Page 1: The Stars of Bolobedu Magazine by Karabo Junior Sekgale

F r o m H u m b l e

B e g i n n i n g s ( L e r a t o ) p g . 2

H e a r t B r e a k i n g S t o r y

( F o s t e r ) p g . 3 - 4 W o r d s

A n O p e n L e t t e r ( K a r a b o )

P g . 5 f |

C o n t r i b u t o r s : R o n a l d

M a c h e t e | D i k e l e d i M o h a l e |

D a m a r i s M o g o d i | A l e x

S e k g o t a | M x o l i s i S i b a n y o n i | X o l a n i

K u b h a y i | S e l i n a S e r o n e | M a b j a l w a

R a b o p a p e | K e d i b o n e M a s i e

a R a b o p a p e

E d i t e d b y K a r a b o

S e k g a l e

2 9 M a y 2 0 1 6



“We are more than conquerors”

Real life stories|Profiles|Poerty|words of encouragement.

Subeditors: Lerato Rasebopela, Lebo Mashile, Lebo

Kgatla, Kagiso Mohlaloganyi, Frederica Mogadime,

Mkateko Mkhari, Foster Mataga, Mahlatse Leshiba.

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By Karabo Sekgale|20 May


From humble beginnings, Lerato Rasebopela is a God-fearing young lady, not forgetting humble. Born in 1993 from Ga-kgapane in Mandela Park a village named after the late black former president Nelson Mandela, no wonder the young lady is a living embodiment of the highest values of the great-minded leader. A life and journey worth each and every child, teenager and a young person from disadvantaged communities such as that of Lerato‟s, to peruse over.

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“The intellectual challenge of studying at

university is stimulating and enjoyable. You

will learn the subject matter that interests

you from leading researchers and experts in

the field” said the young honours graduate.

Like many other young people from the

village, Lerato has faced a lot of challenges

as multifaceted as she is today.

One of those challenges being coming from

a disadvantaged family, to name but a few.

Surprisingly enough none of those

challenges stopped the young Lerato from

going to the University of Limpopo with

nothing but a dream and indeed she

conquered her dream of graduating and

hopes to be a crime analyst or perhaps a

detective. “Detective Rasebopela, it has a

nice ring to it [laughs]” said the optimistic

graduate. Ntate nthekele seanamerela

(Father buy me a gown) a famous

graduation song to which Lerato sang with

joy and pride. A gown was bought and a

gown was worn. Her academic success will

make those who lack respect for others gain

it back. Like a flower that blossoms from a

crack of a concrete and survives, so is

Lerato Rasebopela. A breath taking story of

a young lady from Limpopo in Bolobedu that

will make a drop out go back to school and

a 50 year old dust off his law books.

Question and answer with Lerato.

Q. How did you overcome the challenges

you faced as a student?

A. I learned to adjust to new teaching

methods and learning to study

independently not forgetting dealing with the

volume and pace of the workload.

Q. any advice for young people out there?

A. I would tell them not to let their

backgrounds hinder their progress in life

and for them to get an education and plough

back to the community that raised them as

the saying goes “it takes the community to

raise a child”.

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A heart breaking story that would

possibly make God take notice and the

world to pay attention by Foster Mataga.

My name is Foster Mataga

I was born on the 31st of July 1994 in Me

Meloding (Ga-Kgapane). I grew up as

an orphan. I started school at the age of

7. On my primary level I attended two

different schools which are Sefahone

and Medingen Primary School.

I left Meloding to Medingen Village to

stay with my grandparents as my

guardians. I had to study hard in order

for me to pass my classes so that I can

become a better person in the near

future. After passing my grade 7 I went

to high school at the age of 13 which

was Magoletsa High School where I did

my grade 8 to grade 11, thereafter I

went to Modubatse Secondary School at

the age of 18 to finish my matric during

the year 2013.

The year 2013 was the year people

started taking me as nothing since I

struggled to pass my matric hence the

same people are the ones who were

once my friends.

[Pictured: Foster „Limer‟ Mataga]

My life changed after 2013, rejection by

friends and family being some of those

changes. It all began in 2014 where I

had to stand on my own two feet as a

young man who wanted nothing but to

achieve his goals. It takes time to get

what you want when you working hard

as a teenager without any moral

support. That is when I realized that

growing up without parents is like going

to a new world empty handed.

The year 2014 taught me how to be

patient, how to stand on my own to

become what I want out of life. Later on

after 2014 I experienced one of the

worst pains that most young men would

not come out of it alive. Early 2015 on

the 4th January I was involved in a very

terrible car accident that sent me to

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hospital the whole year. I have travelled

different hospitals so that I can become

the man I am today. The accident that I

was involved in took my life from where

it was to back where it began; practically

I had to start from the scratch.

The scars that I have on my body that

caused by different operations from

different hospitals by different doctors

motivates me to become a better person

in life.

You do not need friends nor family

members to be strong in order for you to

achieve your goals, believe me I went

through a lot of pain alone, from growing

up without parents, not getting my

matric certificate, struggling to go to

school and also been involved in a car

accident. All those things I went through

them on my own without anyone to my


All you need is God and yourself to

believe in, being positive with the things

you do will take you far to where you

never thought you can possibly be. I had

friends that I always trusted, but the time

I was in hospitals they turned their back

on me, only a few of them gave m

support. When people turn their back on

you, do not follow them, let their doings

motivates you and make you realize

what you would have achieved without

them. It was not only friends who

showed me their true colors but also

some family members whom I trusted

with my life.

They are now an object that motivates

me in my eyes, I know what I have to do

just to become a better person without

them. Believe in yourself and God, like

they say “God works in a mysterious

ways”, now here I am still looking

forward to have my matric certificate

and get my degree. It does not matter

how long it will take me, what matters

now is to carry on believing on myself

and let other people who do great things

motivate me.


Personally as the editor of The

Stars of Bolobedu, the story of

Foster „Limer‟ Mataga humbled


By Karabo Sekgale

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[Pictured: Karabo Junior Sekgale]

An open letter to the government,

organizations and local business

owners in South Africa.

My name is Karabo Junior Sekgale, a

BA Communication Studies graduate

from University of Limpopo and future

postgraduate student. I reside in

Madumeleng Village Ga-Modjadji in

Limpopo. I write this letter with pain that

is constantly felt in my heart. This is not

only a matter that concerns me alone

but millions of graduates in South Africa

who are currently unemployed.

I have knocked on many doors with

other graduates with no luck of being

employed. “Education is the key to

success” so they say, but we as

graduates feel like education has been a

key to poverty for us as our CVs are

thrown away by those who should be

assisting us .Is our struggle been

removed at all from that of our

predecessors? So I ask.

All we want is to put our qualification to

a better use instead of them gathering

dust. We want to go out there and

contribute to the betterment of this

country but how will we do that if our

own people do not have faith in us “we

want people with experience” that‟s

what they all say but the question is how

are we going to get such experience if

we are not given opportunities.

It is painful that we came from nothing

and feel like we have amounted to

nothing after those years of studying

hard. “As long as poverty, injustice and

gross inequality still persist in our world,

none of us can truly rest” Nelson


By Karabo Sekgale

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Ronald machete aged 18 from Sehlakong

Ga-Modjadji in Limpopo is a true definition

of the word “survivor”, for he survived the

death of his both parents, may their souls

rest in peace. That is not the only thing that

the young led survived “I survived rejection

from friends and family, I could have given

up in life, but I chose not to, I carried on with

my journey which was not easy with no

hope to hold on to”.

Ronald Machete schooling at Mandela

Barloworld Agricultural High School is very

optimistic about the future and he would not

let any circumstances derail him. What a

courageous young man that is Ronald. He

may seem to be alone but he is never alone

for he believes that God is in him and with

him all the time. God-fearing as he is, and

like the Victoria Falls Ronald will continue

being admirable and looking forward to what

life will throw at him.

Mkateko Mkhari AkA Fohlolicious from

Mohlakong Village believes she has

unforeseen forces in her life that are making

her life miserable and hard to cope with

daily challenges that she faces in her life.

One would see Mkateko as an African

Drum, mama Africa and a person

comfortable in her own skin, but that is far

from how the young Tsonga lady views

herself. “I feel like people do not appreciate

me nor love me because of my weight, as a

result I find myself depressed because of

other people‟s actions and most importantly

I am disappointed in myself”.

Young women such as Miss Mkhari should

not be looked down on and judged, for God

created them with love and for a purpose. It

is never about the body weight of a person

but a person‟s character, for Mkateko is a

down to earth young lady who believes in


By Karabo Sekgale 29 May 2016

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[Pictured: Lebogang Shanice Kgatla]

birthday celebration of Lebogang

Shanice Kgatla born on the 28th

May 1997. Lebogang has just

turned 19 years old, a milestone

each teen would love to reach.

Affectionately known to her friends and

family as simply Lebo, the young girl is not

just a pretty face, but a smart and

determined young girl who would not let

circumstances pull her down not even the

fact that she was raised by a single parent

who happens to be her lovely and

supportive mother, who always makes the

best out of nothing to ensure her children‟s

survival and a better future.

“My mother is the reason I study hard as

she works hard to make sure that I become

somebody one day and go to university”

said the young vibrant Lebogang staying in

Modubong Village just outside Ga-Kgapane.

Outgoing and active as she might look

Lebogang Kgatla Is a very soft and shy girl

if you get to know her not forgetting modest

as her whatsapp status reads “if it was up to

me I was going to spend this day sleeping”

referring to her birthday. As some would

love to hate her she is also adored by many

of her close friends and family “Happy

birthday to my besti, my bae, my young

sister. Ur wished a day filled with joy, de

same kind of joy u bring to me all year

along” said Nomsa Kobela one of the

birthday girl‟s friends. Happy 19th birthday to

Lebogang Shanice Kgatla.

[Pictured: Lebogang Shanice Kgatla]


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[Pictured: Selina Mapula Serone]

Selina Mapula Serone aged 24 from

Seshego in Polokwane is a BA

Communication Studies graduate from

University of Limpopo. Her dream is to work

as a communication specialist.

[Pictured: Kedibone Patricia Masie]

Kedibone Patricia Masie aged 23 from a

Village by the name Mokgoloboto, just

outside Tzaneen. The young graduate holds

a BA degree in media studies from

University of Limpopo. She hopes to one

day work as a media manager.

[Pictured: Mxolisi Forgivenes Sibanyoni]

Mxolisi Sibanyoni aged 23 is from pienaar in

Mpumalanga. As young as he is Mxolisi

holds a BA degree in Communication

Studies and currently pursuing his honours


[Pictured: Xolani Yollanda Khubhayi]

Residing in Mpumalanga[Mzinti] Xolani

Yollanda Khubhayi aged 23, holds a BA

degree in Communication Studies from

University of Limpopo. Miss Khubhayi

hopes to be a communication practitioner.

By Karabo Sekgale

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[Pictured: Lebogang Mashile]

A poem by Lebogang Mashile titled “Special


Special Moments.

It was in the noon when the sun was getting


The stars sparkling and the wind starting to


The clouds changing and I could feel the cold

breeze from deep inside

I looked over and over…

I was the only one standing

Now the bright light from the heavens

and the oceans above started to scare me,

With my little-tiny eyes and with the

body of a well shaped lady.

Terror and fear started filling my heart.

I looked astray..

Behind me and aside me..

There he was.. Standing

With the skin of an ambassador, dark like

a milked coffee


Now who am I talking about?

I am talking about the one special


Once in a blue moon.

Surely his eyes are more like pearls and

the perfume that penetrates the air.

There he was… The one and only

There he was!!!

Written by: Lebogang the poet

By Karabo Sekgale

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[Pictured: Kagiso Clinton Mohlaloganyi]

A poem by Kagiso Clinton Mohlaloganyi titled

“When a real woman comes along-”.

When a real woman comes along-

Honestly I disagree love is never blind,

Just that our eyes decline to see.


blacken the bigger picture and the braille

and injure the retinas

Ladies and gents let‟s face it

so revelation can‟t stare us dead in the face.

We chose our own grapes, then make our

own wine…

Too sour to sip from a bottomless glass we


Thinking it‟s real crystal, when it‟s crystal


it‟s not.

See last year

I was ill on a lady with no heart to give

No roots for a heart to flourish

No fire to keep me warm when she wrapped

me in her bitter winter.

She was so cold you would swear her heart

was made of an iceberg.

She crashed my ribs and broke my heart

Lengthened my nights, shortened my days

with lies, false alibis

Those that stained my pillow with silent


They say a man don‟t cry but that‟s a damn


She chained the man inside me,

Who needed to be free like a caged bird

Who didn‟t need an euphoria but a lifetime


But I was just hanging on in vain of Calvary

that never came

Then she came Thee Right Woman

The thin line between her pink lips parted

And she spoke with conviction…


Place your 2nd hand on the shelf,

And let me clue it with my blood

burn for me,

blaze hard

moan harder,

breathe easier

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I paid attention like the in laws negotiating

lobola as she continued

I will be your light and lead you out of the

darkness you in

Forget every Woman and moment that

made you

slaughter a memory because it wasn‟t

grand or loyal enough,

to live in your beautiful mind.

Come to me “I‟m not on my knees though”

Let me show you what trust looks like when


Dressed with commitment.

I can give your face a permanent smile with

a shine

so radiant, it‟s intensity would embarrass

the sun.

I‟m going to place a love song between your


and with every step you take, your sway

becomes melody in motion.

Let me soothe any and all your pain before

it ever has a chance to reach maturity.

I promise you, every punch life throws and


fall you take

Will go unnoticed as long as I‟m standing by

your side.

Let me love you in ways that knows no


She showed me through strength of actions

that orbited around this woman‟s words‟

and I sunk my trust in the croock of her


I let the contentment of what I always


open my heart.

Written by Kagiso Mohlaloganyi

DakwestaDUP2016 (all rights reserved©)

[Pictured: Mkateko Mkhari]

A poem written by Mkateko Mkhari, titled “A

young girl in me”

A young girl in me

You so special, beautiful and unique

You are the one that is able to change your own


You have the power to change your tomorrow.

All those old men are just here to ruin your life,

All those fleshy clothes expensive gifts are not

worth it. Be strong and hung in there!!!

Written by Mkateko Mkhari

By Karabo Sekgale

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[Pictured: Mogadime Makubu Frederica]

Fre as she is popularly known to her peers

aged 20 from Polokwane advices the youth.

ife is painful and messed

up. It gets complicated at

the worst of times, and

sometimes you have no

idea where to go or what to do. Lots of

times people just let themselves get lost,

dropping into a wide open, huge abyss.

But that is why we have to keep trying.

We have to push through all that hurts

us, work past all our memories that are

haunting us. Sometimes the things that

make us strong. A life without

experience, in my opinion, is no life at

all. That is why I tell everyone that even

when it hurts, never stop yourself from


[Pictured: Kagiso Clinton Mohlaloganyi]

Da-kwesta as he is known by his

thousands facebook friends from

Thibeng Village in Bolobedu had this to


eware of fake

friends and energy

drainers, people

who do not want to

do anything. People

who wake up every day and try to talk

you out of your dreams. Like a pregnant

woman in labor, keep on pushing till

something comes out of it. Never abort

your plans or hustle, the best is yet to


By Karabo Sekgale

“L “B

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The rising stars of Bolobedu

[Pictured: Sekgota Alex]

Alex Sekgota is a 2nd year student in

LLB from University of Limpopo aged 21

from Bolobedu [Motsinoni Village]. He

hopes to be an advocate and help

disadvantaged communities as a way of

giving back to the society.

[Pictured: MabjalwaCharlotte Rabopape]

The BSc student in Animal Production

by the name of Mabjalwa Rabopape age

20, is from Koope Village in Bolobedu.

Her desired dream being animal health


May they keep on rising.

[Pictured: Dikeledi Millicent Mohale]

The forever active „Deekay‟ from Mohlakong

Village just at the outskirt of Ga-Kgapane

aged 18, currently upgrading at Wits Star

School want to enroll at Vaal University of

Technology in Safety Management. “My

dream is to pursue all my goals, with God

everything is possible” said Dikeledi.

[Pictured: Makosha Damaris Mogodi]

“Beauty with brains” that is the 17 year old

Damaris from Ga-Kgapane Parktown.

Currently doing her 1st year in BA

criminology and psychology in University of

Limpopo, Damaris hopes to be a

psychologist. By Karabo Sekgale

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[Pictured: Lebogang Shanice Kgatla]

All that is well ends well, with God by

our side, which is why Lebogang

Shanice Kgatla took it upon herself to

thank the Almighty.

thank You God, for making

me see another year; thanks

for the gift of life, I am

eternally grateful for all the

blessings that you have given

me that makes me appreciate a good

life. For the struggles you casted on me

which made me stronger and helped me

realize the ideas of life‟s bitter sweet

reality and most of all, for the love which

is supported by guidance and

protection, which He conditionally gives

through my ever beloved family and


Thank you for all the experience of this

past year; for times of success which

will always be happy memories , for

times of failure which reminded me of

my own weaknesses and of my need for

you. For times of joy when the sun was

shining, for times of sadness which

drove me to you. Forgive me for hours I

wasted, for the chances I failed to take,

for the opportunities I missed this past


Help me in these days ahead to make

this the best year and through it to bring

good credit to myself, happiness and

pride to my loved ones. For all that you

gave me in the past years I am grateful.

Thank You for the sunshiny days and for

the sad and cloudy ones; for the calm

afternoons and the dark nights; for the

love and for all beautiful and sweet

things; for the flowers and the stars.

Thank You the good health, sicknesses,

sorrows and joy. Thank You for all that

You gave me and all that You asked of


By Karabo Sekgale


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[Pictured: Mahlatse Leshiba]

Family is what defines the young

undergraduate student, Mahlatse

Leshiba, who sometimes struggles to

survive but survives nonetheless.

uccess is not a critical

step into riches. It is

one giant step in

which you have all

your life to execute. I

grew up in a very dusty place where

many things DO NOT happen, just like

any rural area in South Africa. The

government did not pay much attention

to us, that is a story for another day....or

two. In a family of six wisdom came from

all angels, four sisters and one brother.

Mom and dad go out every day to fill our

stomachs, sometimes they never come

back, so it is not a surprise. I do not

know lullabies and bedtime stories. I

went to school with friends who wanted

nothing to do with school.

Some did quit, a few of us made it to

varsity. I was never troubled as a teen

and adolescent was never an issue for

me. I was always on the phone not

socializing but reading about something

new every day.

Doing IT put a lot of perspective to what

I want, where I want to go and how. I

want to do things that were never done

before. Equipped with computer skills I

can already type my future if you know

what I mean”

By Karabo Sekgale


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[Pictured: Karabo Junior Sekgale]

Creator and editor of THE STARS OF

BOLOBEDU‟s first edition May 2016. A

BA Communication Studies graduate

from University of Limpopo, a future

postgraduate. Founder and manager of

Karabo Sekgale‟s the stars of bolobedu

project which aims to improve the lives

of disadvantaged young people from

different villages in Bolobedu with

funding for their studies and motivational

work. A poet and Marketer for Letaba

Herald newspaper‟s online publication.


2016 All rights reserved©

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