
The rise of the new data leader.How a new breed of executive is reshaping the enterprise.

data ready.

The enterprise is evolving.

For years companies have gotten away with treating data management as a necessary evil. The unintended by-product of process automation and new technologies.





of information

and even










all sitting in data stores scattered across the enterprise — often untouched, mostly unclean, and desperately underused.

But then the penny dropped.And a few leading companies realized they needed to leverage all this stored knowledge and experience.

They realized that, instead of a few isolated efforts to turn information into insight, their companies needed to take a profoundly different approach.

They realized they needed to start treating data management as a strategic business discipline.

Business IT

A discipline dedicated to turning troves of data into proprietary advantage.

This is the rise of the new data organization.

A whole new business function tasked with making data immediately available, actionable, and advantageous.

The new data organization is responsible for automating and streamlining an enterprise’s approach to data management so every business unit can tap into the collective wealth of information.

It’s a bold new vision for companies looking to unlock hidden opportunities, discover new process efficiencies, and listen more closely to customers, employees, and markets.

But it’s only going to work if an equally bold, new breed of leader comes forward to forge a new path.

The kind of person capable of strategically executing the ambitious roadmap needed to manage enterprise data.

This is the rise of the new

data leader.

Sometimes they’re called

Chief Data Officers.



Sometimes they’re called

Chief Analytics Officers.


Call them what you like, the new data leader has the specific blend of skills their enterprise needs to operationalize the process of turning raw data into insight.

They must have vision as well as operational chops.

The roadmap to data success is a complicated one paved with new processes, new roles, new relationships, and a massive cultural shift. The leader steering this ship will need to navigate through unchartered waters.

They must work unrelentingly to deliver business value.

The new data leader will be breaking down age-old barriers that have impeded the free-flow of information within the enterprise. To do so, they’ll have to make smart calls about both technology and organizational structure.

They must be able to empower specific business units but plan for the enterprise.

The series of tactics needed to make a potent, bold strategy will involve a number of hard choices. In order to empower the enterprise, they’re going to have to manage the needs of the individual business units within it.

In short, the new data leader must marry data management process with people and technology to build an organization capable of carrying out a comprehensive change management program that touches every part of the business.

For this new breed of executive to earn their seat at the table, they must drive one of the most important re-engineering projects the modern organization will ever undertake.

No job in business today is more exciting. And no job is more important.

Here’s to the new data organization — and its new leader.

This is going to be a great ride.

How to organize the data-ready enterpriseSeven practical lessons for building a department dedicated to data from leaders who’ve built their own

data ready.

Further reading.

We’ve learned that the road to successful enterprise data management is paved with some major challenges. We’ve summarized some of the most important ones in our eBook.

Find out how you can deliver the data expertise your company needs.

Read it now.

About Informatica.We’re Informatica and we’re empowering enterprises bold enough to develop the data-ready organization. We do this by helping them build modern data architectures that turn data management into a strategic discipline that uncovers insight and confers advantage.


Let’s talk.

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