
THE PRIVA T E MONEY LENDING GUIDE Directory Listing and Display Advertising Order Form


Directory ListingsGenerate new leads from investors and borrowers by including your company in our directory. With a directory listing, we create a company profile page which provides contact information, photo, company logo, and business description. Your profile page can be found by borrowers and/or investors searching by city/state, type of loan or keyword. After viewing your profile, prospective investors or borrowers can then click through to your website, send you an email inquiry or contact you directly via phone.

In addition, you receive daily or weekly lists of qualified leads delivered right to your inbox and loan applications directly from qualified borrowers. You can also track and monitor all calls from your directory listing, with a unique phone number that records all calls and generates real-time reports.

Rates vary based on loan type and states selected. Call for pricing.

Display AdsGain maximum exposure and visibility for your company with targeted display ads that appear on each of our highly trafficked content pages.

Specifications: File Format: JPEG or GIF File Size: 30KB or lessDimensions: (A) 300 x 250 pixels (B) 135 x 400 pixels Animation: Yes, subject to approval

R ates:

(A) Top Right $1,250/month nationwide $500/month single state (B) Left Column $750/month nationwide $250/month single state


Display Ad B (135x400)


Display Ad A (300x250) »

To be included in the Private Money Lending Guide, please complete the information on page 2 and email or fax to:

fax: 866.659.7579 email: [email protected]

$1,050/month single image$1,250/month animated (up to 3 frames)

$750/month single image$950/month animated (up to 3 frames)

$149/monthly single state+$49/monthly each additional state$999/monthly nationwide (a $2550 value!)

THE PRIVATE MONEY LENDING GUIDEDirectory Listing and Display Advertising Order Form

To be included in the Private Money Lending Guide, please complete the information on page 2 and email or fax to:

fax: 866.659.7579 email: [email protected]

Contact and Billing Information

NAME OF COMPANY: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PHONE: ____________________________________ FAX: ______ _________ ____________EMAIL: _________________________________________________________


CARD NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________EXPIRATION DATE: ____________________________________________

CARDHOLDER’S NAME (if different):__________________________________________SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________

CARDHOLDER’S BILLING ADDRESS (if different): _____________________________________________________________________________________________

I agree to run a Display Ad on the Private Money Lending Guide website for a period of ____________ month(s)

and to be billed at a rate of $____________ per month for ______ months.

Terms and Conditions. Advertisers are charged after their ad appears on the Private Money Lending Guide site, and then monthly, for the period of time indicated above. Advertisers and advertising agencies are liable for all content of advertisements and are responsible, without limitation, for any and all claims made thereof against the Private Money Lending Guide site, operated by LoanMLS, Inc, its officers, employees or agents. All advertising is subject to LoanMLS approval and LoanMLS reserves the right to revise or reject any advertisement at any time without notice. All requests for advertising must be made in writing, in the form of this signed contract. Once an order for advertising is placed, it cannot be withdrawn or cancelled in whole or in part. By signing this contract, advertiser agrees to pay charges for reserved space with credit card payment as indicated on this form, even if ad is not run due to lateness or absence of artwork.

NAME: ________________________________________________________________________TITLE: __________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________________DATE: __________________________________________________________

The PrivaTe Money Lending guide directory Listing and display advertising order Form

To be included in the Private Money Lending Guide, please complete the information below and email or fax to:

fax: 866.659.7579 email: [email protected]

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