Page 1: The Parable of the Lost Son

The Parable of the Lost Son

Chinese Baptist Church WLA

Bible Study

Jan 16, 2009

Page 2: The Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-32

Page 3: The Parable of the Lost Son

Scene I: “The Family Scandal”

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Scene I: “The Family Scandal”

• Family lived in a rural area - a ranch maybe.• Father owned lands, hired workers - probably

a man of some importance in the village.• The younger son could not wait until his

father’s death to receive the inheritance (Deut. 21:17)

• This man of some importance was publicly embarrassed by his younger son. (Deut. 21:18-21)

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Three Main Characters:

I. The father:

II. The younger son:

III. The older son:

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Scene II: “Leaving Las Vegas”

• How low can you go?• A Jew working for Gentiles and caring for

swine. The son has hit rock bottom.

• Coming to one’s senses• The journey back to restoration begins with


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Scene III: “A Father’s Second Humiliation”

epepesen epi ton trachelon: means literally to drape himself on his son’s neck.

The father acted in a humble way a second time - this time to offer restoration to his lost son.

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Scene III: “A Father’s Second Humiliation”

Just as the son humiliated the father in public, the father humiliates himself in public for the redemption of his son.

To offer grace publicly is to restore the relationship not only between the father and son, but the son to the family and community.

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

• Jesus’ masterful use of imagery in v. 28:

“The brother who had been on the outside is now on the inside, while the brother who had been on the inside is now on the outside.”

IVP Bible Commentary

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

Did the older brother have a legitimate complaint?

He was the responsible one.

He did his share of the work for the family business.

He never once asked for anything for himself.

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

Who did the older brother represent?

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

Who did the older brother represent?

Answer: the Pharisees and religious leaders during Jesus’ time.

Luke 13:10-17

Page 13: The Parable of the Lost Son

Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

What was the older brother's sin?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

“If I speak in tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.”

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

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Scene IV: “The Secret Prodigal”

The father is publicly humiliated a third time - this time by the older son at a big party.

The father’s reaction is surprisingly humble - he publicly reaches out to his son and tries to restore his relationship with the older son and the relationship between the two brothers.

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Additional Questions

1. Why does Jesus teach in parables? (Matt 13:10-17, Luke 7:36-47, )

2. What does the parable have in common with the previous two in Luke 15? Why did Jesus speak of the parables in that order: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son?

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Summary: “The Lost Boys”

• God’s grace means a total restoration of “sonship” privileges for the penitent sinner.

• God’s grace is not earned by the sinner.• God’s grace came at the cost of His own

humiliation.• God’s grace brings reconciliation between the

sinner and community (Church).

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