxiliary last night at a meet ing in the rooms. The event, scheduled to start at 8 p.m., will be featured by serving of refreshments and awarding of a prize at each table.

The committee in charge of ar­rangements Is headed by Mrs. Mary Pafundi and includes Mrs. Carmela Correale, Mrs. Angelina Abbate, Mrs. Anna Vertone and Mrs. Anna Marzullo.

To Be Hostess Mrs. Helen Paddock of Hoosick

Falls will be hostess Saturday at a 1 p.m. luncheon meeting of the Mabel G. Klaffky Club, composed of worthy matrons of Eastern Star chapters in mthe Albany-Rensselaer-Schenectady District, at her home. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Marjorie Horsefal of Peters* burg and Mrs. Hepzibah Hawkins of Albany.

Club Gives

Surprise Party Mrs. Elizabeth M. Goergen was

To Hold Elections The Ladies* Auxiliary of Oak-

wood Avenue Presbyterian Church will have a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the church Tuesday followed by

Trinity Lutheran

Party Plans Made The various committee chairmen

and workers who are actively en­gaged in promoting the congrega­tional Easter party tomorrow night at Trinity Lutheran Church met last night at the church par- I lors and under the direction of the j committee from the Friendly Cir- I cle. Charles Reglin, chairman; Mrs. j Julia Gronau, Mrs. James McCar-ney, Miss Helen Ott nad Albert Schultz, arranged the decorations and made final plans for the party.

The pastor, Rev. Daniel S. Gre-nier, and the president of the Cir­cle, George Geisler, received re­ports from the various chairmen and assistants. The feature of the program is an Easter parade of period hats in charge of Miss Ma­rie Wagner.

Community s inging will be in charge of James Dibblee, and Mr. Dibblee will conduct a "quiz." A one-act play will be presented. There will be surprise entertaining features followed by refreshments to be served by the Friendly Cir­cle. A large attendance is ex­pected.

Samaritan Nurse

Guest at Shower Mrs. John W. Baldwin was hos­

tess last night at a shower in honor of Miss Betty Williams, of North Chatham a nurse at Samari­tan Hospital, whose marriage to

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Che-afalo of 28o5 Edgewood Avenue, Schenectady, an­nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Ann Cheafalo, above, to Theodore D. Stavretis of Troy. The marriage will take place in the near future.

Honored at Party A miscellaneous shower party

was given this week in honor of Miss Marjorie Jacques, who will be the bride of Thomas Rogers April 6 by her sisters, Miss Fannie Jacques and Mrs. Charles Georold. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Dora Jacqu?s, 428 Second Avenue, Watervliet .

The table was decorated in pink and blue. Twenty guests were present.

Committees For Party Have Meeting

Mrs. Martin F. O'Connor, presi­dent of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Church of Our Lady of Vic­tory, presided over the special meeting last n ight at the Catholic Clubhouse on North Lake Avenue at which time final plans were made for the large public card party and dance to be held tomor­row at 8 p.m. at The Hendricic Hudson.

John J. Tower has charge of the program of entertainment which will include "a musical revue" with surprise features. Irving Rosenholtz's orchestra will furnish music for the dancing which will follow the card playing. Mrs. James McKiernan, in charge of the "Victorine Doll," will announce Its winner.

The general chairman, Mrs. Wil­liam F. Quinn, and cochaimman, Miss Mary C. Doyle, received fa­vorable reports with financial re­turns to date from all the parish workers. The returns were given to Mrs. Paul W. Hook, chairman of party finances.

A large advance sale of t ickets under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Trank and Mrs. J. A. Hartnagle, cochairmen, assures the success of the event.

Additional ushers named, includes the Misses Audna Blair, Rosemary Sheehy, Elaine Wallen, Grace Far-nan, Jean Higgins , Martha Du Fresne, Marian Sheridan, Beatrice Houlihan, Viola O'Connor and Betty Benevino.

Members of the Men's Catholic Club, Martin J. Flanigan, presi­dent, will assist with taking of tickets, floor service and filling of tables as patrons arrive.

Have Returned Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of

Averill Park have returned home after a two-month stay in Miami, Fla.

To Be June Bride Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bisson of <

Hoosick Falls announce the en­gagement of their daughter, M ;RS Merence Bisson, to John J. Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of that village. The wedding will take place on June 22.


hostess to the Priscilla Club in ner j their annual meeting and election. • H e r m o n H u i i t l e v o7 Jamacia~°L. I home §93 River Street, yesterday afternoon. Following a short busi­ness meeting presided over by Mrs. William Liback, a surprise birthday party was tendered Mrs. Edward Ward.

The table decorations were red and white with a large cake, sur­mounted by three candles designat­ing past, present and future, for the centerpiece. ,Mrs. Thomas S. Magee presided at the tea table.

The regular needlework session was included in the afternoon's entertainment, Mrs. Liback direct­ing a lesson in knitting sweaters. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Liback, 843 River Street, Thursday, April 4, at 2 p.m. when new members will be re­ceived.

Benefit Event Mrs. Harry M. Brooks was host­

ess at a bridge party last night at her home, 875 Seventh Avenue, for the benefit of the Daughters of the Nile. Awards were presented to Miss Charlotte Lipshutz of Albany; Mrs. -Agnes Grainger and Mrs. Frank Kilfoyle, winners.

A buffet luncheon was served, the table for which was decorated with Easter flowers. B a s k e t s - o f flowers and plants were used as general house decorations. Mrs. Ann Middlebrook Bernard assisted the hostess.

Sets Wedding Date

Mrs. LeRoy W. Clark will preside The luncheon will be in charge of

Mrs. Arthur Bibb, Mrs. Charles Hart, Mrs. Harmon D. Bethem and Mrs. John B o w m a n .

Mrs. Basi l E. Fletcher will re­port for the nominating commit­tee. A demonstrator of several household appliances will be pre­sented during the social in the in­terest of the ways and means de­partment.

To Take Part Sonny Mic ion will appear to­

night and tomorrow night as mas­ter of ceremonies for the minstrel review of 1940 to be presented by th. Associated Players of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Al­bany.

Announce Betrothal .Mi. and Mrs. Martin Lange of

Hoosick Falls announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Miss Marlon Lange to Joseph Vitrella. i o n of Mrs. Dominick Vitrella of Mechanicvills. A date for the wed­ding has not been set .

Home from Visit Mrs. Frank McCann of Woodrow

Court has returned from Wilkea-Barre, Pa., where she spent two weeks as the guest of her niece, Mrs. E. P. Inglesbe. Mr*. Inglesbe ta the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Will iam A. Dunne of this city.

Study Club To

Have Annual Session The Friday Study Club will hold

its annual meet ing and election of officers tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hugh H. Lansing on Third Avenue, Watervliet.

The assist ing hostesses will be Mrs. Wilmot H. Roblin, Mrs. J. F. Clute, Mrs. Earl D. Landfear, Mrs R. J. Terwilliger and Mrs. Charles Hoag.

Sorority Hostess Theta Gamma Sorority will hold

an "automat party' Saturday eve­ning, April 6, at the home of Miss Katherine Wilson with the hostess as general chairman. Miss Made­line Bayer was named chairman of refreshments and Miss Ruth Esser, chairman of entertainment, at a meeting last night at the home of Miss Agnes Gundersen in White-view. ' Miss Mary Jane Buchanan presided and received a report on a recent scavenger hunt.

will take place at 2 p.m. April 6 at St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

The party was given at the resi­dence of the Misses Doris and Vir­ginia Tifft, 903 Peoples Avenue. Spring flowers in yellow and white were the sett ing of the tea table.

The guests included the Misses Margaret C. Schabattl, Louise Horth, Florence Clifford and Jen­nie Walker, all nurses at the Samaritan.


Pledges Entertain Delta Psi Sorority pledges enter­

tained the sorority members at a meeting in the Jewish Community Center last night. The hostesses were Misses Jane Moscov, Barbara Welnstein, Rosalyn Glazer, Joyce Legunoff and Sonja Reis.

The business meeting made plans for a dance next month and named as the committee in charge Misses Mildred Brafman, chairman; Thel­ma Gaier, Betty Copeland, Carol Blum and Marjorie Goldstein.

Miss Alberta Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, White hall, and Norman J. Norman, of Hudson Falls, were married at 12 noon at Notre Dame des Victoire Church Sunday by Rev. J. H. Pelletier, pastor. They were at­tended by Miss Regina Norman, s ister of the bridegroom, and Ray Bernard of Hudson Falls.

The bride was gowned in n powder blue with accessories to match and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaid wore a dress of dusty rose with match­ing accessories and carried a bou­quet of red roses.

Fol lowing the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents After a honeymoon to points north, they will make their home at Hudson Falls.


To Be Bride

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wood of 14 Van Every Ave­nue announce the engage­ment and approaching mar­riage of their daughter, Miss Grace Agnes Wood, to John V. Williams, son of Leo Williams of Albany. The wedding will take place April 11.

Called Away Mrs. Edward Zillgitt of 318

Spring Avenue and daughter, Mrs. Kenneth LaChapelle of Albany, were called to Boston by the sud­den death of Mrs. Zillgltt's brother, Frank J. Dooley.

| I

Had Guests WJlHam Miller of Douglaston. u f

L. accompanied by Miss Margaret Schroder oi College Point, L. I., spent the Eaater holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E W. Mil­ler of Mountain View Avenue.


that dre




Spri ns-

Returns Home Mrs, T. H. Edmunds of 510 Grand

returned from two


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marra of 1624 Broadway, Watervliet, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marie Marra, above, to W. B. Serowick of Albany,' son, of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Serowick of Schenec­tady. The wedding will take place April 20.

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