  • 8/8/2019 The Story of the Blood Weavers


    The Story of the Bloodweavers

    The amazing and mysterious tale of the warband known as the Bloodweavers is a story of

    magic, deception and an example of the power of chaos unleashed. The chaos lord

    RiKoKrughNuck once stood at the head of a mighty hoard of the toughest northern kinsmen.

    After two decades of conquest and slaughter, a powerful warhost had been assembled and

    RiKo had successful captured the attention of the weaver of fates Tzeentch.

    Being a powerful sorcerer RiKo had blasted enemies on the battlefield, insidiously corrupted

    from afar and used his powers of foresight to gain advantages and force further northmen to

    join his force. So promising was RiKo in the eyes of Tzeentch that the lord was gifted a

    treasured heirloom, a mighty crown to further increase his powers of foresight.

    With this crown the lord and his warhost was unstoppable, claiming victory after victory,

    dominating opponents in the north and greatly increasing the size of his forces as news of his

    success spread far and wide. Soon the northmen would be strong enough to march southward

    to the Empire and beyond. To lead his forces RiKo was to be rewarded with the ultimate

    gift, daemonhood and with it immortality and the strength to lead his people to unthinkable


    However, it was on the night of RiKosascention that it became clear that all was not well.

    As within the terrifying warhost many brotherhoods had formed. The largest of which was

    comprised from RiKos original warband who had after twenty years of campaign had begun

    to prize martial prowess above all else. This had attracted the gaze of blood god.

    The predations of the unwelcomed god did not go unnoticed. The first to sense that the

    sorcerer god was no longer pleased were the twin sorcerers Kural and Laruk. As the entire

    warhost gathered on the wasteland that was the site of RiKos birth to witness the spectacle

    of ascension, the sorcerers called to RiKo to beware. This was enough to alert the lord who

    realised too late the danger his warhost was in. The moment the alarm was raised RiKo saw

    the path that lay before him and Tzeentchs winding plan that would eventually lead to the

    destruction of the Bloodweavers and the death of the lord.

    Reading the strands of fate RiKo saw that the ever insidious effects of chaos worship would

    eventually allow the Brotherhood to seize power of the warhost, even corrupting the lord

    himself to worship the blood god. Tzeentch had planned on performing a spell so potent that

    just as the right of daemonhood was performed the sorcerer god would kill the lord in a

    magical attack powerful enough to reach back in time, effectively ending RiKos life before

    he ever wielded a sword, re-writing twenty years of conquest.

    However it was Tzeentchs over-ambitious plan that was his undoing, as in order for this

    attack to be carried out the winds of magic had to be forced to flow around RiKo far stronger

    than they ever would. Although most in the warhost who were sensitive to such things were

    deceived into thinking this was part of the transition to immortality for RiKo it was Kural

    and Laruk who sensed something was wrong and the bitter presence of betrayal.

  • 8/8/2019 The Story of the Blood Weavers


    Forewarned was forearmed but even so Tzeentch was not to give up so easily, unleashing the

    pent-up magical energy early RiKo and his followers were hit by a never ending cascade of

    ethereal attacks. If Tzeentch couldnt erase the lord from history, he would at the very least

    kill him in the present.Seeing the only way out for himself and his followers RiKo began to

    call to the blood god. Along with the worship of the Brotherhood, this was all Khorne needed

    to enter the fray.

    For ten days and nights the warhost was held in a nightmarish hell of mutating energy. As

    the sky boiled and the ground split, magic attacked the warhost, blasting defenceless infantry

    to pieces, warping human forms into obscene amalgamations of flesh and arching off of the

    armour and weapons of the warriors turning the metal into crawling lizards and disgusting

    creations that turned on the remaining mortals.

    The warhost was all but wiped out by the time Khorne began his intervention. In the midst of

    the mayhem and slaughter, giant bronze statues erupted from the ground, absorbing the

    ethereal energies and saving the surviving warriors. But Tzeentch was not done, as the attack

    reached a head, RiKo began to rise up, lifted up on baleful jets of malevolent force. The lordwas slowly being drawn through a jet black vortex into the incorporeal realm of chaos.

    Suddenly the lord let out a deafening, blood-freezing scream. From his skin burst shining

    bronze markings, symbols of the blood god that held the stricken lord in place. RiKo now

    driven half crazed from the magical attack and searing pain saw a chance.

    Calling to Lurak and Karul for aid, RiKo twisted the vortex with his last ounce of strength.

    The nightmarish hole in reality began to flicker as its destination was changed. The twin

    sorcerers saw RiKos plan. As Tzeentchs attention was distracted by the blood gods

    counter-attack Lurak and Karul gathered together the remaining survivors and headed to the

    vortex. Not knowing its destination, only knowing that anywhere would be better than thehellish imprisonment they were currently in, they dived through the now crackling hole in

    reality to await their fate on the other side.

    Confused and terrified, the survivors past through the vortex and ran, feeling soft ground

    underneath them they realised they were atleast in the mortal realm and no longer under


    How RiKo managed to escape has never been ascertained but as the battered survivors began

    to survey their surroundings, apparently a verdant jungle in the middle of the night, the lords

    body staggered through the fading gateway collapsing as the vortex closed behind him.

    Lurak and Karul ran to their lords aid gasping with horror as the mutilation of RiKo becameapparent. RiKosskin had been entirely replaced with blood red armour of solid bronze but

    worse were his eyes. Born with a dark piercing stare, RiKo now saw the world with a blood

    red gaze that only hinted at the madness and turmoil within. Whatever walked through the

    vortex, it was not the same lord that had gotten so close to unspeakable power and


  • 8/8/2019 The Story of the Blood Weavers


    The remnants of the Bloodweavers, now a handful of the Brotherhood and a few lucky

    survivors are far from home. Yet to decide if they wish to embark on a conquest to travel

    back home in the north or if they shall begin creating a new empire for the glory of chaos, the

    battered hoard know that the fighting has only just begun.

    Only guesses can be made as to why Tzeentch put up such a fight for the patronage of a

    single mortal and why Khorne so readily stepped into to save him, either way it hints at a

    story far from over

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