Page 1: The Thiamin Protocol - The National Center for Stuttering Protocol.pdf · Foreword In this report I demonstrate that thiamin (vitamin B1) taken daily and in sufficient quantities

The Thiamin Protocol

A Solution for a Third of the World’s People who Stutter

Martin F. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Page 2: The Thiamin Protocol - The National Center for Stuttering Protocol.pdf · Foreword In this report I demonstrate that thiamin (vitamin B1) taken daily and in sufficient quantities

©2015 Martin F. Schwartz

New York City


This report is intended as a reference work only, not as a medical guide or a manual for self treatment. One should always seek competent medical advice before trying or even suggesting the supplements

described in this report


Page 3: The Thiamin Protocol - The National Center for Stuttering Protocol.pdf · Foreword In this report I demonstrate that thiamin (vitamin B1) taken daily and in sufficient quantities


For my wife,


and to the memory of my mother-in-law,

Jeane Stockheim


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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments……….. 3

Table of contents……….. 4

Foreword……….. 5

1. Background and the accidental discovery……….. 7

2. NYU Medical School and another accidental discovery………. 10

3. Thiamin and stuttering……….. 13

4. More about thiamin……….. 20

5. The trigger for stuttering……….. 25

6. Laryngeal reciprocal inhibition and GABA……….. 54

7. The magnesium connection……….. 62

8. The Thiamin Protocol……….. 67

9. Intent Therapy……….. 73

10. The sequence……….. 85

Afterword……….. 86

Appendix……….. 88


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In this report I demonstrate that thiamin (vitamin B1) taken daily and in

sufficient quantities can put stuttering into remission for almost a third of

young adult males who stutter - regardless of how long they have stut-

tered or how severely.

It has now been five years since the original investigation and those who

became fluent during that first study and continued to take the vitamin

have remained fluent.

For these individuals stuttering was, and remains, a thiamin-deficiency



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Page 7: The Thiamin Protocol - The National Center for Stuttering Protocol.pdf · Foreword In this report I demonstrate that thiamin (vitamin B1) taken daily and in sufficient quantities

Chapter 1

Background and the accidental discovery

It was 1960 and I was a graduate student in speech science at Ohio State

University, preparing to take an examination that, if passed, would allow

me to start writing a doctoral dissertation. As part of my preparation, I de-

cided to read the literature in speech pathology from its beginning. I was

interested in learning more about the history of the profession and felt if I

devoted some time each day to reading early journal articles, I would get a

better understanding of the growth and direction the profession had taken

since its inception some forty years earlier.

One day, during my reading, I happened upon a study that, in spite of its

many flaws, seemed quite remarkable. It had to do with the effect of thi-

amin on the speech of children who stuttered.

Its title was “A Consideration of Thiamin Supplement in the Prevention of

Stuttering in Preschool Children” and it was published in 1951 in a re-

spected clinical journal. The title is somewhat of a misnomer because the

study was not about prevention, but rather about whether thiamin could

stop stuttering in children who had already begun. Also, some of the chil-

dren were not preschool since their ages ranged from two to eight. Each

child was given 30mg of thiamin hydrochloride, then the most common

form of thiamin, or a placebo each day using a classic double-blind ran-

domized presentation format.


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Here were the findings:

“Observable speech improvement occurred in 55 per-cent of all cases.”

“There may have been improvement in an additional 20 percent of the cases.”

“No improvement could be claimed in 20 percent of the cases.”

“Of the two- and three-year-olds in the experiment, 80 percent were observably improved.”

“Only 50 percent of the four-year-olds were definitely improved.”

“It is doubtful that either of the two five-year-olds made much improvement.”

“Thiamin administration appeared to have no effect upon the speech pattern of the seven- and eight-year-olds.”

“In four cases where there was regression of speech flu-ency occurring following the cessation of thiamin thera-py, there was improvement noted again after thiamin was resumed.”

“One of the cases which was reported as unimproved during thiamin therapy, showed an increase of tensions, hesitations and other stuttering symptoms after the thi-amin had been stopped.”

“With only one exception, the cases that showed marked reduction of stuttering symptoms made the improvement within the first two weeks of treatment.”


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I remember saying to myself that even if these findings were remotely

true, they would be amazing. Of greatest significance was the author’s

finding was that for two- and three- year-olds, stuttering could be substan-

tially improved for more than three quarters of them in less than two

weeks! Now while it is true that most children will eventually improve to

the point where they outgrow their stuttering, such improvement doesn’t

usually happen in two weeks. It was clear that something real was hap-


As I read the study, I imagined the pages of the journal filled, in subse-

quent issues, with many discussions of the results of this study. But no,

nothing. It was if the study hadn’t been published.

Perhaps it had to do with the extremely poor quality of its design. There

were many mistakes. But still, nothing ever appeared in the journal, not

even a criticism of it. I was amazed but since I had, at that time, just a

passing interest in stuttering and other things to do, I simply noted this

piece of information and continued my reading of the early literature in

speech pathology in preparation for taking the doctoral qualifying exams in

speech science.


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Chapter 2

NYU Medical School and

another accidental discovery

We move now to 1974, some 12 years after receiving my doctorate. Dur-

ing that time I had been doing basic research, moving up the academic

ladder, and publishing articles that, while interesting in an abstract sense,

had no clinical relevance. Then, in 1974, I decided to shift my focus to clin-

ical issues. I reexamined the speech pathology literature and decided that

the area of stuttering, for several reasons, would be fertile ground for in-


First, in spite of the fact that it had a huge research literature, no one

seemed to have a good understanding of what was going on. And sec-

ond, the enigmatic nature of the disorder intrigued me. (For example,

people who stutter often stop stuttering immediately and completely when

they go into an empty room and speak to themselves out loud alone).

Then there was a very excellent text written by an eminent expert in stut-

tering named Charles Van Riper. The text was called The Nature of Stut-

tering and it had well over a thousand references to research studies that

had been conducted over the years on all aspects of stuttering. I decided

to examine the book in great detail to see if I could use the findings to

generate a model of stuttering that would account for most, if not all, of the

features described by Van Riper.


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Coinciding in time with this came an offer to join the faculty at New York

University Medical School as a research professor. This was quite appeal-

ing but I had one proviso: In addition to doing research on the speech of

people born with diverse cranio-facial anomalies (such as cleft lip and

palate), I also wanted time to do research into stuttering. They agreed

and I took the position.

My appointment at the Medical School was at the Institute of Reconstruc-

tive Plastic Surgery. I began to examine a whole host of speech problems

arising from a variety of genetically-based malformations of the head. A

previous interest in the anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism

stood me in good stead as I began to collaborate with several surgeons on

the design of new operations to improve the speech of people born with

cleft palate.

One such operation is called a pharyngeal flap. In this procedure, a flap of

tissue is undermined from the back throat wall and attached to the palate

to close the cleft. I was assigned the task of using ultrasound to study the

preoperative movements of the throat during speech to help in the deter-

mination of an optimum donor site for the flap.

One of the cleft palate patients stuttered and when the ultrasound-gener-

ating device was applied to the side of the neck, something happened as

the patient spoke that was not expected. The throat seemed to constrict

just before and during most stutter events. The behavior was relatively

consistent and perked my attention. So I contacted the speech clinic at the

medical school and over the next several months obtained five more indi-

viduals who stuttered (but with no cleft palates) and, again using ultra-

sound, made similar observations.


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Further research revealed that the center of this activity was at the base of

the throat in a structure called the larynx and, within that structure, the vo-

cal cords. The thought occurred that these activities, since they not only

coincided in time with the stutter but also often preceded it, might some-

how have been provoking or triggering it.

It is well known that the vocal cords are, in part, controlled by the breath-

ing centers of the brain. So it seemed logical that some sort of breathing

maneuver performed just before speaking might be capable of exerting a

positive influence on reducing the apparent effort associated with these

constricting vocal cord movements. After experimenting with a variety of

breathing techniques, one was settled upon that reduced the frequency of

stuttering by almost 70%.

Later it was discovered that a combination of this new breathing technique

coupled with a slowed first word of each sentence could further reduce the

frequency of stuttering to almost 94%. I wrote a book about this combined

approach and this led eventually to the establishment of The National

Center For Stuttering.

The functions of The Center were to treat clients and train speech pathol-

ogists. During the 1980s and 90s over eight hundred speech therapists

were trained in what was later called the Airflow Technique. In the

process, over fifteen thousand individuals who stuttered were seen for

treatment, making The National Center For Stuttering, at that time, the

largest treatment and training facility of its kind in the world.


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Chapter 3

Thiamin and stuttering

The Center, during the peak of its operation, maintained a hotline number

for the general public. The hotline was in existence from 1977 until 2010.

When parents called requesting guidance for young children who had re-

cently begun to stutter, along with the usual stress-reducing recommenda-

tions, the Center recommended that the child be given 30mg of thiamin

daily - provided the child was between the ages of two and four and the

parent had first obtained permission from the pediatrician.

Over the years, as a result of this recommendation, a body of anecdotal

information was accumulated regarding early childhood stuttering and thi-

amin. Here were the relevant observations: If thiamin proved to be effec-

tive, the result occurred within two weeks and was dramatic. It was as if a

‘switch’ had been thrown, and the stuttering, as reported in the afore-men-

tioned 1951 study, was either markedly reduced or eliminated. Almost 60

percent of the children showed the ‘switch effect’. For those children, the

possibility of a placebo seemed unlikely. On the other hand, if two weeks

passed with no improvement, none would likely occur, regardless of the

length of time the supplement was taken.

In no instance was more than 30mg of the vitamin per day recommended.

In 2002 the Center began informal explorations using larger amounts of

thiamin with adults who stuttered. It was from these explorations that, sev-

eral years later, a formal study was undertaken. What follows is a detailed

description of the formal study (explanations of some terms for the non-


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specialist are shown in parentheses). Later, we will discuss the enhance-

ments that have subsequently been made to it to increase the percentage

of those showing positive results.

The study

In this study we examined the percent syllables stuttered from

two groups of presumed equivalent adult males who stuttered,

one taking 300 milligrams of thiamin (vitamin B1) daily and the

other, a placebo.

In all, 38 males between the ages of 21 and 37 participated.

All had stuttered since early childhood. All were native speak-

ers of American English, all had at least a high school educa-

tion and none was receiving speech therapy at the time of the


Excluded was anyone with a medical condition that would in-

terfere with thiamin absorption or any medication or dietary

habits that could negate the effects of ingesting the vitamin.

The experiment lasted for two weeks. This time period was

selected because prior clinical experience and the earlier 1951

report had indicated that positive speech effects of thiamin, if

they were to occur, would take place within the first two weeks.

In addition, prior clinical experience had also shown that

300mg daily of the vitamin was the level at which positive

speech effects for adult males might be expected to occur.


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Accordingly, all subjects were instructed to take one pill with

each meal for a total of three pills daily. Each pill contained ei-

ther 100mg of thiamin hydrochloride (the form of thiamin used

in the earlier study) or a placebo. Subjects were assigned ran-

domly to each of the two groups and received either the vita-

min or the placebo in a classic randomized, double blind pre-

sentation format. (Double blind means that neither the sub-

jects nor the experimenter knew whether they were taking the

vitamin or the placebo until after the experiment was complet-

ed. This is to prevent experimenter bias from influencing a

subject’s performance and to spread the power of suggestion

evenly among the subjects.)

Prior to starting the protocol, all subjects were administered a

modified version of the percent syllables stuttered portion of

the SSI (Stuttering Severity Instrument) test, the most com-

monly used instrument for quantifying stuttered speech. Sam-

ples were obtained from three speaking situations: reading,

face-to-face conversation and telephone calls. The percent

syllables stuttered constituted an average derived from the

three speaking situations. This average, obtained before and

after the experimental intervention, constituted the data for the

statistical analysis. (The purpose of a statistical analysis is to

determine whether the average stuttered syllables difference

found before and after the experiment could have occurred

simply by chance or truly represented a difference that was so

great it was unlikely it could have occurred by chance. The

result is usually expressed in how confident we are that the

difference was truly due to the intervention being studied.)


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In all instances, judgments of stutter events were made inde-

pendently from video recordings by two clinicians with a total

of 47 years working with individuals who stutter. Video presen-

tation was considered essential since, for some of the sub-

jects, a number of the stutter events were silent struggles.


Inter- and intra-judge reliability correlation coefficients (a sta-

tistical test) for repeated judgments were greater than 94%,

indicating that the two raters agreed well with themselves and

each other.

The average stuttered syllables for the two groups prior to the

start of the study were not significantly different (meaning that

both randomly selected groups probably came from the same

population). The average stuttered syllables for the control

group (the ones taking the placebo) pre- and post-trial were

also not significantly different. However, the average stuttered

syllables for the experimental group (the ones taking the vita-

min) pre- and post-trial were significantly different (p<.01).

(This means that the difference before and after taking the vit-

amin was so great that it could have occurred by chance less

than once in a hundred repeats of the experiment.)

A closer examination of the data revealed that the ‘switch ef-

fect’ was present for 6 of the 19 subjects receiving the sup-

plement. Pre- supplement, the average percent syllables for

this group of six had been 9.1%. Post-supplement, it was less


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than 1%, with five of the six subjects showing no stuttering

whatsoever. Deleting the data for the ‘switch’ group, and com-

paring the pre- and post-supplement averages for the remain-

ing 13 subjects yielded no significant difference.


Within the limits of this study, one may conclude that for slight-

ly less than a third of young adult males who stutter between

the ages of 21 and 37, 300mg of thiamin, taken daily, in the

absence of precluding medical conditions, may be of signifi-

cant value in either substantially reducing or eliminating their

stuttering. This finding, if substantiated by others, would seem

to have profound implications for the approximately 1% of the

world’s population that stutters.

A cohort follow-up study

The six subjects showing the ‘switch effect’ have now been

followed for five years. They form a group called a cohort.

Cohorts are groups of subjects that share a common attribute

– in this instance, a positive effect for Thiamin. The cohort is

followed over a period of time. A cohort study was considered

crucial to establishing the validity of the original finding be-

cause it can provide long-term evidence that either supports or

refutes the original finding.

While the randomized controlled trial in the original study is

considered a superior way of doing science, a prospective co-


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hort study, even with all its uncontrolled variables, is still a

powerful way of reinforcing the validity of the findings of the

original study - providing, of course, the cohort continues to

share the attribute that was used to establish it in the first


There is another reason a cohort study is important. The re-

sults and conclusion derived in the original study were based

on a very small number of subjects. While some may object to

this, saying that a small number can easily result in an unrec-

ognized sampling error, the positive outcome of a cohort study

can be used to demonstrate that the finding and conclusion

derived from the original study are probably correct.

Also, bear in mind that many statistical tests have been devel-

oped for the express purpose of examining data from small

numbers of experimental subjects. These tests, called small

score statistics, have been shown to yield valid results. Of

course, the trade-off for using small numbers of subjects is

that the difference between the experimental conditions has to

be much greater to reach statistical significance.

The cohort follow-up was conducted by telephone at approxi-

mate two-week intervals, now over a five-year period. The

original six subjects reported that as long as they continued to

take the vitamin there was no return of their stuttering. Some

indicated that when they failed to take the vitamin (usually be-

cause they had run out), their stuttering would return (usually

after a few days). In all instances, however, the stuttering was


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reversed with the return to taking the vitamin.

There is one additional piece of evidence that lends credence to this find-

ing - even though it is anecdotal. There is a blog on the internet called:

stuttersense (at that is largely devoted to the Airflow

Technique that has, at my suggestion, started the discussion of thiamin

and stuttering. Since the discussion began, the blog conducted two sur-

veys among its readers who elected to try thiamin and found that among

74 respondents who indicated they had taken the specified amount of thi-

amin (300mg per day), 29 (38%) reported ‘dramatic improvements’ in their



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Chapter 4

More about thiamin

The recommended dietary allowance for adult males for thiamin is 1.5mg

per day. The positive effects reported in the experiment required an

amount 200 times greater. One might logically raise the issue of toxicity.

Fortunately, the issue has been addressed repeatedly and the answer

provided by virtually all experts in such matters is that in the amounts tak-

en orally, there have been virtually no adverse reactions recorded. Thi-

amin is one of the water-soluble vitamins and the common belief is that

any excess is simply urinated out. The Food and Nutrition Board of the

National Academy of Sciences has indicated that there is no upper limit of

toxicity for this vitamin. The Food and Drug Administration lists thiamin

hydrochloride among its GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) supple-

ments. A number of studies, investigating a variety of disorders, have

used as much as 9000 milligrams (9 grams) per day for prolonged periods

of time (months), with no negative consequences. Various international

organizations have generally agreed that vitamin B1, when taken orally, in

amounts up to and including 500mg per day poses no threat to the health

of the general public – although, when pressed, they admit that this num-

ber is arbitrary and could just as well have been higher.

However, as with all supplements, it is good policy to always check first

with one’s doctor. One may be taking medications that interact adversely

or there may be an unsuspected allergy resulting in an unwanted reaction.

Fortunately, both are relatively rare. It is more likely that the medications

will interfere with the absorption of Thiamin rather than vice versa.


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There is one additional recommendation: be sure to take the form of thi-

amin called thiamin hydrochloride. Thiamin Hydrochloride was the com-

pound used in the 1951 study and the Center’s study with adults. There

are a number of other forms of thiamin, but none of the opinions offered in

this book can relate to them because they have not been studied.

It has been demonstrated that the maximum amount of thiamin that can

be used by the body at any one time is 5mg. Indeed, the total amount of

thiamin that typically can be found in the body is 30mg. So the question

remains: why 300mg? The answer probably lies somewhere in the ex-

tremely complex process of absorbing thiamin and getting it past a struc-

ture called the blood-brain barrier.

The blood-brain barrier is a membrane surrounding brain cells designed to

protect them from infections caused by bacteria circulating in the blood as

well as from certain environmental hazards. The design of the barrier re-

sists these intrusions but lets other substances pass. For example, most

of us are aware of the fact that alcohol easily passes the barrier. What we

are not aware of is that all the water-soluble vitamins, including thiamin

hydrochloride, cannot pass the barrier.

But there are two processes that can be brought to bear to bring thiamin

into the brain. One makes use of chemical carriers that transport a small

amount of thiamin across the barrier. But that source is saturable (essen-

tially limited in its capacity). There is another process that is much less

saturable. It is called diffusion and it occurs when chemicals in high con-

centration on one side of a membrane are passively driven across that

membrane to equalize the concentrations on both sides of the membrane.


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It has been shown that if one takes 100mg of thiamin three times a day,

its density in the blood will continue to rise over the first 7 – 10 days, finally

reaching a steady state after that time. Interestingly, it would appear that

total levels of 100 or 200mg of thiamin per day taken orally simply do not

produce sufficient blood densities to diffuse enough of the vitamin across

the barrier to produce much of an effect upon stuttering, while at 300mg

per day, for almost a third of adult males, it does.

Thus choosing 300mg a day as the level for the adults in the Center’s

study came about as a result of trying different levels of the vitamin clini-

cally and choosing the lowest level that would appear to make a difference

in stuttered speech for a significant number of individuals.

Interestingly, if one visits a vitamin shop and looks at the levels of thiamin

available, one may be surprised to see a large number of bottles marked

500mg. These are routinely recommended by physicians for alcoholics.

Alcohol gravely depletes the body of thiamin by interacting with it in many

ways thereby effectively eliminating it.

There are other issues, besides alcohol, that can have negative impacts

as well. Here, for example, is an enumeration of just a few of the many

conditions that have been shown to interfere with thiamin absorption:

Alzheimer’s Disease





Malabsorption syndrome


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Inadequate thiamine intake can also occur with diets containing a lot of the


Blueberries, red beets and red cabbage

Brussel Sprouts

Coffee and tea

Foods high in simple carbohydrates

Sulfites (a food preservative)

White rice, raw freshwater fish and raw shellfish

Certain medications can deplete vitamin B1. These include:

Acid blockers





Aromatase inhibitors

Blood pressure drugs


Cardiac glycosides


Hormone replacement therapy

Oral contraceptives


Even storing, processing and cooking can have negative consequences

on thiamin content. For example:


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Thiamin is not stable in storage

Conventional cooking reduces the thiamin content of food by 20-50%

Rice loses about 80% of its thiamin when converted from brown to white

A similar loss occurs going from whole wheat to white flour

The modern food industry has responded to the fragility of thiamin by mov-

ing toward thiamin enrichment of grain products. In a sense, this has been

effective – for without it, thiamin deficiency would be a much more com-

mon phenomenon.

People with heart failure and gastrointestinal disease have an increased

risk of thiamin deficiency. In each of these groups, restoring normal thi-

amin levels may prevent some of the worst complications of the disease.

Even in the absence of any of these diseases, elderly people are at in-

creased risk of thiamin deficiency. This is, at least in part, due to a reduc-

tion in the ability to absorb dietary thiamin that occurs as we age.

Popular fad diets that greatly reduce intake of grains and legumes make

thiamin deficiency more likely. For instance, after eight weeks on the

Atkins diet, people following this popular low-carbohydrate strategy saw

their thiamin intake drop by 40%.

As can be seen from the above, even the recommended dietary allowance

(RDA) of 1.2mg of thiamin per day, given the minefield of obstacles stand-

ing in its way, may be difficult to achieve. Some nutritionists consider thi-

amin to be the most deficient vitamin in the diet.


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Chapter 5

The trigger for stuttering

This chapter describes the trigger for stuttering, how it arises and devel-

ops in childhood, the stresses that provoke it and the ways individuals

eventually learn to cope with it. This sets the stage for the later explana-

tion of the role of thiamin in producing fluent speech. It also explains why

a technique (Intent Therapy), also to be described later, works as well as it


Before beginning, one important point must be made:





We begin with an abstract. Words in parenthesis throughout the text are

used to clarify concepts for the non-specialist; numbers refer to a refer-

ence list in the appendix. The chapter is segmented into eleven parts. It is

recommended that the reader take their time with each part because

many of the concepts presented are alternative.


Using information obtained from studies of early childhood

stuttering, carefully documented clinical observations and


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data on the physiology of normal speech, the hypothesis is

drawn that the trigger for stuttering is a pattern of sensory im-

pulses that, under conditions of appropriate and sufficient

stress, arises from receptors within and around the vocal

cords to signal the brain that a specific level and concordance

of speech-arresting muscle tensions has been attained at the

vocal cords.

The behaviors that characterize stuttering are learned at-

tempts to prevent or release these speech-arresting levels of

vocal cord tension. The learned behaviors can be diverse.

For example, at the onset of stuttering in children, the most

typical immediate response to a sudden vocal cord immobi-

lization is a syllable repetition. Such repetitions can occur

with varying degrees of tension and frequency and often be-

come habits.

After a period of time, which can vary greatly, the child may

become aware of and react to these repetitions by engaging

in one or more of a number of behaviors. These can be

avoidance activities such as changing words, forceful con-

frontational attacks such as violent head shaking, or more

subtle pre-speech maneuvers such as swallowing, inhaling

deeply or speaking on expiratory reserve volume (the very

last bit of air left in the lungs). All of these behaviors can be-

come learned because all have the power to either prevent

the unique pattern of sensory impulses (the trigger) from oc-

curring or to extricate from it once it has occurred – and thus

are rewarding.


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The implication of this is that the treatment of stuttering would

best be served by developing appropriate techniques for pre-

venting the trigger from occurring rather than attempting to

deal with its learned responses.

Part 1: The introduction

Stuttering is often defined in terms of its overt symptoms.

Typically these are described as repetitions, prolongations

and blocks(1) - although a great many other behaviors have

been described as well. In concert with this definition, most

people tend to think of stuttering as a disorder of speech pro-

duction.(2) As a result, cognitive issues, more specifically, the

thoughts of people who stutter, tend to receive much less at-


One important cognitive issue for people who stutter is their

ability to look ahead and ‘see’ feared sounds, words, and

speaking situations approaching.(4) This anticipatory mental

activity, called scanning, leads to a variety of behaviors, one

of which is the avoidance of feared words and feared speak-

ing situations.(5) Clinical experience indicates that scanning

and avoiding are not present at the onset of stuttering but de-

velop over time to become habits.(6)  

Scanning and avoiding are not the only habits.  A number of

studies have shown that most, if not all, of the overt struggles

that characterize stuttering are also learned.(7) Part of this un-

derstanding comes from learning-theory models of


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stuttering(8) and part as a result of the successful use of be-

havior modification techniques in treatment.(9) (Behavior mod-

ification techniques are used to change learned behaviors.)

If stuttering is composed of learned struggle, scanning and

avoidance behaviors, an adequate definition must include all

three.  For purposes of this explanation, stuttering is defined


All the things that people who stutter do when they get ‘stuck’

in their speech and/or all the things that people who stutter do

to avoid getting ‘stuck’ in their speech.

This definition may appear simplistic, but notice what it ac-

complishes. First, it takes the point of view of the person who

stutters, not the point of view of an observer. Second, it takes

an exclusive orientation away from a catalog of overt struggle

behaviors and provides for the very real possibility of impor-

tant cognitive components.   Finally, it strongly emphasizes

that overt stuttering, scanning and avoidance behaviors are

responses to something else - the ‘getting stuck’ or, what is

hypothesized in this chapter to be the event that elicits the

trigger for stuttering.

To begin our quest for the trigger, we begin with a rewording

of a number of questions that have repeatedly been asked

about overt stuttering. In these questions, the concept of a

‘trigger’ for stuttering is substituted for the traditional focus

upon behavioral signs. So, for example, why does the trig-


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ger for stuttering occur more often among males than fe-

males, why does it tend to run in families, why is it absent or

markedly reduced when a person who stutters talks to them-

selves out loud alone, or when they sing, or whisper, or speak

to the rhythm of a metronome, or speak chorally, or against a

masking noise, or when using a foreign accent or talking to

pets?(10) And why does the trigger typically not occur when, in

the course of speech development, a child is using single

words to express himself - only to appear suddenly months or

years later when the child begins using sentences?(11) And

when it does appear, why does it typically manifest itself at

the beginnings of sentences rather than being evenly dis-

tributed throughout?(12)

And then there are the interesting issues raised by the cogni-

tive component. For example, a child who recently started

using full sentences suddenly begins to stutter. In response,

he reverts to using single words to convey his ideas. This

child is, by the above definition, still stuttering since he is re-

sponding to his awareness of his stuttering by electing to

avoid it by not using sentences. How are we to react to this


And, later in life, if this child, as an adult, masters word substi-

tution and situation avoidance to the point where he never

stutters overtly but still lives in constant fear of inadvertently

stuttering - are we not to call him a person who stutters?

These are some of the clinical questions that arise when a

traditional overt-symptom-response-only approach is taken


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with respect to the understanding and treatment of stuttering.

These issues lead to an inevitable conclusion, herein offered

as a question:

If overt stuttering, scanning and avoiding are learned re-

sponses to the occurrence or anticipation of a trigger,

wouldn’t it be better to ignore these learned responses and

treat the trigger instead?

The following illustrates this alternative way of thinking.  Let

us equate overt stuttering with the knee-jerk reflex. The strik-

ing of the patellar tendon (the place just under the kneecap)

causes a unique pattern of sensory impulses to arise from

that area, go up the leg and enter the spinal cord. This pat-

tern of impulses is the trigger. The trigger stimulates other

nerves which, in turn, send a message back out to the leg to

cause a muscle in the thigh to contract which causes the foot

to fly up. The foot flying up is the response and, in this exam-

ple, is analogous to a stutter.

Imagine, however, that the patellar tendon cannot be seen. All

that can be seen is the foot, and its flying movements are in-

appropriate, unwanted and cause considerable stress when-

ever they occur. Attempts by therapists to hold the foot down

or to modify its movements (analogous to traditional speech

therapy) often fail.  One day someone discovers the patellar

tendon and observes the relationship between it being struck

and the subsequent foot-flying event. Knowledge of this rela-

tionship quickly leads to a solution.


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One might argue about the validity of the above example, but

it still retains its power to explain what is here contended to

be a common mistake in therapy (attempting to treat stutter-

ing instead of its trigger). It also explains a similar and com-

mon mistake made by researchers who try to uncover the

core brain mechanisms underlying stuttering by exhaustively

mapping the brain’s equivalents to what are essentially

learned responses.  

There is another common mistake. People who stutter often

believe ‘stress’ to be the trigger for their stuttering.  To them, it

seems a simple stimulus-response event. For example, a

feared speaking situation, such as talking on the telephone,

elicits a high degree of anticipatory stress (a cognitive re-

sponse conditioned by prior experience) which, in turn, elicits

a stutter.  The logical assumption, derived from the experi-

ence, is that anticipatory stress causes stuttering. A closed

loop cycle is proposed, with anticipatory stress triggering stut-

tering which, in turn, reinforces the anticipatory stress.   In

other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But both psychotherapy and speech therapy have long histo-

ries of not being very successful in the treatment of chronic

stuttering.(13, 14) Both disciplines often rationalize their relative

lack of success by saying that since stuttering is a complex,

multi-factorial problem, starting early in life and of long-stand-

ing duration, it is highly resistant to permanent extinction.

Rarely, if ever, is there mention of an intervening step, such

as a triggering event, that might be going unaddressed.


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It is the contention of this chapter that there is a trigger for

stuttering and that it always occurs during the time period be-

tween the occurrence of stress and an overt stutter or, in the

case of an avoidance response, it is a cognitive event, the

perceived threat of a stutter, which occurs in response to

stress, that evokes the avoidance response.

Part 2: The origin of the trigger

In our quest for the origin of the trigger, we examine the be-

ginnings of stuttering.  We do so for one reason: unencum-

bered by the overlay of years of conditioning, important clues

to the trigger reveal themselves more readily at this early


We begin with general observations about the onset of stut-

tering. The first is that most stuttering begins between the

ages of two and five, with a major peak of onset of occur-

rence between two and a half and three and a half years of

age.(15) The second is that most children who stutter have

been speaking fluently for a period of time before their stutter-

ing begins. The average length of time the child has been

speaking fluently before the onset of stuttering is seventeen

months, but it can vary widely.(16) Third, many children who

stutter can have periods when they are totally fluent. These

periods, sometimes called remissions, can last for days,

weeks, months, years or, in the case of outgrowth, forever.(17)

Fourth, at the onset, most stuttering appears at the begin-

nings of phrases or sentences.(18) And fifth, by far, the most


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common initial expressions of stuttering are repetitions.(19)

Given these observations, it is obvious that the trigger, what-

ever it is, is not occurring all or even most of the time. And if

the trigger is a response to stress, then the stress apparently

comes and goes quickly, and often without apparent rhyme or

reason. It is strange to think, for example, that a stress and

its associated trigger could be present on the first word of a

sentence and not on the rest of the sentence, or that Johnny

could be overheard talking fluently with his action figures

when playing alone in the family room, only to stutter instantly

when someone comes into the room and asks him a ques-


If we think for a moment about the concept of a trigger we

see that for one to occur, a threshold of some sort must be

crossed. Whether it be the response of a thermostat to a cer-

tain temperature, triggering the turning on of a furnace or an

air conditioner, or an ion channel in a cell's membrane, which

is shut when the potential is near its resting potential, only to

open suddenly when the potential increases to a precisely

defined level, the concept of a trigger always implies the con-

cept of a threshold.

For the purposes of this chapter, the threshold for the trigger

is defined as: A level of physiological activity capable of elicit-

ing an overt stutter or of provoking an avoidance response.

When the magnitude of the physiological activity crosses the

threshold, an overt stutter response occurs; when it ap-


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proaches the threshold, its threat potential, as a result of prior

conditioning, can initiate an avoidance response - but obvi-

ously only in children and adults who scan.

At the onset of stuttering, there is no scanning. Anticipatory

stress, as a learned response, takes time to develop. This

means that at the onset of stuttering there is no attempt to

avoid supra- (above) threshold trigger events. And since,

without scanning, the trigger events are essentially all unan-

ticipated, they evoke what are probably the most basic of re-


It is a contention of this chapter that the most basic of re-

sponses are the ones that occur whenever there is a sudden,

unanticipated stoppage of a learned and generally smoothly

functioning forward progression of preprogrammed neuro-

muscular events.

So, for example, both speech and walking are forward-

movement processes. Both have beginnings, midpoints, and

endings. Walking and speaking are both learned activities

and both have central nervous system mechanisms that plan,

execute and monitor the respective behaviors. Once learned,

both behaviors appear to be automatic and the users of such

behaviors fully expect the ongoing nature of the behaviors to

proceed smoothly and without interruption.

Interesting things happen when an unanticipated interruption

occurs to a normally smoothly functioning ongoing neuro-


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muscular activity. What follows is a personal example:

A number of years ago I was traveling by train from New York

to Washington, DC. I was sitting in a coach next to the dining

car. As people passed through the coach on their way to the

dining car, they were required to press a bar on the door at

the end of the coach that would cause the door to slide open.

Sitting near that door, I noticed that something was wrong

with the bar’s actuating mechanism. When the bar was

pressed, the door did not open immediately, as expected, but

only after a delay of several seconds. I watched how people

reacted to this sudden, unexpected stoppage of a normal-on-

going-forward-movement process (the progression of walking

to the door, pressing a bar, expecting the door to open imme-

diately and then continuing to walk).

There were three types of responses. First, and by far the

most frequent, were those individuals who repeatedly

pressed the bar in an effort to get the door to open. Call

these actions repetitions. The second group, much less nu-

merous than the first, were those who applied pressure con-

tinuously to the bar in the effort to open the door. Call these

actions prolongations. And the third group were those who

paused, seemingly impatiently waiting for the door to open so

they could continue walking. Call these inactions (or hesita-

tions) blocks.

Here, I thought, was an obvious and efficient explanation for

the beginning of developmental stuttering. As indicated earli-


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er, children had been speaking for a while prior to the onset of

stuttering. The learning process had progressed without un-

due incident. Speech was becoming smoother and more au-

tomatic each day. Suddenly, in the midst of this ongoing

movement process, the progress was abruptly and unexpect-

edly halted. (The equivalent to the ‘getting stuck’ part of the

definition). The reaction to this event was as non-thinking,

automatic and similar as the behaviors exhibited by my fellow

travelers on the train that day: mostly repetitions with occa-

sional prolongations and/or hesitations. Interestingly, re-

search on the earliest stuttering signs show this to be precise-

ly the case, with the onset of signs typically being mostly rep-

etitions, with occasional prolongations and/or hesitations. (20)

One final point to the story. One of my fellow travelers that

day, a young man in his late teens, dressed in what I would

call ‘Elvis’ attire, had occasion to go to the dining car a sec-

ond time. He was hard to miss. I noticed that as he ap-

proached the bar, almost without breaking stride, he lifted his

foot and gave the bar a forceful kick. One may conclude from

this that on the basis of apparently just a single prior experi-

ence (one-trial learning), this young man had devised a strat-

egy for dealing with his anticipation of a trigger. Here, I

thought, was the analog for quickly-learned severe, preemp-

tive (anticipatory) stuttering.

Part 3: Early responses to repetitions

We shall now examine some of the early behaviors devel-


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oped by children to deal with repetitions since they are, by far,

the most common initial expressions of stuttering. Note that

repetitions can persist for variable periods of time (from a day

to years) in unmodified form. This is due to the fact that since

they often work to release the ‘stuck’ condition, they are re-

warded and thus learned.

Eventually, however, the child might react to the repetitions,

find them unacceptable, and seek to eliminate them. A num-

ber of options are available. He can, if he scans, choose to

eliminate the repetitions by looking ahead and changing

feared words and avoiding feared speaking situations. Or he

might confront the ‘getting stuck’ head-on with forceful strug-

gles - as ‘Elvis’ did on the train. Or he might replace the repe-

titions with other, seemingly less obvious struggle behaviors.

It is this last group that interests us as we again look to cer-

tain behaviors that appear early on in the development of

stuttering but do not seem to persist into the adult form of the


There are three of note. The first is swallowing. Children

who stutter will sometimes swallow just before speaking.(21) It

is as if the process of swallowing somehow facilitates the on-

set of speech production. If one asks a bright 7-year-old who

has been exhibiting this behavior for a while: “Does swallow-

ing always work?”, he will sometimes smile, revealing that he

fully understands the question and usually answers: “Not al-

ways.” To which, if one asks, “Does it sometimes take two or

three swallows to get things going?”, he will often say “yes”.


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So swallowing, when it occurs, is usually a conscious antici-

patory behavior designed to either disable or prevent a trigger

from occurring.

A second behavior is the use of inspiratory gestures:(22) brief,

deep, rapid inhalations just before the onset of speech.

Sometimes these behaviors occur as a series of sniffs, some-

times as deep oral inhalations. Again, they appear just before

the beginnings of sentences and appear to facilitate speech

onsets. They are less prominent than swallowing and are of-

ten seemingly employed without conscious awareness.

The third behavior is speaking on expiratory reserve volume

or what is commonly called: supplemental air.(23) The child will

appear to exhale almost completely and then, on the mini-

mum amount of air left in the lungs, produce as many words

as he can. Again, this is apparently used to initiate speech.

Owing to the forceful nature of this expiratory maneuver, the

child is often aware of using it.

Notice that since swallowing, rapid, deep inspirations, and

speaking on supplemental air are techniques employed by

these children in the silence before speech begins, it would

appear they are being used to prevent or disable a trigger.

This interpretation gains credence by the fact that when these

behaviors are employed to deal with repetitions, they usually

cease and the speech that emerges usually sounds normal.


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Part 4: The silence before speech

Since the trigger occurs in response to stress and both ap-

parently occur in the silence before speech, it would seem

reasonable to consider what events might be taking place

during this time period that could be interpreted as stressful.

There are several obvious candidates. To begin, if the child is

speaking in sentences, as they typically are when stuttering

begins, there are a number of choices that have to be made

before speech can begin. The vocabulary, grammar, syntax,

intonation and linguistic stress of the entire sentence have to

be selected, integrated and sequenced.(24) And these activi-

ties, and the neurological processes that sub-serve them,

have to take place in fractions of a second and in a brain that,

on average, is two and a half to three and a half years old.

It is a contention of this chapter that these complex and di-

verse activities, occurring quickly and simultaneously in a rel-

atively immature central nervous system, constitute multiple

stresses that express themselves as heightened levels of

muscle tension in the vocal tract during the silence before

speech begins.

In predisposed individuals, these heightened levels of muscle

tension can cross a threshold yielding a potentially speech-

arresting condition. The repetitions that then typically ensue

are not ‘problems’ saying the first word or syllable; they are,

instead, the normal responses to a sudden, unanticipated

stoppage of a learned and relatively smoothly functioning


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forward progression of preprogrammed neuromuscular activi-

ties. They are the repeated pressing of the bar required to

open the ‘stuck door’ at the end of the railway car.

Part 5: Other sources of ‘stress’ in

the silence before speech

There are three other, less obvious sources of ‘stress’ that

occur during the silence before speech. The first is called

coarticulation.(25) Co-articulation is the influence one sound

has upon another during ongoing speech. For example, in

the word ‘queen’ which is written in phonetics as [kwin], notice

that before the [k] is made, the lips are already rounded for

the [w]. This occurs because the [k] requires no lip involve-

ment and so the lip rounding for the [w] is free to move for-

ward in time to facilitate the smooth transition from the [k] to

the [w]. This happens continuously and is a normal feature of

speech production.

But co-articulation can be more extensive. It has been

shown, for example, that given the correct phonetic environ-

ment, the effect of the articulatory (speech) requirements for

the last word of a sentence can sometimes be detected on

the first word of that sentence.(26) This means that continuous

speech is not merely a concatenation of one word indepen-

dently following another in time, but instead, prior to the onset

of the sentence, that is, during the silence that precedes it, a

large part of the articulatory organization for the entire sen-

tence can take place.


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The second not-so-obvious event occurring in the silence be-

fore speech is the ‘stress’ associated with speaking too rapid-

ly. More specifically, it is the speed of the first word. It is

called speed stress and it manifests itself in the following

manner: As the length of a sentence is increased, the dura-

tion of each of the syllables in the sentence decreases.(27)

This means, that as the sentence gets longer, the speaker

talks more rapidly. And although this is true throughout the

sentence, nowhere is it apparently more prominent than on

the first word of the sentence.(28) So the speed of the first

word is particularly sensitive to the number of words in the

sentence. This is a normal feature of speech production.

Let us consider what happens as the sentence is lengthened

and the first word is spoken more rapidly. To understand this,

imagine we are in a physiology lab and are going to study the

behavior of the triceps muscle as it functions in an arm-ex-

tension maneuver. Surface electrodes have been attached to

the muscle to record its electrical activity. The three condi-

tions to be studied are a slow-speed extension of the arm, a

moderate-speed extension, and a rapid one. The activity to

be examined in detail is the behavior of the triceps muscle a

fifth of a second before the movement begins.

The test is completed and the data collected and analyzed.

Not surprisingly, one finds the greatest degree of electrical

activity, that is, the most tension on the triceps, occurs before

the rapid extension, a lesser degree of tension before the

moderate-speed extension, and the least before the slowest-


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speed extension.

The basic principle of physiology demonstrated is that in or-

der to have progressively greater initial velocities, one must

recruit (involve) progressively more muscle fibers before the

movement begins and that this recruitment is reflected in the

greater average tensions recorded prior to the onset of the

faster extensions.

The same is true during the silence before a sentence versus

the silence before a word spoken in isolation. The tension is

always greater before the sentence and, within limits, the

longer the sentence, the greater the pre-speech tension. Re-

search shows that the longer the sentence, the greater the

amount of stuttering(29) and that most early onset stuttering

occurs on the first word of phrases or sentences.(30)

Stocker developed a treatment for young children based on

this understanding.(31) Her approach was to have children re-

turn to using single- word utterances to express what formerly

had been expressed as stuttered sentences. This elemental

form of speech, relieved of a great deal of its pre-speech lin-

guistic programming and most of its speed stress, was fluent.

Then, gradually, as fluency became more firmly established,

she proceeded to two-word utterances, three-word utterances

and so on - guiding the child through to progressively greater

levels of linguistic complexity and speed stress.

The third event of importance occurring in the silence before


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speech is called the pre-phonatory tuning of the larynx.(32)

There are two types. In one type, if speech is to start with the

correct pitch and loudness, the vocal cords must assume

specific postures and tensions before speech. Were pre-

phonatory tuning of the larynx not present, speech onsets

would be marked by rapid shifts of vocal cord activity, as cor-

tical (brain) control of the larynx, making use of auditory feed-

back (what was heard), hunted to find the right initial pitch

and loudness. A moment’s reflection indicates this is not the

case and a simple example convincingly makes the point: If

a person is asked to speak in falsetto, they know, a priori (be-

fore the sound is even made), using various proprioceptors

(non-audible sensations from the body), they can do it. There

is no need for the person to hunt for falsetto voice after

phonation has begun.

The second type is the position required of the vocal cords for

the first sound in an utterance. As indicated earlier, it is not

always the case that the vocal cords adduct (come together

and touch one another) just before speech. Quite often the

opposite is true. A little less than half of the consonants in

English are voiceless, that is, they require the vocal cords to

be apart. So, for example, the voiceless ‘p’, ‘t’, and ‘k’ sounds

are produced with the vocal cords apart, while their voiced

articulatory equivalents, ‘b’, ‘d’ and ‘g’, are produced with the

vocal cords together.


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Part 6: The base level tension

All of the above tensions are superimposed upon a fluctuating

‘base level tension’. The ‘base level tension’ is defined as the

tension on the vocal cords when a person is not speaking and

not intending to speak.

The are many sources for this tension. Some can be said to

be systemic. These might be: fatigue, nutritional deficiencies,

allergies, illnesses, and hormone fluctuations. Others might

be reactions to environmental conditions such as extremes of

temperature, humidity - or positive ions, drugs, alcohol, pollu-

tants, etc.

Still others might be considered ‘psychological’. These might

be the loss of a loved one, a disagreeable boss, a mean

teacher, an unhappy experience, etc. Collectively and typi-

cally, these can be stressful situations and/or memories.

The combined strength of these various sources at each

moment in time, constitutes the ‘base level tension’. These

sources can be individually high or low and in phase or out of

phase with each other - yielding ‘good’, ‘average’ or ‘bad’

speaking days, weeks, months, etc.

Thus the often-experienced and reported variability in the

severity of the disorder, the variability that speaks to the need

for repeated measures in both research and clinical settings

has to do with shifting base level tensions.


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Part 7: Marshaling the evidence in support of

the site of the trigger

There are thus at least ten separate events taking place si-

multaneously in the silence before phrases or sentences in

normal speech production. They are: the selection of vocab-

ulary, grammar, syntax, intonation and linguistic stress, the

effects of co-articulation, speed of the first word, and the two

forms of pre-phonatory tuning of the larynx: correct pitch and

loudness at onset and correct voiced/voiceless distinction at

onset - and the base level tension. Add to this an eleventh

event, the role of anticipatory stress, scanning - in the case of

the individual who has learned to look ahead for feared

sounds, words and speaking situations - and the relatively

complete picture of stress is painted.

Managing these events correctly represents a substantial un-

dertaking when viewed within the constraints of the time

available and the immaturity of the nervous system at the typ-

ical age of the onset of stuttering. Clearly this creates a mul-

tiple-stress situation and, as indicated earlier, a common ex-

pression of stress is an increase in muscle tension.

The question remains, where is the most likely site of the ten-

sion? The purpose of this chapter is to suggest that the an-

swer lies at the narrowest aperture along the vocal tract from

lungs to lips: the space between the two vocal cords. A small

increase in muscle tension at this location can, given its cru-

cial role in so many of these activities, create more difficulty in


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speech than an increase in muscle tension at any other loca-

tion. Furthermore, if the critical source of tension were else-

where, let us say, the lips, the tongue, or the soft palate, the

primary initial signs of stuttering, repetitions, would show ar-

ticulation and/or resonance defects indicative of struggle in

these areas, but they do not. On the contrary, most clinicians

often describe the very early onset repetitions as seemingly


It is thus the contention of this chapter that the pre-speech

focus of stress-induced muscle tension must be at the larynx

(the vocal cords). When the tension level at the larynx reach-

es a threshold, the vocal cords become essentially immobi-

lized in either an adducted (closed) or an abducted (open)

position, depending upon whether the intended first sound is

voiced or voiceless. This state of vocal-cord immobilization,

commonly called a block and sometimes described as a ‘hes-

itation’ is felt to be the core of stuttering.

Swallowing, rapid, deep inspirations, and speaking on sup-

plemental air - all prevent repetitions because they interfere

with the buildup of tension leading to the threshold of laryn-

geal blocks, but they do so in different ways. For example, in

the case of an abrupt, deep, inspiratory gesture, a rapid and

large laryngeal patency (opening) is produced by a reflexive

contraction of two muscles, the posterior cricoarytenoid and

cricothyroid(33) to accommodate the greater inflow of air. This

neural command to the laryngeal abductors (muscles that

open the vocal cords) supersedes the intent to speak, with


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the result that most of the sources of pre-speech tension are

temporarily suspended.

Speaking on supplemental air (just the opposite of the previ-

ous approach) also accomplishes the same thing, but in a

more involved way. On the one hand, pleural (lung), di-

aphragmatic (the abdominal diaphragm), intercostal (the

muscles between the ribs) and abdominal wall (muscles on

the front and sides of the abdomen) receptors (sensory nerve

endings), detecting lung volumes dropping dramatically below

tidal volumes (the amount of air moving in and out of the

lungs during normal quiet breathing), prepare the organism

for imminent inspiration by again initiating abduction (open-

ing) of the vocal cords,(34) while, at the same time, laryngeal

adductors (muscles that close the vocal cords) are at work

trying to create sufficient trans-glottal resistance (enough clo-

sure at the vocal cords) to enable the build-up of the requisite

subglottic air pressure (air pressure under the vocal cords) to

initiate phonation.(34) This activity also interferes with the in-

tent to speak by temporarily suspending most of the normally

attendant pre-speech laryngeal tensions.

Finally, at the end of the swallow reflex, after transport of the

bolus (mouthful of food) to the esophagus has taken place,

with its concomitant transient deglutition apnea (complete,

protective blocking of the airway during swallowing to prevent

food from going down the wrong pipe), the larynx drops

abruptly and the vocal cords open widely to enable resump-

tion of respiration.(35) This behavior, as part of the swallow re-


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flex, like the others, interferes with the preparations that must

be made to get ready for speech.

Swallowing, rapid inspirations, and speaking on supplemental

air all engender alterations of the tensions within and around

the larynx just prior to the onset of speech that are both inde-

pendent of and, to a certain extent, incompatible with the

speech that follows. The three behaviors are not struggles in

speech; they are, instead, activities before speech that tem-

porarily substitute basic, reflexive mechanisms(36) for neuro-

logically higher-order speech commands to the larynx. Said

somewhat differently, they all temporarily suspend the intent

to speak and, in so doing, subtract most of the pre-speech

tensions on the vocal cords.

Part 8: More evidence in support of the larynx

as the site of the trigger

There are a whole host of other observations that further im-

plicate the larynx as the site of the trigger. Here are just a

few: Occasionally, in the effort to speak without stuttering, a

child will resort to whispering. The altered physiology of the

larynx during whispering to a more abducted state of the vo-

cal folds would support the role of the larynx as the site of the

trigger.(37) The use of the electro larynx - a device used by la-

ryngectomees (individuals who have had their voice boxes

removed - usually because of cancer) to produce voice has

elicited fluent speech when used by non-laryngectomized in-

dividuals who stutter.(38) Changing the pitch of the voice, and


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thus the internal and external laryngeal tensions and pos-

tures, has produced similar effects.(39) Mouthing words fluent-

ly with no attempt at phonation further supports the con-

tention.(40) Fluent esophageal speech (speech made by swal-

lowing air into the esophagus and releasing it in a sort of con-

trolled burp) following total laryngectomy with individuals who

had stuttered preoperatively has been reported.(41) The thera-

peutic use of gentle onsets of phonation to ease into vocal

fold vibration also is corroborative.(42) And the research that

shows, in a similar vein, that individuals who stutter have

longer Voice Onset Times (take longer to get their vocal cords

vibrating) than people who don’t suggests an inherent state of

neural-based inertia at the vocal cords.(42) All of this admitted-

ly circumstantial, but all, nevertheless, suggestive of a laryn-

geal involvement.

There is yet a further intriguing piece of evidence that points

to the larynx as the site for the trigger. One of the most

common activities for lessening or interfering with the pre-

phonatory tensions in and around the larynx is the use of ver-

bal starters. A starter may be a sound, a syllable, a word or

words (real or nonsense) or a phrase that has no contextual

linguistic function and is used before the onset of the feared

utterance to get the vocal cords vibrating in the expectation

that they will continue to vibrate directly into and through the

feared utterance. Verbal starters have a reputation for work-

ing initially and then failing. The reason this happens is that

after a while, the starter becomes so automatic it becomes

incorporated into the overall plan for the sentence. Said


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somewhat differently, verbal starters stop working when they

begin to assume the role of the first word and start to co-ar-

ticulate with the rest of the sentence. It is at this point that the

starter becomes part of the intent to speak and thus acquires

many of the sources of pre-speech tension that lead to a


Part 9: The trigger for stuttering

It is the contention of this chapter that the trigger for stuttering

is a unique afferent neural array (pattern of sensory impulses)

that arises from sensory receptors within and around the lar-

ynx that signal the central nervous system that a threshold

level for a specific concordance of speech-arresting laryngeal

tensions has been reached or soon will be reached. It is this

unique afferent neural array, or its threatened occurrence,

that constitutes the trigger for the learned behaviors called


Change the afferent array and the conditioned stutter re-

sponses cease. The most efficient way for making changes

to the array is to subtract laryngeal tensions or to create new

ones, ones that have no cue value. So while Pavlov’s dogs

were conditioned to respond to the acoustic spectral array of

a bell by salivating, no such response occurred to the

acoustic spectral array of hand clapping since only the bell’s

spectra had been the recipient of conditioning.

Similarly, singing, whispering, speaking to the rhythm of a


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metronome, shouting, swallowing, rapidly inspiring, speaking

on residual air, head jerks, coughing (throat clearing), stress-

reduction techniques, starters, changing words, etc. all have

the capability of changing the afferent array, as do all activi-

ties that distract attention away from speech, have no condi-

tioned anticipatory stresses associated with them (like speak-

ing alone or with a foreign accent), and any or all of the activi-

ties that reduce linguistic and/or speed demands.

Part 10: The basal ganglia

Recent research suggests that children who do not stutter are

subject to the same linguistic and speech stresses as children

who do, but that what separates the two groups may be a ge-

netically-based predisposition for excessive tension to be de-

veloped at the larynx in stuttering children.(43) Current findings

implicate the basal ganglia (a part of the brain) and its ten-

dency to respond inappropriately when under conditions of

stress - as the source of this predisposition.(44) The reasons

for this are not entirely known, and it may be nothing more

than a maturational delay that eventually catches up and is

not found in adults (this may account for why a substantial

majority of children who stutter spontaneously outgrow it), but

attempts to understand the mechanism are currently under-


We do know, however, that since the basal ganglia are criti-

cally involved in memory, cognition, learning, sequencing of

complex motor commands and have direct connections with


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the limbic system(46) (the emotional parts of the brain) and

projections to and from a laryngeal area on the motor cortex,(47) the basal ganglia, more than any other central nervous

system structure, has the potential of being the source of the

trigger for stuttering.

In the next chapter we shall provide more detailed information

about the basal ganglia and a theoretical discussion regard-

ing precisely how its behavior, in predisposed individuals,

elicits the trigger for stuttering. In association with that dis-

cussion, we will theorize how thiamin alters the behavior of

the basal ganglia and perhaps certain other central nervous

system areas to eliminate the trigger.

Part 11: A final overview

We posit a model for stuttering based on a series of events

that lead to a trigger for the disorder. The events are as fol-

lows: In a neurologically predisposed child, diverse stresses

occur simultaneously to result in a buildup of tension at the

larynx which reaches speech-arresting levels in the silence

before speech. A state of vocal-cord immobilization, common-

ly called a block, then exists. This block constitutes the core

of stuttering.

The most typical immediate response to a block is a syllable

repetition. Repetitions can occur with varying degrees of ten-

sion and frequency and often become habits. After a period

of time, which can vary greatly, the child becomes aware of


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and reacts to the repetitions by engaging in one or more of a

number of activities. These can be avoidance behaviors, di-

rect, forceful confrontational attacks, or more subtle maneu-

vers such as swallowing, inhaling rapidly and deeply, or

speaking on expiratory reserve volume.

All of these behaviors, with the exception of the core behav-

ior, the laryngeal block, are learned. The core behavior is

represented by a unique laryngeal afferent array that, through

conditioning, becomes the trigger for all of the subsequent

learned behaviors associated with it. Any activity that alters

this unique array can prevent the conditioned stutter re-

sponses from occurring.


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Chapter 6

Laryngeal reciprocal inhibition and GABA

We now understand that to prevent the trigger for stuttering from occurring

one must somehow prevent the buildup of tension that occurs at the vocal

cords under conditions of stress. In the previous chapter we specified

eleven stresses that have the potential of adding to the buildup of that ten-

sion. In this chapter, we start by taking a closer look at the behavior of the

vocal cords during normal speech as well as during moments of stuttering.

In part 5 of the previous chapter we pointed out that some sounds are

made without voicing (that is, the vocal cords are apart and not making

any sound) and other sounds are made with voicing (that is, the vocal

cords are together and vibrating to making sound). In most languages of

the world, this voiceless/voiced distinction is often the only characteristic

separating two sounds that are, in all other respects, identical.

For example, in English, the [s] sound is voiceless, the sound heard as an

[s] is generated in the mouth as air passes through a narrow channel be-

tween the tongue and anterior hard palate and becomes turbulent. No

sound is made at the vocal cords. Its voiced equivalent [z] is the same as

the [s] in terms of how it’s made but, in addition, the vocal cords are vibrat-

ing, thus adding a second source of sound.

Here are some other examples of English voiceless/voiced cognates: [p]/

[b], [t]/[d], [k]/[g], [f]/[v]. So the vocal cords are constantly being actively

opened and actively closed in ongoing speech depending upon whether


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the consonant is voiced or voiceless (the vowels are all voiced). Also note

that this is happening with great speed (in thousandths of a second) and

with exquisite precision. This important requirement for speech has been

almost entirely neglected by researchers and clinicians working with peo-

ple who stutter. However, as we will discover, it is of utmost importance in

understanding the mechanism underlying the trigger for stuttering.

The muscles that oppose each other in opening and closing the cords are

said to be ‘antagonistic’ to one another. Most muscles or muscle groups

have their antagonist muscles or muscle groups.

So, for example, I bend my arm at the elbow by contracting the biceps

muscle and extend it by contracting the triceps muscle. The biceps and

triceps are said to be antagonists. But also, and very important, while one

muscle is actively contracting to produce the desired movement the other,

its antagonist, is actively relaxing. This means that if one looks closely at

my triceps when my biceps is actively contracting, not only is my triceps

not opposing the contraction, but the normal subtle background contract-

ing present to keep my triceps ‘warmed up’, so to speak, so that it is ready

to work – is suddenly absent.

To alternately contract and extend my arm rapidly, my biceps and triceps

must thus alternately actively contract and, just as importantly, alternately

actively relax. This alternating relaxing component of the movement

process between antagonistic muscles is called reciprocal inhibition. It is

sometimes called Sherrington’s law. Sir Charles Scott Sherrington was a

neurophysiologist who received the Nobel Prize in 1932 for discovering it.


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As indicated earlier, much new research in stuttering seems to implicate a

part of the brain called the basal ganglia. Recent advances in knowledge

of the basal ganglia suggest that this part of the brain does not initiate

movement. Instead, when voluntary movement is initiated by other brain

structures (most likely, for speech, the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum)

the basal ganglia act to inhibit competing motor mechanisms that might

otherwise interfere with the desired movements. In other words, one of

the things the basal ganglia does is to support the reciprocal inhibition that

must be seen at the vocal cords during ongoing speech.

Furthermore, while the basal ganglia receives information from most of the

cerebrum, it sends almost all of its information back only to the frontal cor-

tex. As such, the frontal cortex and basal ganglia can be said to constitute

an integrated neural loop. The frontal cortex and basal ganglia appear to

specialize in different, but related aspects of learning. The frontal cortex

acts when new behaviors have to be learned while the basal ganglia take

over when the behaviors have become learned. It is quite clear that the

obvious struggle behaviors which characterize the disorder are learned,

but it is also quite likely that most of the tensions developed at the vocal

cords which trigger the disorder are not.

GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid), is the most extensive inhibitory neuro-

transmitter in the brain - and it is mostly concentrated in the basal ganglia.

Thiamin is required for the proper functioning of GABA.

GABA is also found in the frontal cortex. As indicated earlier, the neurons

in the frontal cortex receive inhibitory commands from the basal ganglia.

These commands, under normal conditions, are then communicated to the


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muscles of the vocal cords via a set of pathways between the frontal cor-

tex and the vocal cords. The fact that thiamin produces a remission of

symptoms for almost of third of adult males who stutter would suggest that

these individuals are GABA-function deficient. If this is true and if stress

causes a further decrease in GABA function and a commensurate in-

crease in excitatory neurotransmitter function, especially neurotransmitters

called dopamine and glutamate, then the stage is set, not only for a loss of

the normal laryngeal reciprocal inhibitions required for speech, but beyond

that, to a spasm of the vocal cords.

Direct evidence of a vocal cord spasm as the likely core of stuttering has

been provided by a widely known and respected study published in 1978

in the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. Investigators, using elec-

trodes implanted in the vocal cords of individuals who stutter, found that

just before and during moments of stuttering the muscles that both open

and close the vocal cords during speech were both being contracted

forcefully and simultaneously. In other words, there was clearly a loss of

the reciprocal inhibition at the vocal cords that one would expect during


Although a spasm of the vocal cords was hypothesized to be the core of

stuttering as long ago as 1849, it wasn’t until Freeman and Ushijima, au-

thors of the aforementioned 1978 study, published their findings that we

had the first direct empirical evidence to support this theory. Bear in mind

that the constricting movements of the vocal cords I had seen earlier

through the use of ultrasound did not permit direct verification - so while

the assumption was that these constricting movements were the result of

excessive tension it remained just that, an assumption, until the 1978

study was published.


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Here is the abstract from that study:

“Laryngeal muscle activity during fluent and stuttered utter-

ances was investigated via electromyography. Analysis re-

vealed that stuttering was accompanied by high levels of

laryngeal muscle activity and disruption of normal rec-

iprocity between abductor and adductor muscle groups.

Results are interpreted as demonstrating the existence of a

laryngeal component in stuttering and showing a strong

correlation between abnormal laryngeal muscle activity and

moments of stuttering.”

Notice that the authors had not quite gotten their interpretation of their

findings correct. They viewed the aberrant laryngeal behavior as “a laryn-

geal component in stuttering”, not as the core behavior of the disorder.

Others have made this mistake, even to this day, failing to fully grasp the

overwhelming evidence that demonstrates that the obvious supra (above)

and infra (below) - laryngeal struggle behaviors that so often characterize

the disorder are learned.

Investigators have tried giving GABA to people who stutter. But GABA, in

its pure form, apparently does not cross the blood-brain barrier and thus

has little effect. So various pharmaceutical derivatives of it have been de-

veloped that cross the barrier and have been tried with people who stutter.

In the main, the results of these studies have been positive, with statisti-

cally significant enhancements of fluency demonstrated. But the problem

with most of these pharmaceutical agents is that they often come with un-

acceptable side effects and none has ever been able to produce the kind


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of total remission of symptoms produced by thiamin.

If one carefully examines these studies, it becomes obvious that the ex-

perimenters, while purportedly looking at a speech problem were, in fact,

unaware that the overt struggle behaviors they were studying were

learned. Instead, had they been aware of the core of the disorder (the la-

ryngeal spasm) and had they known about the behavior of the larynx dur-

ing speech, they would have fully understood that what they should have

been examining is the laryngeal reciprocal inhibition required for the rapid

alternation between voiced and voiceless consonants in ongoing speech.

There is, however, one study where the investigator was aware of this.

Martin Adams, in an article published in the Journal of Speech and Hear-

ing Research in 1971, made an important contribution to our understand-

ing of stuttering.

In his study, Adams created two distinctly different reading passages. The

first was composed entirely of voiced consonants. The second contained

a combination of both voiced and voiceless consonants. So the first pas-

sage did not require any laryngeal reciprocal inhibition because the vibra-

tion was continuous throughout. The second, on the other hand, required

the usual reciprocal inhibition that occurs in normal, ongoing speech. Said

somewhat differently, in the first passage, once the vocal cords started to

vibrate, they continued to do so in uninterrupted fashion until the end of

the passage; while in the reading of the second passage, there was the

typical closed/open alternation between voiced and voiceless consonants

- and its associated requirement for reciprocal inhibition.

Adams noted that apart from this difference, the two passages were care-


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fully matched along several other linguistic and phonetic parameters.

Fourteen people who stuttered read each passage out loud five times in

different random orders. The moments of stuttering were tabulated and a

statistical analysis revealed significantly less stuttering with the all-voiced

passage. This finding confirmed the importance of fully understanding the

elements of speech and the importance of laryngeal reciprocal inhibition in

ongoing speech.

Please note, however, that had his subjects been instructed, prior to read-

ing the passages for recording, to rehearse reading them out loud alone in

an empty room, with no one listening, many of them would have been flu-

ent. For these individuals, without an audience, presumed or real, with its

attendant conditioned stresses, there would be no stuttering.

So it is clear that the neurotransmitter issue becomes a non-issue if the

stresses present (remember, there usually are eleven of them) are not

enough to reach the trigger threshold for stuttering. When the overall ten-

sion level is below the threshold, the mechanisms involved in speech pro-

duction apparently work without difficulty. When the level is above the

trigger threshold, the system breaks down and the conditioned responses

are elicited.

There is another interpretation that can be made with respect to GABA

function and the vocal cords. It is well known that higher centers of the

brain (mediated by inputs from the basal ganglia) often serve to inhibit

lower ones and that stress can create a condition of disinhibition which

permits lower, more primitive reflex responses to emerge. The basic, re-

flexive functions of the vocal cords are to close tightly during swallowing to

prevent food or liquid from entering the lungs, and to open widely, after


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swallowing, to enable resumption of breathing. With insufficient GABA

function the amount of stress required to elicit these primitive reflex re-

sponses would be much less than ordinarily required.

There are direct connections from the basal ganglia to and from a laryn-

geal area on the motor cortex. There are connections from this laryngeal

area on the motor cortex (via a pathway called the corticobulbar tract) to

the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla. A majority of laryngeal motoneurons

in the nucleus ambiguus are GABA sensitive. The nucleus ambiguus con-

tains the cell bodies of nerves that innervate not only the muscles of the

larynx but also muscles that are activated during the pharyngeal phase of


Since GABA is present in the basal ganglia, on the motor cortex, and there

are GABA-sensitive motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, it is tempting

to speculate that this linkage may represent the neural pathway responsi-

ble for the laryngeal spasm that generates the trigger for stuttering - espe-

cially when there is the presumption of a deficiency of GABA function.

However, it is again important to remember that with enough thiamin it has

been shown that, regardless of the stress present, for almost a third of

adult males, there can be a complete remission of stuttering. So even if

the individual’s base level tension is high, even if they are speaking very

rapidly, even if they are ill, even if they ‘see’ all the difficult words and

speaking situations approaching – in spite of all of this, for slightly less

than one in three, if they take 300mg of thiamin per day, they simply do

not stutter.

This, I submit, is the remarkable thing about Thiamin.


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Chapter 7

The magnesium connection

In this chapter we discuss an enhancement to Thiamin. It came about as

a result of a series of events that occurred while I was director of The Na-

tional Center For Stuttering. In that capacity I was made aware of many

so-called ‘remedies’ for stuttering - from having clients sleep with a horse

hair under their pillow to having them read from the Bible each morning in

a loud voice, to suggesting they have their lingual frenulum cut (thinking

that stuttering was the result of tongue-tie), to the often suggested “just

relax and slow down”.

Another suggestion that occurred several times, and in slightly varying

forms, was to take the juice of half a lemon, add a tablespoon of black-

strap molasses to it, combine the two thoroughly, then add a glass of

warm water, stir and take just before every meal. This drink was de-

scribed by one source as ‘the elixir for stammering’.

I decided to look at this ‘elixir’ in more detail because since it was was

taken internally it might have systemic implications. I found that drinking

the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water upon arising was a frequently

recommended suggestion for ‘good health’. I further discovered that lemon

juice, although obviously containing citric acid, actually produces an alka-

line condition in the body. Some health professionals suggest that an al-

kaline condition of the body (tested from saliva or urine using commercial-

ly available test strips) is more resistant to infection and other diseases

than an acidic condition. There have also been anecdotal reports about


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individuals whose stuttering has been helped by eating an alkaline-pro-

ducing diet (fruits, vegetables, nuts) as opposed to an acid-producing one

(meat, processed foods, refined sugar).

The second component, molasses, appears to have also been recom-

mended more than once. I thought originally it was just to counter the

tartness of the lemon juice. But sometimes it was recommended by itself.

Unfortunately, when I first encountered this suggestion, I simply dismissed

it as having no basis in fact and it was only when I was well into the con-

sideration of the importance of thiamin to stuttering that I began to look

back at this nutritional recommendation and start to appreciate its signifi-

cance. Later, a blog devoted to a consideration of thiamin and stuttering

mentioned two anecdotal reports further confirming the use of molasses

as an ‘antidote’ to stuttering in children.

I discovered that molasses, a product of sugar refining, is essentially a dis-

tillate of much of the nutrition in the plant. The roots of sugar cane grow

deep, some 10 - 15 feet down, well below the depleted surface soils and

gather much of the vitamins and minerals found at these subsurface lev-

els. Most of these are in small amounts - with one exception: magnesium.

The amount of magnesium in one tablespoon of unsulphured blackstrap

molasses turns out to be 200 percent greater than the RDA for magne-

sium for children ages six to eight.

My research further revealed that vitamin C aids the absorption of magne-

sium and that magnesium, in turn, is required to convert thiamin into sev-

eral forms, one of which is required for absorption. So the vitamin C in the

lemon juice was facilitating the absorption of the magnesium and the


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magnesium, in turn, was facilitating the absorption of thiamin which, of

course, was required for the production of GABA. Finally, to come full cir-

cle recent research has shown that magnesium directly binds to and acti-

vates GABA receptors

The significance of all of this became clear in 1991 with a study reported

in the Polish Journal of Otolaryngology. Fifty-three children who stuttered

and twenty-two who did not were examined in terms of levels of magne-

sium in their bloodstream. In 47% of the stuttering children, there was a

deficiency of magnesium; virtually none was found in the non-stuttering


There are a number of reasons why a magnesium deficiency might exist.

It is known that magnesium is depleted by stress. Other causes of mag-

nesium deficiency can be diarrhea, diabetes, Crohn's disease, certain

drugs and the relative absence of other minerals in the diet, minerals such

as calcium and zinc, which are required to prevent magnesium loss.

But there is more. The dietary intake of magnesium, in general, is usually

deficient. The process of refining foods strips nutrients, including magne-

sium. Here are some examples:

1. Dry-roasting nuts removes the oils which contain magnesium.

2. Milling flour from grains strips magnesium from the grain.

3. Sugar in anything consumes magnesium.

4. Fluoridated, softened, and distilled water depletes magnesium.

5. Some processed foods, like lunch meat, contain phosphates that

bind to magnesium and flush it out of the body.

6. Alcohol blocks magnesium.


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7. Coffee works like a diuretic to flush magnesium out of the body.

8. Some foods - like raw nuts and seeds, soybeans, spinach, and

chard - contain compounds called phytic acid and oxalic acid which

cause magnesium to be eliminated from the body.

In view of the above, and the often-quoted statistic that eighty percent of

Americans have diets that are magnesium deficient, we began our investi-

gation into magnesium by recommending its RDA (recommended dietary

allowance). The RDA represents the average daily dietary intake level

sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all - 97 to 98% of -

healthy individuals in a group.

But magnesium, a mineral, must be in compound form to be taken. The

problem is that these compounds vary considerably in their ability to be

absorbed. The most common form, magnesium oxide contains the high-

est percentage of magnesium but only 4% of it is absorbed. After some

research, it was decided to use magnesium glycinate, a highly absorbable

form of magnesium with few, if any, side effects when taken at RDA levels.

There is another reason for using magnesium glycinate which makes it

superior to other magnesium compounds. Glycine, an amino acid to

which the Magnesium is bound, is yet another inhibitory neurotransmitter.

It is often released in conjunction with GABA and seems to serve similar


For the typical adult male we decided to use, as a standard recommenda-

tion, 400mg of magnesium glycinate per day. 130mg tablets are available

and our recommendation is that one 130mg tablet of magnesium glycinate

accompany one 100mg tablet of thiamin hydrochloride at breakfast, lunch


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and dinner. It is appropriate to take them at the same time since thiamin

and magnesium are both absorbed largely in the small intestine.

We have been evaluating magnesium clinically for some time now. Our

goal is to ferret out features that might compromise a randomized, double-

blind study. Gaining clinical experience as a precursor to doing formal re-

search has proven to be a productive way of gaining new knowledge.

Our preliminary impression is that magnesium at RDA levels seems to

help largely those who are at least partially helped by thiamin. We are

also trying magnesium at more than RDA levels to see if higher levels

might perhaps cross a threshold of clinical significance - as thiamin did

when we began to use 300mg per day. It is also quite clear though that

magnesium, alone, has no impact on adult stuttering.

One note of caution before taking magnesium. Running throughout this

book is the clear recommendation that before trying any supplement, one

must consult with one’s physician. For example, persons with kidney dis-

ease or a severe cardiac condition should only take magnesium under a

doctor’s close supervision. But, in addition, there are so many medica-

tions that have the potential of interacting negatively with a supplement,

that can lose their effectiveness when taking a supplement or that can in-

terfere with supplement absorption, that to proceed without medical clear-

ance would be most unwise.


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Chapter 8

The Thiamin Protocol

In this chapter, we outline a three-week test that one can take to deter-

mine if thiamin can benefit their stuttering. We call the combination of

300mg of thiamin hydrochloride with 400mg of magnesium glycinate taken

daily in a specific way: THE THIAMIN PROTOCOL. The Protocol is for

adult males. Adult females and children require lesser amounts. Also, be-

fore taking, remember again to obtain the OK from your health care


Taking these two supplements also requires, as a precursor, and as part of

The Protocol Test, the elimination of anything that might possibly interfere

with their absorption and/or function. As indicated earlier, thiamin and

magnesium have dietary requirements for maximum absorption and func-

tion. If this aspect of the test is neglected, one runs the risk of having a

false negative outcome, that is, incorrectly concluding that the Thiamin

Protocol is ineffective.

So what follows must be done to create the supportive environment for the

three-week test.

For one week prior to and two weeks during the test:

Eliminate coffee and tea or any sugar-laden beverages.

Refrain from all sources of simple carbohydrates.

Do not eat sushi.


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Try to avoid antacids, barbiturates and/or diuretics.

Try to avoid taking antibiotics.

Do not eat ‘junk’ foods.

Refrain from smoking.

In addition, try to be on an alkaline-promoting diet rather than an acid-

promoting one.

Here is a sampling of alkaline-promoting foods:










Green beans



Mineral water








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And here is a sampling of acid-promoting foods:

American/cheddar cheese

Brown rice



Cooked salmon

Canned sardines

Cooked turkey bacon

Dry roasted peanuts

Hard boiled egg

Hot dogs

Lean beef


Low-fat yogurt



Parmesan cheese


Plain bagel


White bread

White canned tuna fish

Whole Milk

Whole-wheat spaghetti

Wild cooked trout

For a complete listing of both alkaline and acid-forming foods, the reader

is advised to go to the internet and search under the term: alkaline/acid-


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forming foods. Basically, if one can elect an alkaline-forming diet for the

three-week period, one would have a much better idea of the true impact

The Thiamin Protocol will have on one’s stuttering. As an aside, the taking

of a magnesium supplement has been shown to have an alkalizing effect

on the body, something that is desirable for general health reasons. Also

note that the taking of a magnesium supplement is often recommended to

reduce or eliminate muscle spasms.

The goal is not to radically change your diet. The goal is to create the op-

timum conditions, just prior to and during the test, for The Thiamin Proto-

col to reduce or eliminate your stuttering. If you experience a positive out-

come, you may then slowly add back acid-forming foods to determine the

optimum acid/alkaline balance for you.

Since our main focus is upon thiamin, let us now move on to a bit more

detail about it. There are many types of thiamin; some cross the blood-

brain barrier, others do not. Although thiamin hydrochloride does not

cross the barrier it has a long history of safety and it has been scientifically

tested for efficacy for people who stutter. It may very well be that some of

the other forms of thiamin may turn out to be more effective (and in some

clinical reports this has been suggested) but, in the absence of scientific

data, they cannot be supported. Also, some of these newer forms of thi-

amin may have the potential of engendering side effects that are less than


So it is best to take thiamin hydrochloride. But not all brands of thiamin

hydrochloride are the same. While the process for creating the vitamin

may be essentially the same, issues of purity, accuracy of the label as to

contents, the particular excipients used (excipients are additional chemi-


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cals used to add bulk to a pill, enhance its bioavailability, permit it to retain

its strength over extended storage periods, etc.) and consistency from

batch to batch are to be considered. One brand of thiamin may therefore

have a different combination of excipients than another and their effects

upon the efficacy of thiamin have yet to be studied.

While there are a number of good brands in the marketplace, the brand

used in our studies was Solgar. The reasons had to do with the reputation

of the company and its products and the product’s ready availability in

many health food stores, not only across the United States, but throughout

the world.

The Thiamin Protocol requires that an individual take 300mg of thiamin

hydrochloride per day as three 100mg pills dispersed throughout the day.

So the best approach would be to take one pill with each meal together

with one 130mg magnesium glycinate pill. There are many good brands

of magnesium glycinate available. The one often used is by Pure Encap-

sulations (available through distributors online), largely because of its rig-

orous quality testing. As an aid to enhancing bioavailability, one might

recommend taking the pills with a glass of water into which the juice of half

a lemon has been squeezed and to take just prior to each meal.

The reason one is not advised to take all 300mg of thiamin at once is that,

as indicated earlier, too much at any one time will be quickly excreted

through the urine. Furthermore, it has been shown that continuous inges-

tion of thiamin in a dispersed manner, as indicated earlier, enables blood

levels to rise continuously for between seven and ten days before leveling

off, thereby enabling progressively greater diffusion of the vitamin across

the blood-brain barrier. Interestingly, this agrees with the frequent clinical


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observation that when thiamin does produce a remission of symptoms, it

does does so usually between the first and second week.

If, however, after two weeks there has been no noticeable improvement

taking the supplements, the odds are they will not work for you, even at

higher levels. However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no

hope. Instead, one can initiate a new and different approach, an approach

that will be described in the next chapter.

Finally, as usual, do not start the Thiamin Protocol without the express

consent of your physician.


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Chapter 9

Intent Therapy

In this chapter we propose a solution for those for whom the supplement

approach is ineffective, as well as for those for whom it is effective but

want eventually to be weaned off it. The solution combines the use of a

very simple, but unique, way to get set to speak together with a contempo-

rary version of an electronic device that enhances the speed of acquisition

of new behaviors. We begin with the new way to get set to speak.

Let us start by reiterating some of the stresses that are associated with

the production of a sentence. These stresses occur during the time one

gets set to speak. They are stressful not because they are inherently so,

but because there are so many of them occurring simultaneously and with

such great rapidity.

In the production of a sentence we noted that there are a number of

choices that have to be made before speech can begin. The vocabulary,

grammar, syntax, intonation and linguistic stress of the entire sentence

have to be selected, integrated and sequenced (in fractions of a second).

We further indicated three additional sources of stress. Co-articulation,

where the effect of the speech requirements for a subsequent word in a

sentence can sometimes be detected on the first word of that sentence -

indicating that some of the organization for all or part of the entire sen-

tence can take place even before the start of the sentence. The speed of

the first word (speed stress) - as the sentence is lengthened the first word


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is spoken more rapidly suggesting that the longer the sentence, the

greater the pre-speech tension (because faster movements require more

tension before the movement begins). And the third event of importance,

the pre-phonatory tuning of the larynx - which we noted was comprised of

two types: In one, if speech is to start with the correct pitch and loudness,

the vocal cords must assume specific postures and tensions before

speech. And two, the open or closed position required of the vocal cords

for the first sound in an utterance depending upon whether the first sound

is voiceless or voiced.

These pre-speech sources of tension are present when an individual in-

tends to say a sentence. Many of them are not present when there is no

intent to say a sentence. This is an extremely important point. It bears

repeating: without the intent to say a sentence many of the pre-speech

sources of tension cannot be there.

The goal is to reduce the pre-speech tensions to a level below the trigger

threshold for stuttering by altering how much a person intends to say be-

fore they speak. The technique that accomplishes this is called: Intent


But first, some additional observations. If a person says just one word, it

is because they have intended to say just one word. In that circumstance,

many of the stresses associated with saying sentences are not present.

So while vocabulary stress remains, grammar, syntax, intonation and lin-

guistic stress do not. And while pre-phonatory tuning of the larynx re-

mains, co-articulation between words and much of speed stress do not.

So of the potential sources of stress, only intra-word co-articulation,


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vocabulary, and pre-phonatory tuning of the larynx remain. If we could

create that low level of pre-speech tension before sentences, we would

really have a powerful tool.

What follows is a set of instructions given to clients designed to achieve

just that goal:

“What you are going to learn is a sport that has four rules.You are going to

take pride in how well, how smoothly, how slickly, how undetectably you

follow these rules as you play your sport. And, as a byproduct of playing

your sport correctly, you will not stutter.

We start with sentences that begin with one-syllable words. We are going

to slow the first word of each sentence. But this will not be ordinary slow-

ing. It is going to be very different. Here are the four rules:

1. The first rule is that when you say a sentence, you are to put a ‘men-

tal comma’, a pause, between that first word and the rest of the sen-

tence. You don't have to slow the first word; all you have to do is put

the comma in and your brain will do it for you automatically.

2. Here's the second rule. You are to say the first word as if it were the

only word you were going to say, with the part that comes after the

comma, the rest of the sentence, spoken as an afterthought.

3. Here’s the third rule. There shall be no influence of the second word

on the ending of the first word. The comma is a real wall separating

the first word from the rest of the sentence.


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4. Rule number four. Never inhale during the comma because if you

do, your brain will think you have begun a new sentence without

technique and then you may stutter.

If you closely examine these four rules, you will notice that the first three

say the same thing - but in different ways. What has to be learned is that

you must intend to say just one word. Once you have successfully ac-

complished this, then and only then can you shift your intent and say the

rest of the sentence. Do this correctly and you have stripped most of the

pre-speech sources of tension from the vocal cords that normally occur

before sentences - while still retaining the sentence form.

One way to practice is to create a long list of one-syllable words. Say

each one as if it were the only word you were going to say and then, and

only then, make up and say the rest of a sentence. The important thing is

not to have the rest of the sentence in your mind before you say the first

word. If you do, the other forms of pre-speech tension will automatically

creep back in.

If you have trouble doing this, take 50 file cards (3”x5”) and write a single

one-syllable word on each. Shuffle them, turn them face down. and read

them one at a time, adding a different made up rest of the sentence to

each - as an afterthought. With no foreknowledge of the word to come,

the temptation to create the sentence in advance is reduced.

Practice this several times a day, for weeks at a time, until it becomes

second nature to you. What you are practicing is not reading single words

and then adding made-up sentences. What you are practicing is shifting

from saying a word with the intent to only say that word to saying the rest


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of the sentence as if it were an afterthought. You are practicing Intent

Therapy. This is the ‘sport’ you must master.

When a sentence begins with a multi-syllable word, an entirely different

issue is encountered. This issue is very important. An illustration makes

the point of exactly how important it is:

If you ask 100 people who stutter to think of a difficult word, a word they

have trouble saying, with the exception of their name, more often than not

the word will be multi-syllabic. As a matter of fact, at least nine times out

of ten it will be. The question is: why are multi-syllable words reported as

difficult nine times more often than mono-syllable words? What is so spe-

cial about them? Here is the answer:

It would appear that the basic unit of speech, in so far as the brain is con-

cerned, is the one-syllable word - that we were originally meant to speak

only in monosyllables. But when one does it sounds unnatural. For ex-

ample, read the following four sentences out loud and see for yourself: “I

would like to tell you how to buy a car. If you go to a street near my house

you will find a man there who sells used cars. He has been there for a

long time. You can trust him.” Most unnatural, wouldn’t you say? It has

almost a metronomic quality to it.

Interestingly, when you ask people who stutter to speak in synchrony with

a metronome they rarely stutter.

Now consider this sentence: “I would like to go to Mississippi this fall.”

Every word in this sentence is one syllable except Mississippi, which is

four. Read it out loud. Notice how quickly the syllables in Mississippi are


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spoken. You may have missed it. Read it out loud again. The speeding

of the syllables in Mississippi occurs completely automatically so there is

no reason to pay any attention to it.

It is as if the brain is saying: “There is a certain amount of time slotted for

the saying of each word in the sentence. That amount of time is equiva-

lent to the time it takes to say a one-syllable word. If you want to say a

four-syllable word in that sentence you are obliged to say it in the same

time slot it would take to say a one-syllable word. You don’t get any more

time.” So you automatically rush the syllables of the multi-syllable word to

fit them into the one-syllable-long time slot.

As indicated, most people are totally unaware of doing this. It is complete-

ly automatic. But acoustic phoneticians, who have measured speech du-

rations, have long known that the speed of the syllables in a multi-syllable

word in a sentence is always faster that the speed of a one-syllable word

in a sentence. As a matter of fact, even when a person is asked to say a

multi-syllable word by itself, a similar, but lesser degree, of speeding oc-


Remember the arm extension example in Chapter 5? Faster arm exten-

sions require more tension prior to the movement than slower arm exten-

sions. Equally, faster speech requires more tension before speaking than

slower speech. So it is fair to say that both in sentences and out of sen-

tences, syllables in multi-syllable words, since they are almost always

spoken more rapidly than monosyllable words are almost always spoken

with more tension. And since it is tension that triggers the threshold for

stuttering, it is far more likely one will hit one’s threshold on a long word


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than a short one. And that’s why long words are so much more often re-

ported as the ‘difficult’ ones.

Recognizing the difference in speed between multi- and mono-syllable

words has led to an addition to rules 1 - 3. The addition states that when

a sentence begins with a multi-syllable word it is to be spoken at a rate of

108 beats or 108 syllables per minute. Speaking at this rate counters the

tendency to rush multi-syllable words. To facilitate practicing this, one can

purchase an inexpensive metronome or gain free access to an one online


To practice, prepare a list of two-syllable words. Set the metronome to a

rate of 108 beats per minute and begin by reading from the list, with each

syllable spoken in synchrony with each beat of the metronome. When

reading, make sure the first syllable melts directly into the second one.

There are to be no pauses between the syllables in multi-syllable words.

Do a lot of two-syllable word reading each day for weeks. Become com-

fortable with it. Think of it as metronomic speech at 108 syllables per

minute applied to two-syllable words - but don’t use an unnatural or sing-

song voice. Strive for total naturalness when reading them. They’re just

slowed a bit, that’s all.

After a couple of weeks, begin practicing three-syllable words, again in

isolation, that is, independent of sentences. Again, strive for natural-

sounding speech. That is extremely important. No one wants to sound

strange. Make doubly certain that your rate remains at 108 beats (sylla-

bles) per minute. The greater the number of syllables in a word, the

greater the tendency to speed.


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After several weeks doing this, making certain your rate does not increase

beyond 108 syllables per minute and you do not sound like a robot, go

back to two-syllable words, each on a separate 3” x 5” file card, shuffle the

cards, and start reading them spontaneously adding words to each two-

syllable word to create a new sentence for each. Remember, this is Intent

Therapy, and the first word, regardless of its length, is to be spoken as if it

were the only word you were going to say, with the rest of the sentence

spoken at normal rates but as if it were an afterthought. Thinking of the

sentence as a whole before you say it adds back all of the pre-speech

tensions and this, more than anything else, leads to stuttering.

Rule number four is quite important. In so far as the brain is concerned,

the basic unit of speech is the breath group - which is defined as all the

words spoken on a single breath. So if you inhale again during the com-

ma, or between the syllables of multi-syllable words, even the tiniest of in-

halations, you have begun a new breath group or, in other words, a new

sentence. So, inhaling during the comma or within multi-syllable words is

not allowed.

It must be noted, however, that speakers often take several inhalations

when saying long sentences. This is quite normal. But each time they in-

hale, they effectively signal the brain that a new sentence has begun. So

the first word following each inhalation must become the recipient of Intent

Therapy. Mid-sentence breaths occur automatically and are often quite

brief - so you must be on guard lest one slip by unnoticed.

The best way to practice mid-sentence reapplications of technique is to

read from a book or newspaper, noting where a mid-sentence breath

might occur and making a deliberate effort to reapply technique at that lo-


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cation. You might mark such locations on the page to prompt reapplica-

tions. Some of these mid-sentence reapplications should be before mono-

syllable words; others should be before multi-syllable words.

There are three reasons a person will stutter in the middle of a sentence.

Either they have taken a breath in mid sentence, thus effectively making

two sentences and are not aware of it; or the stuttered word is multi-syllab-

ic producing a sudden increase in muscle tension; or it is a feared word

producing its own increased muscle tensions. In the latter instance, the

feared word is also likely to be multi-syllabic - at least 90% of the time it is

likely to be. One would be well advised to practice saying feared words at

a rate of 108 beats (syllables) per minute. Make a list of them and practice

Intent Therapy for each. Practice hundreds of repetitions at a rate of 108

syllables per minute for each word. Do this for weeks. The response

has to be so automatic it can withstand the distracting effect of stress.

When you are certain you can can consistently produce perfect examples

of intent therapy when alone, begin trying to use it in low-stress situations.

If you succeed in low-stress situations, move slowly to situations of pro-

gressively higher stress. This is a process called systematic desensitiza-

tion. As you progress, if you move slowly and experience success you will

build your confidence.

We fully recognize, however, that life and its stresses are not nicely

arranged in a neat hierarchy and you will often be in high-stress situations

sooner than you would like. In those circumstances do not be disappoint-

ed if you do not succeed. Just continue with your daily practice and your

persistence will eventually pay off. Remember, Intent Therapy, like all

sports, needs a lot of practice.


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In my experience, if you separate your practice into the steps and se-

quences just outlined, you should, within a few months, be able to handle

stressful situations with perfect examples of Intent Therapy.

To facilitate automatic use of technique in conversation, a private remind-

ing device called the MotivAider ( is used. The de-

vice is worn on a belt or in a pocket. Periodically, at pre-set intervals, it

emits silent, pulsing signals (inaudible vibrations) that have been pro-

grammed in advance.

A Focusing Protocol™ is used to program the MotivAider. As part of the

programming protocol, a word is chosen and paired with the desired

change. For example, the chosen word might be INTENT and the desired

change, to make the next sentence start with perfect technique.

After going through the Protocol, whenever the pulsing signal is felt, the

word INTENT is automatically remembered, followed by the desire to use

Intent Therapy on the next sentence. The MotivAider is generally set to go

off once every fifteen minutes. So four times an hour, throughout the day

the wearer is privately reminded to use technique.

After a few weeks of MotivAider prompting, old habits tend to be replaced

by new ones. Please bear in mind that the MotivAider is only to be em-

ployed after you are certain, when prompted by it, that you can generate a

perfect example of Intent Therapy. If you start using the MotivAider before

you have attained this capability, you will find yourself being prompted to

practice a great deal of imperfect technique - and this would completely

defeat the purpose of using the MotivAider.


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One final word about Intent Therapy. A slowed first word is a byproduct of

good technique. The rest of the sentence, the afterthought, is always to

be spoken at a normal rate. But what is a normal rate? Or, said some-

what differently, what is the average duration of a syllable in conversation?

It turns out that ‘average’ depends on a number of factors, the most impor-

tant of which is whether the syllable is in a stressed or unstressed word.

The average duration of a syllable in an unstressed word is about 125 mil-

liseconds - in a stressed word, about 300 milliseconds. This means that

the average rate of an unstressed syllable is about 8 syllables per second,

and the average rate of a stressed syllable is about 3.3 syllables per sec-


Recall that in Intent Therapy, multi-syllable word starts are to be spoken at

a rate of 108 syllables per minute. That is equivalent to an average rate of

1.8 syllables per second - approximately half the rate of an average

stressed syllable.

Apparently interesting things happen in the brain when we speak at differ-

ent rates. In a study published in 2001, researchers, using functional

magnetic resonance imaging to study the extent and magnitude of blood

flows in the brain, had speakers repeat a syllable at three different rates:

2.5 syllables per second, 4 syllables per second and 5.5 syllables per


They found that different rates of speech activated different parts of the

brain. In the cerebellum, there was a direct correlation between the sylla-

ble rates of 4.0 and 5.5 per second and the spatial extent and magnitude

of the blood flows. The cerebellum seemed unresponsive to the slowest


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rate. But in the basal ganglia, the area of particular interest in stuttering,

there were proportional spatial extents and blood flows for the 2.5 and 4.0

rates, but not for the 5.5 rate. In other words, the basal ganglia were not

responding to faster rates, rates even remotely approaching the rates for

unstressed syllables in ongoing speech. And remember, first words of

sentences are typically spoken at unstressed rates (a lot of stuttering oc-

curs at the beginning of sentences) as are the syllables of multi-syllable

words spoken anywhere in a sentence (most feared words are multisylla-


It is tempting to hypothesize that high rates of speech, that is, speech

composed of short-duration syllables, may exceed the basal ganglia’s rec-

iprocal inhibition capabilities, particularly in the presence of the joint effect

of stress-induced reduced levels of GABA and stress-induced enhanced

levels of the excitatory neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate. Also

note that recent attempts to train stuttering speakers to reduce the fre-

quency of relatively their short phonation intervals during connected

speech have shown enhanced fluency results.


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Chapter 10

The sequence

We have several tools that can be used to deal with stuttering and there is

a preferred sequence to follow when using them. But first, before begin-

ning, remember to consult with your physician to get clearance. Also,

should any undesirable side effects occur, cease taking all supplements

immediately and contact your physician.

With that in mind, begin by taking The Thiamin Protocol Test. Remember,

the test includes a week of dietary preparation followed by two weeks of

supplement ingestion while continuing to maintain the dietary restrictions.

Be sure to take the specific compounds and amounts of thiamin and mag-

nesium recommended.

If you are among the 38% or so whose stuttering goes into remission it will

be clear and unmistakable.

If you do not observe clear-cut evidence of enhanced fluency during the

three-week test period, stop taking the supplements. Also, terminate the

diet restrictions and consider moving instead to Intent Therapy.

Intent Therapy is a skill requiring mastery. Think of it as a sport that also

addresses the trigger for stuttering. It is very powerful. The MotivAider

( is a tool to help you focus on this sport. It is a

worthwhile investment and has a track record of several decades helping

people break old habits and make new ones.


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The Thiamin Protocol does not work for everyone. The brain is an exquis-

itely complex structure requiring a number of approaches to the solution of

issues. In this report we have presented what we consider to be a simple

and effective solution for slightly more than a third of the world’s young

adult males who stutter.

But much more needs to be done. The goal must be to achieve higher

remission rates. The original remission rates using thiamin alone were on

the order of 30 percent, with magnesium added it appears to be on the or-

der of about 38 percent. But more research is required to further clarify

the optimum thiamin/magnesium ratios for fluency.

In addition, there are complex interactions between the derivatives of thi-

amin and magnesium, derivatives that cross the blood-brain barrier, that

need to be explored. There are other minerals, such as calcium, other vit-

amins, such as B6 and herbs, such as valerian, that require examination.

Even an optimal diet for fluency is probably an area worthy of investiga-


In addition, apart from The Thiamin Protocol, we have also used this re-

port as the vehicle for introducing Intent Therapy. We view Intent Therapy

as a viable alternative for those for whom The Thiamin Protocol is ineffec-

tive or for those who wish, eventually, to wean themselves off The Proto-

col. Intent Therapy is a powerful tool for subtracting pre-speech laryngeal

tensions, an area that has heretofore not been fully explored.


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Some may say that the conclusions drawn in this report regarding the effi-

cacy of The Thiamin Protocol have not been adequately supported by sci-

entific research. I would tend to agree. Obviously much more research

needs to be done. But the results of these few studies when combined

with the extensive clinical experience gained from a variety of sources

tends to lend credence to the conclusions offered.

In addition, when the Thiamin Protocol works, it is as if a switch has been

thrown. The results are dramatic and pervasive, producing a remission of

symptoms in all speaking situations, a remission that persists as long as

the supplements are taken. Nothing in the area of stuttering therapy has

ever produced quite so startling a result.

The Thiamin Protocol is, hopefully, the first of a long line of productive out-

comes to emanate from an ongoing series of observations that represent

a new genre of inquiry. We hope eventually to be able to expand upon the

findings described in this report, looking continuously to improve upon

them as we learn more about the core of stuttering, its nervous-system

underpinnings and how best to study and treat them.


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