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    My name is Kevin Galalae.

    I have been imprisoned seven times, have spent nearly one year behind bars, have not seen my

    wife and children in more than four years, have not slept in my own bed for just as long, have

    lost every material possession I have ever had, have suffered five hunger strikes, the longest of

    which lasted 75 days, and have lived in exile for nearly two years in order to bring you the truth.

    What you are about to hear is forbidden fruit. Countless people and several heads of state have

    been murdered to keep these secrets secret and countless more have had their lives destroyed.

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    The greatest threat to public health is not the thoughtless abuse of alcohol and tobacco by

    careless individuals, but the deliberate use of endocrine disruptors by genocidal governments

    acting under the direction of the United Nations and its agencies for the sake of preserving

    international peace by controlling population growth.

    As public health professionals your task is to improve health across populations by identifying

    the immediate causes of disease, the combination of causes and the causes of causes. I am here

    to help you do just that so that as you embark upon the difficult task of eradicating non-

    communicable diseases you start at the root of the problem, with the cause of causes.

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    Sustainable Development goal 3, that will begin implementation in 2016, seeks to ensure

    healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This goal will neither be accomplished

    nor will any progress be made in its pursuit without first eliminating the cause of causes of non-

    communicable diseases that have reached epidemic proportions in the developed and developing

    world alike and that now threaten the very survival of the species.

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    The cause of causes you must help me eradicate is the international security prerogative of

    population control, pursued since its inception in 1945 by adulterating the basic elements of life

    with chemical and biological toxins to subvert fertility and by undermining the family structure

    through psychosocial and economic means to delay the formation of families and keep them

    small. This is the strategy used to defuse the overpopulation bomb and stabilize populations

    across the world.

    Until now the worlds epidemiologists and social scientists have failed to find the cause of

    causes. I have succeeded. I have succeeded because I placed the peoples interests before my

    own, which is what you must start doing before it is too late and irreparable damage is done to

    the medical profession and to the institutions of public health not to mention the human species.

    Until such time, you are serving an international system and a corrupted medical establishment

    that harm not help human health.

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    Let me state clearly and unequivocally that the objective of stabilizing the global population and

    bringing it down to a sustainable level is non-negotiable.

    Therefore, what we must do is not challenge population control, which is an absolute necessity

    and an inescapable reality, but force a change in the methods by which population control has

    been pursued since 1945.

    In other words the chronic, sub-lethal poisoning of the global populace with endocrine disruptors

    and other chemical and biological means must stop while population control must continue, but

    it must continue by safe contraceptive methods, the only methods being barrier methods and

    surgical sterilizations, which can only be used if people assume responsibility for population

    control from governments so that governments no longer have to poison us into infertility and ill-

    health in secret through the basic elements of life for the sake of safeguarding international


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    For this to happen you must comprehend that the geopolitical goal of stabilizing the global

    population is a Planetary Security Prerogative that trumps all other prerogatives, be they

    national, medical, political, social, cultural and even religious. And you must relay this

    knowledge to the general public.

    For unless the general public comprehends the dire necessity of bringing the global population

    down to a sustainable level there can be no transition from covert, coercive and criminal to overt,

    voluntary and ethical methods of population control.

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    You are undoubtedly asking why is population control a Planetary Security Prerogative and what

    is a Planetary Security Prerogative?

    Due to advances in medicine, sanitation and nutrition the population has exploded in the 20th

    century and since nearly every child now survives into adulthood and nearly every adult lives a

    long life the population of any given country would double every 20 to 30 years if people were

    allowed to procreate at will.

    Since the global population is already at 7.2 billion, in the absence of population control, these

    7.2 billion would become 14 billion by 2040, 28 billion by 2070 and 56 billion by the end of the

    21st century. This is clearly an unsustainable growth given that we live on a finite planet, we

    already use more than 40% of the earths ice-free landmass to feed ourselves, there are no new

    continents to discover and exploit, we have damaged the planets life support systems and have

    polluted the soil and the sea, and 2 billion of us live in abject poverty despite our best efforts to

    share resources across frontiers.

    Given this undeniable and bitter reality of material limitations, mankind has come to a point in

    history that gives us no choice and forces us to act now or perish. We have reached a point in our

    evolution that renders our civilization a force equal to any in nature but entirely at odds with

    everything in nature; an unbridled force that disrupts the hard-earned state of equilibrium our

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    planet has held for the past twelve thousand years, time during which our species has thrived

    beyond imagining at unimaginable cost to all other life forms and to the very elements that make

    life possible.

    To survive into the future we are now forced to erect a global governing structure authorized to

    wield global governing instruments capable of maintaining peace among men, of establishing

    equilibrium between man and nature, and of forging continuity between this and future

    generations. We must in other words consider not only what is good for us here and now but

    what is good for future generations and for all life on earth and we must act accordingly.

    Population control is the most important action required of us here and now if we are to save our

    civilization, our children and our planet.

    Therefore, population control must and will be declared a Planetary Security Prerogative.

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    I am about to give you the key to the vault that unlocks all state secrets and in so doing I am

    giving you the antidote to every non-communicable disease.

    The key is this: the international framework for peace since 1945 is based on population control

    which has been accomplished by subverting human fertility through the adulteration of the basic

    elements of life food, water, beverages, dental and cosmetic products with endocrine

    disruptors that in turn have damaged the entire endocrine system and have indirectly and

    unintendedly exacerbated the incidence and severity of chronic diseases.

    Unless you understand how this came to be and why you will not be able to protect let alone

    improve human health. You will instead fight a losing battle and you will helplessly watch how

    human health degrades further and further with each generation because the damage done to our

    genetic and intellectual endowment by a concerted and global poisoning program that spans

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    multiple generations is cumulative and inevitably ends in the termination of the vast majority of

    our species genetic lineages.

    To make you understand the enemy we face, which is neither viral nor bacterial, neither lifestyle

    related nor congenital, I am about to give you a crash course in geopolitics.

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    Since the end of the Second World War and with the formation of the United Nations in 1945,

    international peace and stability have been maintained by controlling population growth.

    Unbeknown to the masses, governments have used covert methods to limit births in developed

    and underdeveloped countries alike and to accelerate deaths in Africa and a few critically poor

    and overpopulated areas elsewhere.

    Births have been prevented by interfering with the reproductive system so as to lower fertility,

    while deaths have been promoted by weakening the immune system so as to increase morbidity

    and mortality.

    The methods used by every country to control population growth have been dictated by the level

    of development and the existing infrastructure as much as by political will or lack thereof and

    have either been imposed by force and deception from the outside or adopted willingly by the

    governing, military and scientific elites of nation states that have relied on the moral, technical

    and monetary assistance of the United Nations, its agencies, and the greater international


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    Regardless of the methods used to control population and whether they are imposed or self-

    imposed, strict secrecy and deception have been necessary to prevent the masses from

    discovering the bitter truth that for the past 70 years they have been the object of a silent and

    global offensive, a campaign of attrition that has turned the basic elements of life into weapons

    of mass sterility and selective death.

    Without our knowledge or consent, governments the world over have subverted our reproductive

    freedom and ability to procreate to achieve ambitious and necessary demographic objectives and

    in the process have committed the most odious and wide-sweeping crimes in human history to

    save mankind from even greater evils: nuclear annihilation, mass starvation, and environmental


    The birth of nearly two billion children has been prevented and the death of half a billion adults

    hurried. While these goals have been intentional, the architects of the Global Depopulation

    Policy have unintentionally undermined the genetic and intellectual endowment of the human

    species and have set back eons of natural selection. Their intentions have never been malevolent,

    but the unintended results of their actions are frightening.

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    To avoid repeating the massacres of the two world wars and the frightening prospect of nuclear

    annihilation, world leaders agreed at the end of World War II to henceforth uphold peace among

    nations through mutual cooperation and proactive measures. Recent history had taught nations

    the hard lesson that war is caused by lack of natural resources when nations outgrow them in

    their quest for progress and prosperity and that war can therefore be avoided if nations learn to

    live within their means by properly managing their natural resources. It was also understood that

    the only way to avoid outgrowing natural resources is by limiting population growth, this being

    the only alternative to war.

    The rationale for controlling population was therefore supplied by the real fear of nuclear

    conflict and the need to avoid it by living within ones national means. Safeguarding natural

    resources became the primary national security prerogative of every industrialized nation on

    earth and safeguarding peace among nations became the primary imperative of the international

    community which was empowered to combat population growth across the world before it leads

    to wars of necessity.

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    The United Nations was formed to fulfill the task of safeguarding international peace by

    controlling population growth within nations and facilitating access to raw materials for all

    nations. The New World Order revolves around the objective of maintaining international peace

    by controlling population growth and of fostering prosperity by controlling national resources.

    The requisite shift in thinking in terms of what is good for the world rather than just what is good

    for a single nation is primarily the accomplishment of the United States. It is a paradigm shift

    that has propelled the world towards enlightened cooperation, continuous dialogue, and

    economic interdependence. The United States has promoted this paradigm shift with

    extraordinary self-restraint and laudable selflessness considering the potential for abuse and the

    sacrifices that have been required of it.

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    While the civilian institutional infrastructure was put in place at the United Nations and its

    agencies to be able to coordinate this colossal global task, the military forces and intelligence

    agencies of the US, UK and the Soviet Union, the three Allied powers that won the war, assumed

    command and control of the depopulation agenda and pioneered the covert chemical sterilization

    methods that are still with us today.

    Despite the ideological conflict waged by the communist and capitalist blocs throughout the

    Cold War, the leaders of the Soviet Union and of the United States have cooperated closely in the

    program of covert population control and have used their intelligence agencies to coordinate

    their secret collaboration in genocide.

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    However cruel and underhanded we may find their population control methods to be today, they

    are certainly a far cry from the atrocities of conventional war endured by our grandparents and

    infinitely more benign than the annihilating power of a thermonuclear explosion.

    Compared to the wanton destruction of war, proactively combating human fertility by mutual

    agreement or, should that fail, by mutual coercion also has the distinct advantage of sparing

    the physical infrastructure and ensuring uninterrupted economic progress.

    The Global Depopulation Policy, therefore, represents a giant leap forward in the way nations

    conduct themselves towards other nations, in the way people coexist within and beyond national

    borders, and in the way natural resources are managed and shared and to what purpose they are

    being used.

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    Population control as a substitute to war is the progeny of the bipolar world order that followed

    World War II when the international balance of power was precariously held by the United States

    and the Soviet Union.

    Considering the deep suspicions and ideological animosities between the communist and

    capitalist camps, and the existential threat they posed to one another through the awesome power

    of the nuclear warheads they had pointing at each other, it should come as no surprise that they

    agreed to wage a demographic war on their own people, and on those within their spheres of

    influence, rather than risk their mutually assured destruction in a nuclear confrontation.

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    American President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) was the moving force behind the

    formation of the United Nations Organization and the ideals he cherished are imbedded in the

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    As an ardent anti-imperialist and free trader, Roosevelt envisioned a world free of European

    colonialism and stated his post-war goals in the Atlantic Charter, the policy statement agreed

    upon by the Allies in 1941, whose pillars are: the abandonment of the use of force and of

    ambitions for territorial aggrandizement, global cooperation to secure better economic and social

    conditions for all, freedom from fear and want, and free trade and free access to raw materials.

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    In 1942, the Allies pledged adherence to the Charters principles and in 1945 at Yalta, just before wars end, Roosevelt brought Stalin onboard and reiterated his vision of the future and his intentions for enduring peace:

    "The Crimean Conference ought to spell the end of a system of unilateral action, the exclusive alliances, the spheres of influence, the balances of power, and all the other expedients that have been tried for centuries and have always failed. We propose to substitute for all these, a universal organization in which all peace-loving nations will finally have a chance to join.

    The United Nations was born from enlightened minds and was endowed from the beginning with the noblest intentions.

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    But even the noblest intentions are sullied by the realities of the day and the post-war generation

    had the most desperate realities to contend with, both political and economic. It was no time for

    consensus building.

    The entire world was on Americas shoulders at wars end and America moved in on Europe and

    Japan with military ruthlessness to ensure that history does not repeat itself and aggressor nations

    are contained once and for all. The reconstruction of Europe and Japan comprised ambitious

    population control objectives in addition to demilitarization and they were achieved in record

    time and were mirrored by the Soviets in their own sphere of influence and with even greater


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    Once the worlds industrial nations were tamed with fluoride and tough love within 20 years of

    wars end, the U.S. focused on Latin America.

    Since the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, the Western hemisphere had been Americas concern. The

    depopulation project had in the meantime passed into the hands of a new generation that was led

    with unprecedented fervor by Nelson and David Rockefeller, Richard Nixon and Henry


    By 1980, every country in Latin America save for Bolivia, Paraguay, El Salvador, Nicaragua

    and Haiti had adopted the same covert methods of chemical sterilization as the West had done

    before them. The depopulation project had become global and its globalization was firmly

    entrenched in Americas foreign policy statements under the cover of security.

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    With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the lifting of the Iron Curtain, and the gradual absorption

    of formerly communist nations into the European Union, the threat of nuclear confrontation

    disappeared and the justification for depopulation shifted from national security and international

    peace to environmental preservation.

    Avoiding ecological collapse and preserving natural resources for future generations is a genuine

    concern that has traction with people outside the political and military arenas, which is why

    consensus building on the need for depopulation has become easier than ever before and has

    brought onboard environmentalists, scientists, religious leaders, celebrities, jurists, businessmen,

    journalists and people from all walks of life.

    What demographers and world leaders saw seven decades ago is now obvious to anyone willing

    to look at the world from a global perspective and capable of honesty.

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    That is why the Global Depopulation Policy has passed from the hands of a few enlightened

    leaders into the hands of civil society and a much broader international community.

    While many of the newcomers are unaware that covert chemical and biological sterilization

    agents are responsible for lower birthrates and stable populations in the developed world, and not

    prosperity and education as it is being asserted in order to deceive the public, others know but are

    unwilling to admit it openly and some even to themselves lest they should have to confront their

    consciences and the unpleasant reality that by their silence they are complicit in crimes against

    humanity and genocide.

    This is an inconvenient truth. It is far easier and far more to their advantage to go with the flow

    and benefit from joining the system already in place, rather than attempt to bring the con into the

    open so as to change the methodology of the Global Depopulation Policy from covert, immoral

    and involuntary poisoning to overt, ethical and consensual legislation.

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    And so we march ahead towards our self-destruction because the best among us lack the courage

    to stand up and speak the truth, to go against the grain, and because they have long stopped

    trusting in their fellow man and in their own ability to challenge the status quo.

    In a society where everyman is for himself, every man cares only for himself. In a world of giant

    institutions, the individual has become an insignificant speck of dust. The institutional machinery

    was set in motion nearly seven decades ago and has gathered such momentum that even those at

    the helm of the international community are powerless to stop it.

    Thousands of NGOs are now involved in the Global Depopulation Policy, seven thousand at the

    last count, each carrying out a small part of this global genocide and doing so in the name of aid

    and humanitarian work.

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    In 1983, the UN spun a satellite organization, called the World Commission on Environment and

    Development (WCED) or more commonly known as the Brundtland Commission, to focus on

    environmental problems and solutions.

    The Brundtland Report, published in 1987, came up with a course of action to avoid the dire

    predictions of environmental catastrophe. Its prescriptions are encapsulated by the term

    sustainable development, which has become the catchword for the environmental movement

    and the euphemism behind which depopulation measures, along with decarbonization efforts,

    have been hidden ever since.

    The Reports analysis and prescriptions are extraordinarily valuable and it is not my intention to

    throw it into a negative light. My only criticism is that it does not bring the Global Depopulation

    Policy into the open but rather hides it behind a new curtain, that of sustainable development.

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    The Brundtland Report was followed by Agenda 21, a non-binding, voluntarily implemented

    action plan with respect to sustainable development/depopulation that was developed by the

    United Nations, multilateral organizations and national governments at the Earth Summit in

    Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to combat poverty and pollution, conserve natural resources and develop

    in a sustainable manner.

    In effect, Agenda 21 represents a global expansion of the western socio-economic formula for

    prosperity, which hinges on covertly controlling population growth. To make it palatable to the

    masses of the developing world, however, the promise of prosperity was made without disclosing

    that prosperity depends on first achieving low fertility. That is to say, the people of the

    developing world were not told that their reproductive rights will be taken away from them so

    that they too can attain prosperity.

    That inconvenient truth was reserved only for the statesmen of the developing world, whose

    collaboration the UN and its western sponsors need in order to covertly poison the people of the

    developing world the same way the people of the developed world have been poisoned since the

    end of the Second World War.

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    The voluntary objectives of Agenda 21 were made enforceable in 2000 by the Millennium

    Development Goals (MDGs) when 189 UN members states and 23 international organizations

    pledged to (1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieve universal primary education,

    (3) promote gender equality and empower women, (4) reduce child mortality rates, (5) improve

    maternal health, (6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, (7) ensure environmental

    sustainability, and (8) develop a global partnership for development; all of which hinge on one

    and one thing only, halting population growth and reducing the global population.

    The Millennium Development Goals are a concrete road map that sets specific targets and shows

    how to achieve them. It is an ambitious and worthy plan, but just like Agenda 21, it is dishonest

    because it refuses to state the obvious, namely that at its core lays the Global Depopulation


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    The world is about to embark upon the Sustainable Development Goals and we cannot allow

    covert methods of depopulation to continue. The depopulation effort must be brought out into

    the open, all covert methods of population control must be shut down, and replacement level

    fertility must be legislated across the world as a Planetary Security Prerogative.

    If we fail to do this the incidence and severity of non-communicable diseases will explode

    threefold by 2050 and the vast majority of mankind will be shut out of procreation and

    condemned to lives of chronic illness and to enfeebled minds. Already nearly a quarter of the

    populace of developed nations is infertile and according to the latest statistics nearly half remain


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    This methodology of combatting population growth is not only killing us it is also killing the

    planet. By continuing with the business as usual model we are not only endangering our own

    kind but all life on earth. Already we have exceeded the safe margins for two of the nine

    planetary boundaries identified by environmental scientists - biodiversity and the

    phosphorus/nitrogen cycle - and we are pushing the thresholds for two more planetary

    boundaries, climate, and land use.

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    The justification for population control measures has evolved with the times and with the

    circumstances from a peace preservation measure, to a national economic security measure and

    finally to an environmental protection measure. All three justifications are as valid now as when

    they were first rationalized.

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    The program of controlling the global population, which I have baptized the Global

    Depopulation Policy, is known by insiders under the euphemism demographic transition.

    The demographic transition is a multigenerational plan with three distinct phases:

    Phase 1: The population control phase, which started in 1945 and lasted until 2000, sought to

    reduce the total fertility rate of every nation on earth to two children only, the so-called

    replacement level fertility. It has succeeded in most countries save for sub-Saharan Africa and a

    few other countries around the world.

    Phase 2: The population stabilization phase, which started in 2000 and will be completed by

    2050, seeks to ensure that the global population peaks at 9 or 10 billion by 2040 or at the latest

    by 2050.

    Phase 3: The controlled depopulation phase, which has already started in several European

    nations as well as Japan, but that will not start for the rest of the world until the population peaks,

    seeks to ensure that the global population gradually decreases to a sustainable level.

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    What is a sustainable population very much depends on our standard of living and on the

    technology we use to enable that standard of living. The higher our standard of living and the

    filthier our technology the smaller the sustainable population will be. Conversely, the lower our

    standard of living and the cleaner the technology the higher the sustainable population will be.

    Clearly we must strike the right balance between our standard of living and the technology we

    use so we fall victim neither to poverty and pollution nor to tyranny and genocide. Whatever

    choice we make in terms of standard of living and technology, however, will be ultimately

    determined by the number of people on the planet because we live on a finite planet that only has

    so much to give and that can give even less if its life support systems are to remain healthy.

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    The demographic transition as presented to the general public is defined as the transition from

    high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial

    to an industrialized economic system.

    The general public however is not being told that this engineered transition implies that births

    and deaths are to be controlled by policies and not by nature so that the birth and the death rates

    are brought into perfect equilibrium.

    To accomplish this, births have to be limited and deaths have to be managed. And this requires

    the government to subvert fertility throughout the five stages of the demographic transition and

    promote death during the fourth and especially the fifth and last stage of the demographic


    Since births are best prevented by damaging the reproductive system and deaths are best

    promoted by weakening the immune system this is what our elected governments are doing,

    therefore rendering our fundamental rights and civil liberties null and void, the rule of law a

    fiction, and democratic checks and balances a fraud.

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    In effect, what governments are trying to do is reestablish natures lost equilibrium between life

    and death, an equilibrium disturbed by human intervention.

    Because in a purely natural state, a state that we have always sought to escape but that we only

    fully succeeded with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, fertility and mortality are both very

    high. That is to say a lot of children are born but few survive to adulthood. In a purely natural

    state, human life is also a lot shorter, as few reach old age. In fact, prior to 1945 the average

    lifespan was just 45 years, but today it is almost double that, at c. 70 years.

    Due to advances in medicine, nutrition and sanitation nearly every child born survives to

    adulthood and lives a long life. And because nearly every child survives and every human being

    lives a long life the population has exploded.

    In the engineered society of today natures equilibrium between life and death is mirrored but at

    much lower levels, for while in a state of nature births and deaths are at levels higher than 50 per

    1000, in the engineered society of today the goal is to bring both births and deaths down to about

    10 per 1000. Fewer births and fewer deaths mean less hardship and suffering. And the enduring

    goal of civilization is to free man from nature, because a life at the mercy of nature is both harsh

    and painful.

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    The population explosion experienced since the onset of the Industrial Revolution in 1780

    resulted in swelling cities and urban poverty during the latter half of the 19th

    century as well as in

    heavy migration out of Europe to the Americas and other colonies gained by military force, then

    it resulted in the two world wars in the first half of the 20th

    century and 80 million deaths, then in

    the rapid depletion of non-renewable resources and fierce competition for them, more recently in

    unsustainable growth and chronic poverty and hunger throughout the developing world and

    increasingly throughout the developed world as well, and most recently in worldwide

    environmental damage and the threat of irreversibly changing the climate.

    The latter three developments namely the depletion of non-renewable resources, increasing

    poverty and starvation due to unsustainable growth rates, and worldwide environmental damage

    have occurred despite an intense effort to control population growth through covert chemical,

    biological, psychosocial and economic methods. Methods that amount to a hidden war against

    fertility and health, a war waged by governments and their military-industrial complex. A war

    that is wholly responsible for the explosion of non-communicable diseases, which is why the

    demographic transition is mirrored by the epidemiological transition. And the stakes of this war

    are high, they are in fact global and therefore the highest in our history. No greater war has ever

    been waged, for we are all at the receiving end of this war, both as victims and as beneficiaries.

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    The moment you start interfering with human fertility to bring it down to replacement level, thus

    to just two children per woman, you start ending mankinds economic and social problems but

    you also begin causing unprecedented medical and political problems, problems that defy moral


    For as you interfere with fertility over multiple generations and reduce the number of children

    born to any given age cohort you alter the structure of society from a stable pyramid to an

    unstable inverted pyramid.

    And the same happens to human health, for as you subvert fertility with endocrine disruptors you

    subvert all human health and with each generation you have feebler and sicker people, people

    whose health is degraded and genetic makeup degenerated.

    Having set in motion a train that cannot be stopped you are forced to do whatever it takes to get

    the population structure to a stable state and until such time manage human health as best you

    can. In other words all you can do is mitigate for the damage you cause in order to accomplish

    those vital demographic objectives.

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    A stable population state looks like a bullet in graphic terms. But to get to this population profile

    from an inverted population pyramid you have to shave off the wings of the inverted pyramid. In

    other words you have to get rid of the elderly because there are too many of them in the fourth

    and fifth stages of the demographic transition. And too many elderly pose an unbearable fiscal

    burden on state budgets at a time when the working population is shrinking.

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    As the war against fertility tapers off in the latter stages of the demographic transition, the war

    against longevity begins. Since the developed world started to wage war on their peoples

    fertility first, it is the first to have to start waging war on their peoples longevity.

    And regardless how the political leaders of developed countries feel about sending their elderly

    into an early grave, they have little choice under the current system since failing to do so would

    result in fiscal collapse. The dependency burdens posed by the elderly in countries where they

    make up more than 20% of the total population is unsustainable, especially since these countries

    are hit with the other effects of the demographic transition all at the same time: smaller

    workforce, dwindling tax pool, lower productivity.

    All countries with a median age of 35 years or more, which are represented in blue and purple on

    this map, are currently waging war on their peoples longevity. Russia does it with alcohol,

    China with tobacco, and the West with vaccines and pharmaceuticals. In addition, most

    countries with an aged population augment the war against their peoples longevity with GMOs

    and chemtrails since the beginning of the 21st century.

    Japan, Germany and Italy, who lost the second world war and were consequently subjected to the

    most brutal methods of population control, already have more than a quarter of their people over

    65 years of age. By 2035 one in three Japanese will be over 65 and Italy and Germany will be no

    different. The war against longevity will therefore intensify and the problems it will cause in the

    population at large can only be grave.

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    The results of the wars on fertility and longevity are dire. They are hidden behind the

    euphemism epidemiologic transition.

    Plummeting birth rates (from 7 globally in 1950 to 2.6 today) and exploding non-communicable

    diseases are two sides of the same coin; the engineered depopulation coin. For you cannot

    subvert the reproductive system without damaging the entire body, which is why as fertility has

    gone down morbidity has gone up. Reproduction is simply too important to the survival of the

    species and when it goes everything else goes with it.

    It is the attack on the human reproductive system that doctors must stop if the epidemic of non-

    communicable diseases is to stop.

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    Slide 36

    The world has experienced an epidemiologic transition in the leading causes of death from

    infectious disease and acute illness to chronic disease and degenerative illness.

    Chronic diseases have replaced infection as the primary cause of death not due to expanded

    public health and sanitation, as conventional theory would have it (Abdel Omran 1971), but

    because governments have waged war on reproduction and in the process have damaged the

    entire endocrine system and with it all human health.

    We are in the age of degenerative and man-made diseases due to the war on fertility.

    Abdel Omran, who formulated the epidemiological transition theory, was correct in stating that

    the epidemiological transition occurs as a country undergoes the process of modernization from

    developing nation to developed nation status. But he was incorrect in ascribing this transition to

    modern healthcare and medicines and their ability to drastically reduce infant mortality rates and

    extend average life expectancy.

  • 42

    This transition is purely the result of chronic, multi-generational and deliberate poisoning with

    endocrine disruptors. In the absence of this steady assault most human beings would die of

    natural causes and would live in good health under the very end. Moreover, in the absence of

    these poisons average lifespan would be at least 90 years.

    Epidemiological studies at the level of populations are crucial to alert researchers about

    geographical or secular trends in prevalence of disorders pointing to possible environmental

    factors. You need look no further to find the primary determinant of non-communicable

    diseases. It is the deliberate use of endocrine disruptors for population control purposes.

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    Slide 37

    I am happy to see that epidemiologists are on the right track and have begun formulating a theory

    of chronic disease that suggests knowledge of the multipronged assault that governments commit

    against the people for population control purposes via chemical, biological, psychosocial and

    economic methods.

    Endocrine disruptors have been recently identified as pro-inflammatory biomarkers for

    measuring metaflammation, the type of prolonged, dysregulated, and maladaptive inflammatory

    response associated withreduced metabolic rate (Egger, 2012)

    And research is now underway that seeks to identify the nutritional, behavioral and

    environmental inducers of these pro-inflammatory biomarkers, inducers that have been labeled

    anthropogens, because of their made-made origins.

    These inducers [it is now recognized] include not only behaviors linked to modern lifestyles

    facilitated by postindustrial environments for example, poor nutrition, inactivity, inadequate

    sleep, and stress but also components of these environments themselves, such as particulate

    matter and traffic-related air pollution; endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs); social and

    economic conditions that create inequality and economic insecurity. (Egger, 2012)

    (Egger G. In Search of a Germ Theory Equivalent for Chronic Disease. ).

  • 44

    Slide 38

    I am happy to see that toxicologists in the European Union are working hard to identify all

    endocrine disrupting chemicals presently in the environment and that the process of removing

    these toxic chemicals from our environment and especially from the food system has begun.

    I am even happier to tell you that this work is no longer being stalled by the chemical industry

    and the European Commission due to the direct threats I have made to every head of state and

    government in Europe and beyond and due to the scientific evidence of genocide that I have

    presented in my seminal work Peace Without Poison

    (, which

    removed all corporate and political obstacles to the cessation of covert, chemical methods of


    To date 163 endocrine disrupting chemicals have been added to the list of Substances of Very

    High Concern (

  • 45

    Slide 39

    I am happy to tell you that several European nations have taken unilateral steps to accelerate the

    process of removing these endocrine disrupting chemicals from the food system. Sweden,

    France and Denmark now lead the way.

    The French government has stated since June 2014 that there is sufficient evidence endocrine

    disruptors are harmful to the human body and the EU must take immediate action based on the

    precautionary principle.


    The Swedish government has sued the European Commission for failing to act.


    And the Danish Ministry of the Environment has published an important paper on Bisphenol A

    identifying it as an Undesirable Substance and thus prompting the Danish government to take

    steps to eliminate it. (Migration of bisphenol A from polycarbonate plastic of different

    qualities, Danish Ministry of the Environment, Environmental project No. 170, 2015.

  • 46

    Slide 40

    I am happy to report that Europes toxicologists are now taking measures to preempt the

    depopulation lobby should it try to replace the existing sterilizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic,

    bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals already identified with substitutes that are not yet known.

    To this effect Europes toxicologists have submitted a list of 15 chemicals deemed toxic to

    reproduction, most of which are plasticizers, to be added to the existing list and have urged the

    European Commission to lift its moratorium so that these newly identified endocrine disruptors

    can be added to Annex XIV, which is the name given to the list of chemicals that are to be

    removed from the environment.


  • 47

    Slide 41

    I am happy to report that the World Health Organization has identified endocrine disrupting

    chemicals as a threat to public health and especially harmful to children.

  • 48

    Slide 42

    But none of the above measures will amount to anything unless all covert methods of

    depopulation are retired and replaced with overt legislation. We have been playing a losing hide

    and seek game with the military-industrial complex since 1945 and the only way to have

    certainty that covert methods will be retired is to implement global replacement level fertility as

    a Planetary Security Prerogative, thus to legislate population control. This will put the onus of

    responsibility on people not governments, who would then be free to choose the contraceptive

    method that is safest and that best meets their individual needs. The military-industrial complex

    will then become superfluous as governments will meet their international obligations with

    respect to population control through the cooperation of their citizens and not the imposition of

    covert chemical warfare.

    Governments would then only have to make contraceptives cheap and universally available and

    ensure that their people comply with the law and that dissenters are statistically insignificant so

    the international framework for peace is not upset and mankind will be able to reach its

    demographic objectives and attain sustainability.

  • 49

    Continuing to play this hide and seek game with the military-industrial complex will only lead to

    more illness, genetic and intellectual degradation, and to the eventual extermination of the vast

    majority of our species genetic lineages.

    As it is, the worst of the damage caused so far has yet to be felt due to the lag between exposure

    to endocrine disrupting chemicals and the manifestation of a clinical disorder, lag that could be

    years or decades. In the case of reproduction, for instance, research shows that infertility cannot

    be assessed until the exposed individual has attained a certain age, again resulting in a lag

    between early exposure and manifestation of a dysfunction. (Daiamanti-Kandarakis et al,

    Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement, Endocrine Review,

    June 2009, 30(4): 293-342)

    Furthermore, the damage is cumulative due to transgenerational and epigenetic effects.

    Endocrinologists warn us that:

    EDCs may affect not only the exposed individual but also the children and subsequent

    generations. Recent evidence suggests that the mechanism of transmission may in some cases

    involve the germline and may be nongenomic. That is, effects may be transmitted not due to

    mutation of the DNA sequence, but rather through modifications to factors that regulate gene

    expression such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation.

    In other words a damaged individual will produce damaged offspring.

    Last but not least, we now have confirmation of the existence of non-monotonic dose response

    curves with endocrine disrupting compounds. That is to say, the bodys response to endocrine

    disruptors my be greater at lower doses, which has dire implications for risk assessments that

    have set safety standards too high, by as much as 1000 times or more (Vandenberg et. al., 2012;

    EPA, 2013).

  • 50

    Slide 43

    This means that the brightest medical minds and the most advanced diagnostic and treatment

    methods will have no effect whatsoever on the battle against non-communicable diseases.

    So long as the covert poisoning program remains in place medicine is powerless. To

    successfully combat the epidemic of non-communicable diseases we have to remove the cause of

    causes, we have to, in other words, shut down covert methods of depopulation and replace them

    with overt population control legislation. And to accomplish this we must remove the structural

    obstacles that stand in the way of overt population control legislation.

    What are these structural obstacles? They are three: (1) religion, (2) democracy, and (3)

    contraception. More specifically, the intractability of religious authorities with respect to

    contraceptives and abortion, the impossibility of being elected to high office in a democracy on a

    platform of population control, and the unavailability of safe contraceptives or the difficulty of

    getting people to use them unfailingly.

    Good health can only be restored if we successfully overcome these three obstacles.

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    Slide 44

    I have already removed the first obstacle, the intractability of religious authorities, through my

    46-day hunger strike at the Vatican last year.

    Pope Francis and his cardinals are now firmly aligned with the United Nations. The religious

    and secular authorities are no longer waging an ideological battle over our dying bodies. They

    no longer put their self-interest and their power base ahead of our childrens health and future by

    failing to agree that regardless of our sensibilities and moral norms we have no choice but to

    restrict our fertility.

    I made them understand that if national authorities continue to covertly poison their people into

    sterility through the basic elements of life they endanger the very survival of the human species

    in their attempt to save the planet. I also made them realize that the only way to save both the

    planet and mankind is to bring the population control program out in the open and empower

    people to limit their own family size to two children only.

    But disclosure depends on the second structural obstacle, democracy.

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    Slide 45

    The second obstacle, the impossibility of being elected to high office in a democracy on a

    platform of population control, is the most difficult obstacle to overcome and the only remaining

    obstacle that stands in the way of legislating population control.

    Politicians and lawmakers are in an impossible situation. They are asked to represent the will of

    the people while safeguarding the rule of law and respecting democratic checks and balances, but

    are at the same time required by the dire circumstances of the world to pursue depopulation and

    globalization so we can survive into the future; depopulation being necessary to stay within the

    limits of our planet and reach sustainability while globalization being necessary so that every

    country can access vital raw materials regardless where they are found and to access them on

    equal terms.

  • 53

    Slide 46

    Depopulation and globalization, however, are not popular and because they are not popular they

    cannot be accomplished democratically and thus within the law so they are being pursued

    undemocratically and outside the law, by violating the rule of law and circumventing democracy.

    To be able to do this, democracies have placed the responsibility for pursuing depopulation and

    globalization in the hands of the military-industrial complex and of the United Nations, thus

    outside the knowledge, will and reach of the people. And in so doing they have delivered us all

    into the hands of a global killing machine, a genocidal tyranny. A tyranny that depends on

    secrecy, deception, manipulation and lies in order to be able to continue to pursue the

    depopulation/globalization objectives extrajudicially, undemocratically, and without the peoples

    knowledge and consent.

    A tyranny that rewards agro-giants for poisoning our food and beverages, and corporations for

    rendering our dental and cosmetic products toxic. A tyranny that rewards pharmaceutical

    companies for creating vaccines and medicines that sterilize and sicken us. A tyranny that

    rewards biotechnology companies for creating genetically modified organisms that monopolize

    seeds and turn our staple crops into life-destroyers. A tyranny that rewards the World Health

    Organization, NGOS, and national health authorities for complicity in crimes against humanity.

    This tyranny has become the very embodiment of diabolical cunning and cruelty. Even though

    its objectives are benevolent.

  • 54

    Slide 47

    To bring down this system, this beast, that operates outside the law and poisons our children we

    need only expose its methods and means, its objectives and manipulations, its deceptions and

    lies. We need, in other words, just kill its cover of secrecy and drag it kicking and screaming

    into the glaring light of truth. It will vanish as easily as darkness vanishes with the rising sun.

    The truth will then set us free.

    But no one is willing to be the torchbearer of truth in a world where only liars are rewarded. So I

    became the sanctuary of truth and gave notice to every head of state and government to change

    course or else they will face our wrath if they continue to poison our children. I made sure that

    regardless how powerful or rich they are not one of them can hide behind the system and that

    they live in fear of our retribution and of historys harsh judgement until such time as they

    change course and restore sanity and decency to this world.

  • 55

    But I also armed them with the tools necessary to change course, because killing the existing

    system of population control and resource sharing without putting something else in its place is

    suicidal. For better or worse this system has saved us from nuclear annihilation, mass starvation

    and environmental devastation.

    What I gave them is an alternative to global tyranny decoyed by national democracy; I gave them

    The Future of Global Governance. I gave them the blueprint for a global governing structure

    that although outside democratic constraints with regards only to the depopulation and resource

    sharing objectives that we must accomplish or else perish it is fully within the scrutiny and

    judgment of the world. I also gave them the global governing instrument of the Planetary

    Security Prerogative so that population control and resource sharing can henceforth be free of the

    self-interest of the living to the exclusion of the unborn and of other life forms that have no voice

    in our political process because they are only animals and plants.

    More than anything I freed them from the self-imposed prison of mutual coercion mutually

    agreed upon. But for them to succeed in freeing us from covert methods of depopulation and

    coerced methods of globalization we will have to give them our informed consent to go ahead

    and initiate a global governing structure authorized to implement overt depopulation and

    globalization as Planetary Security Prerogatives. And for that to occur we need to educate our

    fellow men in record time and that requires that we all become torchbearers of truth, irrespective

    of our governments objectives and fearless about repercussions to our lives and careers.

    What history asks of all of us is that we put our childrens lives and wellbeing ahead of our own

    lives and wellbeing and that we sacrifice our careers for their future. If you are not willing to do

    this then you are a liability to your own children for you will have condemned them to genocide.

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    Slide 48

    The third obstacle to overt population control, contraceptives, which was insurmountable when

    the Global Depopulation Policy began in 1945 because there were no contraceptives available

    save for condoms and sponges, is no longer a problem. In 1945 the technology of birth

    prevention was as good as non-existent and talking about conception in public was considered

    obscene and subject to imprisonment. Today, thanks to advances in medicine, we possess a

    multitude of contraceptives, and thanks to activist efforts we can talk about sex and educate each


    Access to contraceptives however is a serious problem in the developing world. But this is a

    problem of capacity that can be solved.

    The problem of use will be resolved once replacement level fertility is declared a Planetary

    Security Prerogative and enshrined in international law. I am pushing the worlds statesmen to

    take this step in September when they will meet at the UN to commit to the sustainability


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    Slide 49

    If they fail to find the courage necessary to tell the world the truth and engage the Planetary

    Security Prerogative instrument I have armed them with it will be because we as citizens have

    failed to do our duty to force them to show leadership.

    And it is our children who will pay the price for our failure, just as we pay the price for our

    fathers failures.

    I ask that you stop being yes men and start being real men. Our children are counting on us and

    we are their last line of defense.

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    Slide 50

    This is not a battle we can win as doctors but only as citizens, because the cause of illness is

    political. That is why you must speak out. You must speak firmly. And you must risk

    everything in the process.

    As I have done.

    If you continue to act like sheep this lion will continue to devour us.

    For if we fail to legislate replacement level fertility as a Planetary Security Prerogative across the

    world and allow our governments and the UN to continue to poison us we will condemn our

    children to a life of sickness. And if we shut down covert depopulation measures but fail to

    implement over depopulation we will condemn our children to poverty and war.

  • 59

    End Slide

    Human health and even life on earth depend not on your skills as doctors, but on your courage as

    fathers, on your love as mothers, and on your decency as human beings.

    Thank you.

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